The Perceived Effects of Parents Separation To The Academic Performance of Nursing Students
The Perceived Effects of Parents Separation To The Academic Performance of Nursing Students
The Perceived Effects of Parents Separation To The Academic Performance of Nursing Students
Major Problems:
1. What are the perceived effects of parents’ separation towards the academic
nursing students?
Minor Problems:
1. How many nursing students are affected to the separation of their parents and
2. Do having separated parents can really affect the academic performance of the
nursing students?
students because if their parents got separated usually emotional problems set
students emotional aspect that can lead to loss of motivation to learn and to
study, depression, sadness, loss of focus to study and can lead to severe
emotional burden or problem these perceived effects can affect the student to
The alarming increase of the incidence of parents’ separation really affects the
siblings most especially on their academic performance. This chapter tackles some citations,
ideas and findings of researchers when it comes to separation of parents, academic performance
When parties decide to separate, but not yet get divorced, it may be necessary for them to
obtain what is often called a “legal separation.” A legal separation can generally be achieved in
two ways: first, a couple can simply agree to draft a contract between themselves, which sets
arrangements, support for each other and the children, custody and visitation arrangements, the
use of property, taxes, insurance, and other important matters. In most states, there is no
requirement that such a settlement agreement be filed with the court, or that the court be
A second, more formal approach to achieving a “legal separation” entails filing a legal
action in the court system. This may be known as a Complaint for Separate Maintenance or some
variation of those terms. The filing of such a legal action ultimately obtains the endorsement of
the court.
The parties still have the right to settle their case, and to sign a contract or settlement
agreement setting forth all of their wishes. If they cannot settle, then the judge will be asked to
fix the terms and conditions of their separation arrangement. Whether the case is settled by
agreement or decided by the judge, a court order or final judgment will ultimately be issued at
Many important legal consequences arise from living separately. For example, in many
states, if one spouse dies while the parties are married but living separately, the other spouse may
be prohibited from claiming an elective share from the estate because he or she is not included in
the deceased spouse’s will. Therefore, it is important to seek sound legal advice before
Concern about separation is partly fuelled by the rise in the separation rate and the
numbers of children affected by family changes. There is also growing concern about the role of
fathers and the need for children to maintain a good relationship with both their parents. Recent
years have seen the development of a growing range of services designed to help children and
Researchers suggest the need to see parental separation not as an event but as a process
which begins long before a parent departs and continues throughout childhood. They stress the
importance both of making sure that children are told clearly what is happening and of listening
sensitively to what children have to say about decisions which affect them. Separation for
children can be particularly difficult when followed by a number of other changes to the family
setting, for example where parents find new partners or where new children are brought into the
household. Financial hardship and parental distress are also associated with continuing problems
for children.
Children who moved with their fathers, or who remained behind in the custody of their
fathers had significantly more hostility than children in families in which neither separated
parent moved, or who either moved with their mothers or remained behind with their mothers.
In the last few years, higher-quality research which has allowed the "meta-analysis" of
previously published research has shown the negative effects of parents’ separation on children
have been greatly exaggerated. In the past we read that children from separated parents suffered
from depression, failed in school, and got in trouble with the law. Children with depression and
Researchers now view conflict, rather than the separation or residential schedule, as the
single most critical determining factor in children's post-parents separation adjustment. The
children, who succeed after parents’ separation, have parents who can communicate effectively
Older studies showed boys had greater social and academic adjustment problems than
girls. New evidence indicates that when children have a hard time, boys and girls suffer equally,
they just differ in how they suffer. Boys are more externally symptomatic than girls, they act out
their anger, frustration and hurt. They may get into trouble in school, fight more with peers and
parents. Girls tend to internalize their distress. They may become depressed, develop headaches
or stomach aches, and have changes in their eating and sleeping patterns.
Drop in parents' income often caused by the same income now supporting two
households directly affects children over time in terms of proper nutrition, involvement in
extracurricular activities, clothing, and school choices. Sometimes a parent who had stayed home
with the children is forced into the workplace and the children experience an increase in time in
child care.
