Safety Climate in Ohsas 18001-Certified Organisations: Antecedents and Consequences of Safety Behaviour
Safety Climate in Ohsas 18001-Certified Organisations: Antecedents and Consequences of Safety Behaviour
Safety Climate in Ohsas 18001-Certified Organisations: Antecedents and Consequences of Safety Behaviour
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The occupational health and safety standard OHSAS 18001 has gained considerable acceptance world-
Received 29 March 2011 wide, and firms from diverse sectors and of varying sizes have implemented it. Despite this, very few
Received in revised form 8 September 2011 studies have analysed safety management or the safety climate in OHSAS 18001-certified organisations.
Accepted 14 October 2011
The current work aims to analyse the safety climate in these organisations, identify its dimensions, and
propose and test a structural equation model that will help determine the antecedents and consequences
of employees’ safety behaviour. For this purpose, the authors carry out an empirical study using a sam-
OHSAS 18001
ple of 131 OHSAS 18001-certified organisations located in Spain. The results show that management’s
Safety climate
Safety behaviour
commitment, and particularly communication, have an effect on safety behaviour and on safety perfor-
Structural equation modelling mance, employee satisfaction, and firm competitiveness. These findings are particularly important for
Communication management since they provide evidence about the factors that should be encouraged to reduce risks
and improve performance in this type of organisation.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction create the first global standard for certifying occupational health
and safety systems. The British Standards Institution officially pub-
In recent years the certification of management systems lished OHSAS 18001 and it came into effect on 15 April 1999.
has become fundamental to achieving competitiveness for firms Since its publication OHSAS 18001 has gained considerable
(Vinodkumar and Bhasi, 2011), because firms’ long-term success acceptance worldwide and firms from diverse sectors and of vary-
depends on their ability to improve their operations, re-organise ing sizes have implemented it. The demand has been such that
themselves, and meet the challenges that the rapidly changing the standard has recently been revised, and its latest incarnation is
environment throws at them. This is why in the past few decades OHSAS 18001: 2007 “Occupational Health and Safety Management
a large number of standards have been designed to facilitate the Systems” (OHSAS Project Group, 2007).
international exchange of goods and services and develop coop- The fundamental objective of this standard is to support and pro-
eration in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and mote good practice in the area of occupational health and safety via
economic activity. a systematic and structured management. But certification also has
After the success of the standards for quality management implications for strategy and competitiveness because it enables
(ISO 9001) and environmental management (ISO 14001), and in the organisation to guarantee to interested parties that it has an
response to the demand for an occupational health and safety adequate occupational health and safety management system. The
management model that firms can easily integrate with these two OHSAS specification is applicable to any organisation that wishes
standards and that offers them the possibility of evaluating and to: (a) establish an occupational health and safety management
certifying their management system in this area (Vinodkumar and system to eliminate or minimise risk to employees and other inter-
Bhasi, 2011), the OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assess- ested parties who may be exposed to occupational health and safety
ment Series) 18001 standard was created in 1998 when a group risks associated with its activities; (b) implement, maintain and
of certifying bodies from 15 countries on 3 continents met to continually improve an occupational health and safety manage-
ment system; (c) assure itself that the system complies with its
stated occupational health and safety policy; and (d) demonstrate
compliance with this standard to others. In short, all organisations
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 985103704; fax: +34 985103708. that wish to implement a formal procedure to reduce the health
E-mail addresses: (B. Fernández-Muñiz), and safety risks to employees, customers and the general public in (J.M. Montes-Peón), (C.J. Vázquez-Ordás).
their premises can adopt the OHSAS 18001 standard (Vinodkumar
Tel.: +34 985104975; fax: +34 985103708.
Tel.: +34 9853704; fax: +34 985103708. and Bhasi, 2011).
0001-4575/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
746 B. Fernández-Muñiz et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (2012) 745–758
OHSAS 18001 offers numerous benefits to firms, since the stan- 2. Safety climate
dard facilitates the management of occupational health and safety
in firms operating in different geographic areas and the integration The concept of safety climate was introduced by Zohar (1980)
of this management with systems for quality (ISO 9001) and the to underline the importance of social and organisational processes
environment (ISO 14001) already certified or implemented. OHSAS in the generation of accidents. Zohar defines safety climate as “a
18001 also reduces the potential for accidents and interruptions in summary of the beliefs and perceptions of the employees about
the production process, and improves the firm’s compliance with safety in the workplace” that can influence their behaviour. Later,
legal obligations, its internal climate and image, and its overall per- Dedobbeleer and Beland (1991) define safety climate as “molar
formance (Chang and Liang, 2009; Sánchez-Toledo et al., 2009). In perceptions people have of their work settings particularly with
short, this standard can be seen as a strategic tool that firms can use respect to the interest and actions of management in the field of
to improve their competitiveness and achieve a favourable position safety and on their own participation in preventing risk in the work-
in today’s global market. place.” Hofmann and Stetzer (1996) agree, defining the climate
Nevertheless, the OHSAS 18001 standard alone is not sufficient as perceptions about the management’s commitment to safety
for the firm to achieve all these benefits. Implementing OHSAS and the workers’ involvement in safety-related activities. Many
18001 is only the first step towards the systematic and success- authors consider the safety climate to be related to workers’ atti-
ful management of safety work; it is not a cure for safety problems tudes, perceptions and beliefs about the importance of safety in
(Ma et al., 2001). Firms must have a favourable safety climate – their workplaces (Cooper and Philips, 1994; Coyle et al., 1995;
i.e., a strong management commitment with the support of their Williamson et al., 1997). Niskanen (1994), in turn, stresses the
workforce – to be able to use this tool to efficiently manage their antecedents of safety climate when he defines it as a set of attributes
production processes and strive to achieve the objective of all the about work in organisations that can be perceived and that can be
parties involved of zero accidents. induced by the policies and practices that organisations impose on
Despite the acceptance and importance of the standard world- their workers and supervisors.
wide, the literature studying safety management variables and Safety climate is regarded as an important antecedent of safety
safety climate in organisations with OHSAS 18001 certification is in the workplace (Vinodkumar and Bhasi, 2009), since it refers to
minimal (Vinodkumar and Bhasi, 2011). Safety climate is a fre- all the attitudes and perceptions that the employees have about the
quently analysed concept in the occupational safety literature. A values, beliefs, norms, practices, procedures and initiatives in the
number of studies find that a positive safety climate influences area of safety (Silva et al., 2004; Yule et al., 2001). These attitudes
safety behaviour and consequently reduces the number of acci- and perceptions are valid as references to guide behaviour in the
dents and incidents (Clarke, 2006; Gittleman et al., 2010; Havold execution of their daily tasks (Isla and Díaz, 1997; Meliá and Sesé,
and Nesset, 2009; Huang et al., 2006; Lu and Tsai, 2010; Silva et al., 1999), and can reduce or eliminate danger (Glennon, 1982).
