Review On Medicinal Properties of Arica Papaya Inn.: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease

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Document heading doi: 10.1016/S2222-1808(14)60617-4 襃 2015 by the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease. All rights reserved.

A review on medicinal properties of Carica papaya Linn.

Tarun Vij*, Yash Prashar
Rayat Institute of Pharmacy, Railmajra, SBS Nagar, Punjab, India


Peer reviewer Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a popular and important fruit tree in tropical and subtropical parts
D r. M anjit S ingh, L ala L ajpat R ai of the world. The fruit is consumed worldwide as fresh fruit and vegetable or used as processed
college of Pharmacy, Moga, Punjab, product. The fruit is healthy and delicious and the whole plant parts including fruit, root,
India. bark, peel, seeds and pulp are also known to have medicinal properties. The many benefits of
Tel: 7696699737 papaya are owed due to high content of vitamin A, B and C, proteolytic enzymes like papain and
E-mail: chymopapain which have antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. During the last few
years, major insight has been achieved regarding the biological activity and medicinal application
Comments of papaya and now it is considered a valuable neutraceutical fruit plant. In the present review,
T his is a good study in which the nutritional value of the fruit and medicinal properties of its various parts have been discussed to
evaluation of the various parts of provide collective information on this multipurpose commercial fruit crop.
the papaya was carried out by the
literature review. The study includes
the pharmacological activities,
presence of enzymes, traditional uses
and nutritional values of the plant.
Details on Page 5 Introduction, Nutritional value, Traditional and pharmacological properties

1. Introduction Worldwide over 6.8 million tonnes of fruit were produced

in 2004 on about 389 990 ha (FAO 2004). Of this volume, 47%
Papaya is a powerhouse of nutrients and is available was produced in Central and South America (mainly in
throughout the year. It is a rich source of three powerful Brazil), 30% in Asia and 20% in Africa. The papaya industry
antioxidant vitamin C , vitamin A and vitamin E . T he in Brazil is one of the world’s largest that continues to
minerals, magnesium and potassium, vitamin B pantothenic show rapid growth. Do Carmo and Sousa Jr. (2003) reported
acid and folate and fiber. In addition to all this, it contains on a 151% increase in total area cultivated over the past
a digestive enzyme-papain that effectively treats causes decade (16 012 ha in 1990 to 40 202 ha in 2000) and a 164%
of trauma, allergies and sports injuries. All the nutrients of increase in the quantity produced during the same period
papaya as a whole improve cardiovascular system, protect (642 581 to 1 693 779 fruits from 1990 to 2000). During 11 years,
against heart diseases, heart attacks, strokes and prevent the volume exported increased 560% from 4 071 t to 22 804
colon cancer. The fruit is an excellent source of beta- t in 2001 (SECEXMDIC 2002) and 38 760 t in 2005 (FAO 2005).
carotene that prevents damage caused by free radicals that Although papaya is mainly grown (>90%) and consumed
may cause some forms of cancer. It is reported that it helped in developing countries, it is fast becoming an important
in the prevention of diabetic heart disease. Papaya lowers fruit internationally both as a fresh fruit and as processed
high cholesterol levels as it is a good source of fiber[1]. products[2].
Papaya, Carica papaya (C. papaya) L., is one of the major It is a tree reaching 3-10 m in height with the habit of a
fruit crops cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical zones. palm; the freshly stem marked by scars where leaves have

*Corresponding author: Tarun Vij, Rayat Institute of Pharmacy, Railmajra, SBS Article history:
Nagar, Punjab, India. Received 15 May 2014
Tel: 8054358107 Received in revised form 1 Jun, 2nd revised form 7 Jun, 3rd revised form 13 Jun 2014
E-mail: Accepted 28 Jun 2014
Foundation Project: Supported by Rayat Institute of Pharmacy, Railmajra, Ropar, Available online 11 Jul 2014
Punjab , India.
2 Tarun Vij and Yash Prashar /Asian Pac J Trop Dis 2015; 5(1): 1-6

fallen off, is surmounted by a terminal panache of leaves carpaine.