A child's continued involvement with both of his or her parents allows for realistic and
better balanced future relationships. Children learn how to be in relationship by their relationship
with their parents. If they are secure in their relationship with their parents, chances are they will
adapt well to various time-sharing schedules and experience security and fulfillment in their
intimate relationships in adulthood. In the typical situation where mothers have custody of the
children, fathers who are involved in their children's lives are also the fathers whose child
support is paid and who contribute to extraordinary expenses for a child such as things like
soccer, music lessons, the prom dress, or a special class trip. One important factor which
contributes to the quality and quantity of the involvement of a father in a child's life is mother's
attitude toward the child's relationship with father. When fathers leave the marriage and
withdraw from their parenting role as well, they report conflicts with the mother as the major
The impact of father or mother loss is not likely to be diminished by the introduction of
stepparents. No one can replace Mom or Dad. And no one can take away the pain that a child
feels when a parent decides to withdraw from their lives. Before embarking on a new family,
encourage clients to do some reading on the common myths of step families. Often parents
assume that after the remarriage "we will all live as one big happy family." Step family
relationships need to be negotiated, expectations need to be expressed, roles need to be defined,
Most teenagers eventually adjust to parent’s separation and regard it as having been a
constructive action, but one-third does not. In those instances, the turbulence of the parents’
separation phase has been shown to play a crucial role in creating unhealthy reactions in affected
A great deal of study and thought has been given to knowing more about the impact of
parents’ separation on children. While there is growing agreement among researchers and
practitioners about the effects of parents’ separation, there is still a lot we don't know. The
researchers have not reached a point that they can be specific about the impact of parents’
separation on a specific child. What they do know is that the impact will vary with each child
depending the child's age, gender, maturity, psychological health and whether or not other
supportive adults are able to be a regular part of their lives. However, there are some
During and following a parents’ separation there are a number of issues that parents will
usually face. Sooner or latter, parents, family or friends should begin to notice the impact of
parents’ separation on children. There is no avoiding it. Children will feel bad. The emotional
pain is distressing. The impact and the child's response will vary according to their age, gender,
maturity, psychological health and whether or not other supportive adults are able to be a regular
part of their lives. A lot will also depend on how skillfully and compassionately parents handle
more likely to be aggressive and get in trouble with school authorities or the police. These
children are more likely to have low self-esteem and feel depressed. Children who grow up in
separated parents often have more difficulties getting along with siblings, peers, and their
parents. Also, in adolescence, they are more likely to engage in delinquent activities, to get
involved in early sexual activity, and to experiment with illegal drugs. In adolescence and young
adulthood, they are more likely to have some difficulty forming intimate relationships and
Whether you use children's grades, standardized test scores, or dropout rates, children
whose parents’ separation generally have poorer scores. These results have been found quite
consistently throughout a variety of research studies over the past three decades. Importantly,
children's actual performance on tests consistently shows this difference, but results based on
teacher or parent reports are less likely to show this difference. We believe that both parents and
teachers often underestimate the difficulties a child may be having in school or may not
Some cases, it appears that children's difficulties with school may be caused more by
their behavior than their intellectual abilities. The pattern may be somewhat different for boys
and girls. Boys are more likely to be aggressive and have problems getting along with their peers
and teachers. These problems may lead them to spend less time in school or on their schoolwork.
Girls, on the other hand, are more likely to experience depression, which may interfere with their
ability to concentrate on schoolwork or to put as much effort into their work. School success has
long-term implications for children's success in life, and so it is important to find ways to support
Early research seemed to indicate that boys might experience more difficulties than girls.
Today, there are few consistent findings. These changes may be due to more children being
reared in joint custody arrangements and more involvement of fathers in general in the lives of
their children after separation. In the school-age years, boys are more likely to be aggressive and
get into fights, while girls are more likely to experience depression, as was mentioned earlier.
But by adolescence, both boys and girls are more likely to engage in negative conduct and
experience bouts of sadness. Adolescent girls are likely to be involved in early sexual behavior,
leading to a greater risk of teenage pregnancy and parenting. This set of events can also have
dramatic effects on their completion of school and their ability to enter the workforce and earn a
good living. Adolescent boys are likely to spend more time with deviant peers and engage in
delinquent behavior, including substance abuse. Like the young women, adolescent boys are
On the positive side, there are some girls who emerge out of the divorced, mother-headed
households as exceptionally resilient young women. It seems that some young women thrive on
the increased responsibilities and challenges that they face in these families, and they develop
warm and deeply affectionate ties with their mothers. Similar findings do not occur for boys.
