Hearing God 101 - Part 1

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COURSE 104 THE ART OF HEARING GOD Revised Sixth Edition John Paul Jackson & ‘Streams Ministries International (Course 101: The Art of Hearing God Stuent Notes Revised Shih Edition Copyright 1997, 2003, 2008, 2006, 2009, and 2010 by John Paul Jackson. Al rights reserved. 'No part ofthis book may be repraduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any ‘orm or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy recording, or otherwise without prior written permission ofthe copyright owner, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote bret passages in connection wth a review for inclusion ina magazine, newspaper. or broadcast First Elton was published in 1997. Second Eaiton was publishes in 2008. Tid tion was published in 2005. Fourth ition was published 2006 Fit Eaton was published in 2009. Shh Eaton was published in 2040. Requests fr information shouldbe direct to Streams Ministries Intemational customersericet@streamministries.com 11886-441-8080 ‘www streamsministries.com LUniess otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version. Copyright 1878, 1980, 1982, 1985 by Thomas Nelson nc ISBN 1584831057 Printed in the United States of America Table of Contents ‘OVERVIEW OF STREAMS INSTITUTE (COURSE LISTINGS nnn ABOUT THE AUTHOR.. ‘COURSE EXPECTATIONS.. Unit 4... INTRODUCTON... |. is yearning to restore intern character, and erably revelatory minty, 1. God scaling usto place more emphasis on developing song and gdly character ‘Section 1.4: The Aube Vic of GO nn a ITs is one ofthe serintural passages where God the Father spoke ail bout Jesus lindo 1228-30, what those present hea? Section 1.2: Revelator Mins GIB onnnn |The funtion of evlatory mini. W.A.Gc08 Growth Experience ‘Section 1.8: The Tree ilar of Rovelatry MIN nnn 1 1 2 5 s Ii. why do some of us ear Goss vole dferenty or nt a 8? 6 8 2 Revelation inthe Church Illa t- Revelation and the Man: God values character mre than He valu YOU gf non 36 Rewlation andthe Gi Section 1.4: Discussion Questions: The Fst TM wenn Seaton 1.5: Outside Activity: The Revelator Gi... Uri anne ‘Section 2.4: Four uacrants of Andinting for Revelatory Minis... |LFacors that determine the quadrant you lve and minister fom. 1. Condtions that makeup the human factor. The Fours’ 1v-the Four Quadros ‘Seaton 2.2: Revelatory Maturity Continuum . Lnoets presence, His onss — and ourlack fit — becomes le. 38 1. As we matreinsptal hing, and when we minster, here should be an eden decrease In the percentage ofthe words of man and an crease nthe percentage ofthe word of God, .23 1. The matuty cnsinuum 40 ‘Section 2.3: Three Phases of Ministy Development se comer | The calle Phase 7 a 1. the Teinng Phase 2 1. The Commissioned Phase 45 Section 2.4 Dark Night of the Sou. —— ae se A | God Revels Himet a 1. uring the Dark Night ofthe Sou seems God is concesling ins 48 1 Functions of the Dark night ofthe Sou ° 1v. God worn iden ways st Ged pepares usin the wdemes. st Vo breaks usin ord to emake us 3 ‘Responding to the Dark Night of the Soul st Section 2.8: Questions To Ponder nnn a) ‘Seeton 2.6 Discusion QUestOME: AAS 2 nnn ao 58 ‘Seeton 2.7: Ouse AlN nse a ‘Section 2.8: Reading ASSgHMEN DAPI nnn Une. - — ‘Section 3.3 Pble and Pate Vito ene |LAtistory of private fares wil st you up tne in alfesyle and atmosphere of 9 nnn 67 ILA istry of private vetoes 8 1 There can be no consistent publ vetoes without a consistent history of private cores 69 ‘Seaton 8.2: Reticuar Activating Stor. |The serigtures ae bsolutely exci in sensing the ReticrActvating Systm (RAS ta the re ‘encouragement and leading ofthe Hal Spit s n I Thetesting of God lead sto promotion n ur peacels as dep as our fomus upon Go. * 1v.Our Response 7 m \. Suongholds ace atts tht keep us from embracing Critenss 76 VL what you pay attention ohn you hous 7% ‘Section 3.3: Outside Atv: Listing to the Holy Spt anne ‘Section 3.4: Smulus and the Moment of Chace | Thelnstant betweun the stimulus and the response ical the moment of choice. nat second, we decide how we wil react, We are personal responsible for our choles. a3 the rationae of determinism a3 Thre Paradigms of Determinism a 1. A Chistian’ destiny is determined by Ch es as Vewes 88 Vi The ti mentality 8 VIL The Tee of tif or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and El (Revaliton 22 and Genes 2).89 VI Fe components he moment of oie ons 9 |X the moment of choice and the Dark ight ofthe Soul ‘Section 3.5: Resang Assignment: Dreams and Visions. unit. Seaton 4.1: Tem for the Prophet. — |. From the beginning God has communicated with Hs people s 1. Gooves us ane wants to communicate witht 93 In Prophetic history 9 Seaton 4:2: Prophtic Time Peto 7 or |-Time ofthe patiares— approximate dates, 8 37 i Time of he weting prophets —approuimae tes, 6.C. 37 ‘Seaton 4:3: Prophtic Schoo. a ee |LOvine tension and the need for taining 98 i Prophet scoot 1, Location names (Hebrew) and defiritons Section 4.4: Discussion Questions: Heating rom God (Mathew 23:8.28) wun | Leaing fom cin and developing cidikenes. Section 4.5: Reading Aaslgnment: Two Tees. Seaton 4.6: Prophets nd PSYENES nnn = God gests, but we determine to which pital requeney we tune them 108 God isthe ony Creator: gifts are a retin. an 1, Humankind is uit of worshiping the creation 12 IN.How can we cer the ference Between that which good and that which sof Go? 316 Seaton 4.7:Readlng Assignment: E22 nes 120 Section 4.8: The tof Sprual Listening see OT |The bibl definition ofhearing and stening 2 I The two greatest commandments ws 1, Distinctions of spitua stein. 9 Iv. Ustening andthe fru the pet 130 V. Listening as valuing others xa ‘ispltval etning and 1 Coithians 13 a ‘Learning to laten more and speak ess a2 ‘The word fast ating fom speaking 3s Dc How we listen and espond XA greater inuence = Unies. ‘Section 5.1: stoning to Correction and Rebuke... |. The way we respond to correction reveals ou character 18 The wig ave cote nn = 139 1 Receiving correction and bing teachable 140 ‘Section 5.2: Curse ofthe Tong ovens - ey |LOur words can bless o curse They can discourage or bul fat a8 Ith word and judgments of thers 6 1. Gore us ‘Seton 5.3 Ustning and Diagnosing Before Prescbing ss 53 |:Discusions go more smocthly when one ofthe partis is wilirg to be the fist tunderstand the other ee 153 "hn order to understand another person, we must be wil tobe inivenced 1st 1 Seong to understand fet ets us 2 from 3 poston a knowledge. 155 1. By seeking to understand, we gaininfuence inthe relationship 155 Seeking to understand rst lads people to dscover the undiscovered thd alternative... 156 ‘Section 5.4: Exercise: A Station f Mscamnurication Section 5.5: Reading ASEM MaINEW 13 enn unit. ‘Seaton 6.1: Knowing Gods Voce |. We earn to know Gods vic by the ways He comes tous 162 I. We know God's woice by the relevance of what He ays tout 62 tn. bythe rit produces nus 164 ‘Sectlon 6.2: Practical Tips for Delivering a Wor nse ee | line that God wants to speak to and throu you 166 UL interpretation versus translation 17 i, Aword of encouragement sould daw the recipient dose to God 169 1v. expect leadership to judge the words that you have spoken, and always be accountable to leadership for what yu minister. 170 Section 6.3: Reacing Assignment: Metaphors and Sine inthe PEIN nnn a2 ‘Seeton 6.4: Characters of Left and Right Brain TRIM nnn AT Section 6.5: Eerie: When I Look at YOU! Se - ae ‘Secuon 6.5: Ouse Act: Developing Metaphor Understand evnnnnnnannnn 47 |od used his method with many pophets, sucha Jeremiah, whom God showed the potter at the potter's whee! eremiah 18:16) 179 exercise: How am the this 180 Unit 7... 7 son B82 Section 7.4 Spt Rule Versus Soul Rule ne 1B LReconceved 12 The expansion and growth ofthe human spat. 1 ‘Seeton 7.2: Hardness. of Heat = Soul Rule ae the trpartte nature of humanity. 87 I dentiyng the problem 187 Consequences of hardening when the sou res 83 |W. Removing hindrances : 150 Section 7.3 Fellowship ofthe Spit. | As your spin grows and matures, It exudes beyond you 193 Our responbities inde 195, 1, Fellowship ony occurs when two or mare inisuls communicate wth eh thE e398 ‘Section 7.4: The Role, Purpose and Function of the Chu eB the role ofthe Church: Hs bride 198 The purpose ofthe Church His body 99 1, The funtion ofthe church: Hs ire 199 1V-The fivefold race intros 200 Section 7.5: The oe, Purpose, and Function of Revelator Mintryin the CRUE nnn. 202 |The vison oF phesan 4 "Theres one body and ane Spit, just a youwere called one hope of your cling" 202 UL Thre gals of minty acorn to Ephesians 203 Section 7.6: The Read to Raveltory Seranthood and Autor. se 208 | Stops toward prophet authority. 208 Ij hurdles for younereveltor tes people 20 1 Adatona sgh on autoety 210 Iv. Oeterrents mm ‘Seton 7.7: Outed ACMI: PASO IMEI ones 213 ‘Seeton 7.8: Outside Activity: Pastor InterleW EVIUBUON nn aa ‘Seeton 7.8: Reading Asignent: AES 14.34 12 anna see AT Unie. : Section 8.4: Goa Wara Meditation... = So |God ward meatatons the a of erring to acept the embrace of Sod 219 1, Why do we need to mediate? 2 IH, Whats the fous for our mestation? 23 |v. What owe do when we mestate? ns ‘Section 8.2 Lectlo Dvn: Uisteningto the Dine One nn 8 1 Leto Dino lowly and debertely paying the Seriptures 226 1am intimate form of communion mm 1. olsavering an undering spl thm nou dy fe 228 Discovering an increasing ably to offer mare of ourselves to the Father n9 ‘VL Discovering the it ofan ever deepening relationship that God is continual offering ous ‘trout Hs Sn Jesus Cis = 20 IL The sythm of petal orion ma Leto Divina 2 ut way to develop an ear to hear Gos volee aa ee ‘Section 8.3: Outside Activity: Sweet Hour of Prayer SB ‘Section 4: Outside Activity Choose a Fay fr Prayer smn 0omrnnensmnn 230 Unit Sannin ae oe 243, Seaton 9.4: Spiritual Autor. a nen AS |. Authoritis determined and estabished by God 2 I. When Gods abou to do something He aan author tothe person He wants tolead ang ‘ves that persona greater measure of authority hs sot forcefulness of sou but we spiral avthorsy 28 i Before he knew authority, Pal tried wipe out the Chrch . 2s |W. The ileal precedent 24s .Reboing aginst spiritual authorty. 2s VL Thre are two picils by which we can ule our hes 209 VIL Te choice between obedience and rebelion. 230 i, Theres no unity of body without the authority af the head 2s 1% seven guldetnes for exercising het spiual aumroty . ae % tenders must be reais in appraising hoe anointing tng, and ably tol9 ther 257 1 We mus aller to accept sine fom those in authority over us 258 ‘Section 9.2: The Split of LAM nnn pn 9 |. Common dsguses or the spit of lasses 239 1. Spel lessons 260 1 The tat the tongue setting the crecton For the Church 7 B62 1V.The correct approach... 263, 4101 Course Evaluation CONGRATULATIONS nnn OVERVIEW OF STREAMS INSTITUTE We at Streams institute (or Spiritual Development believe God is unveling ancient, biblical ways of knowing part of the fulllment of the inspired prophecy recorded in Joel 2:28:29. Days wll unfold when signs and wonders wil inerease inthe Body of Crist, and ‘the world wil se the greatest move of God since the bh of the Church at Pentecost ‘To prepare for the days ahead, the Holy Spit is awakening our awareness about the teachings ofthe biblical prophets and the desert fathers who walked in the deeper things of Go. ‘As the Holy Spirit draws us into the glorious realms of Gots splendor, we doopen our ‘communion with Ged and receive revelation from Him. Al revelation Is given by the Holy Spit of God who searches the deep things of God and reveals them tous (1 Corinthians 2810-2), ‘At Steams our students come from all walks of life and every church background, This hunger for spiritual awakening vanscends denominational ines. People are yearning to know te ling, eternal God. Pastors, leaders, and believers trom almost every ‘denomination have enrolled n our courses to be equipped, matured, and empowered in the ‘tof Hearing God. Annually the Streams Insitute for Spiritual Development attracts ‘thousands of students fom around the worl. Their age range spane many decades. We are thriled that you have chosen to embark onan exciting journey to know the awesome ature of God and ta communicate His love toa dying word (ur desire isto awaken and enhance a deeper and exciting understanding of God through biblcal-based teaching. Therefore we offer a variety of courses in a dynamic learning, environment. These courses range from beginner to advanced levels of study. Blessings, John Paul Jackson Founder and Chaleman COURSE LISTINGS ‘Course 101" The Art of Hearing Goo No Prerequisites This introductory course provides practical toos to help you hear Gocs voce, develop seater intimacy with Him, and recognize sues that prevent you from hearing God clear. ‘The curriculum covers topics suchas: knowing God's voice, metaphorical understanding, spirtual authority fellowship of the Spr, sprtualIetening, role and function ofthe prophet in the Church, and oiferentiatng between prophets and psychics, toname but few. [For a ‘more complete Iist go to our website: www.streamsministris.com.) Homework assignments, ouside activites, and recommended reading are optional ‘There are two ways, currently, a take this course 4. As correspondence course 2. As @ two-andiaaltday intensive course Each of the options covers the same core curriculum. However, the intensive course adds ‘orious experiential elements designed to heighten your spuual fearing caves Te Intensive course s the most highly recommended format of study for those desiring the _geatest change in their ves. Please check the ministry website fora current schetule of ‘course offerings NOTE: We are developing the Art of Hearing God as an online course. Upon completion, @ notice wll be posted on the Streams website. ‘Course 102: Advanced Prophetic Ministry Prerequisite: Course 101 Advanced Prophetic Ministry unlocks fresh and unexpected understanding to those wishing tominister propheticaly. This exciting course wil open your eyes tothe mya ways God communicates every day and how you can hear and communicate His words to others ts full of in-depth bibical explanations, personal ancedotes, and lots of hands-on practical ‘exercises, Topies include: biblical foundations of prophecy, Gad's heart or prophecy, the place of prophecy today, recognizing the voice ofthe Lord, heart preparation, God's means ‘of communication, protocol for personal prophetic ministry, and avoiding ministry pitas. Course 201: Understanding Dreams and Visions