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BLADE 2018 COMPLETE Knife Handles

page 34


page 76

page 22


page 92

pages 42-66

page 28

page 84

Fighting/Utility Knife:
FROM KITS Marine Standard Bearer
Since WWII
FnL1 03 0076

page 68
We are advocates for an American icon.

We will preserve and nurture the legacy by

sharing the stories and respecting those
that have come before us, are with us now
and will carry us for generations to come.

We are proud to mark 120 years as an

American manufacturer in Olean, NY, USA.


TOPS Knives new
“unidentified cutting
SPRING 2018 object.”


Buffalo Hunter.

84 76
From left: SOG Bladelight Folding Mini-Satin, Coast
LK375 and Southern Grind Rhino.


It’s full speed ahead for the iconic flag- BLADE STEELS Today’s brightest flashlight knives shed
ship model of KA-BAR. By BKG staff Each steel must be a happy middle light on the subject. By Pat Covert
ground of important traits. By Dave Rhea


SYNTHETICS EVER? 34 WHAT’S YOUR HANDLE? See how four distinct recurve blade
styles affect function. By David W. Jung
How Raffir and Santa Fe Stoneworks got Natural materials hold on while hot
them to the USA. By Steve Shackleford synthetics gain momentum. By Mike
10 NEW KNIVES FOR 2018 Four knives can open your beverage but
Steel your first look at the latest knives 42 KNIFE INDUSTRY DIRECTORY can they cut? By James Morgan Ayres
for the coming year. By BKG staff Your guide to all knives, materials, suppli-
ers and much more. By BKG staff
22 GO-TO GUYS OF SHARP The author wasn’t born a klutz—he had to work
Suppliers are the ultimate resources for
many knifemakers. By Daniel Jackson
68 KNIFE ASSEMBLY 101 at it. By Steve Shackleford
Fun to build, three kits result in fine
knives for the money. By Abe Elias



67 | BLADE Shoppe
82 | Show Calendar
91 | Sharp Sources

97 | Ad Index

The Torrent from

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Raffir Uranium IF IT CUTS,

composite handle WE CARRY IT.
material. SMKW.COM




BLADE® (ISSN 1064-5853) is published monthly (Vol. XLV, No. 3),

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Vol. XLV, No. 3, SPRING 2018
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NEW FROM TIM BRITTON...SYNTHESIS, 0235. BLADE and its logo are registered trademarks. Other names and
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SYNTHESIS OF TRADITIONAL LOCKBACK, SEN-MAI STEEL, AND TACTICAL TYPE be trademarked or copyrighted. BLADE assumes no responsibility for
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P.O. Box 71, Bethania, NC 27010


A-BAR celebrates its 120th anni- his Union Cutlery knife. The manage- powder coating. The handle has stacked
versary in 2018, and one great way ment of Union Cutlery was so impressed leather washers and traction grooves. Ap-
to observe the milestone is a cover by the letter they began to use KA-BAR as proximate weight: 11.2 ounces. Overall
appearance of the iconic KA-BAR 1217 a trademark in 1924. The KA-BAR name length: 11.875 inches. MSRP: $104.90 (w/
USMC Fighting/Utility Knife. became world famous thanks to Union traditional leather sheath) or $114.45 (w/
Born from the ashes of the failed Brown Cutlery 1219C2 Fighting/Utility Knives hard plastic sheath).
Brothers Razor and Tidioute Cutlery Cos., marked “KA-BAR” made their way into For more information contact KA-
the Brown Family consolidated the hold- the hands of American Marines and sol- BAR, attn.: Joe Bradley, Dept. BKG18,
ings of defunct knife companies, includ- diers around the globe during 1125 E. State St., Olean, NY 14760 800-
ing their own Union Razor cutlery sales World War II. 282-0130 ka-bar.com.
concern. Brothers Wallace and Emerson Today’s 1217 USMC
Brown, alongside their father John, guided Fighting/Utility Knife For the latest knives, knife news,
the Tidioute Cutlery Co. on the path to features a 7-inch blade trends, blogs and more visit
success. The Browns moved the company of high-carbon cro- blademag.com.
to Olean, New York, and adopted the name van steel with a
Union Cutlery Co. to more accurately re- smooth black ep-
flect their geographic location. oxy “baked”
The Union Cutlery Co. produced hunt-
ing knives and pocketknives. The name
KA-BAR was adopted as a trademark
after an Alaskan hunter sent a letter in
describing an encounter with a Kodiak Salute KA-BAR’s 120th anniversary in
2018 with the company’s most famous
bear. The bear mauled the hunter, who model of all: the KA-BAR 1217 USMC
“K’d A Bar,” or “Killed A Bear,” with Fighting/Utility Knife.

In addition to the USMC model, the 1217 also comes in The 1217’s handle of stacked leather washers and traction grooves is almost as
Presentation Grade USMC, USMC Serrated, U.S. Army iconic as the knife itself. The 1217 is sold at all U.S. military post exchanges
Serrated, U.S. Army and USN versions. (PXs).



he latest and most advanced ma- department we did not have one scale
terials drive the knife industry, set crack, and at the end of the block we
and the BLADE 2018 Complete Knife retained a .020-inch veneer—anyone
Guide focuses on some of the best exam- who has cut mammoth tooth knows
ples in terms of blade steels and handle this is impressive. Then in our grind
materials, as well as knifemaking supplies department we noticed how dense the
and suppliers in general. material was after a superior stabilizing
A specialist in the cutting, shaping method.”
and finishing of exotic and composite Perhaps most notably, there was very
materials, Santa Fe Stoneworks is known little to zero chipping or abrasions of the
throughout the knife industry for its material. Meanwhile, almost no repair
stunning handles consisting of pearl, tur- filling was required on the part of Santa
quoise, jet, coral, malachite, ancient ivory Fe’s finishing department.
and other natural materials. Among the “Typically when we’re ready to fin-
latest of materials are synthetics, however, ish mammoth tooth, we have  five-to-20
and come from the company known as cracks and abrasions that we have to fill
Raffir based in Hadsten, Denmark. and re-fill and re-fill,” Miles noted. “But
Basically, whether it’s the material with Raffir Mammoth Tooth this allevi-
type know as Raffir Fossil, Raffir Wood ated the problem by 80 to 90 percent.”
or what have you, the genuine article After a year of working with Raffir,
(fossil, wood, etc.) is filled with a unify- Santa Fe reached out to the Danish com-
ing and strengthening resin through a pany about selling Raffir materials to the
high-pressure process that stabilizes the cutlery industry. Today, Wirtel indicated
material. The finished stabilized mate- Santa Fe is the domestic distributor of
rial retains the original structure of the Raffir materials and counts among its
untreated substance while obtaining the customers Masecraft Supply, Atlas Bil-
mechanical advantages of the homog- liards and Guitar Parts and others, as well
enous resin compound. The result is a as Chris Reeve Knives, William Henry
Raffir Fossil mam-
material reflecting much of the beauty of Knives, Spyderco and more. moth ivory comprises
nature but with the strength and dura- For additional information on Raffir and the handle of Danish
bility of a synthetic. other of the latest handle materials, see the knifemaker Tommy
After Raffir officials learned that Santa story on page 34. For the respective stories Astrup’s breathtak-
Fe Stoneworks was one of a handful of on the hottest steels and four top knife- ing mosaic damascus
fixed blade. (image
manufacturers who can process mam- making suppliers, see pages 28 and 22. courtesy of Raffir and
moth tooth and ancient/fossil ivory, the Santa Fe Stoneworks)
two companies began exchanging emails HOW to MAKE a BOWIE
and agreed to do business. When Santa If you’re looking for part two of “How To
Fe Stoneworks received the first shipment Make a Bowie” by Chris Amos, it will ap- For more information on Raffir materi-
of Raffir Fossil materials, Santa Fe’s Miles pear next issue in the January BLADE®. als contact Santa Fe Stoneworks, attn: M.
Wirtel was pleasantly surprised. This issue of the BLADE 2018 Complete Wirtel, Dept. BKG18, 3790 Cerrillos, San-
“It blew me away the quality of the Knife Guide is in a different format than ta Fe, NM 87505 505-471-3953 santafes-
fossils and the stabilization process. Af- the other 12 issues of BLADE, and Amos’s toneworks.com.
ter our first batch of knives was com- “Knife Shop” is among the departments—
plete, I realized how far advanced Raffir along with “Readers Respond,” “Un- To read about the latest knives, knife news,
was [over] anyone else in the industry,” sheathed,” “The Knife I Carry,” “Cool Cus- blogs and more, visit blademag.com.
Miles wrote. “The biggest advantage tom,” “Knifemaker Showcase” and “What’s
was how well the fossils stayed intact New”—that don’t appear this time, but
through our operation. In our cutting also will return in the January issue.




TOPS “unidentified cutting object”
OPS Knives’ new fixed blade is
so new that at press time it didn’t
even have a name. The 7.25-inch
CRKT Raikiri
acid-rain-finished blade is 5/16-inch-
thick 1075 carbon steel with a Rockwell
hardness of 56-58 HRC. The handle is tan & Tool has a 4.375-inch double-ground
canvas Micarta under black G-10. Over- dagger blade of CPM S35VN stainless,
all length: 12.25 inches. Sheath: Ky- 6Al4V titanium single-piece-channel
dex. Designer: Leo Espinoza. handles with a spring-less “Coolie Hat”
Contact TOPS Knives, attn: easy disassembly, clasp design, and phosphor bronze thrust
Craig Powell, Dept. BKG18, the Raikiri sports a 3.75- bearings. Closed length: 5.6 inches.
POB 2544, Idaho Falls, ID inch modified wharncliffe blade Contact Medford Knife & Tool, attn.:
83403 208.542.0113 top- of 1.4116 stainless steel. The linerlock Greg Medford, 17464 N. 25th Ave., Dept.
sknives.com. folder has an aluminum handle. Weight: 5 BKG18, Phoenix, AZ 85027 623.249.4506
ounces. Closed length: 5.1 inches. MSRP: medfordknife.com.
LIGHTNING KNIFE $99.99. Contact CRKT, attn: L. Phelps,
Designed by Dew Hara, son of Japanese Dept. BKG18, 18348 SW 126th Place, Tu-
knifemaker Koji Hara, the CRKT Raikiri alatin, OR 97062 503.685.5015 crkt.com. SLYDR SHARP
flipper is based on “a sword tucked away The Slydr Sharp from Diamond
in the pages of Japanese lore—it’s said to POSEIDON ADVENTURE Machining Technology (DMT) is a
have sliced a bolt of lightning in two!” Designed as an “operator’s kit item,” the diamond sharpener with two retractable
In CRKT’s Field Strip technology for Poseidon balisong from Medford Knife fine-grit hones—one for plain edges and


the other serrated—in a single unit. The S30V 110 AUTO
Slydr Sharp also sharpens curved edges. Buck upgrades its 110 Auto with CPM
The ergonomic handle has comfort pads S30V stainless steel, a G-10 handle and
for easy gripping. At 1.5 inches wide, the nickel-silver bolsters. MSRP: $250. In
2-in-1 sharpener is 5.5 inches long closed conjunction with the 110 Auto in
and 9.5 inches open. MSRP: $39.99. S30V, Buck also introduces the
Medford Knife
Contact DMT, c/o Camillus, attn.: Rick 110 Folding Hunter Pro & Tool Poseidon
Constantine, Dept. BKG18, 55 Walls Dr., in the same materi-
Ste. 201, Fairfield, CT 06824 800-835- als ($115 MSRP)
2263 camillusknives.com, dmtsharp.com. and the light-

The name for A.G. Russell Knives’ latest
linerlock flipper folders, Power Ball refers
to each knife’s ball detent. It is engineered Buck 110 Auto in S30V
and executed so that once the drop-
point blade moves past the reten-
tion point, the force applied to
the flipper propels it forward at a
high rate of speed. Each reportedly opens
faster than an automatic.
The core/cutting edge of the 3 and
3.25-inch blades is 9Cr13MoV stainless
steel with a Rockwell hardness of 58-
60 HRC. The handle scales are
black G-10 with tip-up pocket
clips. Weights: 2.9 and 4 ounces. Closed
lengths: 4 1/8 and 4 3/8 inches. MSRPs:
$135 and $145. Made in China. Contact
A.G. Russell Knives, attn: Jarrellyn Mar-
tin, Dept. BKG18, 2900 S. 26th St., Rogers, A.G. Russell Knives’
AR 72758 800-255-9034 agrussell.com. Power Ball folders

Slydr Sharp from Diamond

Machining Technology


NEW FO R ‘18 |

DX375 Double-Lock knife

CO 80215 303.462.0662 fax 303.462.0668
weight 110 Folding Hunter LT with a ny- bokerusa.com.
lon handle ($38 MSRP).
PREMIUM FEATURES. Contact Buck Knives, attn: R. Rogers, TUNED DETENT SYSTEM
AMERICAN-BUILT Dept. BKG18, 660 S. Lochsa St., Post Falls, A Tuned Detent System enables easy and
QUALITY. ID 83854 619.449.1100 800.326.2825 smooth manual opening with the Ker-
PERFECT PRICE TAG. buckknives.com. shaw Deadline. The detent ball is on the
front scale of the knife in an inset steel
ADJUSTABLE DOUBLE LOCK plate. This allows the detent to be “fine
An adjustable double-lock system de- tuned” so it’s easy to open the knife, and
signed to prevent the linerlock from re- also secure enough to keep the blade in
leasing during rugged cutting highlights the handle while closed.
the DX375 Double-Lock knife with flip- Blade length: 3.8 inches.
per from Coast. Blade steel: 8Cr13MoV stain-
The 3.5-inch plain-edge blade is less. Lock: Framelock. Ac-
7Cr17 stainless steel and features thumb tion: KVT manual opener
grooves for a positive grip. Ball bearings with flipper. Weight: 4.3
for smooth operation, an anodized ounces. Closed length:
aluminum handle with a checkered wood 4.25 inches. MSRP:
insert, a deep-carry stainless steel pocket $49.99. Contact
clip, and stainless steel liners complete Kershaw, attn: I.
the package. Weight: 4 ounces. MSRP: Forrest, Dept.
$29.99. Contact Coast, attn: D. Hutchens, BKG18, 18600
Dept. BKG18, 8033 NE Holman St., SW Teton
Portland, OR 97218 800-426-5858 or Ave., Tu-
503-234-4545 coastportland.com.

TRAPPER TANTO Boker Plus Urban

The Boker Plus Urban Trapper Tanto is Trapper Tanto
the tanto version of the company’s Ur-
ban Trapper. It boasts a 3.25-inch blade
of VG-10 stainless steel and a titanium
handle. Approximate closed length: 3.75
inches. MSRP: $129.95.
Contact Boker USA, attn: N. Nevins,
Dept. BKG18, 1550 Balsam St., Lakewood,
Ultra-smooth ball bearing action
Durable G10 handle with
stainless-steel hidden liners

Kershaw Deadline


Lansky’s Sharp’n Cut


alatin, OR 97062 800.325.2891 kershaw-

Lansky’s Sharp’n Cut two-in-one por-
table tool is a knife sharpener and a small
ceramic blade in one. It features an inter-
nal magnet that allows you to “stick it” on
any metal surface such as a refrigerator,
tool cabinet, etc..
The carbide sharpener can hone a blade
in just a few strokes. The ceramic blade is
hard, wear resistant and fine enough to
cut and slice packing tape, etc. The sharp-
ener features a self-deploying guard that
retracts with pressure to expose the blade
when in use. Once pressure is relieved,
the guard automatically deploys to pro-
tect the blade. Contact Lansky, attn: D.
DiLorenzo, Dept. BKG18, POB 50830,
Henderson, NV 89016 716-877-7511 fax
716-877-6955 lansky.com.
For your free catalog
FLIPPER 7 call 479-878-1644 Dept #HKG18 Since 1964
Emerson Knives, Inc., announces the latest
©Copyright 2018, A.G. Russell Knives, Inc. Shop Online at agrussell.com
evolution of the CQC-7 with the Emerson
CQC-7BWS Flipper, aka the Flipper 7.
Blade length: 3.3 inches. Blade steel:
CPM S35VN stainless (also in 154CM
stainless). Blade finish: Black or stone-

washed. Blade grind: “B” blade/chisel-
ground tanto. Bearings: GTC of
440C stainless. Handle: Black
G-10. Lock: Linerlock.
Weight: 5 ounces. Closed
length: 4.65 inches. Zulu: Chief
MSRP: $235.95. Con- Giving you more features in a
tact Emerson Knives, smaller knife
Inc., attn: E. Emer-
son, Dept. BKG18,
Hollow Grind
1234 West 254th,
Harbor City, CA
90710-2913 2.75” Blade
310-539- Length
5633 em-
Blade Steel

g Pocket Clip
Angled p

Ceramic Ball Lock Interface

Oversized Washers
Emerson Flipper 7 Large Pivot



NEW FO R ‘18 |

Developed with the input of bushcraft
and survival authority Lars Fält, the Lars
Fält Bushcraft Knife from Casstrom has
a 4.5-inch blade of a .14-inch-thick K720
high carbon steel in a Scandi grind. The
handle is curly birch. Weight: 6.15 ounc-
es. Overall length: 9 inches. MSRP: $225.
Contact Casstrom, c/o CAS Iberia,
attn: B. Pogue, Dept. BKG18, 650
Industrial Blvd., Sale Creek, TN
37373 423.332.4700 casibe-


The blade
industry runs
on Robo-Jet.
Casstrom Lars Fält
Bushcraft Knife

With 87,000 psi

HyperPressure Technology,
Robo-Jet can cut any
blade material without
leaving heat-affected
scars of torchcutting.
As a result of our state Bear Edge
of the art technology, Model 61105
Robo-Jet delivers higher
quality blades in a shorter
amount of time.

Robo-Jet uses the latest

Computer Numerical
Control technology to
precisely cut your blade
material within +/- .005" THE CUTTING BEAR EDGE Griffey, Dept. BKG18,
tolerance. Bear Edge offers up the model 61105 flip- 1111 Bear Blvd., Jack-
per folder in a 3.25-inch taper-ground sonville, AL 36265
blade of 440 stainless steel that operates 256.435.2227
on ball-bearing washers. The aluminum bearcutlery.com.
www.robo-jet.com handle is bead finished and equipped
with a sideliner lock and reversible, tip-
design@robo-jet.com up-carry pocket clip.
Weight: 3.7 ounces. Closed length: 4.25
inches. MSRP: $49.99. Built in America.
Contact Bear & Son Cutlery, attn: S.


The Teton from Puma SGB is a single-
guard fixed blade that fits in a leather
sheath boasting a sharpening steel in a
pocket. The 4.75-inch blade is .15-inch-
thick 1.4116 stainless steel with a Rock-
well hardness of 55-57 HRC. The ze-
brawood handle scales are secured via
mosaic pins. Weight: 8.3 ounces. Overall
length: 9.5 inches. MSRP: $79.99.
Contact Puma USA, attn: T. Guth-
rie, Dept. BKG18, 13934 West 108th St.,
Lenexa, KS 66215 913.888.5524 pumak-


The SOG Flare assisted-opening folder
features a 3.5-inch clip-point blade of
8Cr13MoV stainless steel that works on
SOG’s Assisted Technology (SAT) open-
ing system. A strong glass-reinforced
nylon handle and low-carry pocket clip
provide durability and versatility.
A slim profile makes for great every-

Puma SGB

day carry. Weight: 3.1 ounces. Closed

length: 4.6 inches. MSRP: $40. Contact
SOG Specialty Knives & Tools, attn: C.
Cashbaugh, Dept. BKG18, 6521 212th St.
SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 425.771.6230


NEW FO R ‘18 |

Jack ®
SOG Flare

The best
carvin’ knife
around the
campfire... DiamondBlade Fury
and wherever life
The BLADE Magazine 2017 American- A 2.6-inch blade of Friction Forged D2
Made Knife Of The Year®, the Kranos tool steel in an anti-corrosive coating
framelock flipper from Spartan Blades leads off the Fury. Rockwell hardness: 65-
includes a 3 3/8-inch spear-point blade 69 HRC in the edge zone and 42-44 HRC
of .157-inch-thick CPM S35VN stain- on the spine. The folder comes in a choice
less steel with a flat-ground main bevel of a linerlock or an automatic with a tor-
and a tapered top edge. The handle is sion bar spring.
contoured 6Al4V titanium with G-10 Handle: OD G-10. Pocket clip: Option-
or carbon-fiber scales, and titanium al. Weight: 2.2 ounces. Closed length: 3.9
spacer and pocket clip. inches. MSRP: $195. Contact Diamond-
<ZkobgCZ\k® Dual caged bearings provide for Blade, c/o Knives Of Alaska, attn: C. Al-
Retail Price $156.50 smooth and rapid one-hand opening. len, Dept. BKG18, 123 W. Main, Denison,
Weight: 4.3 ounces. Approximate closed TX 75021 903.463.7112.
length: 5 inches. MSRP: $515-$545 de-
pending on handle and finish options. BEST EDC?
Contact Spartan Blades, attn: C. Iovito, The Dominator 35 Patriot Mid-Tech is
Dept. BKG18, POB 620, Aberdeen, NC what the folks at Darrel Ralph Designs
28315 910.757.0035 spartanbladesusa. are calling “the world’s best EDC knife.”
com. As Ralph noted, “The light aerospace ti-
tanium frame combined with the tough

There’s no
other knife
like it in the world.
You’ll love whittlin’ and carvin’ with this
jackknife. With six locking edge tools,
it’s a complete carving kit in your pocket.
Carvin’ Jack comes with a leather belt
mounted sheath and a custom fit SlipStrop®
for keeping edges sharp. At just over 4
inches, Carvin’ Jack is the take-it-with-you
pocket carver that could become your Spartan Blades
new best friend. Kranos

Flexcut.com Made in USA


N E W F O R ‘1 8 |

CPM S35VN stainless steel blade with a

thin, fast-slicing hollow grind is a
combination for an EDC tough
as nails.” MSRP: $495.
Contact DDR-Darrel
Ralph Designs, attn.: Darrel Utica UTKS4-M
Ralph, Dept. BKG18, 12034
South Profit Row, Forney,
TX 75126 469-728-7242

fixed blade by
Utica features a
blade of 1095
carbon steel with a new mirror-polish Contact Utica, attn: Mike Mathews,
finish option. The handle is black can- Dept. BKG18, 820 Noyes, Utica, NY
vas Micarta with gray liners and gray 13503 315.733.4663 kutmaster.com.
Micarta bolsters with an anti-slip tex-
ture. Overall length: 9.6 inches. The For the latest knives, knife news, blogs and
molded sheath includes both an inte- much more, visit blademag.com.
Dominator 35 gral sharpener and a firestarter. MSRP:
Patriot Mid-Tech $120.96.


ill :
M t
C a
C tin g
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Mosaic Designs Made In USA Special Introductory Price
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Available in four combinations of quality brass and nickel silver. (20% off regular price of $24.95)
Each 1/4” dia. x 2” length pin design is meticulously crafted for knifemakers.

Lasts 200% longer on hard-to-grind

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JANTZ PATTERN BLADES Kydex Sheath Material NA72080 2” x 72” 80 Y $9.95
Custom quality 100% Made in USA. Flat Handle Ex
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ground from the best USA made steels C p Buffa
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S b k Horn
p ngbok

ff Bone
Giraffe Ostrich Shin
Kudu Horn Cubitron II
Wildebee CAT.# COLOR PRICE Cubitron II is enhanced with a special
KY301 Black $3.99 grinding aid to increase preformance.
KY302 Hunter Orange $4.45 Can be used wet or dry.
Im la Bone
b k Horn
KY303 Olive Drab $4.45
KY304 Blood Red CAT.#
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Overall 7 5/8", Blade 3",
KY305 Neon Pink IO72036
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Width 1 1/8", Thickness Crocodile Skin KY306 Storm Gray IO72050
$4.45 2” x 72” 50 XY $13.95
5/32". Bolster holes Merino Ram Horn KY307 Tiffany Blue IO72080
$4.45 2” x 72” 80 XY $13.95
1/8", Handle Holes 1/4",
Leather Eyelets IO72120 2” x 72” 120 XY $7.95
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J3128 D2 Satin $34.95
J3158 CPM 154 Satin $37.95 CAT.# FINISH
J3196 1095 Stonewash $24.95 KE512 Brass 100 $8.95
J3189 Damascus Etched $99.95 KE522 Nickel Plate 100 $10.95
KE532 Black 100 $9.95
Desert Ironwood J-Flex Gold Belts
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Ken Jantz of Jantz Supply

works on a prototype for
a new hollow-grinding
fixture (inset) in the Jantz
shop in Davis, Oklahoma.

here is a wealth of knife suppliers less and damascus steel, and wood, horn work. Our price for this heavy-duty ma-
providing just what the knife doc- and bone from around the world. chine is among the lowest available, if not
tor ordered, whether it be the best After Thanksgiving, the Hawkins fill the lowest. There is nothing skimpy about
in handle materials, steels, specialized the shop with Christmas music, from re- this machine or its accessories.”
forging equipment, or the tools that make ligious to Alvin and the Chipmunks. And History’s Forged in Fire TV series has
the sparks fly. while the store may be small—there’s no been fueling a rising interest in knife-
In the 1970s, knifemaker Rade room for a Christmas tree—they offer making for some time now. “Young peo-
Hawkins founded Hawkins Knife Mak- everything from drills, taps and fasteners ple who watch this program are eager to
ing Supplies. “He started the business in to belt grinders manufactured by Stephen learn and Bader grinders are a big part
a quest to locate better materials for his Bader Co., “a leader in the field,” they of this experience,” Russell and June ob-
own handmade knives and then ended stated. served. Partly as a result to fill the new
up with a supply of the materials to sell “The Stephen Bader belt grinder is ver- demand, they started offering books on
to other knifemakers,” noted Mrs. June satile, positive tracking, plenty of power how to make knives and sheaths so their
Hawkins and the Hawkins’ son, Russell. and has many accessories,” the mother- customers can increase their skills.
Rade passed away in December 2014 son team wrote. “It will flat grind and hol- Associate members of The Knifemak-
but his wife and son continue the busi- low grind and will allow you to make a ers’ Guild and the American Bladesmith
ness, filling and shipping orders for stain- complete knife with a minimum of hand Society, Hawkins Knife Making Supplies


focuses on the personal touch, form- Among the specialties of Hawkins
Knife Making Supplies are belt
ing friendships by meeting knifemakers
grinders by Stephen Bader Co.
at shows and speaking to them over the such as the B3 8-inch Fin model.
phone. While they have a website, “In or-
der to protect our customers’ credit card
information, we do not have an inter-ac-
tive shopping cart,” they write. “We prefer
customers phone us at  770-964-1023  to
prevent them from being hacked and
speak with a personal representative.”


Jantz is a second-generation supply com-
pany offering 9,000 different items for
sale. When Ken and Venice Jantz started
their operation in 1966, they visited about
30 shows a year, having conversations
and “basically building the business one
customer at a time,” said Shanna Kemp,
who works with her family and manages
accounting and IT for the company.
The conversations led to a growing ob-
session. “We became fascinated with the
science and art of knifemaking, and all fer the very best price all year round.” said, “because then people could call in
that went into it,” she noted. “In addition toll free and place their orders, whereas
to providing quality tools and supplies to STABILIZATION NATION now the majority is done online.”
professional knifemakers, Mom and Dad Jim and Meg Keir of Arlington, Texas, The small family-run business is lo-
wanted to make knifemaking truly acces- started Knife and Gun Finishing Supplies cated in a rural part of Arizona. If one to
sible to a broader range of people with (K&G) before Ken and Sharon McFall two customers walk through the doors to
varying skill sets.” bought it from the Keirs in 1990 and relo- view the showroom, it’s a good day.
To help meet this goal, Jantz started cated it to Lakeside, Arizona. Along with K&G offers a full line of knifemaking
making its own blade blanks. Indeed, it her husband Brad, the McFall’s daugh- supplies for customers, from novices who
still offers knife kits that are assembled by ter, Shannon Edgington, took over the have yet to touch a piece of steel to the
everyone from Boy Scouts to burgeoning business in 2010. Meanwhile, much has old pros of up to 30 years experience or
knifemakers. “We manufacture about 30 changed over the years in the mail-order more. The focus, however, is on providing
percent of our product line and are work- business. “A really big thing was to have stabilized wood handles. Since the stabi-
ing to expand that,” Kemp said. “This an 800 number back in the day,” Shannon lization process infuses the wood with a
allows us to provide our customers the
highest-quality products made right here The focus at Knife and Gun Finishing Supplies
in the USA. To my knowledge, we are the is on providing stabilized wood handles.
only supply company with a manufac- K&G offers a stabilizing service for
turing facility who makes knife blanks, knifemakers, steeping handle
pieces in a formula of polymers
components, fixtures and tools for their and acrylics.
Some of the products include mosaic
pins made by the company’s staff. In the
future, Jantz will offer more such designs
in 2-inch lengths. Other of the company’s
leading products are the Jantz hollow-
grinding fixture and Jantz Kydex molding
press, along with Paragon heat-treating
ovens. In addition to tools, the company
offers such forgiving forging steels as
1080, 1084 and others.
All come at as low a cost to customers
as Jantz can offer. “We get asked about
sales and coupons quite often, and hon-
estly,” Kemp emphasized, “we simply of-



992 6537
www bokerusa com • (800) 992-6537
INC • www.bokerusa.com

Blacksmiths Depot special-

izes in tools for bladesmiths,
including a wide range of
handheld hammers.

plastic, delicate materials such as Califor- heads.


nia box elder are made durable, Edging- K&G recently started offering pow-
ton said. Stabilized wood does not soak dered steel for those forging mosaic da-
up water and oils, and does not shrink. mascus. In a gunpowder-like form, the
K&G offers a stabilizing service for steel—K&G offers it 1084, 15N20 and
knifemakers, steeping the handle pieces pure nickel—comes in a can. At the be-
mailed to them in a formula of polymers ginning of November, K&G began offer-
and acrylics. “We try to keep [our turn- ing holiday deals on its website, knifean-
around time] very short so our customers dgun.com.
can get their materials back in a timely
manner,” she remarked. CRANK up the FORGE
Often, mail-order companies use their Blacksmiths Depot, aka Kayne and Son
years of experience to provide makers with Custom Forged Hardware, focuses pri-
the highest-quality materials. Edgington marily on blacksmithing, and, more to
said her company offers an 8-ounce kit of the point for this story, bladesmithing.
K&G epoxy. “It is the strongest epoxy we
have ever used,” she noted. The company
came across the epoxy two decades ago.
• A Lucas Burnley design Originally it was formulated
• Böhler N690 blade steel for golf-club
• Canvas micarta handle scales
• Includes leather sheath
• Blade length: 3¾"
• Overall length: 8Ԉ"
• Weight: 4.6 oz. The Hamal chef’s knife from Jantz Supply features a blade with 33 layers of 410 stainless
• Model No.: 120661 on each side of a VG-10 stainless core, and comes with or without bolsters. Handle materi-
als of your choice are available and attach with miniature Corby rivets or mosaic pins. MSRP:


Designed by world-class knife maker, Ken Onion, Field Strip lets you easily
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A top offering from Hawkins Knife Making CRKT.COM/FIELD-STRIP-TECHNOLOGY

Supplies is a selection of hafts for


HOGUEKNIVES.COM 1-800-438-4747



Blacksmiths Depot (below) is branching out

into bladesmithing, building up its knife-
making options. The company’s website lists
products that range from 275-pound anvils
to hot cutters to a bladesmithing starter kit.

Knife and Gun Finishing Supplies offers an

epoxy K&G’s Shannon Edgington said is the
strongest the company has ever used.

David Kayne, company vice president

and owner, said his father started black-
smithing in the 1970s, forging all the
hardware in the family’s home in Smith-
town, New York.
When the Kayne clan moved to Can-
dler, North Carolina, in the ’80s and
Kayne’s father spent more time with
his fellow blacksmiths, he learned




With a contour-machined G10 handle and thumb notches atop the
blade, the FX350 Knife is built for a high amount of grip and control.



Plaza Cutlery Exclusive “Topo” Etched
there was an industry shortage of easy-
Woodsman by Winkler Knives II
to-acquire, quality metalworking tools.
Soon after, he hosted a meeting of black-
smiths. “The most common complaint he
heard was that the members of the group
could not get tools,” Kayne recalled.
“They would order from several places
around the country, and it would be six This
his new Woodsman
months before they would get the tools.” by
y Winkler features a
The company’s website lists products topography
pography map design
that range from 275-pound anvils to hot etched
ched into the walnut handle
cutters to a bladesmithing starter kit. as
s well as the leather sheath!
Blacksmiths Depot is branching out into The
he Woodsman is a top choice for any
bladesmithing, building up its knifemak- outdoorsman
utdoorsman with a super tough 80CrV2
ing options. One such option is off-center carbon
arbon steel blade that is 3/16” thick! The
ll tang extends out past the handle scales for
blade tongs, which Kayne said have been hammering
ammering in your tent stakes or using as a window breaker. Best part about
well received by bladesmiths. this window breaker is that it is not a spike so you won’t constantly stab your
“There are several reasons for this,” palm when you put it back into the sheath. First thought when picking up the
Kayne asserted. “The tongs are 100 per- Woodsman was that it is one of the most comfortable fixed blades out there!
These sell for $425 each.
cent made in the USA. They are forged,
not cast. They are made of medium car- The sheath pictured is the “gold” version where the topography pattern really pops
bon steel, making them forgiving with out. There is also a darker and more subtle topography sheath that can be seen at:
the constant shock that happens in use,
constantly heating and cooling.” PLAZA Also feel free to give us a call or stop by our shop

in Southern California!
While it’s tempting for novices to jump
into forge-welding damascus patterns, Phone: 714-549-3932 • www.plazacutlery.com • info@plazacutlery.com
Kayne said they need to start with the
“We get a large number of people com-
ing in with no experience except that
which they have gleaned from the inter-
net,” he cautioned. “Needless to say, this
can be very dangerous. When you are
first starting out, there are a lot of things
you can buy because you want them. We
try to sell you the stuff you need, not what
you want, first.”
When someone’s fired up for smithing,
when they are gathering equipment and
supplies, Kayne indicated the best gift to
give them over the holidays is simply a
gift card.
“It may sound a little more of a lazy
way to go,” he said, “but it’s much smarter
than buying something that will sit on a
shelf and not get used, or having to deal
with returns.”

For the contact information for the sup-

pliers and knives in the story, see “Sharp
Sources” on page 91.