2004). But no-one has tested this relation in OHSAS 18001-certified In the past two decades a large number of empirical studies
organisations, so what contributes to accidents or injuries in these on safety climate have aimed to identify its dimensions and its
organisations remains unclear. relation with safety performance (Coyle et al., 1995; Dedobbeleer
OHSAS 18001-certified organisations have a number of idiosyn- and Beland, 1991; Gittleman et al., 2010; Mearns et al., 2003; Silva
crasies because they have gone through an external audit to et al., 2004; Zohar, 1980). Many authors have stressed the impor-
certify that they comply with the requisites of the OHSAS 18001 tance of safety climate, but they have not reached a consensus
standard. Thus organisations with this certification have an ade- about the constituent factors of the concept or about which fac-
quate safety management system in place to control occupational tor has the most effect on the accident rate (Flin et al., 2000; Lin
risk (Chang and Liang, 2009) and have higher levels of manage- et al., 2008; Mearns et al., 2003). Both the theory and the research
ment commitment, safety training, worker involvement in safety, have advanced, but a comprehensive theory and a unanimously
safety communication and feedback, safety rules and procedures, preferred measurement approach are still lacking (Guldenmund,
safety promotion policies and safety behaviour than non-certified 2000; Wu et al., 2007). The most common way of evaluating atti-
organisations (Vinodkumar and Bhasi, 2011). Consequently, these tudes and perceptions in various sectors is via self-administered
organisations have a superior management of safety than non- questionnaires (e.g., Dedobbeleer and Beland, 1991; Lu and Tsai,
certified organisations and some of the relations found previously 2010; Lu and Yang, 2011; Wu et al., 2007).
in the literature between dimensions of safety climate, safety Zohar (1980) was the first to propose an instrument to mea-
behaviour and safety performance in non-certified organisations sure safety climate. This scale consists of 40 items, and according
may not be replicated in certified organisations. to it, safety climate has eight dimensions: importance of safety
Thus the study of the safety climate in OHSAS 18001-certified training, management attitudes towards safety, effects of safe con-
organisations is extremely interesting because it should shed light duct on promotion, level of risk at workplace, effects of work
on the practices that these organisations should encourage to pace on safety, status of safety officer, effects of safe conduct on
improve their safety, reduce their accident rates and move closer social status, and status of safety committee. Subsequent studies
to the objective of zero accidents. – fundamentally exploratory analyses – aim to identify the criti-
In this context, the general objective of the current work is to cal dimensions of safety climate (e.g., Brown and Holmes, 1986;
analyse the safety climate in OHSAS 18001-certified firms and its Cabrera et al., 1997; Cooper and Philips, 1994; Coyle et al., 1995;
relation with three measures of performance: safety performance, Dedobbeleer and Beland, 1991; Glennon, 1982; Isla and Díaz, 1997;
employee satisfaction, and firm competitiveness. This objective Mearns et al., 2003; Meliá and Sesé, 1999; Niskanen, 1994; Varonen
breaks down into the following subgoals: (a) identify the con- and Mattila, 2000; Williamson et al., 1997). Authors have reviewed
stituent dimensions of safety climate in organisations; (b) analyse these studies to seek similarities between them (Flin et al., 2000;
the relations between these dimensions in OHSAS 18001-certified Guldenmund, 2000). But the large number of inconsistencies and
organisations; and (c) analyse the effect of safety climate on the often idiosyncratic naming of the indicators make it difficult
safety performance, employee satisfaction and firm competitive- to reconcile the various indicators of safety climate identified in
ness. previous work (Wiegmann et al., 2002). Dedobbeleer and Beland
For this purpose, the authors first review the literature on safety (1998) find that only two factors coincide in all the studies: man-
climate and then propose and test a model of causal relations using agement commitment and workers’ involvement. Flin et al. (2000)
a sample of 131 OHSAS 18001-certified firms. conclude that the most commonly measured dimensions relate
B. Fernández-Muñiz et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (2012) 745–758 747
to management, safety systems, and risk, followed by work pres- It is through their participation in daily safety-related operations –
sure and competence. Guldenmund (2000) finds that the most rewarding or punishing workers’ behaviours, transmitting infor-
frequent dimensions are related to the management, risk, safety mation, or giving priority to safety over productivity – that the
arrangements, procedures, training and work pressure (Flin et al., managers communicate an attitude of concern for safety to their
2000). Wiegmann et al. (2002) identify five global components or employees, and this attitude will subsequently affect the extent
indicators of safety climate: organisational commitment, manage- to which the employees comply with operational rules and safety
ment involvement, employee empowerment, reward systems, and practices (Eiff, 1999; Flin et al., 2000; Rundmo and Hale, 2003). Con-
reporting systems. ceivably then, the greater the managers’ commitment to safety, the
In the present study the authors focus on five aspects of safety more workers are encouraged to carry out safe practices, the less
climate. They chose these dimensions empirically on the basis of work pressure is evident, and the greater the flow of communica-
both the importance attributed to them by researchers, as discussed tion.
above, and their relevance to the Spanish context. The dimen-
Hypothesis H1a. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, the
sions are: (a) management’s commitment; (b) safety behaviour and
management’s commitment to safety has a direct, positive effect
employee involvement; (c) incentives and rewards systems; (d)
on incentives for safety behaviour.
communication and information systems; and (e) work pressure.
Hypothesis H1b. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, the
management’s commitment to safety has a direct, negative effect
3. Proposed conceptual model: hypotheses on work pressure.
Hypothesis H1c. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, the
Although no consensus exists about the dimensions that make
management’s commitment to safety has a direct, positive effect
up safety climate, the conceptual models in previous studies are
on communication and the transmission of information.
quite similar. The current authors start from past research on safety
climate in non-certified organisations to propose a set of hypothe- The aim of incentives, rewards and recognition is to modify the
ses and build a model of causal relations. They test this model to ideas and values and the practices carried out in order to achieve
assess to what extent the findings obtained in non-certified organi- safety behaviour (Eiff, 1999; Glennon, 1982; Lee, 1998; Reason,
sations can be generalised to OHSAS 18001-certified organisations. 1990; Vredenburgh, 2002; Wiegmann et al., 2002; Zohar, 1980).
