Lesson Plans For Multigrade Classes Grades 1and 2 Learning Area: MTB Tagalog Quarter: 1 Week: 8

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Lesson Plans for Multigrade Classes

Grades 1and 2
Learning Area: MTB TAGALOG Quarter: 1 Week: 8

Grade Level Grade 1 Grade 2

Content Oral Language Oral Language
Standard Manifests beginning oral language skills to Possesses developing language skills and cultural awareness
communicate in different contexts. necessary to participate successfully in oral communication in
Phonological Skills different contexts.
Demonstrates understanding that words are Phonics and Word Recognition
made up of sounds and syllables. Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in word analysis to read,
Book and Print Knowledge write in cursive and spell grade level words.
Demonstrates understanding of the basic Fluency
features of a book and how print works, as a Demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with sufficient
prerequisite for reading. accuracy speed, and expression to support comprehension.
Phonics and Word Recognition Composing
Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet and Demonstrates the ability to formulate ideas into sentences or
decoding to read, write and spell words longer texts using conventional spelling.
correctly. Grammar Awareness
Fluency Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of language
Demonstrates the ability to read grade one level grammar and usage when speaking and/or writing.
text with sufficient accuracy, speed, and Vocabulary and Concept Development
expression to support comprehension. Demonstrates expanding knowledge and use of appropriate grade
Composing level vocabulary and concepts.
Demonstrates the ability to formulate ideas into Listening Comprehension
sentences or longer texts using developmental Demonstrates understanding of grade level literary and
and conventional spelling. informational texts.
Grammar Awareness Reading Comprehension
Demonstrates awareness of language grammar Demonstrates understanding of grade level narrative and
and usage when speaking and/or writing. informational texts.

Vocabulary and Concept Development Attitude Towards Reading
Demonstrates developing knowledge and use of Demonstrates positive attitude towards language, literacy, and
appropriate grade level vocabulary and literature.
concepts. Study Skills
Listening Comprehension Demonstrates developing knowledge and skills and strategies to
Demonstrates understanding of grade level listen, read and write for specific purposes.
narrative and informational text.
Reading Comprehension
Demonstrates understanding of grade level
narrative and informational texts.
Attitude Towards Reading
Demonstrates positive attitudes towards
language, literacy and literature.
Study Skills
Demonstrates basic knowledge and skills to
listen, read, and write for specific purposes.
Performance Oral Language Oral Language
Standard Possesses developing language skills and Uses developing oral language to name and describe people,
The learner cultural awareness necessary to participate places, and concrete objects and communicate personal
successfully in oral communication in different experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings in different
contexts. contexts.
Phonics and Word Recognition
Phonics and Word Recognition Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and
Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in word spelling words independently.
analysis to read, write in cursive and spell grade Fluency
level words. Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression in
reading grade level text.
Fluency Composing
Demonstrates the ability to read grade level Uses developing knowledge and skills to write clear and coherent
words with sufficient accuracy speed, and sentences, simple paragraphs, and friendly letters from a variety
expression to support comprehension. of stimulus materials.

Composing Grammar Awareness
Demonstrates the ability to formulate ideas into Speaks and writes correctly and effectively for different purposes
sentences or longer texts using conventional using the basic grammar of the language.
spelling. Vocabulary and Concept Development
Grammar Awareness demonstrates Uses expanding vocabulary knowledge and skills in both oral and
understanding and knowledge of language written forms.
grammar and usage when speaking and/or Listening Comprehension
writing. Comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and
Vocabulary and Concept Development informational texts.
demonstrates expanding knowledge and use of Reading Comprehension
appropriate grade level vocabulary and Uses literary and narrative texts to develop comprehension and
concepts. appreciation of grade level appropriate reading materials.
Listening Comprehension demonstrates Attitude Towards Reading
understanding of grade level literary and Values reading and writing as communicative activities.
informational texts. Study Skills
Reading Comprehension demonstrates Uses his developing knowledge and skills to listen, read and write
understanding of grade level narrative and for specific purposes.
informational texts.
Attitude Towards Reading demonstrates
positive attitude towards language, literacy, and
Study Skills demonstrates developing
knowledge and skills and strategies to listen,
read and write for specific purposes.
Competencies MT1OL-Ia-i-1.1 MT2OL-Ig-h-1.4
Talk about oneself and one’s personal Talk about famous people, places, events, etc. using descriptive
experiences (family, pet, favorite food) and action words in complete sentences.
MT1OL-Ic-i-1.2 MT2VCD-Ia-i-1.2
Talk about pictures presented using appropriate Use words unlocked during story reading in meaningful contexts.*
local terminologies with ease and confidence. - MT2VCD-If-h-3.3
Animals, Common objects, Musical instruments, Identify and use compound words appropriate to the grade level in
Family/People sentences.*

