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Algorithms for Reducing the Waste Rate of Reinforcement Bars

Sun-Kuk Kim*1, Won-Kee Hong2 and Jin-Kyu Joo3

Associate Professor, College of Architectural and Civil Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Assistant Professor, College of Architectural and Civil Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Project Manager, Shindongah E&C Co. Ltd., Korea

Loss of rebars can be minimized with minimum use of discrete bars in market length. In order to achieve this
goal, the accurate and detailed information of rebars is extracted, followed by both rapid and efficient bar
combination. No paper has dealt directly with the reduction of rebar waste rates, although many researches
have proposed indirect approaches to enhance productivity, constructability, safety and quality in the process
of concrete reinforcement work. This paper, therefore, was prepared with the aim of developing algorithms to
supply rebars required to minimize material waste during cutting and bending of discrete bars in rebar shops.
At the same time, this study presented an automatic rebar detailing concept, a logical process of rebar combination
with pertinent algorithms and binary search algorithm for bar data to implement the proposed topic. The
effectiveness of the suggested algorithms was validated by case studies.

Keywords: rebar work; optimization; algorithm; waste rate; combination

Introduction The manual bar combination of either market length

Countries with highly capital-intensive construction or special length to minimize the loss of materials is not
use the computerized numerically controlled (CNC) an easy task since rebars of different diameters, lengths,
machine. The machine automatically produces shaped and locations are found in various locations in drawings.
rebars of up to 16 mm in diameter supplied in coils which In particular, in the rebar shop, the simultaneous
is described as machine type A by Navon, Rubinovitz optimum combination of the multi-projects to minimize
and Coffler (1996). In this case, the manufacturing the loss rate of material is an even more difficult problem.
process of rebars produces few scraps with almost zero The optimization algorithm using computers is one of
percent loss of raw materials. However, the generation the most effective ways to solve those problems.
of waste is inevitable in countries which do not supply Previous research has shown the benefits of computer
rebars in coils and even in capital-intensive countries applications to improve productivity, constructability,
which can not supply rebars of larger than 16 mm safety and quality in the process of concrete
diameter coils. reinforcement work. Bernold and Salim (1993) presented
The straight bars of market lengths, normally 8.0, 8.5, placement-oriented design and delivery of reinforcement
9.0, 9.5, .., are produced in Korea, since the raw materials based on both computer integration and feature-based
for rebars are not supplied in coils. The market length design concepts. They also proposed a concept of rebar
production generates relatively many scraps after rebars delivery and staging based on a placement plan to
are cutoff in required lengths. improve productivity on site (Salim and Berbold 1994).
The waste rate of scraps increases when raw materials Dunston and Bernold (1994) produced a strategy for the
are ordered without proper bar cutoff plans based on the robotic rebar bending based on experiments and
structural review of drawings. The loss rate of scraps developed a control model for accurate rebar bending
can be even higher as the diameter of rebars increases based on computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)
(Kim 2002). The loss of materials can be reduced when concepts (Dunston and Bernold 2000). Navon et al.
the most desired length of bars are ordered based on the (1995, 1996) described the benefits of computer-aided
sufficient review of drawings and bar schedules. Extra design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
savings of rebars are possible when the special length of systems for concrete reinforcement and developed a
a certain amount of tonnage is ordered to steel mill. model for rebar constructability diagnosis and correction
in an object-oriented programming environment (Navon
*Contact Author: Sun Kuk Kim, Associate Professor, College of et al. 2000).
Architectural and Civil Engineering, Kyung Hee University,1 However, the direct approach to the optimization
Seochon-ri, Kiheung, Yongin, Kyonggi-do, 449-701, Korea algorithm to reduce the loss rate of rebars was not found
Tel: 82-31-201-2922 Fax: 82-31-203-0089 among these papers. The work carried out by Navon et
E-mail: kimskuk@khu.ac.kr al. (1995) was one of the few studies which addressed
(Received October 24, 2003 ; accepted April 6, 2004 ) the optimization algorithm for reducing the loss rate of

Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering/May 2004/23 17

steel rebars. However, Navon did not present the detailed The quality of labor provided by the subcontractor
algorithm even though an optimization module based can significantly influence waste rate as well as rebar
on linear integer programming (LP) solver-LINDO was works. Site investigation (Kim, 1987) shows that waste
mentioned. of rebars decreases if optimum rebar combination and
This paper, therefore, was prepared with the aim of systematic inventory management are properly carried
developing algorithms to supply rebars required to out from ordering phase to manufacturing phase. The
minimize material waste during cutting and bending of optimum combination of rebars, calculated by computer,
discrete (single) bars in rebar shops. provides very useful information for the manufacturing
of rebars as well as systematic inventory management
Reasons for Loss of Rebars that reduces waste rate.
The waste rate can be estimated as high as 3 to 5% in
the bidding stage in countries where rebars are not Automatic Rebar Detailing Concept
supplied in coils. This rate can be even higher than 10% The rebar combination process begins with the
as the diameter of rebars increases. Kim (1987) showed preparation of Rebar Data Files (RDF) based on the
that the loss rate from plant projects is higher than that structural calculation. Structural design data, however,
of building construction in which rebars of typical length provides basic information related to arrangement of
and diameter are repeated in drawings. Major causes rebars. Detailed rebar information including
influencing the waste rate of rebars were identified from development and splice length, concrete cover and
several management processes of rebar work as follows. interference of rebars is not expressed explicitly in
(1) The highest rate of waste is observed when the structural drawings. Therefore, the automatic preparation
purchase order with redundancy is made to steel mill of RDF from the information of structural design
without accurate understanding of manufacturing requires a module that provides rebar detail. Fig 1
information, such as the structural drawings and bar graphically demonstrates the conceptual construction of
schedules. The waste of materials rapidly increases when RDF.
the proper attention is not paid to the surplus order of
raw materials during the construction stage. Therefore,
significant waste can be avoided if the required quantity
of rebars is precisely analyzed and reflected in the mill
(2) Materials are also wasted when surplus rebars with
length of 2-3m are not reused after cutoffs. Better
economy is achieved using rebars with margins of shorter
than 1m without cutoff since the cost of labor related to
cutting less than 1m is more expensive. The rebars of
Fig.1. Automatic Rebar Detailing Concept
extra length, with either straight or L shape, found from
slabs and beams not only increase waste rate of materials After all structural design data of structural members
but also add additional weight to the structure. Waste of including number of bars, diameters, geometric size of
material as high as 1% can be saved when proper bars in each member, etc. are extracted from the structural
market length are selected for combination in order not design data file (SDDF), splice and development length,
to generate scraps of about 1m based on the structural concrete cover related to each structural member are,
review of drawings (Kim, 1987). then, obtained from the structural member specification
(3) It is also shown that approximately a 1% waste data file (MSDF). As a next step, rebar manufacturing
rate occurs when cutting planning without consideration detail is prepared according to Automatic Rebar
of bending margins is carried out. Detailing Algorithms (ARDA).
(4) One of the frequent causes of waste is the failure The ARDA consist of two tasks. The first task is to
of inventory management of rebars cut and bent. This automatically generate rebar details of all structural
type of waste is observed in urgent and large-scale members, and the second task is to estimate precise
construction projects. cutting lengths and quantities of rebars based on the
(5) It is sometimes found from construction practice details obtained in the first task. Each structural member
that the length and location of bar splices as well as needs several ARDA, depending on the arrangement
developments are not observed in compliance with codes condition of structural members. For example, many
to compensate for the loss of materials, since strict algorithms of beams are required for the estimation of
application of codes can create significant loss of precise cutting length and quantity of rebars, depending
materials. In these cases, therefore, the quality of rebar on bar types (bent bar, straight bar) and number of spans
works is not satisfactorily controlled. (single span, and multiple). Kim and Kim (1994)
(6) Inappropriate management of rebar shops and presented an automatic rebar detailing concept, and Kim
layout of cutting and bending machines is another source (2002) proposed various detailing algorithms for all
of waste of materials. structural members.

18 JAABE vol.3 no.1 May. 2004 Sun-Kuk Kim

An Overview of Rebar Optimization The special order is initially considered for the bar
The algorithm to reduce waste of rebars boils down combination process based on reading RDF prepared
to the question of how efficiently scraps generated during by ARDA. At the same time, optimal conditions
rebar work designated as structural drawings can be including waste rate (ε), quantity (q) and length (l) are
minimized. For the multiple rebars as shown in Fig. 2, read to minimize rebar waste for special orders as shown
the following steps are proposed for the algorithm in in Fig. 3. Rebars of lengths 7m, 8m and 9m, which can
which li = combined length of rebars, Li = length of rebars be easily purchased from the market by a normal order
to be ordered, barj = rebars extracted from drawings, i, j (Normal order 1), are combined to match the rest of the
= index, ni = number of li or Li, and ε = waste rate of rebars. The final combination of rebars with the market
combined bars. length of 6.0m, 6.5m, 7.5m, 10.0m, 11.0m and 12.0m
(Normal order 2) is performed to produce rebars whose
combinations were not found. The following are the
explanations of Fig. 3.

