Waste Management in Devikulam

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Semester 2, 2011

Daniel Gaschk
Ayaka Tamai
Hanh Vu
Dominique Wisniewski

We would like to thank all the help and assistance we received from our tutors, lecturers and the
experts who were involved:

Dr J. Kaya Prpic

Dr Graham Moore

Associate Professor Jim Black

Associate Professor Barbara Ozarska

Dr Chris Weston

Associate Professor Greg Missingham

Executive Summary
The 2011 Engineers Without Border Challenge targeted many different areas for improvement in
the village of Devikulam, India. We immediately realised that our focus was on the Waste
Management area as it had been a well- known ongoing problem in India in general and in rural
areas in particular. Improper treatment methods for solid waste, which was often burnt or
dumped at fields, had led to serious consequences such as contamination of soil and water,
diseases and other damages from pests. As we further researched this topic, we also recognized
that the organic waste was the dominant household waste in India and also caused a majority of
the issues. Therefore, our project particularly concentrated on recycling organic waste into usable
and valuable compost. Through extensive research, discussion and consideration, we believe we
have developed a viable system for organic waste.
Our final design involved introducing and implementing the method of Vermicompost to the
community. Vermicompost used earthworms to breakdown waste into useful products. We
proposed a plan in which Vermicompost could be made in a group of 10 households sharing a
compost tank. Organic waste, after separated, could be added to the tank with the earthworms.
The method did not require many components besides a compost tank, worms and basic
gardening tools for compost collection. It also did not require much power for operation. Thus,
this method was highly sustainable.
Many discussions and considerations had been given in selecting this method, taking into
account the importance of community acceptance. Our aim was to keep the design simple and
easy to follow, which was the case of Vermicompost. Earthworms and compost bins could be
obtained and prepared locally. After the initial preparation, not much work would be required
except for regular checking and maintaining moisture levels. Products could also be collected
after 4 to 8 weeks. Maintenance only included cleaning of tools and of compost tank (about
twice a year).Because of its simplicity, this method was expected to be introduced and adapted

Besides operation, cost and environmental effects were also under our considerations. Since the
two most important components, which were worms and compost bin, initial costs could be
reduced significantly. Minimal work and maintenance also meant minimal ongoing costs. The
method did not directly produce profits but could help improving the quality of crops. In the case
of no materials available, constructing of the tank and purchasing worms could still be done,
ideally with the help of sponsors. Recognizing the nature of being affected by rainfall of the area,
our design also gave detailed instructions on choosing the right location and minimizing the
effects of weather on the process.
In order to make our project practical, we also included an Educational program to accompany
with Vermicompost. This program provided general knowledge about waste management and
emphasized on the advantages of recycling organic wastes into composts. We understood the
role of letting the community make their own choice in sustaining a project. As a result, we
aimed on providing all the information and supports needed yet allowing the people to choose to
do Vermicompost themselves. We also understood that our design needed many supporters to
assist in teaching the villages and helping them in making composts. Gradually, some villagers
could be trained to replace the positions of these supporters.

Team Reflection
By working as a team on this project, the process was made a lot easier and enjoyable. Even
though we are all studying similar subjects, we were still able to get different opinions which
helped make our project detailed and thorough. Working as a team on this project allowed us to
do more research and get more detailed, as the work load is shared. If this project was done
individually, not only would it not be as good in terms on quantity compared to one done by a
group, but also quality. Getting different opinions and support from other team members
definitely helped to improve the quality of the work in our project.
While working on the project we had a number of small problems such as being able to express
ourselves well to each other and making valid assumptions. But the biggest challenge we faced
was finding our direction at the start of the process. It took us a while to decide exactly what we
were going to do our project on. We overcame this challenge eventually, by making some
important decisions, even though it felt a bit rash. When we decided to focus on organic waste,
we suddenly had a real sense of direction and purpose. Deciding to focus on one problem helped
make the whole process a bit more achievable.
From this challenge, we have learnt a number of things that are important when trying to make a
successful design project, and they are things that we would include in the process if we were to
do it over again. It is important to put a lot of effort into understanding the context, especially in
the initial stages of the design process and to do our best to express ourselves well, so we can get
our point across to others correctly. We would acknowledge that it is necessary to take some
time at the beginning of a project like this, and to use the time wisely. It is an important and
difficult part of the project, so it is good to be prepared to spend quite a lot of time deciding
which direction we want to go. We would also pay more attention to the actual problem we are
trying to solve. It is important to refer back to the problem or question regularly, to keep the
project relevant. There would be nearly no point to the project if we have forgotten what the
problem we are trying to address is.

We found that it was enjoyable to put all the pieces of the project together at the end. Collecting,
condensing and then putting all the information in order were very satisfying. Its nice to see all
the work we have put in is finally coming together. We have also enjoyed using the visualisation
methods. They were a very useful way of organising all the information we had found for our
own benefit. But it was also a good way of presenting that information to the other members of
our group. It was a much more efficient and interesting way of sharing information compared to
paragraphs of information.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................. 1
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 2
TEAM REFLECTION ....................................................................................................................... 4
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... 6
1. PROBLEM DEFINITION ............................................................................................................. 9
1.1. PROBLEM SCOPE ................................................................................................................. 9
1.2. TECHNICAL REVIEW ......................................................................................................... 10
1.2.1. Background to Devikulam waste management ........................................................... 10
1.2.2. Issues that result from poor waste management in Devikulam .................................... 11
1.2.3. How we aim to address the aforementioned issues ...................................................... 13
1.3. COMPOSTING AS AN ORGANIC WASTE TREATMENT METHOD .............................. 14
1.4. DESIGN CRITERIA ............................................................................................................. 18
1.5. ETHICS ................................................................................................................................. 19
2. DESIGN OPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 20
2.1. NO WASTE MANAGEMENT SOLUTION .......................................................................... 20
2.2. WNIDROW COMPOSTING ................................................................................................. 20
2.3. VERMICOMPOST ................................................................................................................ 23
2.4. TAKAKURA HOME COMPOSTING METHOD ................................................................. 26
2.5. OPTION SELECTION .......................................................................................................... 28

3. DESIGN DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................... 33

3.1. SUMMARY OF THE DESIGN ............................................................................................. 33
3.2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION: EDUCATION PROGRAM ..................................................... 33
3.2.1. Process diagram ......................................................................................................... 33
3.2.2. Process description .................................................................................................... 33
3.2.3. Educational approaches .............................................................................................. 35
3.2.4. Program procedure ..................................................................................................... 37
3.3. DETAILED DESCRIPTION: VERMICOMPOST ................................................................. 39
3.3.1. Functional diagram .................................................................................................... 39
3.3.2. Component description .............................................................................................. 40
3.3.3. Program procedure ..................................................................................................... 45
4. DESIGN DESCRIPTION SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ...................................................... 52
4.1. PLAN FOR OBTAINING COMPONENTS ........................................................................... 52
4.1.1. Education program ..................................................................................................... 52
4.1.2. Vermicompost ........................................................................................................... 53
4.2. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ................................................................................................. 55
4.2.1. Implementation overview ........................................................................................... 55
4.2.2. Component list ........................................................................................................... 56
4.2.3. Implementation procedure .......................................................................................... 57
4.2.4. Additional uses .......................................................................................................... 58
4.3. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................ 58
4.3.1. Strengths and weaknesses .......................................................................................... 58
4.3.2. Next steps .................................................................................................................. 62
5. EVALUATION PLAN ................................................................................................................ 63