on long petioles and with 5-7 lobes. Flowers fragrant, male 2. Juice-N-butyric, n-hexanoic and n-octanoic acids,
flowers in lax many-flowered, densly pubescent cymes at lipids; myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linolenic
the tips of the pendulous, fistular rachis; females flowers acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid.
large, solitary or in few flowered racemes, different types of 3. Seed-Fatty acids, crude protein, crude fibre, papaya oil,
enzymes. Papain, vegetable pepsin present in good amount carpaine, caricin, glucotropacolin, and an anzyme myrosin.
in unripe fruit is an excellent aid to digestion, which helps 4. Root-Carposides and an enzyme myrossin.
to digest the protein in food at acid, alkaline or neutral 5.Leaves-Alkaloids carpain, pseudocarpain,
medium. Thus it can be prescribed for dyspeptic patients, dehydrocarpaine I and II , choline, vitamine C and E ,
who cannot digest the wheat protein gliandin, can tolerate carposide.
it, if it is treated with crude papain. Papaya has the property 6. Bark-Glucose, fructose, sucrose, xylitol, β-sitosterol.
of tenderizing meat. This knowledge is being put to use 7 . L atex- P apain, chemopapain, peptidase A and B ,
by cooking meat with raw papaya to make it tender and lysozymes[6,7].
The fermented papaya fruit is a promising neutraceutical
as an antioxidant. It improves the antioxidant defence 2. Nutritional value of 100 g of papaya fruit
in elderly patients even without any overt antioxidant
deficiency state at the dose of 9 g/day orally[4,5]. The constituents of ripe papaya contain: energy (163
kj), protein (0.6 g), fat (0.1 g), minerals (0.5 g), fibre (0.8 g),
1.1. Introduction to plant profile carbohydrates (7.2 g), beta-carotene (888 µm), total carotene
(2 740 µm), sodium (3 mg), iron (0.10 g), vitamin A (1 094 IU),
Plant profile of C. papaya is shown in Figure 1. vitamin E (0.73 mg), niacin (3 mg) and water (89%).
These nutritional values of papaya help to prevent the
oxidation of cholesterol. Papaya is rich in iron and calcium;
a good source of vitamin A, B and G and an excellent source
of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The extract and fruit juice
of C. papaya contain alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids,
carbohydrates, saponins, terpenoids, steroids and tannins.

3. Parts and medicinal uses of C. papaya

C. papaya is a pack of enzymes. Different parts contain

Figure 1. C. papaya: (A) papaya tree; (B) ripe fruit. different enzymes: unripe fruit (papain, chymopapain), fruits
(B carotene, carotenoids, crytoxanthin, monoterpenoids,
1.2. Taxonomical classification, common names and parts linalool), roots (carposides), seeds (papaya oil, glucosinolates,
used benzyl isothyocynate), leaves (Zn, Mn, Fe, K, minerals),
shoots (flavanoids, kaemferol, myricetin, minerals, Ca, Mg,
T he papaya belongs to a small family- C aricaceae, Fe) and leaves (vitamin C and E, alkaloids, carpaine).
having four genera in the world. The genus Carica Linn. is T he traditional claims include various medicinal
represented by four species in India, of which C. papaya properties of the plant shown in Table 1.
L inna. is the most widely cultivated and best-known
species. The taxonomical classification includes kingdom
(Plantea), order (Brassicales), family (Caricaceae), genus 4. Pharmacological properties of C. papaya
(Carica), species (C. papaya).
Common names include papaya, pawpaw, papaw, papita, The plant C. papaya has been proved for various medicinal
arand-kharpuja, papaya, papayabaum, papaia. activities like antioxidant, anti-hypertensive, wound
The parts used contain fruit, leaves and bark. healing, hepatoprotective, anti-inflamatory, antimicrobial,
antifungal, anti-fertility, histaminergic, diuretic, anti-
1.3. Chemical constituents amoebic, anti-tumor, anthelmintic, effect on smooth
muscles, antimalarial, hypoglycemic activity, immuno-
The different parts of papaya such as fruit, fruit juice, modulatory activity, anti-ulcer activity, anti-sickling
seed, root, leaves, bark, latex contain various chemical activity.
constituents, which are shown as follows:
1 . F ruit- P rotein, fat, fiber, carbohydrates, minerals: 4.1. Antioxidant activity
calcium, iron, vitamin C, thiamine, rivoflavin, niacin, and
carotene, anino acid, citric acid and malic acids (green The methanolic extract of unripe fruits of C. papaya
fruits), volatile compounds: benzylisothiocynate, cis and was evaluated in vivo for its effect on activities of some
trans 2, 6-dimethyl-3,6 epoxy-7 octen-2-ol, alkaloids, antioxidant enzymes which includes glutathione peroxidase
Tarun Vij and Yash Prashar /Asian Pac J Trop Dis 2015; 5(1): 1-6
Table 1
Medicinal uses of C. papaya plant mentioned in traditional ayurvedic literature[8,9].
Parts Medicinal uses
Ripe fruits Carminative, diuretic, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, wounds of urinary tracts, stomachic, ringworm, sedative and tonic, bleeding piles, expectorant.
Unripe fruit Diuretic, antibectrial activity, laxative, used in snakebite to remove poison, abortifacent.
Seeds Carminative, anti-fertility agents in males, counter irritant, as a paste in the treatment of ringworm and psoriasis.
Roots Anti-fungal activity, diuretic, checking irregular bleeding from uterus, piles.
Leaves Asthma, beriberi, fever, abortion, dreesing wounds (fresh leaves), antibacterial activity, jaundice, gonorrhea, urinary complaints, vermifuge.
Flower Febrifuge, jaundice, pectoral properties.
Stem bark STD, anti-fungal activity, jaundice, anti-haemolytic activity, sore teeth.