Authors regard the elements of safety climate as predictors of Incentives, via a properly designed safety program, reinforce infor-
unsafe behaviours or accidents in a large number of structural mod- mation about risks, and hence can reduce the number of unsafe
els (Brown et al., 2000; Cheyne et al., 1999; Lu and Tsai, 2010; acts that lead to injuries and motivate employees to participate
Thompson et al., 1998; Tomas et al., 1999), and a consensus is actively in the decision-making processes. Incentives should aim
developing that a favourable climate is essential for workers to to prevent accidents and not punish wrong-doers after accidents
do their jobs safely (Clarke, 2006; Mearns et al., 2003). Less clear happen (Peavey, 1995). A critical characteristic of incentives sys-
are the antecedents that help generate this favourable climate – a tems is that they must be highly visible within the organisation
fundamental question in view of the implications for intervention (Vredenburgh, 2002). Participants must understand that the incen-
strategies. tives programme is designed to be carried out. Thus they must
A large number of studies stress management’s commitment to understand how management will measure and assess their actions
safety as an essential element of the firm’s safety climate and as and behaviours (Halloran, 1996). At the same time, a strong organ-
an extremely important factor in achieving a good safety perfor- isational support is necessary so that workers perceive that the
mance (Cheyne et al., 1998; Cohen, 1977; Dedobbeleer and Beland, organisation values their contribution to safety (Haines et al., 2001).
1991, 1998; Donald and Canter, 1994; Fleming et al., 1996; Flin Regular communication about safety issues between managers,
et al., 2000; Gordon et al., 1996; Hale et al., 1997; Niskanen, 1994; supervisors and employees is an effective practice for improving
O’Dea and Flin, 2001; Ostrom et al., 1993; Pidgeon, 1991; Simonds safety in the workplace (Vinodkumar and Bhasi, 2010). Indeed,
and Shafari-Sahrai, 1977; Smith et al., 1978; Yule et al., 2001; Zohar, various authors argue that the level of communication in the
1980, 2000). This commitment is reflected in managers’ knowledge organisation affects the workers’ behaviour (Cohen, 1977; Cox and
of the existing problems, their conviction that the firm can achieve Cheyne, 2000; Mearns et al., 2003; Vredenburgh, 2002).
high levels of safety (Cohen, 1977; Simonds and Shafari-Sahrai, Work pressure, which includes excessive workload, mandatory
1977; Smith et al., 1978), their ability to demonstrate a lasting pos- work pace and time pressures, is a constituent factor of safety cli-
itive attitude towards safety, and their ability to promote safety mate for some authors (Diaz and Cabrera, 1997; Niskanen, 1994;
actively at all levels in the organisation. Zohar, 1980), and a determinant of workers’ safety behaviour in a
Managers’ attitudes affect their decisions, which affect the firm’s large number of studies (Brown et al., 2000; Hofmann and Stetzer,
safety priorities and policies, and these, in turn, affect employ- 1996; Seo, 2005). Work pressure probably leads to increased psy-
ees’ working conditions. These attitudes and decisions can also – chological stress among workers (Karasek and Theorell, 1990),
directly or indirectly – affect workers’ attitudes and consequently which may, in turn, increase the probability of engaging in unsafe
their behaviours (Rundmo and Hale, 2003). Nevertheless, Kletz behaviours or errors. Thus perceived work pressure mediates the
(1985) considers that the right words in a formal declaration effect of perceived safety climate on unsafe work behaviour (Brown
of principles are not enough to change workers’ behaviours and et al., 2000).
reduce accident rates; visible acts are required from the manage- Employees’ safety behaviour is fundamental for the firm’s tech-
ment. An organisation that is committed to safety must dedicate nical system to work properly. It is important to understand that
maximum efforts to ensuring that every aspect of its operations appropriate behaviours include not only workers complying with
is routinely evaluated and adjusted if necessary to improve safety. the firm’s procedures or rules, but also when workers clearly under-
The development and implementation of safety activities require stand their critical role in the promotion of safety, in other words,
that the organisation provide appropriate resources and enough when they participate actively and are involved in the drawing
support (Eiff, 1999). up of instructions and rules for the job, after management has
Managers should demonstrate their commitment through their given them the authority. Workers will be more committed to
behaviours and the firm’s management practices so that the work- occupational health and safety if they are actively involved in
ers can perceive it (Griffin and Neal, 2000; Hofmann et al., 1995). the decision-making and problem resolution (Vecchio-Sadus and
748 B. Fernández-Muñiz et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (2012) 745–758
Griffiths, 2003), have an important voice in the safety decisions, Hypothesis H5c. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations,
have the power to initiate and achieve safety improvements, con- employees’ safety behaviour has a direct, positive effect on firm
sider themselves to be responsible for their own actions, and are competitiveness.
concerned about their organisation’s safety performance. Thus,
according to Neal et al. (2000), it is possible to differentiate between Finally, workplace accidents lead to a deterioration in the inter-
two types of employees’ safety behaviour: safety compliance nal relations in the organisation, increase conflict and diminish
and safety participation. Safety compliance refers to employees’ workers’ morale, motivation, and identification with the owners
behaviour that increases their personal health and safety, while and managers, which can lead them to quit the firm (Fernández-
safety participation refers to the behaviour that increases the health Muñiz et al., 2009). Moreover, the world of work increasingly
and safety of co-workers and supports their organisation’s objec- involves the production of knowledge and services rather than
tives and goals (Vinodkumar and Bhasi, 2010). goods (Baker and Green, 1991). Knowledge is becoming a criti-
Thus incentives, communication and work pressure will affect cal factor in organisations. These changes make it clear that health
employees’ safety behaviour. The following hypotheses reflect and safety in the workplace is advantageous not only for employ-
these relations, as well as the indirect effect of management’s com- ees but also for entrepreneurs, because it is clearly beneficial to
mitment on employees’ safety behaviour: keep workers healthy and productive – workers who are difficult
to replace because they possess specific knowledge or skills. In
Hypothesis H2. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, incen- fact the loss of human resources when workers are taken away
tives and rewards have a direct, positive effect on employees’ safety from the productive process because of accidents in the workplace,
behaviour. whether temporarily or definitively, represents an important cost
Hypothesis H3. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, work to the firm. Part of their knowledge and experience cannot be sub-
pressure has a direct, negative effect on employees’ safety stituted because it is tied to individuals’ particular characteristics
behaviour. and potential (Bestratén et al., 2003).