(Robert Hughes)
Parents’ separation has many effects on the children in a marriage which differ along
several variables. The age of the child is a significant determinant of what particular effects he or
she will experience. This short essay explores these effects by the developmental age groups
below. Effects can also be talked about in short term or long term. This essay focuses on short
term effects, those that occur during the first year or two following the parental separation.
Several other factors such as parental custody and post divorce parental relations affect the
severity of the outcomes and are not within the scope of this essay.
Children in this age group are the most confused and disoriented by the separation. They
often fear the abandonment of the other parent which coupled with poor understanding of the
separation leads to high anxiety. This is often manifested as tearful and clingy behavior toward
the custodial parent at any sign of separation, such as day care. It is not uncommon to see the
child regress to earlier infant type behavior patterns, and nightmares are frequent. Play behavior
which is very important is disrupted, and increased aggression leads to poor peer relations.
Children this young in a divorce often fail to master conflicts at the proper time. Feelings of
guilt, being unloved, and fear of being alone are common and the child often blames themselves
for the separation. Older children in this group show reduced self esteem, and unpredictable and
undependable peer relationships. There is a constriction of fantasy capacity and high levels of
Children in this group are more likely than the younger ones to suffer severe cognitive
ability to participate freely in the learning process. Anxiety, restlessness, inability to concentrate,
and intrusive thoughts about the separation all contribute to this disruption and lead to a drop in
school performance. Like the younger group, increased irritability leads to difficulties with
classmates. Feelings of sadness, loneliness, guilt decreased self worth, and self-blame are also
common in this age group. These children are likely to have open expressions of grief,
compulsively overeat, and fluctuate between obedient and rebellious behavior patterns. Moral
outrage at the parents' decision is common and they feel torn and distressed by issues of loyalty
between the parents. Older children in this group often show examples of lying, stealing, and
Adolescents display many of the effects of the middle childhood group to a higher degree
with a few unique impacts. There are feelings of distress about their own futures in marriage and
a de-idealization of the parents. Truancy is high, academic performance low, and self concept is
dysfunctional. There are high incidences of alcohol and drug abuse, and aggressive behavior.
Other areas tend to develop in extremes. The adolescent may withdraw from all relationships and
become dependent on the parent, or become sexually promiscuous at an early age. Unlike other
age groups, however, it is not uncommon for parental separation to have positive effects on
adolescents. Often the child makes valuable decisions about their own future and values that
leads to positive development and identity formation. (Runyon, N. and Jackson, P. Divorce: It's
Adolescents understand the parents’ separation situation better than younger children do,
they too experience some difficulties adjusting. Many teens feel that they are being pushed into
adulthood with little time for a transition from childhood. They may feel a loss of support in
handling emerging sexual and aggressive feelings. In some cases, adolescents may even feel that
they are in competition with their parents when they see them going on dates and becoming
romantically involved. Sometimes, teens have grave doubts about their own ability to get
increased responsibilities in the home, show an increased appreciation of money, and gain
insight into their own relationships with others. On the other hand, adolescents may be drawn
into the role of taking care of the parent and fail to develop relationships with peers.
The signs and symptoms in children when they are going through their parents' separation
are similar to the reactions we see to other stressful events. The most important sign is any
significant change in a child's usual pattern of behavior. Some children will react by being easily
angered, and others will react by withdrawing from the usual peer activities.
Some of the common reactions teachers or caregivers may see in children experiencing
parents’ separation. Some of these are more likely to occur in younger children, and some are
more likely in older children. Young children are more likely to show regressive behaviors such
as thumb sucking, increased whining, difficulty making transitions, and increased need to be
with a teacher or other caregiver. Older children are more likely to be disobedient, to talk back,
and to be destructive. All children are likely to have some new fears about where their parents
are or if they will see parents again. Many of these children will have trouble sleeping; be
unusually quiet or withdrawn; complain about headaches, stomachaches, and other symptoms of
illness; and be distractible and restless. There also may be significant declines in school
performance, tardiness, absences, and difficulties getting along with peers. Few children will
show all of these signs, but almost all children will show some of these symptoms, especially
when there are significant events at home such as a parent moving out, an appearance in court,
away. They were better adjusted than children from separated parents, albeit marginally so.