MT1O-Ib-i-4.1 MT2LC-Ig-h-3.3
Recite and sing in group familiar rhymes and Give the main idea of a story/poem
songs. MT2LC-Ih-i-5.1
MT1OL-Ie-i-5.1 Predict possible ending of a story.
Listen and respond to others in oral MT2RC-Ih-i-5.1
conversation. Predict possible ending of a story.
MT1OL-Ie-i-5.1 MT2F-I-a-i-1.4
Participate actively during story reading by Read aloud grade level text with an accuracy of 95 - 100%.
making comments and asking questions. MT2F-Ia-i-1.5
MT1VCD-Ia-i-1.1 Read grade level texts with appropriate speed.* (Note: should
Use vocabulary referring to: - People (Self, include benchmarks on number of words per minute once
Family, Friends) - Animals, Objects, Musical research and data have been gathered)*
Instruments, Environment MT2F-Ia-i-1.6
MT1VCD-Ib-i-2.1 Read grade level texts with appropriate intonation, expression,
Give meanings of words through: -real, picture and punctuation cues
clues, MT2PWR-Ie-i-7.6
Identify rhyming words in nursery rhymes, Read content area-related words.* (Math and Science terms)
songs, jingles, poems, and chants. MT2PWR-Ie-i-7.7
MT1OL-Ib-i-2.1 Read content area-related sight words.* (Math and Science terms)
Tell whether a given pair of word rhyme. MT2GA-Ih-i-2.6
MT1O-Id-i-3.1 Identify and use a variety of sentences: a. declarative b.
Orally segment a two - three syllable word into interrogative c. exclamatory d. Imperative
its syllabic parts. MT2GA-Ih-i-5.1
MT1OL-Ic-i-4.1 Construct sentences observing appropriate punctuation marks
Say the new spoken word when two or more Follow 3 -5 step written directions.
sounds are put together.
Say the new spoken word when two or more
syllables are put together.
MT1PA-Ie-j-5.1Isolate and pronounce the
beginning and ending sounds of given words.

Add or substitute individual sounds in simple
words to make new words.
Give the beginning letter/sound of the name of
each picture.
Use naming words in sentences a. common and
proper b. noun markers
Read Grade 1 level words, phrases and
sentences with appropriate speed and accuracy
Write basic information about self (name grade
level, section)

Day 1
Lesson Talks about oneself and one’s personal Talks about famous people, places, events, etc. using descriptive
Objectives experiences (family, pet, favorite food) and action words in complete sentences.
Talks about pictures presented using Uses words unlocked during story reading in meaningful
appropriate local terminologies with ease and contexts.*
confidence. - Animals, Common objects, Musical Gives the main idea of a story/poem
instruments, Family/People
Recites and sing in group familiar rhymes and Process Skills:
Identifies rhyming words in nursery rhymes, Values Integration: Helpfulness
songs, jingles, poems, and chants

Process Skills:
Values Integration: Helpfulness
Subject Matter Rhyming words Verbs
Learning TG, CG, BOW,pictures,bigbook,manila TG, CG, BOW, pictures, big book, manila paper, cartolina

Resources paper,cartolina
Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):