In addition, occupational accidents cause interruptions in the
Hypothesis H4. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, commu- production process, which generate financial and opportunity costs
nication has a direct, positive effect on employees’ safety behaviour. (Andreoni, 1986; Brody et al., 1990; Grimaldi and Simonds, 1989;
Heinrich, 1959), and reduce the quantity and quality of the produc-
Previous research shows that employee involvement and safety
tion, with a consequent decline in the firm’s productivity (Hunter,
behaviour correlate with accident rates at statistically significant
1999). Accidents can also adversely affect the firm’s image and
levels (Brown et al., 2000; Donald and Young, 1996; Eiff, 1999).
reputation (Smallman and John, 2001), provoking a severe deteri-
When employees have attitudes and behaviours that are proactive
oration in its public relations. This has occasionally led consumers
towards safety, apply preventive measures correctly and partici-
to boycott certain brands or firms accused of anti-social behaviour
pate actively in safety decision-making and activity, the result is a
(Fernández-Muñiz et al., 2009). Serious accidents are a source of
better risk management and a reduction in injuries, illnesses and
adverse publicity that can have negative commercial consequences,
material damage. In fact, the more conscious workers are of the
which some authors label “social sanctions” (Gunningham, 1999).
importance of safety for avoiding injuries and the more they par-
Improving the firm’s safety performance can therefore improve
ticipate actively in drawing up work instructions and proposing
both worker satisfaction and firm competitiveness. Higher worker
preventive measures, the more likely they will be to adopt them and
satisfaction with the organisation can, in turn, improve workers’
consequently the safer their behaviours will be. The result will be a
commitment and loyalty to the firm and hence increase productiv-
reduction in the number and seriousness of injuries and incidents
ity and competitiveness. The final set of hypotheses of this work is
that cause significant material damage.
as follows:
Similarly, delegating power to the workers and allowing them
to participate actively in improving their working conditions make Hypothesis 6a. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, safety
workers more ready to accept ownership of and responsibility for performance has a direct, positive effect on employee satisfaction.
safety (Williamson et al., 1997), which, in turn, raises the workers’
safety motivation and satisfaction (Simard and Marchand, 1997). Hypothesis 6b. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, safety
On the other hand, the employees are the best placed to make performance has a direct, positive effect on firm competitiveness.
suggestions about how to improve their own working environment
(Vredenburgh, 2002), and safety measures implemented with the Hypothesis 7. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, employee
cooperation of the workers that must adopt them are more likely satisfaction has a direct, positive effect on firm competitiveness.
to be effective and meet the specific needs of the post. Thus com-
pliance with the safety rules, the contribution of suggestions for Fig. 1 shows the conceptual model of this research, with a
improvement and the delegation of power to the worker allow schematic representation of the proposed relations between man-
employees to do their work better (Cohen and Cleveland, 1983), agement’s commitment, safety behaviour, and performance.
and to reduce errors, defects and interruptions to the production
process, which generates higher worker productivity and a higher
quality of the products and services offered to the customer. The
4. Methodology
result is an improvement in customer satisfaction, and in the firm’s
image, reputation, and ultimately, competitiveness (Fernández-
4.1. Sampling technique
Muñiz et al., 2009).
Hypothesis H5a. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, In order to achieve the proposed objectives and test the above
employees’ safety behaviour has a direct, positive effect on safety hypotheses, the authors carried out an empirical study using a
performance. target population of all organisations located in Spain, whether
Spanish or non-Spanish, that possessed the OHSAS 18001 health
Hypothesis H5b. In OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, and safety certificate on 1 May 2008. To determine the size of
employees’ safety behaviour has a direct, positive effect on the population the authors accessed the websites of the main
employee satisfaction. certifying bodies. They identified 606 OHSAS 18001-certified
B. Fernández-Muñiz et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (2012) 745–758 749
H1a H2 H6a
H1b H3 Safety Employee H6b
Management’s Work behaviour satisfaction
commitment pressure
H4 H7
H1c H5c
Communication Firm
firms.3 Subsequently, in May and June 2008 the authors phoned the certified firms from the sample. Table 1 shows the distribution
each of these firms. The authors identified themselves, briefly of the firms in function of firm size, sector of activity, ownership
explained the purpose of the call, and asked to speak to the firm’s and nationality of capital, target markets, possession of ISO 9001
safety officer. quality certificate and ISO 14001 environmental certificate, and the
The authors chose the safety officer because this member of the time organisations took to obtain their OHSAS 18001 occupational
organisation has the most information about the specific practices health and safety certificate.
and procedures being carried out in the firm and has access to docu- Medium-sized firms are predominant in the sample, since 52%
mentation concerning any harm done to workers’ health. Moreover, of them have between 50 and 249 workers, while 29% have less than
the safety officer occupies an intermediate position between the 50 workers. Consequently, the great majority (81%) of the sample
management and the workers, and since the aim was to mea- firms are SMEs.
sure information from both parties the authors considered that the
information coming from this informant would be less biased and Table 1
more accurate. Profile of sample firms (N = 131).
After reaching the safety officer the authors explained the reason Characteristics Frequency %
for the call and the objectives of the research, stressed the bene-
Size (no. employees)
fits of the study for the firm to encourage interest, and requested <50 38 29.3
that they collaborate by filling out a questionnaire, which would be 50–249 68 51.6
sent to them in the most convenient way for them: fax, or post. To >249 25 19.1
Sector of activity
incentivise response the authors guaranteed the confidentiality of
Agriculture & Mining 4 3.1
all the information provided and of the names of the participating Industry 50 38.2
firms, and offered to send the firms a report with the conclusions Construction 48 36.6
of the research at the end. Services 29 22.1
Through this process the authors identified 307 firms willing to Ownership of capital
Private 121 92.5
participate in the study. The authors then sent the questionnaires
Public 7 5.4
along with a presentation letter, which reiterated the objectives of Mixed 3 2.1
the study and reminded respondents of the importance of com- Nationality of capital
pleting and returning the questionnaire so the researchers could Spanish 102 78.1
Non-Spanish 18 13.5
complete their research.
Mixed 11 8.3
But not all the firms that had initially committed to partici- Target markets
pate in the study returned the questionnaire. Of the 307 firms that Local market (in Spain) 30 23.3
had initially agreed to participate, 131 completed and returned the Spanish market 55 41.9
questionnaire satisfactorily. The response rate considering only the International market 46 34.9
Quality certificate
questionnaires sent was 42%. Throughout the data collection pro-
Yes 127 96.9
cess the authors had the benefit of invaluable collaboration from No 4 3.1
AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification), Environmental certificate
which helped them access a large number of firms. Yes 119 90.8
No 12 9.2
The authors included classification questions in the question-
Time taken to obtain OHSAS certificate
naire to identify the most important characteristics or profile of 6 months 34 25.8
12 months 75 57.3
18 months 11 8.1
3 24 months 7 5.6
The actual number of certified firms is much higher, since not all certifiers report
>24 months 4 3.2
the firms they certify.