Fig.2. Example of rebar combination

1. Find li where 0 ≤ ni (L- li)/L ≤ ε (1)

2. Let sum = (2)

The sum is to be multiplied by the unit weight of each

size of bars. If sum ≥ tons where tons is the minimum
quantity for order, then li (i=1, 2, .., m) can be selected
for order and it is recorded into the resource field of
3. Decrease the length gradually according to the given
range. Fig.3. An overview of rebar combination process
4. Repeat the process 1 and 2 until Li < Min (barj).
(1) Rebar arrays are prepared by sorting out rebars of
Rebar Combination Process and Algorithms the same diameter based on readings of RDF prepared
Even though the proposed algorithm looks simple, it by ARDA. The arrays include length, number of identical
is difficult to find numerous combinations of rebars that bars and bar mark that retains the information of a bar
satisfy given conditions including waste rate of material, type, diameter, spacing, and serial number. The RDF
length and quantity for purchase order as well as structure is very similar to the one proposed by Navon,
construction schedule. Computers can replace time- Rubinovitz, and Coffler (1995).
consuming manual efforts, resulting in significant (2) The algorithm searches and combines rebars
savings of materials, managing cost and labor. Material satisfying all the given conditions such as waste rate and
waste can be minimized if the rebar combinations are quantity (for example, ε ≤ 1%, and q i ≥300tons,
obtained with not only market length but also special respectively) for rebar length specified by 6m ≤ Si ≤
lengths with minimum quantity for order supplied by 12m (0.1m interval). First consideration is given to the
steel mills. single bars for search since combinations for single bars
The standard lengths of rebars that can be purchased are not necessary. The search is extended to combinations
in Korean markets are 7m, 8m and 9m. Besides, It is that satisfy the given conditions with two bars. The search
also required by Korean Standards that 6m, 6.5m, 7.5m, and combination are repeated with up to four bars.
10m, 11m and 12m be provided for the construction sites. (3) The combination with more than four bars is not
If rebars are supplied by special order, waste can be attempted to avoid inefficient computing time since
avoided further. For instance, if rebars of 320 tons with effective inventory management of rebar shops is
both 8.7m length and 28mm diameter are delivered to difficult. It was observed from a sample project that
sites by special order where the same quantity of 8.7m searching short rebars to be combined with primary
rebars are required by structural design, the waste rate rebars of longer lengths minimizes computing time when
is zero. This waste rate increases up to 3.3% with a scrap more than two rebars are combined. The binary search
bar of 30 cm when 9m rebars are supplied by the normal algorithm, shown in Fig. 4, is adapted among various
order. Construction costs increase rapidly when multiple searching methods to minimize time in finding rebars
projects are carried out in rebar shops with poor to be combined based on given conditions from hundreds
management systems during the ordering stage. of rebars sorted with respect to length. This binary search
algorithm was proved by Horowitz and Sahni (1983).