Prerequisite: Course 101 LUnderstancing Dreams and Visions offers a powerful source of insight and inspiration This ‘course is designed to help you to understand your own dreams. This intermediatelevel course delves deeper into the wonder and awe of the supematural and provides & fascinating look at how God speaks to you trough dreams and visions, This course consis ‘of twenty-one hours of classroom teaching, Optional homework assignments are include ‘Course 202: Advanced Workshop in Dream Interpretation Prerequisites: Courses 101, 201 This intermediate level course reconfrms the wonder and awe ofthe supernatural This ‘course is designed to ep you understand the dreams of others. You wil also have the ‘opportunity to share personal dreams, dehve deeper int interpretive Skil, and practice Imerpreting others dreams. Toward the end ofthe course, “dream teams” may be formed that offer biblical dream interpcotation in various places such as coffeehouses, bookstores, ‘and college campuses. This course consists of twentyane hours of classroom teaching. You will ed to bring your dream journal to cass, ABOUT THE AUTHOR For more than a quarter of a century, John Paul Jackson has been helping people discover and develop their spintua gts. He has directly impacted the ves of milions of people {around the word with his bestseling books and audio series, public speaking ‘engagements, and television appearances. ‘was his great lve forthe Body of Christ that prompted Jahn Paul, in 1995, to launch Streams Ministies International-a non-proft organization that endeavors to encourage, motivate, and equip individuals to walkin greater maturty, wisdom, character, and holiness. [As founder of Steams Ministries, Jonn Paul travels extensively araund the word teaching on ‘evelator gts and the realm ofthe supernatural. As people experience God's power in his meetings ves continue tobe transformed, John Paul and his wife, Diane, have two chkiren and three grandchildren COURSE EXPECTATIONS nN What can you expect to gain from taking Course 1017 To discover what It takes to consistently hear from God, ‘Te have an opportunity to grow spirally and become aware of your potential in Chit ‘To become alert tothe ways the Holy Spits gifts can be misused, ‘To understand the purpose an function ofthe Church, Toleam how you sre designed to operate in the Church To recognize your sphere of spiritual influence and author ‘To lea to identfy your own recurring, destructive ite eyes that wil keep your it rom being accepted, ‘To develop accurate terminology for spiritual experiences. ‘To identity pastoral fears concerning revelatory people Ina lcal chur, ‘To obtain a greater understanding of Scripture and its record of thase who heard from God, To discover the necessity of allowing God te deal with your character flaws, How are we going to accomplish these goats? A. Teaching and training about various facets of hearing God The process and length of ime required to dovelop a hearing ea. ‘The primacy ofthe Hoy Spits fruits. ‘The correlation of spiritual fruit and spiritual gs Hearing God and the revelatory function ministry inthe Church. Chass Actes: Revelatory ministry among students ‘Small grouo interaction. Exercises designed to emphasize and enhance various aspects of minis. ‘Opportunities fr questions and answers. Praying for one another. ae Outside Activities: 4 Observing poople and situations in order to sense what God is saying at the ‘moment. 2. Hearing God in various settings. Outside Assignments: 1. Imerviewing pastors, 2. Scripture study as well as other assigned reading. E ‘Course communication through Streams resources: Website: www streamsministres.com Streams monthly eletters Books and tapes. Advanced courses from Streams institute for Spirtual Development. What can you expect from Streams Ministries? np oe To help you mature in your spirtual growth, in intimacy with God, and in unity with cathars inthe faith, 3. To be a resource for you, helping you discover the answers to your question. To pray for you. To be concerned with your progress. To prosent content that is timely, useful, and of high quality. IV. What expected from you? A. To.complete Course 101 and al asignments: 4. econ time to build integrity 2. Artve before the scheduled star of class, 3. Class will begin and end on timewith or without you, 8B. To be humble, hungry, and teachable V. Our AIMin tis cass isto ilumine who you are inside. Who you areon the inside will affect your destiny “What you see and hear depends a good deal upon where you are standing... anda {reat deal upon what kind of person you are" - CSlewis unit 4 INTRODUCTION Welcome to Streams Institut fr Splitual Development. Course 103: The At of Hearing God i the rt step in recognizing how God speaks and prepares us to hear His voice. Those who seek to understand and be used inthe git ofthe Spirit can, if they are property trained, be valuable assets tothe Church However, without training and maturity, such ineviduals can be @ detriment to @ church ods. "Ta whom much is ven, fom him much wil be requiteds (Luke 12:48) reminds the reader of the need to study and mature inthe gifts. Fr this purpose, the Bible further tells us to “study to show ourselves approved (2 Timathy 2:15), and the gts ate certainly no exception to is oe mana | God's yearning to restore Integy, character, and ecediity to revelatory ministry. In the Bible, Gd estabished schools ofthe prophets to enable revelatory ited individuals to be mentored so they could grow in teir iting. God alsoerns between the immature and 4a false use ofthe gt. God is perfecting, and will continue to perfect, that which He has begun in us. We offer Course 10% and other courses fo the purpose of helping you become all God intends you tobe and to full your divine destiny. ‘Al of us come from diverse backgrounds ond experiences, but as the Body of Christ, we hear ‘rom the same God. ‘A. God wants to speak to His people, and He will use any means to get our attention, The Seriptures nalate that God uses a variety of elements to achleve this purpose. 4. God desires to speak through righteous individuals as He dla with the prophets of ol 2. God can speak through unrighteous indviduals such as Bataan. 3. God can speak through natural cumstances including economic, political, geological, anc meteorological events, 4. God can even speak through animals. Balaan’s donkey was able to see inthe spint realm and ciscern the angel ofthe Lora before Balaam did (Numbers 22:21-33). : ARR 8 at aN 1. God i cling us to place more emphasis on developing a strong and godly character. Godly characteris of greater value than soitual gitedness. ‘A Often our it and personal dently Become entangled and confused, leading us to perceive questioning or rejection of our ‘words or "prophecies" as if was persona We are subsequently hurt by pastors who judge our prophetic utterances, Our personalized response to these paul situations fs ten hidden inthe verbal guise of "the Lord's wrath’ or "ignteous indignation which we usualy direct toward those who {id not receive the ‘word ofthe Lord. We rashly label such people as spitually di” or "unrepentant." 8, We fall to consider that n our immature state, we walk around alsplayng very ile true gediy character and ven Ite it. The few nes our git operate In dynamic ‘ways are not enough to keep others trusting our ably to help. People need to see a ‘igneous tfesiyle that consistenty manifests the fut ofthe Holy Sirk. LY, 101-1 THE AUDIBLE VOICE OF GOD John 42:28.30 "Father, glorify Your name. Then a voice came from heaven, saying, have both glorified it and will glory it again. Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it hag thundered. Others said, ‘An angel has spoken to Him. Jesus answered and sald, Tis voice did nat come because of Me, but for your sake.” |. This is one of throo scriptural passages where God the Father spoke audibly about Jesus (compare Matthew 3:17 and 17:5). A. He did thisto God's only Son ___ Jesus so the people would know that He was the Messiah, 1. In John 12:28:30, what did those present hear? |A. Jesus heard every word the Father spoke, BB. Some ‘who... heard it thought it was thunder. 6. Others said an angel had spoken. D. Some heard ___. E, Peshaps a few recognized the voice of God. |_ nse ea npn tS. Ml, Why do some of us hear God's voice differently or not at al? |A. Jesus knew the Father's voice because of His intimacy with the Father. IV, What does God's voice sound tke? AL Many waters Revelation 14:2-3 “And | heard a voice from heaven, lke the voice of many waters, and lke the voice of loud thunder. And | heard the sound of harpists, playing their harps." B Araging fe Deuteronomy 4:12 "And the Lord spoke to you out ofthe midst of the fr. You heard the sound of the words, but saw no form: you only heard a voice.” ©. Aloud thunder Job 37:2 “Hear attentively the thunder of His voice, / And the rumbling that ‘comes from His mouth.” Kings 19:1-43 "And after the earthquake a fire, bu the Lord was notin the fire; and after te fre a still smell voice.” Section 4.2: Revelatory Ministry Graph |The function of revelatory ministy {in general revelatory ministry functions in two ways: + Corporate ministry toa local church body ‘+ Personal ministry to individuals ‘Both ofthese ministry functions require accountability. {Personal ministry consists of her: 1. Everyone who ‘desires to do the ‘stuf ofthe Kingdom’ and commits "odo the Stuf of the Kingdom," starts off nan immature state of development in his or her gi. ©. The maturty process fr revelatory gtedness will include ether a bad growth ‘experience or a good growth experlence, 1. ABad Growth Experience ‘A. Results: Wil cause confusion, lack of understanding, and questioning. ‘iF these Issues and others are not clarified, unbelief in others wil be inevitable. Unbetiet can cause many to qult tying 0 ear from God. ifthe person sti has a desire for revelation, or if someone can inti a new hunger to near God's voice, he or she may continue to seek an understanding of how God speaks. I. A Good Growth Experience ‘A Results: The Inddusl wanting to develop an._____othow people hear Ged speak, £8. hunger to know more about one's its requtes beng teachable, (Am Increase In hope and flth requles humity . Adesire to mature, to weather the maturation process. Entering into a personal quest to learn, The person wil search forthe material and ‘people to help him or her len what God has done In his o hr ite F A flowing of our relationship with God, @ deeper intimacy with Him; tho result wil bo {hat our spit wil be attuned to hear from Him. Section 1.3: The Three Pillars of Revelatory Ministry ‘Revelation the Church ‘Revelation & the Man Revelation &the Gift Function, notatitle Character greater than gift Process not instantaneous —a corinthians 14:4 Psalms 105:19 1 Samuel 226 1 Gorinthians 12:23-27 4 cornthians 13:2 4 Samuel 3:39:20 Ephesians 4:11:16 Luke 252 | Par 1- Revelation and the Church The local church is one of the areas least understood by many revelatory ited people. Thay tend to ask, "Where does the local church ft int my git? Instead of asking, "Where o itn to the local church” {Corinthians 12:42 "The body isa unit, though itis made up of many pars... Ephesians 4:4 “There is one body and one Spirit, ust as you were called in one hope of your calling” A Same think the Church should revolve around them. Frequently they expect or demand ‘a tle, Our its nota tle we wear It @ function we do to advance Godt Kingdom. 8. God uses the Church, this mystical body of Christ, as @ tool to sculpt the immature revelatory person's character. Matthew 28:19:20 "Go therefore and make disciples of al the nations baptizing them in the ame of the Father and of the Son and ofthe Hay Spit, teaching ‘them to observe all things that Ihave commanded you; andl, 1m with you always, evento the end ofthe age." ©. God sees those that advance His kIngsom as holding equal value in ct, the postions we would consider lee honorable are worthy of dreter honor, according to Paul In 4 Corinthians 12:23:27: “And those members ofthe body which we think tobe less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor..." We aretoedty the Church All ministry must be done for the strengthening ofthe Church. {Corinthians 14:26 "How ist then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each ‘ofyou has a psalm, has @ teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation, Let ll things be done for ecification* 1.Corithlans 13:2 And though | have the gf of prophecy, and understand all rysteries and all knowledge, and though Ihave al faith, so that | could remove ‘mountains, but have not love, Lam nothing” F. The prophetic sane of five minkstry its that brings unt, Intimacy, and matury tothe ody of Crist Ephesians 4:14-13 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, forthe equipping ofthe saints forthe work of ministry forthe edfying of the body of Chr, il we all come to the unity ofthe faith and ofthe knowladge of the Son of God, to'a perfect man, tothe ‘measure ofthe stature ofthe fulness of Cult..." Corinthians 12:12 ‘Now | say this, that each of you say, “| am of Paul" ort am of ‘polis, or Sam of Cephas,* orl am of Christ Romans 12:38 "For | say, through the grace given to me, to everyone wh is armong, you, nt to think of himself more highly than he cught to think, but to think sober, {5 God has dealt to each one @ measure of faith “For as we have many mombers Ione body, but all the members donot have the same function, "so we, belng ‘many, are one body in Christ, and incvidualy members of one another. Having then gts differing according tothe grace that is gven tous fet us use them: if ‘prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to out faith; "oF mins, fet us use Tin our ministering he who teaches, n teaching: ®he who exhorts, in exhortation he who ives, with liberality he who leads, with dlignce: he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. (Compare w, 4 Corinthians 12:12}, 6. As the eye ls connected tothe body, we must be connected tothe Church fo full our function. 1. Pilar l- Revelation and the Man: God values character more than He values your git. We undergo regeneration as God matures us. God wants to develop greater character ‘and integrin each one of us to enable fru service |. The issue of character fs possibly the most overlooked area of maturation when It comes 0 hearing God. £8. Character development isthe single greatest enhancer of eur git. Likewise, the lack of character Is the greatest hindrance to our git. ©. Character development takes tine, and our gift development takes time 16 1. We must continual focus on character sues to prevent the Church from, ance _agan, throwing out the revelatory ministry because ofthe character deficiencies of ropheti navi .haracter development encompasses our: F. Ifyou totally focus on the Wf, n mes of stress when your git eisappears, all you hhave left is your lout character. 