Audit Committee
Audit Committee
Audit Committee
(f) Prior to the commencement of the audit, discusses with the external auditor the
nature, scope and expenses of the audit, and ensures the proper coordination if
more than one audit firm is involved in the activity to secure proper coverage and
minimize duplication of efforts;
(g) Evaluates and determines the non-audit work, if any, of the external auditor, and
periodically reviews the non-audit fees paid to the external auditor in relation to the
total fees paid to him and to the Company’s overall consultancy expenses. The Audit
Committee shall disallow any non-audit work that will conflict with the external
auditor’s duties as an external auditor or may pose a threat to his/her independence.
The non-audit work, if allowed, should be disclosed in the Company’s Annual
Report and Annual Corporate Governance Report;
(h) Reviews and approves the interim and Annual Financial Statements before their
submission to the Board with particular focus on the following matters:
(i) Any change/s in accounting policies and practices
(ii) Areas where a significant amount of judgment has been exercised
(iii) Significant adjustments resulting from the audit
(iv) Going concern assumptions
(v) Compliance with accounting standards
(vi) Compliance with tax, legal and regulatory requirements
(i) Reviews the disposition of the recommendations in the external auditor’s
Management letter;
(j) Performs oversight functions over the Company’s Internal and external auditors. It
ensures the independence of Internal and external auditors, and that both auditors
are given unrestricted access to all records, properties and personnel to enable them
to perform their respective audit functions;
(k) Coordinates, monitors and facilitates compliance with laws, rules and regulations;
(l) Recommends to the Board the appointment, reappointment, removal and fees of
the external auditor, duly accredited by the Commission, who undertakes an
independent audit of the Company, and provides an objective assurance on the
manner by which the financial statements should be prepared and presented to the
stockholders; and
(m) In case the Company does not have a risk oversight committee and/or RPT
committee, performs the functions of said committees.
3.2.3 The Audit Committee meets with: (a) the Board at least once every quarter; and (b)
the head of the internal audit periodically.”
reasons for removal or change of external auditor shall be disclosed to the
regulators and the public through the Company website and required
9.2 The Audit Committee charter shall include the Committee’s responsibility on:
(a) assessing the integrity and independence of external auditors; (b) exercising
effective oversight to review and monitor the external auditor’s independence
and objectivity; (c) the effectiveness of the audit process, taking into
consideration relevant Philippine professional and regulatory requirements;
and (d) reviewing and monitoring the external auditor’s suitability and
effectiveness on an annual basis.
9.3 The Company shall disclose the nature of non-audit services performed by its
external auditor in the annual report to deal with the potential conflict of
interest. The Audit Committee shall be alert for any potential conflict of
interest situations and follow guidelines or policies on non-audit services that
could impair the external auditor’s objectivity.”
“12.3 Subject to a Company’s size, risk profile and complexity of operations, the
Board may appoint a qualified CAE who shall oversee and be responsible for
the Company's internal audit activity, including that portion that is outsourced
to a third party service provider. In case of a fully outsourced internal audit
activity, senior management personnel should be responsible for managing the
said activity. The CAE directly reports to the Audit Committee and
administratively to the CEO. The following are the responsibilities of the CAE
among others:
(a) Periodically reviews the internal audit charter and presents it to senior
Management and the Audit Committee for approval;
(b) Establishes a risk-based internal audit plan including policies and
procedures to determine the priorities of the internal audit activity
consistent with the Company’s goals;
(c) Communicates the plans, resource requirements, the impact of resource
limitations, and significant interim changes of the internal audit activity to
senior Management and the Audit Committee for review and approval;
(d) Spearheads the performance of the internal audit activity to ensure it adds
value to the Company;
(e) Reports periodically to the Audit Committee on the internal audit
activity’s performance relative to its plan; and
(f) Presents findings and recommendations to the Audit Committee and
gives advice to senior Management and the Board on how to improve
internal processes.