To read about the latest knives, knife news,

blogs and more, visit blademag.com.




here’s an
question that has
been floating around
the universe since long
before history can recount:
What’s the best kind of blade
steel? And the answer is, and
probably always has been, “well, it
As you know, knives are versatile tools
that can be used in a variety of applications.
What’s the best knife steel for one application
can be a disaster for another. For example,
a steel that is optimal for a husky chopping
knife used in cutting competitions sanc-
EACH STEEL MUST BE tioned by BladeSports International may be
A HAPPY MEDIUM OF different from the best steel for a high-end
kitchen knife. However, there exists a happy
IMPORTANT TRAITS medium where a maker and an end-user get as
many general benefits as possible.
That medium consists of four factors, according to
Scott Devanna, vice president of quality and procure-
A steel that fits the bill for the happy ment at SB Specialty Metals. The four are:
medium of the important traits to have 1) Corrosion resistance;
in a blade material and is a best seller
because of it is CPM 154 stainless. 2) Edge retention;
H.L. Holbrook’s Semi Skinner 3) Toughness and;
#2 features a 3.5-inch blade 4) Consumer friendliness.
of the material and a handle
of stabilized maple. (Chuck
Ward image)

A steel that is optimal for a husky chopping knife used in cutting

competitions sanctioned by BladeSports International may be dif-
ferent from that of a high-end kitchen knife. However, there exists a
happy medium where a maker and an end-user get as many general
benefits as possible. (PointSeven image)
A ccording to Damasteel, it named the
first powder-metallurgy version of ATS-
34 stainless RWL34 in honor of BLADE
Magazine Cutlery Hall-Of-Fame© member
Bob Loveless. Among many other things, Loveless
“Custom introduced both 154CM and Japanese-made ball-
makers want bearing steel ATS-34 from Kobe Steel to the custom
a good steel, but knife industry, with both steels later being widely
they want some- Robert Waldorf
adapted by the factory knife industry as well. Loveless
thing that’s user
Pelle Billgren, Damasteel founder, was looking
friendly. Years ago,
for the best stainless knife steels and was able to transform ATS-34, which
when we introduced
already was an outstanding blade material, into a superior powder-metallurgy-
CPM S30V, everybody
made steel. In the process, it named the result RWL34, with the “RWL” the
thought it was the great-
initials for Loveless’ fullname of Robert Waldorf Loveless.
est thing since sneakers,”
explained Devanna, who —by BLADE® staff
worked at Crucible Specialty
Metals during the development
of the Crucible Particle Metallur-
While 1095 carbon steel may
gy (CPM) process. “But the custom rust, if it goes dull at least 34 to the knifemaking industry in the
guys didn’t really care for it because it people can put an edge on 1970s.
was difficult to work with because of it with ease if need be. “It’s a good steel,” agreed Per Jarbelius,
the higher vanadium content.” “What’s more important,” chairman of Damasteel. “What makes
Scott Devanna asked, “a
The steel that fits the bill for blade that won’t rust
the difference is it’s super clean, which
the happy medium and is a best or a blade that can be means you can polish it to a mirror fin-
seller because of it is Crucible sharpened easily?” ish.” Damasteel’s refined powder metal-
CPM 154, and comparable varia- Don Andrade uses lurgy process, Jarbelius explained, pro-
tions on the same grade such as the steel on his duces carbides that are extremely small
Kiritsuke chef’s
Carpenter Steel’s CTS-XHP. knife prototype and evenly distributed, which also means
“We deal with thousands of knife- in a 7.25-inch it will take a razor-sharp edge. “You can
makers,” observed Terry Summers, vice blade sporting make something really extraordinary
president at Admiral Steel. “Right now the a Gunome with that kind of steel,” he said of RWL34.
market is really into CPM 154, if you’re (Caleb Royer
“It is very clean.”
looking for stainless steel. It’s Crucible’s image)
new, improved model of something that WHAT’S IMPORTANT
was originally 154CM.” For Devanna, just because a steel is judged
The ability for knifemakers to fashion It’s a best doesn’t mean it will be the best-sell-
blades that are corrosion resistant, du- little ing steel as well. As a metallurgist, he said
rable and can be polished to a bright mir- pricier people often ask him what he thinks is the
ror finish means that many flock to CPM but most best steel on the market, expecting him to
154. The relative newness of the steel type people, talk about one of the newer materials.
and the solid reputation of the manufac- when they use “People want me to talk about some
turer also equates to a lot of collectors re- it, they love it. of the new Carpenter grades, the new
questing the material, which helps CPM It’s extremely clean Böhler-Uddeholm grades and the new
154 in the marketplace. and it polishes well.” Crucible grades, and those grades are all
“It’s real easy to work with,” Summers Damasteel is argu- interesting and offer certain things. But to
reiterated. “We sell a wide variety of the ably best known for its this day, I still think S30V is one of the
high-carbon stainlesses, but if you’re beautiful and user-friendly best—if not the best—all-around knife
looking for the best seller, this one is way pattern steels. RWL34 is one steels out there,” Devanna maintained.
out ahead of the rest of the pack.” of its non-damascus offerings He explained that, on the manufactur-
“Another grade that is making some and is named in honor of BLADE ing side, the big production companies
headway in that area is RWL34, which Magazine Cutlery Hall-Of-Fame© that use S30V employ machinery that
is made by Damasteel,” Devanna added. member Bob Loveless (see sidebar), renders the steel easier to work.
“Basically it’s the same thing as CPM 154. who introduced 154CM and then ATS- “Four-hundred-series stainless, which



Per Jarbelius of Damasteel said it is

very difficult to develop a totally new
type of knife steel because most of the
lessons in the steel industry are already
known. Damasteel is best known for
its outstanding pattern-welded steels
forged at its facility (right) in Söderfors,
Sweden. (Damasteel image)

these grades are—440C, 154CM,,

XHP—they’re inherently brittle,”
Devanna said, adding that Cruciblee
introduced S30V to be a tougher ver-
sion of a 400 series knife blade stain-
less. However, he admitted that a
downside is if an average user allows
the blade of such a steel to go dull, he
or she won’t be able to sharpen it eas-
“And the question I get more
than any other about knife steels is,
‘Whattya got that’s new?’ Everybody
is looking for the newest, latest and
greatest,” Devanna said. “There’s been a said could be the next big evolution in i
trend over the last few years to go with h Material
knife blade material. Summit Materials’
more and more—and more—alloying el- l- SM-100 is a not a steel but rather an al- a
ements.” percen
loy of 60 percent nickel and 40 percent
He listed CPM S100V, CTS Maxamet, t, mate
titanium, which is reflected in the mate-
CTS-204P and Böhler M390 as exampless p r o m i s e ,” rial’s previous moniker, NiTiNOL—
where the manufacturers keep bumpingg Jarbelius said. the “NOL” being an acronym for
up the alloys. “Eventually there’s a limit to “You need to the U.S Naval Ordnance Labo-
what you can do,” he continued. “As you compromise on dif- ratory, which original created
do that, the steels get more and more dif- ferent properties the material in the late 1950s.
ficult to work with.” because you cannot (Today, NiTiNOL is known
Devanna surmised that many makers get it all. That’s where
like 1095 carbon steel for blades because there’s innovation—you
it circumvents the dilemma altogether. need to find a good balance
While 1095 may rust, if it goes dull at of the properties.”
least people can easily put an edge on it Jarbelius added that it is very difficult
if need be. “What’s more important,” he to develop a totally new type of knife steel
asked, “a blade that won’t rust or a blade because most of the lessons in the steel
that can be sharpened easily?” industry are already known. However, he
said Damasteel has improved its steels by
A MIDDLE GROUND making them cleaner through advances
With the variety of experimental stain- in technology. Specific improvements re-
less steel “recipes” on the market, the garding Damasteel’s powder metallurgy
most important aspect of producing a process lie in how the powder is made,
best seller seems to lie in finding a reli- and how well the entire process can be CTS-XHP
able middle ground between toughness controlled after the melting to obtain the reportedly is
and hardness. While there continue to sought-after properties. “A good balance a comparable
be “super steels” coming on the market is important,” he stressed, “and we be- variation on the
same grade as
that boast extreme toughness, a steel that lieve that we have found a good balance CPM 154 stainless.
allows for knife blades that are hard but with our steels—and we have tried a lot Millit Knives employs
not brittle and that can be worked and of things!” CTS-XHP on the 3-inch
sharpened more easily, in many minds, is blade of its Torrent model
designed by TJ Schwarz. The
the real super steel. IT DEPENDS
handle is titanium and carbon
“Making a knife steel is always a com- All that said, Devanna spoke of what he fiber. (Chuck Ward image)


Scott Devanna listed CPM S100V, CTS Maxamet,
CTS-204P and Böhler M390 as examples where
manufacturers keep bumping up the alloys.
“Eventually, there’s a limit to what you can do,” h
observed. “As you do that, the steels get mo
and more difficult to work with.” Spyder
is one of the few companies to use
Maxamet successfully, doing
so here on the Native 5
Lightweight. MSRP:
$239.95. (Spyde

as HIPTiNit
HIPTiNite. For
F r more
m r on n it,
it read
r d on.)
n) best
b t steel”
t l” fforr a knif
knife blade
bl d rests
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“The upside to it is that it’s totally cor- of the beholder, or perhaps in the hand
rosion proof*,” Devanna said. “It will not of the knifemaker grinding it, or the cus-
rust. It is also non-magnetic, which is tomer sharpening it. Most likely, the an-
good for some things, and it can be heat swer will continue to be, for the foresee-
treated to 59-61 Rockwell, so it will hold able future, “well, it depends.”
an edge.” Also, because of the titanium,
the blade can be heat colored. *According to Spyderco, its H-1 blade ma-
The downside is the experts haven’t terial “is a specialized austenitic alloy that
solved the problem of it being extreme- uses 0.1 percent nitrogen instead of carbon
ly difficult to work. Also, the material to achieve its steel-like qualities. This not
is very expensive. He said that whereas only makes it immune to corrosion, but
most CPM steels will sell from between also makes it a ‘work-hardening’ material.”
$15-to-$25 per pound, SM-100 costs be-
tween $250-to-$300 per pound. Even so, For the contact information for the sup-
it is a marked departure from adding el- pliers and knives in the story, see “Sharp
ements such as vanadium and molybde- Sources” on page 91.
num to carbon steel. Meanwhile, he said
there are a lot of guys making knives of To read about the latest knives, knife news,
it, including Duane Dwyer, co-owner of blogs and more, visit blademag.com
Strider Knives, whose HIPTiNite knives
were featured in the March 2016 BLADE®.
Ultimately, the answer to “what is the

Duane Dw-
yer (inset) used
SM-100, aka HIPTi-
Nite, on one of his custom Strider
SnG folders. According to Scott
Devanna, SM-100 is totally corrosion
proof, non-magnetic and can be heat treated
to a Rockwell hardness of 59-61 HRC. The
downsides are it’s extremely difficult to work
and very expensive. (Brady Miller knife image)




Reate Knives & Tools



Synthetic materials from the Danish company known as Raffir in-

clude Raffir Fossil. According to Masecraft’s Chris Hartman, Raffir
Fossil consists of rare fossils that have been filled with a unifying
and strengthening resin through a high-pressure
process that stabilizes the materials. Raffir made
this Raffir Fossil material (right) from
mammoth bone.

SYNTHETICS GAIN Raffir Fossil made from mam-

moth molar is the handle
MOMENTUM WHILE material for this selection of
damascus knives by Claude
SOME NATURAL Dozorme. (image courtesy of
MATERIALS HOLD ON Santa Fe Stoneworks)

he hottest in handle materials is
an ever-changing topic, and to-
day there seems to be a bit of a
mixed bag regarding demand. Synthetics
continue to surge in light of the growing
scarcity of some natural materials such as
abalone, while emerging wood types and
mammoth ivory remain chart toppers in
reasonably good supply.
According to Chris Hartman, a 37-
year veteran in the family business at
Masecraft, the buzz about two synthetic
materials, Richlite and Raffir, continues
to grow. “These product lines are totally
different from each other, and they work
like other materials that our customers
already use, so the transition is easy,” he
Richlite is a durable, versatile and sus-


tainable material made from recycled, resin-infused paper and
pulp derived from trees that have been harvested responsibly,
Chris says. Complete with Forest Stewardship Council Certifica-
tion by the Rainforest Alliance and GREENGUARD Certifica-
tion, it is also antimicrobial, which is a benefit in food prepara-
“Richlite is tough enough to build skateboards and skateboard
parks, so it will take a beating and hold up to the elements,” he
added. “Richlite is made in the USA and actually costs less than
other like materials. It is similar to working with Micarta, G-10 Abalone is becoming more and
or carbon fiber, and many of our customers are familiar with more difficult to find in large
them. Customers appreciate that they are sizes, though pieces below 2
no longer inhaling carbon-fiber or fi- inches are still plentiful. Lloyd
berglass dust, which some of our Hale uses a small piece on the
guard of “Charlie.” (SharpBy-
customers just don’t like dealing
Distributed domestically by
Santa Fe Stoneworks (page 8), N e w
Raffir is a resin-preserved ma- compos-
terial used in jewelry and other products also. ite lami-
“It works well in fine handles and accessories nates and
in which aesthetics are of great importance,” hybrid materials
Chris advised. “There are several categories. are on the horizon, and their growth is steady.
The first, Raffir Fiber, is a composite mate- “Even though they are mass produced,” Chris
rial of neutral plant fibers cast in resin. said, “they can still be individually unique.
The second, Raffir Metapol, has alumi- They are stable and available in sizes that can
num fillers shining through a deep easily be used in CNC cutting for production, or
resin matrix. Raffir Noble is a com- can still be cut and worked with standard tools and
posite material with fine brass and be handmade.”
bronze-mesh layers encapsulated
in a translucent epoxy resin. The GOING NATURAL
last two categories, Raffir Fossil “I have a new material called Fernwood from the tropics that
and Raffir Wood, are genuine I’m getting good feedback on from customers,” remarked Charles
rare fossils and fine-grained Turnage of Fine Turnage Productions. Fernwood is a product of
wood blocks that have New Zealand and works well, seals easily and provides a steady
been filled with a unifying grip for users. It joins a wide selection of natural materials avail-
and strengthening resin able through Turnage, including coral, pressed mammoth bone,
fossilized wood, swordfish bill, mammoth tooth and mammoth
“Natural materials seem to stick around, while synthetics
through come and go,” Turnage observed. “Fossil mammoth ivory is still
a high- our hottest material because of its beauty, which comes from
pressure minerals that it absorbs from being buried for tens of thousands
process that of years.”
stabilizes the Even though a continuing effort to educate lawmakers and the
materials.” public is in full swing, Charles notes that difficulties remain in
The finished differentiating ancient ivory from modern elephant ivory that is
Raffir fossil and banned in many countries amid an escalating war against poach-
wood materials main- ers, whose disregard for the animals they slaughter is appalling.
tain the original struc- “Ninety percent of the mammoth I sell comes from the frozen
tures of the untreated sub- tundra in Siberia,” Charles explained. “And the other comes from
stance while obtaining the Alaska and China. Under the new [President Donald Trump]
mechanical advantages of the administration I hope to see changes, but the real problem is in-
homogeneous resin compound. dividual states letting special interest groups influence them with
The Raffir materials are worked with inaccurate information about mammoth and ancient ivories.
the same tools that most knifemakers al- Five states have classified ancient ivory like elephant ivory. We’re
ready own, therefore little or no additional still fighting and trying to convince them that banning mam-
investment is required. moth won’t save elephants.”



Raffir Noble is a composite material with fine brass and bronze-mesh layers encapsulated
in a translucent epoxy resin. The Spyderco Chaparral features a handle of the material.
(Spyderco image)

Super Steels from Russia! For Ron Burke, owner of Exotic K

Supplies, the handle material
keeps evolving. He has
materials business
h been in business
since 2004, anand offers that the hottest

M390 knife material

m is always “the one nobody

has ever produced before. If you have
YHUNTER never seen it on the market, then it will
STURM HD be the new hot item.”
EXPERIENCEE A NEW LEVEL OF Ron hints at some new offerings of
ORMANCE WITH his own. “I have a product that is com-

REME’S RANGE OF ing out in the next few months, and it
involves mammoth tooth with a different
LEGION color that no one has ever seen,” he com-
Wholesale Distributorr
mented. “It uses a dye that has never been
Visit our website:
te: http://cas
p Or call us at (800) 635-9366 - Dealer inquiries welcome
done and should be out on the market in
a commercial knife company’s line soon.”
Demand for fossil mammoth bone and
tooth is steady for Exotic Knife Supplies.
Aged from 15,000 to 150,000 years, the
products were among Ron’s offerings as
far back as the 2004 BLADE Show. “To
my knowledge I was the first one to sell
the tooth material for knife handles,” he
said. “It was somewhat hard to deal with
at that point because we didn’t know
enough about it. I tried over the years
to get companies to stabilize it and even
worked with a paleontologist, but couldn’t
get it produced the way I wanted it. Now,
I’ve come up with my own process to do
knife handles with it, and as of today it’s
the best handle material available. It has
everything you would want in a handle
and really holds up well.”
Another material that Exotic Knife
Supplies is distributing has gained at-
tention for its natural look. Pinecone
has opened up a variety of color options,
and Ron says it is gaining momentum
among knifemakers and purchasers alike.
“Norwegian pinecone is between 4 and 6
inches long,” he explains, “and I like to do
between 4 and 5 inches for knife handles.
I can also do smaller sizes on order, be-
tween a half and three-quarters.”
Ron also produces sequoia cone


Chris Hartman of Masecraft Supply said
Richlite is a durable, versatile and sustain-
able material made from recycled, resin-
infused paper and pulp derived from trees
that have been harvested responsibly. Mark
Newman uses the material for his fixed
blade. (Mark Newman image)



using addi-
tives such aas gold
fo con-
or pearl dust for
Ronn Burke of Exotic Knife Supplies said trast. The stabil
necone has opened up a variety of thor
process involves thoroughly
lor options, and is gaining momen-
m among knifemakers and knife drying the material, vvacuum
uyers alike. Billy Helton’s fixed pressure and sealing it with
ade sports a handle of Norway liquid plastic. “I’ve b been ex-
pruce cone. (Chuck Ward p
perimenting with pinecone
scales for about thr
three years,
and it took a couple of years
to get the quality I wanted. A normal
n set
would cost $25 to $30.”

The availability of abalone is a continu-
ing challenge at Masecraft and across the
handle materials supply cha chain. “Large
shells are getting harder to source,
so ” Chris
warns. “Pieces below 2 inches inc are no
problem, but once you get over o that for
all types of shell it is getting vvery scarce.”

Raffir Wood comes in a wide selection of colors and looks. Like Raffir Fossil, it is filled with a
unifying and strengthening resin through a high-pressure process that stabilizes the materials.
(image courtesy of Santa Fe Stoneworks)



Sometimes bigger is better

Among Raffir Composites is Raffir Uranium,

which seems to glow with an inner fire.
(image courtesy of Santa Fe Stoneworks)
www. bladeops.com • 8
He notes that Masecraft is doing its
best to hold the line on pricing while
decorative synthetic materials are a viable
THE STORY CONTINUES… alternative. “Decorative synthetic sales
have been on the rise for several years
now,” he remarked, “especially ivory al-
Where have I seen that profile before? That’s right. The handsome Kershaw Natrix is based
ternatives and hybrids of mixed natural
on brother brand Zero Tolerance’s 0770, which itself was inspired by the award-winning ZT and synthetic materials. Selling real ivory
0777. Discover the legend for yourself right now. Then look for even more to come in 2018. has become an issue the last few years,
  so these options have become necessary.
Sales of synthetic, hybrid or composite
materials are probably 60 percent of our
total sales, over natural materials, which
is the exact opposite of 10 years ago.”
Like the materials themselves, tastes
and availability continue to change. Con-
sult your favorite suppliers for tips on the
latest and greatest in knife handle mate-
rial trends.

For more on Raffir materials, see page 8.

For the contact information for the sup-

pliers and knives in the story, see “Sharp
Sources” on page 91.
• SpeedSafe® assisted opening To read about the latest knives, knife news,
• 8Cr13MoV, stonewashed finish blogs and more, visit blademag.com.
WHAT ARE YOU CARRYING? • Patented Sub-Frame Lock  





1. The Index at right shows you where
each major section begins
Knives/Cutlery - Factory
Special Services and Products
Distributors 49
2. Turn to the appropriate section where
the knife products are identified
Names and Addresses 50
alphabetically. Each product category
is then followed by an alphabetical The sources in this directory
listing of sources. are non-handmade industry
professionals. For a directory of
3. Go to the Names and Addresses
section for contact information
custom knifemakers, refer to the
KNIVES 2018 annual available at
on your chosen source(s). www.shopblade.com/knives-


Northstar Associates Simonich Knives LLC Jenco Sales, Inc.
Knives/Cutlery Ontario Knife Co.
Queen Cutlery Co.
Smoky Mountain Knife Works
Spartan Blades, LLC
Kai USA Ltd. (Kershaw)
Factory/Dealers Randall Made Knives Steel Addiction Custom Knives Katz Knives, Inc.
Reddick Enterprises Strider Knives Knife City
Riverside Machine Svord Knives KnifeHog
(Importers, Makers) SARCO Knives LLC Swamp Rat Knife Works Matthews Cutlery
Schmuckatelli Co. Swiss Army Brands Ltd. Mission Knives
Antique Smoky Mountain Knife Works SwissBianco USA Moteng North America
American Edge SOG Specialty Knives & Tools Tirdell’s Cutlery Ontario Knife Co.
American Military Edged Weaponry Museum Spartan Blades, LLC Tool Logic Inc. (see SOG Specialty) Ozark Cutlery Supply
Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Steel Addiction Custom Knives TOPS Knives Plaza Cutlery Inc.
Bryan Bros. Cutlery Co. Svord Knives True North Knives Puma Knife Co. USA
Cutlery Specialties TOPS Knives Two Finger Knife, LLC Sooner State Knives
EdgeDealer.com Two Finger Knife, LLC UST Brands Svord Knives
Fort Henry Custom Knives U.S. Cavalry Victorinox Timberline Knives
Hickory Hill Cutlery Wolf’s Knives White River Knife & Tool True North Knives
Hiltary Industries Wicked Edge U.S. Cavalry
House Of Blades Camp WILDSTEER UST Brands
LATAMA Cutlery Wolf’s Knives Wolf’s Knives
A.G. Russell Knives
Marble Arms Zac Brown’s Southern Grind Wuu Jau Co., Inc.
American Edge
N. Flayderman & Co., Inc. Zwilling J.A. Henckels LLC
Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
Northwest Knives & Collectibles Battle Horse Knives Exotic
Ozark Cutlery Supply Benchmade Knife Co. Commemoratives Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
RFG Safe & Knife Beretta U.S.A. Corp. A.G. Russell Knives Blue Ridge Knives
Shepherd Hills Cutlery Blade HQ Baron Engraving Bugei Trading Co.
Tennessee Cutlery BladeOps, LLC Beck’s Cutlery & Specialties Cold Steel, Inc.
Tony Foster Case Collectible Knives Blue Ridge Knives Blue Grass Cutlery Corp. Condor Tool & Knife
Boker USA, Inc. Blue Ridge Knives Cutlery Specialties
Bowies Brigade Quartermasters Boker USA, Inc. EdgeDealer.com
A.G. Russell Knives Buck Knives Brigade Quartermasters Ek Commando (KA-BAR Knives)
American Edge C.A.S. Iberia Browning FAMARS USA
Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Camillus c/o Acme United Corp. Buck Knives Fort Henry Custom Knives
Benchmade Knife Co. CampCo, Inc./UZI, Humvee, S&W Case, W.R., & Sons Cutlery Co. Frost Cutlery Co.
Beretta U.S.A. Corp. Case, W.R. & Sons Cutlery Co. Coast Cutlery Co. Hiltary Industries
Blue Grass Cutlery Corp. Coast Cutlery Co. Collector’s Armoury Inc. House Of Blades
Blue Ridge Knives Colonial Colonial Kanetsune c/o Tourmo Intl., LLC
Boker USA, Inc. Condor Tool & Knife Damascus U.S.A. Karambit.com
Buck Knives Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC EdgeDealer.com KnifeArt.com
C.A.S. Iberia Cutco Corporation Egginton Bros. Ltd. Knife City
Camillus c/o Acme United Corp. Cutlery Shoppe FAMARS USA Knights Edge Ltd.
Case, W.R., & Sons Cutlery Co. Damascus USA Frost Cutlery Co. Master Cutlery
Coast Cutlery Co. Denton, John Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars Matthews Cutlery
Cold Steel, Inc. EdgeDealer.com House Of Blades Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts
Condor Tool & Knife FAMARS USA Ka-bar Knives, Collectors Div. Moteng North America
Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC Fifty-Fifty Productions Katz Knives, Inc. Olamic Cutlery
Cutlery Specialties Fort Henry Custom Knives Knife City Ozark Cutlery Supply
Damascus U.S.A. Fox Knives USA Knights Edge Ltd. Pacific Solution Marketing Inc.Svord Knives
Denton, John Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives KUTMASTER True North Knives
EdgeDealer.com Frost Cutlery Co. Lee’s Cutlery U.S. Cavalry
Egginton Bros. Ltd. Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars Legendary Arms, Inc.
Marble Arms
Ek Commando (KA-BAR Knives) GLOCK, Inc.
Matthews Cutlery
Fifty-Fifty Productions Great Eastern Cutlery
Fort Henry Custom Knives H.L. Dalis, Inc. Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts Survival/Military
Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives Helle Norway Norris & Sons 5.11 Tactical
Frost Cutlery Co. Hiltary Industries Northstar Associates A.G. Russell Knivess
Gaston J. Glock LP House Of Blades Ozark Cutlery Supply Adams International Knifeworks
Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars J.T. Knives Parkers’ Knife Collector Service Al Mar Knives
GPKnives, LLC Kanetsune c/o Tourmo Intl., LLC Plaza Cutlery Inc. American Edge
H.L. Dalis, Inc. Katz Knives, Inc. Queen Cutlery Co. American Military Edged Weaponry
Hand Tech Made (HTM) Knives Klecker Knives, LLC Knife City Remington Arms Co. Museum
Hiltary Industries KnifeHog Shepherd Hills Cutlery Arizona Custom Knives
House Of Blades KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com Smoky Mountain Knife Works Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
Ira Green, Inc./Brigade Quartermasters Kroll International Sooner State Knives Bark River Knives
J.T. Knives KUTMASTER Spartan Blades, LLC Battle Horse Knives
Jenco Sales, Inc. L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knife Co. Svord Knives Beck’s Cutlery & Specialties
Kanetsune c/o Tourmo Intl., LLC Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. Taylor Brands Benchmade Knife Co.
Katz Knives, Inc. Lee’s Cutlery Timberline Knives Black Creek Limited
Knife City Marble Arms Tirdell’s Cutlery Blackhawk Products Group
KnifeArt.com Matthews Cutlery U.S. Cavalry Blackie Collins Design
KnifeHog Messermeister Blade HQ
Knifeology.com Moore Cutlery Diving/Deck Blade-Tech Industries
KnifePurveyor.com Moteng North America Blackie Collins Design BladeArt.com
KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com New Graham Knives Blue Ridge Knives BladeGallery.Com
Lee’s Cutlery 1 Stop Knife Shop Boye Knives BladeOps, LLC
Legendary Arms, Inc. Ontario Knife Co. Brigade Quartermasters Blue Ridge Knives
Matthews Cutlery Ozark Cutlery Supply Bubba Blade/Fish Tales, LLC Bradley Cutlery Co.
Medford Knife and Tool Plaza Cutlery Inc. Bud K. Worldwide Inc. Branton Knife Co.
Moore Cutlery Queen Cutlery Co. C.A.S. Iberia Briar Knives
Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts Reddick Enterprises EdgeDealer.com Brigade Quartermasters
N. Flayderman & Co., Inc. Riverside Machine Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars Brous Blades
Neptune Trading Inc. SARCO Knives LLC GPKnives, LLC Browning
New Graham Knives Sarge Knives House Of Blades Bubba Blade/Fish Tales, LLC


Buck Knives Matthews Cutlery Condor Tool & Knife Kanetsune c/o Tourmo Intl., LLC
Bugei Trading Co. MAXPEDITION Cutco Corporation Katz Knives, Inc.
Busse Combat Knife Co. Medford Knife and Tool Damascus U.S.A. Knife City
C.A.S. Iberia Meyerco USA EKA Knives/ProForce Equipment Knife Outlet
Camillus c/o Acme United Corp. Microtech Knives, Inc. Fifty-Fifty Productions KnifeCenter
CampCo, Inc./UZI, Humvee, S&W Midwest Gun Exchange Frost Cutlery Co. KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com
Case, W.R. & Sons Cutlery Co. MIL-TAC Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars Kroll International
Chris Reeve Knives Miltner Adams Company GPKnives, LLC KUTMASTER
Cold Steel, Inc. Mission Knives Great Eastern Cutlery Lamson and Goodnow
Colonial Monkey Edge Havalon Knives Matthews Cutlery
CRKT Moore Cutlery Helle Norway Messermeister
Combat Elite Morakniv c/o Industrial Revolution House Of Blades Morakniv c/o Industrial Revolution
Condor Tool & Knife Moteng North America Jenco Sales, Inc. Moteng North America
Crawford Knives Museum Replicas Ltd. Joy Enterprises–Fury Cutlery New Graham Knives
Custom Knife Gallery Of Colorado N. Flayderman & Co., Inc. Kai USA Ltd. (Kershaw) Ontario Knife Co.
Cutlery Shoppe Nemesis Knives, LLC Katz Knives, Inc. Ozark Cutlery Supply
Cutlery Specialties Neptune Trading Inc. Kellam Knives Co. Paragon Sports
Damascus U.S.A. New Graham Knives Knife City Parker River Knife Co.
Denton, John Olamic Cutlery KnifeHog Pietro Rosa Due Buoi Snc.
DPx Gear Inc. 1 Stop Knife Shop Knives of Alaska Plaza Cutlery Inc.
EdgeDealer.com Ontario Knife Co. KUTMASTER Queen Cutlery Co.
Egginton Bros. Ltd. Ozark Cutlery Supply Lamson And Goodnow Quikut
Ek Commando (KA-BAR Knives) Pacific Solution Marketing Inc. Matthews Cutlery R. Murphy Co., Inc.
Elite Custom Knives Piranha Knife Co. Messermeister SARCO Knives LLC
Emerson Knives Plaza Cutlery Inc. Mister Twister, Inc. Smoky Mountain Knife Works
Epicurean Edge Pro-Tech Knives, LLC Morakniv c/o Industrial Revolution Sooner State Knives
ESA Queen Cutlery Co. Moteng North America Spyderco, Inc.
ESEE Knives R. David Knife Co. Ozark Cutlery Supply Stamascus Knifeworks, Inc.
Excalibur Cutlery Randall Made Knives Pietro Rosa Due Buoi Snc. Stone River Gear
Extrema Ratio RAT WORX, Inc. Plaza Cutlery Inc. Stratus Culinary
Extreme Outfitters Real Avid Puma Knife Co. USA Svord Knives
Fallkniven Red Horse Knife Works, Inc. Queen Cutlery Co. Swiss Army Brands Ltd.
FAMARS USA Riverside Machine Quikut The Epicurean Edge
Fazalare International Enterprises Robertson’s Custon Cutlery Randall Made Knives Three Sisters Forge, LLC
Fifty-Fifty Productions RUKO LLC Rapala Tirdell’s Cutlery
First Edge LLC Sarge Knives SARCO Knives LLC Tool Logic Inc. (see SOG Specialty)
Fort Henry Custom Knives Schenk Knives Sarge Knives Tramontina USA
Fox Knives USA Schmuckatelli Co. Smoky Mountain Knife Works Victorinox
Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives Simonich Knives LLC Sooner State Knives Winners Circle
Frost Cutlery Co. SOG Specialty Knives & Tools Spyderco, Inc. Wolf’s Knives
Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars Sooner State Knives Svord Knives Wolff Industries
GLOCK Inc. Spartan Blades, LLC SwissBianco USA Wüsthof-Trident of America Inc.
GPKnives, LLC Spyderco, Inc. Tirdell’s Cutlery XIKAR Inc.
Grayman Knives Stamascus Knifeworks, Inc. Two Finger Knife, LLC Zweibrueder/Billy O.
H.L. Dalis, Inc. Steel Addiction Custom Knives Victorinox Zwilling J.A. Henckels LLC
Hallmark Cutlery Stone River Gear Virginia Blade Inc.
Hand Tech Made (HTM) Knives Steel Will Knives c/o Sports Mfg. Group White River Knife & Tool Hunting
Hardcore Hardware Australia Strider Knives Wolf’s Knives
A.G. Russell Knives, Inc.
Heckler & Koch Inc. Svord Knives Zweibrueder/Billy O.
Al Mar Knives
Hiltary Industries Swamp Rat Knife Works Zwilling J.A. Henckels LLC
Alabama Damascus Steel
Historic Edged Weaponry Three Sisters Forge, LLC American Edge
Hogue Knives Timberline Knives Household Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
House Of Blades Tirdell’s Cutlery Cutlery/Scissors Bark River Knives
J.T. Knives Tool Logic Inc. (see SOG Specialty) Battle Horse Knives
A.G. Russell Knives
Jenco Sales, Inc. TOPS Knives Bear & Son Cutlery
Alcas Cutlery Corporation
Joy Enterprises–Fury Cutlery Tru-Balance Knife Co. East Beck’s Cutlery & Specialties
American Edge
Ka-bar Knives True North Knives Beretta U.S.A. Corp.
Beck’s Cutlery & Specialties
Kanetsune c/o Tourmo Intl., LLC Two Finger Knife, LLC Blackie Collins Design
Blue Mountain Turquoise
Karambit.com U.S. Cavalry Blade HQ
Blue Ridge Knives
Katz Knives, Inc. United Cutlery Blade-Tech
Boker USA, Inc.
Kizer Inc. UST Brands BladeArt.com
Bubba Blade/Fish Tales, LLC
Klecker Knives, LLC Victorinox BladeGallery.Com
Buck Knives
Klotzli White River Knife & Tool Blue Grass Cutlery Corp.
C.A.D. Cutlery Co.
Knife City WILDSTEER Blue Ridge Knives
CampCo, Inc./UZI, Humvee, S&W
Knife Outlet Wilson Combat/Wilson Tactical Boker USA, Inc.
Case, W.R., & Sons Cutlery Co.
Knife Store, The Winners Circle Bradley Cutlery Co.
Classic Cutlery
KnifeArt.com Wolf’s Knives Briar Knives
Consolidated Cutlery Co., Inc.
KnifeCenter Wuu Jau Co., Inc. Brigade Quartermasters
Cutco Corporation
KnifeHog XIKAR Inc. Browning
Cutlery Shoppe
KnifeLegends.com Zac Brown’s Southern Grind Bubba Blade/Fish Tales, LLC
Coutellerie Chambriard
Knifeology.com Damascus U.S.A. Buck Knives
KnifePurveyor.com Fillet Dexter-Russell Inc. C.A.S. Iberia
KnifeTreasures.com Al Mar Knives, Inc. Dovo Scissors Camillus c/o Acme United Corp.
KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com American Angler Edgecraft Corp. CampCo, Inc./UZI, Humvee, S&W
Knights Edge Ltd. American Edge Egginton Bros. Ltd. Canal Street Cutlery
Kroll International Blue Ridge Knives FAMARS USA Case, W.R., & Sons Cutlery Co.
Krudo Knives Boker USA, Inc. Fox Knives USA Coast Cutlery Co.
KUTMASTER Browning Gaston J. Glock LP Cold Steel, Inc.
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. Bubba Blade/Fish Tales, LLC Great Eastern Cutlery Colonial
Lee’s Cutlery Buck Knives Grohmann Knives CRKT
Legendary Arms, Inc. Case, W. R., & Sons Cutlery Co. House Of Blades Condor Tool & Knife
Marfione Custom Knives, LLC Coast Cutlery Co. Ka-Bar Knives Coutellerie Chambriard
Master Cutlery CRKT Kai USA Ltd. (Kershaw) Crawford Knives


Custom Knife Gallery Of Colorado Riverside Machine Zac Brown’s Southern Grind Fox Knives USA
Cutco Corporation S 4 Supply Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives
Cutlery Shoppe Santa Fe Stoneworks, Inc. Miniature Knives Frost Cutlery Co.
Cutlery Specialties SARCO Knives LLC A.G. Russell Knives Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars
Damascus U.S.A. Sarge Knives Atlanta Cutlery Corp. GPKnives, LLC
Denton, John Schenk Knives Blue Ridge Knives Grayman Knives
DPx Gear Inc. Seber Design Group Buck Knives Great Eastern Cutlery
EdgeDealer.com Simonich Knives LLC CampCo, Inc./UZI, Humvee, S&W H.L. Dalis, Inc.
EKA Knives/ProForce Equipment Smoky Mountain Knife Works Cutlery Specialties Hallmark Cutlery
Elen Hunting & Importing Inc. SOG Specialty Knives & Tools EdgeDealer.com Hand Tech Made (HTM) Knives
Epicurean Edge Sooner State Knives Frost Cutlery Co. Havalon Knives
Euroknife Spyderco, Inc. House Of Blades Hickory Hill Cutlery
Fallkniven Stamascus Knifeworks, Inc. Jenco Sales, Inc. Hogue Knives
FAMARS USA Steel Addiction Custom Knives Matthews Cutlery House Of Blades
Fifty-Fifty Productions Stone River Gear Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts Imagical Design
Fort Henry Custom Knives Svord Knives Smoky Mountain Knife Works J.T. Knives
Fox Knives USA Swamp Rat Knife Works Wolf’s Knives Jenco Sales, Inc.
Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives Swiss Army Brands Ltd. Joy Enterprises - Fury Cutlery
Frost Cutlery Co. SwissBianco USA Ka-bar Knives
Gaston J. Glock LP Taylor Brands
Pocketknives/ Kai USA Ltd. (Kershaw)
Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars Three Sisters Forge, LLC Folders/Automatics Karambit.com
GLOCK, Inc. Timberline Knives 5.11 Tactical Katz Knives, Inc
GPKnives, LLC Tirdell’s Cutlery A.G. Russell Knives Kellam Knives Co.
Great Eastern Cutlery TOPS Knives Adams International Knifeworks Kizer Inc.
Grohmann Knives True North Knives Al Mar Knives Klecker Knives, LLC
H.L. Dalis, Inc. Tuna Valley Cutlery Co. American Edge Klotzli
Hallmark Cutlery Two Finger Knife, LLC Antonini USA KnifeArt.com
Havalon Knives U.S. Cavalry Arizona Custom Knives Knife City
Heckler & Koch Victorinox Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Knife Outlet
Helle Norway Virginia Blade Inc. Bear & Son Cutlery Knife Store, The
Hiltary Industries White River Knife & Tool Beck’s Cutlery & Specialties KnifeCenter
House Of Blades Wicked Edge Benchmade Knife Co. KnifeHog
Jenco Sales, Inc. WILDSTEER Beretta U.S.A. Corp. KnifeLegends.com
Joy Enterprises–Fury Cutlery Wolf’s Knives Blackie Collins Design Knifeology.com
Ka-bar Knives Wuu Jau Co., Inc. Blade HQ KnifePurveyor.com
Kai USA Ltd. (Kershaw) XIKAR Inc. Blade-Tech KnifeTreasures.com
Kanetsune c/o Tourmo Intl., LLC Zwilling J.A. Henckels LLC BladeArt.com KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com
Karambit.com BladeGallery.Com Kroll International
Katz Knives, Inc. Machetes/Bush BladeOps, LLC Krudo Knives
Kellam Knives Worldwide Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Blue Grass Cutlery Corp. KUTMASTER
Kizer Inc. Battle Horse Knives Blue Ridge Knives L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knife Co.
Klecker Knives, LLC Benchmade Knife Co. Boker USA, Inc. Lansky Knife, Tool & Sharpeners
Knife City Blade HQ Boye Knives LATAMA Cutlery
Knife Store, The Blue Ridge Knives Brigade Quartermasters Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.
KnifeArt.com Brigade Quartermasters Brous Blades Lee’s Cutlery
KnifeCenter Bubba Blade/Fish Tales, LLC Brownells Marfione Custom Knives, LLC
KnifeHog Busse Combat Knife Co. Browning Master Cutlery
KnifeLegends.com C.A.S. Iberia Buck Knives Matthews Cutlery
Knifeology.com Case, W.R., & Sons Cutlery Co. Bulldog Brand Knife MAXPEDITION
KnifePurveyor.com Cold Steel, Inc. C.A.S. Iberia Medford Knife and Tool
KnifeTreasures.com Colonial Camillus c/o Acme United Corp. Meyerco USA
KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com Condor Tool & Knife CampCo, Inc./UZI, Humvee, S&W Microtech Knives, Inc.
Knives of Alaska Cutco Corporation Canal Street Cutlery Midwest Gun Exchange
KUTMASTER EdgeDealer.com Case, W.R., & Sons Cutlery Co. Mission Knives
L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knife Co. ESEE Knives Chris Reeve Knives Moki Knife Company
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars Christy Knife Co. Monkey Edge
Lee’s Cutlery H.L. Dalis, Inc. Coast Cutlery Co. Moore Cutlery
Marble Arms Helle Norway Cold Steel, Inc. Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts
Master Cutlery Inc. House Of Blades Collectors Knives Moteng North America
Matthews Cutlery Kanetsune c/o Tourmo Intl., LLC Colonial N. Flayderman & Co., Inc.
Monkey Edge Knife City CRKT Nemesis Knives, LLC
Moore Cutlery KnifeHog Combat Elite Neptune Trading Inc.
Morakniv c/o Industrial Revolution KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com Compass Industries Inc. New Graham Knives
Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knife Co. Coutellerie Chambriard Norris & Sons
Moteng North America Matthews Cutlery Crawford Knives Northstar Associates
Nemesis Knives, LLC Medford Knife and Tool Custom Knife Gallery Of Colorado Olamic Cutlery
Neptune Trading Inc. Moteng North America Cutlery Specialties 1 Stop Knife Shop
New Graham Knives New Graham Knives DPx Gear Inc. Only Fine Knives
Olamic Cutlery Ontario Knife Co. EdgeDealer.com Ontario Knife Co.
1 Stop Knife Shop Ozark Cutlery Supply Egginton Bros. Ltd. Ozark Cutlery Supply
Ontario Knife Co. Plaza Cutlery Inc. EKA Knives/ProForce Equipment Pacific Solution Marketing Inc.
Outdoor Edge Cutlery Corp. Queen Cutlery Co. Elite Custom Knives Paragon Sports
Ozark Cutlery Supply Sarge Knives Emerson Knives Parker River Knife Co.
Pacific Solution Marketing Inc. Simonich Knives LLC Epicurean Edge Parkers’ Knife Collector Service
Paragon Sports Smoky Mountain Knife Works Euroknife Pietro Rosa Due Buoi Snc.
Parker River Knife Co. SOG Specialty Knives & Tools Excalibur Cutlery Piranha Knife Co.
Plaza Cutlery Inc. Svord Knives ExecutiveKnives.com Plaza Cutlery Inc.
Puma Knife Co. USA Swamp Rat Knife Works FAMARS USA Pro-Tech Knives, LLC
Queen Cutlery Co. Tirdell’s Cutlery Fazalare International Enterprises Puma Knife Co. USA
Randall Made Knives Two Finger Knife, LLC Fifty-Fifty Productions Queen Cutlery Co.
RAT WORX, Inc. TOPS Knives Fight’n Rooster RAT WORX, Inc.
Real Avid U.S. Cavalry First Edge LLC Real Avid
Remington Arms Co. UST Brands Fort Henry Custom Knives Red Horse Knife Works, Inc.