Table 2
Measurement scales of study variables.
Management’s commitment
Commit1 The managers do everything possible to avoid accidents Carder and Ragan (2003), Cox and
Commit2 The managers are aware of the main safety problems in the firm Cheyne (2000), Donald and Canter
Commit3 The employees are treated fairly when they report a work-related injury (1994), Grote and Künzler (2000),
Commit4 The employees believe that management values safe behaviour Mearns et al. (2003), Rundmo and
Commit5 The firm stops work if safety problems arise despite the economic costs Hale (2003), Vredenburgh (2002)
Commit6 The top managers frequently visit installations to observe the safety conditions and Wu and Lee (2003)
The firms are distributed quite evenly among the sectors of 5. Results
activity. Specifically, 38% of the firms belong to the industrial sec-
tor, 37% to construction, 22% to services, and only 3% to agriculture 5.1. Estimation of measurement model
and mining. The firms are overwhelmingly private (92.5%), with
Spanish capital (78%), and they target the Spanish national market The authors subjected the proposed scales to a process
(42%) or international markets (35%). of evaluation, focusing on the study of their psychometric
Practically all the firms have the ISO 9001 quality certificate properties. Specifically, they analysed their dimensionality, exam-
(97%) and ISO 14001 environmental certificate (91%). Clearly, some ined the reliability of their composition and evaluated the content,
type of synergy exists between the three systems. Finally, the data convergent and discriminant validity of each scale, following the
show that firms take approximately 1 year on average to obtain the original proposals of Churchill (1979) and Anderson and Gerbing
OHSAS 18001 certificate. (1988). For this purpose, the authors conducted principal com-
ponents exploratory factor analyses with varimax rotation, and
4.2. Measurement scales confirmatory factor analyses using structural equation modelling,
employing the statistics programs SPSS/PC version 18.0 for Win-
The measurement scales of the concepts used in this work were dows and EQS version 6.1 for Windows, respectively. Table 3
constructed following a multiple indicator approach. Thus each contains the means, standard deviations, reliabilities and inter-
concept was measured using various items or variables (Table 2). correlations of all the measures.
This process for generating items involved successive stages. First,
the authors conducted an exhaustive review of previous research 5.1.1. Dimensionality study
on safety climate and safety management (Brown and Holmes, The evaluation process began by carrying out a principal com-
1986; Bentley and Haslam, 2001; Carder and Ragan, 2003; Cooper ponents exploratory factor analysis, considering all the items
and Philips, 1994; Coyle et al., 1995; Cox and Cox, 1991; Cox and proposed for each dimension. This analysis reflected a scale compo-
Cheyne, 2000; Dedobbeleer and Beland, 1991; DeJoy et al., 2004; sition in accordance with the starting assumptions, in other words,
Diaz and Cabrera, 1997; Donald and Canter, 1994; Glendon and it confirmed the unidimensionality of the factors management’s
Litherland, 2001; Grote and Künzler, 2000; Hayes et al., 1998; Lu commitment, incentives, work pressure and communication, the
and Shang, 2005; Mearns et al., 2003; Niskanen, 1994; Rundmo bi-dimensionality of safety behaviour (safety compliance and
and Hale, 2003; Seo, 2005; Silva et al., 2004; Siu et al., 2004; safety participation), and the tri-dimensionality of firm per-
Vredenburgh, 2002; Williamson et al., 1997; Wu and Lee, 2003; formance (safety performance, employee satisfaction, and firm
Zohar, 1980). This process provided a pool of items to measure the competitiveness). Subsequently, the authors carried out first-order
concepts considered in this research. confirmatory factor analyses on the proposed models for safety
After drawing up a preliminary list of items and a draft ver- climate – management’s commitment, incentives, work pressure,
sion of the questionnaire, the authors refined the questionnaire communication, safety compliance and safety participation – and
to eliminate redundant items. Various PhDs and senior professors firm performance – safety performance, employee satisfaction, and
in management studies participated in this process, and a num- firm competitiveness (Table 4). The resulting proposed measure-
ber of modifications were made to the initial items. Subsequently, ment models of safety climate and performance had an acceptable
to ensure face validity, the authors organised a series of in-depth model-to-data fit (Bentler, 1995; Hair et al., 1998). The chi-square
interviews with senior safety professionals with a long experience value of the safety climate model was 254.280 for 191 degrees of
in the identification and control of occupational risks (Vinodkumar freedom, and was statistically significant at p < 0.01, below the min-
and Bhasi, 2011). These interviews revealed the need to make fur- imum level of 0.05. In contrast, the 2 of the performance model
ther modifications to some of the items. Finally, after selecting the was 52.573 for 40 degrees of freedom, and was not statistically sig-
definitive items, the authors subjected the questionnaire to a pre- nificant (p > 0.05). Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that
test involving eight firms from different sectors and of different the chi-square is sensitive to sample size (Bentler and Bonnet,
sizes to check whether the respondents understood the questions 1980). Consequently the authors also examined other indices in
correctly, to add, eliminate, or modify items according to their each model. In both models, the RMSEA (root mean square error of
suggestions and comments, and to verify the applicability of the approximation) index is below 0.08, the BBNNFI (Bentler–Bonett
questionnaire to Spanish firms. All items were worded neutrally non-normed fit index), CFI (comparative fit index), and IFI (Bollen
to avoid causing biases, and all were measured on 5-point Likert fit index) are above 0.9, and the GFI (goodness-of-fit index) is
scales (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither disagree nor around 0.9. No consensus exists in the literature about the optimum
agree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree). value of each of these fit indices, so the authors adopted the most
The performance indicators were measured subjectively. The demanding and conservative position in this work. Other authors
respondents had to report their degree of satisfaction with these have been less strict, and practically all the indices would have
indicators on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from “1 = very unsat- reached the recommended levels if the current authors had done
isfied” to “5 = very satisfied”. The level of satisfaction with the likewise. For example, Dawes et al. (1998), Jöreskog and Sörbom
indicators was measured taking into account the trend followed (1993) and Mueller (1996) consider that results above 0.8 are suf-
by them in recent years and the firm’s position with respect to ficient for the GFI.
the sector average. Subjective indicators were chosen in view of
the managers’ refusal to provide objective performance data. Occa- 5.1.2. Reliability analysis
sionally, this refusal was due to managers’ ignorance of these data, The reliability study indicates the degree of internal consis-
the firm lacking an adequate record of this information. At other tency between the multiple variables that make up the scale,
times managers were fearful of making their accident data pub- and represents the extent to which the indicators or items of
lic because of the possible legal consequences. At the same time, a the scale are measuring the same concepts. For the purpose of
large amount of empirical evidence has found a significant positive guaranteeing the maximum reliability of the scales proposed, the
correlation between objective and subjective estimations of per- authors calculated Cronbach’s ˛ coefficient (Cronbach, 1951) and
formance (Hansen and Wernerfelt, 1989; Lyles and Salk, 1997). The the Composite Reliability Index for each 1-dimensional critical
Appendix A shows the format used in the questionnaire to measure factor identified in the previous section. As Table 3 shows, all the
performance. unidimensional subscales present Cronbach ˛ coefficients greater
752 B. Fernández-Muñiz et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (2012) 745–758
Table 3
Means, standard deviations, reliabilities and correlations.