(GPx), glutathione transferase (GST), glutathione reductase, and formaldehyde induced arthritis models. The ulcerogenic
catalase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in mice activity of the extract was also investigated. The result
treated with a orally dose of 100 mg/kg. There is significant showed that the extract at the dose of 25-250 mg/kg p.o
increase in the activities glutathione reductase, GST, GPx, exhibited significant reduction in the paw oedema in the
glucose- 6 -phosphate dehydrogenase due to the ethyl carrageenan test. The extract produced slight mucosal
acetate fraction. Significant decrease in GPx was observed irritiation at higher doses[14].
in kidney following administration of ethyl acetate fraction.
It was suggested that quercetin and β-sitosterol may be 4.6. Antimicrobial activity
responsible for the antioxidant potential[10].
The aqueous extract of C. papaya leaves and roots at
4.2. Anti-hypertensive activity different concentrations (25, 50, 100, 200 mg/mL) showed
antimicrobial activity against some human pathogenic
The ethanolic extract of ripe fruit of C. papaya was used for bacteria using the agar diffusion method[15].
the anti-hypertensive activity. The basal mean arterial blood
pressure (MAP) were (93.8依4.5), (175.2依5.1), (181.3依6.2) mmHg 4.7. Antifungal activity
in the normotensive, renal and DOCA-salt hypertensive
animals. Both hydralazine (200 µL/100 g, i.v) and ethanolic The latex of C. papaya and fluconazole has synergistic
extract of unripe fruit of C. papaya (20 mg/kg, i.v) produced action on the inhibition of Candida albicans growth. This
a significant depression of MAP in normotensive, renal and synergistic effect results in partial cell wall degradation.
DOCA-salt hypertensive animals groups as scompared to L atex proteins appear to be responsible for antifungal
control. But the extract produced about 28% more depression action and minimum protein concentration for producing a
of MAP than hydralazine in the hypertensive group. The complete inhibition was reported as about 138 mg/mL[16].
study suggested that the unripe fruit of C. papaya had a
potent anti-hypertensive activity[11]. 4.8. Anti-fertility activity