Remington Arms Co. Fort Henry Custom Knives Remington Arms Co. Boker USA, Inc.
Riverside Machine Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives Shining Wave Metals Branton Knife Co.
SARCO Knives LLC GPKnives, LLC Sooner State Knives Brigade Quartermasters
Sarge Knives Hand Tech Made (HTM) Knives Svord Knives Bud K. Worldwide Inc.
Seber Design Group House Of Blades Swiss Army Brands Ltd. C.A.S. Iberia
Shepherd Hills Cutlery Karambit.com Sword and The Stone Cold Steel
Smoky Mountain Knife Works KnifeArt.com Tool Logic Condor Tool & Knife
SOG Specialty Knives & Tools KnifeLegends.com True North Knives Crawford, Pat
Sooner State Knives Knifeology.com Two Finger Knife, LLC Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC
Spyderco, Inc. KnifePurveyor.com United Cutlery Dixie Gun Works
Stamascus Knifeworks, Inc. KnifeTreasures.com U.S. Cavalry Emerson Knives, Inc.
Steel Addiction Custom Knives Knives of Alaska Victorinox EdgeDealer.com
Steel Will Knives c/o Sports Mfg. Group L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knife Co. Wolf’s Knives Frost Cutlery Co.
Stone River Gear Lee’s Cutlery XIKAR Inc. GPKnives, LLC
Suchat Custom Knives Legendary Knifemakers.com H & B Forge Co.
Svord Knives Marfione Custom Knives, LLC Swords/Sabers House Of Blades
Swiss Army Brands Inc. Matthews Cutlery Angel Sword Jenco Sales, Inc.
Swiss+Tech Moore Cutlery Arizona Custom Knives Knife City
SwissBianco USA Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts KnifeHog
Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
Taylor Brands Nemesis Knives, LLC Kroll International
Benchmade Knife Co.
Three Sisters Forge, LLC New Graham Knives Matthews Cutlery
Timberline Knives Northstar Associates Moteng North America
Tirdell’s Cutlery Only Fine Knives Neptune Trading Inc.
Blue Ridge Knives
TOPS Knives Ozark Cutlery Supply New Graham Knives
Bugei Trading Co.
True North Knives Paragon Sports Ozark Cutlery Supply
C.A.S. Iberia
Tuna Valley Cutlery Co. Pietro Rosa Due Buoi Snc. Plaza Cutlery Inc.
Cold Steel, Inc.
United Cutlery Plaza Cutlery Inc. Reddick Enterprises
Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC
U.S. Cavalry Pro-Tech Knives, LLC Riverside Machine
Damascus U.S.A.
UST Brands Randall Made Knives RW, Wilson
Victorinox Reddick Enterprises Smoky Mountain Knife Works
Epicurean Edge
Virginia Blade Inc. Schenk Knives Spring River Trade Co.
William Henry Simonich Knives LLC Svord Knives
Fifty-Fifty Productions
Wolf’s Knives Sooner State Knives Tirdell’s Cutlery
Frost Cutlery Co.
Wuu Jau Co., Inc. Spartan Blades, LLC Tru-Balance Knife Co. East
Gladius (see C.A.S. Iberia)
XIKAR Inc. Stamascus Knifeworks, Inc. U.S. Cavalry
Historic Edged Weaponry
Zac Brown’s Southern Grind Steel Addiction Custom Knives Wolf’s Knives
House Of Blades
Strider Knives Wuu Jau Co., Inc.
Jenco Sales, Inc.
Razors Svord Knives
Kai USA Ltd. (Kershaw)
Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
Three Sisters Forge, LLC
Kanetsune c/o Tourmo Intl., LLC Utility Knives/Tools
Tirdell’s Cutlery A.G. Russell Knives
Blue Ridge Knives Knife City
TOPS Knives Al Mar Knives
Col. Conk Products Knife Outlet
True North Knives American Edge
House Of Blades KnifeCenter
Two Finger Knife, LLC Antonini USA
KnifeCenter KnifeHog
William Henry Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com
Matthews Cutlery Wolf’s Knives Bear & Son Cutlery
Knights Edge Ltd.
Moteng North America Mantis Inc. Beck’s Cutlery & Specialties
Plaza Cutlery, Inc. Specialty Master Cutlery Beretta U.S.A. Corp.
Smoky Mountain Knife Works A.G. Russell Knives Matthews Cutlery Blade HQ
Tirdell’s Cutlery Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Medieval Replicas Blade-Tech Industries
World of Weapons Blue Ridge Knives Moteng North America Blue Grass Cutlery
Zwilling J.A. Henckels LLC CampCo, Inc./UZI, Humvee, S&W Museum Replicas Ltd. Blue Ridge Knives
CRKT N. Flayderman & Co., Inc. Branton Knife Co.
Semi-Production Condor Tool & Knife Neptune Trading Inc. Brigade Quartermasters
Crawford, Pat Northstar Associates Brownells
Custom Knives Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC Northwest Knives & Collectibles Camillus c/o Acme United Corp.
A.G. Russell Knives Custom Knife Gallery Of Colorado Ontario Knife Co. CampCo, Inc./UZI, Humvee, S&W
Adams International Knifeworks Cutlery Specialties Ozark Cutlery Supply Case, W.R., & Sons Cutlery Co.
American Edge Denton, John Pacific Solution Marketing Inc. Chris Reeve Knives
Bark River Knives EdgeDealer.com Plaza Cutlery Inc. Coast Cutlery Co.
Bell, Donald/Bellknives ExecutiveKnives.com Queen Cutlery Co. Colonial
Beretta U.S.A. Corp. FAMARS USA Reddick Enterprises Condor Tool & Knife
Blade HQ GATCO Sharpeners Riverside Machine Cutlery Specialties
Blade-Tech Industries GPKnives, LLC Smoky Mountain Knife Works EdgeDealer.com
BladeArt.com House Of Blades Svord Knives FAMARS USA
BladeGallery.com IDL Techni Edge Sword and The Stone Fifty-Fifty Productions
Blue Ridge Knives Joy Enterprises–Fury Cutlery Tirdell’s Cutlery Fox Knives USA
Boye Knives Kai USA Ltd. (Kershaw) Toledo Swords Frost Cutlery Co.
Branton Knife Co. Karambit.com Two Finger Knife, LLC Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars
Brous Blades Katz Knives, Inc. United Cutlery GLOCK, Inc.
Browning Knights Edge Ltd. U.S. Cavalry GPKnives, LLC
Busse Combat Knife Co. KUTMASTER Wolf’s Knives Great Eastern Cutlery
C.A.S. Iberia Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. Wuu Jau Co., Inc. Havalon Knives
Crawford Knives Matthews Cutlery Helle Norway
Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC Messermeister Throwing House Of Blades
Cutlery Specialties Miltner Adams Co. Hyde Tools, Inc.
Damascus U.S.A. Mission Knives Knives/Tomahawks Iain Sinclair Design Ltd.
Denton, John Moteng North America A.G. Russell Knives IDL Techni Edge
EdgeDealer.com N. Flayderman & Co., Inc. American Edge Jenco Sales, Inc.
Elite Custom Knives Pacific Solution Marketing Inc. Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Karambit.com
Emerson Knives, Inc. Parker River Knife Co. Black Creek Limited Klecker Knives, LLC
Epicurean Edge Pietro Rosa Due Buoi Snc. BladeOps, LLC KnifeArt.com
FAMARS USA Plaza Cutlery Inc. Blue Ridge Knives Knife City
Fazalare International Enterprises Reddick Enterprises Bob Karp Master of the Blade KnifeHog


KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com Accessories Jantz Supply Frost Cutlery Co.
Krudo Knives Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts Glendo Corp.
KUTMASTER A.G. Russell Knives Henry A. Evers Corp.
Antonini USA Riverside Machine
Lansky Knife, Tool & Sharpeners Sarge Knives House Of Blades
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Jantz Supply
Blade HQ Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Matthews Cutlery Katz Knives, Inc.
Blue Grass Cutlery Ultra Speed Products
Messermeister Brigade Quartermasters Warren Tool Co. Inc. Lindsay Engraving & Tools
Mission Knives Brownells Wood Carvers Supply, Inc. Paragrave Profitable Hobbies
Morakniv c/o Industrial Revolution Cutlery Specialties Pilkington, Scott Jr.
Moteng North America Extreme Outfitters Cutters/Lasers/Hydro Riverside Machine
Northwest Knives & Collectibles Fort Henry Custom Knives SARCO Knives LLC
Admiral Steel
1 Stop Knife Shop GATCO Sharpeners
Jancy Engineering Sarge Knives
Ontario Knife Co. Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars
JPW Industries Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Ozark Cutlery Supply Hawkins Knife Making Supplies
LMS Stamping Spyderco, Inc.
Paragon Sports House Of Blades
New Jersey Waterjet Inc. Three Sisters Forge, LLC
Pietro Rosa Due Buoi Snc. Jantz Supply
Tormach Ultra Speed Products
Plaza Cutlery Inc. Ka-bar Knives Inc.
Wolf’s Knives
Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies
Queen Cutlery Co.
KnifeHog Damascus
Real Avid
KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com Alabama Damascus Steel
Riverside Machine Baron Engraving
KUTMASTER Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
RUKO LLC Blue Ridge Knives
L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knife Co. Damascus U.S.A.
Sarge Knives Buck Knives
Moore Cutlery Damasteel AB
Seber Design Group Buckeye Engraving
Moteng North America
Smoky Mountain Knife Works Hiltary Industries
New Graham Knives Fountain Plating Co. Inc.
SOG Specialty Knives & Tools House Of Blades
Premium Knife Supply™ Frost Cutlery Co.
Sooner State Knives Jantz Supply Grohmann Knives Ltd.
Queen Cutlery Co.
Steel Addiction Custom Knives Katz Knives, Inc. I.M.G. of Utica, Inc.
Raine, Inc.
Svord Knives Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies Jantz Supply
Riverside Machine
Swiss Army Brands Ltd. Nichols Damascus Katz Knives, Inc.
Schmuckatelli Co.
Swiss+Tech Premium Knife Supply™
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies
SwissBianco USA Rados, Jerry
Spyderco, Inc. KUTMASTER
Taylor Brands Riverside Machine
Texas Knifemakers Supply Lectroetch
Timberline Knives Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
The Ultimate Edge, Inc. Marking Methods
Tool Logic Shining Wave Metals
Tirdell’s Cutlery Midwest Knifemakers Supply
TOPS Knives Texas Knifemakers Supply
Tool Logic Riverside Machine
True North Knives Two Finger Knife, LLC
Tormach Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
U.S. Cavalry U.S. Cavalry
U.S. Cavalry Spartan Blades, LLC
Victorinox Wood Lab
Wolf’s Knives Spyderco, Inc.
Wolf’s Knives
Wolf’s Knives
Wuu Jau Co., Inc.
Auctioneers Displays, Cases, Rolls
J. Bruce Voyles Auctioneers and Boxes Gas Forges
A.G. Russell Knives Centaur Forge LLC
Special Bandsaw Blades American Edge
Bill’s Custom Cases®
Chile Forge
NC Tool Company Inc.
JPW Industries
Services/ Midwest Knifemakers Supply
Blade HQ
Blue Grass Cutlery Corp.
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Three Sisters Forge, LLC
Products/ Suffolk Machinery Corp.
Blue Ridge Knives Wood Lab
Culpepper & Co.
Supplies/ Blades/Blade
Dorris Wood Creations
Fort Henry Custom Knives
Equipment Alabama Damascus Steel Fort Knox Inc. American Siepmann Corp.
Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Frost Cutlery Co. Beaumont Metal Works
Berger L.L.C.
Abrasives Black Creek Limited Hickory Hill Cutlery
C.A.S. Iberia House Of Blades
3M Abrasive Systems Burr King Mfg. Co., Inc.
Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC Intn’l Display and Packaging
American Siepmann Corp. DAREX/Work Sharp Tools
Damascus U.S.A. Ka-Bar Knives Inc.
Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Hawkins Knife Making Supplies
Dixie Gun Works KnifeHog
Brownells Hiltary Industries
Fountain Plating Co. Inc. KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com
Burr King Interamco, Inc.
Hiltary Industries L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knife Co.
Canadian Knifemaker Supply Ltd. Jancy Engineering
Custom Kraft Jantz Supply
Jantz Supply Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts
Cutlery Specialties Jowitt & Rodgers Co.
Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies Morton Enterprises
EZE-Lap Diamond Products JPW Industries
KUTMASTER Northwest Knives & Collectibles
G.L. Pearce Abrasive Co. Kerry Abrasives
Matthews Cutlery Parker River Knife Co.
GATCO Sharpeners Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies
NorthCoast Knives R& J Case Company
Hiltary Industries Lamson and Goodnow
Premium Knife Supply™ Sack-Ups
House Of Blades Larkin Precision
Queen Cutlery Co. Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Industrial Abrasives Co. Midwest Knifemakers Supply
Reddick Enterprises Spring River Trade Co.
Jantz Supply Reba’s Enterprises
Riverside Machine The Ultimage Edge, Inc.
Kerry Abrasives Red Hill Corp.
Rocklin Manufacturing Wren Chest Co.
Klingspor Abrasives Riverside Machine
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Midwest Knifemakers Supply
Stamascus Knifeworks, Inc. Engraving Stephen Bader & Co., Inc.
Svord Knives
Norton / Saint-Gobain Abrasives Baron Engraving Texas Knifemakers Supply
Texas Knifemakers Supply
Osborn International Billy Bates Engraving Tormach
Three Sisters Forge, LLC
Red Hill Corp./Supergrit Abrasives Blair, Jim
Two Finger Knife, LLC
Riverside Machine
York Saw & Knife Co.
Blue Ridge Knives Handle Materials
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Buck Knives
Spyderco, Inc. Buckeye Engraving Alabama Damascus Steel
Stephen Bader & Co., Inc.
Carving Custom Knife Gallery Of Colorado American Knifemaking Supplies
Texas Knifemakers Supply A.G. Russell Knives Elite Custom Knives American Metal Xchange Inc.
Tru-Grit, Inc. House Of Blades FAMARS USA Arizona Ironwood


Atlanta Cutlery Corp. NorthCoast Knives Epicurean Edge Antonini USA
Boone Trading Co., Inc. Paladin Press Gallagher, Barry Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
Blade HQ Paragrave Profitable Hobbies Point Seven, Inc. Blade HQ
Blue Ridge Knives RW, Wilson SharpByCoop Photography BladeOps, LLC
Blue Ridge Woodcrafters Two Finger Knife, LLC Weyer International Blue Ridge Knives
Wood Carvers Supply, Inc. Wolf’s Knives Brigade Quartermasters
Cains Outdoor, Inc.
Bubba Blade/Fish Tales, LLC
Canadian Knifemaker Supply
Classic Cutlery
Internet Groups Polish, Metal Buck Knives
bladeforums.com Baron Engraving Dan’s Whetstone Co., Inc.
Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC DAREX/Work Sharp Tools
blademag.com Blue Ridge Knives
Culpepper & Co. DMT Diamond Machining Technology
ckdforums.com (custom knife directory) Brownells
Dixie Gun Works knifedogs.com Cutlery Specialties Edge Pro Sharpening Systems
Elen Hunting & Importing Inc. knifeforums.com Edgecraft Corp.
Flitz International, Ltd.
Fields, Donald usualsuspect.net Egginton Bros. Ltd.
House Of Blades
Fine Turnage Productions EKA Knives/ProForce Equipment
Interamco, Inc.
EZE-LAP Diamond Products Inc.
GATCO Knife Kits Jantz Supply
Frizzell’s Razor Sharp
Gilmer Wood Co. Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Jenco Sales, Inc.
Frost Cutlery Co.
Grohmann Knives Ltd. Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies
Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC GATCO Sharpeners
Hawkins Knife Making Supplies Lamson and Goodnow
Damascus U.S.A. Gerber Legendary Blades/Fiskars
House Of Blades Osborn International
House Of Blades House Of Blades
Ozark Cutlery Supply
Jantz Supply Jantz Supply Jantz Supply
Riverside Machine
JMD International, LLC Klecker Knives, LLC Jenco Sales, Inc.
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Johnson Wood Products Ka-bar Knives Inc.
Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies Texas Knifemakers Supply
Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies Kanetsune c/o Tourmo Intl., LLC
KnifeKits.com Two Finger Knife, LLC
Leading Edge Distributors Katz Knives, Inc.
KUTMASTER Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies
Masecraft Supply Co. Linville Knife & Tool Co. Publications KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com
Midwest Knifemakers Supply Masecraft Supply Co. American Knife & Tool Institute Kroll International
Nelson Woodworking Matthews Cutlery Automatic Knife Resource (see KUTMASTER
NorthCoast Knives Midwest Knifemakers Supply LATAMA Cutlery) Lansky Knife, Tool & Sharpeners
Oso Famoso NorthCoast Knives BLADE® McGowan Manufacturing Co.
Premium Knife Supply™ BLADE’s Complete Knife Guide Midwest Knifemakers Supply
Premium Knife Supply™
Randall Made Knives Centaur Forge LLC Mission Knives
Reddick Enterprises
Reddick Enterprises DBI Books Moteng North America
Sarge Knives Knife Magazine New Graham Knives
Riverside Machine Texas Knifemakers Supply Knives Illustrated Northwest Knives & Collectibles
Santa Fe Stoneworks, Inc.
Wood Lab Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal Norton / Saint-Gobain Abrasives
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Paladin Press Ole Whiskers, Inc.
Shining Wave Metals Leather/ 1 Stop Knife Shop
Svord Knives
Leatherwork Purveyors Ozark Cutlery Supply
Texas Knifemakers Supply Queen Cutlery Co.
CowCatcher Leatherworks A.G. Russell Knives
TMS Titanium Rapala
Culpepper & Co. Arizona Custom Knives
Wood Lab artknives.com Razor Edge Systems, Inc.
Custom Leather Knife Sheaths
BladeGallery.com Remington Arms Co.
Dave’s Custom Leather
Hardness Testers El Paso Saddlery Co. Classic Cutlery Riverside Machine
Brownells Custom Knife Gallery of Colorado Sharp’nr Co., Inc.
Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives
PPC Specialty Metals Inc. Cutlery Specialties Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Gould & Goodrich, Inc.
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Denton, John SKARB
House Of Blades
Elite Custom Knives Smith’s Consumer Products Inc.
Jantz Supply
Spyderco, Inc.
Heat Treating KUTMASTER Exquisite Knives
Svord Knives
Heat-Treat Ovens Layton, Jim Fazalare International Enterprises
Fifty-Fifty Productions/Stephen D’Lack Texas Knifemakers Supply
Leather Crafters & Saddlers The Edgemaker
Bridwell, Richard KnifeLegends.com
Lefaucheux, Jean-Victor The Razor Rock
Brownells Knifeology.com
McGowan, Frank The Ultimate Edge, Inc.
Canadian Knifemaker Supply KnifePurveyor.com
Muir & McDonald Co. Tanners Tirdell’s Cutlery
Chile Forge KnifeTreasures.com
Oklahoma Leather Products, Inc. Tru Hone Corp.
Evenheat Kilns, Inc. Levine, Gary Fine Knives
Paul Long Custom Leather U.S. Cavalry
Midwest Knifemakers Supply Pro-Tech Knives, LLC
Riney, Norm Virginia Blade Inc.
Pacific Heat Treating/Holt, Bill R. Quintessential Cutlery
Rowe’s Leather Wicked Edge
Paragon Industries, L.P. Robertson’s Custom Cutlery
Schrap, Bob Wolf’s Knives
Paul Bos Heat Treating Schmuckatelli Co.
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Wolff Industries
Peter’s Heat Treating Steel Addiction Custom Knives
Tandy Leather Factory
PPC Specialty Metals Inc. Suchat Custom Knives
Treestump Leather
Riverside Machine
Two Finger Knife, LLC True North Knives Sheaths
RW, Wilson Antonini USA
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Wolf’s Knives
Texas Heat Treating
Scrimshaw Armory Plastics LLC
Texas Knifemakers Supply Lubricants Bailey, Mary
Atlanta Cutlery Corp.
Battle Horse Knives
Two Finger Knife, LLC Blade HQ Boone Trading Co., Inc.
Blackhawk Products Group
York Saw & Knife Co. Clenzoil Worldwide Frost Cutlery Co. Blackie Collins Design
Cutlery Specialties House Of Blades Blade HQ
Instruction/Classes Fountain Plating Co. Inc. KUTMASTER Blade-Tech Industries
American Bladesmith Society LATAMA Cutlery (Quick Release) Rocky Mountain Scrimshaw & Arts Blue Ridge Knives
Bob Karp Master of the Blade Midwest Knifemakers Supply Scrimshaw by Linda Karst Stone Brigade Quartermasters
Bugei Trading Co. Sentry Solutions Scrimshaw by Sandra Brady Browning
Canadian Knifemaker Supply Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Stone Hollow Scrimshaw Studio Buck Knives
Center Cross Instructional Videos Tai Lubricants Williams, Gary Buckelew, John
ESEE Knives White Lightning CowCatcher Leatherworks
Glendo Corp. Sharpeners Custom Leather Knife Sheaths
Karambit.com Photography A.G. Russell Knives, Inc. Damasteel AB
Lindsay Engraving & Tools BladeGallery.com AccuSharp International Dave’s Custom Leather
Master Knifemakers Custom Knife Gallery Of Colorado American Edge Extrema Ratio


Extreme Outfitters Titanium Distribution Services Arizona Custom Knives Joy Enterprises-Fury Cutlery
Fort Henry Custom Knives Tru-Grit Atlanta Cutlery Corp. K & M Wholesale
Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives Two Finger Knife, LLC B&F System, Inc./MAXAM Karambit.com
Frost Cutlery Co. Wood Lab Benchmade Knife Company Katz Knives, Inc.
House Of Blades York Saw & Knife Co. Beretta U.S.A. Corp. Kellam Knives Worldwide
Hunter Company Inc. Bill’s Custom Cases Klotzli
Ka-bar Knives Inc. Supplies, General BlackHawk Products Group
Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies
Katz Knives, Inc. Alpha Knife Supply Blade-Tech Industries
Knife World
Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies American Metal Xchange Inc. BladeArt.com
KnifeHog BladeGallery.com Knights Edge Ltd.
Arizona Ironwood Kutmaster/Division of Utica
KnifeWorks /KnifeWorks.com Atlanta Cutlery Corp. Blue Mountain Turquoise
Kroll International Blue Ridge Knives LMS Stamping
Black Creek Limited
KUTMASTER Boker USA, Inc. Lamson And Goodnow
Blade HQ
Layton, Jim Boye Knives Lansky Knife, Tool & Sharpeners
Leather Crafters & Saddlers Cains Outdoor, Inc. Brigade Quartermaster Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.
MAXPEDITION Canadian Knifemaker Supply Brownells Levine, Gary Fine Knives
Midwest Knifemakers Supply Capstan Pacific Browning Linville Knife & Tool Co.
Moore Cutlery Centaur Forge LLC Bryan Brothers Cutlery Co. Lone Star Wholesale
Moteng North America Chile Forge Bubba Blade/Fish Tales, LLC Mantis Knives
Ozark Cutlery Supply Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC C.A.S. Iberia Marble Arms
Paul Long Custom Leather Custom Kraft Cains Outdoor, Inc.
Masecraft Supply Co.
Queen Cutlery Co. Cutlery Specialties CampCo, Inc./UZI, Humvee, S&W
Master Cutlery Inc.
Raine Inc. Dixie Gun Works, Inc. Case, W.R. & Sons Cutlery Co.
McGowan Manufacturing Co.
Remington Arms Corp. Fred Lohman Co. Centaur Forge, Texas
Rowe’s Leather Messermeister
Halpern Titanium Centaur Forge, Wisconsin
Sherman’s Custom Leather Midwest Gun Exchange
Hand Tech Made (HTM) Knives Center Cross Instructional Videos
Spartan Blades, LLC Midwest Knifemakers Supply
Hawkins Knife Making Supplies Coast Cutlery Co.
Svord Knives Miltner Adams Company
House Of Blades Col. Conk Products, Inc.
Tandy Leather Co. Mister Twister, Inc.
J&M Distributing Colonial
Tex Shoemaker and Sons Inc. Jantz Supply Morakniv c/o Industrial Revolution
Coutellerie Chambriard
Texas Knifemakers Supply JMD International, LLC Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts
Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC
Timberline Knives Kayne and Son Custom Hardware Moteng North America
Treestump Leather Culpepper & Co.
Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies Cutlery Specialties Muir & McDonald Co. Tanners
Tru Hone Corp. Lindsay Engraving & Tools Museum Replicas Ltd.
Two Finger Knife, LLC Damascus U.S.A.
Midwest Knifemakers Supply Dan’s Whetstone Co., Inc. NC Tool Company Inc.
U.S. Cavalry Moore Cutlery
Dixie Gun Works, Inc. Nemesis Knives, LLC
Wolf’s Knives NorthCoast Knives
Dovo Scissors Neptune Trading Inc.
Norton / Saint-Gobain Abrasives Niagara Specialty Metals
Stamps Old World Anvils Edge Pro Sharpening Systems
Norris & Sons
A & M Engraving Paragrave Profitable Hobbies Edgecraft Corp.
Egginton Bros. Ltd. Olamic Cutlery
Brownells Plaza Cutlery, Inc.
EKA Knives/ProForce Equipment Ole Whiskers, Inc.
Buckeye Engraving Pop’s Knives & Supplies
Emerson Knives, Inc. 1 Stop Knife Shop
Henry A. Evers Corp. RW, Wilson
Jantz Supply Red Devil, Inc. Epicurean Edge Ontario Knife Co.
Leather Crafters & Saddlers Reddick Enterprises Euroblade Outdoor Edge Cutlery Corp.
Riverside Machine Riverside Machine Evenheat Kilns, Inc. Ozark Cutlery Supply
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Schmuckatelli Co. ExecutiveKnives.com Paladin Press
Steel Stamps 2 Inc. Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Extreme Outfitters Parkers’ Knife Collector Service
Texas Knifemakers Supply EZE-LAP Diamond Products Inc. PPC Specialty Metals, Inc.
Steels TMS Titanium FAMARS USA Puma Knife Co. USA
Admiral Steel Tormach Fields, Donald Quikut
AK Steel Corp. Tru-Grit, Inc. Fight’n Rooster R & J Case Company
Alabama Damascus Steel Warner Manufacturing Company RW, Wilson
Fine Turnage Productions
Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp. Flitz International Ltd. Reactive Metals Studio, Inc.
Bladesmiths, Inc. Videos Fox Knives USA Reba’s Enterprises
Blue Ridge Knives Bob Karp Master of the Blade Fred Lohman Co. Red Hill Corp.
Bohler Uddeholm USA Brigade Quartermasters Frost Cutlery Co. Remington Arms Co.
Brownells Bugei Trading Co. Rocky Mountain Scrimshaw & Arts
GATCO Sharpeners
Canadian Knifemaker Supply Center Cross Instructional Videos Santa Fe Stoneworks, Inc.
G.L. Pearce Abrasive Co.
Carpenter Technology Corporation Cold Steel
Glendo Corporation/GRS Tools SARCO Knives LLC
Chad Nichols Damascus Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC
Grohmann Knives Ltd. SB Specialty Metals LLC
Crucible Industries LLC GATCO
Damasteel AB H&B Forge Co. Scrimshaw by Sandra Brady
J.T. Knives
Eggerling, Robert Kayne and Son Custom Hardware H.L. Dalis, Inc. Sentry Solutions
Hawkins Knife Making Supplies KnifeHog HallMark Cutlery Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
House Of Blades Master Knifemakers Havalon Knives Shining Wave Metals
Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies Midwest Knifemakers Supply Helle Norway SKARB
Knives, Etc. NorthCoast Knives Henry A. Evers Corp. SOG Specialty Knives & Tools
Marks Forge Paladin Press Hickory Hill Cutlery Spartan Blades, LLC
Niagara Specialty Metals Reddick Enterprises Hiltary Industries Spring River Trade Co.
NorthCoast Knives Riverside Machine Hogue Knives Stamascus Knife Works
Ozark Knife Scrimshaw by Sandra Brady House Of Blades Steel Stamps Inc.
PPC Specialty Metals Inc. Sheffield Knifemakers Supply Hunter Company Inc. Stephen Bader & Co., Inc.
Plaza Cutlery Two Finger Knife, LLC Stone Hollow Scrimshaw Studio
IDL Techni Edge
Reactive Metals Studio, Inc.
I.M.G. of Utica, Inc. Stone River Gear
Riverside Machine
Imagical Design Stratus Culinary
SB Specialty Metals LLC
Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Distributors Industrial Abrasives Co. Strider Knives
Stamascus Knife Works 5.11 Tactical J & M Distributing Suchat Custom Knives
Suffolk Machinery Corp. Alabama Damascus Steel Jantz Supply Svord Knives
Svord Knives American Military Edged Weaponry Jenco Sales, Inc. Swiss Army Brands Inc.
Texas Knifemakers Supply Museum JMD International, LLC Tai Lubricants
Three Sisters Forge, LLC Antonini USA Johnson Wood Products Tandy Leather Co.