JAABE vol.3 no.1 May. 2004 Sun-Kuk Kim 19

algorithm is fast, even if the chance to minimize waste
rate is lost.
(2) Best-fit algorithm: This algorithm tries all possible
combinations of every rebar stored in RDF; and a rebar
combination that yields the least waste rate is selected.
From the above example, the combination of a 7m rebar
and a 3m rebar out of a possible six rebar combinations
gives the least waste rate of zero while a waste rate of
2% calculated from 7m+2.8m rebar combination was
obtained by the First-fit algorithm. This algorithm will
not lose the chance to minimize waste rate, despite
unavoidable computational time.
(3) Modified-first-fit algorithm: This algorithm
applies differentiated waste rate. Main rebars are
combined within a specified waste rate (for example,
waste rate of 1%) and a relieved condition waste rate,
such as 3%, is applied to the rest of the rebars. However,
the overall waste rate must not be beyond the target waste
rate, such as 2%. It was shown from the algorithm test
that quantities combined based on the relieved waste rate
do not exceed 10% of total rebars under combination.
This algorithm is considered to be the best algorithm
empirically in maximizing combination efficiency and
applicability while minimizing computing time.
Fig.4. Binary search algorithm for rebar combination
Algorithms for Mathematical Programming
(4) The given conditions of e (ex. ε ≤ 3%) and 6m ≤ Li It was shown that several algorithms must be combined
≤ 12m (for Li = 7, 8, 9m) are, then, implemented to search to solve optimization problems minimizing rebar waste
and combine rebars left over from Routine 1 (Normal rates. This study presented solutions to the following
order 1). questions. (1) How can one prepare rebar-detailing
(5) Routines 2 and 3 are followed by the combinations algorithms from the information of structural design?
meeting the conditions of e (ex. ε ≤ 3%) and 6m ≤ Li ≤ (2) How can one find a logical process for rebar
12m (for Li = 6m, 6.5m, 7.5m, 10m, 11m, 12m) imposed combination? (3) What type of conditions must be
on rebars left over from Routines 2 and 3 (Normal order imposed to combine rebars for each process (first or best-
2). Search for the rebar combination in Routines 3 and 4 fit algorithm)? (4) How can one rapidly search bar data
also uses the algorithm shown in Fig. 4. to be used for rebar combination (binary search
Three algorithms for the combination process as algorithm)?
shown in Fig. 3 are presented in this study to solve the Besides, the problem as to how one can quickly
optimization problem which reduces the waste rate of calculate rebar quantity satisfying given requirements
rebars while taking computational time and practice into remains unanswered. Numerous calculations of rebar
consideration. quantity are required to generate a candidate solution
and numerous candidate solutions must be obtained to
(1) First-fit algorithm: This algorithm combines rebars find an optimum solution. Algorithms from
which were read from RDF based on the given waste mathematical programming are necessary to expedite
rate (ε). The algorithm terminates the combining process such complicated calculations. Solving of the
when waste rate calculated from the first rebar optimization of rebar work is described by linear
combination are within the specified rate, in spite of programming. Algorithms based on Equations (1) and
further possible reductions in waste rate with following (2) can be suggested using data read from RDF as a form
combinations. For example, if rebars with of length 10m of array.
is to be combined using rebars of 7m, 2.8m and 3.0m
with the specified waste rate of 3%, the algorithm, based Decision variables
on the order of rebars stored in RDF, finds the first P = total sum of combined rebars for all structural
combination of 7m+2.8m=9.8m with waste rate of 2% members
(((10-9.8)/10)*100). The waste rate calculated from this Q = total sum of rebars to be ordered for all structural
combination is less than the given waste rate of 3%. The members
combination of 7m long rebars with 3m rebars instead p1, …, pn = sum of rebars combined in a certain length,
of 2.8m rebars is not considered, even though the waste q1, …, qn = sum of rebars to be ordered in a certain length
rate from combining with 3m rebars is zero. This

20 JAABE vol.3 no.1 May. 2004 Sun-Kuk Kim

Objective Function structural members of all floors (1 st-20 th floor) of 5
buildings except the foundation. Table 1 is a combination
Minimize (3) list for the special order (combination number S1) of
10.6m long rebar. Rebars are combined with the
maximum material loss (waste rate) of 1.0% and
or (4) minimum quantity of 300 tons.

Subject to Table 1. Combination List for Special Order



Where the weight (tons) is the minimum quantity of a

purchase order, and ε represents the waste rate defined
by users. Decision variables, P, pi, Q, qi, of Equations
(3) and (4) are calculated by Equations (7), (8), (9) and

Where wi is the unit weight of the rebar. One rebar
element, pi, out of all rebars combined within a certain
length, {p1, .., pm}, is expressed as Equation (8).

(8) Table 2. Combination List for Normal Order

Where aj is the number of rebars combined within a

certain length and xj is the actual length of combined
rebars. The quantity of rebars to be ordered in a certain
length is given in Equation (9).

One rebar element, qi, out of all rebars to be ordered
in a certain length, {q1, .., qm}, is obtained from Equation

Where yi is the market length of rebars to be ordered.