Children who moved with their fathers, or who remained behind with their fathers scored
significantly lower on personal and emotional well adjustment than children who remained in the
Children in the custody of their fathers scored lowest on general life satisfaction.
Children of divorce whose fathers moved away and left them with their mothers were the most
satisfied, marginally more satisfied than children from divorced families in which neither parent
moved, and significantly more satisfied than children who either moved or remained behind with
their fathers. Children who moved with their fathers, or who remained behind in the custody of
their fathers had significantly more hostility than children in families in which neither separated
parent moved, or who either moved with their mothers or remained behind with their mothers.
Children who moved with their mothers showed less hostility than children who
remained behind with their mothers (i.e. whose fathers moved away), but children who remained
behind with their mothers whose fathers moved away, while a little more hostile, also were a
Children from the group in which neither parent moved had the least inner turmoil and
distress from the divorce itself. However, the group of children who moved with their mothers or
stayed with their mothers when their father moved still had less inner turmoil and distress than
children who either moved with their fathers or stayed behind with their fathers when their
mothers moved. It is unclear whether this factor was related to moving per se, or more difficult
divorce circumstances, which in turn precipitated a move. Either way, it is uncorrelated with the
children's overall well-adjusted ness and life satisfaction. Children across all categories tended to
The paradox of adolescence is that teenagers are not truly independent, but they like to
feel that they are. They want to live their own lives on their own terms while having a safe haven
for food, shelter, and sleep. They need to have a stable home base even if they hate it and the
parents in it. They do not have time for this level of disruption in their lives. They are struggling
with sex and drugs and alcohol and acne and classes they hate. They do not want to be bothered
by their parents' lives, which are in chaos from the separation. Teenagers test the limits in the
best of homes, but when the structure of the home is shaky and the parents are distracted,
teenagers are at risk of impulsive behavior. If impulsive risk-taking occurs, either they are forced
but still are emotionally immature. Teenaged children came from separated parents are usually
sad, angry, protective, or mask their reactions entirely. Often they switch their reactions between
the two parents or even switch minute to minute with one parent. They can be depressed or
become anxious if they believe they are caught between their parents. They might fail to become
involved with their peer group or school activities. They have increased rates of school absence
and illness. They are more likely to abuse substances, break the law, and appear in juvenile court
Parents must avoid confusing teenagers with adults. A boy must not be expected to be the
man of the house if his father has left. Young girls should not be forced into spending their free
time cooking, cleaning, and caring for younger siblings. Children do not like to think of their
parents' sexuality and are uncomfortable anytime they must confront the issue. Parents should
avoid modeling premarital or casual sex at the very time their teenagers are beginning to think
Teenagers do not need as much visitation time. They are busy with their own lives, jobs,
after-school activities, and friends. They do not care to spend time with their parents. It can be
difficult for a parent to hear that the teenager does not want to visit because of the disruption in
his or her schedule. One common phenomenon is that teenagers might want to switch homes and
then want to switch back, perhaps more than once during this period. This switching back and
forth can make a mess of custody and support arrangements. Flexibility is the key for parents.
In late adolescence, two thirds of the teenagers are cut off financially when they reach 18
years, the day the legal requirement for child support ends. For the no custodial parent, this age
signals the end of contracted monthly payments to the previous spouse. For the parent, it is a
separation are less likely to attend or complete college, are more likely to be unemployed or on
welfare, are more likely to have problematic relationships with parents and siblings, and have
Stone, N. V., Nelson, J. R., & Niemann, J. (1994). Poor single-mother college students' views on
the effect of some primary sociological and psychological belief factors on their academic
success. Journal of Higher Education, 65(5), 571–584.
Tallman, Irving, Rotolo, Thomas, Gray, Louis N. “Continuity or Change? The Impact of Parents’
Divorce on Newly Married Couples.” Social Psychology Quarterly, 2001, Vol. 64, No. 4.
Washington State University.