Overall Role and Responsibility
Overall Role and Responsibility
Overall Role and Responsibility
(b) prepare such reports of the Committee required to be included in the Proxy Circular in
accordance with applicable laws or the rules of applicable securities regulatory authorities.
1.2 The Committee will also act as the conduct review committee of the Company.
2.1 The Committee shall consist of five or more Directors appointed by the Board of Directors
on the recommendation of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee.
2.2 No member of the Committee shall be an officer or employee of the Company, its
subsidiaries or affiliates. Members of the Committee will not be affiliated with the Company as
such term is defined in the Act.
2.3 Each member of the Committee shall satisfy the applicable independence and experience
requirements of the laws governing the Company, the applicable stock exchanges on which the
Company’s securities are listed and applicable securities regulatory authorities.
2.4 The Board of Directors shall designate one member of the Committee as the Committee
2.5 Members of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors for such
term or terms as the Board of Directors may determine.
2.6 Each member of the Committee shall be financially literate as such qualification is defined 2
by applicable law and interpreted by the Board of Directors in its business judgment.
2.7 The Board of Directors shall determine whether and how many members of the Committee
qualify as a financial expert as defined by applicable law. At least one member must be an audit
committee financial expert, as defined in applicable laws and regulations.
2.8 The Committee shall annually determine whether any of its members serve on the audit
committee of more than three public companies (including the Committee). If any of the
Committee members fall into this category, the Committee shall consider the ability of such
members to effectively serve on the Committee and, if it is determined that such members are
able to continue serving, the Committee shall record the reasons for such a decision.
3.1 The Committee shall meet quarterly or more frequently as the Committee may determine.
The Committee shall report to the Board of Directors on its activities after each of its meetings.
3.2 The affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Committee participating in any
meeting of the Committee is necessary for the adoption of any resolution.
3.3 The Committee may create one or more subcommittees and may delegate, in its discretion,
all or a portion of its duties and responsibilities to such subcommittees.
3.5 The Committee is expected to establish and maintain free and open communication with
management, the independent auditor, the internal auditor and the Appointed Actuary and shall
periodically meet separately with each of them.
4. Specific Duties
(a) Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor the annual
financial statements, the results of the audit, any changes to the audit scope or
strategy, the annual report of the auditors on the statements and any other returns or
transactions required to be reviewed by the Committee and report to the Board of
Directors prior to approval by the Board of Directors and the publication of earnings.
(b) Review such returns of the Company as the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
(Canada) (the “Superintendent”) may specify.
(c) Review and discuss with the independent auditor and with management the
annual and quarterly financial disclosures, including management’s discussion and
analysis. The Committee shall approve any reports for inclusion in the Company’s
Annual Report, as required by applicable legislation and make a recommendation
thereon to the Board.
(d) Review the Company’s disclosure policy, which governs the release of information
about the Company and requires timely, accurate and fair disclosure of such
information in compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements, and periodically
assess the adequacy of procedures regarding disclosure of financial information.
(e) Require management to implement and maintain appropriate internal control
(f) Oversee systems of internal control and meet with the heads of the oversight
management and the independent auditors to assess the adequacy and effectiveness
of these systems and to obtain reasonable assurance that the controls are effective.
(g) Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor management’s
report on its assessment of internal controls over financial reporting and the
independent auditor’s attestation report on management’s assessment.
(h) Review, evaluate and approve the procedures established under s. 4.2(e).
(i) Review such investments and transactions that could adversely affect the well-being
the Company as the auditor or any officer of the Company may bring to the attention
of the Committee.
(j) Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor the Company’s
quarterly financial statements prior to the publication of earnings, including:
(i) the results of the independent auditor’s review of the quarterly financial
statements; and
(ii) any matters required to be communicated by the independent auditor under
applicable review standards.
(k) Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor at least annually
significant financial reporting issues and judgments made in connection with the
preparation of the Company’s financial statements, including:
(i) key areas of risk for material misstatement of the financial statements,
critical accounting estimates or areas of measurement uncertainty;
(ii) whether the auditor considers estimates to be within an acceptable range and
the rationale for the final valuation decision and whether it is consistent with
industry practice;
(iii) any significant changes in the Company’s selection or application of
accounting or actuarial principles;
(iv) any major issues as to the adequacy of the Company’s internal controls;
(v) any special steps adopted in light of material control deficiencies, if any; and
(vi) the role of any other audit firms.
(l) Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor at least annually
reports from the independent auditor on:
(i) critical accounting policies and practices to be used;
(ii) significant financial reporting issues, estimates and judgments made in
connection with the preparation of the financial statements;
(iii) alternative treatments of financial information within generally accepted
accounting principles that have been discussed with management, ramifications
of the use of such alternative disclosures and treatments, and the treatment
preferred by the independent auditor; and
(iv) other material written communications between the independent auditor and
management, such as any management letter or schedule of unadjusted
(m) Meet with the independent auditor to discuss the annual financial statements and
any investments or transactions that may adversely affect the well-being of the
(n) Discuss with the independent auditor at least annually any “management” or “internal
control” letters issued or proposed to be issued by the independent auditor to the
Company and review all material correspondence between the independent auditor and
management related to audit findings.
(o) Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor at least annually
any significant changes to the Company’s accounting and actuarial principles and
practices suggested by the independent auditor, internal audit personnel or management
and assess whether the Company’s accounting and actuarial practices are appropriate
and within the boundaries of acceptable practice.