Use these letter  Whole Class  Ability Groups

icons to show Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the  Friendship Groups
methodology introduction), where you may address all grade levels as one  Other (specify)
and group.  Combination of Structures
assessment  Mixed Ability Groups
activities.  Grade Groups
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
DT Direct A. Pre-reading Activities
Teaching 1. Unlocking of Difficult Words
a. regalo (synonym)
GW Group Work b. nakahiga (demonstration)
IL Independent c. sahig (realia)
2. Motivation
Learning Nakatanggap na ba kayo ng regalong radyo? Ano ang mga impormasyon o pangyayari na narinig ninyo sa
A Assessment radyo.
3. Motive Question
Ano ang natanggap na regalo ni Orlando noong kaarawan niya?

B. Active Reading
1. First Reading: Read the poem.
2. Second Reading: Read the poem again. This time use a pointer as you show the lines of the poem in each
page. Ask questions after reading the poem. (see Appendix 1)

C. Post Reading
a. Ano ang natanggap na regalo ni Orlando noong kaarawan niya?
b. Sino ang may kaarawan?
c. Kailan ang kaarawan niya?
d. Sino ang nagbigay ng regalo?
e. Ano ang laman ng kanyang regalo?

f. Ano ang ginawa ni Orlando noong pinatugtug niya ang radyo?
g. Anong nangyari sa kanyang paglundag?
h. Ano ang ginawa ni Orlando noong kinagat siya ng aso?
i. Ano ang ginawa ng kanyang mga kapatid?
j. Kung kayo si Orlando, paano mo maipapakita ang pasasalamat mo sa tulong na ginawa nila?
k. Ano ang inyong napulot na aral sa tula?

Show pictures like : radio/TV, dog , ball, boy/girl, Give each pupil a copy of the poem. Let them read again the
avocado poem and underline the descriptive words and action words in the
(see Appendix 2) poem.
Let the pupils choose one picture and say (See appendix 3)
something about the picture.
Group the pupils into 4. Let the pupils read the Discuss about verbs
poem and underline the rhyming words. Perform action words (dance, jump, ran, sit, stand)
(See Appendix 4) Note: Verbs are action words.

Group the pupils into 2.
Use meta cards in writing the action words found in the story. (see
Appendix 6)
(see Appendix 5)

See Appendix 7 See appendix 8

Day 2
Lesson Reads the new spoken word when two or more Reads grade level texts with appropriate intonation, expression,
Objectives syllables are put together. Pronounces the and punctuation cues
beginning and ending sounds of given words. Reads content area-related words.* (Math and Science terms)
Gives the beginning letter/sound of the name of Reads content area-related sight words.* (Math and Science
each picture terms)
Identifies and use a variety of sentences: a. declarative b.
Process Skills: interrogative c. exclamatory d. Imperative

Values Integration:
Process Skills:

Values Integration:
Subject Matter Common and Proper nouns Kinds of Sentences
Learning TG, CG, BOW, pictures, big book, manila paper, TG, CG, BOW, pictures, big book, manila paper, cartolina
Resources cartolina
Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):

Use these letter  Whole Class  Ability Groups

icons to show Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the  Friendship Groups
methodology introduction), where you may address all grade levels as one  Other (specify)
and group.  Combination of Structures
assessment  Mixed Ability Groups
activities.  Grade Groups
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
DT Direct 1. Let the pupils recall the poem “Ang Radyo ni Orlando.” Let them answer the following questions:
Teaching a. Sino ang may regalo?
Answer: Si Orlando
GW Group Work b. Kanino galing ang regalo?
IL Independent Answer: Kay Apong Oktabio
c. Ano ang kanyang regalo?
Learning Answer: transistor na radyo
d. Ano ginawa niya noong pinatugtog niya ang radyo?
Answer: lumundag.
e. Anong nangyari noong lumundag siya?
Answer:naapakan niya ang hita ng aso nang lumundag siya.
f. Ano ginawa ng aso?
Answer: Kinagat niya ang kuko ng paa ni Orlando
g. Paano siya tinulungan ng mga kapatid niya?
Answer:Itinakbo siya sa ospital.
h. Kung ikaw si Orlando, paano mo pasasalamatan ang mga kapatid mo?
(Accept all sensible answers).