6, Samuel addressed the sue of character when he inquired of Gods people, “Here! ‘am. Witness against me before the LORO and betere His anointed: Whase ox have { taken, or whose donkey have Itaken, ar whom have I defrauded? Whom have ‘oppressed, or from whose hand have | recelved any bribe wth which to blind my eyes? ‘wi estore to you." (1 Samuel 12:3) H. God is looking for men and women with character equa to, or greater than, their ai. |. Whatever God has promised you, He wil prepare you to receive by intentionally allowing Situations to arise in your te that are designed to develop your character. At tmes, it ‘il seem you have experlenced the death of your promise. Psalms 105: 19 “Unt the time that his word came to pass, the word ofthe LORD ‘ectod him 4. God is continually checking to see f we are ready to wal into the promise for romation 2. God uses the weaknesses of ethers to reveal our weaknesses. In this way, we ‘can address and overcome our weaknesses. 3. The higher the mountain, the deeper the vale. 4. The longer the vale, the greater the influence. » Pia Il - Revelation and the Git |A. There re no mature binhs Inthe natural or nthe spiritual realm, Gitng Is progressive Jn its maturation; t isnot Instantaneous. 1. Ears that ear God are finetuned though grtwng nthe nine fits ofthe Spit (Galatians 5:22:23) 2 aT TS a (6 We must grow in our understanding ofthe gift and In eur communication skits, Four ‘aspects must be clear In erder fr people to take action on what Is sald athe reams, visions, tances, et. 2.the__: Holy Spiitagven insight and understanding of ts meaning. athe who, what, when, where, and why some action i tobe taken, athe the ably to ceary communicate so people wil not misunderstand what Ged sald through you, . Maturing ia the gt encompasses more than simply having a dream or a revelation of some magnitude. n Too many people who hear from God have a Samson-like mentality instead of a Samuel mentality. We ve ina time of much fighting within churches. Samuel came ata time when brother warred against brother. (he Benjamites agent the Israeiites) 6. During the rule of Samuel, the schools ofthe prophets came into existence (41 Sam. 10:18). These schools helped to reform the spiritual level ofthe people and ‘encouraged them to embrace: 2 H. Although the Lord often appeared to Samuel and spoke to him, Samuel stil had to {F0W before God and man. {Jesus himself had to grow through the maturity process. How much more Important s It for us to grow through that same process? ‘Luke 2:52 ‘And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and ig Deeper Questions: 41. Define the tem "grew in in te Fallowing passage. 1 Samuel 2:26"And the hid Samuel In stature, and both withthe LORD and men.* a 2. What does the Bible mean when t states in 1 Samuel 3:19:20, “So Samuel grew, ‘nthe LORO was with hi and lt none of his words fall tothe ground ‘3, Why does itbeneft you to stay away from titles and calling yourself an apostle, Drophet, teacher, pastor, or evangelist? 4. Should you desce a tite? ‘5. Why do we need the Body of Christ to full our cling according to Ephesians 4:4.67 25 6. tw have diferent gts and abilities, are one person's gts, talents, and abies ‘more important than another's? 4. Corinthians 12:14, 28 For in fact the body is not one member but many. But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. Andif they were all one member, where would the body be? But now indeed there are many members, yet one body 7. InGod's Kingdom, what is more important than our God-given gis, talents, and bites? 8. How doos God's word test us? Psalms 105:19 "Until the time that his werd came to pass, the word ofthe LORD tested him '. What determines the level or cimensions that person ie able to achieve in ite? 410. Does my ability to grow inthe Lord and allowing Him to change my cheracter and ‘opinions affect others growth around me? ‘14. How does the Church help me to become the person God! has called me tobe? ” 12. How long does it take tobe trained forthe ministy? “For many ar called, but few are chosen." Why? 13. How long aid the process take from Samus intial vstation until he was ‘established and commissioned? 4 Samuel 3:19:21 ‘So Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of bis words fall tothe ground. And all sacl from Dan to Beersheba knew that ‘Samuel had been established asa prophet ofthe LORD. Then the LORD ‘appeared again n Shiloh. For the LORD revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word ofthe LORD" 8 Section 1.4: Discussion Questions: The First Time 4. When was the fst time you knew you had heard from Gad or that you had 8 revelation that you knew was from Goa? 2. How old were you? 3 How old were you when you felt you might have a revelatory sit or a speckal ably to hear from the Loca? 44. Does your family know about ths gift, and how much they understand it? ‘5. Doyou have more dreams from God or do you have dvine*knowings"? 6. How often have you said," knew that was going to happen orl knew you would say that or" knew twas you clin" Section 1.5: Outside Activity: The Revelatory Gift ‘Te purpose of this assignment is to promote and prompt listening tothe Holy Spit. It snot Intended to determine whose gift ls beter develope. Hebrews 5:14 “But solid fod belongs to thase who are of fll age, thats, thage whe by reason of use have thee senses exercise to ciscem both good anc ev Through this assignment we want to become aware of how God speaks in many create ways about things we might consider Insignificant or even sil, As we build a history of listening and hearing Godin the small things, we wil be able to receve His heart messages about bigger things. 30 —rrmeeninaces Siar eases | Emphasis One ‘sk the Lord to help you train your git. What topic will your pastor be speaking about? What worship songs wil be sung? [Ask the Lord to speak to you through simple things in your life, Here are some suggestions Emphasis Two Continue to practice hearing the Lord by doing exercises from Emphasis One. ‘Ask the Lord to tell you a song you wil sing during the worship service next Sunday. Wete ‘down the song(s) or sermon topic and see how you are doing. Emphasis Three Continue to practice hearing the Lord by doing exercises from Emphasis One and Two, Think about the tines you have thought of someone ‘out ofthe bie" and then run Into him or ner. Write these remembrances down, Do you see any patterns? Do you recognize the Lord speaking specific about the person? ‘Can you identity ways the Lor led you into intercession for others? Emphasis Four (Observe four other peoste. Whats the frst thing you felt or thought when you saw each person? ‘bo you sense any pain jy, worn elation, fatigue, confusion oneliness, ete? ‘What specifically makes you think, or fet, these things? Were there any physical clues? ‘id you gain any insight rom observing their body posture? id you nave a "gut feeing? 2 [SRT as ASD a Pa Unit 2 Section 2.4: Four Quadrants of Anointing for Revelatory Ministry THE FOUR QUADRANTS Quadrant 11 High Risk/High Anointing Quadrant | High Risk/Low Anointing (Quadrant IV. Quadrant il Low Risk/High Anointing Low Risk/Low Anointing a | Fectrs that determine the quadrant you ive and minister from: ‘A Reception ofthe word: the God factor. £8. Risk the human factor 1. Conditions that make up the human factor: ‘A. Emotional: t's affected by your current eve of fy, discouragement, bitterness, pain, sense of guilt, et, and by the canton af your family relationships. 8, Relational: How you interact with others can affect your ably to hear. © Spirtuat Your baie about doctrine, theology, and prayer can affect your abit to rear. . Financia: Your view of money and materal goods. The Fours: ‘8 Beware of the temptation to sll your tng Inthe marketplace. The danger of sel. deception is very real: you wil be tempted o use your git for nancial gain far beyond ‘your needs and then to rationalize your behavior. £8. Resist souish desires for tame, recognition and personel glory. 7 a Sinan ae IN. The Four Quadrants. [A You ean aiscern a person's quacirant by observing various aspects of thelr te £2. Too many revlatoryited people spend too much time In the wrong quadrant. ” Section 2.2: Revelatory Maturity Continuum i ‘caus ‘TRAINED COMMISSIONED caenta) sen 228) (asm 20) | Exon | j ee Sone & Young ‘1d My augers Men Men Servants |. In God's presence, His holiness — and our lack ofit— becomes clear. ‘A. The more you learn of God, theless you feel you know. |. As we mature In spitual things, and whan we minster, there should be an evident decrease in the porcentage ofthe words of man and an increase inthe percentage ofthe words of God, A. Consider Acts 2:17-18, 21 In relationship tothe Three Phases of Ministry Development: Called, Trained, and Commissioned. Make note of the categories of people named, ‘Acts 2:17-21, "And it shall come to pass inthe last days, ays God, that | wll pour ‘ut of My Spirit onal esh: your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall se visions, your old men shall dream dreams. And an My ‘menservants and on My msidservants,| wil pour out My Spr in those days; an they shall prophesy... Andi shall come to pass that whoever ealls onthe name (ofthe LORD shal be saved" Uoe!2:28-29, 32) 1. The Called are 2. The Trained are 3. The Commissioned are ‘The maturity continuum, ‘There ls 8 progression, or maturity continuum, from “sons and daughters" prophesying to "young men* seeing visions and "old men’ dreaming dreams. ‘A The Holy Spit has been poured out on all esh. 8, The nex step Is the seeing of visions. . The “ld men" (and women) are those with more maturity who will understand God's communication through dreams. Finally, some are refered to 85 "My" servants. 40 —;arrersanamerss isasera cares | Section 2.3: Three Phases of Ministry Development |. The Caled Phase In this stag, the gits God has given us are identeg and begin to grow: ‘A-The Called Phase happens quick in @ moment of te. ‘Take, for example, the caling of Samuel! 4 Samuel 3:1-10 "Then the boy Samuel ministered to the LORD before El And the word ofthe LORD was rare in those days; there was no widespread revelation. While Samuel was ving down to sleep. ..the LORD called Samuel, And ne [answered "Here | aml" So he ran to Eli and said, “Here | am, foryou called me ‘And he said," not cal ie down again." And he went and lay down. And the {LORD called yet again, "Samuel" So Samuel arose and went to Eland sad, "Here | am, for you called me." And he answered, "didnot cal, my sone down again.* (Now Samuel dd not yet know the LORD, nor was the word ofthe LORD yet revealed to im.) And the LORO called Samuel again te third time, Then he arose ‘and went to El, and said, "Here | am, fr you aid call me. Then Ei perceived that the LORD had called the boy. Therefore El said to Samuel, “Go, le down: and it shal be, i He cals you, that you must say, "Speak, LORD, for Your servant hears. ‘Then the LORD came and stood and called as at other times, "Samuel! Samuel ‘And Samuel answered, "Speak, for Your servant hear.” a B.A calling may occur in several ways: CA cating isthe lof the three phases, I The Training Phase This isthe most lof the the, tttakes a long and arduous journey that encompasses a iftime: [A Hore we begin the process of learing how to operate in the gifts The process f= Inidated and sustained by humbling oursetves. James 4:10 "Humble yourselves before the Lord, ana He wil it you up {3 What level of traning are we going to choose? . Matthew 20:16 states: * For many are calle, but few chosen.” Many quit because the training is hard person must be able to see oneself nthe carly of God's hat light. E, 1 Samuel 2:26 "And the child Samuel grew in stature, and In favor both withthe LORD (the sprtusl aspect) and men (te character aspoct.” People give up and stop the training proccss bosause they say no" tothe death of sete 1 Peter 5:6 “Mherefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He ‘may exalt you in due time..." 1. Tae Commissioned Phase 41 Samuel 3:19:24 So Samuel grew, and the LORD wae with him andl none of his words fll tothe ground, And all Israel rom Dan to Beersheba knew that ‘Samuel had been established as a prophet ofthe LORD" |A.The ange ofthe Lord or Jesus himself comes Into our pysioal reat in at His grandeur and splendor fora persanal wsitation, Buti only lasts moment 15. Favor win Goa reveats He nas given youa Bt. Favor with man reveals two things: Section 2.4: Dark Night of the Soul ir DARK NIGHT Carica | Ietotuction [As we grow in character, we wil periodically enter a season known as the “Dark Night of the ‘Soul? Is algo known as the wikderness, the backside of the desert, or te times when the Heavens ae lke bras. Hosea 2:14.45 (concerning the restoration of Irae) "Therefore, behold wil aur her, bring her into the widemess, and speak kindly to her. Then | wl gve her vineyards from thee, and the valley of Achor as a dor of hope. And she wil sing there asin the days of her youth an the day when she came Lup fom the land of Egypt." (NASB) . TES tO at na The amount of time we spend in the Dark Night ofthe Soul's determined by our sours level of wilingness to cooperate withthe adjustments and changes the Holy Spin ‘wants to make. |. God Reveals Himsa, A. Wen God is reveating Himself tous, He invades our soul (mind, wil, and emotions) t0 restore it {. nthis season, we have dtfeuty nearing and understanding the deep hidlen truths oF the mysteries of God. Luke 18:31:34 "Then He took the twelve aside and saicto them, "Behold, we are going upto Jerusalem, and al things that are witen by te prophets concerning ‘the Son of Man will be accomplished, Fr He wll be delvered tothe Gentles and willbe mocked and insulted and spit upon. They wil scourge Him ad iil Him. And ‘he third day He wil rise again’ But they understood none of these things; tis ‘saying was hidden from them, and they id nat know the things which were spoken.* 6. We have wietory over the enemy and experiance accelerated growth. 