Iso 45001
Iso 45001
Iso 45001
Renáta Kleinová 1 – Petra Szaryszová 2
Abstract: Many organization seek how to implement and certify multiple management system standards (MMS). To
easily integrate these management system standards, the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) has
produced Annex SL that describes the framework for the generic management systems. According to this
Annex SL, all new or revise standards will have the High-level structure. New ISO 45001 Standard will have
this HLS structure and its publication is expected at the end of 2016. This paper shows differences in the
structure the present OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard and the future new ISO 45001:2016 Standard and gives
the view of preparing works associated with the publication of this standard.
Note: See the journal’s instructions for authors for details on style. This document is a template for this journal.
In 1919 International Labour Organization
In the field of increasing health and safety (ILO) was formed in order in order to create the
legislation and liabilities, organizations of all sizes and international principles for the protection of labour,
industry sectors are now looking the framework at implement them into national laws of the Member
management systems for improving the health and States and to manage their application. So far, about
safety performance. 190 conventions were adopted for the protection of
OHSAS 18001 is the right choice for labour and many of them also relate to safety at work.
identifying and managing occupational health and In 1989 Council Directive 89/391/EEC on the
safety risks and hazards. It is International Standard introduction of measures to encourage improvements
that sets out the requirements for occupational health in the safety and health of workers at work was
and safety framework. It can be adapted to all types of adopted. This directive defined the principles of the
organizations to help them to eliminate or minimalize prevention, framework responsibilities of employers
operational risks and hazards. On the basis of this and employees. The implementing directives followed
standard the organizations can create the best possible this directive and determined the Occupation Health
working conditions that help to meet legal, industry and Safety (OSH) requirements of workers, working
and customer requirements. conditions and working environment with a focus on
work equipment, protective equipment, manipulation
2 HISTORY with loads, work with screens, asbestos, chemical
substances and so on.
The area of OSH was complicated and
Already long time ago, people discovered that
therefore the effective health and safety management
any work and working tools bring a variety of dangers
system was issued. In addition to health and safety of
of accidents and therefore they have been looking for
employees and other persons concerned, this
ways how to prevent the injuries. Step by step the
management system ensured the safety of
security measures were creating with the complexity
manufacturing facilities as well. The publication of
and the division of labour. The development of the
OHSAS 18001:1999 was very important.
manufactures and the industrial revolution brought new
problems relating to safety at work and technical
equipment. People worked several hours a day, 3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND
including children. When the employee had the injury, SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
it was only his/her matter. They were dismissed from
work without any right. In the middle of the 19th OHSAS 18001 is a British Standard for
century the industrial states began to protect the occupational health and safety management system
employees through the laws and determined to ensure (OHSMS). The system allows effectively manage the
the safety at work for employers. Great War destroyed risks and hazards to health and safety at work (OSH). It
the first attempts at international agreements to prevent includes the organization structure, planning activities,
the injuries. responsibilities, practices, directives, processes and
resources to design, implement, maintain and review
the system and policy of the organization. A number of In 2007 OHSAS 18001:1999 passed by
the standards, specifications and manuals were issued revision. The present structure of this standard is
for this system. All are based on the Deming PDCA shown in Fig. 1.
cycle of continuous improvement and the process
approach. Nowadays this standard is under revision, too
(see Fig. 3).
The outcome of the work of ISO/TMB risk, people, workplace and so on) in order to allow
(Technical Management Board) /JTCG (Joint technical participants to contribute to the discussions. PC
Coordination Group on MSS) has to have the identical examined the timeline for the development of ISO
clauses and sub-clauses titles, identical text and 45001:2016 Standard and determined the target date
common terms and core definitions. for publication in October 2016. The development of
All new or revised projects have to undergo a this management system standard will be kept as “live”
justification study. The justification criteria questions document that will be allowed to evolve as necessary
in Appendix 1 of Annex SL are based on the following instead of fixing it.
principles: The first working draft WD1 was produced
in December 2013. The comments on the first working
1. Market relevance – any management system draft will be reviewing at March 31 – April 4. on PC
standard has to meet the needs of the primary users Meeting regarding the development Committee Draft 1
and other affected parties, and add value for the (CD1) in Cassablanca (Morocco). In May 2015 the
primary users and other affected parties. CD1 should be published. The first Draft International
2. Compatibility – between various management standard should be published by February 2015 (DIS),
system standards and within the family of MMS the first Draft International Standard (FDIS) should be
have to be maintained. published by March 2016 and Final ISO 45001
3. Topic coverage – MMS has to have the sufficient Standard should be published in October 2016 (see Fig.
application coverage to eliminate or minimize the 3).
need for sector specific variances.