The Edgemaker Company ag@agrussell.com p 419-832-0400 made by stock removal from S7 steel and
The Epicurean Edge Hunting, pocket, collectors, combat and www.americanbladesmith.com hand finished. Angel Sword hand forged
The Leather Factory kitchen knives cindy@americanbladesmith.com of high carbon steel. Avatar Damascus—
The Ultimate Edge, Inc. Organization “dedicated to education and blades made of Techno-wootz damascus
Timberline Knives AK Steel Corp. the revival of the forged blade.”
TOPS Knives 9227 Centre Pointe Drive Antonini USA
Tramontina USA, Inc. West Chester, OH 45069 American Edge P.O. Box 856
Treestump Leather Roger K. Newport, CEO PO Box 292 Tatum, NM 88267
p 800-331-5050 or 513-425-5000 9000 Indian Road NW P. Winteregg
Tru-Balance Knife Co. East
www.aksteel.com Rice, MN 56367 p 575-398-6141 or 575-441-2858
Tru-Grit, Inc.
sales@aksteel.com Jay Saldana www.antoniniknivesusa.com
Two Finger Knife, LLC Stainless, electrical and carbon steel p 877-393-2792 or 320-393-2792 sales@antoniniknivesusa.com
Ultra Speed Products products www.americanedgeknives.com Knives by Antonini of Maniago, Italy:
UST Brands info@americanedgeknives.com pocketknives, folders, rescue knives,
Victorinox Retailer buying and selling all brands boat knives, farm/garden, electrician’s
Aku Strike Knives
Wilson Combat/Wilson Tactical of quality knives, display cases, knives and accessories
429 Mechlin Corner Road
Wolf’s Knives Pittstown NJ 08867 sharpeners and scissors
Wolff Industries Dwayne Horvath Arizona Custom Knives
Wood Carvers Supply, Inc. www.akustrike.com American Knife & Tool 150 Hilden Road, Suite 315
Wuu Jau Co., Inc. p 908-200-1638 Institute Ponte Vedra, FL 320811
Zweibrueder/Billy O. sales@akustrike.com 22 Vista View Lane Julie Maguire
Cody, WY 82414-9606 p 904-826-4178
Alabama Damascus Steel & Cutlery Jan Billeb f 904-460-0010
Names & P.O. Box 54
Wellington, AL 36279
p 307-587-8296
f 307-587-8296
Addresses Lacy Smith or Brad Vice
p 256-310-4619 (Lacy Smith)
Proudly serving the knife community for
over 20 years, offering one of the
p 256-282-7988 (Brad Vice) Knife advocacy organization working largest selections of handmade and
www.alabamadamascussteel.com for the benefit of the entire knife production knives on the Internet.
A sales@alabamadamascussteel.com community to ensure Americans’ ability Selling and consigning knives,
Manufacturer of damascus steel billets to make, sell, own and use knives and outstanding customer service and
5.11 Tactical and blades, knife supplies, custom edged tools putting knives in the hands of people
1360 Reynolds, Suite 101 blade designs, including damascus, to who love knives is the core of our
Irvine, CA 92614 customer specs American Metal Xchange Inc. business and what we do best.
Thomas E. Davin 4253 Knoxville Ave.
p 209-527-4511 Albany County Fasteners Lakewood, CA 90713 Arizona Ironwood
f 209-527-1511 201 Hartle St., Suite E George Palagonia P. O. Box 17356
www.511Tactical.com Sayreville, NJ 08872 p 562-416-9511 Tucson, AZ 85749
pr@511tactical.com p 866-573-0445 f 562-372-3335 p 520-647-3453
Tactical apparel, gear, and fixed blades www.albanycountyfasteners.com www.amxinc.com www.arizonaironwood.com
and folders Extensive selection of fasteners, screws, george@amxinc.com Connor Weis, Assistant Office Manager
bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, drill bits Supplies knifemakers with titanium and sales, support and shipping questions
AccuSharp International and more. zirconium in sheet, plate, tubing, round connorwaziw@gmail.com
(see Fortune Products, Inc.) and square bar stock. Also niobium Robert Bradley, General Manager (Owner)
Alcas Corporation and other exotics, also carries “marble wholesale and custom size orders
(see Cutco Corporation) carbon fiber” robert@arizonaironwood.com
Adams International Knifeworks
Instagram @ironwoodman
8710 Rosewood Hills Dr.
Al Mar Knives American Military Premier source for desert ironwood and
Edwardsville, IL 62025
PO Box 2295 Edged Weaponry Museum stabilized burl knife blanks
Contact: Crystal
p 618-656-9868 Tualatin, OR 97062 3562 Old Philadelphia Pike
www.adamsknifeworks.com p 503-670-9080 P.O. Box 6 Armory Plastics LLC
adamsknifeworks.com@gmail.com www.almarknives.com Intercourse, PA 17534 4581 N. Haroldsen Drive
Assisted opening, tactical and automatic info@almarknives.com Larry P. Thomas, Sr. Idaho Falls, ID 83401
knives for collectors. AIK’s Custom Shop The Warrior’s Edge™, ULTRALIGHT™ p 717-768-7185 J.B. Hokanson
turns the ordinary into extraordinary. SERIES, Classic series™, SERE™, f 610-678-7778 p 208-524-2852
Converts Buck 110 Folding Hunter and SERE 2000™, SERE Operator™, amt14@verizon.net f 208-445-1928
112 Ranger from regular lockbacks to Shrike™, Nomad, and professional Antique knives. American military edged www.armoryplastics.com
double-action autos. Custom handmade chef’s line. Al Mar—since 1979 weapons museum. Buy and sell U.S. armorypl@cableone.net
knives. military edged weapons Manufacturer of production Kydex® and
Alpha Knife Supply (AKS) injection-molded sheaths
Admiral Steel LLC 646 S. Main St., #170 American Siepmann Corporation
4152 W. 123rd St. Cedar City, UT 84720 65 Pixley Industrial Pkwy. artknives.com
Alsip, IL 60803-1869 p 425-868-5880 Rochester, NY 14624 Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives
p 800-323-7055 f 425-898-7715 Bob VanSice 85 South Main St.
f 708-388-9317 www.alphaknifesupply.com p 585-247-1640 New Hope, PA 18938
www.admiralsteel.com chuck@alphaknifesupply.com f 585-247-1883 p 215-862-5988
sales@admiralsteel.com Inventory of knife supplies www.siepmann.com www.fredeisenleather.com
Supplies blade steels to production/custom bob@siepmann.com www.artknives.com
knifemakers American Angler Siepmann CNC knife grinding, serrating fred@fredeisenleather.com
118 East Douglas Road and sharpening equipment, abrasives Handmade knives from over 75 makers,
Walnut Ridge, AR 72476 for grinding and polishing, and other and high-quality William Henry Knives,
Sarah J. Thielemier related supplies and services Chris Reeve Knives, Case Knives, Queen
p 870-886-6774 Cutlery, Great Eastern Knives, Buck,
f 870-886-9162 Angel Sword Kershaw, Pro-Tech Knives, Benchmade.
https://americananglerusa.com 350 Jennifer Lane Leather sheath maker
sthielemier@douglasquikut.com Driftwood, TX 78619
A.G. Russell Knives, Inc. Manual and electric fishing knives Daniel Watson, president Atlanta Cutlery Corporation
2900 S. 26th St. p 512-847-9679 2147 Gees Mill Road NE
Rogers, AR 72758 American Bladesmith Society www.angelsword.com P.O. Box 839
p 800-255-9034 PO Box 160 info@angelsword.com Conyers, GA 30013
f 479-631-8493 Grand Rapids, OH 43522 High quality swords, knives and daggers. p 800-883-0300 or international: +1-770-
https://agrussell.com Cindy Sheely, office manager Product lines include: Bright knight— 922-7500


f 770-388-0246 Grinding machines, polishing machines and Bladeart.com
www.atlantacutlery.com fully automated sharpening cells 14216 SW. 136 St.
custserv@atlantacutlery.com Miami, FL 33186
Outdoor sporting and hunting knives, mail Bill’s Custom Cases® Larry Brahms
order p 541-727-7223 p 305-255-9176
William Mittelman www.bladeart.com
www.billscustomcases.com sales@bladeart.com
Atlas Dynamic Defense Custom knives, swords and gear
Bear & Son Cutlery, Inc. billscustomcases@earthlink.net
4 Long Shoals Road, Suite B-223
1111 Bear Blvd., SW Designer and maker of quality knife cases
Arden, NC 28704 BladeGallery.com
Jacksonville, AL 36265 since 1982. Designer and maker of the
828-707-7639 107 Central Way
Kenneth Griffey patented Urban Wallet design
https://atlasdynamicdefense.com p 256-435-2227 Kirkland, WA 98033
contact@atlasdynamicdefense.com p 800-844-3034 Daniel O’Malley
Billy Bates Engraving
Builds 100% USA-made CPM-S30V, hard- f 256-435-934 2302 WInthrop Dr. p 425-889-5980; 877-56-BLADE
use fixed-blade knives www.bearandsoncutlery.com Decatur, AL 35603 www.bladegallery.com
info@bearandson.com p 205-355-3690 www.epicedge.com
B Made in the USA, everyday carry, butterfly, www.angelfire.com/al/billbates
collectors, and multi-tool hunting, info@bladegallery.com
tactical and outdoor knives info@epicedge.com
Bailey, Mary Knife and gun engraving
Specializing in handmade and one-of-a-
3213 Jonesboro Dr. kind knives from around the world
Beaumont Metal Works Black Creek Limited
Nashville, TN 37214 1473 Showcase Drive
p 615-889-3172 2158 Great Trails Drive
Columbus, OH 43212 Blade HQ
mbscrim@aol.com Wooster, OH 44691
Rob Frink 400 S. 1000 E, Ste. E
Knife scrimshaw Todd Thompson Lehi, UT 84043
p 614-291-8876
p 330-264-4301 p 888-252-3347; 801-768-0232
info@beaumontmetalworks.com f 330-263-4146 www.bladehq.com
B & F System, Inc./MAXAM www.blackcreeklimited.com
3920 S. Walton Walker Blvd. Grinders questions@bladehq.com
blackcreeklimited@aol.com Instagram, Twitter: @bladehq
Dallas, TX 75236 Fighters/tacticals, throwing knives/
Beck’s Cutlery & Specialties Online destination for knives and gear,
p 214-333-2111 tomahawks, blades and precision
51 Highland Trace Lane specializing in law enforcement and
f 214-333-1511 machined knife parts military, including folders, fixed blades,
Benson, NC 27504
www.maxamcom custom knives, assisted-opening
Ron Beck
service@bnfusa.com p 919-902-9416 BLACKHAWK! folders, automatics, butterfly knives,
Wholesale www.beckscutlery.com 9200 Cody hunters, machetes, multi-tools, axes,
beckscutlery@embarqmail.com Overland Park, KS 66214 knife cases, paracord, sharpeners,
Bark River Knives Selling Randall Knives, sharpening service p 800-423-3537 sheaths, lubricants and supplies
6911 County 426 M.5 Road www.blackhawk.com
Escanaba, MI 49829 Bellknives cs@blackhawk.com Blade Junkee
2 Division St. Leading manufacturer of tactical sheaths P.O. BOX 612
p 906-789-1801
Bedford, NS and knives Claremont, CA 91711
B4A 1Y8 CANADA Robert “Scott” Wolfram
brkwarranty@gmail.com 626-221-5742
Donald Bell Blackie Collins Design &
Family-owned business producing semi- www.bladejunkee.com
p 902-835-2623 Blackie Collins Sportswear
production knives used for bushcraft, www.bellknives.com bladejunkee73@gmail.com
3411 Savannah Hwy., POB 100
hunting, professional carry, search & donbell@accesswave.ca North, SC 29112
rescue, and everyday carry knives One-of-a-kind handmade folders, unique Jane Collins BladeOps, LLC
pendant folders and TAG survival p 803-568-2444 1352 W. 7800 South
Baron Technology pendants www.totersjeans.com West Jordan, UT 84088
62 Spring Hill Road bcknives@yahoo.com Trevor Darby
Trumbull, CT 06611 Benchmade Knife Co. sales@toters.net p 888-EZ BLADE (392-5233)
300 Beavercreek Road TOTERS Jeans, Blue Jeans for concealed www.bladeOps.com
David Baron
Oregon City, OR 97045 carry sales@bladeops.com
Tom Lent
p 503-655-6004 Online dealer of all major brands of
p 203-452-0515 automatic knives, butterfly knives,
toll free: 800-800-7427 Blacksmiths Depot
f 203-452-0663 spring-assisted folders, throwing
f 503-496-1896 100 Daniel Ridge Road
www.baronengraving.com www.benchmade.com knives, manual folders, survival and
Complete custom shop services for Candler, NC 28715 self-defense knives, sharpeners and
C. Kayne paracord
manufacturers and distributors of For 30 years Benchmade has been
p 828-667-8868
cutlery. Specialists in special editions designing and manufacturing the
and commemoratives. Engraving world’s finest sports cutlery and edged Blade-Tech Industries
options to fit any budget plus polishing, tools. 5530 184th St. E, Ste. A
General supplies (anvils, hammers, tongs),
finishing and fulfillment services. In Puyallup, WA 98375
house artwork production Beretta U.S.A. Corp. Tim Wegner
17601 Beretta Drive p 253-655-8059; 877-331-5793
Accokeek, MD 20607 BLADE® www.blade-tech.com
Tamicka Hart 700 E. State St. tim@blade-tech.com
p 301-283-2191 x1282 Iola, WI 54990 Manufacturer of injection and hand-crafted
f 301-283-0189 Erin Healy, managing editor holsters, tactical, hunting and everyday
www.berettausa.com/en-us/store/knives/ p 774-313-6370/715-445-4612 use knives, as well as a wide variety
thart@berettausa.com erin.healy@fwmedia.com of accompanying attachments and
Pocket, hunting, specialty and custom www.blademag.com accessories. 
knives www.shopblade.com
Battle Horse Knives
BLADE, World’s #1 Knife Publication, Blue Grass Cutlery, Inc.
700 South 9th St.
Berger L.L.C. published 13 times yearly, double the P.O. Box 156, 20 E. Seventh St.
Cambridge, OH 43725
44160 Plymouth Oaks Blvd. number of issues over any other knife Manchester, OH 45144-0156
p 740-995-9009 publication, with the absolute most
Plymouth, MI 48170 Tim Scott
www.battlehorseknives.com p 734-414-0402 complete, comprehensive coverage p 937-549-3902
info@battlehorseknives.com f 734-414-0403 of all types of knives. Highest yearly f 937-549-2709
Family owned business specializing in Axel Niemann circulation of any magazine in the knife www.bluegrasscutlery.com
tactical fixed blades, hunting and www.bergerllc.com industry. Forums, online community and sales@bluegrasscutlery.com
bushcraft knives, and leather sheaths aniemann@bergerllc.com online store. www.facebook.com/bluegrasscutlery


Manufacturer of display cases, pocket white and fossil walrus ivory, mammoth www.browning.com and books
and sheath knives, both collecting and ivory, oosic, stellar sea cow rib bone, dcarver@browning.com
working white bone, simulated ivory, pistol grips, Limited editions, hunting, pocketknives, Burr King Mfg. Co. Inc.
artifacts, curios and more. fishing, camp saws, tactical folders and 1220 Tamara Lane
Blue Mountain Turquoise fixed blades Warsaw, MO 65355
HC 65, Box 16 Boye Knives Ann Graham
Pie Town, NM 87827 P.O. Box 1238 p 660-438-8998
Marva Riccitelli Dolan Springs, AZ 86441
Bryan Brothers Cutlery Co. f 660-468-8991
P.O. Box 1799
p 575-772-2929 p 928-767-4273 www.burrking.com
Nixa, MO 65714
f 575-772-2939 p 800-853-1617 anng@burrking.com
Hugh C. Bryan
bluemountainturquoise.com f 928-272-0903 Manufacturer of abrasive belt grinders,
p 417-725-1307
bluemountainturquoise@gmail.com www.boyeknives.com polishing equipment, knifemaking
enchantedgems@gmail.com boye@citlink.net machines and vibratory machines
Stone handled knives High-performance dendritic cobalt folding
Collectables, antiques, knives
and fixed-blade knives with carbide Busse Combat Knife
Blue Ridge Knives crystal formations throughout blade, CompanyBusse Knife Group
enhancing cutting, edge-holding and BTI Tools LLC
166 Adwolfe Road 11651 County Rd. 12
ease of sharpening. Permanently rust- 1043 Fordtown Road
Marion, VA 24354-6664 Wauseon, OH 43567
free in all environments. Kingsport, TN 37663
p 276-783-6143 Jerry Busse
p 800-251-0254; 423-2406
f 276-783-9298 p 419-923-6471
www.blueridgeknives.com Bradford USA f 419-923-2337
Schrade, Uncle Henry, Old Timer,
onestop@blueridgeknives.com 5810 S 194th St. www.bussecombat.com
Imperial and Smith & Wesson knives.
Blue Ridge Knives is your one-stop Kent, WA USA info@bussecombat.com
Professional-quality tools.
wholesale distributor selling over 550 Brad Larkin Bush, semi production, tacticals, handmade
brands of knives and related products p 425-243-9606
under one roof. www.bradfordknives.com Bubba Blade/Fish Tales, LLC
Byington Blades
brad@bradfordknives.com 12112 N. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Ste. A
1225 Memorex Drive
Blue Ridge Woodcrafters Oro Valley, AZ 85755
Santa Clara, CA 95050
1210 Berme Road Bradley Cutlery Co. Sean Byington
p 844-486-7265
Kerhonkson, NY 12446 128 Rush Court p 408-499-8944
Wayne Bradford Elkhart, IN 46516 www.byingtonblades.com
p 845-626-3761 p 877-765-0600 (not regularly monitored) info@byingtonblades.com
Fillet knives, hunter’s knives, fishing pliers,
f 845-626-3769 f 574-257-0021
folding knife, chef’s knives, tactical
wcbradford@aol.com www.bradleycutlery.com
fixed blades, sharpening steels C
Handle manufacturer info@bradleycutlery.com
Chris Reeve-style lock folders. The Kimura C.A.D. Cutlery Co.
Bob Karp Master of the Blade series has been discontinued; no parts 14100 Barbara Circle
for Kimuras. Not currently producing Buck Knives, Inc.
PO Box 47304 Cooksville, MD 21723
knives. 660 S. Lochsa St.
Phoenix, AZ 85068 Dan Lubrani
Post Falls, ID 83854
p 800-THE BLADE (843-2523) p 410-442-2846
Stephanie Young
https:/sites.google.com/site/ Branton Knife Company www.cadcutlery.com
p 800-326-2825
themasteroftheblade/ P.O. Box 807 cadcut@verizon.net
bobkarptheblade@gmail.com Awendaw, SC 29429 R.H. Forschner Knives, professional
Knife throwing instruction, classes, video, Bobby Branton and kitchen made in Switzerland by
High-quality sports cutlery for hunting,
seminars p 843-928-3624 Victorinox
fishing, tactical and general outdoor
use. Every Buck knife is backed by the
Bohler Uddeholm Corporation http://tru-balanceknives-east.com/ Cain’s Outdoor, Inc.
company’s Forever Warranty.
2505 Millennium Drive brantonknives@tds.net 1832 Williams Hwy.
Elgin, IL 60124 Full line of tactical, utility and throwing Williamstown, WV 26187
knives Buckeye Engraving
Ed Severson p 304-375-7842; 800-445-1776
4485 Crystal Pkwy., Ste. 200
p 206-979-3396 f 304-375-7842
Kent, OH 44240
www.uddeholm.com Brous Blades www.cainsoutdoor.com
Steve Broadbent
Ed.Severson@bucorp.com P.O. Box 550 muzzleloading@cainsoutdoor.com
Adam Broadbent
Steels Buellton, CA 93427 Muzzleloading and muzzleloading supplies.
p 330-677-5685
Jason Brous Manufactures cast knife hilts and
f 330-677-3936
p 805-717-7192 pommels in brass and German silver,
www.brousblades.com cutlery, maple handle blanks
Manufacturer of quality custom markings
Custom and semi-custom, functionally Camillus c/o Acme United Corp.
products: hand stamps, dies and brands
simplistic neck knives and tactical fixed 55 Walls Dr., Suite 201
for professional craftsmen, hobbyists. If
Boker USA, Inc. blades, folders and flipper folders Fairfield, CT 06824
it’s worth making, it’s worth marking.
1550 Balsam St. p 800-835-2263
Lakewood, CO 80214-5917 Brownells www.camillusknives.com
Kurt Ronacher 200 South Front St. BucknBear Knives Tactical, hunting, survival, pocket knives/
p 800-992-6537 Montezuma, IA 50171 548 East Main St., Suite C folders, utility tools and tool knives.
f 303-462-0668 p 641-623-5401 New Holland, PA 17557
www.bokerusa.com Store: 641-236-0001 A. Shabbir CampCo, Inc.
sales@bokerusa.com Ordering: 800-741-0015 p 717-355-2662 UZI, Humvee, Smith & Wesson
BokerSolingen, Boker Plus, Boker Arbolito, Tech Support: 800-741-0015 bucknbearknives.com 4625 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Magnum knives and Fox knives. f 800-264-3068 info@bucknbearknives.com Los Angeles, CA 90016
Manufacturer of sporting, tactical, www.brownells.com Fixed blade knives, folding knives, EDC p 323-766-2555; 888-922-6726
kitchen and damascus knives info@brownells.com tools and outdoor clothing f 323-766-2424
Mail order gunsmithing tools, firearms www.campco.com
Boone Trading Co., Inc. accessories, and shop supplies Bugei Trading Co. www.uzi.com, www.humvee.com,
P.O. Box 669 including epoxies, finishes 1260 Liberty Way, Suite B smithandwesson.campco.com
Brinnon, WA 98320 Vista, CA 92081 info@campco.com
p 800-423-1945 Browning p 760-477-2975 Established manufacturer of Tritium and
p 360-796-4330 One Browning Place p 800-437-0125 military watches, knives, flashlights,
f 360-796-4511 Morgan, UT 84050 f 760-477-2978 Photo Safari Vests, law enforcement,
www.boonetrading.com p 801-876-2711 www.bugei.com pepper spray, self-defense products,
bella@boonetrading.com f 801-876-3331 bugei@bugei.com binoculars and outdoor gear. 2014
All new website with hippo ivory, pre-1972 Diane Carver Swords, armor, Japanese knives, videos marks CampCo’s 24th year of service


all over the world Knife and knifemaking books, DVDs, rivets, www.coastportland.com Conquest Tactical
blacksmithing tools, forges, anvils info@coastportland.com 5750 E. Shields Avenue, Suite 102
Canadian Knifemaker Supply Ltd. Coast sport knives and multi-tools Fresno, CA 93727
RR1, 33542 Rng. Rd. 50 Center Cross Metal Works Kent Mortimer
Sundre, Alberta 853 House St. Col. Conk Products Inc. 800-326-3666
Canada T0M 1X0 Fort Worth, TX 76103 P.O. Box 1432 https://conquesttactical.com
Rob and Marilyn Ridley p 817-705-8095 Los Lunas, NM 87031 kent@renegadefresno.com
p 403-556-1113 www.centercross.com Dee Wright
www.KnifeMaker.ca Instructional videos, custom knives, kits, p 800-938-7428 Coricama SRL
rob@knifemaker.ca forums f 505-866-6204 Via Maniago 103 – Industrial area
Supplier of blade steels, hardware, info@colconkproducts.com 33085 MANIAGO (PN) – ITALY
synthetic and natural handle materials, Chad Nichols Damascus Lorenzo Cagnato
Wholesale safety razors, straight razors,
abrasives, machinery, educational 1125 CR 185 p +39 (0) 427 730568
wet shaving and grooming products
materials and heat-treating services Blue Springs, MS 38828 www.coricama.it
p 662-538-5966 or 662-255-0524 info@coricama.it
Carpenter Technology Corporation chadn28@hotmail.com Since 1873. Italian-made knives
Special Products Division nicholsdamascus.com
2626 Ligonier St. Maker of stainless, high-carbon and
Latrobe, PA 15650
Coutellerie Chambriard
high-contrast mosaic damascus and
2, Place Antonin Chastel
Jon Pealer mokumé, as well as knives
p 724-532-6519 63300 Thiers, France
f 724-532-6529 Philippe Chambriard
Chile Forge p +04-7380-0690
www.cartech.com 415 N. Guadalupe St., #207
jpealer@cartech.com Cold Steel, Inc. f +04-7380-3290
San Marcos, TX 78666
Knife blade quality steel 6060 Nicolle St. www.coutellerie-chambriard.com
Stacie Starr
Ventura, CA 93003 coutellerie-chambriard@wanadoo.fr
p 520-312-0000
Carter Cutlery p 800-255-4716 French folders, tableware and kitchen
2038 NW Aloclek Drive, Suite #225 f 805-642-9727 knives
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Gas forges, forge burners, forge parts www.coldsteel.com
Murray Carter sales@coldsteel.com CowCatcher Leatherworks
p 503-466-1331 Military, tactical, combat, law enforcement, 2045 Progress
Chris Reeve Knives
http://cartercutlery.com 2949 S. Victory View Way hunting, outdoor, survival, disaster Raleigh, NC 27608
Murray@CarterCutlery.com Boise, ID 83709 preparedness, self-defense, everyday W. Barry Wilder
Anne Reeve carry, kitchen, utility, folding knives, p 919-833-8262
Case, W.R. & Sons Cutlery Co. p 208-375-0367 pocket knives, fixed blades, swords, cowcatcher1@ymail.com
50 Owens Way, Dept. B f 208-375-0368 spears, tomahawks, axes, machetes, www.cowcatcher.us
Bradford, PA 16701 www.chrisreeve.com blowguns, training tools Custom manufacturing of leather goods
John Sullivan crkinfo@chrisreeve.com including knife sheaths and rigs
p 800-523-6350 Manufacturers of the Inkosi, Sebenza, Colonial Knife
f 814-368-1736 Umnumzaan and Mnandi folding knives, A division of Colonial Cutlery Int. Inc. Crazy Crow Trading Post LLC
www.wrcase.com the legendary Green Beret knife and 61 Dewey Ave. P.O. Box 847
consumer-relations@wrcase.com other military knives Warwick, RI 02886 Pottsboro, TX 75076
Manufacturer of hand-crafted Steve Paolantonio Mike Fellinger
pocketknives, hunting, sporting knives, Christy Knife Company LLC p 401-421-6500 or 401-737-0024 p 903-786-2287; 800-786-6210
cutlery and collectables P.O. Box 1611 f 401-737-0054 f 903-786-9059
Fremont, OH 43420 www.colonialknifecorp.com www.crazycrow.com
p 419-332-8281 stevep@colonialknifecorp.com info@crazycrow.com
www.christycompany.net Manufacturer A direct importer of carbon steel and
info@christycompany.net stainless steel hunting knife blades and
Makers of the Christy sliding blade Coltellerie Fox - Oreste Frati Srl finished knives from Solingen, Germany
pocketknife—The handiest pocket and Norway, as well as brass and nickel
Maniago (PN), Via La Mola, 4 ITALY
knife ever designed. silver guards and pommels, and handle
p +39 0427 71814/+39 0427 730376
C.A.S. Iberia f. +39 0427 700514 material. Also imports an extensive
650 Industrial Blvd. Classic Cutlery www.foxcutlery.com line of historical reproduction throwing
Sale Creek, TN 37373 66 N. Adams St., Ste. 1 tomahawks, pipe tomahawks, swords,
Blake Pogue Manchester, NH 03104 and frontier knives for the re-enactor
p 800-635-9366 Dave Lewis, proprietors and collector
www.classiccutleryusa.com Coltellerie Maserin Snc
f 423-332-7248
classiccutlery@gmail.com Via dei Fabbri, 19
bpogue@casiberia.com All brands of production cutlery and 33085 Maniago (PN) ITALY
Wholesale distributor of quality knives, outdoor gear p +39 0427 71335
swords and reenactment gear f +39 0427 700690
Clenzoil Unlimited www.maserin.com
1430 Hobbs St. info@maserin.com CRKT
Centaur Forge Texas
Tampa, FL 33619 18348 SW 126th Place
632 Ralph Ablanedo Dr., Ste. 200
Chris Hoffman Tualatin, OR 97062
Austin, TX 78748
Mike Seaton p 813-662-6454 p 800-891-3100
p 512-334-9764; 888-229-8877 www.clenzoil.com f 503-682-9680
www.centaurforge.com marketing@clenzoil.com www.crkt.com
info@centaurforge.com Knife lubricant and rust preventative Condor Tool & Knife, Inc. info@crkt.com
Knife and knifemaking books, DVDs, rivets, 7557 W. Sand Lake Rd., #106 Knife and tool manufacturer
blacksmithing tools, coal and coke Orlando, FL 32819
forges, propane forges, anvils p 407-458-9396 Crucible Industries LLC
f 407-458-9397 575 State Fair Blvd.
Centaur Forge Wisconsin Richard Jones Solvay, NY 13209
117 N. Spring St. rtj2@att.net John Shiesley
Burlington, WI 53105 Coast Cutlery Co. www.condortk.com p 800-365-1180
Bekki Baas 8033 N.E. Holman Outdoor knives, camping, bowie, tactical, p 315-470-9135
p 800-666-9175, x227 Portland, OR 97218 fillet, skinning, caping, utility, axes, f 315-470-9358
f 262-763-8350 Elliot Ball hatchets, tomahawks, splitting axes, www.crucible.com
www.centaurforge.com p 800-426-5858 mauls, throwing knives, shovels, folding John.Shiesley@crucible.com
bbaas@centaurforge.com f 503-234-4422 shovels Specialty steels for blades


Culpepper & Co. D John Denton to-table tools, including electric food
P.O. Box 690 p 706-781-8479 slicers, meat grinder and indoor grills.
8285 Georgia Road www.boblovelessknives.com
Dalian Hanwei Metal Co., Ltd. jwdenton@windstream.net
Otto, NC 28763
(see C.A.S. Iberia) Edgemaker
Joe Culpepper Loveless knives 2000 Fairwood Ave.
p 828-524-6842 Columbus, OH 43207
f 828-369-7809 Damascus Steel Knife Hub Dexter-Russell, Inc. p 800-531-EDGE (3343)
www.knifehandles.com 2925 Paisley Meadow Drive 44 River St. f 888-334-3466
League City, TX 77573 Southbridge, MA 01550
www.stingrayproducts.com www.edgemaker.com
Michael Martin p 508-765-0201
www.oldschoolknifeworks.com sales@edgemaker.com
p 281-747-8781 f 508-764-2897
info@culpepperco.com Knife and tool sharpening for fishing and
www.damascussteelknifehub.com www.dexter1818.com
Supplier of natural handle materials, hunting
mmartin@dskplus.com sales@dexter1818.com
stingray leather goods, and a new and
vintage knife store. Factory outlet open Manufacturer of professional cutlery
DAMASCUS USA Edge Pro Sharpening Systems
to the public P.O. Box 95
149 Deans Farm Road Dixie Gun Works, Inc.
Tyner, NC 27980-9718 Hood River, OR 97031
Custom Knife Gallery Of Colorado 1412 West Reelfoot Ave.
Robert L. Charlton p 541-387-2222
Union City, TN 38281
P.O. Box 270514 Joshua H. Charlton www.edgeproinc.com
p 731-885-0700
Littleton, CO 80127 p 252-267-7272 edgepro@gorge.net
f 731-885-0440
Bob Glassman www.damascususa.com Manufactures and sells knife sharpeners
p 303-904-4471, 303-941-7142 redrooster08rrc@gmail.com with attachments for scissors, chisels
Knifemaking supplies, handle material, bar
bob_glassman@yahoo.com All types of damascus cutlery steel, including stock, guards, pommels and throwing and plain blades
order@customknifegallery.com 100-percent finished damascus blade tomahawks
www.customknifegallery.com blanks. Since circa 1979. Egginton Bros. Ltd.
Reseller of handmade, custom knives, and 25-31 Allen St.
high-quality pens by some of the best Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 7AW, United
85 Hayes Memorial Drive
makers in the world. Also offers knife- Marlborough, MA 01752-1892 Kingdom
carry accessories, and photographic DMT Customer Care J. Goodwin
and website development services to p 800-666-4DMT (4368) p +44 (0) 114 276 6123
the industry. Accepts special orders f 508-485-3924 f +44 (0) 114 273 8465
for that special knife from repeat www.dmtsharp.com www.eggintongroup.co.uk or www.
clients, and very reasonable resale Damasteel AB DMTcutomercare@dmtsharp.com sheffieldcollectableknives.com
rates through a marketing partnership Stallgatan 9, SE-815 76 Manufacturer of world-class, USA-made sales@eggintongroup.co.uk
program. Soderfors, Sweden diamond sharpeners, offering choices Sheffield collectible knives, including
Kristina Jarbelius in lightweight, compact and multi-use Joseph Rodgers, George Wostenholm
Custom Leather Knife Sheaths +46-293-306-00 products, including a full line of guided and Ibberson trademarked pieces, with
7024 W. Wells St. sales@damasteel.se sharpening systems and lapping customers having the opportunity to
Wauwatosa, WI 53213 www.damasteel.com plates. DMT is a brand of Acme United customize Fairbairn-Sykes commando
Robert G. Schrap DAMASTEEL® produces stainless Corporation. daggers or 10-inch I*XL Wostenholm
p 414-771-6472 Damascus patterned steel using the bowies. Sharpening steels, butcher’s
f 414-479-9765 latest gas-atomized PM technology Dovo Scissors bowsaws, pocketknives, military knives,
www.customsheaths.com with very high cleanliness. 4705 So. Honeymoon Bay trade knives, letter openers
rschrap@aol.com Freeland,WA 98249
Custom knife sheaths Dan’s Whetstone Co., Inc. John Allison EKA
Washita Mountain Whetstone Co. p 360-331-1354 10322 NW 55th St.
418 Hilltop Road jjjj@whidbey.com
Cutco Corporation Sunrise, FL 33351
Pearcy, AR 71964 “Germany’s finest scissors”
1116 E. State St. p 305-436-7984
Dan Kirschman
Olean, NY 14760 f 305-436-7985
p 501-767-1616 DPx Gear Inc.
p 716-372-3111 www.ekaknives.com
f 501-767-9598 1041 Market St., #619
f 716-373-6155 sales@akaknives.com
www.danswhetstone.com San Diego, CA 92101
www.cutco.com questions@danswhetstone.com EKA has combined a century of Swedish
service@cutco.com p 619-780-2600 / 888-233-3924 crafting tradition with modern materials
Only complete producer and supplier of all f 619-780-2605
Cutco and KA-BAR brands. Manufacturer grades of Natural Arkansas Whetstones, and production technology. EKA’s knives
and marketer of Cutco brand high- www.dpxgear.com are known throughout the world for
including genuine black Arkansas and info@dpxgear.com
quality kitchen cutlery and accessories translucent novaculite. Two-, three- and elegance, functional design and first-
Hostile environment survival knives and
and KA-BAR brand sporting knives four-stone Sharpening Systems, large class materials. Select from a variety
bench stones, aluminum oxide and of products like folding or fixed-blade
Cutlery Shoppe silicone carbide stones, specialty files knives, fillet, hunting and butcher
DUE BUOI Italy knives, sharpeners and saws.
3956 E. Vantage Point Lane
Viale dell’Industria
Meridian, ID 83642-7268 DDR—Darrel Ralph Designs 5 - 33085 Maniago (PN), ITALY
p 208-884-5250 12034 South Profit Row p +39 0427 72004 Elephant Protection Association
p 800-231-1272 Forney, TX 75126, USA www.duebuoiknives.it P.O. Box 104
f 208-884-4433 469-728-7242 info@duebuoiknives.it Doylestown, PA 18901 USA
www.cutleryshoppe.com http://darrelralph.com Providing the culinary industry with the Rob Mitchell
orders@cutleryshoppe.com sales@darrelralph.com finest forged, professional Italian cutlery p 215-696-9874
Sporting, tactical, utility, kitchen and other since 1884. Home of the forged stiletto www.elephantprotection.org
knives DAREX/Work Sharp Tools and forged lever lock. Working to procure the safety of the African
(see Work Sharp Tools) elephant and establish a legal ivory
Cutlery Specialties E market through reasonable laws and
6819 S.E. Sleepy Hollow Lane Dave’s Custom Leather good conservation practices.  
Stuart, FL 34997-4757 15950 N. Boise St. Edgecraft Corp.
Dennis Blaine Rathdrum, ID 83858-6449 825 Southwood Road Elite Custom Knives
p 772-219-0436 p 208-687-0150 Avondale, PA 19311 208-1177 Marine Drive
p 800-229-5530 davescustomleather@gmail.com Sam Weiner North Vancouver
f 772-219-7674 Custom leather knife sheaths, handgun p 800-342-3255 V7P 1T1, British Columbia, Canada
www.restorationproduct.com holsters and belts p 610-268-0500 Anton Poseshchenny
Dennis13@aol.com www.chefschoice.com p 604-366-4549
The exclusive agent wholesale distributor Denton, John sam.weiner@edgecraft.com www.elitecustomknives.com
for “Renaissance wax/polish” and other 703 Hiawassee Est. Drive Chef’sChoice® Diamond electric and anton@elitecustomknives.com
restoration products used worldwide Hiawassee, GA 30546 manual knife sharpeners and other field- Investment-grade custom knives


Wyoming, RI 02898 gouges, chisels and knives for hand or
David Roden power carving. Over 25 years.
p 855-FAMARS1 (326-2771)
www.famarsusa.com Flitz International, Ltd.
info@famarsusa.com 821 Mohr Ave.
FAMARS, a fine shotgun maker for nearly Waterford, WI 53185
50 years, known for innovative design, p 262-534-5898; 800-558-8611
quality and Italian craftsmanship. f 262-534-2991
From the world’s largest maker of fine www.flitz.com
Exquisiteknives.com shotguns, FAMARS USA has introduced info@flitz.com
Emerson Knives, Inc. 770 Sycamore Ave., Ste. 122, Box 451 their newest innovation: progressive scott@flitz.com
1234 254th St. Vista CA 92083 knife design and function. FAMARS USA Flitz manufactures fine metal polishes,
Harbor City, CA 90710 Dave Ellis, ABS master smith knives emulate the same principles waxes, cleaning kits, buffers, spray and
p 760-945-7177 utilized in making of the guns, function liquid cleaners and micro-fiber cloths
Mary Emerson
www.exquisiteknives.com always being in the forefront. FAMARS
p 310-539-5633 USA uses superior materials, strives
www.robertloveless.com Fort Henry Custom Knives
f 310-539-5609 exquisiteknives@gmail.com for mechanical perfection, and then 4260 Fort Henry Dr., Ste. 164
www.emersonknives.com Purveyor of high-end custom knives finishes each knife with the discerning Kingsport, TN 37663
info@emersonknives.com enthusiast in mind. FAMARS USA p 423-782-9920
The #1 hard-use knives in the world! Made Extrema Ratio S.A.S. makes heirloom-quality goods and Vincent Roberts
in the U.S.A. Via Traversa delle Ripalte truly functional art with a lifetime of www.forthenrycustomknives.com
72/74/76/78 use in mind. vince@forthenrycustomknives.com
Epicurean Edge 59100 Prato (PO) Italy Dealer of production, custom and semi-
p +39-0574-584639; +39-0574-574322; Fazalare International Enterprises custom knives, vintage pocketknives,
107 Central Way P.O. Box 7062
+39-0574-574084 exclusives and accessories
Kirkland, WA 98033 f +39-0574-581312 Thousand Oaks, CA 91359
Daniel O’Malley www.extremaratio.com Roy Fazalare Fort Knox Security, Inc.
p 425-889-5980; 877-56-BLADE info@extremaratio.com p 805-496-2002 993 N. Industrial Park Road
www.epicedge.com Sandra Massagni, sales: smassagni@ ourfaz@aol.com Orem, UT 84057
info@epicedge.com extremaratio.com Custom multi-blade folders by top Daren
Fighting, tactical makers such as Tony Bose, Reese p 801-224-7233
Specializing in handmade and one-of-a-
Bose, Terry Davis, Eugene Shadley f 801-226-5493
kind kitchen knives from around the and Richard Rogers. Also “Cripple
Extreme Outfitters www.ftknox.com
world 102 Western Blvd. Creek,” 1st generation “Bulldog Brand” Gun, home and fire safe manufacturer
Jacksonville, NC 28546 and “Fight’n Rooster” handcrafted
ESEE Knives p 910-355-2118 pocketknives
Fortune Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 99 f 910-355-2348 2010A Windy Terrace
Gallant, AL 35972 www.extremeoutfitters.us Fifty-Fifty Productions LLC Cedar Park, TX 78613
Jeff Randall sales@extremeoutfitters.us P.O. Box 313 Jay Cavanaugh, David Scott
Turners, MO 65765 p 830-693-6111
Mike Perrin
EZE-LAP Diamond Products Stephen D’Lack f 830-693-6394
p 256-613-0372 p 417-866-6688
3572 Arrowhead Drive www.accusharp.com
http://www.eseeknives.com Carson City, NV 89706 f 417-866-6693 contact@accusharp.com
info@eseeknives.com Ralph Johnson www.fiftyfiftyproductions.net Tungsten carbide knife sharpeners,
The best in survival and tactical cutlery. p 775-888-9500 info@fiftyfiftyproductions.net manufacturer, knives, pocket ceramic
Randall’s Adventure & Training f 775-888-9555 Trade shows of custom knives, and buying sharpeners
www.eze-lap.com and selling of such
info@randallsadventure.com Fountain Plating Co. Inc.
Manufacturer and importer of knife Fine Turnage Productions 492 Prospect Ave.
Domestic and international survival training and tool sharpeners. Brands include 1210 Midnight Dr. West Springfield, MA 01089
EZE-LAP, EZE EDGE, DMD sharpeners San Antonio, TX 78260 Nina Fountain
Euroblade and Mossberg. EZE-LAP and Mossberg Charles Turnage p 413-781-4651
2051 Kerr Gulch Road are made-in-the-USA diamond-coated p 210-352-5660 f 413-733-8217
Evergreen, CO 80439 sharpening tools. EZE EDGE consists www.fineturnage.com
Bert Newman of several unique and patented info@fineturnage.com
Offering dozens of finishes for metal
designs, utilizing both carbide and Knife handle materials supplier
p 800-706-0183
diamond surfaces. DMD is a full line
f 303-679-2839 of sharpening tools, consisting of Fox Knives
euroblade@aol.com diamond, carbide and/or ceramic (see Coltellerie Fox)
Imports and distributes for Forge de surfaces.
Laguiole and Nontron in the U.S. Fred Eisen Leather & Art Knives
F FirstEdge, Inc. 85 South Main St.
2440 Grand Avenue, Suite C New Hope, PA 18938
Evenheat Kiln, Inc. Vista, CA 92081 p 215-862-5988
P.O. Box 399 Les Edelstein www.fredeisenleather.com
6949 Legion Rd. p 760- 295-0770 www.artknives.com
Caseville, MI 48725 www.firstedgeusa.com fred@fredeisenleather.com
p 989-856-2281 info@firstedgeusa.com Handmade knives from over 75 makers,
f 989-856-4040 USA-made knives used by US Special and high-quality William Henry Knives,
Fallkniven Forces on deployment and in training. Chris Reeve Knives, Case Knives, Queen
Granatvagen 8 New range of knives designed for Cutlery, Great Eastern Knives, Buck,
info@evenheat-kiln.com S-961 43 Boden outdoorsmen. Kershaw, Pro-Tech Knives, Benchmade.
Knife heat-treating ovens Sweden Leather sheath maker
VAT # SE556494-8684-01 Flexcut Tool Co. Inc.
The Executive Edge™ Knives Eric Hjortberger 8105 Hawthorne Drive Fred Lohman Co.
9145 Shady Hollow Way p +46 (0) 921 544 22 Erie, PA 16509 3405 NE Broadway
Fair Oakes, CA 95628 f +46 (0) 921 544 33 p: 800-524-9077 Portland, OR 97232
www.fallkniven.com Matt Bain, Sales Manager p 503-282-4567
p 916-988-6480
info@fallkniven.se mbain@flexcut.com www.japanese-swords.com
Cel Durant Manufacturer of high-class stainless knives www.flexcut.com fred-lohman@katana4u.com
www.ExecutiveKnives.com Manufactures innovative carving tools Japanese sword repairs—buy and sell,
sales@executiveknives.com FAMARS USA designed for the modern woodcarver. 44 years of Japanese sword repair
Executive Edge line of knives 87 Kingstown Road 2091 Flexcut is a leading developer for experience. OEM manufacturer of all