Present the following words with letter IL

Oo, if possible, with pictures. Using the pictures in appendix 2, construct 5 sentences.
Guide pupils to pronounce the
beginning and ending of a two or more
syllable words .Emphasize the
beginning and ending sound.
(See Appendix 9)


Group the pupils into 2. (See Appendix 10) Discuss the kinds of sentences:
Declarative sentence tells about something.
It starts with a capital letter and ends
with a period (.).
Interrogative sentence asks something ends with a question
mark (?).
Exclamatory sentences expresses a strong
emotion. It ends with a exclamatory point (!)
Imperative sentences give command or request.

Group the pupils into 4.
See appendix 11 Group 1: Construct 5 sentences in declarative form.
Group 2: Construct 5 sentences in interrogative form
Group 3 Construct 5 sentences in exclamatory form.
Group 4: Construct 5 sentences in Imperative form.
See appendix 12 See appendix 13

Day 3
Lesson Uses naming words in sentences a. common Predicts possible ending of a story
Objectives and proper b. noun markers Constructs sentences observing appropriate punctuation marks
Reads Grade 1 level words, phrases and Follow 3 -5 step written directions.
sentences with appropriate speed and accuracy
Writes basic information about self (name, grade
level, section) Process Skills:

Values Integration:
Process Skills:

Values Integration:
Subject Matter Kinds of Nouns and Noun Makers Predicting Possible Ending of a Story.

Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):

Use these letter  Whole Class  Ability Groups

icons to show Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the  Friendship Groups
methodology introduction), where you may address all grade levels as one  Other (specify)
and group.  Combination of Structures
assessment  Mixed Ability Groups
activities.  Grade Groups
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
DT Direct Presentation:
Teaching Present the following dialogue through a Puppet Show (see Appendix 14)
Comprehension Questions:
GW Group Work a. Let the pupils answer the following questions:
IL Independent 1. Sino ang nagkita?
2. Saan sila nagkita?
Learning 3. Kailan sila nagkita?
A Assessment 4. Anong gusto ni Nika na meryenda?
5. Bakit gusto niya ito?
6. Kung ikaw, ano ang gusto mong meryenda at bakit?
b. Show the pupils pictures of the following objects with these phrases written below them.(see
appendix 15)
ang saba ang mga saba
ang aso ang mga aso
ang lobo ang mga lobo
ang lapis ang mga lapis
ang bata ang mga bata

” Discussion Give a copy of situations and let the pupils read and predict the
a. Ask: Ilang tao/bagay/ hayop ending of the story. (see Appendix 16)
ang tinutukoy ng unang hanay?
(two or more) Anong artikulo
ang ginamit? (ang)
b. Ilang tao/bagay/hayop ang
tinutukoy ng ikalawang hanay?
(two or more) Anong artikulo
ang ginamit? (ang mga)

Discuss their output in Independent Learning. Give more
Group the pupils into two. Give each examples of situations for further understanding of the lesson.
pupil in the first group pictures with
persons/objects/animals. Give the
other group flashcards with ang or
mga. Let each one find a partner so
that they can form the following
ang baka
ang mga biik
ang kotse
ang mga kabayo
ang bahay
ang mga kamatis
ang basket
ang mga mesa
ang pinggan

See appendix 15

See appendix 16 See appendix 17

See appendix 18 See appendix 19


Apendiks 1
Day 1 Grade 1 and 2 MTB12/Q1/W8

Ang Radyo ni Orlando

Ni: Grace Donata Abugan

Oktubre noong kaarawan ni Orlando

Nakatanggap siya ng regalo
Ito ay transistor na radyo
Na ibinigay ni Lolo Oktabio

Agad na pinagtugtog ni Orlando

Ang regalo ni Lolo Oktabio
Sumayaw siya at lumukso
Sa sobrang ligaya nito

Di niya nakita ang malaking aso

Sa sahig nahiga ito
Naapakan niya ang hita ng aso
At kinagat ang paa pati kuko

Anong sakit ang naramdaman niya

Parang aso na lumukso lukso
Kapatid tumulong sila
Sa ospital siya’y dinala.