1. During the Dark Night ofthe Sout, it seems God is concealing Himself. ‘A. We seek God out because He s hiding Himselt. You have sald, Seek My face. My hneart says to you, Your face, Lord, wil seek" (Psalm 27:8; Amped) 6. The purpose of concealment Ito Induce us to search for Him so that He may then reveal Himset 4 Chronicles 28:9 "And you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and ‘serve Him with single mind and wiling heart; forthe Locd searches every mind, and Understands every plan and thought you Seek Him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He wll abandon you forever (NRSV) (6. The Dark Night of the Souls the process God leads us through so we wil grow in awe ‘and reverential fear of Him, _D. The secret place of concealment inthe Dark Night of the Sout Is where we recelve revelation about our ves. Job 28:20-21; 27, 28 From where then does wisdom come? And where isthe Place of understanding? itis hidden fom the eyes of al ving, and concealed from the birds ofthe ar... Than He saw wisdom and decared it He prepared it indeed, He searched it out And to man He sai, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, thats ‘wisdom, and to depart rom evil is understanding Functions of the Dark Night ofthe Sout. ‘To bring to death in our sou al fleshiy works, striving and selfish ambitions so that whatever we do's by the Holy Spr working through us. Hebrews 4:9-10 "There remains therefore a rest fr the people of Gad. Fer he who has entered His rest has himsotf also ceased from his works as God dis from His” 6. To secure in us the knowledge that God ls supporting us. (6. History the bate ground fr the contrat of people's minds. . During this time, we receve @ new heavenly perspective about our earthy situation ‘and lean to stop reacting out of our soulsh mind, wil, and emotions, Psalms 51:6 “Behold. You desia truth inthe inva parts, at inthe hidden pat ‘You will make me to know wisdom.” Corinthians 2:640, 14 "However, we speak wisdom among those who are ‘mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor af the rulers ofthis age, who are coming te mothing. But we speak the wisdom of God ina mystery, the hidden wisdom ‘which God oxdained before the ages for our gly, which none ofthe rulers ofthis age know; for had they known, they would not have cruefied the Lord of glory. “ut as itis writen: Eye has not seen, nor ear hear, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who lave Hin." (isaiah 64:4), ‘But God has revealed them to us through His Spit. Forth Spirit searches all ‘thing, yes, the deep things of God ..(¥. 14) But the natural man does not receive ‘the things ofthe Spirit of God, fr they are foolishness to hrm; nor can he know ‘them, because they ae spiritually discerned" A roms 1V. God works in hidden ways, ‘A Just as in dream interpretations, God always works from our inside out Isaiah 45:15 "Truly You are God, who hides Yourself, 0 God of Irae, the Savi" £8. God is removing our singular reliance on natural, external vision so we can improve in seeing things the Holy Spr reveals. ©. God promotes new vision, insight, and revelation to create a higher realm of understanding and trust In us so we wil ive by ath and not by sight. . God wants to work erect through us, ne flow around us When Goa speaks tus, He Is calling us to abedience and to take risks. However, We must step out and take action John 45:48 "Abide in Me, and lin you. As the branch cannot bear fut of sel, Unless it abides inthe vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me, 1am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and in him, Bears much fri; for ‘without Me you can do nothing. anyone does not abide in Me, he Is cast out as a branch ands withered: and they gather them and thaw them into the fire, and they are burned. Ifyou abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you wil ek what you desire, ant shall be done fr you. By this My Father is gored, that you bear much trl; so you will be Mycisciples" V.Ged prepares usin the wilderness. ‘A When God reveals that He Is gong to raise us up to high service, He must fist break us asa part ofthe preparation process. ‘Matthew 21:44 "And whoever fls on this stone wil be broken; but on whomever it fals, itil grind him to powder 6. The higher the intended service, the mere thorough the breaking (poring By (6. Entering the Dark Night of the Sou! is nota punishment. Isaiah 48:10-14 "Behold | have refined you, but not as siver, Ihave tested you in ‘the furnace of affliction. For My own sake, for My own sake, | wil ot James 4:10 "Humble yourselves inthe sight ofthe Lord, and He wil it you up* 1. Inthe Dark Night ofthe Soul God helps us process 1. our 2. Our______ nat won rt 3 Our 4, our VL. God breaks us in oder to remake us. A. During the Dark Night ofthe Sou ou its, talents, and natural abilities are broken 41. We have dificult finding and entering Gods presence to hear from Him, 2, Everything that we know to do and have done before doesnt work. Finally, we ery ‘ut, "Lora it's nar to even have faith without Your grace and the working of te Holy Spt in my fe." Seamer Ta TT 2 1. Before the Dark Night ofthe Soul, we tend to think of ourselves as good and worthy individuals. {Corinthians 1:34 *.. 95 tis writen, He who glories, lt him glory inthe Lora Romans 7:48 °For | know that in me (hats in my flesh) nothing good dwells: for to wil is present with me, but ow to perferm what is geod I do not find” John 18:5 "1am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nating" 6. he Jems thou Jesus was coming as a king and He came asa servant ana savea the Genties. 2 Corinthians 4:18 "While we donot look atthe things which are geen, but a the things which are not seen. Forte things which are seen are temporary, but the ‘things which are not saea are eternal" ‘VIL Responding to the Dark Night ofthe Soul ‘A. We can choose to enter into the secret place and learn to trust and wait onthe Lord in prayer, worship, and thanksgiving 8, God wants fo reveal His heart of ove. . What we don't need is people telling us: f you just had faith, everything would be ail vig.” There slight at the end ofthe tunnel, therefore: Eft 1s God who draws us into the Dark Night ofthe Soul Ft constrain Him, preterit stay ata femilar and comfortable level. Section 2.5: Questions To Ponder 4L Describe how one may feel while they are going through the Dark Night of the Sout 2. What is God tng to accomplish or develop in us through this experiance? 3. How wil this time help me to develop the fut of the Spit? 4. How can this experience prevent a person from being lke a meteor, ora “shooting star ministry? 56 Proverbs 20:21 "An iertance gained hastiy atthe beginning will net be blessed at the end? ‘5. Why sit necessary to go back into the Dark Night ofthe Sour? 6. Dow all go through the process ofthe Dark Nignt ina certain order? 7. Must each person go through ll the different aspects ofthe Dark Night? ‘8 Why would God speak to us about something today when we cant do anything wth itor act upon it? ‘8. How long does the Dark Night of the Soul ast? Section 2.6: Discussion Questions: Acts 2 4. How many different people types are mentioned? 2. What i the sinitcance of the pronoun change from second person plural to frst person singular in verses seventeen and eighteen-oF your to "My"? 3. Does this prophecy of Je! incluse distinction about age groups, human maturty levels, cor spirtual maturity levels? Why? 4. Who are the male ane female servants in verse elghteen? 5. What happens in verse nineteen? 16, What isthe result (Compare Acts 2:21.) Section 2.7: Outside Activity Hebrews 8:14 "But solid food belongs to those who are of ull age, that i, those who by reason of use have ther senses exercised to discern both good and evi ‘Continue to develop listening skills by asking the Holy Spit to ain you te isten to His quiet sl vole, Remember that you wil get as much out of this activity as you put into Emphasis One 4. Observe four people. What i the fis thing you feel or think when you see them? Pain joy, worty, elation, fatigue, confusion, or loneliness etc:? 2, What especially makes you think or feel these things? Physical clues? Body postures? "Gut feelings”? Emphasis Two ‘Ask the Holy Spit to speak to you about a friend ora relative and ask yours the following. ‘questions: 4, What did! intay fee! who this person came close to me or frst eaw him or her? 2. Was | already aware of what | sensed in his or her ie? 3, Step back and ask yourself, "Do Ihave a bis or predetermined stereaype of this person?" 4, How coulda bias or stereotype ofa person affect anything you hear God tel you about that person? ‘5. What are you feting and thinking? What could cause these feelings and thoughts? Emphasis Three [Again ask the Holy Spirtto speak to you about friend or relative and ask yourself the following questions: 4 What did | initaly feet when this person came close to me or fst saw him or har? 2. Was | already aware of what | sensed in his or her ie? 3, Step back and ask yourself, "Do Ihave bas or predetermined stereatype ofthis person?" 4. This time discuss with another student taking the cours) your experience (not using, names), and be prepared to share your experience inthe next class. Emphasis Four \When you enter the buliding for your next worship servic, ask the Holy Spirit to evea! someone to you who needs prayer or other ministry. Look fer an opportunity to minster to him or her. As you enter into ministry, ask the Holy Spit what the specific needs a Section 2.8: Reading Assignment: Daniel Emphasis One Read Daniel, Chapters one through four, and answer the following questions: 4 What did Daniel do to eutvate a heart to hear God? (4:8) 2. How do these verses efit anit wiscom? (9°17, 48) £3. According to these verses, what can result rom walking in humility and hearing Gots vole clearly? (92:46-49) 4. One of the translations ofthe Hebrew word for magician Is astrolager*—one who seeks ‘ocult knowledge by studying the stars. Do you think these maghcians were able to Interpret dreams or visions correcty? Di they ever hear from God? (2:27) a RETR wa Sao '5. Why did Danie! have the freedom to speak this advice to King Nebuchadnezzar? (4:27) 6. Whats the significance of this chapter being written In the frst person by the king anc not by Daniel” (Chapter four) Emphasis Two Read Danie, Chapters five through eight, and answer the following questions: 4. What does this verse reflect about Daniel's fecus and character? Is there principle being revealeg? (5:47) 2, Although known to Darus, Daniel was unknown to Belshazzar. Comment on why God sometimes gives us favor and allows us tobe known, while at ther times He hides us. (en 23. Why would this dream ruffle the same man who had stoos before kings declaring unfavorable interpretations? (7:15, 28) 4. Comment on Daniel 8:27 "And |, Danie, fainted and was sick for days; afterward | arase ‘and went about te king's business. | was astonished by the vision, but no one Understood ¢ —__________wameaaacat Sin nn Emphasis Three Read Daniel, Chapters nine though twelve, and answer the following questions: 4. What does Chapter nine reveal about Danie heart? 2. Inyour opinion, isthe event in Chapter ten a vision ora visitation? ‘3. Comment on the importance of setting your hear toward the Loc, fasting, and praying In order to learn to hear God. (10:8) 4. What does it say tous that Daniel had to ask questions and was stil learning? (22:8) Emphasis Four ‘Ater having read the book of Danie, answer the folowing questions: 4 How many of Danie's dreams are recorded? 6 2. How many of Oanie's visions are recorded? ‘3. Under how many kings did Daniel serve? 4. How many other people inthe Book of Daniel cd God speak to besides Daniel in reams or visions? 5. Does God speak to the unsaved? Do they hear Mis vice? How do wo, ke Danie! help them understand or interpret what God's saying? 6. What do you belleve was the most ficult thing Danie! had to da? Comment on your 66 unit ‘Section 3.1: Public and Private Victories ‘Theme: There willbe no consistent public victories without a history of consistent private vetries. |. A history of private Fllures wil set you upto tive ina ifesyle and atmosphere of fear. ‘A.As you develop a history of alin you will soon expect to fal £8, Past failures will breed fear of allure and open the door for demenie attack. Proverbs 12:25 “Ansetyn the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it gad" | Aistory of private victories wl set you in ifesyle that expects vitory-even in atfiatt times. A. Private vetoles are seen by you and God and are comprised of any small thing God asks you fo do, Le. plok up the plece of paper, or open the door for him, et. 1. Private vitores often comprise small acts of obedience. Lke sand in concrete, the Holy Sprit added to our obedience, forms a strong and hard foundation that can withstand enormous pressure. 41 Samuel 15:22 "So Samuel sac: Has the Lord as great elight in burnt offerings and sacties, asin oboyng the vole of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than ‘sacrifice, and to heed than te ft of rams." Romans 6:16 "Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to ‘bey, you ar that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to rghteousness?™ . RTT ent anne . Private victories inspire the growth of fath All eveation comes through faith Romans 12:6 "Having then git itfering according to the grace that is ven to us, let us use them: if prophecy lt us prophesy in proportion to our faith" UL There can be no consistent pubic victories without a consstent histor of private victories. |. Private Wetories form the foundation that can withstand the weight of public victories. £. Private victories must gready outnumber publi vietores. Section 3.2: Reticular Activating System ‘The bran processes 60 itlon bytes of information per second. Ietroduetion ‘The science of physiology reports that all ofthe information collected by the senees is received by a part of the brain called the ticular Activating System (RAS).* ‘The RAS s similar to an inital information gathering uit that fiers stimull and prepares the ‘est ofthe brain fora proper response? “ere Howard PD, The Ova Man te San nde, arta Bad Pes, 260) op. 99-4 ‘Geena Jacte, PLD, The Anca hind ew Yor Vg agin, 2509) 624 n TART Tw BHT DnB cae |The Scriptures are absolutely crucial in sensitizing the Retlcular Activating System (RAS) to the encouragement and leading ofthe Holy Spat. tis with God's Word in our heats that we are abe to renew cur minds, ‘A. Developing the RAS, which Is the guaran of our mind, enables usta hear God more frequently and accurately. Hebrews 8:14 "But solid food belongs to those who ar of full age, that is, those "who by reason of use have thelr senses exercised ta diecer both good andl evi.” £8. isa system, which enables you to know Him more. itcan be likened tothe eternal knowledge, or judgments of ight and wrongour ‘moval sense. 