6. EVALUATION SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ....................................................................... 65

6.1. CASE STUDIES ................................................................................................................... 65
6.2. COST ANAYLSIS ................................................................................................................. 67
6.3. REGULATORY AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS .......................................................... 69
6.3.1. Safety considerations ................................................................................................. 69
7. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 75
8. APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................ 82

1. Problem definition
Waste treatment and waste disposal is a significant area of concern for the country of India and
particularly underdeveloped, poor areas such as Devikulam. The treatment of solid waste such as
kitchen and garden waste, agricultural waste, plastics, cloths, glass and metal and general
household waste is of great concern as treatment often involves the solid waste being dumped at
the back of homes or fields or the waste is put straight into landfill. From here the waste will be
left out the back of homes or in the fields. Another common method is to burn this waste.
Although this may seem like an easy and simple method of disposing or relocating waste the
people in these villages may not be aware of the problems that occur because of poor waste
management systems. They may also not have the resources and knowledge to deal with these
issues especially when families earn low incomes so their focus is on working and providing
enough food for their families, not on a seemingly low priority such as waste management.
However we believe that waste management is a very important area and many problems such as
health, sanitation and environmental concerns can be prevented as well as profit being made if
waste can be effectively recycled. Statistics show that 0.3 to 0.4 million metric tonnes of solid
waste are generated by rural areas each day and most of this will not be sorted into degradable
and non-degradable; instead it will be burnt and deposited back into the ground. Uncollected
waste can end up in drains and this not only blocks up drains but waste that is uncollected or left
out the back of homes attracts rats, flies and other insects resulting in the spread of disease.


Problem scope

The problem we have decided to investigate is how the people of Devikulam dispose of solid
waste. More specifically we will be looking at how to dispose of household waste, which is most
commonly comprised of organic matter such as kitchen waste and agricultural waste. As
household waste and agricultural waste is most often dumped at the back of houses or in the
fields we aim to address this problem by creating a system where waste can be sorted into what
can be composted and recycled and what is not recyclable.

This will result in a safer method of storing solid waste, which, will be less exposed to rats, flies
and other insects thus decreasing spread of disease and concentration of pests around housing
We also will develop a method of composting solid waste and create an education program that
will focus on how to compost effectively, safely and in a way that will increase agricultural
growth and decrease poor waste management practices.

1.2. Technical Review

1.2.1. Background to Devikulam waste management
Although there are no specific records of the breakdown of waste in Devikulam we have
assumed what it may most likely be by researching the type of waste that is found in rural areas
in India. The following pie chart gave us a good representation of the composition of waste in
India and allowed us to gain an idea about the likely composition of waste in India even though
we could not find the breakdown of waste in Devikulam itself.

Figure 1.1: Breakdown of municipal solid waste in India

(National Solid Waste Association of India)


Biodegradable waste such as kitchen waste (for example food and scraps) makes up the biggest
percentage of waste composition and inert (waste that is not biodegradable) makes up 25%. So
the problem of a build-up of waste in India, like the problem of dumping waste behind homes in
Devikulam, can be lessened by separating the waste. As seen from the pie chart (Figure 1.1),
almost 50 per cent of this waste is biodegradable. It is also important to note that plastics, metals,
rags and paper can be recycled and used for other purposes.
The most common methods for disposing of waste in rural parts of India (including Devikulam)
involve dumping solid waste in landfill or it is done by burning the waste. Landfill and burning
serve as an easy option to dispose of waste however both these methods are significantly
unsustainable. Solid waste in landfill attracts rodents and pests, which in turn can spread disease
as well as creating the problem of the slow breakdown of plastics and other things that are not
recyclable. Burning also can damage the environment as burning waste can damage or poison the
soil as it breaks down unrecyclable such as plastic bags so although it is an easy method to
disposing of waste it is not very sustainable.
The other main solution to manage waste is to store solid waste at the back of houses, or, for
agricultural practices, to dump the waste in fields. However due to either lack of education,
motivation or time, the waste can often not be separated or stored very effectively. This can lead
to an increase of rodents or flies in the area, which, as mentioned before, can result in a spread of
disease. Another problem that can occur is found in the breakdown of solid waste. Although
organic waste may break down to form compost this compost may not be of very good quality.
Incompatible organic waste combinations or the inclusion of unrecyclable and other waste
products, inadequate for composting, can cause these problems.

1.2.2. Issues that result from poor waste management in Devikulam

Spread of Disease
Poor storage of waste can lead to an influx of rats, rodents, flies and other insects that look for
sources of food and places to breed. An increase of these pests and insects, which carry diseases
such as malaria and diarrhoea also greatly increases the risks of spreading sicknesses, especially
when concentrated in a populated area.


Damage caused by rats and rodents

Another possible consequence of poor storage can lead to rats and rodents causing lots of
damage. Once a new reliable source of food is discovered rats and mice will also look for places
to nest. In doing so, they can damage housing and electrical wires.
Dangerous waste products
Because waste is not properly separated, waste such as glass and other sharp objects can also
pose a danger to workers known as rag- pickers. As waste does not get separated, these sharp
items can cause injuries to these workers and they can also spread diseases. This is even more
concerning if those sharp items happen to be syringes or other medical equipment (however
medical items such as syringes would not be as common in a poor town such as Devikulam).
Soil and air poisoning
A common practice is to burn waste however this also causes many problems. Burning waste and
putting it straight into the ground is dangerous, as the waste is not separated properly. Items such
as plastics, untreated woods and other chemicals can be released into the ground, which poison
the soil. This can lead to a less fertile soil and environmental damage. Fumes from burning waste
can also be a problem as these toxins can pollute the air causing further environmental damage
and problems regarding health.
Composting opportunities are not being exploited
As the main occupation in Devikulam is agriculture and it is important also to grow your own
food, composting can play an influential role in helping to grow better crops and plants. Poor
separation, storage and composting techniques mean that the quality (and perhaps quality) of
compost is much less than it could potentially be.
Poor sanitation and waste management practices
The final major problem that we will address in the report is poor sanitation and waste
management practices. Many people of rural towns like Devikulam have not been taught
common sanitation applications such as washing your hands after handling waste, animals or
going to the toilet. As mentioned already they can also improve on how they manage waste, as
landfill and burning waste are not the most sustainable methods.

