Complete Annotated Bibliography

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CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) Selected Papers- Technical Annotated Bibliography

General Overview

Preston, C., Monea, M., Jazrawi, W., Brown, K., Whittaker, S., White, D., Law, D., Chalaturnyk,
R., Rostron, B. (2005) IEA GHG Weyburn CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, Fuel Processing
Technology, 86, 1547-1568.
This paper presents a summary of the Weyburn field CO2 injection project. Site characterization shows
the Weyburn field is appropriate for long-term CO2 storage. The authors demonstrate successful detection
of CO2 distribution using seismic surveys, and obtain results using geochemical sampling methods. Long-
term risk assessment suggests that no CO2 penetration occurred, no interruption to the EOR process, and
minimal sealing impact.

van der Meer, B. (2005) Carbon Dioxide Storage in Natural Gas Reservoirs, Oil & Gas Science and
Technology, 60(3), 527-536.
This paper discusses the potential for storing CO2 in natural gas reservoirs. The authors discuss
characteristics of hydrocarbon reservoirs for CO2 sequestration, as well as material properties of CO2 and
reservoir fluids. They described the driving mechanisms of hydrocarbon reservoirs and their implications
for CO2 storage. The authors also illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of natural gas reservoirs
compared to other CO2 storage options. They ultimately assert that the volume of available gas reservoirs
in the US is limited whereas the natural gas storage potential in the EU is quite high.

Wilson et al. (2004) IEA GHG Weyburn CO2 Monitoring & Storage Project Summary Report
2000-2004, Petroleum Technology Research Center.
This book summarizes the Weyburn field CO2 injection project. The book is organized into four main
topics: (1) geological characterization, (2) prediction, monitoring, and verification of CO2 movements, (3)
storage capacity, distribution prediction, and economic limits, and (4) long-term risk assessment. The
authors provide a detailed explanation of each topic, empirical data, and lessons learned from Weyburn.

Risk Assessment

Lindeberg, E. (2002), The Quality of a CO2 Repository: What is the Sufficient Retention Time of
CO2 Stored Underground, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control
Technologies, 255-260.
This paper proposes tools for determining minimum retention time for CO2 sequestration in underground
storage. The author develops a climate model that relates climate change to leakage of CO2 from
underground storage. He then calculates the escape rate of CO2 from the storage sites. From this
calculation, he firmly concludes that the typical retention time for geologic storage should be at least
10,000 years to prevent CO2 leakage from appreciably impacting the climate.

Numerical Modeling (Fluid Flow)

Andre, L., Audigane, P., Azaroual, M., and Menjoz, A. (2007) Numerical Modeling of Fluid-Rock
Chemical Interactions at the Supercritical CO2-Liquid Interface During CO2 Injection into a
Carbonate Reservoir, the Dogger Aquifer (Paris Basin, France), Energy Conversion and
Management, 48, 1782-1797.
This paper describes numerical modeling of geochemical reactions for CO2 injected into carbonate rock
formations. The authors adopt an axis-symmetrical model, and used TOUGHREACT and SCALE2000.
From the modeling results, they show the injection of CO2 -saturated water increases porosity up to 90%
due to dissolution of carbonate. They also demonstrate that injection of supercritical CO2 only increases
porosity 5-7%, and near-injector porosity actually decreases due to mineral precipitation. The
vaporization of liquid water near the injected supercritical CO2 causes brine and precipitation to form.
Ghomian, Y., Pope, G. A., and Sepehrnoori, K. (2008) Reservoir Simulation of CO2 Sequestration
Pilot in Frio Brine Formation, USA Gulf Coast, Energy, 33(7), 1055-1067.
This paper describes the simulation of CO2 sequestration at the Frio Brine Formation near Houston,
Texas. The authors provide a detailed summary of input data such as CO2 solubility, CO2 saturated brine
density, and viscosity for numerical code (GEM). They show that predictions of CO2 breakthrough time
and CO2 plume movement from the modeling match well with field measurements. They also
demonstrate that, after ten years from the injection date, a significant part of the injected CO2 will be
stored in the form of trapped gas or dissolved aqueous phase in the brine. Only 2-5% of the injected CO2
is in the form of free gas, so that the possibility of leakage through caprock is fairly low.