Japanese sword parts, sword handle Gould & Goodrich, Inc. Halpern Titanium, Inc. p 800-553-8377
wrapping, stingray skins, plus scabbard 709 E. McNeill St. P.O. Box 214 www.henryaevers.com
replacement and sword polishing Lillington, NC 27546 Three Rivers, MA 01080-0214 everstamp@aol.com
Scott Nelson, president p 413-283-8627 Maker of E6HR tang stamp holder for
Frost Cutlery Co. p 910-893-2071 f 413-289-2372 stamping knife tangs
PO Box 22636 f 910-893-1102 www.halperntitanium.com
Chattanooga, TN 37422 www.gouldusa.com jennifer@halperntitanium.com Hickory Hill Cutlery
Ernie McCarson service@gouldusa.com Halpern Titanium takes cutting edge 308 Tom Franklin Road
p 800-251-7768 Leather and nylon holsters, belts and materials, world-class machines, Jefferson City, TN 37760
www.frostcutlery.com accessories, custom leatherwork and the expertise of a talented team Lynn C. Watkins
Collectible hunting, commemorative and to manufacture the finest knife 865-475-4447
pocket knives. Sole owner of the GPKnives components and complete knives Cutlery rolls, wraps, lunch boxes and
following trademarks: Hen & Rooster, 2230 Liebler Road to customers worldwide. From our Titusville Cutlery knives
Bear Hunter, Keen Kutter, Frost, Frost Troy, IL 62294 roots as a knifemaking supplier
U.S.A. and Blademaster p 866-667-5965 almost two decades ago, Halpern now High Speed Carving Products/
www.gpknives.com boasts a 25,000-sq.-ft. knifemaking Turbo Carver
G gpk@gpknives.com manufacturing facility with 25 CNC 30165 25th Ave. SW
Serving law enforcement, hunters, machines. Our OEM customers know Federal Way, WA 98023
sportsmen and collectors we take proprietary very seriously p 253-235-5361; 800-373-0707
as we take your concept from a www.turbocarver.com
Grandpa Ray print through a prototype and into information@turbocarver.com
(see LoRay Sharpeners) production. Makers of the Turbo Carver
Gaston J. Glock Style LP H & B Forge Co.
300 Lake Ridge Drive Grayman Knives Hiltary Industries
P.O. Box 50, PMB 132 235 Geisinger Road 6060 E. Thomas Road
Smyrna, GA 30082 Shiloh, OH 44878
p 678-236-9001 Lake Arrowhead, CA 92325 Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Mike and Sue p 419-895-1856 Elliott Glasser
www.gastonglockstyle.com www.hbforge.com
office@gastonglockstyle.com www.graymanknives.com p 480-945-0700; 602-620-3999
info@graymanknives.com Throwing knives and tomahawks f 480-945-3333
High-end damascus hunting knives, bowies
and kitchen knives, as well as the Making tough, dependable folders and usgrc@usgrc.biz
highest-grade damascus steel fixed blades since 2004, originally Hardcore Hardware Australia eglasser@cox.net
serving the military and law c/o Dull Knife Terminator, Inc. OEM manufacturer, knife and sword
enforcement communities. 128 E. Nashannock Ave. importer, appraiser, metal supplier,
Gerber Legendary Blades New Wilmington, PA 16142 diamond products, stag, meteorite,
(dba Gerber) p 800-731-1340
Grohmann Knives reconstituted gems, exotic wood,
14200 S.W. 72nd Ave. www.sharpernow.com
1755 Howard Ave. leather, bone, and wood and stone
Portland, OR 97223 dmoesta@sharpernow.com
Maple Plain, MN 55359 stabilizer. Cash buyer of collections.
Andrew Gritzbaugh Designs, develops and produces high-end,
p 800-950-6161 John D. Ferril
p 612-868-6929 mission-specific tactical tools for law Himalayan Imports
www.gerbergear.com enforcement and military, customizing
info@gerbergear.com www.grohmannknives.com 3495 Lakeside Dr. PMB 69
johnferril@mchsi.com knives for government agencies Reno, NV 89509
Hunting knives, tactical knives, multi-
purpose tools, pocketknives, specialty Outdoor hunting, fishing and camp knives, Ang Yangdu Martino
knives, fillet knives, sheaths, saws, kitchen knives Havalon Knives p 775-825-2279
3726 Lonsdale St. www.himalayan-imports.com
axes, lighting and outdoor gear
Grohmann Knives Ltd. Cincinnati, OH 45227 himimp@aol.com
P.O. Box 40, 116 Water St. p 888-836-3204 Highly respected manufacturer of
GiantMouse Knives Pictou, Nova Scotia B0K 1H0 CANADA www.havalon.com top-quality hand-crafted Khukuri knives
P.O. Box 7088 Melody Bigney customerservice@havalon.com from Nepal. 
Corte Madera, CA 94976 p 902-485-4224/888-7KNIVES Home of the Piranta and Baracuta knives
Jim Wirth f 902-485-5872 with quick-change replaceable blades. Historic Edged Weaponry
p 415-854-7255 www.grohmannknives.com The sharpest knives for hunting, field 1021 Saddlebrook Drive
www.giantmouse.com www.gknives.com dressing, skinning and filleting. Hendersonville, NC 28739
info@giantmouse.com info@grohmannknives.com Eiler Cook
Superior Handcrafted Quality for over 50 Hawkins Knife Making Supplies p 828-692-0323
Gilmer Wood Co. years. 110 Buckeye Road f 828-692-0600
2211 N.W. St. Helens Road Fayetteville, GA 30214
Portland, OR 97210 GRS Tools p 770-964-1023 H.L. Dalis
Myles Gilmer 900 Overlander Road www.hawkinsknifemakingsupplies.com Service Since 1925
p 503-274-1271 Emporia, KS 66801 Abrasive belts and compounds, stainless 35-35 24th St.
f 503-274-9839 p 620-343-1084 and pattern welded blade steels, Long Island City, NY 11106
www.gilmerwood.com f 620-343-9640 knifemaker packages for Bader Jon Blumenfeld
orders@gilmerwood.com www.grstools.com grinders, bandsaw blade, handle p 800-HLDALIS x102
Rare and exotic hardwoods, handles glendo@glendo.com materials, fastening hardware, www.hldalis.com
for custom makers, bulk sales for Engraving equipment and training for the automatic parts, tomahawk handles, guest password/login 3611100
production cutlers knifemaking industry drifts and more. hldalis@aol.com
A third-generation, family-owned
Helle Norway
G.L. Pearce Abrasive Co. H As Helle Fabrikker
distributor specializing in military, LE
12771 Rte. 536 and government wholesale tactical
Punxsutawney, PA 15767 N-6982 Holmedal supply. Distributors of over 200 lines
HallMark Cutlery Norwegen / Norway
Gary Pearce of name-brand knives, lights, survival
P.O. Box 220 p +47-57-73-35-00
p (local) 814-928-2379; 800-938-0021 gear, firearms, accessories, armor,
Kodak, TN 37764 f +47-57-73-35-01
www.glpearceabrasive.com uniforms, diving gear, workwear, optics,
Jessica Hall-Maples www.helle.no
Abrasives watches, GPS, cases and related
p 866-583-3912 post@helle.no
f 901-405-0948 products.
Crafting and producing high-quality
Glock Inc. www.hallmarkcutlery.com Norwegian outdoors, hunting, fishing,
6000 Highlands Parkway jessica@hallmarkcutlery.com Hoffman Knives
camp, utility and wilderness knives
Custom knifemaker designs from Sean 25792 Obrero Drive
Smyrna, GA 30082
Kendrick and David Mosier, Bad Blood Mission Viejo, CA 92691
p 770-432-1202 Henry A. Evers Corp.
tactical knives, traditional pocket Walter Hoffman
f 770-433-8719 72 Oxford St.
and hunting styles from Robert Klaas w 949-770-6801
www.glock.com Providence, RI 02905
and Chief brands. Knife care and h 949-496-5844
Field knives and entrenching tools. p 401-781-4767
maintenance products. www.hoffmanknives.com


wphoff@cox.net Imagical Design and more.
The best in custom knives for sale out of Nieuwe Tuin Straat 2
the Walter Hoffman collection. 1015ZR, Amsterdam Jenco Sales, Inc.
North Holland, The Netherlands P.O. Box 1000
Steve Mearns Manchaca, TX 78652
www.flipknives.com Mark Cruse
imagical@hotmail.com p 800-531-5301
Design/production/retail f 800-266-2373
jencosales@sbcglobal.net KA-BAR Knives, Inc.
Hogue Knives Industrial Abrasives Co. Wholesale distributor of domestic and 200 Homer St.
P.O. Box 91360 642 N. 8th St. imported cutlery and sharpeners Olean, NY 14760
Henderson, NV 89009 Reading, PA 19601
p 800-282-0130
p 800-438-4747 or 805-239-1440 p 800-428-2222
f 610-378-4868
JMD International, LLC f 716-790-7188
2985 Gordy Pkwy., Bldg. #405 www.ka-bar.com
office@hogueinc.com www.industrialabrasives.com
Marietta, GA 30066 info@ka-bar.com
Tactical fixed blades and folders designed indabrasives@msn.com
Manufacturer of abrasive belts, discs and p 678-969-9147 Manufacturer of law enforcement, military,
by Allen Elishewitz hunting and outdoor knives
rolls. Coated abrasive products f 770-640-9852
House Of Blades knifesupplies@gmail.com Kai USA Ltd.
6451 NW Loop 820 International Packaging,
Presentation Box and Display Corp. Exotic knife handle materials, stag, bone, 18600 S.W. Teton Ave.
Ft. Worth, TX 76135 Tualatin, OR 97062
517 Mineral Spring Ave. buffalo horn, jigged and dyed bone,
Kenny Graf Thomas Welk
Pawtucket, RI 02860 mother-of-pearl, G-10, carbon fiber,
p 817-237-7721 p 800-325-2891
Eric Ginsberg exotic thermoplastics and more
www.houseofblades.com p 503-682-1966
sales@houseofblades.com p 401-723-8288; 800-842-9526
f 401-724-7035 Johnson Wood Products f 503-682-7168
Handmades, pocket knives, hunting knives, www.kershawknives.com
antique and collector knives, swords, www.Interpak.com 34897 Crystal Road
eginsberg@interpak.com www.ztknives.com
household cutlery and knife-related Strawberry Point, IA 52076
Knife boxes and POP displays www.shuncutlery.com
items. Knifemaking supplies. p 563-933-6504; 563-880-1896 (cell)
Kai USA Ltd. has built a worldwide
HTM Knives Ira Green, Inc. JohnsonWoodProducts@yahoo.com
reputation for quality and innovation.
9827 Highland Prairie Lane Brigade Quartermaster Knife handles, duck and goose calls, The company uses the highest
Forney, TX 75126 177 Georgia Ave. gunstock blanks quality materials and state-of-the-art
Mike Manrose Providence, RI 02905
techniques to produce knives and other
p 972-552-9180 p 401-467-4770; 800-663-7487 Jowitt & Rodgers Co. cutting tools that are prized throughout
www.htmknives.com www.brigadeqm.com 9400 State Rd. the world. Brands established and
mike@htmknives.com customerservice@iragreen.com
Philadelphia, PA 19114 managed by Kai USA Ltd. include
Various well-known brands of fixed blades,
Knife company and manufacturer and Fred Rodgers or Kelleen Loewen Kershaw, sporting and everyday
folding knives and pocket tools.
supplier of knife parts p 215-824-0400 carrying knives, Zero Tolerance, made-
histwpn@bellsouth.net f 215-632-2150 in-the-U.S.A. premium and professional
Scandinavian hunting and collector’s J www.jowittandrodgers.com knives, and Shun Cutlery, fine kitchen
knives sales@jowittandrodgers.com knives and housewares. Kai USA Ltd. is
Jancy Engineering Grinding wheels part of the Kai Corporation, a more than
Hunter Company, Inc. 2735 Hickory Grove Rd. 100-year-old company headquartered
3300 West 71st Ave. Davenport, IA 52804 in Tokyo, Japan.
p 563-391-1300; 877-758-4437
Joy Enterprises USA 1941
Westminster, CO 80030 5657 45th St.
f 563-391-6258
Tracey Schutz-White or Jeff Jullian West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Kanetsune
p 303-427-4626 www.jancy.com (see Tourmo International, LLC)
sales@jancy.com p 561-863-3205; 800-500-FURY (3889)
f 303-428-3980 f 561-863-3277
www.huntercompany.com Cutters, lasers, hydro, grinders
www.joyenterprises.com Karambit.com Tactical Knives
traceys@huntercompany.com mail@joyenterprises.com p 855-41-BLADE (2-5233)
Leather, nylon sheaths Jantz Supply www.karambit.com
309 West Main Folding, hunting, fishing and survival
knives; military knives; swords; info@karambit.com
Davis, OK 73030
I Kenda or Terri handcuffs, security and police Karambit.com is the world’s #1 retailer of
equipment custom and production karambits for
p 800-351-8900
IDL TechniEdge law enforcement, military and civilian
f 580-369-3082
30 Boright Ave. self-defense.
www.knifemaking.com JPW Industries
Kenilworth, NJ 07033 jantz@jantzusa.com 427 New Sanford Road
p 888-764-7487 Complete line of blades and kits, LaVergne, TN 37086
Katz Knives Inc.
www.techniedge.com everything from kitchen cutlery, P.O. Box 26150
DeWayne St. Laurent
info@techniedge.com hunting, fishing, tactical, folders, letter West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
p 800-274-6848
Made in USA blades, along with innovative openers and more. Blades made in V4T 2G3
f 888-605-2101
knives and other professional cutting the U.S.A. from U.S.A. steel: D2, 440C, Sales: Jim Baird
www.jpwindustries.com p 480-786-9334 & 778-755-4141
and safety cutting tools. Custom, 154CM, CPM S30V, CPM S90V, CPM dstlaurent@jpwindustries.com f 480-786-9338
specialty blades for food processing, 154, CPM 3V and 1095. Cryogenically
slitting, material processing and Grinders, lathes, metalworking band saws, www.katzknives.com
treated during the tempering process
medical industry, OEM and innovative drill presses, tapping machines. sales@katzknives.com
for superior edge holding, available in
hand tools satin or ceramic peen finish. Damasteel Hunting, pocket, tactical, survival knives,
distributor, knife supplies, tools and J.T. Knives camping, axes, multi-tools, saws and
I.M.G. of Utica, Inc. equipment 264 E. Main St. sharpening stones
P.O. Box 379 Port Jervis, NY 12771
206 Kossuth Ave. J. Bruce Voyles Auctioneers and Joe Tarbell Kayne and Son Custom
Utica, NY 13503 Appraisers p 877-364-9114 Forged Hardware
Patricia Bruno P.O. Box 22007 www.jtknives.com (see Blacksmiths Depot)
p 315-735-7591 Chattanooga, TN 37422 jtknifeshop@gmail.com
f 315-732-4262 Bruce Voyles Family owned and operated since 1989, Kellam Knives Worldwide
www.img-electromark.com p 423-238-6753 J.T. Knives specializes is high-quality 7789 S. Suncoast Blvd., Ste. 142
pbruno@img-electromark.com www.jbrucevoyles.com cutlery from all the major brands. In Homosassa, FL 34446
Etching/metal marking equipment and knifeauctions@gmail.com addition to knives we also carry survival Harriet Mars-Kellokoski
supplies, graphic arts and photographic Auctions knife collections, estates gear and gadgets, flashlights and p 561-588-3185
stencils containing knives, swords, axes, razors military surplus.  p 561-588-3185, 800-390-6918


www.kellamknives.com p 928-537-8877 (customer service); Cincinnati, OH 45246 Manufacturer of the finest quality
info@kellamknives.com 800-972-1192 (orders only) Mark Strauss outdoorsmen’s knives.
Quality handmade knives from Finland f 928-537-8066 p 913-481-3351
available for sale worldwide. Retail and www.knifeandgun.com www.knifeology.com Knives Plus
wholesale csinfo@knifeandgun.com marks@knifeology.com 2467 Interstate 40 West
Knifemaking supplies, wood stabilizing Fine custom knives, engraved knives, Amarillo, TX 79109
Kenefick, Doug tactical knives, traditional knives and Troney Toler
54 Attawaugan Crossing Road KnifeArt.com LLC fixed blades p 806-359-6202
Dayville, CT 06241 13301 Pompano Drive p 806-354-8097
p 860-774-7214 Little Rock, AR 72211 KnifePurveyor.com www.knivesplus.com
Randall-made knives at list prices Larry or Rodney Connelley Michael Donato salesupport@knivesplus.com
p 501-221-1010 p 919-295-1283
Kerry Abrasives www.knifeart.com www.KnifePurveyor.com Kroll International
Clieveragh Industrial Estate connelley@knifeart.com mdonato@knifepurveyor.com 51360 Danview Technology Court
Listowel, Country Kerry IRELAND High-end production knives, custom Buys, sells, trades and consigns custom Shelby Township, MI 48315
Liam Brosnan knives, hunting knives and tactical, knives, a coming together of individuals p 586-739-9200
p 011-353-68-23766 Scandinavian knives, bowies and multi- who want to share a passion for f 586-739-0600
f 011-353-68-23870 blades. Online orders only. incredible works of art www.krollcorp.com
www.kerryabrasives.com customerservice@krollcorp.com
info@kerryabrasives.com Knife Rights Wholesale supplier of law enforcement,
sales@kerryabrasives.com P.O. Box 657 military and tactical equipment,
Grinding wheels for knife and cutlery Gilbert, AZ 85299 including knives, axes, tomahawks,
grinding, and for grinding in the cutting p 602-476-2702; 866-889-6268 throwing knives, multi-tools, sheaths,
tool and medical device industries f 480-496-0282 sharpeners and tactical pens
KnifeCenter www.kniferights.org
5201 Lad Land Drive
Kizer Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Howard Korn/Jason Kunkler KnifeTreasures.com
Inquiry: info@kizercutlery.com Carlos Lopez
p 800-338-6799
Service: service@kizercutlery.com; kizer. www.KnifeTreasures.com
p 301-486-0901
cutlery@gmail.com clopez@knifetreasures.com
f 540-693-4950
Normal folding knives for EDC, hunting, Collector and purveyor of high-end custom
fighting. Kizer was founded in 2012 knives, engraved knives
with the goal of making high-quality
folding knives with premium materials. KnifeWorks/KnifeWorks.com Krudo Knives
8297 US Hwy 165 850 E. Lime St., #158
Klecker Knives, LLC Internet forums Columbia, LA 71418 Tarpon Springs, FL 34688
205 Oak St., Ste. B Roger Claunch Louis Krudo
Silverton, OR 97381 p 888-225-9775; 318-649-8401 (local) p 727-753-8455
Amanda DeDona KnifeHog f 318-649-0597 www.krudoknives.com
p 503-871-9755 (see Red’s Gear) www.knifeworks.com info@krudoknives.com
www.kleckerknives.com help@knifeworks.com SNAG live-blade tactical/defensive folders,
customerservice@kleckerknives.com Founded in 1998, one of the largest knife striking tools and SNAG Controller (pain
Manufacturer of the KLAX Lumberjack, retailers in the world with over $2 management tools), K.U.T. (Krudo Urban
Abiqua Knife, Trigger Knife Kit and the million in inventory on hand at all times. Tactics), tactical fixed blades, folders
new award-winning Klecker Daily Carry Every major knife brand with 5-way deployment. “Thumb
Tools that stowaway into any EDC. Knifekits.com Wedge” pocket deployment like on our
110 Depot Court Knights Edge Ltd. new DISCIPLINE folder.
Klingspor Abrasives Peachtree City, GA 30269 5696 N. Northwest Hwy.
2555 Tate Blvd. SE Steve Andrews Chicago, IL 60646 Kutmaster/Division of
Hickory, NC 28602 p 877-255-6433 Norman Vorne Utica Cutlery
p 800-645-5555 www.knifekits.com p 773-775-3888; 800-516-EDGE (3343) 820 Noyes St.
f 800-524-6758 sales1@knifekits.com f 773-775-3339 Utica, NY 13503
www.klingspor.com High quality knife kits and custom www.knightsedge.com Michael T. Mathews
info@klingspor.com knifemaking supplies sales@knightsedge.com p 800-888-4223
Abrasive belts, rolls, discs, sheets, Battle ready and historic swords, suits of p 315-733-4663
flapwheels, pads, power tools, safety KnifeLegends.com armor, medieval weaponry, helmets, f 315-733-6602
products and specialty abrasives Paul Shindler jewelry, figurines and more. Exclusive www.kutmaster.com
Call for street address designers of premium weaponry lines mmathews@uticacutlery.com
Klotzli Burgdorf Brookline, MA 02446 including Battlecore, Ritter Steel, Manufacturer of pocket, lockback and
Klotzli Messerschmiede GmbH p 617-731-3499 Stage Steel and Valiant Arms medieval linerlock tools and multi-tools, including
Hohengasse 3 www.KnifeLegends.com weaponry. MultiMaster and MiniMaster Multi-
CH 3400 Burgdorf pshindler@comcast.net Tools. Private label manufacturing
SWITZERLAND Full-time custom knife dealer specializing Knives Illustrated available. Licensed manufacturer of
H. P. Klotzli in top-quality handmade folders, fixed Engaged Media Inc. Team RealTree, CRUSH line of knives,
p 0041 034-422-23-78 blades and engraved pieces, run by 22840 Savi Ranch Parkway, #200 PIGMAN knives and Moonshine camo
f 0041 034-422-76-93 collectors for collectors Yorba Linda, CA 92887
www.klotzli.com Joshua Swanagon, editor L
info@klotzli.com Knife Magazine and p 714-939-9991
High-tech knives made in Switzerland, Knife World Books f 800-249-7761 Lamson & Goodnow LLC
scissors, wholesaler-distributor for P.O. Box 3395 Gabe Frimmel, ad sales director (see LongCap Lamson Products LLC)
Spyderco, CRKT, M-tech, Fallkniven Knoxville, TN 37927 p 714-200-1930  
and SOG Mark Zalesky www.knivesillustrated.com
p 800-828-7751 Knife magazine/ad sales
KME Sharpeners www.knifeworld.com
800-561-4339 or 973-948-6234 knifepub@knifeworld.com Knives Of Alaska
www.kmesharp.com An oversized, color monthly knife 3100 Airport Drive
KME.help@embarqmail.com magazine coverall all types of knives; Denison, TX 75020
also wholesale and retail knife Charles Allen/President Lansky Knife, Tool & Sharpeners
Knife and Gun Finishing Supplies books. p 903-786-7366 P.O. Box 800
1972 Forest Ave., PO Box 458 f 903-786-7371 Buffalo, NY 14231
Lakeside, AZ 85929 Knifeology.com www.knivesofalaska.com Deanna Dilorenzo
Brad and Shannon Edgington 11711 Princeton Pike #341-228 info@knivesofalaska.com p 716-877-7511


f 716-877-6955 Lee’s Cutlery Troney Toler p 626-282-8823
www.lansky.com 2550 S Ellsworth Road p 806-356-9540 f 626-576-7564
dilorenzo@lansky.com Mesa, Arizona 85209 f 806-359-1603 www.markingmethods.com
Manufacturer of knives, multi-tools, Jesse Beene www.lswtexas.com sales@markingmethods.com
survival axes, emergency tools, p 480-225-6897 sales@lswtexas.com San Diego location:
sharpeners for knives, tools, fishhooks. www.leescutlery.com Nationwide distributor of knives, knife 869 Rancheros Drive
beeneJL43@earthlink.net accessories and knife-related tools San Marcos, CA 92069
Larkin Precision LLC Sells custom and factory knives online and since 1995 p 760-781-1200
5810 S. 194th St. at trade shows f 760-294-5151
Kent, WA 98032 LongCap Lamson Products, LLC sdinfo@markingmethods.com
Brad Larkin Legendary Knifemakers.com 79 Mainline Drive / PO Box 846 Electro-chemical blade and gun-etching
p 800-359-9582/253-872-3536 14726 So. Woodcrest Ave. Westfield, MA 01085 equipment, marking job shop services
Homer Glen, IL 60491 Dave Sepavich for 20 years, kits, stencils, replacement
f 253-872-3830
Jim Charnas p 413-642-8135 x16 parts for manufacturers’ equipment and
p/f 708-302-5960 p 800-872-6564 x16 Dot Peen and laser marking
Production bevel and double-disc grinding www.legendaryknifemakers.com f 413-642-5938
www.lamsonsharp.com Masecraft Supply Co.
Levine, Gary Fine Knives info@lamsonsharp.com; soon to be www. 254 Amity St.
LATAMA Cutlery lamsonproducts.com Meriden, CT 06450
P.O. BOX 721 292 Newbury St.
Boston, MA 02115 American manufacturer and distributor Philip Hartman, Chris Hartman
Montauk, NY 11954 p 800-682-5489
p 203-455-4637 of household fine cutlery and kitchen
Walt Halucha hand tools and accessories, as well as f 203-238-2373
p 631-668-5995 industrial hand tools. www.masecraftsupply.com
www.latama.com info@masecraftsupply.com
Dealer of fine custom knives
pick@latama.com Over-30-year supplier of natural and
LoRay Sharpeners
New-vintage automatic knives spoken synthetic knife handle material to
here. Restoration, buy-sell-trade and
Lindsay Engraving & Tools 27348 State Route 511
3714 W. Cedar Hill New London, OH 44851 manufacturers, other reseller/suppliers
more. and individual artisans, pistol grips,
Kearney, NE 68845 Ron Roerig
Steve Lindsay p 440-647-4718 guitars, pool cues and so much more
Layton, Jim p 308-236-7885 roerigmachine@yahoo.com
2710 Gilbert Ave. www.airgraver.com Original manufacturer of LoRay Sharpeners Maserin Coltellerie Snc.
Portsmouth, OH 45662 www.engravingclasses.com Via Dei Fabbri n. 19
p 740-353-6179 www.engravinglessons.com 33085 Maniago (Pn), Italy
Custom leather knife sheaths www.engravingschool.com p +39 0427 71335
www.engravingforum.com f +39 0427 700690
Leather Crafters & Saddlers steve@lindsayengraving.com www.maserin.com
Journal Engraving tools and equipment info@maserin.com
P.O. Box 673 Offering folding, hunting, outdoor, law
Rhinelander, WI 54501 Linville Knife & Tool Co. enforcement, military, everyday carry
Brian Stelzel 5645 Murray Road L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knife Co. and kitchen knives.
Winston-Salem, NC 27106 130B Warren Lane
p 715-362-5393 or 888-289-6409
T. Britton Wintersville, OH 43953 Master Cutlery, LLC
f 715-362-5391
p 336-923-2062 L.T. Wright 700 Penhorn Ave.
www.linvilleknifeandtool.com p 740-317-1404 Secaucus, NJ 07094
info@linvilleknifeandtool.com www.LTWrightKnives.com Richard Gasson
Bi-monthly how-to leathercraft magazine
Manufacturer of knives and knife kits, and info@ltwrightknives.com p 201-271-7600; 888-227-7229
pistol grips Bushcraft, hunting and EDC knives Master Cutlery Customer Care: 888-271-
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.
12106 N.E. Ainsworth Circle 7229
M f 888-271-7228
Portland, OR 97220-0595
p 800-847-8665
f 503-253-7830
Mantis Knives richard@mastercutlery.com
16530 E Laser Drive, #6 Hours: M-F 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST
Fountain Hill, AZ 85268 (excluding weekends/holidays).
Gary West Also visit: www.topchefcutlery.com,
Stainless steel multi-purpose tools and
p 480-809-4537 www.mastercutlery.com and www.
folding knives featuring pliers, knives,
lionSTEEL sas di Pauletta Gianni f 480-809-4536 mc-armyknives.com
screwdrivers and more www.mantisknives.com
M. D.
Via La Mola, 9 sales@mantis.bz MAXPEDITION
Lectroetch Company Maniago PN 33085 Italy Manufacturer of utility, karambit, fixed and 137 Savarona Way
5342 Evergreen Pkwy p +39 0427 71984 folding blades, and Necessikeys Carson, CA 90746
Sheffield Village, OH 44054 f +39 0427 709032 p 310-768-0098
p 440-934-1249 www.lionsteel.it Marble Arms www.Maxpedition.com
f 440-934-1293 info@lionsteel.it (see Blue Ridge Knives) info@Maxpedition.com
www.lectroetch.com Folding knives, fixed-blade knives, multi-
sales@lectroetch.com LMS Stampings Marfione Custom Knives, LLC tools, knife cases and sheaths
Electro-chemical marking equipment and 1209 W. Lehigh St. 15A National Avenue
supplies, including custom stencils, Bethlehem, PA 18018 Fletcher, NC 28732 McGowan Manufacturing Co.
etching supplies and systems for p 610-867-5011 Susan Marfione, President 4720 N. La Cholla Blvd., #190
private or commercial knifemakers f 610-866-1433 Anthony Marfione, CEO Tucson, AZ 85705
www.lmsstampings.com p 828-684-4355 Mike McGowan
Ledlenser USA info@lmsstampings.com f 828-684-4354 p 520-219-0884
P. O. Box 20466 Water-jet cutting www.MarfioneCustomKnives.com f 520-219-9759
Portland, OR 97294 Marketing@MicrotechKnives.com www.mcgowanmfg.com
p 800-650-1245 London, Rick Pocketknives, out-the-fronts, folders, fixed info@mcgowanmfg.com
www.ledlenserusa.com 5676 Yorkshire Court blades, some of the finest and most FireStone & DiamondStone ceramic
info@ledlenserusa.com Lake Oswego, OR 97035 advanced cutlery in the world. Unique stone knife sharpeners, manual and
Retail store: p 503-684-6494 designs and innovative concepts. electric, FireStone Belt Axe, CarvingAxe,
10109 NE Cascades Pkwy. Collector-grade handcrafted folding knives UtilityAxe and SportAxe
(at Cascade Station) Marking Methods, Inc.
Portland, OR 97220 Lone Star Wholesale 301 S. Raymond Ave. Medford Knife & Tool/MKT USA
p 503-408-5550 2401 Interstate 40 W Alhambra, CA 91803-1531 17464 N. 25th Ave.
Flashlights, headlamps and accessories Amarillo, TX 79109 Charlie Nichols Phoenix, AZ 85027