1.2.3. How we aim to address the aforementioned issues

Spread of disease, damage caused by rodents and exposure to dangerous materials
By implementing a simple method for disposing, storing and reusing solid waste products we
aim to remove these problems as solid waste will be properly stored and disposed which means
that it will be safe from the threat of rats and rodents as well as safely storing dangerous
materials such as glass.
The spread of disease will also be lessened as it will be safely stored meaning that it will attract
less rodents, flies and insects and we hope that the spread of waste around the streets and towns
will also be positively affected.
Soil and air poisoning and exploiting composting opportunities
Landfill and burning solid waste products are not the most effective way to dispose of and
manage waste and these processes can also be harmful to the environment. Our goal is to
introduce more effective methods of composting to the community and this will mean less soil
and air poisoning, but instead, soil enrichment.
We also will explore how composting solid waste can lead to profit either in the form of earning
money or by enriching soil and growing better crops of greater quantity.
Poor sanitation and waste management practices
It is our goal to develop an effective education program that can address the issues concerning
sanitation and waste management procedures. We aim to teach the people of Devikulam the
importance of good sanitation and waste management practices through different educational
programs aimed at adults and children and we will base our programs on past programs that have
worked before or improvements that can be made to programs that may not have been very


1.3. Composting as an Organic Waste treatment method

As most of the solid waste generated in Devikulam is organic waste such as food scraps
(Engineering Without Borders, 2011), we considered that composting was the best method to
apply to manage the waste problem. First of all, composting is a natural recycling system that
breaks organic matter down into valuable nutrition to the soils (NSW Government, 2011). The
benefit of composting is that it can reform soil structure, texture and aeration and improve the
soils capacity to hold water. Furthermore, utilising composting as a fertilizer develops good root
formation in soils (Compost Guide n.d.). Since the major industry and resource for earnings in
Devikulam is agriculture, soil improvement would directly affect local peoples life and lead to
better quality of life. In fact, there were significant changes on the street in Surabaya-city in
Indonesia, which implemented one of the sustainable composting methods named Takakura
Home composting Method (this detail will be explained later in this report). The fertilizer from
composting has made the city and street more green (see following pictures) (Sibu Municipal
Council, 2010).This example explains that composting has the ability to improve soil conditions.
Moreover, composting can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and
groundwater pollution as well as reducing the total amount of waste (Muller, 2005). Therefore, it
is very sustainable locally and globally. For the above reasons, we decided to take composting as
a solution for waste management.

Figure 1.2: Before and After the implementation of Takakura Home composting Method (Sibu Municipal Council 2010)


There are many types of composting and each method has different features. Generally, there are
two major types of composting: anaerobic (see Figure 1.3) and aerobic (see Figure 1.4). The
advantages and disadvantages of both methods are shown in Tables 1.1 and 1.2. The first method
is processed in the absence of oxygen and the second one is processed in the presence of oxygen.
Anaerobic composting is less labour intensive as it does not require frequent turning of the pile.
It is a low-temperature process because the process of decomposition by anaerobic bacteria
requires less energy released (Ministry of Urban Development Government of India, 2005).
However, unlike aerobic composting, anaerobic compost maintains both seeds of weeds and
pathogenic microorganisms because the temperature produced is not high enough to kill them.
Hence, it is more unsanitary and there might be higher incidence of serious diseases occurred.
Moreover, it is anaerobic composting decomposes at a very slow rate and produces a strong
odour. Conversely, aerobic composting is a high-temperature process because the process of
oxidizing compounds requires more energy. In aerobic composting, temperatures will rise
rapidly to about 70 to 80 degrees Celsius. However, temperatures will decrease gradually after
intense activity of microorganisms. Therefore, occasional monitoring of moisture and
temperature are needed to maintain air circulation during this process. Therefore, it will need
more labours to mix the pile thoroughly. However, the process of decomposing is faster than
anaerobic methods and there is less unpleasant odour (Benefits of Recycling 2010; Henry, 2005).
According to Ali (2005), people usually show their resistance towards home composting due to
the particular smell or the presence of flies. Hence, aerobic composting may achieve higher
public acceptance by local people. Although unpleasant odours can be avoided with anaerobic
composting by means well-closed containers, this would require more funding and a deeper
knowledge of composting. Moreover, the constant rainfall during the monsoon season and
frequent flooding might make it more difficult for people to maintain a limited oxygen level.
Therefore, we decided to choose aerobic composting methods rather than anaerobic for the above


Figure 1.3: Anaerobic Composting

Table 1.1: Anaerobic Composting: Advantages and Disadvantages



Less labour required to maintain

Unpleasant odour

Pathogen, pest and weed seed can

survive due to lower temperature

Need to prepare well-closed containers

in some cases ( It will cost more and
need more maintenance)


Slower decomposition process

Figure 1.4: Aerobic Composting

Table 1.2: Aerobic Composting: Advantages and Disadvantages


Less odour

Pathogen, pest and seed weed are


compost pile

unlikely to survive due to higher

temperature during decomposition

More labour required to mix the

Need to Monitor moisture and

temperature level

Faster decomposition process


1.4. Design Criteria



Operation: Easy? Simple? (level of complexity)

Resources required: Available? Flexible?

Human resource required: Labour?

Life span

Simple procedure and minimal steps

Resources that are required to build and operate can be found locally
(minimal transport required) and must be sustainable.

Time required to turn waste into compost is short. The shorter time
needed to turn waste into compost the better.


Compost created is of a high quality.

Minimal maintenance is desirable but maintenance must also be

simple. Allows people in community to maintain rather than only

Checking the compost throughout the process must be simple and

minimal if it is to be done at a local level.


Initial costs must be reasonable (Devikulam is not a wealthy


Costs of maintenance and use after the project is installed must be


The solution suggested must be able to generate profit or a stream of



Must limit the amount of pollution, waste and greenhouse gas


Reuse resources in the community, for example waste and recyclables

Must meet the needs of those in the community

Must not compromise ability of future generations to meet their needs



Must reduce waste and create better waste management practices

To the

Create an income stream potential for employment and creating



The solution must be aesthetically pleasing.

The community should be able to see and understand how the

solution is helping their community (through results or education)

Procedures should be easy to adopt or simple enough that it can be

learnt easily.

1.5. Ethics
The Australian Institute of Engineers has a code of ethics in place, for engineers to follow and
ensure they deliver ethical results of a high quality. It provides a framework for ethical
engineering practice (Our Code of Ethics, 2010). Throughout our process of developing the
solution, we have also followed this code to achieve good results.
Of the four responsibilities outlined in the code of ethics, Promoting Sustainability would be the
most important one for our project. Our project will be very successful if it is able to last a long
time in the village, and provide positive results in way that is sustainable. We have taken into
consideration the importance of our solution to balance the needs of the present with the needs
of future generations (Our Code of Ethics, 2010).


2. Design Options
It should be noted that an education program will be included in any of these solutions to educate
the people so that the solution can run more smoothly. It will make the solution much more
efficient and effective. The program will need to include the following points:

What the problem is- Basic information about issues that can arise from an improper
waste management program.

What the solution is and how it works.

Why this solution- The benefits the community will gain from using the method.

How to carry it out- What the people need to do, what resources will they need.

2.1. No Waste Management solution

In this option, no action will be taken and no solution will be provided. By a combination of the
information given by EWB and our research of waste management in developing communities,
valid assumptions have been made about how the people of Devikulam are disposing of their
It is known that there is no waste management system in Devikulam and that the villagers
normally dump their rubbish behind their houses. We are assuming that rubbish may also be
burnt as a disposal method, as this is quite common in India. We are also assuming that some
may dispose of their organic waste by simply dumping it in vegetation.