(p) Discuss with management and approve the Company’s earnings press releases, the
release of earnings projections, forecast or guidance and the use of non-GAAP financial
measures (if any), and the financial information provided to analysts and rating
(q) Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor at least annually
the effect of regulatory and accounting initiatives as well as off-balance-sheet structures
on the Company’s financial statements.
(r) Discuss with the independent auditor matters required to be discussed by American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 relating
to the conduct of the audit, including any difficulties encountered in the course of the
audit work, any restrictions on the scope of activities or access to requested information
and any significant disagreements with management.
(s) Review and discuss with the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer
the procedures undertaken in connection with the Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer certifications for the annual and interim filings with applicable securities
regulatory authorities.
(t) Review disclosures made by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer during their certification process for the annual and interim filing with
applicable securities regulatory authorities about any significant deficiencies in the
design or operation of internal controls which could adversely affect the Company’s
ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data or any material
weaknesses in the internal controls, and any fraud involving management or other
employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal controls.
(u) Meet with the Appointed Actuary of the Company at least annually to receive and
review reports, opinions and recommendations prepared by the Appointed Actuary in
accordance with the Act, including the parts of the annual financial statement and the
annual return filed under s. 665 of the Act, prepared by the actuary, and such other
matters as the Committee may direct, including the report on Dynamic Capital Adequacy
Testing, which is also reviewed by the Risk Committee.
(v) Receive reports from the Chief Actuary regarding material capital model
modifications and new capital model applications.
(w) Discuss with the Company’s General Counsel at least annually any legal matters
that may have a material impact on the financial statements, operations, assets or
compliance policies and any material reports or inquiries received by the Company or
any of its subsidiaries from regulators or governmental agencies.
(x) Meet with the Chief Internal Auditor and with management to discuss the
effectiveness of the internal control procedure established pursuant to s. 4.2(e).
(a) At least annually review and approve the mandate of the Chief Financial Officer and
the Finance function.
(b) At least annually, review and approve the budget, structure, skills and resources of
the Finance function.
(c) At least annually, review the performance evaluation of the Chief Financial Officer,
with the input of the Management Resources and Compensation Committee, and assess
the effectiveness of the Chief Financial Officer and the Finance function
(d) Recommend to the Board for approval the appointment and, when considered
appropriate, the dismissal of the Chief Financial Officer, who shall have direct access to
the Committee.
(e) Review the results of periodic independent reviews of the Finance function.
(a) At least annually, review and approve the mandate for the Chief Actuary and the
Actuarial function.
(b) At least annually, review and approve the budget, structure, skills and resources of
the Actuarial function.
(c) At least annually, review the performance evaluation of the Chief Actuary, with the
input of the Management Resources and Compensation Committee, and assess the
effectiveness of the Chief Actuary and the Actuarial function.
(d) Recommend to the Board for approval the appointment and, when considered
appropriate, the dismissal of the Chief Actuary, who shall have direct access to the
(e) Review the results of periodic independent reviews of the Actuarial function.
(a) At least annually, review and approve the mandate of the Chief Auditor and the
Internal Audit function.
(b) At least annually, review and approve the budget, structure, skills, resources,
independence and qualifications of the Internal Audit function.
(c) At least annually, review and approve the audit plan of the Internal Audit function
(including any significant changes to the audit plan) and, as part of this review, satisfy
itself that the audit plan is risk-based and addresses all the relevant activities over a
measurable cycle and that the work of the independent auditor and Internal Audit is
(d) Review the periodic reports of the internal audit department on internal audit
activities, including audit findings, recommendations and progress in meeting the annual
audit plan (including the impact of any resource limitations).
(e) At least annually, review the performance evaluation and compensation of the Chief
Auditor, with the input of the Management Resources and Compensation Committee,
and assess the effectiveness of the Chief Auditor and the Internal Audit function.
(f) Recommend to the Board for approval the appointment and, when considered
appropriate, the dismissal of the Chief Auditor, who shall have direct access to the
(g) Review the results of periodic independent reviews and self-assessments of the
Internal Audit function’s conformance with the International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and Code of Ethics, and action plans to
address any significant conformance issues.
(a) Review reports from the Risk Committee respecting the Company’s processes for
assessing and managing risk.
(b) The Committee will receive reports from the General Counsel as Chair of the
Disclosure Committee.
(a) Establish procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received
by the Company regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing
matters, and the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of concerns
regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.
(b) Discuss with management and the independent auditor at least annually any
correspondence with regulators or governmental agencies and any published reports
which raise material issues regarding the Company’s financial statements or
(c) Review at least annually with the Global Compliance Chief the Company’s
compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and correspondence from regulators.
(a) At least annually, review and approve the mandate for the Global Compliance Chief
and the Global Compliance function.
(b) At least annually, review and approve the budget, structure, skills and resources of
the Global Compliance function.
(c) At least annually, review the performance evaluation of the Global Compliance Chief,
with the input of the Management Resources and Compensation Committee, and assess
the effectiveness of the Global Compliance Chief and the Global Compliance function.
(d) Recommend to the Board for approval, the appointment and, when considered
appropriate, the dismissal of the Global Compliance Chief, who shall have direct access
to the Committee.
(e) Review the results of periodic independent reviews of the Global Compliance