Greg Medford f 714-638-4621 swords and other historic edges flayderman@aol.com
p 623-249-4506 www.missionknives.com weapons, as well as clothing, jewelry Website, catalog, antique knives, including
www.medfordknife.com info@missionknives.com and accessories bowies, swords, dirks.
greg@medfordknife.com Manufacturer of titanium and steel
Advanced edged weapons and tools, knives and tools with over 20 years in N Niagara Specialty Metals
military knives, flipper and frame-lock business. Tactical, combat, military, law 12600 Clarence Center Road
folders, tactical fixed blades, karambits, enforcement, EOD units, survivalist, NC Tool Company, Inc. Akron, NY 14001
tantos, fighters, bowies, daggers, diving, recreational straight blades, 6133 Hunt Road p 800-424-0048
tactical machetes and tomahawks folding blades and mine probes, and Pleasant Garden, NC 27313 f 716-542-5555
more. Still made in the USA! René Aldridge www.nsm-ny.com
Messermeister, Inc. USA Denise Jones nsm@nsm-ny.com
913 Bryant Place Mister Twister, Inc. p 800-446-6498 CPM steel, including CPM-20-CV, CPM-4V
Ojai, CA 93023 P.O. Box 996 p 336-674-5654 and CPM-CruWear, as well as 6/4
Debbie Dressler Minden, LA 71058 f 336-674-9991 titanium sheet
p 805-640-0051; 800-426-5134 Chuck Byrd www.nctoolco.com
f 805-640-0053 p 318-377-8818 nctool@nctoolco.com Nordic Knives
www.messermeister.com f 318-377-8862 Gas Forges 436 1st St., Ste. 203A
info@messermeister.com www.mistertwister.com Solvang, CA 93463
Kitchen knives, culinary tools and knife customerservice@mistertwister.com Nelson Woodworking Dave Harvey
luggage. 110-volt electric knife designed for 601 W. Main Road p 805-688-3612
filleting fish Little Compton, RI 02827 www.nordicknives.com
Microtech Knives, Inc. p 401-635-4733 info@nordicknives.com
15A National Avenue Moki Knife Company Ltd. www.johnnelsonwoodworking.com Dealer specializing in custom and Randall
Fletcher, NC 28732 15 Higashisenbo nww@farm.necoxmail.com knives
Anthony Marfione, President Seki City GIFU Manufacturer knife handle stock. Bone and
Susan Marfione, CEO Pref JAPAN other natural materials included Norris & Sons
p 828-684-4355 Satoru Sakurai 3613 Park Ridge Drive
f 828-684-4354 p 575-22-4185 Nemesis Knives, LLC Grand Prairie, TX 75052
www.MicrotechKnives.com f 575-24-5306 2753 E. Broadway Rd., Ste. 101-103 Joe Norris
Marketing@MicrotechKnives.com www.moki.co.jp Mesa, AZ 85204 p 972-264-3307
Pocketknives, out-the-fronts, folders, fixed information@moki.co.jp Jeff Hall f 972-264-0872
blades. Manufacturers of some of the Pocketknives, folders, fixed-blade knives p 562-594-4740 JGrump1@yahoo.com
finest and most advanced cutlery in the and gent’s knives www.nemesis-knives.com Cutlery distribution
world. Unique designs and innovative info@nemesis-knives.com
concepts. Monkey Edge Handmade and production knives NorthCoast Knives
4838 E. Baselin Rd., Ste. 121 17407 Puritas Ave.
Midwest Knifemakers Supply Mesa, AZ 85206 Neptune Trading Inc. Cleveland, OH 44135
1350 Lake Street p 866-633-7681; 480-305-6422 Pat Percival
4021 Greystone Dr.
North Mankato, MN 56003 f 480-834-3705 www.northcoastknives.com
Ontario, CA 91761
Tracy Mickley www.monkeyedge.com pjp@northcoastknives.com
p 909-923-0236/888-637-8723
p 507-720-6063 service@monkeyedge.com Knifemaking supplies, educational tutorials,
f 909-786-2092
f 507-720-6305 Dealer of Strider, Rick Hinderer, Starlingear step-by-step projects, and hints ‘n’ tips
www.USAknifemaker.com and many more. Custom knives, tactical for aspiring knifemakers.
info.usakms@gmail.com pens and gear One of the largest direct importers and
Full-line knifemakers supply with over Northstar Associates
distributors in the knife and sword
7,900 tools, parts and supplies. Moore Cutlery 2749 Herrod Ave.
industry. Pocketknives, swords, military,
Competitive pricing, tools for the job P.O. Box 633 Atwater, CA 95301-9422
medieval, historical, fantasy, anime,
and service. Sister site: KnifeDogs.com Lockport, IL 60441 Tom Dinwoodie
handmade, Oriental, foam, cosplay,
Gary Moore costume props, LARP, self-defense, p 831-212-0173
Mike Vellekamp Knives & p 708-301-4201 martial arts. northstartjd@yahoo.com
Designworks LLC www.moorecutlery.com Independent sales representative for H.L.
(see V NIVES) gary@moorecutlery.com New Graham Knives Dalis, Compass Industries, ProCut/EPP
Purveyor of fine custom knives, high- 560 Virginia Ave. and others
MIL-TAC Knives and Tool quality production knives, micro/mini- Bluefield, VA 24605
P.O. Box 161 tools and accessories Mike Dye Northwest Knives & Collectibles
Rockwall, TX 75087 p 276-326-1384 or 866-333-4445 270 Hansen Ave. S.
Craig Sword Morakniv c/o Industrial Revolution www.newgraham.com Salem, OR 97302
p 877-MIL-TAC6 5835 Segale Park Dr. C mdye@newgraham.com Bill Claussen
www.mil-tac.com Tukwila, WA 98188 Established in 1935 as part of New Graham p 503-362-9045
craig.sword@mil-tac.com p 888-297-6062 Pharmacy, retail and online stores carry www.nwknives.com
Tactical knives and tools, pistol grips, EOD www.industrialrev.com a wide selection of knives from over sales@nwknives.com
Operators’ kits, and other tools and kits sales@industrialrev.com 75 manufacturers like Case, William Knives, knife display stands, sharpeners,
designed for first responders and military Morakniv of Sweden hunting, survival, Henry, Chris Reeve Knives, Spyderco swords, multi-tools
fishing, woodworking and kitchen and Emerson, knife sharpening and
Miltner Adams Company knives maintenance accessories Norton/Saint-Gobain Abrasives
Richard Miltner 1 New Bond St.
p 661-235-0058 Morey’s Jewelry And Gifts New Jersey Waterjet Inc. PO Box 15008
www.miltner-adams.com (see Ridgeway) 1018 Oak St. Worcester, MA 01615
mac@miltner-adams.com Roselle, NJ 07203 John Blake
Designers/inventor: knives, tactical Moteng North America p 732-910-1602 p 866-279-3520
equipment, gun holsters, self-defense (see Sportsman’s Supply, Inc.) f 877-723-0860 f 508-795-4130
and fitness equipment. www.newjerseywaterjet.com www.nortonabrasives.com
Museum Replicas Ltd. www.h2ojet.net Grinding wheels, abrasive sandpaper,
2147 Gees Mill Road larry@newjerseywaterjet.com discs, belts and sharpening stones
PO Box 840 We cut any material, “Knife Blades Our
Conyers, GA 30012 Specialty” O
p 800-883-8838 retail
p 800-241-3664 ext 146 wholesale N. Flayderman & Co. Oklahoma Leather Products, Inc.
Mission Knives f 770-388-0246 PO Box 2446 500 26th St. NW
7130 Fenwick Ln. www.museumreplicas.com Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33303 Miami, OK 74354
Westminster, CA 92683 mrw@museumreplicas.com p 954-761-8855 Mike Platt
p 714-907-0505 Subsidiary of Atlanta Cutlery. Battle-ready www.flayderman.com p 918-542-6651


f 918-542-4340 Oso Famoso f 972-222-0646; 888-222-6450 Pietro Rosa Due Buoi Snc
www.oklahomaleatherproducts.com P.O. Box 654 www.paragonweb.com (see Due Buoi)
sales@oklahomaleatherproducts.com Ben Lomond, CA 95005 info@paragonweb.com
Leather and fabric knife sheaths p 831-336-2343 Paragon manufactures heat-treating Pilkington, Scott
www.osofamoso.com furnaces for knifemakers
354 Little Trees Ramble, PO Box 70
Fossil ivory, mammoth scales
Monteagle, TN 37356
Paragon Sports Scott Pilkington
867 Broadway at 18th Street
Outdoor Edge Cutlery Corp. New York, NY 10003
p 931-924-3400
5000 Osage St. #800 p 800-961-3030; 212-255-8889 f 931-924-3489
Denver, CO 80221 www.paragonsports.com learn2engrave.com
David Bloch customerservice@paragonsports.com engraver@pilkington.com
p 800-447-3343 Folders, fixed blades, hunters, multi-tools, Engraving
p 303-530-7667 tool knives, handmade fixed blades and
Olamic Cutlery 303-530-7020
1954 Old Middlefield Way, Unit F folders from top makers Piranha Knife Co.
www.outdooredge.com PO Box 5934
Mountain View, CA 94043
moreinfo@outdooredge.com Paragrave Profitable Hobbies
Eugene Solomonik Twin Falls, ID 83303
Quality knives and tools for hunting, 2927 North 175 East
p 408-480-3533 Josh Hazen
survival, outdoor and EDC Provo, UT 84604
www.olamictactical.com p 208-732-5525
eugene@olamiccutlery.com Tamaree Littlefield f 208-732-5535
Custom tactical folding knives made in
Ozark Cutlery Supply p 800-624-7415
5230 S. Main St. www.piranhaknife.com
America and handmade damascus www.profitablehobbies.com
Joplin, MO 64804 piranha@pmt.org
fixed blades made in Russia tamaree@profitablehobbies.com
Christa Hoag High-speed engraving, sandblasting, Folders, autos.
p 417-782-4998 airbrush equipment and training
Old World Anvils ozarkcutlery@gmail.com
N8126 Postville Road
Plaza Cutlery, Inc.
Supplier of major knife brands 3333 S. Bristol St.
Blanchardville, WI 53516 Parker River Knife Co.
p 608-527-2494; 888-737-5714 23 Newbury Neck Rd. South Coast Plaza, Suite 2060
f 608-527-6908
P Newbury, MA 01951 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
www.oldworldanvils.com J. Parker Dan Delavan and family
Anvils, flypress, power hammer Pacific Heat Treating p 978-432-9444 p 714-549-3932
1238 Birchwood Drive www.parkerriverknife.com f 714-549-1371
Sunnyvale, CA 94089 info@parkerriverknife.com
One Stop Knife Shop www.plazacutlery.com
p 408-736-8500 Pocketknives, folders, cheese, oyster and
245 Hubbards Ln. dan@plazacutlery.com
f 408-745-7620 clam knives, outdoors knives, and gift
Louisville KY, 40207 Factory and handmade knives, Dog Paw
www.pacificheattreating.com and display boxes
p 502-671-5510 (general); 866-289-1757 Knives, flashlights, tactical bags,
Knife blade heat-treating shaving items, scissors and household
f 502-671-5560 Parkers’ Knife Collector Service
www.onestopknifeshop.com PO Box 23522 cutlery are just some of the items we
info@onestopknifeshop.com Pacific Sintered Metals Chattanooga, TN 37421 carry. Sponsor of California Custom
Knives, sharpening supplies, flashlights, 14000 Avalon Blvd. James P. (Buzz) Parker Knife Show and Hawaii Knife Show
tactical, hunting, tactical gear, camping Los Angeles, CA 90061 p 423-892-0448
O’Brien O’Connell www.bulldogknives.org
equipment and automatic knives Pop’s Knives & Supplies
p 310-715-9800 x102 buzz@bulldogknives.org
f 310-715-1414 1654 S. Smyrna Church Road
Only Fine Knives Online and mail order dealer specializing Washington, GA 30673
PO Box 90 in collectible knives, including Bulldog p 706-678-5408
Clarksville, VA 23927 Knives, Weidmannsheil and Parker
Manufacturer of parts out of powdered f 706-678-5409
Shannon Turner Eagle Brand. Parkers’ Greatest Knife
metals www.popsknifesupplies.com
p 434-738-8647 Show On Earth
Pacific Solution Marketing Inc. Sanding belts, handle screws, buffing
sturner@onlyfineknives.com Paul Bos Heat Treating
1220 E. Belmont St. supplies
Specializing in William Henry and Chris c/o Paul Farner at Buck Knives
Ontario, CA 91761
Reeve knives 660 S. Lochsa St.
Daniel Lo
Post Falls, ID 83854 PPC Specialty Metals, Inc.
p 877-810-4643
f 909-930-5843 Paul Farner 1504 Miller St.
ONTARIO p 208-262-0500 x211 Monroe, NC 28110
www.pacificsolution.com or www.
KNIFE musashicollection.com f 800-733-2825 Eddie Poindexter
COMPANY sales@pacificsolution.com
Or contact Paul Bos direct:
p 704-283-9122; 855-470-2721
The solution to wholesale folding f 704-289-6406
pocketknives, hunting, outdoors, p 928-237-1656
Ontario Knife Company tactical and novelty knives, shields & paulbos@buckknives.com
26 Empire St. armors, martial arts equipment and Heat-treating
Tool steel and heat treat furnaces.
Franklinville, NY 14737 accessories, specializing in handforged
Air-hardening tool steel, oil-hardening
p 716-676-5527 / 800-222-5233 samurai swords and tantos Paul Long Custom Leather
108 Briarwood Ln. W tool steel, ground flat stock, tool wrap
f 716-676-5535
www.ontarioknife.com Paladin Press Kerrville, TX 78028-9311
knifesales@ontarioknife.com 5540 Central Ave., Ste. 200 Paul Long Premium Knife Supply™
Knives, machetes, cutlery, fixed blades Boulder, CO 80301 p 830-367-5536 or 830-459-1967 P.O. Box 927, 98 Crown and Bridge Place #3
and folders Lynne Seipp pfl@cebridge.net Hayesville, NC 28904
p 303-443-7250 x223 Custom leather sheaths Jim Kumas
Osborn International p 720-473-8823 (direct line) p 828-835-2707
3440 Symmes Road f 303-442-8741 Peters’ Heat Treating, Inc. www.premiumknifesupply.com
Hamilton, OH 45015 www.paladin-press.com 215 Race St. sales@premiumknifesupply.com
Gary Buck lynnes@paladin-press.com Meadville, PA 16335 One-stop source for knife blanks, handle
p 513-860-3400 Book publishers, videos and instructions Brad Stallsmith
materials, kits and accessories
f 513-8608732 p 814-333-1782
www.osborn.com/usa/en/products/ Paragon Industries, LP www.petersheattreat.com
compounds.html 2011 South Town East Blvd. blades@petersheattreat.com Premium Manufacturing
gbuck@osborn.com Mesquite, TX 75149 High-precision heat treating for all steel Group, LLC
JacksonLea brand compounds and buffs, Arnold Howard types, specializing in custom and (same contact as Premium Knife Supply)
abrasives, polishing solutions p 972-288-7557; 800-876-4328 factory cutlery. www.premiummanufacturinggroup.com


Sole authorship. Remington.

Raine, Inc. Ridgeway

6401 S. Madison Ave. 102 N Main/PO Box 493
Anderson, IN 46013 Bridger, MT 59014
Ron James p 800-527-3828
p 800-826-5354; 765-622-7687 f 406-662-9896
Pro-Tech Knives LLC www.ridgewaycompany.com
17115 Alburtis Ave. f 765-622-7691
Artesia, CA 90701-2616 www.raineinc.com
Reate Knives Custom folding and hunting knives
David Wattenberg rainemail@raineinc.com
A Forestry Centre, BeiShan
p 562-860-0678 Knife sheaths, cases, pouches FangJi Road, Dongchen town, Riverside Machine
www.protechknives.com Yangdong City, Guangdong Province, PRC 201 W. Stillwell Ave.
dave@protechknives.com or Randall Made Knives www.reateknives.com DeQueen, AR 71832
service@protechknives.com 4857 S. Orange Blossom Terrace sales@reateknives.com Alton “Uncle Al” Lawrence
Manufacturer specializing in automatic Orlando, FL 32839 Warranty and service: p 870-642-7643
knives for police, military and p 407-855-8075 19425 Soledad Canyon Road, Suite 349 f 870-642-4023
discriminating collectors f 407-855-9054+ Canyon Country, CA 91351 www.riversidemachine.net
www.randallknives.com warranty@reateknivesusa.com uncleal@riversidemachine.net
Puma Knife Co. USA info@randallknives.com Tactical, folding and pocket knives Knifemaking supplies, tools and jigs
13934 W. 108th St.
Hunting, skinning, fishing, carving, utility,
Lenexa, KS 66215 Red Devil, Inc. R. Murphy Company, Inc.
diving, survival and military sheath
p 913-888-5524 4175 Webb St. 13 Groton-Harvard Road/P.O. Box 376
www.pumaknifecompanyusa.com knives
Pryor, OK 74361 Ayer, MA 01432
customerservice@pumaknifecompanyusa. p 800-4-A-DEVIL (423-3845) Mark Furman, owner
com Rapala f 908-825-5761 p 978-772-3481; 888-772-3481
Importer/distributor of Puma Knives p 800-874-4451 www.reddevil.com f 978-772-7569
www.rapala.com info@reddevil.com www.rmurphyknives.com
Q Fillet knives, sharpeners, fishing tackle and Sanding and abrasives, utility knives sales@rmurphyknives.com; information@
equipment murphyknives.com
Queen Cutlery Company Manufacturer of household cutlery,
507 Chestnut St./PO Box 408 RAT WORX, Inc. industrial hand and wood carving
Titusville, PA 16354 112 E. Hitt St. knives
K. Ryan Daniels Mt. Morris, IL 61054
740-418-0142 (cell) Allen Millhouse Red Hill Corp. Robertson’s Custom Cutlery
factory: 814-827-3673 p 800-675-6906; 815-734-7346 (see Supergrit Abraisives) Les Robertson
www.QueenCutlery.com f 800-732-9948 p 706-650-0252
rdaniels@queencutlery.com www.robertsoncustomcutlery.com
www.ratworxusa.com Red Hill Cutlery
Traditional pocketknives, folders, fixed blades customknives@comcast.net
guns@ratworxusa.com 1628 N Logsdon Pkwy
Radcliff, KY 40160 Custom knife entrepreneur
Home of the world’s only Chain Drive
Quick Click Wine Opener p 800-378-7120
Automatic Knife.
PO BOX 721 f 270-352-5263 Robo-Jet LLC
Montauk, NY 11954 jrbasham@redhillcutlery.com 390 E. Corporate Drive, Suite 110
Walt Halucha Razor Edge Systems, Inc. Meridian ID 83642
p 631-668-5995 303 N. 17th Ave. E. Beatriz von Ungern
www.QuickClickUSA.com Ely, MN 55731 p 208-391-7575
Red Horse Knife Works, Inc.
info@QuickClickUSA.com Mary Graves https://robo-jet.com
1970 South Carboy Road
Designed for single-handed operation. p 218-365-6419 design@robo-jet.com
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
“Just Push the Button.” Made in Italy. p 800-541-1458 p 847-621-2419
f 218-365-5360 f 847-593-1830 Rocklin Manufacturing
Quick Release Oil www.razoredgesystems.com www.redhorseknifeworks.com 110 S Jennings St.
P.O. BOX 721 mary@razoredgesystems.com info@redhorseknifeworks.com Sioux City, IA 51101
Montauk, NY 11954 Knife sharpening kits, components, and High-quality mid-tech knife company. US J. Rocklin
Walt Halucha accessories. made using materials bought from US p 712-255-6046; 800-255-6046
p 631-668-5995 manufacturers. The haven for merging f 712-252-5619
www.QuickReleaseOil.com old-world mentality with new-age www.rocklinmanufacturingco.com
info@QuickReleaseOil.com Reactive Metals Studio, Inc. info@rocklinmanufacturingco.com
Knives, guns, anything with moving metal P.O. Box 890 “Rocklinizer” carbide application
parts will last longer and work better Clarkdale, AZ 86324 equipment, blades, blade coatings
Deborah, Michele & Sharon Red’s Gear
when you Quick Release it!
2293 Grissom Drive
p 928-634-3434 Rocky Mountain Scrimshaw & Arts
Maryland, Heights, MO 63146
Quintessential Cutlery p 800-876-3434 p 855-714-7219 5474 Road 112.6
P.O. Box 11 f 928-634-6734 www.redsgear.com Alamosa, CO 81101
Clearwater, MN 55320 www.reactivemetals.com support@redsgear.com Tom High
Grazyna Shaw info@reactivemetals.com Knives for fishing, camping, boating, 719-589-2108 XSX
p 320-217-9002 Niobium, titanium, anodizing power hunting and tactical. www.rockymountainscrimshaw.com
www.quintcut.com supplies, Multi-Etch® (safer titanium rmscrimshaw@gmail.com
gshaw@quintcut.com etch), Japanese alloy metals (shibuichi, Remington Cutlery Scrimshaw and knifemaking
Purveyor shakudo), rokusho and other patinas, Bear & Son Cutlery
miniature nuts and bolts, Surface 1111 Bear Blvd. SW Rowe’s Leather
R Saver™ tape, masking systems and Jacksonville, AL 36265 3219 Hwy 29 S.
much more. p 800-844-3034 Hope, AR 71801
Rados, Jerry www.remingtoncutlery.com Kenny Rowe
134 Willie Nell Road info@bearandson.com Cody Rowe
Real Avid p 870-777-8216 shop
Columbia, KY 42728 Bear & Son Cutlery and Remington
10700 Hwy. 55, Ste. 150 p 870-777-2974 home
p 606-303-3334 Outdoor Company have partnered to
jerryrados.com Minneapolis, MN 55441 manufacture a new line of collectible www.rowesleather.com
www.radosknives.com p 800-286-0567 and functional cutlery products. The rowesleather@yahoo.com
jerry@radosknives.com f. 763-591-1654 made in the USA collection will offer Manufacture leather, sheaths
Specializing in Turkish damascus in www.realavid.com the sleek design of a Bear & Son
forged-to-shape blades and original Hunting knives, multi-tools, tactical folders knife with the rugged durability that RUKO LLC
designs. Makes handforged knives. and the Hogzilla pig sticker sportsmen have come to rely on from PO Box 38


Buffalo, NY 14207 Schenk Knives Maker portfolio and magazine Smithy Industries
Chris Koppe 4574 N. Haroldsen Drive submission photos, and custom P.O. Box 1517
p 800-611-4433 Idaho Falls, ID 83401 knife dealer website images, which Ann Arbor, MI 48106
f 905-826-1353 p 208-523-7436; 208-523-2026 maximize sales p 734-913-6700; 800-476-4849
www.rukoproducts.com www.schenkknives.com f 734-913-6663
info@rukoproducts.com zane@schenkknives.com sales Sharp’nr Co. www.smithy.com
Exclusive North American importer of Custom knives at production prices. All P.O. Box 1369 sales@smithy.com
Muela Knives and Ruko branded. knives are offered in forged 52100, Palestine, TX 75802 Lathes and milling machines
Elmax stainless and our own forged p 713-575-8217; 800-575-8217
RW, Wilson damascus steel. Each knife is carefully f 903-729-7832
P.O. Box 2012 handcrafted with a high level of www.aladdinsharpener.com
Weirton, WV 26062 skill and attention to small details. sales@aladdinsharpener.com
p 304-723-2771 Also offers design work, OEM work,
Aladdin Knife Sharpener
rwwilsonknives.com damascus steel, leather work and
rwknives@comcast.net damascus blade blanks to the general
public.  Sheffield Knifemakers Supply
Knifemaking supplies, knives and
P.O. Box 741107 Smoky Mountain Knife Works
Orange City, FL 32774-1107 Customer service:
Schmuckatelli Co.
p 386-775-6453 P.O. Box 4430
S 8565 Alondra Blvd.
f 386-774-5754 Sevierville, TN 37876
Paramount, CA 90723
mike@industrialempire.com Jocie Cates, dealer sales
Mike Keough
Sack-Ups Your complete source for custom Order: 800-251-9306
p 310-909-7182
1611 Jamestown Rd. knifemaking supplies Order fax: 865-429-0182
Morganton, NC 28655 Dealer sales: 800-564-8374
W. Norman Dealer sales fax: 865-429-0182
sales@scskulls.com Shepherd Hills Cutlery
p 877-213-6333; 828-584-4579 www.SMKW.com
Purveyor of custom beads, lanyards, P.O. Box 909
f 828-584-6326 help@smkw.com, collectibles@smkw.com
jewelry and exclusive products all Made Lebanon, MO 65536
www.sackups.com Sporting and collectible knives, including
in the USA. Producing custom beads p 800-727-4643; 888-4CASE limited editions, hunting, tactical,
Knife and gun rolls
for Spyderco, Emerson, Pro-Tech, Buck, www.casexx.com kitchen, and pocketknives. All major
Kershaw, KA-BAR, Benchmade, Brous, info@shephills.com brands.
Santa Fe Stoneworks, Inc. DPx Gear and many more
3790 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Shining Wave Metals SOG Specialty Knives & Tools
Scrap Yard Knife Company P.O. Box 563 6521 212th St. SW.
Bill, Anna and Miles Wirtel Busse Knives Group Snohomish, WA 98291 Lynnwood, WA 98036-7411
p 800-257-7625 11651 Country Rd 12
p 505-471-3953 sales Philip Baldwin p 425-771-6230
Wauseon, OH 43567 p 425-387-9150 (not the best way to f 425-771-7689
p 505-471-0036 office Dan and Patti Busse
www.santafestoneworks.com contact) www.sogknives.com
p 419-923-6471 www.shiningwave.com sogsales@sogknives.com
knives@rt66.com f 419-923-2337
Gemstone-handled pocketknives, table and info@shiningwave.com Manufacturer of multi-purpose tools,
www.scrapyardknives.com Designer and manufacturer of Mokume- folding knives and fixed blades
custom knives info@scrapyardknives.com
gane in bronze, silver, gold, palladium
Machetes, bush, semi-production,
Sarco Pocket Knives and platinum, plus a line of Japanese Sooner State Knives
449 Lane Drive alloys P.O. Box 67
Konawa, OK 74849
Florence, AL 35630 Scrimshaw by Linda Karst Stone
Simonich Knives LLC p 580-925-3708
Jace Sargent Kerrville, TX
P.O. Box 278 www.soonerstateknives.com
Gina Sargent Linda Karst Stone
Clancy, MT 59634 ssknives@swbell.net
p 256-766-8099 p 830-896-4678
p 406-933-9151 Most major knife brands
f 256-766-7246 www.karstone.com
www.sarcoknives.com Linda@Karstone.com Or contact Erik Fritz at 406-351-1101
New, antique and collectible knives; Specializing in wildlife scrimshaw. tacmedic45@yahoo.com
reference guides; imported knives Classic mid-tech designs by Rob Simonich
from around the world. Also, engraved Scrimshaw by Sandra Brady
pocket knives, the perfect groomsmen P.O. Box 104 SKARB
gifts. Monclova, OH 43542 2427 Richley Road Spartan Blades, LLC
Sandra Brady Corfu, NY 14036 625 S.E. Service Rd.
Sarge Knives p 419-261-1582 Richard Nowicki Southern Pines, NC 28387
2720 E. Phillips Rd. www.sandrabradyart.com p 585-547-9388 Mark Carey / Curtis Iovito
Greer, SC 29650 sandy@sandrabradyart.com www.skarb.net p 910-757-0035
Christie Gaines Custom scrimshaw artwork on knives, gun grenadiershop@aol.com contact@spartanbladesusa.com
p 800-454-7448 grips, pool cues, jewelry and “How to Unique knife sharpener with infinitely www.spartanbladesusa.com
f 864-331-0752 Scrimshaw” DVDs and supplies adjustable angle, one clamping on all Tactical, combat, fighter, survival and field
www.sargeknives.com knives up to 13 inches long, use any knives
cgaines@sargeknives.com Sentry Solutions sharpening stone
High-quality, affordable pocket knives, 2697 International Parkway Sport Manufacturing Group Inc./
hunting, fishing, camp and tactical. Suite 3-140 Steel Will Knives
We offer custom engraving for Virginia Beach, VA 23451 1840 County Line Road, Suite 111
promotional knives or personalized Terry Naughton Huntingdon Valley, PA, 19006
gifts. p 757-689-6064; 877-726-7328 Diana Alperovich
www.sentrysolutions.com p 877-969-0909
SB Specialty Metals LLC www.scopecoat.com f 877-337-1467
1101 Ave. H East Makers of Tuf-Cloth™ and Tuf-Glide™, Smith’s Consumer Products Inc. www.steelwillknives.com
Arlington, TX 76011 premium knife care products 747 Mid-America Blvd. info@smgoutdoor.com
Scott Devanna Hot Springs, AR 71913-8414 Tactical fixed blades and folders
p 800-365-1168 SharpByCoop Photography Russ Cowen, marketing manager
f 817-633-8142 9 Mathew Court Charles Fitzgerald, sales manager Sportsman’s Supply Inc./Moteng
http://sb-specialty-metals.com Norwalk, CT 06851-5346 p 501-321-2244 North America
scott.devanna@sbsm.com Jim Cooper p 800-221-4156 2219 Hitzert Court
Specialty metals supplier of knife steels, p 203-838-8939 f 501-321-9232 Fenton, MO 63026
tool steels, high-speed steels, particle- (please, no calls after 9 p.m. EST) www.smithsproducts.com p 800-367-5900
metallurgy steels, alloy and stainless www.sharpbycoop.com sales@smithsproducts.com f 636-389-5411
steels jcooper@sharpbycoop.com Knife and tool sharpeners www.motengna.com


info@moteng.com Joe Hufnagel Walt Halucha
Worldwide wholesale distributor of cutlery, p 203-470-2526
T p 631-668-5995
flashlights, shooting, hunting, fishing, f 866-258-7202 www.TheNewsletter.com
outdoor, tactical and survival gear. www.stonerivergear.com Tai Lubricants info@TheNewsletter.com
info@stonerivergear.com POB 1579 The automatic resource guide and
Steel- and ceramic-blade tactical folders, Hockessin, DE 19707 newsletter for switchblade-automatic
pocketknives, household and sports Tom Madden knife collectors. A home for all
ceramic cutlery p 302-326-0200 automatic knives, and a must for
f 302-326-0400 all switchblade fans. New: digital
www.lubekits.com download collection archives.
Strider Knives
603 Seagaze Drive
Spyderco, Inc. Distributor of NyOil and NyOil II, and other
Oceanside, CA 92054 TheRazorRock.com
820 Spyderco Way synthetic greases and oils from Nye
Mick Strider/Duane Dwyer 207 Daniels Run Road
Golden, CO 80403 p 760-747-1132 Lubricants, Inc.
Copper Hill, VA 24079
Spyderco Factory Outlet f 503-218-7069 Mike Gearhart
p 800-525-7770 www.striderknives.com Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. p 540-330-4770
f 303-278-2229 striderguys@striderknives.com 1900 SE Loop 820 www.therazorrock.com
www.spyderco.com Tactical, combat, survival knives Fort Worth, TX 76140 therazorrock.com@gmail.com
sfo@spyderco.com p 817-872-3200; 877-LEATHER (532- The Razor Rock is a state-of-the-art
Knives, sharpeners and accessories Suffolk Machinery Corp. 8437) ceramic and diamond felt sharpening
(see Timber Wolf Bandsaw Blades) www.tandyleatherfactory.com hone designed to last a lifetime and
Stamascus Knife Works tlfhelp@tandyleather.com consistently produce surgically sharp
The Knife-Makers Inn Leather and leathercraft supplies edges!
Supergrit Abrasives
Ed & Tanya VanHoy Red Hill Corporation
24255 N. Fork River Road P.O. Box 4234 Taylor Brands, LLC The Sword and The Stone
Abingdon, VA 24210 Gettysburg, PA 17325 (see BTI Tools LLC) 723 N Victory Blvd.
p 276-944-4885 p 800-822-4003 Burbank, CA 91502
f 276-944-3187 f 717-337-0732 Texas Heat Treating Tony Swatton
www.stamascusknifeworks.com www.supergrit.com 155 Texas Ave., PO Box 1117 p 818-562-6548
www.stamascus.com orders@supergrit.com Round Rock, TX 78680 www.swordandstone.com
stamascus@centurylink.net Offers coated abrasives: belts, discs, flap p 512-255-5884 tony@swordandstone.com
Designers and makers of damascus steel, wheels, foam sponges, rolls, sheets. f 512-255-8464 Special fabrications for movies and
knives and knife-related material www.texasheattreating.com television, swords, knives and armor.
Svord Knives Heat treating 4,000-square-foot retail shop open
Steel Addiction Custom Knives Smith Road, Road 2 Saturdays, and during the week by
2058 N. Mills Ave., #449 Waiuku, South Auckland Texas Knifemakers Supply appointment. Stocking dealer for C.A.S.
Claremont, CA 91711 NEW ZEALAND 10649 Haddington, Suite 180 Iberia, Windlass/Museum Replicas and
Dave Stark Bryan Baker Houston, TX 77043 Deepeeka
p 909-731-3903 p 0064-9-2358846 Jim Lemcke
www.steeladdictionknives.com f 0064-9-2356483 p 713-461-8632 The Ultimate Edge, Inc.
steeladdiction1@gmail.com svord@xtra.co.nz f 713-461-8221 3435 Ocean Park Blvd., Ste. 107
Purveyor of a wide variety of custom www.svord.com www.texasknife.com Santa Monica, CA 90405
knives. Come Feed Your Addiction! Craftsmen making belt knives, all convex sales@texasknife.com p 310-398-5401; 800-988-5846
ground, exports to Australia, U.S.A, Complete line of knifemaking supplies, f 310-390-9113
Steel Stamps, Inc. Canada, Japan, Europe. Uses only equipment, and custom heat treating www.theultimateedge.com
1846 W. Airport Way Swedish high carbon L-6 equivalent. sales@theultimateedge.com
Boise, ID 83705 All blades are zone tempered. Cutlery Tex Shoemaker and Sons Inc. Oval Diamond Sharpening steels, made
Tim Purdy manufacturer & foreign, maker of the 131 S Eucla Ave. in USA; Chef’s luggage series; and
p 208-345-2550 “Peasant Knife” San Dimas, CA 91773 knife rolls
f 208-345-2369 p 900-592-2071
www.steelstampsinc.com Swamp Rat Knife Works www.texshoemaker.com Three Rivers Mfg., LLC
steelstampsinc@yahoo.com c/o Busse Knife Group texcustomerservice@gmail.com P.O. Box 98
Custom made steel stamps, as well as 11651 County Road 12 Custom leather sheaths Three Rivers, MA 01080
presses, pliers and jigs Wauseon, OH 43567 p 413-283-6670
Jennifer Busse The Epicurean Edge f 413-289-2372
Steel Will Knives www.swampratknifeworks.com 107 Central Way www.threeriversmfg.com
(see Sport Mfg. Group Inc.) info@swamprat.com Kirkland, WA 98033 mh@threeriversmfg.com
Fixed-blade tactical, survival, hunting, p 425-889-5980 Instagram @MTicoon
Stephen Bader & Co. Inc. camp knives, hatchets www.epicedge.com Twitter @threeriversmfg
10 Charles St./PO Box 297 info@epicureanedge.com Three Rivers Mfg. has joined forces with
Valley Falls, NY 12185 Swiss Army Brands Inc. Retail and wholesale sales of chef’s knives Halpern Titanium, a leader in the knife
Dan Johnson (see Victorinox Swiss Army, Inc.) and sharpening stones. Emphasis on industry for two decades, to offer
p 518-753-4456 handmade and Japanese cutlery. high-quality folding knives and fixed
f 518-753-4962 SwissBianco USA blades. These comfortable and reliable
www.stephenbader.com 345 Young Harris St., #147 The Knifemakers’ Guild knives are designed to become your
badergrinder@hotmail.com Blairsville, GA 30512 www.knifemakersguild.com new EDC. Halpern manufactures small
Manufacturer of abrasive belt grinding and Young Harris, GA 30582 Gene Baskett, president production batches for us that are
polishing machinery, contact wheels Roger Swiss Bianco 427 Sutzer Creek Road engineered and designed by founder
and accessories www.swissbianco.com Eastview, KY 42732 Les Halpern and well-respected
roger@swissbianco.com p 270-862-5019 or 270-766-8724 knifemakers from around the world.
Stone Hollow Scrimshaw Studio The best Swiss multi-tools www.baskettknives.com TRM has decided to continue
31 High Trail baskettknives@hotmail.com with Halpern’s personal touch, by
Eureka, MO 63025 Swiss+Tech Charlie Mathews, secretary and treasurer offering only direct sales. Discuss
Michelle Ochonicky 30725 Solon Industrial Pkwy. p 912-682-8103 any questions you have with a TRM
p 636-938-9570 Solon, OH 44139 twinblades@bulloch.net representative.
www.stonehollowstudio.com p 440-248-0178
info@stonehollowstudio.com www.swisstechtools.com The Newsletter Timber Wolf Bandsaw Blades
Original hand-etched scrimshaw Swiss+Tech, Micro-Tech, Micro-Pro, Utili- The Automatic Knife Resource 12 Waverly Ave.
Key, Micro-Plus and Screwz-All multi- Guide And Newsletter Patchogue, NY 11772
Stone River Gear tools, some with pliers that lock around 166 Fairview Avenue Art Gschwind
P.O. Box 67 key chain rings, key chain knives and PO BOX 721 p 800-234-SAWS (7297); 631-289-7153
Bethel, CT 06801 LED lights Montauk, NY 11954 f 631-289-7156


www.timberwolfblades.com UST Brands
info@timerwolfblades.com 7720 Philips Hwy.
Swedish band saw blades Jacksonville, FL 32256
R. Padgett
Tirdell’s Cutlery p 904-786-0033
783 Fairmont Ave. f 904-786-0890
Mohnton, PA 19540 Tormek www.ustbrands.com
Steve Tirdell p 866-588-0395 sales@ustbrands.com; customerservice@
www.tormekus.com ustbrands.com
p 610-777-7719 or cell: 484-797-3252
info@affinitytool.com TNK True North Knives Tactical fixed blades and folders, field
Retail sales of bowies, camp knives, 2455 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 201
Tormek is a slow-speed wet-grinder saws, axes/camp axes, machetes and
damascus knives, hunting/survival, Hollywood, FL 33020
sharpening system that can put a razor- even a floating knife
fillet, household cutlery, hunting knives, Neil H. Ostroff
damascus jewelry, swords sharp edge on knives without damaging
p 954-453-1104; 866-748-9985 Usual Suspect Network
the steel.
f 954-453-1105 www.usualsuspect.net
TMS Titanium www.TNKUSA.com Internet forums
Tourmo International, LLC Full-time custom and production knife
12215 Kirkham Rd., Ste. 300
6635 Schuster St. purveyor since 1997
Poway, CA 92064
Las Vegas, NV 89118
p 888-748-8510 or 858-748-8510 Young Lee
f 858-748-8526 Tuna Valley Cutlery Co.
p 702-616-0082 (see Queen Cutlery)
www.tmstitanium.com tourmointl@hotmail.com
info@tmstitanium.com Bowies, camp, exotic, fighters/tactical/
Titanium knifemaking materials Two Finger Knife, LLC
survival/military, household cutlery,
4570 N. Haroldsen Dr.
hunting, machetes/bush, swords/
Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Utica Cutlery Company
Toledo Swords sabers, sharpeners Zane R. Schenk
RealCoolSavings 820 Noyes St./P. O. Box 10527
p 208-523-7436 Utica, NY 13502
48 Quaker St. Tramontina USA, Inc. f 208-523-7436 315-733-4663
Marlton, NJ 08053 12955 West Airport Blvd. www.twofingerknife.com www.uticacutlery.com
p 610-924-4529 Sugar Land, TX 77478 twofingerknife@gmail.com
f 501-636-5658 p 800-221-7809 User-friendly OEM manufacturer with
www.toledosword.com/contact.html www.tramontina-usa.com no minimum order. World’s leader in V
questions@realcoolsavings.com customerservice@tramontina-usa.com USA-forged and hand-ground finished
Swords Certified kitchen knives made of forged, blades from company’s own high- Victorinox Swiss Army, Inc.
stain-free, high-carbon steel, exclusive quality damascus. Also blades in 5160, 7 Victoria Drive
Porterhouse line of steak knives with 1095, 52100, D2, 440C, ATS-34, ELMAX Monroe, CT 06468
Tony Foster Case Collectible Knives Kristin Oakes
dishwasher-safe Polywood™ handles. and any other steel your project may
302 Jamesbury Road require. Finishes sword blades, sword- p 203-929-6391
Leading manufacturer also selling high-
Wando, SC 29492-7813 quality aluminum non-stick cookware cane blades, damascus bar stock, www.swissarmy.com
Tony Foster and stainless housewares to national tomahawk heads, folder kits, custom kristin.oakes@swissarmy.com
p 843-971-4777 and international retailers sheaths, and in-house heat treating Makers of the Original Swiss Army Knife
antique knives Treestump Leather U Virginia Blade, Inc.
443 Cave Hill Road 5177 Boonsboro Road
Tool Logic Waltham, ME 04605 Ultra Speed Products Lynchburg, VA 24503
6521 212th St. SW Chris Kravitt (see High Speed Carving Products/ Duke Dudley
Lynnwood, WA 98036 p 207-584-3000 Turbo Carver) p 434-384-1282
p 425-771-6230; 888-405-6433 www.treestumpleather.com www.vablade.com
f 425-771-7689 sheathmkr@aol.com United Cutlery Corporation eastwatch@aol.com
www.toollogic.com Custom leather sheaths P.O. Box 2768 Outdoors knives, sharpeners
toollogicsales@sogknives.com Moultrie, GA 31768
Tool knives, credit card knives and knife/ Tru-Balance Knife Co. East p 800-548-0835 V NIVES
P.O. Box 807 f 229-985-4861 9918 162nd St. Ct E, Suite 4
flashlight combinations
Awendaw, SC 29429 www.unitedcutlery.com; youtube.com/ Puyallup, WA 98375
Bobby Branton unitedcutlery.com Mike Vellekamp
p 843-928-3624 customerservice@unitedcutlery.com p 303-263-2468
www.tru-balanceknives-east.com Wholesale only: pocket, sportsman, https://vnives.com
knives, licensed movie knives, swords, info@vnives.com
exclusive brands Designer, manufacturer and distributor of
Manufacturing and sales of throwing
knives high-quality cutlery
U.S. Cavalry, LLC
TOPS Knives
PO Box 2544 Tru-Grit, Inc.
1344 Russell Cave Road W
Lexington, KY 40505
Idaho Falls, ID 83403 760 E. Francis St., Unit N
p 866-286-1359
p 208-542-0113 Ontario, CA 91761
f 502-352-0266
f 208-552-2945 p 909-923-4116; 909-923-7046 www.uscav.com
www.topsknives.com shop/heat treat: 909-923-7477 service@uscav.com
f 909-923-9932 Uniforms, boots, accessories, knives,
www.trugrit.com folding, sword, fantasy, fighting,
Manufacture and distribution of tactical
Carrying a complete line of knifemaking collectible, Hibben, Smith & Wesson,
supplies and machines SEAL team knives
W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Co.
Tormach Tru Hone Corp. P.O. Box 4000
1071 Uniek Dr. US Gladius
1721 N.E. 19th Ave. www.usgladius.com Bradford, PA 16701
Waunakee, WI 53597 Ocala, FL 34470 p 800-523-6350
USGladius® knives are based on the
p 608-849-8381 US & Canada: 800-237-4663 design of the Roman Gladius (short f 814-368-1736
www.tormach.com All others: 352-622-1213 sword), the standard arm of the Roman www.wrcase.com
tech: info@tormach.com; sales: sales@ f 352-622-9180 Legions (armies), proven on battlefields
tormach.com www.truhone.com and the gladiatorial spectacles of Ward, Chuck Photography
CNC mills, surface grinders, metalworking truhone@truhone.com the arena for over 400 years. Brutal, www.flickr.com/photos/chuck_ward_
tool accessories Sharpeners functional, beautiful. photography