2.2. Windrow composting

Windrow is the oldest and simplest composting method. It involves collecting and building up
waste into piles and using natural decomposition to turn waste into compost. This is an aerobic
process which is suitable for a rainfall and highly humid area since strict maintenance of oxygen
is not required. However, the process requires regular turning of waste for air ventilation.
Maintenance of temperature and moisture levels is also helpful in producing better quality


We consider two alternative proposals of windrow compost: industrial scale and domestic scale.
Industrial scale windrow compost.

Figure 2.1: Mechanical turning of windrow compost


Windrow compost is commonly used in large farms as a mean of treating organic waste. In the
industrial scale, a large amount of compost can be produced at once, with consistent and good
quality. This compost is suitable for using in the farms as well as selling and becomes a mean for
profit. This proposal would also provide employment opportunities.
However, considering the Devikulam community, this method seems to be somewhat unsuitable.
Firstly, a separate facility has to be built, which must include areas for waste segregation, making
piles, storage and packaging. Vehicles for transportation of waste, products and mechanical
turning are also required. These assets also need to be maintained regularly. Secondly, a large
amount of waste has to be collected and separated before composting, which would be timeconsuming. The actual composting process is also very complicated with many steps. And
thirdly, although may be given job opportunities, workers also need to be trained to be able to
operate machines. Therefore, this plan would require a very high initial cost and a period of time
before it can show any profit in return.

Domestic scale windrow compost.

Windrow compost is also commonly used in households for organic waste treatment. This is an
effective way to reuse waste and is simple to do. Compost obtained is normally used for the
crops grown in the household. The amount of compost produced depends on the amount of
waste. The quality and time required vary greatly depending on the composting method.

Figure 2.2: Home Composting using open- air compost bin constructed of wood pallets

As this method is on a small scale, it only requires minimum a facility and equipment. Waste can
be piled up on the ground or in a compost bin. Normally, two pits are required. Waste is
gradually added to one pit. Once this is full, it is used for composting and waste is added to the
second pit. Manual separation of waste within households generally means a better separation
than in the industrial scale. The process of adding waste and turning compost are relatively
simple and require little training. Only minimum cost and minimum maintenance of equipment
are required.


However, this method relies solely on the understanding of waste treatment of people within a
household. Since the whole process is done manually, basic knowledge about what to compost,
waste separation or hygiene and odour prevention, etc, are required. Information about these
aspects need to be made available for people.
Two typical methods of home windrow compost are:

Add- as- you- go process: Waste is gradually added over time. Once full, waste is left
undisturbed for composting.

Batch process: Waste is accumulated and piled up all at once. No more waste is then
added. The batch is turned regularly for ventilation.

These two methods and the industrial scale method are compared in Appendix 1.

2.3. Vermicompost
Vermicompost involves the action of earthworms and microorganisms to break down organic
waste. It is a process that produces useful nutrients which are then returned to the soil, where
they enrich the quality of the soil. It is a composting method that requires very little land, uses
simple technology, doesnt produce any bad odours and eliminates weed seeds.

Figure 2.3: Red wigglers- a good species of worm to use for Vermicompost
(Wonder Worman, 2011)


As worms breed quickly they can rapidly establish their own equilibrium. So initially, fewer
worms would be better than more. It can be possible to remove worms from the compost to use
for fishing. This will not affect the composting process in any way, because the worms can
quickly reproduce to replace those that were taken.
In terms of operation, Vermicompost is very simple and easy. Most of the work required would
be at the start to set it up. Only a few materials are needed, such as suitable box, a plastic sheet or
something similar and earthworms. Soil and organic waste is also required. After set up, only a
few things are left to do; adding organic waste, monitor moisture levels and scrape out castings.
It takes about 1-2 months for a good quality compost to be produced.
Once this composting method has been set up, there is very little to maintain. The only work
necessary would be to monitor the level of moisture and take action if necessary. It may be
important to also ensure that the box is still secure, so worms cant get out and pests cant get in.
There are also several other simple methods of preventing pests that can be used.
Vermicompost is very cheap. The only significant amount of money required would be for the
worms. Prices for worms can vary a lot and it is not clear where the worms can be bought from
(some place close to Devikulam would be preferable). Initially, worms can seem quite expensive,
sometimes about $25 (US) for one pound. However, once one Vermicompost box has been set
up and established, it is possible to take worms from that box and use them to set up another box,
because they breed so quickly. This will dramatically reduce the overall cost of this solution. All
other resources can be bought or may already be available, such as the box.


Figure 2.4: An example of a box that would be suitable for Vermicompost

(Red Wiggler Compost Worm Bin, 2009)

This composting method is a very good example of sustainability in action. As plants grow they
take up nutrients from the soil, and as they decompose those nutrients are returned to the soil to
be used by other plants. However, if the plants are taken from the soil (to be used in cooking for
example) the nutrients will not be returned, unless compost is used. Vermicompost takes organic
waste and converts it into compost, with the help of microorganisms and worms to speed up the
process. The quality of the soil is improved and better plants are able to be produced.
Vermicompost is good in terms of sustainability as it creates a cycle for nutrients to be used and
then returned. A very small amount of extra resources are needed and no extra energy is used.
Vermicompost would have a positive influence on the community. It should encourage the
people to separate their wastes and may get them to think more about controlling their waste. If
they are already practicing some method of composting, they may find this new method much
more efficient.


2.4. Takakura Home composting Method (THCM)

The Takakura home composting method (THCM) is one of the aerobic fermentation composting
methods, invented by Dr. Koji Takakura who works at Wakamatsu Environment Research
Institution in Japan (Ministry of Environment Government of Japan, 2011). This composting
method is suitable for use in the individual household and a fermenting solution, seed compost
and baskets are required. THCM has a quite simple method and involves three steps in a broad
way. First, you need to make fermenting solutions by fermented local products. Secondly, you
have to mix it with seed compost that is made up of rice husks and bran and then put that mixture
in a basket. Thirdly, you just put chopped food waste every day and wait for decomposition.
THCM has many positive characteristics. The biggest benefit is speedy composting. Although
conventional methods of composting takes a few months to decompose, THCM only requires
about 14 days (Sibu Municipal Council, 2010). It is very advantageous for instructors to teach
local people the process of composting because the quick outcome will not let local residents to
lose interest. Especially in an education field, it is important to keep drawing childrens attention
to things they are learning. Children may be able to find it more interesting to learn the THCM
rather than other composting methods since it will take only 2 days for food scraps to disappear.
In fact, in Surabaya-city, people have started to call this composting facility the magic bucket.
In addition, when compared with other methods, THCM requires a smaller space. For example, it
needs 100 square meters for one ton of garbage to be composted (Parco& Basilan, 2011). Hence,
more households will be able to accommodate this facility.
Furthermore, this method is very sustainable. This is because most of the resources needed are
things that local people already have. For example, bamboo can be used as a material for the
basket and microorganisms are cultivated from locally available materials such as yoghurt,
tempe, miso paste, tapei and tam cheong (Li, 2010). Also, unpleasant odours are avoided
because the fermenting bacteria will work against putrefactive bacteria (Ministry of Environment
Government of Japan, 2011).