6. Some purposes of Scripture are to guide, declare, nd make your minds aware of ‘etermal truth and spiritual matters. John 16:13-14 “However, when He, the Spit of rut, has come, He wil guide you into al tut; for He wil nt speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He ‘ill speak; and He wil tl you things to Come. He wil glory Me, for He wil take of what is Mine and declare it to you." John 14:26 "But the Helper, the Holy Spr, whom the Father will sendin My name, He will teach you al things, and bring to your remembrance all things that | sai to your . Knowing the writen, living Word of God helps us to trust and understand Goats plan and to see things the way God sees them-from a heaveniy perspective 2 Timothy 3:46-17 "Al Sriptute fs gven by inspiration of Gad, ands profitable for ‘doctrine, for eprcot, for correction or nstruction in ighteousness, thatthe man of ‘God may be compete, thoroughty equipped for every good work” 2 Peter 1:3-4 "His divine power has given tous al things that pertain to fe and {godliness trough the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given tous exceedingly great and preclous promises, that through these you may be partakers ofthe dine nature, having escaped the corruption that iin ‘the world through lust I The testing of Gad leads us to promotion Isaiah 48:10 “Behold, | have efined you, but nat as siver | have tested you inthe fumace of aetion*| A Weare tested by the things we encounter throughout our dy. Romans 8:6:9 "For to be carnally minded is death, but tee epldtually mind ia Iifeand peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for is not subject to the law of Gad, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are inthe flesh cannot please God.” 1. The mind set on God wil hear Him and recagnize Him. Proverbs 23:7 "For ashe thnks in his hear, sos he" = RAST ST ©. The Word of God Is able to penetrate tothe deepest parts of our belng. I Our peace as deep as our focus upon God. Romans 8:69 "For to be carally minded is death, but tobe spirtualy minded is fe ‘and peace. Because the canal mind is enmity against God for it's not subject tothe law of God, nor indees can be. So then, those wha arin the flesh cannot please God." A. Steps to peace: Philippians 4:6-9, 11. "Be anxious fr nothing, but in everything by prayer anc supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, wil guard your hearts and minds ‘through Christ Jesus. Final, brethven, whatever things are true, whatever things ‘are noble, whatever things ae just, whatever things are pute, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good repor, if there is any vue and if there i anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. The things which you leaned “and receved and heard and saw in me, these do, andthe God of peace wil be with you. Not that speak in regard to need, for have leaned in whatever state | am to be content” 8. The Result 1. Hearing from God for our circumstances enables us to walk and rest in God's 2, Because we know God has a perfect plan for us, we are able to be In whatever state we find ourselves Proverbs 12:25 "Ansty inthe heart of man causes depression, but # good word rakes glad" 'V. Our Response We purpesetuly plan to please the Lord in our thoughts, ways, and attitudes. ‘A. We ca remembrance the great things the Lord has done for us inthe past, and hope i restored forthe future. Jeremiah 29:11-14 "For | know the thoughts that think toward you, says the LORD, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of ev, ‘Then you wil alt tole youa future and a hone, Upon Me and go and pray to Me, and | wil lst to you. And you wll seek Me and find Me, when you search fr Me with al your heat 8. Acton: James 1:22 But be doers ofthe Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:28-28 “or if anyone is @ hearer af the Word and not a doer, hei like @ ‘man observing his natural face in a mir; for he observes himself, oes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.* Matthew 7:24 "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, | liken him toa wise man who bul his house onthe rock." .Bventhing the enemy does tous the Lord uses to usin Ms Proverbs 16:7 ‘When a man's ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies tobe at peace with him. . God desires us to develop more trust io Him, which in tur wil develo greater and ins. Luke 17:5-6 "And the apostles said tothe Lor, “increase aur faith" So the Lord s8i,"f you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, Be pulled up by the roots and be planted inthe sea,’ and it would obey you. Defining Flt: to believe In, to trstn, God to hold a conviction, a convient belie. Hebrews 44:1.3 "Now faiths tho substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the eders obtained a good testimony. By falth we Understand thatthe worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that the things “which are seen were not made of things which are visible F. The fru ofthe Spt Galatians 6:22.23 "Bu the fruit ofthe Spit is love joy, peace, longsuerng, ‘kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness, seifcontol. Against such there Is no fa ©. Unhoy_______ produce unholy ¥. Strongholds are attudes that keep us from embracing Chistikeness, ‘We think we are being Chistike when we ae not A. Poul was convinced he was acting n God's wil when he was executing Chistian. BA Js a sy8t0m or way of thinking rooted ina le that we have ‘come fo accept asthe uth €. Stronghold area system of thoughts that Induce any habitual response, addltion, fixation, compulsion, obsession o inordinate fer. ©. Strongholds are attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs that keep God rom acting on our bhatt James 3:46 "For where envy and seltsecking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there our needs to be submitted to His contre. 2 Corinthians 10:4,5 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for puling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing, that exalts tal against the knowledge of Goa, bringing every thought into captivity ‘tw the obedience of Christ" 4. The original language (Greek) indicates “to pulldown strongholds means to ‘demolish them with violence, Matthew 14:12. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force." 2.In biblical Greek, the word for stronghold" means a cate or fortress frm which ‘one argues aver one's possessions, F How do we destray ungodly strongholds In our Ives? Psalms 11:7 “For the LORD is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance behold the upright." ‘I What you pay attention to binds your thoughts. ‘8 What you tink about, you wil ikely take action on. What you repeatedly take action on becomes a habit. 8. "Sowa thought, reap an action. Sow an action reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a ‘character. Sow a character, reap a destiry." (Anonymous) Romans 5:3-4 ‘And not only that, but we also Joy in tibulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and persaverance, character, and character, hope." 13 Section 3.3: Outside Activity: Listening to the Holy Spirit Hebrews 5:14 “But solid food belongs to those who ae of ull age, that is, those who by reason of use have ther senses exercised to discern Noth good and vl Emphasis One: Go with three class members toa mall or anather public place where you will have the ‘opportunity to observe people you do not know. 4. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you tn people who naed to hear something from God's heart. Do not goto that person Rather, pray and ask the Laxd to answer that person's need 2. Write down a few things the Holy Spit shows you about each person ‘3. Compare notes. everyone in your group noticed the same person, di you see/hear the same type of things? 4. How many times were others in your group shown the same person?” Emphasis Two: Goto another church and pray fo that church to grom, prosper, and multiply. Pay the following three things: 4. Pray thatthe Holy Spirt would fall onthe pastor or priest, the leadership, and people, 2. Pray thatthe people would be able to hear God speakingto them in all kinds of cremtive ways 3. Intercode that God would tum all the hears in that chureh towa Him, ‘You do not need to attend the worship service at this church. You may simply dive by tor stop inthe parking lot for atime of prayer. The purpose ofthis activity is sincerely to bless ‘another fellowship of beievers. Emphasis The Continue to practice listening tothe Lord This exercise is designed to help you distinguish your voice, thoughts, and whims from the voige ofthe Lord, We are learning to hear God Speak about the small deals of fe, not tying to predict anything or be fvoious, The pont 's to be actively listening to God as He speaks in many create ways. We are excrelsing our senses! (Hebrews 5:14) ete ae some suggestions: 4. When the phone rings, ask the Holy Spirit to tell you the name ofthe person calling before you answer (wihout using aller 1D) 2. When you go out to meet someone, ask the Holy Spi to show you what color to ‘wear so you wil match the person youre meeting. 3. Ask the Lord to tell you how to bess someone by giving him or her a simple git like a single flower, a personal note of encouragement, ora favorite snack tO brighten his r her day a Section 3.4: Stimulus and the Moment of Choice SPIRIT Introduction: A stimulus is something that prompts a response, Each of us encounters numerous stimu throughout the day With every event, we have a choice 88 to how we will respond. These Ingredients-stimulus, moment of chole, and tespanse-comerise a major issue In hearing consistent from God. |. The instant between the stimulus andthe response i called the moment of choice In 8 split second, we decide how we will react. We are personaly responsible fr aur choices. ‘A Denial of personal responsibilty Is persistent and pervasive. ‘Genesis 3:42 “Then the man sald, "The woman wham You gave tobe with me, she {gave me of the tre, and ate” ‘Genesis 3:43 “And the LORD God said tothe woman “What Is this you have done’? ‘The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I te* 8. Blame shiting has been humankind inlination from The Fal-the fist wrong choice Goa atant accept itanen; and He doesnt alow 1 nw. GGonesis 3:16:17 "To the woman He sas" wl greatly multiply your sorrow and your ‘conception in pain you shal bring forth children: your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rue ver you! Then to Adam He ead, ‘Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which | commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it: Cursed isthe ground for your sake. 1. The rationale of determinism. Current social and scientfe paradigms propese that we are merely a reflection of factors beyond our contol These factors determine who and what we ae, ‘A. Determinism isa philosophy stating that choice isan illusion, rior events have caused present actions, ana those priar events have thelr origin instil earlier events 8, Physica, psychologlal, socio, and economic elements are seen as prior causes of ones actions. IL Three Paradigms of Determinism A. Genetie Determinism £8, Psychological Determinism ©. Environmental Determinism IV.AChristian's destiny e determined by Chic Jocue. nile there is no doubt that we are impacted toa degree by environmental, genetic, and psychological factors, to say that our fture is determined by these influences isto create a ‘map for our ves that leaves Chvistaut of aur destiny. v.curses Subtle determinism Is often refiected In how Christians view curses. A. Proverbs 26:2 “Like a fitting sparrow, Ike a yng wallow, soa curse without cause shail not align" 4. As we daly place ourselves under the blood of Christ, we can know His como, ‘safeguarding, and sustaining strength, and thereby face anything that comes before Galatians 3:13-44 “Christ has redeemed us from the curse ofthe law, having become curs for us (forts writen ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on @ twee) that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Chit Jesus, that we might receive the promise ofthe Spirit through fat.” Deuteronomy 23:5 ‘Nevertheless the Lord your God would not isten to Balaam, but the Lord your God turned the curse ito blessing for you, because the Lora your God lves you" 2 fyou are aware of curses coming against you, there is biblical response: Psalm 109:28 ‘Let them (adversaries) curse, but You (Lor) bless; when they ‘ase let them be ashamed, but lt Your servant rejoice {Luke 6:28 “Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who sptefully use you" (compare Matthew 8:44), ‘3. Remember, Jesus sald o pray dally." ...Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver Us from the evi one" (Mathew 6:13), 1, However, we must give attention to curses that are not without cause." Curses affect _You 95 ord as you are ignorant o thelr existonce and cause. 1 Satan dwells in darkness and moves through cover activites. He maintains an element of power if he fs able to keep us unaware of his presence and inluance. 2. To blame someone or something ese forte existence ofthe curse leaves the door ‘open forts entrance. 6. Satan can afi you In two ways: 1 You cart do anything about it, but God can. You di nothing, ‘Yooause tis 2.____: You open a door through stander, gossip, bittemess, and untorgveness, ices ne Sn est 7 VI. The vitim mentality. result of accepting a deterministic paradigm for one's ifs the witim mentality. A. The Ife of Cain was the result of dlzobedience and a victim mentalty. Genesis 49-43, 15-16 "Then the Loca sald to Cain, Where I Abe your Brther? He 8d, "I donot know. Am I my brthers keeper?" And He sai, What have you done? ‘The voice of your brothers Blood cries out to Me fram the ground. So now you are cursed from the Earth, which has opened its mauth to recewve your brethers blood from your hand... Afugtive and a vagabond you shal be onthe Earth And Cain sid fo the Lord, "iy punishment is greater than Ian bear. And the Lord sot a ‘mark on Can, lest anyone finding him should kil him. Then Cain went out from the presence ofthe Lord.” 2. Instead of repenting and calng on God's mercy, Cain complained about his situation ‘and had no awareness of the need for change, (6. Thee characteristics ofthe vetim mentally: 41. Limited sett awareness, 2. Feeling you are marked. 