4.3. Wound healing activity The crude extract of bark of C. papaya [5-10 mL/(kg.
d), p.o for 4 weeks] on the seminiferous tubules of rats
The aqueous extract of C. papaya fruit [100 mg/(kg.d) for showed complete loss of fertility attributing to decline in
10 d] for wound healing property in streptozotocin-induced sperm motility and alteration in their morphology. Thus the
diabitic rats using excision and dead space wound models. bark showed the safe and could serve as an effective male
The aqueous extract shows 77% reduction in the wound area contraceptive in animals[17].
when compared to 59% contraction to wound of the controls.
Thus the result suggested that the aqueous extract of C. 4.9. Histaminergic activity
papaya had a potent wound healing property[12].
The crude extract of C. papaya (0.5-512 µg/mL) caused
4.4. Hepatoprotective activity concentration-dependent contraction of ileal strips
suspended in tyrode solution which was mediated via H1-
The aqueous and ethanol extract of dried fruit of C. receptor and is dependent on extracellular Ca2+ influx[18].
papaya for its hepatoprotective activity in rats against CCl4-
induced hepatotoxicity in rats. The aqueous (250 mg/kg, p.o) 4.10. Diuretic activity
and ethanol (250 mg/kg, p.o) extracts of C. papaya showed
significant hepatoprotection by lowering the biochemical Aqueous root extract of C. papaya when given orally at
parameters such as SGPT, SGOT, serum bilirubin, akaline the dose of 10 mg/kg to rats produced significant increase
phosphatase[13]. in urine output and showed similar profiles of urinary
electrolyte excretion to that of hydrochlorothiazide[19].
4.5. Anti-inflamatory activity
4.11. Anti-amoebic activity
The ethanolic extract of C. papaya leaves in rats using
carrageenan induced paw oedema, cotton pallet granuloma The study suggested that the cold macerated aqueous
4 Tarun Vij and Yash Prashar /Asian Pac J Trop Dis 2015; 5(1): 1-6

extract of matured papaya seeds (100 µ/mL, p.o) showed Fermented papaya prepration is a macrophage activator
significant anti-amoebic activity against Entamoeba which augments nitric oxide synthesis and tumor necrosis
histolytica[20]. factor-alpha[32].

4.12. Anti-tumor activity 4.18. Anti-ulcer activity

The aqueous extract of C. papaya leaves (0.625-20 mg/ Aqueous seed extract of C. papaya at the dose of 50 mg/
mL) exhibits anti-tumor activity. The extract significantly kg and 100 mg/kg p.o against alcohol induced acute gastric
inhibited the proliferative responses of solid tumor cell damage and blood oxidative stress in rats. The gastric
lines derived from cervical carcinoma ( H ela ) , breast acidity was significantly reduced in rats treated with 100 mg/
adenocarcinoma (MCF-7), hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2), kg of the extract[33].
lung adenocarcinoma (PCI4), pancreatic epithelial carcinoma
(Panc-1) and mesothelioma (H2452) in a dose dependent 4.19. Anti-sickling activity
T he methanolic extract of C. papaya at dose 10 mg/
4.13. Anthelmintic mL in vitro reduced hemolysis and protected erythrocyte
membrane integrity under osmotic stress conditions[34].
The dried papaya seeds given as elixir with honey have
shown significant effect on the human intestinal parasites, 4.20. Administration dependent antioxidant effect
without significant side effects. Benzylisothiocynate, present
in seeds is the chief anthelmintic[22-25]. Seeds are the less exploited part thus this study is aimed
The latex of papaya has anthelmintic efficacy against at assessing the antioxidant activities of the C. papaya seeds
Heligmosomoides polygyrus in experimentally infected mice, water extract against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) oxidative
which suggests in potential role as an anthelmintic against stress in human skin Detroit 550 fibroblasts. C. papaya seeds
potent intestinal nematodes of mammalian hosts[26]. water extract is not toxic and acts as a potent free radical
It has also anthelmintic activity against natural infection of scavenger, providing protection to Detroit 550 fibroblasts
Ascaris suum in pigs and found to be 100% effective at the that underwent H2O2 oxidative stress. Data show that (i) the
dose of 8 g/kg body weight[27]. maximum protective effect is achieved by the simultaneous
administration of the extract with 1 mmol/L H2O2; (ii) the
4.14. Effect on smooth muscles extract in presence of an oxidative stress does not increase
catalase activity and prevents the release of cytochrome C
Ethanol extract of papaya seeds at 0.1-6.4 mg/mL showed and the inner mitochondrial transmembrane potential (Δψm)
concentration dependent inhibition of jejunam contraction loss; (iii) the extract is more efficient than vitamin C to
and found significantly irreversible. Thus the extract is hamper the oxidative damage; (iv) the purified subfractions
capable of weakening the contractile capability of isolated of the seeds water extract exert the same antioxidant effect
rabbit jejunam[28]. of whole extract. In conclusion, C. papaya seeds water
extract is potentially useful for protection against oxidative
4.15. Anti-malarial activity stress[35].