Jessen, K., Kovscek, A. R., and Orr Jr., F. M. (2005), Increasing CO2 Storage in Oil Recovery,
Energy Conversion and Management, 46, 293-311.
This paper focuses on numerical modeling of multiphase fluid flow from CO2 injection in the enhanced
oil recovery (EOR) process. The authors introduce a new modeling technique, called streamline
simulation, and compare its results with those of traditional finite difference methods. They discuss
methods of increasing CO2 storage during EOR without decreasing oil production, and offer the following
recommendations: (1) adjust injection gas composition to maximize CO2 concentration, (2) design well
completions to create injection profile to reduce the adverse effect of preferential flow through high
permeability zones, (3) optimize water injection, (4) consider aquifer injection to store CO2, and (5)
consider reservoir re-pressurization after the end of the field’s production life.

Kovscek, A. R., and Wang, Y. (2005), Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide and Enhanced Oil
Recovery. I. Uncertainty Quantification Employing a Streamline Based Proxy for Reservoir Flow
Simulation, Energy Conversion and Management, 46, 1920-1940.
This paper introduces the concept of, ‘co-optimization,’ simultaneously maximizing both economic oil
recovery and the volumes of CO2 emplaced in oil reservoirs. An important component of the work flow is
the assessment of uncertainty in predictions of performance. To quantify uncertainty, streamline
simulations were adopted as an alternative to exhaustive and time-consuming full physics flow
simulations. The authors generate equi-probable reservoir models, considering uncertainties, and then run
streamline simulations. They prove the streamline simulations are fast and useful for selecting a
representative reservoir model subset.

Oldenburg, C. M. and Lewicki, J. L. (2006) On Leakage and Seepage of CO2 from Geologic Storage
Sites into Surface Water, Environmental Geology, 50, 691-705.
This paper evaluates the leakage and the seepage of CO2 and CH4 from geologic storage sites into surface
water. The authors use analytical solutions to estimate the flow rate of CO2 and CH4. They found that: (1)
the flow of gas in a secondary connected fluid phase within a primary liquid phase prevails over that in
discrete bubbles in medium to fine-grained porous media, (2) the flow of gas in the form of discrete
bubbles dominate over dispersion in surface water, and (3) as CO2 migrates upward, ebullition will occur
due to the decrease of solubility of gas into brine in lower pressure.

Pruess, K. and Garcia, J. (2002) Multiphase Flow Dynamics during CO2 Disposal into Saline
aquifers, Environmental Geology, 42, 691-705.
This paper models the injection of CO2 into saline aquifers. The authors solve mass conservation
equations for three components (water, salt, and CO2), and the governing equations are solved using the
finite difference method. Based on several explicit assumptions such as one-dimensional fluid flow,
negligence of chemical reactions, and effects of mechanical stress, the authors show that (1) pressure
response is sensitive to space discretization effects, whereas saturation response is much more robust, and
(2) CO2 loss from a storage unit through geologic discontinuities may be a self-enhancing process,
suggesting that reliable containment of CO2 will require multiple barriers.