In fact, in 2005, Surabaya-city in Indonesia applied this home composting method with the
support of a Japanese team and now 20,000 household are using this method (Kitakyushu
International Techno-Cooperative Association, 2007). This project produced a result beyond
expectations and the amount of waste from household in the city declined by 20 precent a few
years after implementation. Moreover, thanks to this magic basket, the street views in
Surabaya city have changed completely. By using fertilizer made from THM, the city became
much cleaner and greener (Ministry of Environment Government of Japan, 2011).
In other developing countries, such as Malaysia and Philippine, THCM has been introduced as a
solution for waste management and these projects have achieved a significant reduction of
household waste with further improvement in sanitation (Institute for Global Environmental
Strategies, 2009). Hence, we consider this method as one of our options for waste management
in Devikulam.
However, through discussion and comparison with other composting methods, we have decided
that this method is not the most suitable solution for Devikulam because of the following

THCM is a new method of composting and there is not enough detailed information
about outcomes available.

This method seems to be most applicable for urban cities in developing countries, which
is not relevant to rural Devikulam.

In this method, the use of water is necessity to make the fermented solutions. Therefore,
an improvement of water quality should be done prior to its implementation.

Sugar and salt, which are both used in THCM, might be important food resources for
people in Devikulam or they might be difficult to access.

Making the fermenting solutions, seed compost and bamboo baskets might be very
complicated for local people. (In fact, in some countries, projects failed due to the
insufficient leaders or instructors.)

It might be unfamiliar or scary for people to see the activity of microorganisms (e.g.


People have to stir the seed compost to supply oxygen every day, but is their concept of
day the same as ours? What if they forget or just simply lose interests and ignore it.

Also people have to cut food scrap into smaller pieces- too much effort to do?

This basket needs to be kept dry and out of direct sunlight (Sibu Municipal Council,
2010). However, do they have proper roof at each home

The detailed process can be seen in Appendix 2.

2.5. Option Selection

Grading scale used:

Least Favorable

Most Favorable

1. Operation
Industrial- scale

Domestic- scale

Windrow compost

Windrow compost


Many steps


Takakura homecomposting method

Few, easy steps

Few, easy steps

Many steps to start,
require precision

Facility and

Gardening tools, Bins

equipments; Staffs

Gardening tools,

Simple tools,

Bin, Worms

Specific ingredients

Short period

Very short period

Long period (prior

Time depend on

separation+ post

technique (1-8



Uniform, good

Product quality

Generally good

Generally good


depends on technique



(14 days)


2. Maintenance
Industrial- scale

Domestic- scale

Windrow compost

Windrow compost



Takakura homecomposting method


Simple cleaning

Simple cleaning

Simple cleaning

maintenance of




Cleaning of sites

Simple checking of

Simple checking of

Avoid rainfall and

after making

temperature and

temperature and

direct sunlight




facility and

3. Cost/Profit


Industrial- scale

Domestic- scale

Windrow compost

Windrow compost

High initial costs

Ongoing costs


Takakura homecomposting method

Minimum initial

Minimum initial

Initial cost depends



on cost of ingredients

Very minimum

Minimum ongoing

Minimum ongoing

ongoing costs

costs (cost of


Potential for profits

No product for

No product for

No product for





4. Sustainability


Industrial- scale

Domestic- scale

Windrow compost

Windrow compost


Takakura homecomposting method

Sustainable: Reuse

Sustainable: Reuse

Sustainable: Reuse

Sustainable: Reuse

organic waste for

organic waste for

organic waste for

organic waste for

growing crops and

growing crops

growing crops

growing crops

No electric power

No electric power

No electric power

making profits.
Power (electricity,
fuel) required for

Ingredients for

facility operation

solution can be used

for cooking


5. Influence to community
Industrial- scale

Domestic- scale

Windrow compost

Windrow compost



Takakura homecomposting method

Reduce waste,

Reduce waste, assist

Reduce waste,

Reduce waste, assist

assist agriculture


assist agriculture


Easy to evaluate

Easy to adopt and

Easy to adopt and

Be able to prevent




insects (can keep


Construction and

Improper procedure


The idea of Micro-

operation of facility

may cause hygienic

procedure may

organisms might be

may be disturbing


cause hygienic

unfamiliar to local



Training may be

No unpleasant



Potential job


Industrial- scale

Domestic- scale

Windrow compost

Windrow compost




composting method




Takakura home-


After lengthy discussions, we have concluded that the Industrial- scale Windrow compost and
the Takakura home- composting method are not applicable for our project. Industrial Windrow
requires a lot of capital funding, building of facility and training for staffs. On the other hand, the
Takakura home- composting method involves difficult techniques that may be difficult to follow
by the locals.
We then focused on choosing from the other two options, Domestic- scale Windrow compost
and Vermicompost. Both methods are very similar in term of Operation, Maintenance, Cost and
Sustainability. To evaluate these methods impacts on the community, we made the following

In Devikulam, the main organic waste treatment method is burning and burying back to
the soil. (Based on answers on the EWB forum)

The community is looking for a new organic waste treatment method.

According to these assumptions, Domestic- scale Windrow compost is the more familiar method.
It also involves accumulation of waste and waste can also be composted by burying on the
ground. If introduced, this method may be more easily accepted by the community. However, the
problem with Domestic Windrow is that the quality of compost depends greatly on the
composting technique, i.e. frequency of turning of waste. Because it is very similar, people may
simply forget to follow the instructions and just come back to the old method. Thus, Domestic
Windrow may be easy to adopt, but hard to sustain.
On the other hand, Vermicompost is the less familiar method. However, it may still be easy to
adopt since the process is relatively straightforward. Using worms instead of manual turning of
waste can ensure the quality of products, even if people forget to follow the instructions. The
short period of time needed also means that people can see the results very quickly. Therefore,
this method is relatively easy to adopt and easier than Windrow to sustain.
Based on the above comparisons, we have decided to choose Vermicompost as our final design.


3. Design Description
3.1. Summary of Design
The design of this solution consists of two parts which are the vermicompost process and an
educational program. The educational program will commence first, to introduce the project and
to form a group of people interested in participating. About a third of the way through the
program, the vermicompost process will start.

3.2. Detailed description: Education program

3.2.1. Process diagram
Refer to figure 3.1.

3.2.2. Process description

For vermicompost to be successful in Devikulam, the people of the village will have to have a
fairly good knowledge on how to carry out the composting, what to do with the end product and
most importantly; why they are doing it. To get all these points across, it was decided that an
educational program should be devised, as the understanding of the villagers is crucial for this
solution to work. Not only will this educational program include information about
vermicompost, but it will also include better sanitation and waste reduction practices. A
combination of all this will should improve the waste situation of Devikulam significantly.


Figure 3.1: Education Process diagram


The actual content of the program will include:

What the problem is, how it came about, how it is affecting them and what can be done to
fix it.

How this solution will address the problem.

How vermicompost works and what will have to be done by the people.

Why vermicompost was chosen as the solution.

Advice and information on good sanitation practices. These practices will aim to prevent
the spread of diseases and encourage a cleaner environment.

Better ways to manage waste, such as reducing, reusing and recycling.

