Organic Fertilizer
Organic Fertilizer
Organic Fertilizer
they improve the physical, chemical, and biological supply of inoculants, restriction on the use of
properties of the soil. And if farmers use these, they can
realize greater incomes as a result of large savings on microorganisms, and lack of toxicity tests prevent the
expensive chemical fertilizers. Estimates in rice, for industry from taking full advantage of the domestic and
instance, show that by substituting urea and complete global opportunities. And despite the rising popularity of
fertilizers with organic fertilizer, farmers save more than organic fertilizers, the agricultural communities are still
P4,000 per hectare in one cropping season. inadequately informed of its proper application and use.
Organic fertilizer producers also cash in on agricultural To address these concerns, science and technology
wastes. Net incomes from the production and sale of liquid (S&T) interventions amounting to P30 million have been
and solid organic fertilizer can range from P100,000 to as planned for the next three years. Such interventions will
high as P450,000 within seven months of operation. develop high-quality and environment-friendly organic or
Moreover, the organic fertilizer industry holds special biofertilizers; mechanize the composting process; put up
socioeconomic importance as it can generate considerable technology demonstration farms; establish on-farm
employment. A large-scale operation, for instance, can research; implement an information and technology
Impacts • Increased crop yield even without minimum chemical fertilizer application
• Improved chemical, physical, and biological properties of the soil, contributing
to soil conservation
• Increased farm incomes as a result of large savings on expensive chemical
• Reduced agricultural wastes and enhanced rate of resource recovery
Linkages/Collaborators • Department of Agriculture, Department of Science and Technology,
Department of Trade and Industry, Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries
Product Standards, Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Fertilizer and
Pesticide Authority, Organic Fertilizer Manufacturers Association, Organic
Producers and Trade Association, Organic Certification Center of the
Philippines, other non-government organizations, State Colleges and
Universities, local government units, organic farms, and organic
fertilizer producers
Budget • P 30 million for three years