Abbreviations: management commitment (MC); incentives (IN); work pressure (WP); communication (CO); safety compliance (SC); safety participation (SP); safety perfor-
mance (SA); employee satisfaction (ES); firm competitiveness (FC).
Correlation is significant at 0.05 level.
Correlation is significant at 0.01 level.
than 0.7, considered to be an adequate level of reliability to test 5.2. Estimation of proposed structural model
causal relations (Nunnally, 1978), except the factor work pressure.
Nevertheless, the Cronbach ˛ for this factor exceeds 0.6, which To test the proposed model, the authors used structural equa-
is acceptable in exploratory studies (Hair et al., 1998). Moreover, tion modelling. This statistical technique, which is common in the
Table 4 shows that the composite reliability index for this factor literature (Brown et al., 2000; Huang et al., 2006; Lu and Tsai, 2010;
exceeds Bagozzi and Yi’s (1988) minimum recommended level of Seo, 2005; Silva et al., 2004; Siu et al., 2004), allows authors to test
0.6, so the authors decided to retain work pressure. complex models of relations between variables considering all the
model relations simultaneously. The goodness-of-fit indices of the
5.1.3. Validity analysis proposed model may be considered satisfactory (Fig. 2), since they
The authors verified the validity of the scales by considering are very close to the recommended values.
the content validity, convergent validity and discriminant validity. With regard to the hypothesis tests, the coefficients reflected
The content validity can be accepted bearing in mind that the pro- in the model confirm that management’s commitment has a
posed scales were designed following an exhaustive review of the direct, positive influence on incentives and communication, and
literature and subjected to a process of revision involving in-depth a direct, negative influence on work pressure, providing support
interviews with senior safety professionals. The convergent valid- for hypotheses H1a, H1b and H1c.
ity of a concept evaluates the extent to which two measurements At the same time, the results show that communication has a
of the concept may be correlated (Hair et al., 1998). Convergent direct, positive effect on employees’ safety behaviour. In contrast,
validity can be analysed by means of standardised factorial regres- the effects of incentives and work pressure on employees’ safety
sion coefficients relating each observed variable with the latent behaviour are not statistically significant (t-values < 1.96). Thus the
one (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988), in other words, by means of authors can offer support for Hypothesis H4 but not for hypotheses
standardised lambda parameters. A strong condition of convergent H2 or H3.
validity is that those coefficients exceed 0.5 and are significant at Safety behaviour has a direct, positive effect on all three
a confidence level of 95%, which requires values greater than 1.96. performance dimensions, namely safety performance, employee
The values of the coefficients and the t-values appear in Table 4. satisfaction and firm competitiveness, which provides support for
All subscales fulfil both conditions, therefore confirming the con- hypotheses H5a, H5b and H5c, respectively.
vergent validity of the proposed scales. The discriminant validity Finally, the results show that safety performance has a direct,
indicates the extent to which two conceptually similar concepts positive effect on employee satisfaction, and employee satisfac-
differ, and was verified by Anderson and Gerbing’s (1988) method- tion, in turn, has a positive effect on firm competitiveness, but the
ology. This involves estimating the confidence interval around the direct effect of safety performance on firm competitiveness is non-
parameters that indicate the correlation between the six unidi- significant. Thus the authors can offer support for hypotheses H6a
mensional factors of safety climate on the one hand, and the three and H7 but not for Hypothesis H6b.
unidimensional factors of performance on the other, bearing in
mind the value of these parameters and the corresponding stan- 6. Discussion
dardised errors, to check that no interval includes 1.
Having tested the reliability and validity of the six safety cli- A number of previous studies have tried to identify the factors
mate scales and the three performance scales, the next step was to that improve safety and reduce occupational accidents in organi-
specify a second-order confirmatory factor analysis to test whether sations. But it is still not clear what contributes to the occurrence
the dimensions safety compliance and safety participation form of accidents or injuries (Lu and Tsai, 2010), particularly in organi-
part of the broader construct labelled safety behaviour. Table 5 sations certified in occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001),
describes the estimation of this model. The goodness-of-fit indices which have been the focus of very few empirical studies to date.
show that the second-order confirmatory factor analysis improves In the current work the authors analyse the safety climate as
on the first-order confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, the a determinant of safety performance and firm competitiveness in
authors evaluated the resulting standardised lambda parameters, OHSAS 18001-certified organisations.
and also the confidence intervals of the correlations between the Authors have studied the relation between safety climate and
factors, in order to re-check the convergent and discriminant valid- safety performance in different contexts (e.g., Cheyne et al., 1998;
ity. Thus the test of the model uses five dimensions of safety Cooper and Phillips, 2004; Dedobbeleer and Beland, 1991; Diaz
climate: management’s commitment, incentives, work pressure, and Cabrera, 1997; Gittleman et al., 2010; Glendon and Litherland,
communication and safety behaviour, with this latter construct 2001; Griffin and Neal, 2000; Lu and Tsai, 2010; Lu and Yang,
being composed of the factors safety compliance and safety par- 2011; Mearns et al., 2003; Neal et al., 2000; Niskanen, 1994), and
ticipation. safety climate is recognised as an important determinant in the
Table 4
1st-order confirmatory factor analyses.
Dimension variables Composite reliability index Standardised lambda parameters t-Values Dimension–dimension Correlation Confidence interval
F1: management’s commitment 0.863
Commit1 0.749 7.699 F1–F2 0.511 (0.329–0.693)
Commit2 0.628 7.748 F1–F3 −0.391 (−0.587 to −0.195)
Commit3 0.610 5.665 F1–F4 0.775 (0.641–0.909)
Commit4 0.691 7.967 F1–F5 0.547 (0.365–0.729)
Commit5 0.721 7.478 F1–F6 0.602 (0.458–0.746)
Commit6 0.538 6.589 F2–F3 0.024 (−0.240–0.288)
Commit7 0.627 9.051 F2–F4 0.637 (0.433–0.841)
Commit8 0.734 10.286 F2–F5 0.349 (0.135–0.563)
F2: incentives 0.797 F2–F6 0.268 (0.04–0.496)
Incent1 0.764 9.730 F3–F4 −0.387 (−0.623 to −0.151)
Dimension variables Composite reliability index Standardised lambda parameters t-Values Dimensions correlation (confidence interval)
754 B. Fernández-Muñiz et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (2012) 745–758
Table 5
2nd-order confirmatory factor analysis for safety climate.