Apendiks 2
Day 1 Grade 1 and 2 MTB12/Q1/W8

Apendiks 3
Day 2 Grade 1 and 2 MTB12/Q1/W8


Ang Radyo ni Orlando

Ni: Grace Donata Abugan

Oktubre noong kaarawan ni Orlando

Nakatanggap siya ng regalo
Ito ay transistor na radyo
Na ibinigay ni Lolo Oktabio

Agad na pinagtugtog ni Orlando

Ang regalo ni Lolo Oktabio
Sumayaw siya at lumukso
Sa sobrang ligaya nito

Di niya nakita ang malaking aso

Sa sahig nahiga ito
Naapakan niya ang hita ng aso
At kinagat ang paa pati kuko

Anong sakit ang naramdaman niya

Parang aso na lumukso lukso
Kapatid tumulong sila
Sa ospital siya’y dinala.

Apendiks 4
Day 1 Grade 1 MTB12/Q1/W8

May aso akong mataba

Kulay niya’y pula

Laging naliligo

Para siya’y mabango

Kumakain ng buto

Bigay ni Lolo

Tunay siyang kaibigan

Bigay niya’y kasiyahan

Apendiks 5
Day 1 Grade 1 MTB12/Q1/W8

Panuto: Pagtambalin ang larawan sa Hanay A sa Larawan sa Hanay B na

magkasintunog. Isulat sa papel ang sagot.

Hanay A Hanay B

Oso lugaw

Baso inay

Kalabaw baboy

Apoy puso

itay aso

Apendiks 6
Day 1 Grade 2 MTB12/Q1/W8

Hanapin sa loob ng hardin ang mga salitang nagsasabi ng kilos. Isulat ang sagot sa





Apendiks 7
Unang Araw/Unang Baitang MTB12/Q1/W8

Panuto: Pagtambalin ang salita na magkakasingtunog na nasa Hanay A at Hanay B.

Isulat ang sagot sa papel.

Hanay A Hanay B

bato Itay

aso pato

inay pila

pala puso

dila bala

Apendiks 8
Unang Araw/Ikalawang Baitang MTB12/Q1/W8

Panuto: Pagtambalin ang larawan sa hanay A sa kilos sa Hanay B. Isulat

ang sagot sa papel.

Hanay A Hanay B

1. nagtatanim

2. nagbabasa

3. nagwawalis

4. gumagapang

5. nagluluto

Apendiks 9
Ikalawang Araw/Baitang 1 & 2 MTB12/Q1/W8

oso oblong

otso orasan

Okra ospital

Orlando Dino

Apendiks 10
Ikalawang Araw/Unang Baitang MTB12/Q1/W8
Unang Pangkat

Kulayan ng berde kung ang salita ay nag-uumpisa sa letrang Oo.

okra rosas

orkestra laso

sili orasan

radyo ulan

baso Orlando

oblong pisi

Panuto: Kulayan ng pula kung ang salita ay nagtatapos sa letrang Oo.

Ikalawang Pangkat

Dino rosas

aso laso

sili wagas

rayos bato

baso walis

puso pisi

Apendiks 11
Ikalawang Araw/Unang Baitang MTB12/Q1/W8

Panuto: Piliin ang wastong pantig para mabuo ang pangalan ng mga sumusunod na
larawan.Isulat ang sagot sa papel.

1. sa____ (ka ko ki)

2. a_____ (si so sa)

3. _____se (on kin kot)

4. _____so (a o ka)

5. Di____ (na no ta)

Apendiks 12
Ikalawang Araw/Unang Araw MTB12/Q4/W8

Panuto: Isulat ang umpisang letra ang mga pangalan ng mga sumusunod na
larawan . Isulat sa patlang ang sagot.