Rutqvist, J., Birkholzer, J. T., and Tsang, C-F (2008) Coupled Reservoir-Geomechanical Analysis
of the Potential for Tensile and Shear Failure Associated with CO2 Injection in Multilayered
Reservoir-Caprock Systems, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 45(2),
This paper evaluates the potential for tensile fracturing and shear-slip along pre-existing fractures
associated with CO2-injection in a multilayered geological system. The authors estimate pressure change
in a reservoir due to CO2 injection using the TOUGH2 reservoir simulator. From the pressure change,
they calculate the stress change using the FLAC geomechanical simulator. Then, with the obtained stress
change, they assess the potential for tensile fracturing and shear-slip. The main conclusions are: (1) the
potential for shear failure is generally higher than the potential for tensile failure. Thus, at an injection
site, shear failure along pre-existing fractures will probably occur earlier than tensile failure, (2) if upward
migration of fluid pressure occurs in a multilayered CO2-storage system, estimating the maximum
sustainable injection pressure needs to consider the coupled fluid flow and upper-system geomechanical
responses, where mechanical failure potential may be the highest, and (3) the orientation of the shear
failure and propagation of the failure plane are highly dependent on the initial stress field. Therefore, it is
important to estimate the 3-D in-situ stress field when designing the CO2 injection process.


Lagneau, V., Pipart, A., and Catalette, H. (2005) Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2
Sequestration in Deep Saline Aquifers, Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 60(2), 231-247.
This paper presents numerical modeling of CO2 sequestration in deep saline aquifers to evaluate the
advantages and disadvantages of reactive transport modeling. The authors use two 2-D numerical codes to
investigate the evolution of CO2: Hytec to simulate geochemical modeling and R2D2 for the fluid-
transport part. They chose two aquifers: the Dogger carbonated aquifer (Paris Basin), and the Bunter
sandstone aquifer (North Sea). These aquifers were selected to describe CO2 dissolution in the carbonated
aquifer and carbonate mineral precipitation in the sandstone aquifer. In the carbonate aquifer, they show
that transport is the key factor of the dispersion of dissolved CO2 with a quick dissolution of supercritical
CO2 bubbles and transport of the injected CO2 bubbles. They also demonstrated that, in the sandstone
aquifer, the reactivity of the dissolved CO2 with the host rock minerals controls the evolution of CO2 in
the reservoir. While it seems that reactive transport codes can simulate CO2 sequestration process, the
authors point out that detailed aquifer information, improved CO2 phase change description, and
reactivity of the supercritical CO2 with host rock minerals are needed for better sequestration modeling.


Hovorka et al. (2006) Measuring Permanence of CO2 Storage in Saline Formations: the Frio
Experiment, Environmental Geosciences, 13(2), 105-121
This paper presents a summary of the Frio Brine field CO2 injection project. The authors provide
comprehensive descriptions of site characterization and monitoring techniques. They show post-injection
measurements, including time-lapse vertical seismic profiling, cross-well seismic topography, and
saturation logs. These measurements suggest that CO2 is retained permanently in the reservoir, and
dissolution into the brine in the reservoirs is rapid and volumetrically significant. They also demonstrate
that the results of numerical modeling using TOUGH2 and field measurements match well. However, tool
resolution and complex characteristics of reservoirs have lead to prediction uncertainties.

CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) Selected Papers: Non-Technical Annotated Bibliography

Comprehensive Guide

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2005), Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture
and Storage, 1-431.
This report fully catalogues the sources, capture mechanisms, transportation, and storage options for CO2.
It discusses the costs, economics, politics, and regulatory framework of CO2 sequestration. The report
also places Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the context of other climate change mitigation options.
The report compiles all major CCS literature and field work, enumerating major CCS breakthroughs,
barriers, and gaps in knowledge. It provides a technical summary and a summary for policy makers
approved by governments represented in the IPCC.

General Overview

Bentham, M. and Kirby, G. (2005) CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers, Oil & Gas Science and
Technology, 60(2), 559-567.
This paper describes storage options and risk factors for CO2 storage in saline aquifers. The authors
describe the geology of saline aquifers and provide estimates of storage capacity and capture costs for
several European Union countries. They also discuss lessons learned from the Sleipner site in the North
Sea, currently the only commercial-scale saline aquifer CO2 storage facility in the world. A global
appraisal of prospective saline aquifer CO2 storage sites is given at a regional-level as well.