3, Blaming your problems on someone else's decisions. ‘Vil. The Tree of Life or the Tree ofthe Knowledge of Good and Evil (Revelation 22 and Genesis 2), A.The Troe of Ute: The life ofthe Spit—which is. conscience, and John 6:63 "It isthe Spit who gives Ife the flesh profits nothing, The words tht | ‘speak to you are spin and they are ie." 1. The Tree ofthe Knowledge of Good and Evil The Ife ofthe soul-which s mind, wi, ‘and emevions. John 8:44 "You are of your father the devi, and the desires of your father you want todo. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the wuth, because there is no tuthin him. When he speaks ai, he speaks from his wn resources, fr he salar and the father aft ‘Five components ofthe moment of choice A. The more you form a habit of righteous response, the wider the moment of choice becomes. With repeated actions, it widens or narrows accordingly. ‘comes winen we realize we can be decelved by our wn heart Scenes TT DNR ® . To develop the abity to choose, our will must be disciplined through submission, fasting, and prayer so that we dont enter into temptation. _D, Me choices you make today wil determine the amount of sprtusl authority you wil, have tomorrow. E Divine vision: Keep your mind's eye on what God has called you ta hecome. Hold the {goal ever before you, | The moment of choice and the Dark Night ofthe Soul |A. During our sofour in the Dark Nght ofthe Sou, we wil face many maments of choice that relate cliecty to the reason(s) for us being there, 90 Section 3.5: Reading Assignment: Dreams and Visions Using a too, such as Strong's Exhaustive Concordance or a Greek/Hebrew lescon, lok up the diferent words from the original languages (Hebrew inthe Old Testament and Greek in the New Testament) that describe dreams and visions. Hint: Simply find the wort for example, vislon—in the concordance. This wll show you the different words used forthe eame concent. Use your research todo the following: 4. Compare how the words ae interpreted in various translations ofthe Bible. For ‘example, look up the verses inthe King James Version, New King James Version, New American Standard Bibie, New International Version, The Ling Bible, Amplified Bible, New Revised Standard Version, etc. Note any sanifieant variations. 2. Discuss your fincings with others in the course, and cialogue about the potential change In the meaning ofthe word rom one language ta another-from Hebrew or Greek to English Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using various ‘wanslations wien interpreting Seripture oo unit 4 Section 4.1: Terms for the Prophet |. From the beginning God has communicated with Hs people He chose certain individuals, called prophets, to speak to and through inorder for God's people to know His purposes. ‘Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets A Prophecy Is speaking forth the mind of God under the Inspiration of the Holy Split. 6 In the Oia and New Testaments there are several words used to designate the prophet ‘or the act of prophesying.* ‘This lesson includes an extensve It of those terms. ‘in ans nin con hyd» ag Eni Creoect ne he aan: Tama 18; ‘slowest Torn a V0 Can ben rpc: aaa 17.74 ‘Straw hte: Masopes Seca eK rs ae a eae 2 I. God loves us and wants to communicate with us ‘A. merder todo this, God inspired Hl wltten Word, which fs the rule of faith forall people stall times. He also gave gits and ministries tothe Church fr its governance, ‘growth, and maturity, 8. Ministry is enhanced by studying the examples ofthe prophets in Serotur, 6. Moses recelved the Ten Commandments an Mount Sinai and was later inspired to nite the frst five books ofthe Bible—the Pentateuch. These laws aidnt addres every one of fe’ situations therefore, God raised up judges to make decisions, and prophets to speak the mind and wil of Go forthe people. Prophetic histoy. A.Old Testament (Hebrew) ‘Man of God: sh’elohivm, $82; Moses (Deuteronomy 33:1; unnamed (1 Samuel 2:27); Samuel (1 Samuel 9:7); unnamed man from Judah (1 Kings 13:1), Seer: chazeh, 2374; a beholder in vision; agreement, prophet, see. Seer roieh, 7203; a seer; a vision, Prophet: nably, 8030; trom 50412; a prophet-prophecy, that prophesy. Prophetess: nebiyah, 5034; note 5030; a prophetess; also In reference to prophets ‘fe, thus a prophetess. A prophetess was usually the wife ofa prophet: she walked Inthe same ancinting Miram (Numbors 12:1-3, Exodus 15:20, Micah 6:4); Deborah udges 4:4, Judges 5:7); Hulaah (2 Kings 22:14), Prophesy: aba, naw-baw) 5012; to prophesy, that is, speak (or sing) by inspiration (in prediction or simple discourse). Prophesy: nebuwah, 5016; from 5042; prediction (spoken or written} prophecy Prophesy: nateph, §197; to speak by inspiration; prophesy to act as a prophet. Seer: lah, 7200; to see, Ineally or fguratively: view visions. Prophesy: chazah, 2372; to gaze at; mentally to perceive, behold, look, prophesy, Perceive: yada, 3045; to know, including observation, recognition. Perceive: byn, 996: to dstnguish, understand, attend, eiscern know, teach, think. Perceive: shuwr, 7789; rather identify with 7788, totum; note also 7894; to sing. Deciare:caphar, 5608; by implication to inscribe and aso to enumerate thats, tel Declare: nagan, 5046; o front, that i, stand bolly out opposite figuratively to ‘announce by word of mouth to: show forth, Decree: gezerah, 1510; from 1505 gezar Burden: massa’, 4853 from 8375 nasat; @ burden; specifically a tribute iguratively Dark Speech: chijdah, 2420; from 2330 chuwo: a ride, a puzzle; dark saying (sentence, speech), hard question, proverb. £2, New Testament (Greek) Prophet: prophetes, 4396; note 4253 pro='fore, that isin front of, rir, and 5346 ‘Bhemi=sayto show oF make known; aforetelle( peopel); by analogy an inspired ‘speaker. Prophetess: prophetis, 4398; note 4396, pertaining to a freteller rophete" of, raphy of the prophets. Prophet: prophetitos, 4397; from 4396; pertalning toa foreteller prapheticr: of Prophecy ofthe prophets. Diversities of Gifts: but the same Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4). Charisma, 5486; from 5483; a (divine) git; (spiritual) endowment, thats (subject) religous qualification ‘or (object) miraculous faculty tree git. Differences of Aaministration: but the same Lord (1 Corinthians 12:5). Diakennia, 41248; from 1249 diakonos, deacon; attendance asa servant; service, 95 Diversties of Operations: but its the same Gd (1 Corinthians 12:6). Energema, 41755; from 1754 energo tobe active, efficient do, effectual, be mighty, powerful Word of Wisdom: sophia, 4678; from 4680 sophos; wisdom (higher or lower, worily ‘or spirtual) from 5428 phronims, (ton-ee-mos) 5424; thoughtful, that is, ‘sagacious or discreet (implying cautious character; while 4680 denotes practical ‘kill or acumen, ‘Word of Knowledge: gness, 1108; ftom 1097 ginoske to know, to perceives know knowledge. Git of Prophecy: prophetela, 4394; from 4396 prophetes; rom a composite of Groek 4263 and Greek 5346; a foreteller prophet" by analogy an inspired speaker, by ‘extension a prediction, prophesy. Gift of Discerning of Spits: cialis, 1263; judicial estimation; ciscerning, slsputaton; from 1252 diokrino; to separate thoroughly that is spits: pneuma, 4351 Gittof Tongues: glossa, 1100; the tongue; by implication a language net acquired natura, By cure, experience, oF education Git ofterpretation of Tongues: hrmenela, 2058; translation, interpretation; from ‘the same as 2059; nermenevo; to transtate, interpret Perceive: horao, 3708; to stare at; compare $700, thats, (by implieation) to discern ‘leat. Section 4.2: Prophetic Time Periods |. Time of the patriarchs ~approximate dates, B.C Abraham T2000 Tsao Joseph 2166-1901 2006 1859 2066-1886 ‘1915-1808 IL Time of the witing prophets —appraximate dates, £.C. Obadiah ‘845.8, Tel Jonah Hose ‘amos 737-690 BC. S808. ‘Malachi ‘PROPHETIC TIME PERIODS BC, oof Ff SEER 5 omer mara mon Be. BC. aC. eitcueae ” Section 4.3: Prophetic Schools |. Divine tension and the need for traning. [tension ists between todays anointing and tomorrow's ancintng, A. Today’ authority does nat come from tomorrow's anointing. 8. Futuretense revelation + fture Lense consistency + future-tense accuracy = future- tense credibly, ©. Futuretense creaiblity + futuretense character = futuretense author. 1 Prophetie schools. Inthe Old Testament, prophets had four majr places of taining: ‘8. God chose these four tes forthe prophetic schools because portals were located there Psalm 78:23 "Yet He commanded the clouts above, and opened the doors of Heaven John 1:51 "Most assuredly, say to you, hereafter you shall see Heaven open, and ‘the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” Revelation 4:4-2 "After these things looked, and behold, a door standing open in Heaven. And the fst voice which | heard was lke a trumpet speaking with me, ‘saying, Come up here, and! wl show you things which must take place after this. Immediately, wasin the Spin..." 8. You need to enlarge your foundation to supper and contain more revelation. 2 Kings 3:14 “But Jehoshaphat sald 's there no prophet ofthe Lord herethat we ‘may inquire ofthe Lara by him? So one ofthe servants ofthe king of Israel “answered and said, Elisha the son of Shaphat i here, who poured water an the hands of Ela. A true prophet of God will havea servant's heart to help bull the house of God and wil share the vision ofthe leadership. I Location names (Hebrew) and definitions Ramah: high place Hebrew 7414, Ramah (rawmaw, from the rot um, the name of four places in Palestine) A eh be ty ih place Te tpioce of Samuel (Sammut 39; 2:44) anda place he annually visited (1 Samuel 7:17) Bethel: House of God. Hebcew 1008, 410, BeythE: house of God. Jacob called the place Bethel to note God's presence and sefevelation (Genesis 28:10-22). Gilgal was a place of constant supernatural activity. Hebeew 1534, 1836, Giga (ghi-gawr}; whee, whirlwind, oling thing God Intended Gilgal tobe a place of constant reminder of His blessings on lrael Joshua 5:9), Many ‘ignficant events occurred here (Joshua 4:19, 20; 6:11; 19:6; Judges 2:1: 1 Samuel TAG; 11:44, 15,2 Samuel 19:15, 40; 2 Kings 438, etc Jericho: To make of qulek understanding and discernment. Hebrew 3405, Yerjcho, yer-2ekno}; tragrant to smell, or by imalcaton, to perceive (igurativety:t anticipate, enjoy), make of quick understanding. Dur the ye of Elian and Elisha, the residence ofa school af the prophets (2 Kings 2:5; 1922). 100 TRAST Te Tis IP ase Review Questions, 4. What were the four major places where the sons ofthe prophets w ‘re any other places mentioned? 2. Name some ofthe prophets who were responsible for training the sons ofthe prophets 3. Why did God choose these four ities as locations of the prophetic schools? 4.Whatisa portal? 5. Why did God ask His prophets to go to certain locations inorder fr Him to speak to them? oe Toe RO 01 6. Why sit important tobe trained to operate in your git? 7. What are two very important traits for a student to possess? 8, What was Eisha’s request of his mentor, Elia, before he was caught away into Heaven? soba: of your spit be upon me" (2 Kings 2:9), 9. Must you have the same vision as the leadership in order to work effectively n @ minty? Section 4.4: Discussion Questions: Hearing from God (matthew 13:1.23) Hebrows 5:44 "But solid food belongs to those who are of ull age, that is, those wh by reason of use have ther senses exercised to discern bath good and ev.” |. Learning from chileren and developing chitsikeness. A. Learning to become chilaike requires ski and purpose. Matthew 18:45 “Therefore whoever humbies himsetf as tis itl chil isthe _gyeatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, Whoever receives one litle chic this in My name receives Me." 4 Whatis the ciference between childikeness and childshness? 103 2. List five characteristics of @ baby that can help us grow in God 3, Whats the fastest way a baby learns? Why? 4. What e the evidance of» baby's newly developing paccion? 5. Perseverance is a great attribute that newborns exhibit; why is tan important quality? {6 What lesson can we lea from this? 7. When babies begin to focus on objects in thelr environment do they know what they ae seeing? 8. How co babies learn to distinguish between humans and furniture, between thelr mothers, fathers, and strangers? ‘9. How do these siscussion questions correlate to your learning curve in (God? What is the connection? 05 Section 4.5: Reading Assignment: Two Trees Focusing on the similarities between the two passages, read Genesis 2 and Revelation 22, ‘and answer the following questions: 4. What vee Is mentioned in Genesis 2 but notin Revelation 227 Genesis 2:9 "And out of the ground the Lord God made every tre grow that is pleasant tothe sight and good for food. The tee a life was also i the midst of the [rden, and the Wee ofthe knowledge of good and evil" 2. Why do you suspect this trees not mentioned? Revelation 22:2-4"n the middle of ts street, and on ether side ofthe rver, was the tee o ie, which bore twelve fruits, each tee yielding its frut every month. The leaves ‘ofthe tree were for the healing of th nations. And there shall be no more curse, Dut the throne of God and ofthe Lamb shal be init, and His servants shall serve Him 3. Wher is God's throne located in Revelation 227 4, Where else i the word fe mentioned in Revelation 227 5. What are the comman functions ofthe Tee of Life In bath chapters? Revelation 22:14 "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right tthe tee fife, and may enter trough the gates into the ey." 6. What do the similares between the Garden of Eden and the City of God eeem to ilustrate? (Hint: What was God communicating to humankind through the structure ofthe Garden of Eden?) Hebrows 11:8-10 “By fath Abraham obeyed when he was called to go outta the place hich he would receive as an ineritance. And he wert out, not knowing where he was going, By faith he etn the land of promise as in a foreign county... for he walted forthe city which as foundations, whose builder and maker God.” Hebrews 41:16 "But now they desire a better, that Is, @ heavenly country. Therefore Gods not ashamed tobe calles thei God, fr He has prepared acy for them." Hebrews 12:22 "ut you have come to Mount Zion and to the ety ofthe ling God, the heaveniy Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of anges” Hebrews 13:13-14 "Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach. For here we have no continuing oy, but we seek the ene to come.” 107 Section 4.6: Prophets and Psychics. |. God gies gts, but we determine to which spiritual frequency we tune them. /@ = Paul ang Silas encounter @ woman with the spit of cvintion: ‘Acts 16:16-18 "Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave git possessed witha spintof awination metus, who brought her mastere much profit by {fortune teling, This gr followed Paul and us, and cred out, saying, These men are ‘the servants ofthe Most High God, who procaim tous the way of salvation.’ And this ‘she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and Said tote spr, ‘command you in the name of Jesus Christ ta come out of her. And he came out that very nour” i RTT Bet en Proverbs 16:25 "There is @ way that seams right toa man, but ts ends the way of ceath” Matthew 12:25.28 "But Jesus knew thelr thoughts, and said to them: "Every kingdom ‘vided against sel is brought to desolation, ana every yor house divided against itself wil not stand, I Satan casts out Satan, be is divided against himseF. How then wil is kingdom stand? Andi cast out demons by Beelzedub, by whom do your sons. {ast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But east out demons by the Sir of God, surely the kingdom of Ged has come upon you." Deuteronomy 16:10-12 "There shall not be found ameng you anyone who makes his 80M or his daughter pass through the ie, or one who practices witcheraf, or @| soothsayer, oF one whe interprets omens, o a sorcerer, ar one who conjures spells, or ‘| medium, or spits, or one who calls up the dead. For ll who do these things ae an abomination tothe Lora, and because ofthese abominations the Lord your Goo Grves them out from before you." Deuteronomy 18:20 "But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which Ihave not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, ‘that prophet shall ie A Why did the devi tell he o proclaim: "These men are the servants ofthe Most High God who prociaim tous the way of salvation”? Is the workd Interest n the spiritual or supernatural a social response to@ God- generated interest? 09 ©. What is this git of prophecy? 1. Are we attributing more power to Satan than to God? E. God sets His challenges tothe powers of darkness Isaiah 41:24.24 *Prosent your casa’ say the Lord. 'Brng forth your strong reasons, says the King of Ja00®, ‘Let them bring forth and show us what wll happen; let them show the former things, what they were, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare tous things to come. Shaw the ‘things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that you are gods; yes, GO ‘G00 oF do evi that we may be dismayed and see together. Indeed you are Rothing, ana your work nothing: he who chooses you is an abomination Isaiah 44:6-8 "Thus says the Lor, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: ‘Tam the Fist and am the Las; Besides Me thre isn Gad. And who can prociaim as | do? Then let him declare it and sett inorder for Me since | appointed the ancient people. And the things that are coming and shall come, lt ‘them show these to them. De nat fear, nor be afraid: have | not told you trom that time, and declared it? You are My witnesses. Is there a God besides Me? Indeed ‘there is no other Rocks | know nat one." 1. God is the only Creator, gts area creation. Colossians 4:16 "For by Him al things were created that are in Heaven and that are on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or daminions or prncinalties or Powers, All things were created through Him and fr Him." A. The Hebrew word “barah* refers to an exclusive caling of al things into enstence.? £8. Every good and perfect git comes fram God. Gits are sprtual—from God who Is Spin. All gts come frm God, athough some people donot use ther gts for God's purposes, "Ber Ewin, Tao Wot te Tern eg Mon Ps 180, Cs Satan a ereatar? Oris Satan an counterteiter? '. Soul powers energized by Satan, Satan's gifts nota counteret git bu a countrfot usage ofthe git. Note the Egyptian ‘magicians: Jannes (rebel, seducer), and Jambres (opponent), and their demonically Inspired power. 2 Timothy 3:8-9 "Now as Jannes and Jambres reslsted Moses, 0 do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, cisapproved concerning the faith; but they ‘will progress no further, for ther fly willbe manifesto al, as theirs also was." Exodus 7:11 "But Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: 80 the ‘magicians of Egypt, they also did in tke manner with thelr enchantment” 1, Humankind is gulty of worshiping the creation, Romans 1:22.25 *Professng tobe wis, they became fools, and changed the glory ofthe incorruptible God into an image made lke corruptible man-and birds anc four footed ‘animals and creeping tings. Therefore God also gave them up ta uneleanness, inthe lusts of thie hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanges the twuth of God forthe lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, whois blessed forever. Amen." ‘Satan can do things that God cantor won't do, for God wil nt violate His character 18 Te preceatng reference in Romans says that people were diy of idolatry and attributing the works of Go tothe dev Isaiah 26:8-40 "with my soul! have desired you inthe night yes, by my spit within ‘me | will Seok You ea for when Your judgments are Inthe Eat, the innabtants ofthe word wil earn righteousness. Let grace be shown tothe wicked, yet he Will not learn righteousness nthe land of uprightness he wl deal unjustly, and wil not behold the majesty ofthe Lora" Isaiah 42:7-9°T0 open bind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison those who sit in darkness from the prison house [Speaks ef how God heals and delivers.) "| {am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory will not gve to another, nor My praise to carved images." [States that God doesnt share His lon) Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things | dacare; before they spring forth I ell you of them [ell how God predets the future] ©. God receives glory by doing what no one ese can do: healing, delwering, and redictng the future are but afew of those things. . There fs @ demonic network: demons watch what s going on and tel the information ‘to mediums. For instance, they hear people making future plans and reveal that Information to psyehies so it appears that psyches can predict the future. Goer prophets display the glory of God. James 1:17 “Every good git and every perfect gts fom above, and comes down ‘rom the Father of igs, with whom there is no aration or shacow of turning FIs Satan a gver of gts? How can he give that which he does net have? 6. When you deny prophecy, are you rejecting a means by which God receives glory? Isaiah 42:8-9°1 am the Log, that is My name: and My glory wil not glve to “another, nor My praise to carved images. hold, the former tings have come to ss, and new things I declare: before they spring forth I tellyou of them.” 1V. How oan we discern the eitfecence between that whichis good and that which sof God? Hebrews 4:42 "For the Word of God's living and powerful, and sharper than any we: ‘edged sword, piercing even to the avision of soul and spit, and of joints and marrow, ands. a discerner ofthe thoughts and intents of the hear: Hebrews 5:44 "But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that i, those who by ‘reason of use have their senses exercised to dlscern both good and ov A. Itis easy 0 tel God from evil. it can be dificult to tll the diference between good and 0, ‘Genesis 2:7 “And the Lora God formed man ofthe dust of the ground, and breathed Into nis nostri the breath of ie: and man became a ving being” 18. The “breath of fe refers to ite inthe physical and spirtua realm. Humanity was intended to vein two aifferentreaims, the natural (relating tothe Earth), and the spintual (relating to God) ‘Romans 8:29 "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined tobe conformed tothe Image of His Son, that He might be te fistborn among many bethven.” ns. RET eos (6. Humankind lost the higher realms of situa te through transgressions and sin It wasnt just a fal was a spintual death. although humanity continues to live physically, the higher spiritual fe can only be restored through a new:Dith’ salvation experience, Genesis 2:16-47 "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘Of every tree of the garden you may rely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of dood and evil you shall not eat, fr inthe day that you eat of it you shall surely ci." . We are calle to enter into a higher spit realm. When God breathed His breath Into ‘Adam, He imparted spintual facut or abies enabiing Adar to relate to and function in this realm. Mis spiritual awareness was duiled and distorted by the entrance of sin the Fall). Ukewise, when we become a new creation by experiencing the "new birth these abilities are restared through regeneration. They ae renewed In ts, returning us tothe state the Lord Intended for Adam. {Peter 2:2-3 "As newborn babes, desire the pute milk ofthe Word, that you may ‘0W thereby, if indeed you have tasted thatthe Lord fs gracious” Hebrews 8:14 "But solid food belongs to those who are of ull age, hati, those "who by reason of use have their senses exercised ta discern bath good and evi £ tf our main interest and emphasis ison developing our natural abies, will make our ‘temporal ite more comfortable; however, our sprtual faculties wil remain Lnderdeveloped, and we willbe unable to function in the spirit realm. “Matthew 6:33 “But seek fist the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these tings shall be adaea to you F. Wen we make spiritual things our goal and treasure, we wil nck only go further Inthe spintual realm but also much futher in the earthly ream, 6. The sou versus the spit. 4. John 2:16 For al that i inthe workd-the lust ofthe flesh, the lst ofthe eyes ‘ad the pide of I's not of the Father but is of the world.” Genesis 3:1.6 “Now the serpent was more cunning then any beast ofthe Held ‘hich the Lord God had made. And he said tothe woman, "Has God indeed sald, "You shall not eat of every tre ofthe garden’? And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees ofthe gaen; but ofthe fut of the tree whichis in the midst of the garden, God has sac, You shall not eat, nor shall you touch i, lest you de: Then the serpent sai tothe woman, You wll ot surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat oft your eyes willbe opened, and you wil be like God, knowing good and ev So when the woman saw that the tee was good for ood, that it was pleasant tothe ees, anda tee desirable to make one wise, she 100K ofits fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate 4. Genesis 31.6 and 4 John 2:16 2. Knowledge comes from the mind 3. The Soul = Mind + Will + Emotions 4, Split = Wisdom + Communion + Conscience _SvgeseaResesreh Matas Asia theough Streams: he Vl oy /unmaslng te Jee! Sprt by Job Pl acon (bok, autape, obo an CD, ae se —————n Section 4.7: Reading Assignment: Ezekiel 4. Read though the book of Ezekiel and tnd fWve ferent supernatural events that happened to this Ola Testament prophet. Use only one type of manifestation. For ‘example, donot lista dream o vision in the same category. 2. Describe each manifestation: 3 How many times were dreams mentioned? ‘4. There were four visions (refer four times back to the Ezekiel 1:1 experience). 5. There are sik transportation: ‘A. Ezokiel 3:12.45 (To the River Chebar captives) £8, Ezekiel 8:3 (In Jerusalem, and several places inthe temple) ©. Ezekiel 11:4 (Jerusalem, East Gate ofthe sanctuary) . Ezekiel 11:24 (Chaldean captives) aaa Ezokiol 37:1 (Valley of Dry Bones) F Ezekiel 40:17 (High Mountain, Cty of God, and Temple of Goc) 6. There were four transportation: [A Ezekiel 3:14 (While God spoke to him and before being taken tothe captives at Tel Abb at the River Cheba), 1. Ezokol 14:1 (Bafore boing taken to the East Gate ofthe Lor's house) . Ezekiel 11:24 (Before being taken tothe captives in Chaldea) . Ezekiel 43:5 (Before being taken to the temple, the Lor's dweling place) 7. There was one levitation (being lifted up: |. Ezokal 8:3 (In front ofthe elders of Judah and taken to Jerusalem) ma RTE Cie oan £8. There were twenty dramas: 1 Ezekiel 3:26 (Made mute by tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth) 2. Ezekiel 4:1 (Drow the city of Jerusalem on a clay tablet) 3, Ezekiel 4:3 (Siege of Jerusalem: iron plate between him and the tablet: placed face against it) 4. Ezekiel 4:45 (Lay on his left side 390 Gays, bearing the iniquity of Israe) ‘5, Ezekiel 4:6 (Lay on his ight sie forty days, bearing the iniquity of Judah) 6. Ezekiel 4:9-17 (Ate bread for 390 days, onessth hin of water) 7. Ezekiel 5:1 (Shaved his head and beard wth a sword) 8. Ezekiel 6:2 (Turned his face toward the mountains and prophesied to them) 8. Ezekiel 6:11 (Pounded his fst and stomped is feet) a ae 3 a 410. Ezekiel 12:57 (Took his belongings and dug a hole through the wall, covering his face) 111 Ezekiel 12:18 (Ate boa with quaking: drank water with trembling and ansety) 12 Ezekiel 20:46-47a (Sets face toward the south and prophesied and preached ‘against it) 113, €2ekel 21:3 (Set his face toward Jerusalem and prophesied against Israel) 114 Ezekiel 24:19 (Made a sign with two swords on and placed it atthe head ofthe ‘oad into Jerusalem) 115. Ezekiel 24:16-48 (Ezokial's wife des, and he Is not allowed to ery oF mau 16. Ezekiel 25:2 (Set his face against the Ammonites and prophesied against thom) 117, Ezekiel 27:2 (Took up a lamentation for Tyre) 118, Ezekiel 28:11.42 (Took up a lamentation forthe king of Tyre) 19. Ezekiel 29:2 (Set his face against Pharaoh and prophesied against Egypt), 20. Ezekiel 31:2 (Prophesied to Pnarach) 21. Ezekiel 32:28 (Took up a lamentation for Pharaoh) 22. Ezekiel 33:12 (Spoke to the cldren of his people) 23. Ezekiel 35:2 (Set his face against Mount Selr and prophesied against it) 24, Ezekiel 37:16 (Took two sekS-on one woe "For Juda onthe other wrote “For Joseph") 25. Ezekiel 38:2 (Set his face against Gog and prophesied against him) 26. Ezekiel 39:17 (Spoke to every sort of bird and to every beast of the field) 9. Describe Ezekies physical and emotional responses to his experiences. 105 10. List any colors that are mentioned in the text 11. Next answer the following general questions about the book. Inthe fist. chapter of Ezekiel, are there four diferent creatures ar one creature with four faces? 