3.2.3. Educational approaches

A range of methods will be used to get all this information across. There are two major ones:
classes at primary school for t3he children and lectures for the rest of the village.
Primary School Classes
The primary school classes will be conducted by a teacher as normal, but vermicompost would
be another area that will be covered. Activities could be used to make this class more enjoyable
and memorable for the children. Here is a list of some examples of activities that will be used to
educate the children:

Quadrant Activity

This activity can only be carried out if the vermicompost tank is reasonably large. The aim is
to prove to the students that the worms are responsible for the decomposition of the organic
waste, and that the process takes time.
The first step is to split the tank up into four quadrants (refer to figure 3.2)

Figure 3.2: Four- quadrant tank


This is followed by adding some organic waste to the first quadrant and waiting a couple of
days. Then waste is added to the second quadrant. This process is repeated for the remaining
two quadrants. By then the waste should have been decomposed in quadrant 1. If done
properly, the worms in the tank should follow the fresher waste, leaving behind the compost.
It is possible to check this by moving the top layer of soil/waste to see if the worms are there.


Taking tours around the village is an active interesting way to discuss current problems and
future plans, as the site would be in front of everyone. It would make imagining and planning
much easier to be right at the site, rather than in a room.

Spreading Germs Activity

This activity involves getting some children to put some sort of bright liquid/substance
(which is easy to get off) or something similar on their hands and going about their daily
activity. At the end of the day children can clearly see what has been touched. The whole aim
of this activity is to show the children how easily germs can spread, by simply touching
objects, food, skin etc. It should also encourage the washing of hands to prevent the spread of

Poster Making Activity (Refer to Appendix 4 for some examples of posters)

In this activity pre-made posters can be coloured in by children, but the children can also
make their own posters. The aim is to use these posters around the village, as a way of
promoting the project and encouraging the people to participate. This will be preferred and
will be more effective, as they will have a better idea of how to get the message across. The
children will have a better understanding of how the older people of the village think and
interpret things.

School Composting

If there is enough waste at the school (leftovers from lunch time), a school compost could be
organised. It would encourage the children to do it themselves, take responsibility and act
well in a team.


The lectures for the rest of the village would have some of the same content as the primary
school classes. They should be enjoyable so they become memorable and the people stay
interested. However, they should contain more detail as the audience would be older and more
capable of understanding. It is proposed that lectures are given to small groups so the
information can get across easier. It could also be more convenient for the villagers (not
everyone will be available to attend a lecture at the same time) and will not put pressure on the
caste system.
Other methods of information sources
To assist these lectures and classes, examples and samples (such as an example box, or a sample
of worm castings) will be provided to properly explain to the audience all they need to know
about the solution. This should motivate the people to really get involved in the solution, as they
have a better idea of what the end product would look like and how much work theyll need to
put in.
To ensure the people of Devikulam are not left completely alone once the project has truly
started, a group of trained volunteers will be organised to provide assistance and advice when
needed. These people should express a lot of interest in the project to invest some time and
patience to support the compost method and help their fellow villagers.

3.2.4. Program Procedure

Step 1: Approaching the community
This step involves the first actions that will be taken when arriving at the village. The
information about a new project will need to get around to everyone. The people need to be
encouraged to take part in this project and attend the first meeting. This will be done by a
combination of door-to-door visits and the use of pamphlets to get the message out. These
pamphlets will have writing, but mostly pictures, as a lot of people in Devikulam cannot read.
There will be an introductory lecture, to introduce the project, motivate the people and gain even
more interest.


This section most likely will not go as planned. It can be very difficult to come into a village and
propose a solution that people outside the country have created. However, there are already
people in Devikulam who will be of great assistance with this part of the project.
Step 2: Vermicompost
In this part of the program, a basic explanation of how vermicompost works will be provided. A
bit of information on how the organic waste is broken down will be included, to then explain
why only organic waste can be used, which will then lead on to the importance of separating
their waste. The people will also be taught in this part how to carry out vermicompost. This will
include the various jobs and responsibilities that will need to be taken up.
The second section of the vermicompost education part will go into a bit more detail concerning
the vermicompost method. Tips will be provided to help make the production of the compost
more efficient and effective. The people will also be informed of the long term benefits of this
composting method in more detail (when compared to the introduction, where they may have
just been mentioned). Hearing these facts will hopefully encourage the people even further to
All this will be taught through lectures and primary school classes. Creative activities will also
be utilised so that the message may get across better. Some of these activities will include
making promotional posters to be put up around the village. These will hopefully remind the
adults of what they have just learnt and encourage them to take it up.
At this point in the program, it is planned that some feedback may be received to evaluate how
the program is going. The program may be nearly half way through, and there is little point
continuing if the way the people are being taught is not effective.
Feedback will be collected through any comments made at meetings and lectures. Also through
one-on-one conversations with volunteers, educators, participants and those who didnt
participate. Once feedback has been collected and evaluated, the program will most likely have
to be altered. If very negative feedback is received, then possibly the program could become
more hands on. This could engage the people more effectively, and help them learn.

Step 3: Better Sanitation and Waste Management

Similar to Step 2, lectures, primary school classes and activities for the children will be used to
carry out this part of the program, including promotional posters. However the content of this
section will be quite different. This part of the program will focus heavily on developing better
waste management practices. This will include ways to reduce, recycle and reuse their wasteconverting it into a resource. This aims to make some improvement on the inorganic waste
situation, which is not included in the vermicompost part of the project.
This step will also provide education on better sanitation practices. Hopefully, this will reduce
the chance of the spread of diseases and maybe even a cleaner village. The content will include
basic sanitation practices that are often missing in rural life, such as washing hands when
appropriate and boiling water.

3.3. Detailed description: Vermicompost

3.3.1. Functional Diagram



Worms break down

organic matter


Figure 3.3: Vermicompost Functional diagram



3.3.2. Component Description

Vermicompost consists of the following essential features:


Vermicompost tank


Organic material

Earthworms are the most essential element of Vermicompost. They take in organic material and
break it down. Most of the organic matter remains undigested and forms a cast along with the
worm metabolic waste (ammonium, proteins) and mucus (contains polysaccharides and
nitrogenous compounds). Thus, the compost contains essential nutrients such as Nitrogen,
Potassium and Phosphorus. Microorganisms present in the compost also assist in fixing these
elements (such as Nitrogen) from the atmosphere. Therefore, these nutrients in a form that is
more easily accessible for plant roots.
The digestion of organic material by earthworm is an aerobic process. Worms move through the
material in search for food so no mixing is required. These two factors reduce the cost of
maintaining the compost tank and turning the mixture. Worms prefer darkness so the tank should
be placed in a shady area.
Digestion naturally lowers the level of pathogens. Harmful bacteria such as E.coli are subject to
exploitative competition with useful bacteria and are eventually reduced in number. Viruses
suffer a similar fate due to the lack of host species. Heavy metals can be dissolved and become
soluble, less harmful compounds. In conclusion, the finishing product of vermicompost has a
very low level of pathogens.
The digestion process may be slowed down by addition of materials such as plastic or other
inorganic objects (e.g. glass, tin, foil). Waste should be properly segregated and cut into small
pieces before adding to the compost tank.


The type of earthworms used depends upon their digestive efficiency. There are two main types
of earthworms:

Surface- dwellers (Epigeic): Normally found on the surface of the soil. They have a high
turnover rate and reproduction rate. Under optimum condition, Epigeic earthworms can
take in food equal to their own weight. Generally, 2kg of worms are required to consume
1kg of food in 24 hours.