Warner Manufacturing Co. Williams, Gary info@darex.com
Customer Service Department PO Box 210 Knife and tool sharpeners, consumer and
13435 Industrial Park Blvd. Glendale, KY 42740-0210 industrial drill sharpeners
Plymouth, MN 55441 p 270-268-7888
p 800-444-0606 www.scrimshawbygarbo.com Wren Chest Co.
f 877-9276370 scrimbygarbo@gmail.com c/o GRK Manufacturing
www.warnertool.com Scrimshaw 1200 Dayton St. Zeiba New York
Knife supplies Hamilton, OH 45011 95 Commercial St. #4
Wilson Combat/Wilson Tactical p 800-289-2362 Brooklyn, NY 11222
2452 CR 719 f. 800-556-6128 Michael Zeiba
Berryville, AR 72616 www.wrenchest.com www.ziebaknives.com
Tressa Caldwell www.grkmfg.com info@ziebaknives.com
p 800-955-4856 wrenchest@grkmfg.com
f 870-545-3310 Knife display and storage chests Zweibrueder Optoelectronics
www.wilsoncombat.com (see Ledlenser USA)
We Knife Co., Ltd. info@wilsoncombat.com Wüsthof-Trident of America Inc.
3rd Yuyuan Road Tactical folders and fixed blades 333 Wilson Ave. Zwilling J.A. Henckels LLC.
Yangdong, Yangjiang Norwalk, CT 06854 270 Marble Ave.
Guangdong, 529500, China Winkler Knives II p 800-289-9878 Pleasantville, NY 10570
p +86-662-6624678 P.O. Box 2166 www.wusthof.com www.zwilling.com
f +86-662-6634678 Blowing Rock, NC 28605 info@wusthof.com Zwilling, Henckels International, Miyabi,
+86-158 2034 1764 (cell) Daniel Winkler Kitchen knives Staub, Demeyere kitchen cutlery,
www.weknife.com p 828-295-9156 scissors, shears, gadgets, cookware,
angel@weknife.com or sales@weknife. www.winklerknives.com Wuu Jau Co. Cutlery flatware
com danielwinkler@bellsouth.net 2600 S. Kelly Ave.
Folding knives, fixed blades, outdoor Edmond, OK 73013
knives, pocketknives, EDC knives, Wolff Industries, Inc. p 800-772-5760
hunting knives and camping knives 107 Interstate Park Drive f 405-340-5965
Spartanburg, SC 29303 www.wuujau.com
Weyer International p 800-888-3832; 864-587-6008 mail@wuujau.com
6466 Teal Rd. f 864-587-0660 One of the largest direct importers and
Petersburg, MI 49270-9751 www.wolffindustries.com distributors in the knife and sword
Jim Weyer Twice As Sharp scissors sharpener, industry. Pocketknives, swords,
p 734-279-2464 instructional video, scissors and shears weapons, military, medieval, historical,
law-weyerinternational@msn.com fantasy, anime, handmade, Oriental,
Photography Wolf’s Knives foam, LARP, self-defense, martial arts.
627 Cindy Court
White Lightning Aberdeen, MD 21001 X
p 631-206-1675 Glenn Paul Smit
www.whitelightningco.com p 410-272-2959 Xikar Inc.
info@whitelightningco.com cell 443-866-3838 PO Box 25757
Lubricants www.facebook.com/Wolf’s Knives Kansas City, MO 64102
wolfsknives@comcast.net Kurt Van Keppel, President
White River Knife & Tool, Inc. Handmade knives, custom sheaths p 866-676-7380
130 Mason Drive in leather or Kydex, personalized International: 816-474-7555
Coopersville, MI 49404 engraving, sharpening service, f 816-421-3530
p 616-997-0026 sharpening supplies, repairs of knives www.xikar.com
f 616-997-0030 and photography service, exclusive info@xikar.com
www.whiteriverknives.com maker of Dave Murphy-style knives. The world’s leading manufacturer of cigar
Tactical, hunting, caping, fillet and outdoors See my pictures in BLADE®’s “Knife cutters, including the world’s #1 selling
knives, designs by Jerry Fisk and Justin Showcase” at www.blademag.com/ Xi Cigar Cutter
Gingrich knife-showcase
Wicked Edge Wood Carvers Supply, Inc.
1591 Pacheco St., Bldg. 2 P.O. Box 7500 York Saw & Knife
Santa Fe, NM 87505 Englewood, FL 34295 295 Emig Road
p 877-229-7818 p 800-284-6229 York, PA 17406
www.wickededgeusa.com f 941-460-9433 p 800-233-1969; 717-767-6402
Sharpeners and the Illuminator hunting, www.woodcarverssupply.com f 800-233-0850; 717-764-2768
fish and camp knife illuminated by teamwcs@yahoo.com www.yorksaw.com
built-in AA batteries Knives, tools and supplies for wood carving info@yorksaw.com
Blades, blade coatings, heat treating, steels
WILDSTEER Woodlab Outdoors, LLC
ZA Charles Chana P.O. Box 4246, 2735 6th St. Z
10 rue des Haveuses Muskegon Hts, MI 49444
42230 Roche La Moliere, France p 616-322-5846
p +33 04-77-92-59-86 woodlabgroup@gmail.com
Zac Brown’s Southern Grind
101 Gardner Park
www.wildsteer.com www.woodlab.biz
Peachtree City, GA 30269
contact@wildsteer.com Wood stabilizing service, bone dyeing
Chris Brooks
Manufacturer of archery knives, as well services, wood knife handles, spalted
p 404-941-3480
as outdoors, sports, hunting, tactical, maple, mammoth bark, mammoth
backpacking and bushcraft knives tooth, dyed and stabilized camel bone,
corncob handles, pinecone handles,
William Henry amber stag, sambar stag, red and elk
Tactical fixed blades and folders, machetes,
3200 NE Rivergate St. stag, knifemaking vises, damascus
bowies survival and camp knives.
McMinnville, OR 97128 blade blanks and billets, knife kits
Company owned by Grammy-award-
p 503-434-9700 winning musician Zac Brown of the Zac
f 503-434-9704 Work Sharp Tools/DAREX Brown Band
www.williamhenry.com 210 E. Hersey St.
sales@williamhenry.com Ashland, OR 97520
Semi-production, handmade knives p 800-597-6170



*We are not affiliated with the “R.W. Loveless Knives” logos and products being made after Bob’s death or any late period knives.

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Featuring all Major
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WANTED 352-598-1880 • RKCCLUB@aol.com
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Gordon White
P.O. Box 181, Cuthbert, GA 39840
229-732-6982, anytime CAPT. CHRIS STANABACK





Knives assembled
from the kits by, from
left, with MSRPs in
parentheses: Knifekits.com
Sundown Trapper ($59.99),
Premium Knife Supply
SW450K Lone Wolf Survi-
vor ($49.95) and USA
Knife Maker K1257
linerlock ($28.72).

ver the years, more and more In the case of the three kits for this re- SPOT ON & EASY
knife kits have become available. view, I examined the quality of parts, ease I have worked with Premium Knife Sup-
At one point it was more com- of assembly and the finished product. In ply before, and the company is very ac-
mon to find fixed-blade kits, but now, assessing the level of difficulty of each commodating and carries a wide variety
thanks to advancements in Computer kit’s assembly, I took into consideration of knife supplies and kits. The assembled
Numerically Controlled (CNC) machin- the need to have certain tools to complete knife from the SW450K Lone Survivor
ing, folder kits are more widely available. the job. Knife Kit is 8 inches overall and made


A t BLADE University
during the 2017
BLADE Show, knife-
maker Jason Brous and
Knifekits.com conduct-
ed the class “Knifemak-
ing for Kids.” Knifekits.
com gave Stinger knife
kits to all the students. Under the direction of knifemaker Jason Brous
The kids had a choice be- (at right in the background), students draw knife
tween the G-10 and the wood designs during the BLADE U. class “Knifemaking
scale models. Steve Andrews for Kids” during the 2017 BLADE Show.
from Knifekits.com assisted
Jason and described it as a hands-on event—better yet, a family one.
To assemble the Sundown Trapper, the “The kids came expecting to hear about how knives were made. They were stoked
author locks the handle in a vise so he when they found out they were actually going to get to build one themselves,” Steve
can use a small piece of metal to unload
the springs. Knifekits.com provides small said. “I think the parents were even more excited.”
bronze washers with the kit. If you don’t It is important to hold events that promote the future of the community, and the
have the right kind of fingernails, you’d bet- fact that knives are important tools with a place in our society. Working with youth
ter get a good set of tweezers if you hope to in such away is a case in point.
be able to pick the washers up.
“It gives kids a sense of accomplishment going from a box of parts to a com-
pleted knife, as well as helping them understand the inner workings of one,” Steve
noted. “As a bonus, they have a working tool when they are finished.
“Our goal at KnifeKits.com has always been to bring new people into the knife-
making arena. Who knows, one of these kids could be a future superstar in the knife
industry, and this class may have been the catalyst.”
Here’s a suggestion: As the holidays approach, it might be a good idea to get a
knife kit as a family project
—by Abe Elias

The author attaches the spacers to one

side first of the K1257 instead of trying to
attach both sides to one spacer at a time.
As he notes, “I find it better than fumbling
with three small parts at once.”

It helps to have two drivers handy some-

times. At this point, the author needs
them to tighten the pivot point of the Lone


If you can imagine it,
we have the steel for it.
Widest selection of blade stock.
Our commitment to service and value is as strong as our products. You can
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• Stainless – ATS34 - 440C - 154CM - CPMS35VN - CPMS30V - • 15N20 – 201 Nickel – 6AL/4V Titanium
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• Precision Ground Stainless – Bar Sizes
Visit our website and order online at www.admiralsteel.com,
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4152 West 123rd Street
Alsip, Illinois 60803-1869
Admiral is a registered trademark of Admiral Steel LLC. Alsip, Admiralsteel.com
Illinois. Reg. No. 2430959. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 REGISTERED

To make drilling the scales easier on the

Sundown Trapper, the author attaches
them quickly with a 5-minute epoxy.

from D2 tool steel. It is full-tang con-

struction with a drop-point hollow-
ground blade.
I picked this one because I like having
a fixed-blade everyday carry (EDC) once
in a while. To me there is nothing wrong
with a fixed-blade EDC—just make sure
you are aware of your local laws. As an
EDC the Lone Survivor is not a small
fixed blade but you’re not carrying a
chopper around, either. Fit and finish is
spot on. The blade has a stonewashed ox-
ide finish for a subtle look.
As for assembly, this one was super
easy. It went together faster than it took
me to grab a beverage and clear off a spot
on the bench. All you need is a standard
micro-screwdriver set. Seriously, this has
to be one of the easiest knife kits I have
The SW450K comes with two OD
green G-10 scales with crosshatching. A
fitted Kydex sheath is included. If I had
one concern, it’s that the sheath is rigged
for neck carry only. If you want belt carry,


you have to make up a rig. Otherwise, I BANG for YOUR BUCK
am enjoying this knife. At its MSRP of The level of difficulty on USA Knife Mak-
only $49.95, as a knifemaker I could not er’s K1257 linerlock kit is very low. All
make the knife for that kind of money. you need are a pair of micro-screwdriver
Even though it is an easy kit to assem- sets and nail polish. The grade of finish
ble, don’t forget to dry fit all the pieces on my kit was superb. Simply put, it is as
before fastening them. It is a good idea to if someone took a completed knife apart
check your threads as well. A poor man’s and left it for you to re-assemble. It comes
Loctite® is clear nail polish, so get a bottle with all the fasteners and washers you
at the dollar store before you start. need and a set of OD G-10 scales com-

to the




When the author assembles a kit knife, he

places the screws in a diagonal pattern as
on the Lone Wolf Survivor (right). “I don’t
tighten anything until all the screws are in
place,” he writes. Note the pattern milled
into the G-10 handle.

pletely milled. Closed length: 4.25 inches.

The drop-point blade is hollow ground
from 440C. I know 440C is a point of con-
tention with many steel snobs, but prop-
erly heat treated it makes a good knife.
Assembly is simple as with any other
linerlock. It is a bit tedious lining up
the washers and blade to insert
the pivot point, but you
eventually get it. Take
your time and be
careful how

Abs Mastersmith - Purveyor - 760-945-7177
exquisiteknives@gmail.com - www.exquisiteknives.com

hard you torque the screws down. If ev-

erything is fitted well you should get a
nice, smooth action.
As an EDC it is a good knife and works
fine. The pocket clip is set to be carried
right side, tip up only. MSRP is $28.72,
so if you want to try and experiment and
do some modifications to the knife, you
don’t have to worry about having a ton of
money sunk into it.

Of the three test kits, the Knifekits.com
Sundown Trapper with stainless steel
damascus was the most difficult to as-
semble. It is not impossible but you must
work at it. A short list of tools you will
need includes a small ball-pien hammer,
an anvil of some sort, Super Glue®, a vise
and sandpaper.
The kit comes as a trapper pattern with
two 71-layer damascus blades. For scales
I got white quince burl wood but decided
to use some fiddleback maple I had on
hand instead. The finished knife is 4.1
inches closed.
The first order of business was to fit
the scales to the sides. I chose to sand


While assembling a linerlock kit knife such
as the K1257 (left), the author starts by
assembling the lock side. “It’s easier to
assemble the kit with the lock side on the
bottom,” he advises. “Work goes easier when
you let gravity help you.”

MARCH 9 – 12, 2018


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A convex,
ve exx,, recurved
ed blade
de styled
ed to
o be ass
ea utti
ifuul and
and powerful
owe ul ass the
ul he lake
ake itt is
ake is the scales so I could go slowly and not the open and closed positions. Once the
med after.
d afte
a fte
er. take too much off if I were to cut them knife is assembled, you can start the final
to size. After fitting I tacked them to the fit and finish.
liners with a spot of a 5-minute epoxy— I am a big fan of pocketknives and this
I was out of Super Glue—so I could drill is a good version. Granted, it is not my
the holes for the pins. I mushroomed favorite pattern but is still a good EDC or,
one side of the pins first so they would better yet, a good knife for upland game.
catch on the inside of the scale. I in- MRSP: $59.99.
serted them through the liners and the
scales, and then pinned and sanded SENSE of ACCOMPLISHMENT
them flush. Assembling knives from kits is a nice
Next I contoured the sides by sand- hobby and gives you a sense of accom-
ing. If you have some available, you plishment. At the very least, you get an
could use an ordinary piece of wood idea of all the parts a custom maker has
and finishing nails small enough to fit to navigate. Take your time and enjoy the
in the holes in the bolsters. A technique process.
I learned from world-class knifemaker
Tony Bose is to tack the bolster to a For the contact information for the sup-
piece of wood to hold the knife while pliers and knives in the story, see “Sharp
you work on it. By tacking the knife this Sources” on page 91.
way, you don’t have to struggle to hold it
• 3 mm,
mm m, 1095
095 High
10 High
Hi gh
arbbon Steel
bon Stee
St eeell while sanding. To read about the latest knives, knife news,
Na atu
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7557 West
We est Sand
Sa and Lake ke ,
• Walnut
Wal alnnut Handle
lnu Hand
Ha ndl
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#1106 After shaping the sides, the next move blogs and more, visit blademag.com. 
• Hand
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Orrla FL 32819,
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Ph 407-458-9396
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• Limited
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ime Wa
Wa arrrrran
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condo ortk
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• Satisfaction
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tee ed Request
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Ca ataalo
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• Hand
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et project, take your time and dry fit every-
thing. Check the fit of the blades in both



Drug Companies
Fear Release of the
New AloeCure
Big Pharma stands to lose billions as doctors’ recommend
drug-free “health cocktail” that adjusts and corrects
your body’s health conditions.
by David Waxman HELPS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM TO CALM body’s ability to break down and absorb
Seattle Washington: INFLAMMATION calcium. Aloe delivers calcium as it aids in
Drug company execs are nervous. That’s balancing your stomach acidity. The result?
According to a leading aloe research,
because the greatest health advance in Thicker, healthier looking hair…more
when correctly processed for digesting,
decades has hit the streets. And analysts youthful looking skin… And nails so strong
the Aloe plant has a powerful component
expect it to put a huge crimp in “Big Pharma” they may never break again.
for regulating your immune system called
profits. Acemannan. So whether it’s damage that is SAVE YOUR KIDNEY
So what’s all the fuss about? It’s about a physical, bacterial, chemical or autoimmune;
the natural plant helps the body stay healthy. National and local news outlets are
new ingredient that’s changing the lives of reporting Kidney Failure linked to PPI’s. Your
people who use it. Some call it “the greatest RAPID ACID AND HEARTBURN Kidney extracts waste from blood, balance
discovery since penicillin”! NEUTRALIZER body fluids, f orm u rine, a nd a id i n o ther
The name of the product is the AloeCure. important functions of the body. Without
Aloe has proved to have an astonishing it your body would be overrun by deadly
It’s not a drug. It’s something completely effect on users who suffer with digestion
different. And the product is available to toxins. Aloe helps your kidney function
problems like bouts of acid reflux, heartburn, properly. Studies suggest, if you started
anyone who wants it, at a reasonable price. cramping, gas and constipation because it
But demands may force future prices to rise. taking aloe today; you’d see a big difference
acts as a natural acid buffer and soothes the in the way you feel.
TOP DOC WARNS: DIGESTION DRUGS digestive system. But new studies prove it
Company spokesperson, Dr. Liza Leal;
a leading integrative health specialist So you’ve been taking proton pump Due to the incredible results people are
recommends AloeCure before she decides to inhibitors (PPI’s) for years and you feel just reporting, AloeCure is being sold with an
prescribe any digestion drug. Especially after fine. In June of 2015 a major study shows equally incredible guarantee.
the FDA’s stern warning about long-term use that chronic PPI use increases the risk of “We can only offer this incredible
of drugs classified as proton pump inhibitors heart attack in general population. guarantee because we are 100% certain this
like Prilosec®, Nexium®, and Prevacid®. product will work for those who use it,” Says
In a nutshell, the FDA statement warned UNLEASH YOUR MEMORY Dr. Leal.
people should avoid taking these digestion Studies show that your brain needs the
drugs for longer than three 14-day treatment Here’s how it works: Take the pill exactly
healthy bacteria from your gut in order as directed. You must see and feel remarkable
periods because there is an increased risk of function at its best. Both low and high
bone fractures. Many people take them daily improvements in your digestive health, your
dosages of digestion drugs are proven to mental health, in your physical appearance,
and for decades. destroy that healthy bacteria and get in the the amount inflammation y ou h ave
Dr. Leal should know. Many patients come way of brain function. So you’re left with a throughout your body – even in your ability
to her with bone and joint complaints and sluggish, slow-to-react brain without a lot of to fall asleep at night!
she does everything she can to help them. room to store information. The acemannan
One way for digestion sufferers to help used in AloeCure actually makes your gut Otherwise, simply return the empty
avoid possible risk of tragic joint and bone healthier, so healthy bacteria flows freely to bottles with a short note about how you took
problems caused by overuse of digestion your brain so you think better, faster and the pills and followed the simple instructions
drugs is to take the AloeCure. with a larger capacity for memory. and the company will send you...Double
your money back!
Analysts expect the AloeCure to put a Doctors call it “The greatest health HOW TO GET ALOECURE
huge crimp in “Big Pharma” profits. discovery in decades!” This is the official n ationwide r elease o f
the new AloeCure pill in the United States.
The secret to AloeCure’s “health adjusting” SLEEP LIKE A BABY And so, the company is offering our readers
formula is scientifically tested Acemannan, a up to 3 FREE bottles with their order.
polysaccharide extracted from Aloe Vera. But A night without sleep really damages
not the same aloe vera that mom used to apply your body. And continued lost sleep can lead This special give-away is available for
to your cuts, scrapes and burns. This is a perfect to all sorts of health problems. But what you readers of this publication only. All you
strain of aloe that is organically grown under may not realize is the reason why you’re not have to do is call TOLL-FREE
very strict conditions. AloeCure is so powerful sleeping. Some call it “Ghost Reflux”. A low- 1-800-746-2 and provide the operator
it begins to benefit your health the instant you intensity form of acid reflux discomfort that with the Free Bottle Approval Code:
take it. It soothes intestinal discomfort and you quietly keeps you awake in the background. JC025. The company will do the rest.
can avoid the possibility of bone and health AloeCure helps digestion so you may find Important: Due to AloeCure’s recent
damage caused by overuse of digestion drugs. yourself sleeping through the night. media exposure, phone lines are often
We all know how well aloe works externally CELEBRITY HAIR, SKIN & NAILS busy. If you call and do not immediately get
on cuts, scrapes and burns. But did you know through, please be patient and call back.
Acemannan has many of other health benefits?... Certain antacids may greatly reduce your




The lights of two of the

knives, the SOG Blade-
light Folding Mini-Satin
(left) and Southern Grind
Rhino (right), light up
both sides of the blades,
while the Coast LK375
(middle) lights the blade
on the mark side only.
Note the broader, more
sweeping beam on the
Rhino, more typical of a
standard flashlight.



light in a knife is not a new con-
cept. Victorinox offered one
called the Illuminator—now the
Swiss Lite—first produced in 1996. LED
(Light Emitting Diode) technology has
grown by leaps and bounds over the past
five or six years, and the now common
form of lighting is brighter, more depend-
able and affordable. The cutlery industry
is reaping the benefits of such innovation.
SOG Specialty Knives’ Bladelight se-

The SOG Bladelight Folding Mini-Satin is

compact and limited to small tasks, but
that may be all you need. It worked well at
cutting paracord, and with two LEDs on both
sides of the blade offers excellent overall


Coast Light Knife 375 SOG Bladelight Folding Mini Satin Southern Grind Rhino
KNIFE PATTERN: Linerlock folder KNIFE PATTERN: Linerlock folder KNIFE PATTERN: Fixed blade
OVERALL LENGTH: 7” BLADE TYPE: Modified clip point
BLADE PATTERN: Spear point BLADE TYPE: Clip point
BLADE MATERIAL: 7Cr17 stainless BLADE MATERIAL: D2 tool steel,
BLADE MATERIAL: 8Cr13MoV stonewash finish
steel stainless steel
LIGHTING SYSTEM: Four LEDs, LED flashlight, 400 lumens
110 Lumens, AAA battery 43 Lumens
ADDITIONAL: Push button on/off ADDITIONAL: Hex wrench cutouts,
ADDITIONAL: Push button on/off; screwdriver/glassbreaker, cap lifter
HANDLE MATERIAL: Black Allen screwdriver included HANDLE MATERIAL: Black G-10
polycarbonate HANDLE MATERIAL: Aluminum/ CARRY: Black Kydex sheath,
CARRY: POCKET CLIP black glass-reinforced nylon Pelican case
WEIGHT: 5.2 ozs. CARRY: Pocket clip/reversible
WEIGHT: 11.2 ozs.
Weight: 3.4 ozs.
CLOSED LENGTH: 4.65” Closed length: 4” OVERALL LENGTH: 9.5”
MSRP: $55 MSRP: $67 MSRP: $369.95
Country of manufacture: China Country of manufacture: China Country of manufacture: USA

ries, introduced in 2015, continues with single LED light housing located on the vated by a red button positioned roughly
the Bladelight Folding Mini-Satin. At front side protruding another .2 inch. two-thirds of the way up the handle from
4 inches closed, it is the smallest of our The LK375’s single lightbulb is acti- the base, and runs on an easy-to-find
three test knives. The Mini-Satin has very
cool, hi-tech exoskeleton-looking alumi-
num scales/battery covers on each side of
the handle—both of which are adorned
with the company logo of an embossed
bereted skull—that house four CR2032
lithium batteries in all. The Mini-Satin has
a 3-inch clip-point blade of 8Cr13MoV
stainless steel that rolls out via a thumb
stud and secures via a linerlock housed
inside a black, glass-reinforced-nylon
frame. The frontal guard area houses
four LEDs—two per side—that project
a combined 45-lumens beam activated
by a push button on the upper handle.
The batteries are swapped out by remov-
ing five Allen screws from each cover. A
1.75-inch tip-up reversible pocket clip on
the back side makes for easy pocket carry.
Weight: 3.4 ounces. MSRP: $67.

Coast Products produced its first LED
flashlights over 15 years ago and started
teaming them up with knives in 2015.
The Coast LK375 Light Knife is a large
folder with a 3.5-inch spear-point blade
of satin-finished 7Cr17 stainless steel that
opens via an ovate blade hole and is se-
cured by a linerlock. The black polycar-
bonate handle is 4.65 inches long with a



With its
partially ser-
rated blade, the
Coast LK375
performed very
well at cutting
seat-belt web-
bing. The single
bulb, rated at
110 lumens,
throws ample
light on the
subject and its
bright orange
activation but-
ton is easy to

Southern Grind’s
Rhino is built
like a tank and
your best bet of
the three test
knives for heavy-
duty chores.
There are other
tools designed
in, such as the
blade cutout,
making it the
most versatile of
the test trio.

Once a rarity, knives with lights

are becoming more popular as
manufacturers take advantage of
LED technology. From left: the
Coast LK375, Southern Grind
Rhino and SOG Bladelight
Folding Mini-Satin.


AAA battery. The light is rated at 110 lu-
mens with up to four hours of runtime.
A waterproof battery case is located on
the lower back side of the handle, eas-
ily removed by unfastening one Phillips-
head screw. A 2.75-inch pocket clip pro-
vides tip-down carry. Weight: 5.2 ounces.
MSRP: $55.

We’ve saved the “beast” for last. The ap-
propriately named Southern Grind Rhi-
no is a 9.5-inch feature-filled fixed blade.
Rather than having a light built in its han-
dle, the Rhino has a removable Olight S10 Rick
Baton LED flashlight—400 lumens, 3.8 Hinderer
inches long—that can be detached and
used alone as a handheld torch. When at-
tached inside the handle, the Olight S10
splits its beam on both sides of the blade.
The flashlight is held in place with a steel
clip, and is popped out by pushing down Jake
on the top rim and pulling outward. In- Hoback
side the handle the light is well protected
by ample, nicely sculpted G-10 scales.
The D2 tool steel blade, best described
as a modified clip point, is 4.5 inches
long and a healthy 0.21 inch thick. On
the blade resides a hex-wrench cutout Brian
that accommodates ½-, 7/16-, 3/8- and Nadeau Chris
5/16-inch heads. On the base is a ¼-inch Reeve
wrench cutout, cap lifter and flathead
screwdriver, which doubles as a glass
breaker. The Rhino rides in a black Ky-
dex belt sheath with securing loop, lan-
yard and a black Pelican case to corral
the entirety of its orneriness. Weight: 11.2



O nly available at True North Knives.

The SOG Bladelight Folding Mini-Satin with

a battery cover removed reveals two of its
four CR2032 lithium batteries. Note the
waterproofing gasket around the perimeter
of the housing—a nice feature.


The new and improved
Paragon furnaces
Compact Paragon knife making fur-
naces need less table space than before.
We moved the temperature controller
from the side and placed it in an elegant
sloped base. We also improved the heat
distribution. Color selection Choose the stan-
Drop or side door? Do you prefer dard black paint or, at no extra charge, the
the traditional counter-weight drop door optional turquoise, jade, navy, berry, pur-
or the side-swing door? Choose either; ple . . . or even pink.
the price is the same. 3 controllers Choose the 12-key dig-
1/3 Sq
ital u
Both doors include the door safety a r ethe
controller, new Sentinel touch
switch. Both doors are mounted onto a screen controller shown above, or save
heavy steel case and rotate on a rugged money with the 3-key controller.
shaft that is built to last a lifetime. For more information please call or
email us. We would love to hear from you
about our new design and colors. Your
opinion means everything to us.
The soul of the blade is
born in the crucible of The Coast LK375 also has a waterproof
the furnace. battery cover. It requires removing only
one screw with a small 000-Phillips-head
2011 South Town East Blvd. screwdriver to access the AAA light battery.
Mesquite, Texas 75149-1122
“The Paragon oven is very well constructed,”
said Ed Fowler, who bought his Paragon
800-876-4328 / 972-288-7557 ounces. MSRP: $369.95.
KM-14D in 1993. “Mine is as solid as the day it www.paragonweb.com
was made.” info@paragonweb.com
It should be noted these knives are de-
signed exclusively for slicing and similar
ABS BLADESMITHING AT cutting. Chopping is out of the question
as the light will illuminate a subject only
HAYWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE when it comes in contact with it. I tested
each knife in darkness on a variety of

Clyde, North Carolina materials: paracord, 3/8-inch rappelling

rope, seatbelt webbing and tough waxed
lasso rope. All three knives emitted plen-
ty of light to work on the various materi-
als, both in flat-surface slicing and pull-
2018 Schedule

 >^^ d /E^dZhdKZ

through cuts.
^ƵƌǀŝǀĂů<ŶŝĨĞ &Ğď͘ϭϵͲϮϯ ^ĐŽƩDĐ'ŚĞĞ The SOG Mini Satin did extremely
well with paracord but took more effort
/ŶƚƌŽƚŽůĂĚĞƐŵŝƚŚŝŶŐ DĂƌ͘ϭϵͲϯϬ 'ƌĞŐEĞĞůLJΘ^͘DĐ'ŚĞĞ on larger materials. The Coast cut all four
media but excelled at slicing the seatbelt
webbing thanks to the serrated blade. The
&ŽůĚĞƌƐ DĂLJϭϰͲϭϴ ĂŶŝĞůtĂƌƌĞŶ big Southern Grind Rhino was a rope-
cutting machine, handling the rappelling
,ĂŶĚůĞƐΘ'ƵĂƌĚƐ :ƵŶĞϰͲϴ :ĂŵĞƐZŽĚĞďĂƵŐŚ and lasso rope with ease.
KĐƚ͘ϭͲϭϮ :ŝŵƌŽǁĞůů Each knife offers plenty of visibility,
though there are differences. The SOG
Folding Mini and Coast LK375 have very
dŽƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌ͕ŽŶƚĂĐƚŶƌŽůůŵĞŶƚDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚĂƚϴϮϴͲϲϮϳͲϰϱϬϱ bright, focused beams while the Southern
Grind Rhino has the broader, sweeping
beam you’d expect from a flashlight. All
did a very good job. It should be noted
ΎΎ&ŽƌŚĂŵŵĞƌͲŝŶŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ<ĞŶ,ĂůůĂƚϴϮϴͲϲϮϳͲϮϭϯϱ͕ the LK375 could give southpaws a prob-
ŬŚĂůůΛŚĂůůĞŶĞƌŐLJĐŽŶƐƵůƟŶŐ͘ĐŽŵ lem as the light positioning on the one
Žƌǁǁǁ͘ĂŵĞƌŝĐĂŶďůĂĚĞƐŵŝƚŚ͘ĐŽŵ side favors right-handers.
One feature you should consider is the


ease of swapping batteries. Because the Rhino with the Olight Baton removed in the story, see “Sharp Sources” on page
SOG Folding Mini is so small, it requires from its mount. For daily tasks the com- 91.
flat CR2032 lithium batteries. You must pact SOG Folding Mini makes an ex-
remove the pocket clip first to get to the cellent EDC. The larger Coast LK375 To read about the latest knives, knife news,
battery cover on the back side. (When folder is a good choice if you want to up blogs and more, visit blademag.com.
removing small screws such as these I your game for bigger tasks. The South-
always do it over a large dinner plate to ern Grind Rhino is a champ in terms of
make sure I don’t lose one.) Once the cov- heavy-duty use for field and survival.
ers are removed the batteries are easy to Is it time to light up your knife?
swap out—just be sure to get them po-
sitioned correctly on each side—then For the contact information for the knives
simply reassemble. The Coast Light Knife
LK375 required removing only one screw
with a 000-fine Phillips-head screwdriver
to reveal and replace the AAA battery.
Battery replacement for the Southern
Grind Rhino was as simple as with any
common flashlight. Remove the Olight
Baton from its handle socket, unscrew
the base, replace the CR123A battery as
you normally would, then screw back on
the base back.


There are three distinctly different choic-
es among the three flashlight knives re-
viewed. All three do exactly what they’re
supposed to, the key differences being
the size and difficulty of the task and, of
course, budgetary concerns. All three
work solely as flashlights: the SOG Fold-
ing Mini and Coast LK375 with their
blades folded, and the Southern Grind

1/2 Island

If you’ve changed a battery in a con-

ventional flashlight, the Southern Grind
Rhino’s integrated Olight Baton will
present no challenge. Simply unscrew the
base, drop out the spent CR123A battery,
load in a new one and screw the base back
in place.



Note: Events with an asterisk (*) have knives and knife accessories as the main/sole focus. Events with two asterisks (**)
are knifemaking seminars or symposiums, cutting competitions, auctions or other knife-related events.