Hovorka, Susan D. (2007), Introduction to Geologic Sequestration of CO2, PowerPoint

Presentation, 1-20.
This presentation briefly outlines key concepts related to the capture and geologic storage of CO2.
Specifically, the author gives brief descriptions of recent safety and volumetric adequacy assessments.
System maturity is also considered, and determined to be ready for commercial-scale programs as a part
of a greenhouse gas emissions reduction portfolio.

Technology Guide

Carbon Capture and Storage: Technological and Regulatory Considerations (2008), National
Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, 1-16.
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology and
associated regulations. Specifically, the NARUC identifies CO2 capture methods, storage sites, current
research, permits/regulations, and risks. Cost recovery and financial risks are also separately described for
each CCS method given. The NARUC ultimately conclude the benefits of CCS significantly outweigh its
plausible harms.

Carbon Sequestration Technology Roadmap and Program Plan (2007), U.S. Department of Energy,
Office of Fossil Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 1-48.
This paper discusses current NETL Sequestration Program research contributing to commercially viable
sequestration systems. The paper is organized into three primary sections: Program Overview,
Challenges, and Technology Development Efforts (TDE). TDE focuses on Core R&D and Regional
Partnerships. The stated goal of the NETL Sequestration Program is to develop, by 2012, fossil fuel
conversion systems that offer 90 percent CO2 capture, with 99 percent storage permanence, at less than a
10 percent increase in the cost of energy services.

Risk Assessment

Kovscek, A. R. (2002) Screening Criteria for CO2 Storage in Oil Reservoirs, Petroleum Science and
Technology, 20(7), 841-866.
This paper evaluates site-selection screening criteria for CO2 storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
in oil reservoirs. The author accepts or rejects proposed criteria based on what, if any, contribution they
make towards understanding the geophysical and surface facility aspects of reservoir engineering. Final
suggested criteria include: initial saturation, porosity, permeability, pore pressure gradient, seal existence,
oil chemistry, and surface facility properties.

Lewicki, J. L., J. Birkholzer, and Chin-Fu Tsang (2007) Natural and Industrial Analogues for
Leakage of CO2 from Storage Reservoirs: Identification of Features, Events, and Processes and
Lessons Learned, Environmental Geology, 52, 457-467.
This paper presents a list of various natural and anthropogenic analogues for CO2 leakage. The authors
provide detailed information on these analogues for CO2 leakage such as leakage types and triggering
mechanisms. The authors also evaluate concerns regarding potential hazardous effects of CO2 leakage on
human health and ground water chemistry. They conclude that, in most cases, such health risks are
negligible and ground water remains potable despite slight changes in acidity.


Li, Z., Dong, M., Li, S. , and Huang, S. (2006) CO2 Sequestration in Depleted Oil and Gas
Reservoirs-Caprock Characterization and Storage Capacity, Energy Conversion and Management,
47, 1372-1382.
In this paper, the authors explain the important relationship between CO2 injection pressure and critical
caprock sealing pressure. They calculate storage capacity for a given void reservoir, and demonstrate the
effects of (1) marginal increases in pressure past critical levels and (2) extracting residual reservoir water.
Suggested methods of characterizing gas flow through caprock are also given. The authors conclude that,
although depleted oil and gas reservoirs are the most attractive geological media for CO2 storage, their
total capacity is limited. Therefore, it is crucial to fully utilize the capacity of a given reservoir, thereby
maximizing the value of the depleted oil and gas reservoirs in reducing CO2 emissions.


Winthaegen, P., Arts, R., and Schroot, B. (2005) Monitoring Subsurface CO2 storage, Oil & Gas
Science and Technology, 60(3), 573-582.
This paper provides an overview of available monitoring techniques for CO2 storage. The authors suggest
that injected CO2 should be separate from other CO2 sources and characterized by some means such as
isotopic analysis. In addition to describing traditional ground monitoring techniques for CO2 injection, the
authors also assess the benefits and limitations of satellite and airborne monitoring methods.

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