Dimension sub-dimension variables Standardised lambda parameters t-Values Dimension–dimension Correlation Confidence interval
organisation’s efforts to enhance safety behaviour and prevent have in place a safety policy, a plan of activities and verification
accidents in the workplace. But very few studies have focused systems focused on reducing occupational risk.
on OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, which have already A large number of authors consider the safety climate – under-
implemented a health and safety management system and which stood as the set of perceptions shared by the employees about
-0.045 0.270 0.410
0.488 (-0.585) (2.687) (3.212)
0.335 0.151
-0.373 -0.122 (3.064) (1.460)
(-2.483) (-1.035) Safety Employee
Management’ Work behaviour satisfaction
s commitment pressure
0.864 0.555
(6.752) 0.192 (3.732)
0.816 (2.121)
Communication Firm
Fig. 2. Results of proposed structural model. Note: t-values in parentheses. t-Value above 1.96 indicates significant at 95% confidence level.
B. Fernández-Muñiz et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (2012) 745–758 755
safety policies, procedures and practices – to be a multidimen- Thus the more knowledge workers have, the better they use
sional factor that can have a positive effect on safety in the firm safety mechanisms, which has positive repercussions for safety
(Vinodkumar and Bhasi, 2009). But the existing research on the compliance (Cheyne et al., 1998; Griffin and Neal, 2000). More-
climate lacks consistency (Wu et al., 2007). The literature review over, open communication makes employees feel less nervous
for the current work allowed the authors to identify five key about raising and discussing safety issues with their supervi-
dimensions of safety climate that the majority of the previous stud- sors (Ciguralov et al., 2010). Thus the greater the level of open
ies use: management’s commitment, workers’ incentives, work communication with a focus on problem-solving and learning,
pressure, communication, and employees’ safety behaviour. the more workers become involved in safety management and
The authors measured these dimensions using a total of 22 the more suggestions they offer about potential improvements
items. They subjected the measurement scales to a rigorous pro- to their jobs, which implies a greater level of safety partici-
cess to confirm their reliability and construct validity. This process pation (Griffin and Neal, 2000). Thus, and in the same line as
revealed the bi-dimensionality of the concept safety behaviour, Mearns et al. (2003), communication of health and safety issues
which consists of safety compliance and safety participation. This to the workforce can be viewed as a key stage of organisational
is in line with previous work (e.g., Neal et al., 2000; Vinodkumar learning that proceeds from accident/near miss investigations,
and Bhasi, 2010). For the current authors, the dimensions of safety safety audits or changes to procedures.
climate are interrelated, which led them to propose and test a
structural equation model. They drew the following conclusions In short, according to the results of the current work the
from the empirical study: only factor that has a direct effect on safety behaviour in OHSAS
18001-certified organisations is the fluid communication between
• Management’s commitment has a negative effect on work pres- organisation members and the transmission of information to
sure and a positive effect on incentives and communication. Thus the worker. That communication does, however, depend on the
the more committed managers are to safety, the more likely they level of commitment of the firm’s management. Thus manage-
will reward workers’ safety behaviour and transmit the informa- ment’s commitment towards safety has an indirect effect on safety
tion workers need to be able to do their work with the maximum behaviour via communication. According to this result, OHSAS
safety, and the less pressures workers will face to finish their work 18001-certified firms can improve safety behaviour and encourage
quickly. more active worker participation by making every effort to improve
• Work pressure has no effect on safety behaviour. The results show their communication, but at the same time they should not forget
a negative relation – as was expected – but this is not significant. managers’ important role in promoting that communication.
It should be borne in mind that the authors tested their model On the other hand, Wu et al. (2007) consider that the quality
using a sample of OHSAS 18001-certified firms. These firms have of the climate in an organisation may affect its performance. In
gone through an audit process to verify their compliance with the firms with a positive organisational climate and a friendly atmo-
standard, which requires that safety be taken extremely seriously, sphere, employees are more likely to exploit their potential, a
that managers be highly committed, and that workers be trained situation that helps the organisation achieve its objectives. In con-
in and conscious of safety issues. Thus OHSAS 18001-certified trast, employees’ motivation will inevitably be suppressed in an
firms apparently have less work pressure and their managers unhealthy organisational climate, which will result in a poor organ-
are committed to and prioritise safety. Moreover, where these isational performance. The findings of the current study confirm
pressures do exist the workers seem to put their safety before that theory by providing empirical support for the important role
production orders and know what to do in situations of risk. In of safety behaviour in the three measures of performance consid-
short, compliance with the rules and the active participation of ered. The results show that the safer the employees’ behaviour, the
the workers do not depend on the work pressure exerted by the better the safety performance, the higher the employee satisfaction
managers in OHSAS 18001-certified firms. It would be interesting and the higher the firm’s competitiveness.
to test this model using a sample of firms without OHSAS 18001 Human action is critical for the firm’s technical system to work
certification to determine if any differences exist in the relation properly. Although the firm may have in place the appropriate
work pressure-safety behaviour between the two groups of firms. technical measures to prevent workplace risks, workers’ actions
• Likewise, and contradicting the hypothesis, incentives or rewards – conscious or unconscious – can generate unexpected outcomes.