412, What do you suppose it meant whan Ezokiel wrte, ‘The Word of the Lord came to me" Section 4.8: The Art of Spiritual Listening 2 hin heart Matthew 41:15 He who has ears to ear, Proverbs 18:15 "The heart ofthe pruvent acquires knowledge, and the ear ofthe wise seeks knowledge |The bbial definition of hearing and listening, * A.In the Old Testament, the word fr haar or sten,* shama, Inlued the physical ‘atuibute of hearing, but developed the further meaning of acceptance and Understanding af the words heard, and obedience to them. For example, ‘ofthe Covenant (wes) rea inthe hearing ofthe people. And they sad, ‘Lord has said we wll do, and be obedient” (Exodus 24:7]. (Compare wth Genesis {L1:7; Exodus 24:7; uages 2:17,) £B. In Now Testament usage, the Greek term akouo aso refers to simple hearing and ‘obedience but i often used to denote hearing with faith (Romans 10:17; Galatans 32, 5; | essalonians 2:13). The expectation is that when the gospels hear, it wil be responded tin faith and submission. The refusal to listen fs considered to be isobedtence (John 8:47}; thus, how one listens to the Word reveals the heart." ‘Those who, having heard the Word witha noble and good heart, keep It and bear fut with patience® (Luke 8:15). wand, Teac Daten of te Now Testament 2 (rant Rect: Evsnar, 169), 172- 0 I The two greatest commandments. In Mark 12:28:34 An episode ls recorded in which Jesus is asked by aseribe, “Teacher, whichis the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus responded by cng the Shima (Shema) and the Vaharta, the main prayers ofthe Jewish fh, found n Deuteronomy 6:49. He sald, Hear, 0 rae: the LORD out God, the LORD is one. ‘And you shal lve the LORD your Ged with all your heart, wth al your soul, th al your mind, and with all your strength: This isthe frst commandment” (Mark 12:29, 30) Jesus then adds anather commandment not found in the Shima but taken from Leviticus 48:18: "And the second, tke It is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself? ‘There i no other commandment grester than these* (Mark 12°33). Matthew 22:40 ads this further statement: "On these two commandments hang al the Law and the Prophets” ‘A. One ofthe mest loving and healing human acts Is also one ofthe easiest to ‘accomplish '. Why Is listenng so healing? Ithas something todo with the fact that Istening creates relationship; it hep us connect to others. It values what they have to say, I Distinctions of spiritual stoning. Spirtual stoning is quite cstnctive from simple listening itso, When we listen to ‘another ina non-spirtual manner, we are concerned with how we feel about what they ‘are saying, We look for a place to insert aur story into the conversation. ‘Thus, we are actualy Istening for our own benefit. But, spiritual listening requires that we focus and isten forthe bene of the other person. ‘A. As we liston with our spit, we ask questions from a vantage point of sincere Interest in other's welLbeing and genuine curiosity about ther experience. 1. If we do not allow for time to tral listen, we wil gradually lose the ably. 229 1 Listening and the frlt ofthe Spit. ‘The Golden Rule could be adapted as: “iston to others as you would have them listen to your A. Spiritual listening requires that we prefer the ether person over our need to he heard. tis grounded infovingly wanting to understand the other persons perspective. Romans 12:10 "Be kinaly affectionate to one another with bratherly ave, in hana iving reference to one another" £8. This form of listening is 2 concrete means of apiying the fruit ofthe Spi (whch) és ‘ove, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, fathtulness, gentleness (meckness),sel-control Against such there fs no law" (Galatians 5:22, 23). 4. Usteningisan actof_ for one's neighbor. 2.Itisa to communicate (commune) with another. 3. Totisten in Is one means of ministering peace 4 ‘stens with actual interestenkwo §5. Tolisten from the hear isto alsplay 6 |s generous with time. t ‘ally istens instead of pretending to do so. &__is sensitive and nonjudgmental 9.Listeningwth__is anedge against reacting with anger or rejection. ©. Spintual stoning sa function of godly character It requires us tobe other focused rather than sel focused, D.itwe expect tobe tstoned to, we must aso listen, “If vou love to listen You will gain Knowledge, and if you incline your ear you will become wise.” ~Sirech 6:33 New Jerusalem Bible V. Listening s valuing others. When we listen to others, we give clear evidence that we value what they have to say, and ‘therefore, that we value them ‘A. People are iteraly clamoring to fee valued, £8, Spiritual stoning draws us closer to ane another it helps us become more whole, Deaithy, and hav .Ustening helps foster and develop unity. Not Istening creates @ ack of personal Connection and fragmentation, Fragmentation always causes more suffering. . Wisdom collects and matures within us as we listen to what others have to say. E It's God's design tnat every Kingdom element takes form rom relationships. F. If we refuse to listen, itis Impossible to bulla the Kingdom of God. Proverbs 12:45 *Foos think thelr own way is right, but the wise listen to advice" (Nasv. Vi Spirtual listening and 4 Corinthians 13. Consider reading 1 Corinthians 13 from the context of spiritual listening. How do these verses apply to listening? Vi Leeming to listen more and speak ess. James 4:18 "So then my beloved brethren, lt every man be swift to hear, stow to speak, slow to wrath A.This prover trom James, with ts threefold admonition, reminds us that we cannot ‘hear the implanted Word of Trath If we ae slow to hear, quick to speak, and quick to wrath.” 18. Thought stoning isa sure ad in preventing rash or any responses. Proverbs 47:27 "He who has knowledge spares his words, and @ man of, understanding is ofa calm spit" . Revelatory people tend to have the mind-set that they shouldbe the ones listened to ‘rather than the ones doing the listening 'D. How much strife and avsion could have heen prevented if spitual stoning had been ractived instead of hasty speech and voicing impetuous opinions? James cautions readers not to "spaak ev of one another (James 4:11) This servel ‘and destructie of peopl, relationship, and unity a SaaS TS tan soo an a IL. The word fast fasting from speaking). Proverbs 10:19“ the multitude of words sin isnot lacking, but he wha strains bis ine is wise." A.Aword fasts primarly concerned with welghing the words we speak; this turn wil affect the quality and number of our words. Is Intended nelther to restrict speech nor toinhibit te joy of fllowship, £8, An ear that ls open and a tongue" that is braled (James 1:26) is necessary to those Whe would “walk inthe Spire" (Galatians 5:16) 1X How we listen and respond, Romans 12:15-17 “Rejoice with those who rejolee, and weep with those who weep. Be ofthe same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind an high things, But ‘associate withthe humble, Do not be wise in your aun opinion. Repay no one vl for ev Have regard for good things Inthe sight fall men A. Humility sensitizes our spitual hearing, whereas pride dls our abit to hear. ea ee 8, How do you listen to your: ©. What coseribes or define the typeof Isteningyou do? Appalse your levels of listening ‘according to te flloning five terms: os agege” others? 2. Filtered listening: Do you put on a pose of istening that masks unconcern ora lack of imerest? 23. Solfintorest stoning: Do you onl listen to what interests you wthout giving welght| ‘tw the interests of others orto what thay may consider important? 4. Mindful listening: Ave you mineful of another's conversation but with the intent of inserting your opinions, your stor. o turning the focus onto yoursel? 5. Spiritual listening: Oo you seek a tru point of understanding and identification? Do ‘youseek the aid of the Holy Spit in istening? XA greater influence. ‘In the long run, the individual wth the greatest Inuence wil be the greatest listener. £, Not to sten to others fs to reduce them to insignificance, Perhaps the greatest feature of spiritual stoning that when we practice this iscplne, demonstrates to others how God listens o them. unit 5 Section 5.1: Listening to Correction and Rebuke Introduetion (on thi journey "toward the goal forthe prize ofthe upward call of God In Crist Jesus (Philippians 3:14), we wil encounter listening to correction and rebuke, which wil ry and Listening to correction and rebuke is ificut, and our flesh recoils because this kind of listening requires us to humble curseves and swallow our pre. However, we allow God to use tis instrument, we wil grow in wisdom and Chvistikeness Proverbs 45:31 "The ear that hears the rebukes of ife will abd among the wise." |The way we respond to correction reveals our character. Proverbs 45:5 A fool despises his father's instruction, but he who receives correction is prudent™ ‘A. How we react to rebuke affects our character formation and destiny 8 8, Ecclesiastes 4:13 “Better a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king who wil >be admonished no moc. 1. The wise value correction. Proverbs 9:86 "Rebuke a wise man, and he wil love yo A. Wise people value correction-Its one of the reasons they are wise 6, The wise Increase In wisdom by receiving instruction and correction. Proverbs 9:9a "Give instruction toa wise man, and he wll be stil wiser” Proverbs 9:96 "Teach ajust man, and he wil increase in learning ©. The wise person i aware of his or her own failings and shortcomings. II. Receiving correction and being teachable, A The wise are teachable, while a fool retuses fo earn '. How do we take correction and rebuke? 1. By becoming defensive? "Rebuke will break you, er ‘That God may remake you, To resist rebuke and its school Is the way of afoot” sre 3. With retaliation-orhunty? ©. Te humble are teachable 41 Peter 5:5 (eferencing Proverbs 3:34) “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Matthew 48:3-4 "And He sac" tell you the truth, unless you change and become lke litte children, you wil never enter the Kingdom af Heaven. Therefore, whoever hhumblos himse ike this cid is the greatest nthe Kingdom of Heaven (NN). IIs important that we recognize how much we are affected by the critcsm or acceptance of others. 4 One ofthe most iffleult and deep works of pruning that God does, Is cructying us to ‘he opinion of man, 2.As Francis Frangipane says, Ta inoculate me from the praise of man, He baptized me Inthe extesm of man, uni oie tothe contol of man. "arte Fragano, Peed tom te Accs arc on fe wee wo argon a Section 5.2: Curses of the Tongue Leviticus 19:16 You shall not go about as a talebearer (gossip) amang your people: nor shallyou take a stand against theif of your ‘ifyou cannot control your neighbor: am the Lora" tongue, you should not expect God to use you as a ‘Peter 2:4 ‘Rid yourselves, therefor, ofall 4 imalice, and all ge insincerity, em, and al prophet. slander (NRSV) John Paul Jackson | Our words can bess or curse. They can discourage or build faith. ‘The Scriptures reveal the power and importance of aur words and emphasize the care we must give to their exercise. Blessings and encouragement flow from our mauths, but so can wounding, discouragement, and cursing. “Possibly the greatest reason for the Church's lack a light, power, and a closer ‘elationship wth the Lord is her critical spe. The Lord directly addressed this through the prophet Isaiah: you wl call and the Lord will answer, ....ifyau remove the yoke from OUT midst, the pointing of the finger, and Speaking wickedness (Isaiah 58:9). The Lord Bromises light, restoration, righteousness, the glory ofthe Lor, and answered prayer f ‘we remove the yoke ofthe eiical spit (pointing o the finger and speaking, wickedness) "ck oye, There Wr To Tees the Garson Poe, NC: Marini Pbeton, 160 9.18 ‘A. Welt chosen words, tinelyand wrapped in grace, areas valued as fine craftsmanship, Proverbs 26:11 “A word fit spoken i ke apples of gold n settings of sien There's, Jn our words. Proverbs 16:24 "Peasant words are ike @ honeycomb, sweetness tthe soul and health tothe bones." Proverbs 42:18 "Reckless words plore ke @ sword, but the tongue of the wise ‘rings healing (NIV. © Theres Jn our words. Job 4:4 "Your words have upheld him who was stumbling, and you have Strengthened the feeble knees" {salah 50:4, 5 "The Lord God has given me the tongue ofthe learned, that | should ‘know how to speak a word in season to him who Is weary. He awakens me morning bby morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened my ear. 1 The Words and judgments of others. Intentionally or unintentional, the statements of others-especially authority figures an act as curses on our ives ‘A. Who of us has been spared the withering effects ofthe etal, unkind words of @ erent, schoolteacher, classmate rusted rien, fellow Christian, or pastor? £8. The words and actions had negative Impacts on our lives because, consciously or Unconsciousy, we beleved them. "These negative judgments—cursos ealy-may sic nto the child ke a knife and remain or a ifetime, unt Jesus trees him and replaces the le wth a true estimate of who he trulyis** ©. We adverse affect ourselves, and perhaps our destinies, when we boleve les and speak often from that negative belt Fan Ma, Cabernet Ea pi (Grand Rapist Choco Books, 85) p12 4. For example, saying such things as: 2. To say such things with conviction isto curse onesel. K's the justification for ase ‘uling prophecy. 3 Falth in Jesus and His loving purpose for our lives must be the motivation for continuing, no matter the setbacks or creurnstances. 4 Jesus has come to set the captives free, to speak truth to replace the les that have ‘been spoken into our ves . When those les of darkness are brought int the gt, we renounce them for what they are; we repent for having believed nd acted on them; we seek to see ourselves ‘as Jesus sees us; and we cal on His healing power In faith. Gossip, Proverbs 18:8 “The words ofa whisperer (gossip) are Ike delicious morsels they go down into the inner parts ofthe body (NRSV. ‘A. Regrettably, our sinful nature enjoys wallowing in gossip. We are aware of how harmful and hurtful tis, yet ts pervasive and hard to resist* 1. Wo 90 cosy forget the pain of being . ‘ossiped about when we goss about Whoever gossips to you someone else will gossip about you.” ~ Spanish Provberb "Snr Feguten, Krom Lis ina Fao Wor (slag Spgs: Nowress, 1086) p15. the pit he Praonty wong ena hl ay can lc cl pac i sertoone epson mh wt enc {Meow gut tatu ow vey cave we nme hac sande tgs el noone {Stool Gurntde arene tune cur opehad conan” tf you find that peopie are constant bringing gossip to you, consider the old truism: ‘everybody knows where the garbage dump is 180: ET

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