Test Results of Proposed Algorithms

The algorithm presented in this study was programmed
with Visual C++ 4.0. Both the accuracy and applicability
D: Diameter in mm, L:Length in m, B.M.: Bar Mark, Nos: Number of bars’ under Table 2
to sites of the theory was validated by a case study of
high-rise residential buildings described as follows.
- Location : Yongin-si, Kyonggi-do, Korea The modified-first-fit algorithm was used to
- Total floor area : 92,435 m2 (20 stories x 5 buildings) economically combine rebars designated as in the first
- Structure : Bearing wall system column of Table 1. These rebars meet specified
- Duration of main structural work : June, 2000 - combining conditions. Single rebar lists without the need
December, 2000 (6 months except foundation work) of bar combination are shown by S1-1 through S1-10.
Five buildings managed by the same schedule of S1-11 is the list of special orders for combinations with
reinforcement work were considered for system tests in two rebars. For example, the waste rate is zero since the
this study even if the complex consisted of 20 buildings. rebars represented by S1-1 and S1-2 is 10.6m. S1-10
Tables 1 and 2 are the results of the combination for the generates a waste rate of 0.94 % and is included in the
16mm rebar most frequently used in the project. Every list. S1-11, which combines Bars 0085 and 0054, satisfied
rebar was assumed to be systematically managed during the condition of special order with waste rate of 0.28 %.
the 6 month construction period of the main structural The modified-first-fit algorithm, which selects long
framework. The combination was performed for rebars, is followed by the combination of short rebars to

JAABE vol.3 no.1 May. 2004 Sun-Kuk Kim 21

reduce computing time. All Bars 0085 are used for S-11 The difference of 40mm in length between Table 3
combination, whereas only 660 bars from bars 0054 (the and Fig. 5, called bending margin, resulted from the
total of 1645 bars) are used for the combination of S1- increase during bending process. In case of deformed
11 (Table 3). The rest of bars 0054 are used to combine bars, the bending margin is calculated by 2.5 times of
S1-24, S3-5, N1-18, N15-3 as shown in Table 1. the rebar size in diameter.
Finally, Table 1, containing results of the combination
of 23,945 rebars of length 10.6m, compares the order
weight of 395.955 tons with the net weight of 393.702
tons, demonstrating a waste rate of 0.469%. The real
diameter of the nominal 16mm diameter rebar is 15.9mm
while the unit weight is 1.56kg/m in KS (Korean
Standard). Rebar notations are defined by T16, H16 and
B16 instead of Y16 to clearly indicate the diameters and
locations of rebars. T, B, H, V and M represent top,
bottom, horizontal, vertical and middle bar, respectively.
Table 2 shows the combination list for normal orders
Fig. 5. A sample of bar tag
(combination number N1) of 9.0m long rebars. For this
combination, the maximum loss is 1% and there is no Table 4 are the results of rebar combination for special
limit to the minimum quantity for order. Rebars of 7, 8, orders (S1, S2, S3, …) and normal orders (N1, N2,…)
and 9m are combined first according to the algorithm based on given requirements, representing information
employed in this study and the combination based on including rebar length, number of rebars, weight of each
rebars of 6.0m, 6.5m, 7.5m, 10.0m, 11.0m and 12.0m is combination.
followed. However, the execution of combinations of
Table 4. Report of Combination Results
11m and 12m rebars is delayed till the order from site
due to the traffic condition.
Table 3 represents rebar sources of combination
managing all combined rebars by bar number. It provides
systematic tools for inventory management of rebar cut
off, enabling a bar bending process quickly and
effectively. Without these lists, it is difficult to locate
combined rebars for bar bending even if the rebar
combinations are successfully performed. For example,
since rebars 0054 are used for the combinations of S1-
11, S1-24, S3-5, N1-18, N15-3, one must keep track of
each combination to locate 1,645 rebars. Table 3
demonstrates results of all combined rebars, while rebars
of the same diameter can be printed out if necessary.
The detailed manufacturing information of Table 3 which
can be checked from the rebar schedule and bar tag as
shown in Fig. 5 is used to facilitate inventory
management of manufactured rebars. For instances, S1 is related to special purchase order,
one piece of information obtained from combination
Table 3. Rebar Sources of Combination
results shown in Table 1. Table 4, therefore, is used for
order of rebars manufactured according to combination
lists. It was shown from the combination of 16mm of
the sample project that total order quantity was 2,937.265
tons with the waste rate of 0.819%.
The reason that the total waste rate of 0.819 is larger
than those of S1 (0.469) and N1 (0.392) shown in Table
1 and 2 respectively is due to the larger waste rate of the
rest of the rebar combinations caused by the relieved
condition of the modified-first-fit algorithm. The waste
rate obtained from the secondary combination of rebars
left over from the main combination is calculated to be
over 3%. However, the influence of the secondary
combination on the overall waste rate is insignificant
because the rebar influenced by the secondary
combination is relatively small compared to the total