DECEMBER MARCH 2-4 DALTON, GA The Knife Road ban Collection Showcase. Call Pat Donovan
Show, Northwest Georgia Trade Center. Contact 586-786-5549 or Frank Meek 586-219-2487.*
DEC. 9 EUGENE, OR Oregon Knife Collectors Spirit of Steel Promotions 423-238-6753
knifeauctions@gmail.com, jbrucevoyles.com.* APRIL 28-29 GROTON, CT The 36th Annual
Association Mini Show, Wheeler Pavilion, Lane
NCCA Extravaganza Knife Show, Mystic
County Convention Center. Call 541-484-5564
MARCH 3-4 PASADENA, CA The 33rd Annual Marriott. Contact Larry Clifford 401-742-6779
or visit oregonknifeclub.org.*
Knife Expo 2018 presented by the Southern lcliff1@verizon.net.*
California Blades Knife Collectors Club, Pasa-
DEC. 16-17 SARASOTA, FL The 19th Annual
dena Convention Center. Call Helen 619-417-
Florida Knifemakers Association Knife Show
4329 knifeexpo.net.* JUNE
w/2 Guys Gun Shows, Robarts Sports Arena,
Sarasota Fairgrounds. Call John Davis 209-740- JUNE 1-3 ATLANTA, GA The 37 th Annual
7125. BLADE Show, Cobb Galleria Centre, I-285 & US
IWA Outdoor Classics 2018. For trade visitors
only. Contact NurnbergMesse North America 41, one exit off I-75 across from the Cumberland
Inc. +1.770.618.5842 bill.ingwersen@nuernberg- Mall, adjacent to the Renaissance Waverly Hotel.
2018 messe-north-america.com. World’s largest show of handmade, factory and
antique knives. A combined total of nearly 1,000
JANUARY MARCH 16-17 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL East exhibitor tables and booths. Join the world’s
Coast Custom Knife Show, the Westin Fort greatest national and international knifemakers,
JAN. 5-6 HELSINKI, FINLAND The 9 Inter- th
Lauderdale Beach Resort. Contact 417-866-6688 cutlery manufacturers, collectors, collections and
national Knife Show, Crowne Plaza Helsinki. For info@fiftyfiftyproductions.net or visit fiftyfifty- knife lovers. Site of the BLADE Magazine 2018
more visit helsinkiknifeshow.com.* productions.net or ecckshow.com.* Knife Of-The-Year® Awards for factory knives,
the BLADE Magazine Cutlery Hall-Of-Fame©
JAN. 19-21 LAS VEGAS, NV Las Vegas Invita- MARCH 23-25 JANESVILLE, WI The 2018 inductions and much more. Host to BLADE
tional Knifemakers Show in conjunction with Badger Knife Club Knife Show, Janesville University, the annual ABS meeting and special
the Antique Arms Show, Westgate Resort & Conference Center/Holiday Inn Express. Knifemakers’ Guild section. Seminars include
Casino. Contact the show at POB 1074, Dept. Contact Bob Schrap 414-479-9765 Badgerknife- the BLADE Show World Championship Cutting
BKG18, Murrieta, CA 92564 951-970-9669 bein- club@aol.com.* Competitions, how to use, how to make, youth
feldproductions@gmail.com, antiquearmsshow. clubs, etc. Contact BLADE®, c/o F+W, A Content
com. MARCH 30-APRIL 1 HARRISONBURG, VA + eCommerce Company, attn: Alicia Newton
The 27 th Annual Greater Shenandoah Valley 513-531-2690 ext. 11310, alicia.newton@fwcom-
JAN. 27 LAS VEGAS, NV Tactical Knife Invita- Knife Show, Rockingham County Fairgrounds. munity.com, bladeshow.com.* **
tional, Caesars Palace. Call 417-866-6688 or visit Call Ralph 540-828-0778 svkc.org.*
fiftyfiftyproductions.net (advanced registration AUGUST
AUG. 30-SEPT. 1 LAS VEGAS The 10th Annual
JAN. 27-28 ST. LOUIS, MO Gateway Area Knife th Gathering of the Usual Suspect Network, Planet
Club Cutlery Fair, Carpenters’ Hall. Contact APRIL 6-8 MCCALLA, AL The 30 Annual
Hollywood Resort & Casino2018 Tar. Contact
Steve 314-795-4262 stevemarkus@sbcglobal. Batson Bladesmithing Symposium & Knife
thegathering@usualsuspect.net 305-255-9176
net.* Show, Tannehill State Park, Alabama Forge
ext. 215 usngathering.com.*
Council. Call Judd Clem 256-232-2645 clem.
judd@att.net.* **
APRIL 7-8 EUGENE, OR The 43 rd Annual
FEB. 2-4 LAKELAND, FL The 40 Annual th Oregon Knife Collectors Association Knife SEPT. 22 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, MI
Gator Cutlery Club Knife Show, Lakeland Show, Lane County Convention Center. Wolverine Knife Collectors Show, 1860s Octagon
Center. Call Dan Piergallini 813-754-3908 or Contact Oregon Knife Collectors, Dept. House. Call Pat Donovan 586-786-5549 or Frank
813-967-1471.* BKG18, POB 2091, Eugene, OR 97402 541-484- Meek 586-219-2487.*
5564 okca@oregonknifeclub.org or visit
FEB. 10 WYOMING, MI West Michigan Edge oregonknifeclub.org.*
Show, the K of C Hall. Call Mike 616-322-5846.*
APRIL 7-8 TULSA, OK Wanenmacher’s Tulsa
FEB. 17 HONOLULU, HI Hawaii Custom Knife Arms Show, Expo Square (Tulsa fairgrounds).
& Tactical Show, Pomaikai Ballrooms at Dole Contact 918-492-0401 tulsaarmsshow.com.
Cannery. Contact JSM Cutlery LLC, Dept.
BKG18, POB 1290, Aiea, HI 96701 872-356- APRIL 21-22 EASTON, PA Lehigh Valley To ensure timely publication of your knife show in
2953 hawaiiknifeshow@gmail.com.* Knife Show, Charles Chrin Community Center the “Show Calendar,” BLADE® requests that you
of Palmer Township. Contact Bill Goodman send all pertinent information concerning your
FEB. 17 LITTLE ROCK, AR The Arkansas 484-241-6176 (cell), 610-258-5063 (home) show in written form—dates, locations, etc.—at
Knife Show, Statehouse Convention Center. Call GoodKnives@GoodmanCPA.com, PAKnife-
least three months before the show takes place to
870-279-7329 arknife.com.* Show.com.*
Krause Publications, a division of F+W, A Content
APRIL 28 SOLVANG, CA The S olvang + eCommerce Company, attn: Lori Hallman,
MARCH Custom Knife Show, Hotel Corque Solvang. 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54945 715.445.2214
Contact Dave Harvey 805-688-3612 nordick- fax 715.445.4087. BLADE depends on the shows
MARCH 2-3 TROY, OH Spirit of the Blade nives.com.* themselves for prompt and accurate information.
Custom Knife Show, Miami County Fair-
grounds. Call Joel Worley 937-638-9518 or visit APRIL 28-29 NOVI, MI Wolverine Knife To read about the latest knives, knife news, blogs
maplewoodforge@gmail.com. Collectors 40 th Anniversary Show, Subur- and more, visit blademag.com.




According to the author,
“The Puma SGB Buffalo
Hunter did the best job at RECURVE BLADE
light carving wood branches. STYLES AFFECT
Puma has found a sweet spot
in the recurve of the blade FORM AND
that peels the wood away a FUNCTION
little better than the other
knives tested.”

nife users love variety and performance, and one time- MULTI-TASKER
tested blade design that offers both is the recurve. The Black Fox BF-0701 hunting knife from Fox Knives was
The “S”-shaped recurve blade has the rear of the cut- introduced with the goal of offering “a nice, huge
ting-edge, or belly, curving inward toward the spine in a continu- knife, durable for outdoor and hunting pur-
ous curve from the point. Though most recurves have similar poses.” Sourced in China, the BF-0701
looks, subtle design differences mean that each knife has a dis- comes with a very reasonable
tinct feel and performance. manufacturer’s suggested retail
Given the long history of recurve knives and swords (page 85), price (MSRP) of $97.95. At near-
it is obvious something about the blade shape makes sense. With ly 12.5 inches in overall length, it
swords, the forward belly of the recurve blade makes an effec- comes closer to the sharpened-
tive chopping/striking tool. The inward facing belly guides the pry-bar school of thought
object being cut toward a central point rather than away from than that of a delicate
the blade. The slicing cut as the blade is drawn across the object slicer. Weigh-
also changes the angle, thus allowing more angles to the cut. This ing in at 1 The
inward centering draw makes the recurve handy for rope, hose Kizlyar Safari
has a well-proved
or any other item that has a tendency to roll off the cutting edge. AUS-8 stainless steel
The front edge of the blade excels at slicing and, in the case of blade with an oxide coating.
thicker blades, chopping. While it can do light chopping,
Four knives from Condor, Fox, Kizlyar and Puma share the knife excels at slicing. Though
the same recurve design but vary in size, materials, the blade is thinner than the other test
knives, it does not flex and would make an
blade thickness and finish. Comparing the four excellent field-dressing tool. Kizlyar also offers a
demonstrates how the differences affect form Micarta-handle version with a satin-finish blade for
and function. the same $147 MSRP.


pound with a 7.28-inch blade of approxi-
mately quarter-inch-thick 440A stainless
steel, the knife and its heft are evident as
soon as you pick it up.
Because of physics, a thinner knife will
always slice more efficiently than a thick-
T hrough the centuries, many cultures used single-
edge recurve blades. With the rise of bronze, iron
and steel, the recurve shape grew in popularity.
er one. Strength and ruggedness demand The ancient Greeks used a blade called a kopis, which looked
a thicker blade, hence the trade-off. Even like a slender Nepalese kukri. Used in battle, the kopis had an
with the thick blade, the knife arrived axe-like strike in battle with a long slicing edge. Pre-Roman Spain
shaving sharp. For a blade this thick, Fox had a similar blade called a falcata, which may have had agricul-
did an excellent job maintaining balance tural roots based on early sickles. Smaller utility and camp recurve
between the blade and the handle, which blades have been found in ancient Roman archeological sites.
increases comfort for extended periods of Ottoman Turkey had a long blade called a yatagan, which was used
use. The only handling consideration for from the mid-1600s to the 1800s. The aforementioned kukri from
some might be the sharp lower edges of Nepal, with its pronounced bend, is technically a recurve, though it
the pakkawood grip. This is a matter of emphasizes the chopping strike rather than slicing. The Philippines
personal taste and can be easily modified has numerous recurve blades for fighting and agriculture.
with an abrasive if desired. The recurve is not a new idea and as a design has passed the
Sporting a substantial bolster, the BF-
test of time.
0701 is designed with a choil in front of
—by David W. Jung Pre-Roman Spain had
the guard along with gimping that allows a recurve blade called
for enhanced control for fine detail work. a falcata. Vince Evans
The recurve blade helps guide the work reproduced the style
into the center of the blade. The large in his Iberian Falcata
(right). (PointSeven
knife actually has the ability to multi- image)
task, which makes it ideal for use as a
camp or heavy-duty hunting model. As
one of Fox’s best sellers, it’s easy to argue
the design hits the user’s sweet spot in the
outdoor market.
Order Line Customer Service
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The 12-inch Kizlyar Supreme Sa-
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its 5/64-inch-thick, black-oxide-coated
blade of AUS-8 stainless steel. At just Stabilized Knife Hermes Steel & 416 1080
under 9 ounces, the $147-MSRP knife Wood Cases Abrasives Blades Stainless Steel
presents a lightweight package suitable
for all-day carry. It should be noted that CM 154 440C 1095 D2 Pure
unlike the other three test knives, the Sa-
fari comes with a sheath of black Kydex
Powdered Nickel
rather than leather. The well-contoured Steel
green G-10 handle is a bit longer than
expected. It makes sense that a knife de-
signed and made in Russia and its frigid 1972 Forest Ave www.knifeandgun.com
climes would accommodate heavy winter Lakeside AZ 85929 csinfo@knifeandgun.com




G iven the recurve’s “S”-

shaped blade, it is impor-
tant to note that sharpening
the edge must be done a
little differently. A large flat
stone will not work on the
inward facing edge. A nar-
row stone or ceramic rod can
easily fit the angle needed.
Examples of sharpeners that work
well on recurves include the Spy-
derco Tri-Angle Sharpmaker, with
its ceramic stones, or one of the
Lansky sharpening systems with
the narrow stones. In both systems
the sharpening angle is precise and
the blade contour will not be dam-
aged. Protecting the profile is more
important on recurve blades as the
angle might stay the same, but the
amount ground changes because of
M · BADER · BALDOR · BURR KING · DEERFOS · DAMASTEEL · DYNABRADE · ELECTRO CHE E the variations in the thickness of the


© blade as you move toward the spine.


—by David W. Jung

760 East Francis Street, Unit N (909) 923-4116

Ontario, California 91761 trugritinc@gmail.com
TM ·

The challenge of sharpening a recurve

blade can be addressed easily with a
system like the Spyderco Tri-Angle Sharp-
maker (above). The ceramic rods allow the
contour of the blade to be followed. Other
sharpeners that use narrow rods or stones
also will work.


Where the Black Fox seemed to encour- “The large recurve makes pull cuts on A complete catalog of knives, including
age chopping, the Safari is a slicer. The a number of materials very aggressive,” Damascus, collectors knives, tactical
latter is a knife that would excel around noted Blake Pogue of CAS Iberia, an im- and work knives, and much more!
fish and game processing. In use, the han- porter of Kizlyar knives. “It also helps
dle acts as the center of gravity with the create a thinner section of the blade for
low mass of the blade not countering the close work while allowing a nice, big belly
cutting movement. The Safari performs for skinning and butchering.” Because of
its manageable weight, the Safari could
The Black Fox is a big tool. The choil and easily be carried on a hunt or hike with-
gimping in front of the guard promotes
a surprising amount of blade control
out fatigue while providing an
for a knife its size. excellent tool for most outdoor
cutting needs.

If there were a beauty contest among the
four test knives, the stag-handle Puma
SGB Buffalo Hunter would win. With
an overall length of 10 inches, it is a tad To request a free catalog of knives,
smaller and lighter than the previous two either call 1-800-835-6433, write
knives, tipping the scales at 7.75 ounces. to Boker USA, Inc., 1550 Balsam
well in The knife features a 5.75-inch blade of Street, Lakewood, CO 80214, or
the kind 1.4116 stainless steel Puma USA ships visit our website at
of repetitive from Germany to China for machining. www.bokerusa.com.
slicing mo- “All of our knives are Rockwell hardness
tions needed tested at 55-57 [HRC] so that they deliver
for cutting meat. a blade easy to sharpen but that holds an


As the author noted, “The nic-
est sheath by far is included
with the Condor Huron [far
left], followed by the Kydex
sheath [second from right]
fitted to the Kizlyar Safari. The
other two sheaths are satisfac-
tory but represent cost-cutting

edge,” said Puma USA’s Trenton Guthrie. With a convex grind rather than
“It’s an old formula but time tested and the hollow grind of the other
will not let you down.” test blades, the Condor Huron
acts like a bushcraft knife. “The
With its brass pins and guard, the Buf- convex grind doesn’t dive into
falo Hunter reflects a classic look that the material as easily as other
NC Tool Co. Inc. dates back to traditional German hunt- grinds,” the author observed,
6133 Hunt Road “but it is a very durable grind
Pleasant Garden, NC 27313
ing knives. Puma’s flagship White Hunter
336/674-5654 • Web site: www.nctoolco.com Knife made in Germany bears consider- suitable for survival situations.”

able resemblance, though it

lists at $599.99 versus the
LOVELESS value-priced Buffalo Hunt-
Friedly RIGNEY
er in stag at a $157.49
MSRP. Other versions of
the Buffalo Hunter are
available with different
handle materials for as

Knifeworks OVER 200 EXCELLENT

low as $59.99 MSRP.
Price isn’t the only consideration here.
A good knife is good regardless no mat-
ter the cost, and the Buffalo Hunter feels
WWW.FRIEDLYBROTHERS.COM comfortable in your hand. It also could
be a good choice for those with smaller
DENNIS JR. FRIEDLY (307) 254-0119 • friedlybrothers@yahoo.com
hands. In use, the shape should work well
for hunting and camp use. It won’t sur-
pass the Kizlyar in slicing because of the
thicker blade, but it is close behind. The

CHAD NICHOLS DAMASCUS pronounced recurve helps it center the

cut so the effective blade grind can do its
High carbon, high contrast Damascus
Mosaic Damascus The Huron from Condor Tool & Knife
presents quite a different recurve model
Mokume as opposed to the other three test pieces.
Large quantities and wholesale There is no pretense; Condor offers hon-
pricing available est, solid working knives. What you see is
what you get, and that is not a bad thing.
Though Condor knives have German en-
662.538.5966 662.255.0524 www.chadnicholsdamascus.com gineering DNA, they are manufactured


in El Salvador. Boasting a 4.25-inch blade
of eighth-inch-thick 1095 carbon steel
and a walnut handle, the Huron has a
retro look. Designed by outdoor expert
Joe Flowers and at an MSRP of $84.98, wire used to wrap machete handles in the
the knife measures a little over 8.5 inches tropics. It adds a notable feel and helps “At over 1 pound and over a foot in length,
the Black Fox Hunting Knife is a formi-
overall. align the knife in your hand. The Huron dable tool,” the author wrote. “As a camp
At first glance, you might expect the also comes with the nicest leather sheath knife it excels in chopping duties with
Huron to be for hunting and/or skinning. of the four test knives with detail and dec- enough mass to cleave small branches. The
While it can manage those things, in the orative touches well above this price class. 440A stainless blade steel is reliable and
easy to sharpen in the field.”
field it performs like a traditional bush-
craft knife. Unlike the other three test
models, the Huron has a convex grind.
While it doesn’t have the weight to chop
through larger branches, it will work well OLD BARN AUCTION KNIFE & GUN AUCTION
DECEMBER 8 & 9, 2017
for the batoning technique used in bush- An impressive selection of Blades, Knives, Swords, Bayonets
An outdoor knife with a high-carbon
steel blade means you will have to take a
little care to prevent rust. In return you
will receive ease of sharpening and good
edge holding. Wiping the knife down/
drying it off after use and a little oil on
the blade as needed should work well to
protect it. A feature that sets the Huron’s
walnut handle apart is the twisted wire For more information please visit our website www.oldbarn.com or
wrapped near the front reminiscent of www.auctionzip.com ID #4807 or call 419-422-8531, FINDLAY OHIO

All your equipment

is top notch.
Except for the most
important thing.

For thousands of years, Damascus steel has been

known for its beauty. But how about adding
incomparable toughness and strength, excellent
edge and corrosion resistance?
So, for all your future outdoor experiences,
make sure to bring the real premium knife.
Don’t get fooled by its beauty,
it’s made to be abused.




While the Condor Huron was delivered very

sharp, the convex grind on the blade means
the object being cut must move further
apart, thus reducing the ease of push cuts.
The plus side is that this grind is suited for
pushing through and twisting that might
damage a thinner grind.

All four of the test cutters differ in a num-
ber of ways but still present excellent val-
ues for the outdoor enthusiast. There is
no wrong choice here. How the knife fits
in your hand and how the blade design
matches your cutting needs defines how
happy you will be with your selection.
Cut away and have some fun!

LONE STAR WHOLESALE For the contact information for the sup-
pliers and knives in the story, see “Sharp
Sources” on page 91.
G R E AT P R I C E S To read about the latest knives, knife news,

DEALERS ONLY 806-356-9540 Resale Certificate or FFL Required

blogs and more, visit blademag.com.


Lone Star Wholesale,
Wholesale, PO
BOX 587,
Amarillo, TX 79105
Amarillo, 79105 FAX
include Designed by Bob Carpenter, owner of
Tax info,
Tax Info, and
and phone
number. Puma Knife Company USA, the Buffalo
Hunter has been a smash hit. According to
Puma, the knife “has been our most popu-
lar design, No. 1 in sales in both units and
dollars, since we introduced it in the fall
of 2014.” The stag handle is eye-
catching and the Buffalo Hunter
is also available in wood,
Micarta, white bone and
brown jigged-bone

4857 South Orange Blossom Trail

Orlando, Florida 32839 407-855-8075
INTL. MAILING – CATALOG US $6.00 http://www.randallknives.com



MOST BEAUTIFUL SYNTHETICS 3790 Cerrillos, Santa Fe, NM 87505 505-471-

EVER? p. 8 3953; Spyderco, attn: J. Laituri, Dept. BKG18,
Tommy Astrup, http://www.fluidr.com/photos/ 820 Spyderco Way, Golden, CO 80403 800-
thegoodstuffshop/7573493376 525-7770 spyderco.com, customerservice@
Blacksmiths Depot, c/o Kayne & Son Custom KNIFE ASSEMBLY 101 p. 68
Hardware, attn: C. Kayne, Dept. BKG18, BLADE University http://www.bladeshow.
100 Daniel Ridge Rd., Candler, NC 28715 com/index.php/education/blade-university;
828-667-8868 www.customforgedhardware. Knifekits.com, attn: S. Andrews, Dept. BKG18,
com; Hawkins Knife Making Supplies, attn: 1600 Palmetto Tyrone Rd., Sharpsburg, GA
June Hawkins, Dept. BKG18, 110 Buckeye 30277 888.250.5650 www.knifekits.com;
Rd., Fayetteville, GA 30214 770-964-1023
Premium Knife Supply, Dept. BKG18, 828-835-
hawkinsknifemakingsupplies.com; Jantz
Supply, attn: S. Kemp, Dept. BKG18, POB 584, 2707 pmgnc.com sales@premiumknifesupply.
Davis, OK 73030 800.351.8900 knifemaking. com; USA Knife Maker, attn: Tracy Mickley
com; Knife and Gun Finishing Supplies, 507-720-6063 usaknifemaker.com
attn: S. Edgington, Dept. BKG18, POB 458,
Lakeside, AZ 85929 928.537.8877 www. FLASH in the HAND p. 76
Coast Products, Inc., attn.: D. Hutchens, Dept.
BKG18, 8033 NE Holman Street, Portland, OR
KEYS to the BEST BLADE STEELS p. 28 97218. Phone- (800) 426-5858. Web- www.
Admiral Steel, attn: T. Summers, Dept. BKG18, coastportland.com; Southern Grind, attn.: A.
4152 W. 123rd St., Alsip, IL 60803-1869
800-323-7055 www.admiralsteel.com; Don
Goodman, 101 Gardner Park , Peachtree City,
GA 30269. Phone- (404) 941-3480. Web-
Andrade, Dept. BKG18, 1824 Sunny Hill Ave.,
Los Osos, CA 93402 andradeartworks@gmail.
www.southerngrind.com; SOG Knives, attn.: C.
Cashbaugh, 6521 212th Street SW, Lynnwood,
com; BladeSports International, Inc., POB WA 98036. Phone- (888) SOG-BEST, Web-
205, Dept. BKG18, Waxahachie, TX 75168 www.sogknives.com
662-907-0322 bladesports.org; Carpenter
Technology Corp. 800-654-6543 www.cartech.
com; Damasteel, attn.: P. Jarbelius, Stallgaten The INSIDE EDGE p. 84
9, SE-815 76, Soderfors, Sweden +46 293 306 Condor Tool & Knife, attn: R. Jones, Dept.
00 sales@damasteel.se www.damasteel.se; BKG18, 7557 West Sand Lake Rd. #106,
H.L. Holbrook, Dept. BKG18, POB 483, Sandy Orlando, FL 32819 407-905-0413 fax 407-
Hook, KY 41171 606-794-1497; Millit Knives, 905-0414 rtj@att.net; Vince Evans, Dept.
Dept. BKG18, 1381 E. Commercial Dr., Studio
BKG18, HC 1 Box 5275, Keaau, HI 96749-9517,
103, Meridian, MS 39305 208-907-0096;
SB Specialty Metals, attn.: S. Devanna, Dept. Phone: 808-966-8978, evansvk@gmail.com,
BKG18, 1101 Ave. H East, Arlington, TX 76011 Web: www.picturetrail.com/vevans; Kizlyar,
800-365-1168 http://sb-specialty-metals. c/o CAS Iberia, attn: B. Pogue, Dept. BKG18,
com; Spyderco, attn: J. Laituri, Dept. BKG18, 650 Industrial Blvd., Sale Creek, TN 37373
820 Spyderco Way, Golden, CO 80403 800- 423.332.4700 www.casiberia.com; Puma USA,
525-7770 spyderco.com, customerservice@ attn: T. Guthrie, Dept. BKG18, 13934 West 108th
spyderco.com; Strider Knives, attn: D. Dwyer, St., Lenexa, KS 66215 913.888.5524 www.
Dept. BKG18, 603 Seagaze Dr., Oceanside, CA pumaknifecompanyusa.com; Spyderco, attn:
92054 striderguys@striderknives.com, www. J. Laituri, Dept. BKG18, 820 Spyderco Way,
striderknives.com Golden, CO 80403 800-525-7770 spyderco.
com, customerservice@spyderco.com
Claude Dozorme, http://www.dozorme-
claude.fr/en/; Exotic Knife Supplies, attn.:
R. Burke 903-216-6790 crazyfoxreb@aol. DPx Gear, attn: Lisa Pelton, Dept. BKG18,
com, ron@exoticknifesupplies.com; Fine 2321 Kettner Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101
Turnage Productions, attn: C. Turnage, Dept. 888-233-3924 www.dpxgear.com; Fremont
BKG18, 1210 Midnight Dr., San Antonio, Knives, attn: Mike Jones, Dept. BKG18, 970-
TX 78260 210-352-5660 info@fineturnage. 297-8957 sales@fremontknives.com, www.
com, www.fineturnage.com; Lloyd Hale, fremontknives.com; Kershaw, attn: I. Forrest,
Dept. BKG18, 7593 Beech Hill Rd., Pulaski, TN Dept. BKG18, 18600 SW Teton Ave., Tualatin,
38478, Phone: 931-424-5846, lloydahale@ OR 97062 800.325.2891 www.kershawknives.
gmail.com; Billy Helton, Dept. BKG18, 18633 com; Leatherman Tool Group, attn: K. The #1 Hard Use Knives In The World ™
S. Fern Pl., Claremore, OK 74019 heltonknives. McGuire, Dept. BKG18, 12106 NE Ainsworth,
com; Masecraft Supply, attn: C. Hartman, Portland, OR 97220 503.253.7826 www.
Dept. BKG18, 254 Amity St., Meriden, CT leatherman.com
06450 203-238-3049 www.masecraftsupply.
com; Mark Newman, Newmanknives@hotmail. EMERSONKNIVES.COM
com, facebook.com/newmanknives; Santa
Fe Stoneworks, attn: M. Wirtel, Dept. BKG18,






The DPx Gear HEST/F, one

of four reviewed knives with
built-in bottle openers, has
a 3.15-inch German Niolox
stainless steel blade with a
gray stonewashed titanium
carbo-nitride PVD coating.
It performed well as both a
knife and a bottle opener.
MSRP: $287.50.


he assignment raised a question: than I usually drink. I could pour the beer Prudence dictated that I do the knife
how to best review four folders out, but no, that wouldn’t be right. Finally evaluations before I started opening the
with bottle openers? Clearly I had I decided I’d just handle it without help. beer. Here’s how they shaped up.
to open some bottles, but what kind? Soft Tough job but duty called!
drinks? Nah. Beer? Yup. I thought about I also needed to evaluate each folder as POCKET SURVIVAL FOLDER
recruiting some help. I figured I’d need a knife as well as a bottle opener. To do DPx Gear’s HEST/F is a variation on the
to open at least three bottles with each so I cut rope and cut and drilled wood, tough little pit bull of a knife I voted best
knife to get a good feel for how well each including fibrous palm bark, and meat new folder in a BLADE® survey a few years
one worked. So, three bottles times four and vegetables for a camp stew. You’re go- ago. I’ve had experience with this knife
knives equals 12 beers. That’s more beer ing to eat something with that beer, right? and think of it as a pocket-sized survival

Four knives were tested for both

their bottle-opening abilities and
their performance handling ev-
eryday cutting chores, from top:
Kershaws Hops, Leatherman
Tool Skeletool KB, DPx Gear
HEST/F and the appropriately
named 5 O’Clock Somewhere
from Fremont Knives.



Although a tad tricky to master at first, the Leatherman Tool Skeletool The Fremont Knives 5 O’Clock Somewhere is 4Cr15 stainless steel
KB has a sleek design with the opener discreetly hidden in the pocket with a 2.5-inch blade. The knife comes in a nylon sheath with a hori-
clip. MSRP: $24.95. zontal belt loop. MSRP: $27.99.

folder. The framelock with its LionSteel

RotoBlock™ secures the blade open so
HAWKINS KNIFE MAKING SUPPLIES well you can baton, drill, shear-cut, stab
and slash, confident the blade won’t close
110 BUCKEYE RD., FAYETTEVILLE, GA 30214 on your fingers. The blade is a version of
the classic clip point. It’s a tad thick for
PHONE 770-964-1023 fine work, but will drill fireboards and
Contact us for your carve fuzz sticks easily while having the
strength to punch through sheet metal—
Knifemaking Supplies and Equipment! which I know from experience—and the
geometry to slice ribs and veggies. The
www.HawkinsKnifeMakingSupplies.com scales are stippled and secure, even in wet
or slippery hands. The window breaker
Send $2.00 for Complete Listing • ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED
on the butt will actually break windows.
Lifting bottle caps with this puppy is
like using the bumper of a Hummer as a
bottle opener. However, the notch on the


blade spine opens bottles with ease.

IS it 5 YET?
The 5 O’Clock Somewhere from Fremont
• No experience needed • Quick & fast Knives has the cleverest name. Given the
moniker, you would think this is a bottle
• Just pull backwards • Maintenance free opener with a blade as an afterthought.
• Handmade right here • Tells you when you’re Not so. It is a handy little fixed blade with
at Knives Plus finished a Cordura® belt sheath and a bottle open-
er milled into the handle. With a different
KNIVES PLUS STROP BLOCK sheath this would be a dandy neck knife,
or a tucked-in-your-sock knife, or sleeve
800-687-6202 OR WWW.KNIVESPLUS.COM knife or ... you get the idea. As it comes,
We are a stocking dealer of most major knife brands since 1987. it’s so light and compact you forget it’s


Masecraft Supply Co. offers the world’s largest line-up of
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pens, musical instrument inlays, pool cue inlays and endless
other creative applications. Several of these materials are
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Our customers include some of the largest and well known
major manufacturers and artisans in the world.
Our line-up of natural materials includes white Mother of Pearl,
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Masecraft supply co. specializes in large manufacture orders
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E-commerce store,
Kershaw’s Hops resembles a penguin, its www.masecraftsupply.com
full product selection with pictures Meriden, CT USA
beak pointed palmward here and its flipper
being its bottle opener. It has a 1.4-inch
drop-point blade of 8Cr13MoV stainless Call us today for a free catalog 1-800-682-5489
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on your belt. It will give good service as

a utility knife and, if pressed, as a small
outdoor/bushcraft/survival knife. The
blade had no trouble drilling wood, mak-
ing fuzz sticks or doing kitchen duty. And
yes, the bottle opener works fine.

Domestic Producers of sheet and plate products for the knife industry. NIFTY LITTLE FOLDER
Stainless and tool steel grades, all CPM knife steels plus new: Opening the box from Leatherman I ex-
CPM cruwear, CPM 20-CV and 6/4 titanium sheet, and the pected to find a tool with pliers, 27 screw-
re-introduction of CPM S60V (CPM 440V). drivers, a hacksaw, wood saw, maybe a
Quick response. Quality workmanship. chainsaw and handcuff key, a can opener,
a file and a half-dozen other tools. Not
hardly. What I found was the Skeletool
KB, a slim, graceful, lightweight folder
with a smoothly curved blade, not or-
namented but in size and shape almost
a gent’s knife. The nested linerlock fits
with precision and keeps the blade secure
when open, and has a ball bearing detent
that secures the blade closed. Where,
I thought, was the bottle opener? As it
WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVING YOU turned out, it hides discreetly as part of
the pocket clip. For a nifty little folder the
12600 Clarence Center Road Fax: 716-542-5555 1-800-424-0048 KB cut everything well, including rope.
Akron, New York 14001-0280 sales@nsm-ny.com 716-542-5552 www.nsm-ny.com The bottle opener was a bit tricky to use
and required two to three leverages to
bend the bottle caps enough to remove
them. That said, the opener does work
and makes a nice package with a fully
functional little folder.

The the Kershaw Hops’ name should give
you a clue. The bottle opener is the flip-
per on the assisted-opening blade. Very
clever. It works, too. It’s also, dare I say,
cute. From the side it resembles a pen-
guin, which does not detract from its
overall utility. This is a tough little guy,
penguin or not, and will fit in the watch
pocket of your jeans. The thick, stubby
blade has good geometry and cut every-
thing well, within the limits of a 1.5-inch
blade. The framelock is vault solid. The
assisted opener works like all Kershaw as-
sisted openers: without flaw. The handle
is all steel but comfortable in hand due
to its shape.

For the contacts for the story knives, see

www.blacksmithsdepot.com “Sharp Sources” on page 91.

For the latest knives, knife news, trends,

blogs and more visit blademag.com.


DPx Gear’s 5.1-ounce
HEST/F (top left) split
palm bark for kindling
without issue. The
knife’s strength and
blade geometry make it
suitable for both camp
and kitchen.

Kershaw’s 3.1 ounce

Hops (top right) made
short work of ¼-inch

The Skeletool KB by
Leatherman Tool (bot-
tom left) is a slim 1.3
ounces. The handle
is Black DLC-coated
stainless steel, and its
rounded edges make
it comfortable in the

Even if a knife can

open a beer it still
needs to cut, and
Fremont Knives’
2.5-ounce 5 O’Clock
Somewhere (bottom
right) sliced cucum-
bers neatly.

A H Old Barn Auction ..................................................89
A.G. Russell..........................................................13 Hawkins Knifemaking Supplies ............................94 Ontario Knife Company ........................................99
Admiral Steel/Terry Summers ..............................70 Hoffman Knives ....................................................37 P
Aloe Cure..............................................................75 Hogue Knives .......................................................25 Paragon Industries ...............................................80
American Bladesmith Society ...............................80 I
American Legacy ..................................................41 Plaza Cutlery ........................................................27
IWA Outdoors Classic ..........................................73 Pro-Tech Knives USA...........................................74
Bear & Son Cutlery ...............................................12 Jantz Supply ...................................................20, 21 Pursuit Channel ....................................................83
Bladegallery.Com .................................................72
Bladeops, LLC ......................................................40 Randall Knife Collectors Club ...............................67
Blue Ridge Knives ..........................................67, 70 KA-Bar Knives ........................................................3 Randall Made Knives............................................90
Boker USA ......................................................24, 87 Kayne Custom Hardware, Inc...............................96 Reate Knives & Tools ...........................................33
BTI Tools, LLC......................................................71 Kershaw Knives/ Zero Tolerance Knives..............40
Buckeye Engraving-Steel Stamps ........................86 Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies ............................85 Robo-Jet Waterjet Cutting Fabrication .................14
C Knife Center..........................................................90 S
C.A.S. Iberia .........................................................36 KnifeKits.com ..................................................9, 100 Smith’s Consumer Products .................................87
Chris Reeve Knives ..............................................13 Knifesupply.com ...................................................67 Smoky Mountain Knife Works ................................5
Coast Cutlery ........................................................26 Knives Plus ...........................................................94
Spartan Blades USA.............................................86
Cold Steel, Inc. .....................................................31 Krudo Knives ........................................................67 Spyderco, Inc..........................................................6
Condor Tool & Knife .............................................74 L Supergrit Abrasives ..............................................32
CRKT ....................................................................25 L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knives............................73
D Lambert, Kirby ......................................................86 T
Damasteel AB.......................................................89 Lansky Sharpeners...............................................95 TFS Knives ...........................................................67
Dave Ellis/Exquisiteknives.com ............................72 Lone Star Wholesale ............................................90 Tim Britton Custom Knives .....................................6
Davidson, Edmund ...............................................67 M TOPS Knives ............................................17, 38, 78
Denton, John ........................................................67 Masecraft Supply Co ............................................95 Tormach, LLC .......................................................19
Dozier Knives .......................................................77 Mission Knives......................................................71 Tru-Grit .................................................................86
Du-Star Knife ........................................................67 N True North Knives...........................................27, 79
E NC Tool Company ................................................88 W
Emerson Knives, Inc.............................................91 Nemesis Knives, LLC ...........................................81 W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery, Co...............................2
Evenheat Kiln, Inc.................................................90 Niagara Specialty Metals ......................................96
Nichols Damascus ................................................88 We Knife Co., Ltd .................................................15
F White, Gordon ......................................................67
Fallkniven .......................................................18, 39 Nordic Knives .......................................................37
Flex Cut ................................................................16 O Z
Friedly Brothers Knifeworks..................................88 Olamic Cutlery ......................................................36 Zieba New York ....................................................15
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appearing on pages other than those listed here. The publisher assumes no liability for omissions or errors.

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Finger the Stinger by knife-
maker Robert Brothers.
(Kris Kandler image)

nives are a dominant force in he was going to come un-gas-capped, so- what they were buying. One of us had the
many of our lives. There are the to-speak. Oddly enough, I don’t remem- bright idea of “standing” the knives tip
classic designs, the valued collect- ber the cut hurting that much. Anyhow, first next to their sheaths on the shelves.
ibles and, perhaps most of all, the users. five stitches later I had learned just how I propped up a small damascus fixed
Of the latter the ones I remember in a fragile human flesh is. blade built by since-retired custom
special way are those with which I acci- 2: Years later while fishing I caught a knifemaker Robert Brothers, along with
dentally cut myself. Of those cuts, three bream and was in the process of filleting its sheath, on a shelf. As the cameras
stand out. it with a Marttiini classic fillet knife when photographed away, being the colossal
1: I was 11 or so and rode a Western zip, zap! the blade went right through the klutz I am I bumped the shelf. The knife
Auto Wildcat bicycle—the kind with the bream and across, over and through the tip came tumbling down point first into the
Hollywood handlebars and banana seat of that same left index finger. The cut did webbed skin between my ring finger and
with sissy bar—most everywhere. At the not require stitches but the Marttiini blade pinky. You guessed it—I let out with the
time the oil company then known as was sharp as the dickens, and my finger “sh__!” word in full earshot of the show’s
Esso, today’s Exxon, had the promotion burned like fire to the bone almost imme- television viewing audience.
“put a tiger in your tank” with Esso gaso- diately after I cut it. To this day I can recall Bruce took my on-air epithet better
line. To help sell it they gave away furry how it felt and shudder at the memory. than I thought he would. (Unlike today,
toy tiger tails with elastic looped straps 3: The third most memorable cut hap- profanity was forbidden on television
people attached to their car gas caps so pened while I was on what back then back then.) Maybe the best part was the
the tails would flop in the breeze as the we called satellite television. In the early knife did not sell and Brothers, being the
cars motored along. 1990s, BLADE Magazine Cutlery Hall- good Samaritan, gave it to me—but not
I had the bright idea that I would cut Of-Fame© member Bruce Voyles was before having it etched, “In Memory of
the looped strap of one of the tails in two BLADE publisher and the original host Steve Shackleford: Finger The Stinger.”
and tie the resulting straps around my of The Knife Collector’s Show on the old I don’t have the old serrated knife or
banana seat sissy bar so the tail would Shop At Home Network. (If you Wiki- the Marttiini fillet but I still have The
flop in the wind as I rode my bike. (To pedia Shop At Home Network, Bruce is Stinger—and, somehow, all my fingers,
my later chagrin, I didn’t know how to do glaringly omitted as one of the hosts of too.
the old loop-tie trick back then.) I pulled The Knife Collector’s Show.) I worked for
a large serrated knife from the kitchen Bruce back then and assisted him on a For the latest knives, knife news, trends,
drawer and proceeded to cut the strap— few of the satellite telecasts. blogs and more visit blademag.com.
and also the base of my left index finger. It On one of them we had a number of
was one of those ragged-jagged cuts, and, custom knives that Bruce wanted me to
when Dad walked in and saw it, I thought display on shelves to help viewers see


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