Subsurface- dwellers/ Burrowing (Mesogeic and Endogeic): Normally found deep within
the soil. They are characterized by the strong burrowing muscles. They have poor
turnover ability and take a long time to breakdown organic matter.

Earthworms (Epigeic species) reproduce rapidly. It takes about 3 weeks for baby worms to hatch
from their cocoon. After 4 to 6 weeks, baby worms become sexually mature. Only the initial
batch of worms is required for composting. After that, worms can reproduce themselves in the
compost tank and no additional worms are needed to be added. Worms normally survive for 1

Figure 3.4: Red wigglers



Compost tank
The compost tank is the site in where composting occurs. Generally, any type of container can be
used as the compost tank. A good tank needs to have a structure that can maximize air ventilation
and worm movement. The amount of waste and the systems for worms to move are essential
factors contributing in tank selection.
It is very important that an aerobic condition is maintained in the tank at all time. Incorrect size
of the tank can lead to material and liquid blocking ways for oxygen gas. Since surface- dweller
earthworms are used, the tank needs not to be too deep. The height and width of the tank depends
on the amount of organic matter available. As a general rule of thumb, 2000 square centimetres
should be provided per kilogram of material.
The type of tank considered in this report is the 4 pit tank. A tank (preferably rectangular) is
divided into 4 smaller containers (pits). Waste can be added to the first pit. Once full, waste is
added to the second pit when the composting process happens in the first pit. This allows waste
to be added and compost to be made simultaneously. Holes needed to be drilled in the wall
separating the tanks to allow worms movement. Holes at the bottom of the tank will assist in
drainage of excess liquid. In some cases, the material is put onto the ground and only the
surrounding wall is built.
Besides, a tank is required to be able to prevent pest and odors. For example, a tank that is fully
covered (made from bricks and cement) would be less attractive to pests than a tank that exposes
the organic matter (made from wires). Some materials, such as wood, are better insulators than
some others.
The location of the tank also needs consideration. The tank needs to be put in a shady area to
minimize the effect of temperature and maintain darkness for the worms. The chosen location
would prevent any inconvenience or interference from the compost to normal human life.


Figure 3.5: Different types of compost tank


Commercially available tank (Soilmaker)



Garbage bin tank


Bedding is a site for worms to live in. It is the bottom layer of the compost tank and is not
removed with compost. Worms still stay in the bedding after removal of compost so new
materials can be added without adding more worms. Generally, bedding would eventually
disappear after a number of batches of compost. It needs to be replaced before more compost can
be made.
Bedding can be made from a range of substances such as shredded newspapers, shredded leaves,
straw, hay, sawdust, peat moss or aged manure. These substances need to be gone under different
treatments to achieve beddings required moist level. Some soil or sand can also be added to
provide grit for digestion.
Bedding needs to be thoroughly moistened before addition of organic matter.
Organic matter
In composting, organic waste is the source of compost. The quantity and quality of organic
matter directly determine the quantity and quality of the finishing products.


Prior to composting, organic waste needs to be properly separated from inorganic waste. Worms
are strict vegetarians. The ideal organic matter for them is vegetable and fruit wastes,
pulverized egg shells, grass clippings, manure and sewage sludge. Proteins (bones, dairy
products, meats) should be avoided since they can attract pests. Citrus products should be added
with restriction to prevent acidic conditions. Acidic conditions combined with soluble heavy
metals in the waste may be harmful for the worms. After separation, the materials may be
chopped into small pieces to assist the digestion of worms.
The organic matter suitable for worms can be divided into two categories: Carbon- rich materials
and Nitrogen- rich materials. Carbon- rich materials are dry and brown (leaves, straws, etc.).
Nitrogen materials are wet and green (food waste). Materials high in nitrogen content normally
decompose faster than materials with high carbon content. A C: N ratio ranging between 25:1
and 30:1 (mass basis) is ideal for rapid decomposition. Too much carbon (greater than 30:1)
would slow down the process. Too much nitrogen (lower than 25:1) would lead to the production
of ammonia. It can also cause a change in pH that may kill useful microorganisms.

Table 3.1: C: N ratio for some common organic matter

(Extracted from http://web.extension.illinois.edu/homecompost/science.html- Table 1)


C: N ratio

Fruit waste

35: 1

Hay, green

25: 1

Leaves, ash, black elder and elm

21- 28: 1

Leaves, other than pine

30- 80: 1

Manure, horse and cow

20- 25: 1


170- 200: 1


200- 500: 1


40- 100: 2

Vegetable waste

12- 25: 1


25: 1

Mixing organic waste to achieve the desired ratio is a difficult process. The actual C: N ratio of
many common organic wastes cannot be determined exactly due to the unknown moisture
content. A volume- based method can be used in which one- fourth of the material is of nitrogenrich waste. To generate a mixture with acceptable C: N ratio, organic waste may be stored and
prepared before adding to the compost tank.

Figure 3.6: Wire bin can be used to store organic waste

(Source http://www.homecompostingmadeeasy.com/images/wirecompostbin.jpg)

3.3.3. Program procedure

Step 1: Choosing location
Although being a relatively simple process, Vermicompost requires regulation of temperature
and moisture. Generally, the ideal temperature range for earthworms to survive is below 40 oC.
Temperature too high or too low and the compost being too dry or too wet, all can affect the
worms mortality.


Devikulam has tropical climate. The city of Chennai of Tamil Nadu, a city close to Devikulam,
has an average temperature of 28.6oC with temperature varies within the range of 20oC to 38oC.
This data is used as a close estimation of the average temperature of Devikulam. The long
monsoon season also causes frequent rain and a high level of humidity. These features of the
climate may lead to difficulties in controlling the temperature and moisture of the compost. A
location that can minimize the effects of weather to the compost needs to be considered.
Another important factor in choosing location is the scale of composting. Household composting
is under a very small scale. If every household does their own compost, the cost and extra
supports required will increase significantly. The actual procedure cannot be examined and
assisted. A long period of time will also be needed to accumulate enough waste to compost. On
the other hand, one composting site for the whole village has its own problems. Although easier
to monitor, this plan requires a very large composting site. Proper division of work between
villages is needed to avoid conflicts. It may also be inconvenient for villages to travel to the
composting site to discard their waste. If the plan becomes too inconvenient, it may not sustain.
To resolve these problems, our group proposes a plan in which a compost site can be built and
shared within a minimum of five households. The assumption being made is that within ten
households, 50kg of organic waste from household and agricultural activities is generated per
day. These households can accumulate their waste on a common site; share the work load and
the compost. In this scale, the progression can be followed more closely than with individual
households. The members of the households can assist each other in the process. The site
required will not be too large or too hard to maintain.
Therefore, the two main factors to consider in choosing a location for the compost tank are:

The location needs to be within reasonable distance from the ten households who will use
it. It can be an area between the households or the backyard that belongs to one
particular household. Mutual arrangement between these households is essential to avoid
any conflict in the future.

The location needs to be away from direct sunlight (preferably under shaded area). This
will minimize the effect of temperature variations to the compost. The location also
should be on a high area to minimize the effect of rainfall and possible flooding.