Apendiks 13
Ikalawang Araw/Ikalawang Baitang MTB12/Q1/W8

Isulat ang letra D kung ang pangungusap ay nagsasalaysay.

Isulat ang letra P kung ang pangungusap ay nagtatanong.
Isulat ang letra U kung ang pangungusap ay pautos. Isulat naman ang letra M kung
ito ay padamdam na pangnungusap.

___ 1. Si Mang Berto ay kumain ng agahan.

___ 2. Si Orlando ay kinagat ng aso.
___ 3. Itinakbo si Orlando sa ospital.
___ 4. Saan ka nakatira?
___ 5. Ano ang pangalan mo?
___ 6. Aray!
___ 7. Maglinis kana.

Apendiks 14
Ikatlong Araw/Baitang 1 & 2 MTB12/Q1/W8


Oras ng reses nagkita sina Kiko at Nika sa harapan ng


Kiko: Magandang umaga Nika.

Nika: Magandang umaga naman Kiko.
Kiko: kumusta ka?
Nika: Mabuti naman kaibigan.
Kiko: Ano ang bibilhin mo?
Nika: Nilagang saging ang gusto ko.
Kiko:Mabuti ang saging sa ating katawan.
Nika: Tama ka Kiko.Gustong-gusto ko ang mga prutas
dahil mainam sa ating kalusugan.

Apendiks 15
Ikatlong Araw/Unang Baitang MTB12/Q1/W8

Ang saging ang mga saging

ang aso ang mga aso

ang lobo ang mga lobo

Ang lapis ang mga lapis

Ang bata ang mga bata

Apendiks 16
Ikatlong Araw/Ikalawang Araw MTB12/Q1/W8

1. Bawal mapagod si Marie dahil sa sakit niyang hika. Maghapon silang naligo at
naglaro sa dagat. Noong malapit na silang umuwi nakita ng kanyang ina na
nahihirapan na siyang huminga.

2. Si Peril ay inutusan ng kanyang ina na magluto ng kanin.

3. Maagang pumasok si Malou sa paaralan. Gabi pa lang ay nakahanda na ang

kanyang kagamitan.

Apendiks 17

Ikatlong Araw/Unang Baitang MTB12/Q1/W8

Unang Pangkat

Ikalawang Pangkat (metacards)

ang ang ang

ang ang ang

Ang mga Ang mga Ang mga

Ang mga Ang mga Ang mga

Apendiks 18

Ikatlong Araw/Ikalawang Araw MTB12/Q1/W8

1. Si Lito ay galing sa mahirap na pamilya pero matalino at masipag na bata. Palagi

siyang nagbabasa ng kanyang leksyon. Ano ang mangyayari kay Lito?

2. Naglaro ang batang kapatid ni Carol ng posporo.Ano ang susunod na magyayari?

3. Umakyat si Allan sa punongkahoy dahil kinuha niya ang nakasabit na saranggola.

Biglang nabali ang sanga na naapakan niya. Ano ang mangyayari sa kanya?

4. Nagkalat ang basura ng mga tao. Ano ang mangyayari kung tag-ulan?

5. Gustong-gusto ni Loida ang kumain ng kendi.Ano ang mangyayari sa kanya?

Apendiks 19

Day 3 Grade 1 MTB12/Q1/W8

Panuto: Pagdugtungin sa pamamagitan ng linya ang artikulo sa Hanay A sa mga

larawan sa Hanay B.

Hanay A Hanay B

____ 1. Ang mga

____ 2. Ang

____ 3. Ang mga

____ 4. Ang

____ 5. Ang mga

Apendiks 19

Ikatlong Araw/Ikalawang Baitang

Panuto: Punan ang patlang ng maaaring kalabasan ng ipinapakitang

kilos ng nasa nalarawan. Isulat ang sagot sa patlang.





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