Investigation Into Transient SFO FFO VFT
Investigation Into Transient SFO FFO VFT
Investigation Into Transient SFO FFO VFT
Fig. 3. SFO variation with the power factor of the rejected load.
Fig. 2. Investigated GIS configurations: a) single bus GIS; b) double bus GIS;
c) one and half bus GIS;
A. Direct Lightning
Direct lightning strokes to phase wires in the case of
shielded transmission lines could appear in the case of
shielding failure. When a relatively low magnitude lightning
stroke bypasses the overhead ground (shield) wire and attaches
to one of the transmission lines phase conductors, shielding
failure occurs [13].
Direct lightning due to shielding failure could occur on the
upper or the most outward phase wire. The maximum intensity GIS entrance for 40 kA and 20 kA lightning stroke currents
of a lightning stroke that could produce shielding failure can with and without surge arresters mounted at the GIS entrance:
be evaluated based on tower geometry, striking distance and
the implemented lightning attachment model [15]. For the
380 kV transmission line that connects the investigated GIS
substation to the grid, the Eriksson model [16] has been used
to evaluate the maximum shielding failure lightning current:
1 0.74
R R 2 2 2 1
0.67 H PhW 0.6 2 1
where: I MSF is the maximum shielding failure current in (kA),
H GrdW H PhW , 2 H GrdW H PhW R 2 , R is
0.6 2
the horizontal distance between phase and grounding wire, Fig. 9. Phase voltage at GIS entrance in case of direct lightning
H GrdW and H PhW are the height of the grounding and phase
wire respectively. B. Back Flashover
In order to determine the overvoltage at the GIS entrance
In order to evaluate the overvoltage seen at the GIS
due to direct lightning strokes to the 380 kV OHL phase
entrance due to back flashover on the 380 kV overhead
conductors, based on the evaluated maximum shielding failure
transmission line connected to the GIS, a 200 kA lightning
current values (25.6 kA for the upper phase and 20.4 kA for
current with a 8/20 µs waveform is considered. The black
the lower phase wires, respectively), lightning currents with
flashover mechanism has been modeled by an open switch in
1/5 µs waveform and an amplitude between 10 kA and 40 kA,
parallel to the phase wire insulator string capacitance. Once
are considered. Two different situations were analyzed: when
the voltage across the insulator string reaches the withstanding
the lightning stroke hits the upper phase wire (phase A see Fig.
capability of the insulator, back flashover occurs and the
6) in the vicinity of the first tower and when it hits nearby the
switch is closed.
third tower from GIS, respectively (see Fig. 5). For both
Due the fact that the insulator string may withstand a high
situations the worst case scenario is applied: lightning hits the
transient voltage for a short duration, but it could fail to
wire when the phase voltage reaches its positive peak and thus
withstand a lower transient voltage with a longer duration, the
the maximum overvoltage is produced in the 380 kV OHL.
volt-time characteristic proposed by CIGRE [12] has been
implemented for the back flashover simulations:
VWIns K 1 0.752 (5)
where: VWIns is the insulator string withstand voltage in (kV),
K1 400 L , K 2 710 L , L is the length of the insulator
string in (m), and t is the elapsed time in (µs) from the lighting
stroke occurring.
Two different situations were investigated: when the
lightning stroke hits the ground wire at the first tower from the
GIS substation (Tower 1 see Fig. 5) and respectively when the
lightning hits the ground wire at the third tower (Tower 3). For
Fig. 8. Maximum overvoltage according to direct lightning current amplitude
both situations the phase overvoltage at the GIS entrance has
been evaluated with and without surge arrestors mounted at the
Fig. 8 presents the evaluated maximum overvoltage levels
380 kV OHL gantry tower. In order to obtain the highest
at the GIS entrance with and without surge arresters mounted
overvoltage values that could occur due to back flashover the
on the 380 kV OHL at GIS entrance. In the worst case
worst case scenario is applied: the lightning stroke hits the
scenario a 3.14 p.u. overvoltage is recorded for a 40 kA, 1/5
tower when the phase voltage on the upper conductor (phase
µs lightning current (which is almost double that the evaluated
A) reaches its negative peak. In this situation voltage across
maximum shielding failure current), and this could be reduced
the insulator string reaches its withstand capability earlier.
to 2.58 p.u. by placing surge arresters at the GIS entrance. For
Computed overvoltage waveforms are presented in Fig. 10:
less than 20 kA, respectively 25 kA direct lightning strokes
near the first tower and respectively the third tower or further
away the produced overvoltage levels at the GIS entrance will
be even lower than the discharge voltage of the surge arrester.
Fig. 9 represents the overvoltage waveform observed at the
waveform recorded in the middle of the main bus during the
switching operation:
Fig. 11. GIS overvoltage produced by switching 380 kV TLine side CB.
Overvoltages produced by the rejection of inductive loads
decrease slightly with the increase of the inductive part of the
Fig. 14. Maximum overvoltage / number of energized switching for the
double bus GIS configuration.
rejected loads, while overvoltages produced by the rejection of
the capacitive load exhibits a ‘V’ curve.
From Fig. 14 it can be observed that closing sequence Different line length cables and/or overheads connecting
OP06 produces the lowest overvoltage level in the double bus the medium voltage distribution station to the GIS have
GIS configuration (1.76 p.u.) but it needs 4 energized revealed that the overvoltage produced by the overhead line is
switchings, while sequence OP1 needs only two energized greater.
switching with a maximum overvoltage of 2.31 p.u. The combined Hara [9] and Ametani [10] multi-story
tower model considers both the bracings and the damping
C. One and a Half Bus Configuration effect and used in conjunction with an adaption of CIGRE
In the case of the one and a half bus GIS configuration (Fig. tower footing variable resistance yields realistic results.
2c) the following sequence of closing switching operations has Results from all possible disconnectors and circuit breakers
been identified: closing switching operations for the three GIS configurations
OP01. Closing Load side DS - Closing 380 kV TLine to show that the switching sequence plays a significant role in the
Load DS and CB - Closing 380 kV TLine DS with both bus magnitude of the generated overvoltage. For example, for
bars disconnected; single bus, double bus, one and a half bus GIS configurations,
OP02. Closing 380 kV TLine to Load DS and CB - Closing the switching operations OP02, OP06 and OP04, respectively,
380 kV TLine DS - Closing Load side DS with both bus bars generate the minimum overvoltage.
OP03. Closing Load side DS - Closing 380 kV TLine DS - VII. REFERENCES
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