Al Billet Cutting
Al Billet Cutting
Al Billet Cutting
a case study
, (2)
The following properties allow the classification of
the problem and provide the justification for the methods
that can be used to solve it.
/ , , , (3)
/ , , , (4) A. Problem complexity
This problem is an extension of the one-dimensional
2, , cutting stock problem (CSP). The one dimensional CSP is
NP-hard in the strong sense (See [7]). The proof of this
complexity is based on the reduction of the 3-
1, , PARTITION problem to the cutting stock problem. Thus,
it is better to develop heuristic solutions rather than exact
solution methods for large size instances of the problem.
1, , Most MILP solvers are all equipped with heuristics that
are able to quickly find feasible solutions for many hard
1, , , (8)
B. Dimensions of the mathematical programming
, (9) formulation
The ILP formulation presented above has the
following bounds (Table 2) on the different dimensions.
, (10)
Constraints 4
Integer variables
, 0 and integer, Binary variables
, , ,
In order to reduce the size of the model, we made the The first feasible solution was obtained in less than
following changes. Firstly, the integer can be five seconds. However, the gap between this solution and
replaced with the binary variables since only one best lower bound was equal to 60.8%. After 20 seconds,
unit of a long billet can be cut on any log. This will the gap decreases below 40%. After that, it decreases
reduce the number of integer variables without increasing rapidly to 2.03% after 4 minutes. It is worth noting that
the number of binary variables. By eliminating the binary the decrease in the gap was mostly due to the
variables , constraints (8) must be deleted and improvement in the feasible solution. The improvement of
constraints (4) and (10) should be replaced with the lower bound value was very slow.
Constraints (4’) and (10’) below. B. Results with randomly generated data sets
In order to analyze the efficiency of the model, we
/ , , (4’)
have tested 120 data sets which were generated randomly.
The parameters that were considered are: batch size,
(10’) demand density, and problem size in terms of number of
possible lengths. Every time a parameter is varied
Secondly, the number of constraints can be changed, the other parameters are fixed at their default
considerably reduced in practice because among all values. For each combination of the three parameters, ten
possible billet length only few have positive demand. This instances were generated where the demands of each
is taken into consideration by adding the condition billet length is drawn from a uniform distribution between
0 and 0 to Constraints (3), (4’), (8), (9), et 10 and 100 units. Table 3 shows the values of varying
(10’). For example, Constraints (3) become: parameters and the default values of each parameter.
We have chosen three problem sizes: 1. Small, 2.
/ \ 0, , (3) Medium, and 3. Large. Demand density corresponds to
Finally, the variables associated with billet of zero the percentage of billet lengths whose demands are
demand are set to zero. positive. For example, a demand density of 0.15 means
that 85% of the billets will have no demand. Finally, the
V. NUMERICAL RESULTS batch size corresponds to the number of logs that can be
produced simultaneously during one casting operation.
The numerical results presented here are mostly based
on randomly generated data sets. For each instance, the TABLE 3
problem was solved using Xpress-MP version 2010. PARAMETERS OF THE DATA SETS
The mathematical programming formulation can be Parameter Value Default
solved using any MILP solver include open source solvers Problem size 1. 41 ; 50 ; 11 Size 2
such GLPK. The choice of Xpress-MP was mainly based 2. 81 ; 100 ; 21
on its availability and its capabilities. 3. 141 ; 150 ; 36
In the numerical results, the quality of obtained Demand density 0.15 ; 0.10 ; 0.05 ; 0.01 0.05
solutions is measured using the integrity gap between the Batch size 20 ; 30 ; 40 ; 60 ; 120 40
value of the heuristic feasible solution ( ) and the best
120, 100 , 500 for problems of size
lower bound ( ).
1, 100 , 1000 for size 2, and
% 100 200 , 2000 for size 3.
All numerical tests were carried on a personal 510 , 1000 for problems of size 1,
computer DELL OPTIPLEX 390 with Intel CORE i5 – 1010 , 2000 for size 2, and
3,10GHz microprocessor and 4Go of RAM. 2010 , 6000 for size 3.
1500 , 2500 for problems of size 1,
A. Results with the real data of the problem 3000 , 5000 for size 2, and
The model was initially solved using real data 4500 , 8000 for size 3.
collected from the cast house and planning department of 10 , 0.1, 100
the company. For confidentiality reasons we will not The maximum CPU time was set to 600 seconds.
present the data but will present the size of the problem in Table 4 shows the effect of problem size on the gap, the
addition to the CPU time and the quality of the obtained execution time and the number of obtained feasible
solution. solutions.
The problem consisted of planning the cutting of This table shows that even small size problems can be
billets of seven different lengths with the same diameter very hard to solve. The solver was not able to find the
and the same alloy. The billets can be obtained by cutting optimal solution of two small problems and the gap for
one or more of the 27 types of logs that the cast house can one of these two problems was very high (95.84%). We
produce. There are 310 lengths of short billets and lengths can conclude from the table that the bigger the problem
of long billets. the harder it is to find its optimal solution. The fact the
average gap does not depend a lot on the problem size
might be explained by the choice of problem sizes and the and meta-heuristics to be applied on much larger
limited execution time. problems in the company. This approach will be mostly
useful when the problem is extended to multi-alloys,
TABLE 4 multi-diameters, and multi-periods.
Pb Avge Min Max Avge Min Max Opt.
Size Gap Gap CPU CPU CPU sols Acknowledgment
1 14.80% 0% 95.84% 139.2s 1.3s 600.5 s 8 The authors are very grateful to DUBAL personnel for
2 10.06% 0% 30.50% 377.2s 58.0s 602.2 s 5 their exceptional support with this project. We would like
3 12.31% 0% 29.74% 409.8s 140.5s 606.9 s 4 most particularly to thank Dr. Feras Allan, Vice President
of Product & Casting Operations- Cast house and Mr.
Demand density is a parameter related to the problem Mohammed Sweidan for their great help.
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