4. Flexibility –MMS has to be applicable to the
organizations in all relevant sectors, cultures and
every size.
5. Free trade – MMS has to permit the free trade of
goods and services included in the WTO
Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.
6. Applicability of conformity assessment
7. Exclusions – MMS should not include directly
related product, specifications, test methods,
performance levels and other forms of
standardizations. Fig. 3 Plan of ISO 45001 publication
8. Ease of use – MMS should be ensured that the user
can easily implement one or more MSS.
In January 2014 was the first face-to-face
5 NEW ISO 45001:2016 STANDARD meeting of the United States Technical Advisory
Group (US TAG) in Washington DC. The purpose of
this meeting was to review the recently released first
The new ISO 45001 Standard on Occupational
Working Draft (WD1) of future ISO 45001
health and safety management system is being creating
Occupational Health and Safety Standard and effort to
by Project Committee ISO/PC 283 that was established
find consensus among the members of the United
in June 2013 by the ISO Technical Management Board
States Technical Advisory Group in respect of US
(ISO/TMB) following a review of the results of the
position on important technical issues. What
new work item proposal (NWIP) ballot. The Secretarial
requirements should standard include and what
was assigned to the British Standards Institution (BSI)
information should be presented in the Annex A as
with David Smith from UK as Chairman, and Charles
guidance was discussed.
Corrie as the Secretary. The first meeting of the
New standard will have High-Level Structure
committee ISO/PC 283 was in October 2013 at the
(HLS) according to ISO Annex SL (previously ISO
Holiday Inn Hotel, Brentford Lock London. 83
Guide 83). It means that the standard will have the
delegates from 27 Member bodies and 5 Liaison
common format for all new and revised ISO
members attended that meeting. They decided that the
management standards. The structure of this standard
future standard would carry the number ISO 45001,
should be the same as is shown in Fig. 4. This structure
because the number 18001 has already been assigned
will be supplemented by other sub-clauses or sub-sub-
to a different standard.
clauses from the Occupational health and safety area.
The purpose of that meeting was to review the
New standard ISO 45001 should support new
comments received on the revise draft and to produce
areas of management systems to ensure better
the first Working Draft (WD1).
compatibility and systems governance, making the
At first PC had to establish the Organization
implementation within the organization a lot smoother.
sub-structure to manage its work. It was the reason
The published standard will apply to any organization
why Working Group 1 was established with Kristian
wishing to establish and implement the internationally
Glaesel from Denmark as the Convener and Karin
health and safety management system to reduce or
Bagge from Sweden as Secretary.
minimalize risks to personnel and other relevant
PC held Open Forum session after the opening
parties, maintain and constantly improve their health
plenary meeting to consider some key issues (such as
and safety performance, and keep all operations in line
with their stated health and safety policies to the The WD (Working Draft) currently requires
internationally recognized standard. the hierarchy of control in clause 8.1.2 of the standard.
A lot of OH&S professionals are familiar with this
hierarchy of control. It prefers elimination of the
hazard as the best choice for controlling OH&S risk.
The current WD1 (Working Draft 1) states the
following: “When determining prevention and control
measures, or considering changes to existing controls,
consideration shall be given to reducing the risks
according to the following hierarchy:
a) Eliminate the hazard,
b) Substitution with less hazardous
materials, processes, operations or
c) Use engineering controls,
d) Signage/warnings,
e) Administrative controls,
f) Personal protective equipment.
These steps are very similar to those steps that
are listed in the American National Standard Institute,
ANSI Z10, the clause 5.1.2. The clause 4.3.1 of
OHSAS 18001 has the similar requirements that are
listed in 5 steps.
ISO 45001 Project Committee (PC) will be
able to avoid protracted discussions and negotiations
over the content of the requirement section of the
standard, which in turn will help the PC meet the tight
deadline (3 years) for publication of the standard.
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