22 JAABE vol.3 no.1 May. 2004 Sun-Kuk Kim

quantity. The actual construction data revealed that the structural design data was a difficult task in this study.
project used 3,007.97 tons of 16mm rebar, generating A more efficient format, automatically using structural
the waste rate of 3.246%. The waste rate could have been design data for the management of rebar work, needs to
reduced down to 0.819%, saving 70.705 tons of rebar be developed in order to effectively deal with a series of
(2.427% waste rate) equivalent to 30,300 USD (about works including structural design, the preparation of
35 million Korean won) if the algorithm proposed by structural drawings and rebar details, and optimization
this study had been implemented for the construction of rebar work.
management of rebar work. If the construction of all 20
buildings under consideration had been carried out References
applying the algorithm of this paper, approximately 400 1) Bernold, L.E., and Salim, Md. (1993) “Placement-oriented design
tons of steel worth 170,000 USD (199 million Korean and delivery of concrete reinforcement.” J. Constr. Engrg. and
Mgmt., ASCE, 119 (2), 323-335
won) could have been saved. 2) Dunston, P.S., and Bernold, L.E. (1994) “Adaptive control for
robotic rebar bending.” Microcomputers in Civ. Engrg., Oxford,
Conclusions England, 9, 53-60
A Considerable waste rate occurs if sufficient attention 3) Dunston, P.S., and Bernold, L.E. (2000) “Adaptive control for safe
is not paid to the management of complex rebar work of and quality rebar fabrication.” J. Constr. Engrg and Mgmt, ASCE,
126 (2), 122-129
construction projects. A great deal of rebars can be saved 5) Horowitz, Ellis, and Sahni, Sartaj (1983) “Fundamentals of data
with increased productivity when purchase orders, structures”, Computer Science Press, Inc., Maryland, 342
manufactures and installations are carried out according 6) Kim, S.K. (1987). “A Report of Rebar Waste Rate Analysis of RC
to construction schedules, while both rebar details and Structures”, Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd., Korea, 16-17
7) Kim, S.K., and Kim, C.K. (1994) “Integrated Automation of
required optimal rebar quantities are prepared based on
Structural Design and Rebar Work in RC Structure”, J. Structure
the algorithm presented in this study. and Construction, the Architectural Institute of Korea, 10(1), 113-
The example run demonstrated the reduction in the 122
waste rate by about 2.4 percentage points by 8) Kim, S.K. (2002) “A System Development for Automatic Detail
implementing the algorithm of this paper. Relatively Design and Estimation of Rebar Work”, the 1 st year Research
Report, Gyeonggi Regional Small & Medium Business
much reduction of waste is expected from plant Administration, Korea, 84-90
construction involved with various types of rebars than 9) Navon, R., Rubinovitz, Y., and Coffler, M. (1995) “RCCS: Rebar
from the construction of high rise residential and CAD/CAM System” Microcomputers in Civ. Engrg., Oxford,
commercial buildings in which rebars of typical length England, 10, 385-400
and diameter are repeated throughout design. 10) Navon, R., Rubinovitz, Y., and Coffler, M. (1996) “Fully automated
rebar CAD/CAM system: economic evaluation and field
The example study also demonstrated the combination implementation.” J. Constr. Engrg and Mgmt, ASCE, 122 (2), 101-
algorithm, among all algorithms presented in this 108
research, enhances not only computing efficiency but 11) Navon, R., Shapira, A., and Shechori, Y. (2000) “Automated rebar
also the efficiency of rebar management related to constructability diagnosis.” J. Constr. Engrg and Mgmt, ASCE, 126
construction schedules. The modified-first-fit algorithm (5), 389-397
12) Salim, M., and Bernold, L.E. (1994) “Effects of design-integrated
is considered to be the best algorithm empirically in process planning on productivity in rebar placement.” J. Constr.
maximizing combination efficiency and applicability Engrg. and Mgmt., ASCE, 120 (4), 720-738
while minimizing computing time.
The prompt extraction of precise rebar data from

JAABE vol.3 no.1 May. 2004 Sun-Kuk Kim 23

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