This fact sheet discusses when to use a Therapeutic mouth rinses
mouth rinse, common types of mouth rinses and how to use a mouth rinse most While therapeutic mouth rinses have the effectively. same benefits as cosmetic mouth rinses, they also contain an added active ingredient that When to use a mouth rinse helps protect against some oral diseases.
While mouth rinses should not be considered
Common mouth rinses substitutes for regular toothbrushing and flossing, they can be useful for a number of Common mouth rinses include saltwater, different purposes depending on their chlorhexidine, essential oils, fluoride and ingredients. antibacterial rinses. Mouth rinses are unable to penetrate existing plaque, making them ineffective below the Saltwater rinse: Mild, warm saltwater gums. A mouth rinse is also unable to reach rinses may benefit patients who have between the teeth. ulcers, minor throat irritation and denture sores by alleviating discomfort and aiding A dental professional may recommend healing. Consult a dental professional if specific mouth rinses for specific oral the area continues to be irritated or sore conditions. Dental professionals may also for longer than one week. recommend rinses for those who can't brush due to physical impairments or medical Chlorhexidine rinse: Chlorhexidine is very reasons. effective in reducing bacteria found in the oral cavity. Long-term use of Many mouth rinses contain high chlorhexidine rinses may alter perception concentrations of alcohol. Individuals of taste, cause brown staining on teeth suffering from ‘dry-mouth’, pregnant women and increase the formation of calculus and children should not use mouth rinses (tartar or scale). The use of chlorhexidine containing alcohol. should be recommended by a dental professional and used according to their Types of mouth rinses recommendations. Mouth rinses are generally classified as either Mouth rinse containing essential oils: The cosmetic or therapeutic. use of essential oils in mouth rinses is proven to be effective in reducing bad Cosmetic mouth rinses breath. Cosmetic mouth rinses are commercial, over- Fluoride mouth rinse: Fluoride mouth the-counter products that help remove oral rinses are recommended by dental debris before or after brushing, temporarily professionals to control and prevent tooth suppress bad breath, diminish bacteria in the decay. Use of a fluoride mouth rinse, mouth and refresh the mouth with a pleasant along with fluoride toothpaste, can taste. At the very least, they are effective oral provide extra protection against tooth antiseptics that freshen the mouth and decay. However, the use of fluoride alleviate bad breath in the short term. mouth rinse is not recommended for children.
Last reviewed April 2008 Page 1 of 2
Healthy Teeth for Life fact sheet
Antibacterial mouth rinse: Antibacterial For more information
mouth rinses reduce the bacteria in the mouth and alter the bacterial activity in Contact your dental professional plaque. They are particularly helpful in Visit helping to control gingivitis and minor Call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) for throat infections. confidential health advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week Using a mouth rinse Email