Threaded Fasteners Design of Bolts, Screw and Turnbuckle Joint
Threaded Fasteners Design of Bolts, Screw and Turnbuckle Joint
Threaded Fasteners Design of Bolts, Screw and Turnbuckle Joint
Square Acme
thread thread
Bolts and Screws
Bolts and Screws
The tensile stress area, At , is the area of an
unthreaded rod with the same tensile strength
as a threaded rod.
•It is the effective area of a threaded rod to be
used for stress calculations.
•The diameter of this unthreaded rod is the
average of the pitch diameter and the minor
diameter of the threaded rod.
D p Dmi
At ( ) 2
4 2
Bolts and Screws
The American National (Unified) thread standard
defines basic thread geometry for uniformity and
• American National (Unified) thread
• UN normal thread
• UNR greater root radius for fatigue applications
Metric thread
• M series (normal thread)
• MJ series (greater root radius)
Bolts and Screws
Coarse series UNC
•General assembly
•Frequent disassembly
•Not good for vibrations
•The “normal” thread to specify
Fine series UNF
•Good for vibrations
•Good for adjustments
•Automotive and aircraft
Extra Fine series UNEF
•Good for shock and large vibrations
•High grade alloy
Bolts and Screws
Head Types of Bolts-
Hexagonal head bolts
• Hexagon-head bolts are one
of the most common for
engineering applications
• W is usually about 1.5 times
nominal diameter
• Bolt length L is measured
from below the head
Bolts and Screws
Head Types of Bolts-
Hexagonal head bolts
Thread Lengths
Bolts and Screws
Bolts and Screws
Bolts Specification
Bolts and Screws
Power screw
• Used to change
angular motion into
linear motion
• Usually transmits
• Examples include
vises, presses, jacks,
lead screw on lathe
Bolts and Screws
Machine Screws
Bolts and Screws
Machine Screws
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in English Units)- Elasticity not
considered S 1
St y
( At ) 2
W Sall (0.55D 0.25D)
Sall= allowable stress
Bolts and Screws
Lowering Torque:
Raising Torque:
fc=friction of collar
P=horsepower transmitted, hp
D=shaft diameter,in
d=set screw diameter,in
2 .3
DNd T 1250Dd 2.3
Bolts and Screws
Efficiency of power crew:
tan (cos f sin )
tan cos f cos (cos f sin )
Fl Fl
2TtR Fdm l fdm
2 ( ) TC
2 dm fl
Bolts and Screws
An eyebolt is lifting a block weighing 350 lbs.
The eyebolt has yield strength of 55ksi. Find
the stress area of the bolt.
Bolts and Screws
Compute for the working strength of 1” bolt
which is screwed up tightly in packed joint
when the allowable working stress is 13000
Bolts and Screws
A 12cm air compressor is operating with
maximum pressure of 16 kg/cm2. There are 5
bolts with yield stress of 64 ksi which held the
cylinder head to the compressor. Determine
the shearing stress of the bolt.
Bolts and Screws
How many 3/8” diameter set screws would be
required to transmit 3 hp at a shaft speed of
1000rpm if the shaft diameter is 1”?
Bolts and Screws
What is the frictional HP acting on a collar
loaded with 100kg weight if the outer and
inner diameters of the collar are 100mm and
40mm,respectively with speed at 1000 rpm
and coefficient of friction of 0.15?
Bolts and Screws
A square thread power screw has pitch of 4-mm
with double threads. Applicable data are thread
and collar coefficient of friction equal to 0.08,
collar diameter of 40-mm, and a load of 6.4-kN
per screw and mean diameter of 30mm
a. Torques required to rotate the screw with”
and “against” the load.
b. Overall efficiency.
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in
English Units)-
Elasticity considered
• Grip length l includes
everything being
compressed by bolt
preload, including
• Washer under head
prevents burrs at the
hole from gouging
into the fillet under
the bolt head
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in English
Units)- Elasticity
• Hex-head cap screw in
tapped hole used to
fasten cylinder head to
cylinder body
• Note O-ring seal, not
affecting the stiffness of
the members within the
• Only part of the threaded
length of the bolt
contributes to the
effective grip l
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in
English Units)-
• For screw in tapped
hole, effective grip
length is
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in English
Units)- Elasticity
• During bolt preload
bolt is stretched
members in grip are
• When external load P is
applied bolt stretches
• Members in grip
uncompress some
• Joint can be modeled as a
soft bolt spring in parallel
with a stiff member
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in
English Units)-
• Axially loaded rod,
partly threaded and
partly unthreaded
• Consider each
portion as a spring
• Combine as two
springs in series
Bolts and Screws
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in English
Units)- Elasticity considered
• Model compressed members
as if they are frusta spreading
from the bolt head and nut
to the midpoint of the grip
• Each frustum has a half-apex
angle of a
• Find stiffness for frustum in
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in English Units)- Elasticity
T-Initial Torque
d=nominal diameter
Fi=initial tension
K=0.2 for as received, 0.16 for lubricated
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in English Units)- Elasticity
Fb C ( P / N ) Fi
Axial Stress: bolt
At At
Sp Sp S p At
n fs
bolt (C ( P / N ) Fi ) / At (C ( P / N ) Fi )
N=number of bolts
Bolts and Screws
Bolts in Tension(in English Units)- Elasticity
C ( P / N ) F S p At Fi
Load Factor: S p i nL
At C(P / N )
Joint Separation Factor: no
P(1 C )
Bolts and Screws
A total of N 5/8”-11 UNC X 2 ¼” grade 5 finished
hex head bolt are to be used to resist a
separating force of 36 kips in No.25 cast iron
flange. Determine the number of bolts needed
for this connection if factor of safety is 2 and
bolts may be reused when the joint is taken
apart.Ebolt=30Mpsi and ECI=12Mpsi.
Turnbuckle Joint
Turnbuckle is an adjustable screwed joint for
round rods
Turnbuckle Joint
Turnbuckle Joint
Turnbuckle Joint
Dimensions of Turnbuckle Joint
d = diameter of rod (mm)
dc = core diameter of threads of the tie rod (mm)
dp = pitch diameter or mean diameter of the threaded
rod (mm)
l = length of coupler nut (mm)
D = outside diameter of the coupler nut (mm)
D1 = inside diameter of the coupler (mm)
D2 = outside diameter of the coupler (mm)
L = length of the coupler between nuts (mm)
t = thickness of the coupler (mm)
t1 = thickness of coupler nut (mm)
Turnbuckle Joint
Failure Stress Analysis of Turnbuckle Joint
Turnbuckle Joint
Failure Stress Analysis of Turnbuckle Joint
Turnbuckle Joint
Failure Stress Analysis of Turnbuckle Joint
Turnbuckle Joint
Empirical Formula:
dc=0.84d(if table is not available )
Turnbuckle Joint
Design Procedure for Turnbuckle Joint
1. Solve design load Pd using Pd=1.3P