The petroleum ether extract of the rind of raw papaya fruit 4.21. Ameliorative effect of leaves of C. papaya in
at concentration ranging from 0.05-1 000 µg/mL. The extract hepatotoxicity
exhibited significant anti-malarial activity[29].
The study was performed by administering the aqueous
4.16. Hypoglycemic activity extract of C. papaya leaves at the dose of 400 mg/kg in rats
prior to administration of ethanol or combination of isoniazid
The ethanolic leaf extract of C. papaya at the dose 5.0 mg/ and rifampicin. The effects on the levels of serum indicators
kg produced significant blood sugar level reduction with no of liver damage (ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase and total
significant effects at the higher dose of 10 mg/kg. The extract bilirubin) and tissue antioxidant parameters like TBARS,
delayed the onset of hypoglycemic activity of glimepiride GSH and SOD were determined. Histopathology of liver was
and increased the hypoglycemic effect of metformin with also performed to study the influence of drug on tissue
the variables interacting differently for each drug-extract integrity[36,37].

4.17. Immuno-modulatory activity 5. Additional benefits of papaya

Chemical constituents of the C. papaya seed extract and its Papaya fruit is a rich source of nutrients such as provitamin
bioactive fraction were examined in vitro using lymphocyte A caroteniods, vitamin C, B, lycopine, dietry minerals, dietry
proliferation assays and complement-mediated hemolytic fibre. Danielone is a phytoalexin found in papaya fruit.
assay[31]. This compound showed high antifungal activity against
Tarun Vij and Yash Prashar /Asian Pac J Trop Dis 2015; 5(1): 1-6

Colletotrichum gloesporiodes, a pathogenic fungus of papaya carried out. This present review on C. papaya was carried
enzymes to our diet and improved our digestive health. The out to focus its various pharmacological properties and
other benefits of papaya include increase in appetite, relieve uses on various disease conditions such as cancer,
nausea, as an acne medicine, ease mensutral pain, lowering hypertension, ulcer, malaria etc.. The review also focuses
the fever, used as an sunscreen and smoothing slave, meat its future potential in many diseases on which even the
tenderizer and fight from dandruff. preliminary work has also been not carried out.
The fruit of papaya can also be used as cosmetics such
as improvement of pimples and wrinkles by rubbing the Research frontiers
white pulp, good bleaching agent, an important ingredient in Studies are being performed in order to determine the
bath soap, astringent, hand washes, detergent bars, help in significant medicinal properties on the basis of traditional
removing dead worn-out skin cells, lightening the colour of claims.
our skin.
Related reports
L iterature survey was done in P ub M ed using key
6. Papaya in case of pregnancy words C. papaya, medicinal properties of C. papaya,
phytochemicals in C. papaya; antioxidants in C.
T he main constituents of papaya are papain and papaya, anticancer activity/antidiabetic, activity/anti-
chymopapain present in latex showing teratogenic and inflammatory, activity/wound healing and activity/
abortificent (can induce an abortion) effects. This can cause antifertility effects of C. papaya. The articles published
increase in the chances of uterine contraction as the papain only in P ub M ed indexed journals were primarily
acts like prostaglandin and oxytocin which are known to considered for writing this review.
put a mother’s body into labour and hence can cause the
adverse effect on babies and mothers health. Innovations & breakthroughs
The latex can also cause the oedema and haemorrhage The work on fruit of papaya has not been done. So the
placentas, resulting in severe complications in pregnancy purpose is to carried out the review on the detailed study
and normally an early delivery. of C. papaya and its medicinal properties and other
additional uses.

7. Conclusion Applications
The various applications includes: anti-hypertensive
The whole plant has its own medicinal value. The various (ethanolic extract of fruit), hepatoprotective (aqueous and
vitamins and enzymes present in the plant (C. papaya) make ethanolic extract ), anti-inflamatory (ethanolic extract),
it neutraceutical plant. The papaya has the wide range of anti-micribial ( aqueous extract ) , anti-cancer, various
pharmacological properties. By the traditional claims papaya food industries etc..
is a powerful medicine. Significant amount of work has been
done on the biological activities. The present review is about Peer review
all the pharmacological activities and the uses of chemical T his is a good study in which the evaluation of the
constituents. various parts of the papaya was carried out by the
literature review. The study includes the pharmacological
activities, presence of enzymes, traditional uses and
Conflict of interest statement nutritional values of the plant.

We declare that we have no conflict of interest.


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