have no effect on safety behaviour. In OHSAS 18001-certified Even if the safety procedures are optimal from the technical per-
firms safety management seems to be integrated into the rest spective, the accident rate may remain the same or fall less than
of the organisation’s functions and the workers participate in expected because the workers do not know about or understand
safety and comply with the rules and safety procedures willingly the safe procedures or because they consider them unnecessary. In
rather than because of any reward or punishment that they might contrast, when workers carry out safety behaviour through their
receive. This result is in line with Vinodkumar and Bhasi’s (2011) compliance with safety rules and procedures and their personal
finding that safety promotion policies are not significant predic- involvement in activities improving working conditions and in
tors of safety behaviour in OHSAS 18001-certified organisations. drawing up and implementing the safety plan, the result is a better
The result suggests that firms may use incentives or safety pro- safety performance, in other words, a reduction in the number of
motion policies mainly to increase employees’ general awareness accidents and incidents. Moreover, safety behaviour and involve-
about safety, and that these techniques may not be effective at ment in the firm’s safety improve workers’ satisfaction and reduce
generating safety behaviour in these organisations, where this absenteeism, because the workers feel an important part of the
awareness already exists. organisation and that the organisation values their opinions and
• Communication about safety and the transmission of information contributions. Likewise, the results show that safety behaviour has
about the risks workers face, how to combat them and the pro- a positive effect on the firm’s competitiveness, which means that
cedures to follow do, in contrast, have a direct, positive effect the more involved workers are in the firm’s safety and the more
on safety behaviour. Consequently, open communication and contributions they make, the fewer errors they will make, the bet-
frequent interactions between employees and managers favour ter the quality of the products, the better the service delivered to
safety behaviour. This result is consistent with conclusions from the customer, and the higher their productivity. All this will have
previous research in other contexts (e.g., Cheyne et al., 1998; positive repercussions for customer satisfaction and the firm’s rep-
Ciguralov et al., 2010; Griffin and Neal, 2000; Mearns et al., 2003). utation and image, and ultimately its competitiveness.
756 B. Fernández-Muñiz et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (2012) 745–758
In parallel, according to the results of this work the firm’s com- 7. Conclusions
petitiveness directly depends on the employees’ level of satisfac-
tion, because the more satisfied the employees are, the more identi- The results of this study provide strong empirical support
fied with and committed to the organisation they will be, which will for two antecedents (communication directly, and management’s
clearly have positive repercussions for the firm. In turn, workers’ commitment indirectly) and three consequences (safety perfor-
satisfaction is conditioned by the absence of incidents and acci- mance, employee satisfaction and firm competitiveness) of safety
dents. Although the results do not offer support for the direct effect behaviour in OHSAS 18001-certified organisations. The paper iden-
of safety performance on competitiveness, they do confirm the indi- tifies five critical dimensions of safety climate. These dimensions
rect effect via employee satisfaction. This failure to support the are interdependent, and so the authors proposed a structural equa-
direct effect of safety performance on competitiveness may be due tion model that examines the relations between management’s
to the fact that the study is cross-sectional rather than longitudinal. commitment and safety behaviour and the three abovementioned
Summing up, the OHSAS 18001 standard alone is not sufficient; measures of performance.
firms must have a favourable safety climate in place to be able This work provides support for the validity and reliability
to use this tool to achieve the objective of zero accidents in the of the five safety climate and three performance dimensions.
workplace and improved competitiveness. The results of this study The test of the proposed structural model shows that in OHSAS
show that safety behaviour has a critical role in achieving that 18001-certified organisations, safety behaviour depends directly
objective, and that the fundamental tool for achieving an increas- on the communication that exists in the firm and indirectly
ing involvement of these organisations’ workers is communication, on management’s commitment, given the effect of manage-
which is, in turn, conditioned by the level of management commit- ment’s commitment on the communication transmitted to the
ment. The results of this study provide strong empirical support for employees.
the proposed antecedents and consequences of safety behaviour in This research also confirms the important role of the employ-
OHSAS 18001-certified organisations. These findings provide valu- ees in OHSAS 18001-certified organisations, not only in the
able guidance for researchers and practitioners for identifying the improvement of the firm’s safety performance but also in that
principal mechanisms by which they can improve safety in those of its competitiveness. OHSAS 18001 certification is not there-
organisations. fore the end but the beginning of a stage in which organisations
In addition, the use of firm-level data is an important con- can continue to improve their safety levels by establishing
tribution to the literature because most of the previous studies channels of fluid communication. High levels of management
use individual-level data, generally collected from employees. The commitment are necessary for this to happen. This work pro-
managerial perspective is also important as managers are respon- vides interesting information for researchers and practitioners
sible for implementing safety policy and their experiences of since it identifies the main tool that needs to be used in
climate-like factors have implications for how they emphasise order to improve safety in OHSAS 18001-certified organisa-
safety in their own actions. But the study has assumed that firm- tions.
level data have the same underlying structure as individual-level
data. It must be borne in mind that management groups, especially Acknowledgements
superintendents and executives, tend to hold more positive views
about the safety climate in their organisation than the workers This study has received support in the form of financing from
(Gittleman et al., 2010). Thus the nature of the data could affect the following research projects:
the interpretation of the findings and could explain why some of
the hypotheses were not supported. This aspect requires further - “La auditoría reglamentaria de los sistemas de prevención de ries-
investigation. gos laborales en España: Evaluación de resultados” (The mandatory
This work suffers from a number of limitations. First, although audit of occupational health and safety management systems
the authors defined the constructs used in this research as pre- in Spain: Evaluation of results), financed by the Regional Min-
cisely as possible, based on the available relevant literature, and istry of Education and Science of the Principality of Asturias
they carried out a meticulous process of generation and revision of (Consejería de Educación y Ciencia del Principado de Asturias),
items, the measures developed should be understood as an approx- Spain.
imation to latent phenomena, which cannot be measured in full. - “La cultura de seguridad como elemento clave para lograr entornos
Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the relations were eval- de trabajo seguros y saludables” (Safety culture as key element to
uated from the perspective of the firm’s safety officer. Employees’ achieve safe and healthy working environments), financed by the
opinions were not taken into account, an aspect that would have Spanish National Institute of Health and Safety at Work (Instituto
given a more complete picture of the results. Likewise, the study Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo).
focused on a particular moment in time, so it is cross-sectional
and not longitudinal in nature. The limitations detected in this Also, sincere thanks are due to AENOR for their invaluable col-
study indicate possible future lines of research. Thus, it would be laboration, and in particular to Health and Safety officer Mr. Agustín
extremely valuable to obtain information on the employees, to Sánchez-Toledo Ledesma.
evaluate the effect that safety climate has on safety performance
and on employee satisfaction and motivation. Likewise, and due to Appendix A. Format used in questionnaire to measure
the time lag between improving working conditions and obtaining performance
superior performance, it would be interesting to use panel data to
attempt to confirm the causal relations detected. Finally, it would be Please indicate your firm’s LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (1 = very
extremely interesting to evaluate the effect of organisational vari- unsatisfied; 5 = very satisfied) with each of the following aspects,
ables such as size, sector, ownership of capital and target markets bearing in mind the trend in recent years and the firm’s position in
on safety climate and safety performance. comparison to the sector average:
B. Fernández-Muñiz et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (2012) 745–758 757
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Material damage
Worker satisfaction
Workers’ complaints about their working conditions
Workers quitting the firm
Product quality
Customer satisfaction
Image and reputation
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