Step 2: Construction of Vermicompost tank

In this project, we make the assumption that no container of any form is available for use in
Devikulam. If this was the case, a Vermicompost tank could be built. The model proposed in this
project is the 4 pit model. The tank can be constructed from bricks and cement by constructing
brick walls around an area. The dimensions are 3.00m x 1.50m with a depth of 1.00m. The 4 pits
are created by building a brick wall within the tanks. These pits are interconnected by holes
constructed in honeycomb masonry. Since the tanks bottom is the ground, no additional holes
are required to remove fluid excreted by the worms.

Figure 3.7: Vermicompost tank, 4 pits, from brick and cement


A shed may also be included with a size of 8m x 4m. Other features such as PVC pipes for
drainage of excess water can also be included if available.

Figure 3.8: Vermicompost tank with additional features



Step 3: Collection of earthworms

Earthworms are the most essential part of Vermicompost. Ideally, native earthworms should be
collected and used. These worms already inhabit and are used to the environment. Obtaining
worms locally also reduce the cost of worms. The amount of worms required depends on the
amount of waste. Initially, 1kg of earthworms (1,000 1,200 worms) is required. No more
worms will be needed since they can breed quite fast.
Worms can be collected locally by the following method:

Identify worm- inhabited soils

Dissolve 500g jiggery (native sugar) and 500g fresh cattle dung in 2L of water and
sprinkle on an area of 1m x 1m surface soil.

Cover with straw lumps and cover with an old gunny bag.

Keep sprinkling water for 20 to 30 days.

A combination of epigeic and anecic native worms will aggregate in the spot that could
be collected and used.
(Source: http://www.indg.in/agriculture/on-and-off-farm-enterprises/vermicompositing)

Step 4: Making compost bedding

The base of the compost tank needs to be filled with the following materials:
Table 3.2: Composition of compost bedding

Layer No. (from bottom)


Height (cm)

Brick bat

3.81 (4.00)

Coarse sand

3.81 (4.00)

Fine sieved soil

5.08 (5.00)

The basic layer should be kept moist before adding the garbage.


Step 5: Preparing organic matter

Waste needed to be separated and only certain types of organic waste can be turned into
compost. Waste can be separated in a household level by putting them in different bins.
The wastes that can be turned into compost are:

Dry organic waste (e.g. sorghum straw, rice straw after feeding cattle, dry leaves,
groundnut husk, wheat husk, i.e.)

All vegetable scraps and fruit wastes


Sugarcane trash

Prior to composting, these wastes can be accumulated and stored in a container of any type. The
container should be placed outdoor to minimize odours. The container should be covered
properly to protect the organic matter from pests.

Figure 3.9: Separating and accumulating waste



Cow dung slurry is also mixed with the waste once or twice a week. This can be collected and
used straight away without the need of storing.
Prior to addition, organic waste is mixed in the ratio of a quarter of green waste (volume basic)
for 3 quarter of brown waste.
Step 6: Adding garbage
The organic waste generated every day is added to pit 1 of the tank. The waste should be soft,
green and chopped into small pieces. Cow dung slurry should be mixed with the waste once or
twice a week. The waste is covered with a gunny bag and left to start decomposition. When pit 1
is full, waste is started to be added to pit 2, 3 and 4.
After a pit is full, it should take about 20 days for the waste to reach the semi- decomposition
stage. It is important not to add too much waste to one pit. This may block the flow of oxygen,
create an anaerobic condition and lead to the production of ammonia. If the compost starts to
smell, this may have been the case and waste needs to be removed to another pit.
Step 7: Adding worms
Once the waste reached a semi- decomposed state, about 1kg of live earthworms (1,000- 1,200
worms) is introduced to the garbage. Worms can be put on top of the materials and they can find
their way down. The content is covered with a gunny bag.
Step 8: Maintaining temperature and moisture levels
Locating the compost tank in a high, shaded area is the most effective way to minimize the
effects of temperature. Based on the condition in Devikulam, the temperature would not be too
low for the worms. In times when the temperature gets too high, additional shedding can be put
on top of the tank to further cover it from the Sun.
The moisture level of the compost can be checked manually. If too dry, water can be added to the
The gunny bag cover also needs to be kept moist at all time by spraying water over it.


Step 9: Harvesting the compost

When the compost is ready, it has a granular nature resembling tea powder. Generally, when the
forth pit is full, the first pits compost is ready to be harvested.

Before harvesting: The pit is kept open to air and Sun for one day.

The compost then can be removed up to the basic layer and put back to soil.

Garbage can be added to this pit again.

Figure 3.10: Ready compost



4. Design Description Supporting Documents

4.1. Plan for obtaining Components
4.1.1. Education program

Bill of Materials:
Table 4.1: Materials required for this part of the project would include basic primary school tools:


Estimated cost

AUS Dollar

Paper (240 pages)


Colour pencils (36)



Pens (40)



*Not very accurate; prices are from Australian products *


4.1.2. Vermicompost
Drawing of tank

Figure 4.1: 4- pit vermicompost tank with shedding


Bill of Materials:
This is the breakdown of cost for making and using one vermicompost tank. In order to make
this estimation, the following assumptions are made:
1. One tank of the dimension 3.0m x 1.5m x 1.0m is constructed for a group of 10 households.
It is accompanied with a shed of 8m x 4m. No other mean of containers is available.
2. Earthworms cannot be obtained locally and must be purchased.
3. Workers needed to be hired for the construction.


Table 4.2: Cost breakdown of construction of one 4- pit compost tank

(Extracted from http://www.seri.ap.gov.in/varmi.htm;
Converted into AUS using http://www.xe.com/ucc/ on October 15th, 2011)




Amount (Rs.) Amount (AUS)


1000 No




8 Bags




2 cart loads




1 cart load



Stone poles or pillars

3 No (0.25m height)



6 No (0.18m height)

Nilgiri or Casurina poles

(for roofing)

16 No



Local wood reapers (to fix tiles)

if tiles are used

24 No




800 No



Labour charges
(carpentry & mason)














Total (per household)



The average yearly income in Devikulam is 19,474 Rs. The total cost for Vermicompost is 1,520
Rs, which is 7.80% the annual income of one household.


It must be noted that the cost outlined above is an estimation of the maximum cost (refer to the
above assumptions). In reality, the cost of worms can be reduced down to nothing if worms are
available in the area. If other forms of containers are available for use, no tank would need to be
constructed. In that case, all the costs for tank construction could also be reduced down to
It should also be kept in mind that the vermitank only needs to be constructed once. Composting
can be happening for a very long period of time before the tank needed to be fixed or
reconstructed. Earthworms are also required to be added to the first batch. No more earthworms
need to be obtained until the bedding disappears and new bedding is added.
This compost tank is aimed to be shared between 10 households. This provides a good source of
labour and a high chance of having skilled workers. Additional supports may also be given to
assist in the construction of the tank. Volunteering and equal duty division could greatly reduce
Labour charges.
In any case, additional helps are required to lower the cost of vermicompost to its minimum.
Instructions and education about the techniques would assist the residents in doing things
themselves. The materials are basic for construction and maybe purchased at a lower price if
purchasing in bulk. They can be obtained from markets in nearby areas.

4.2. Implementation plan

4.2.1. Implementation Overview
The implementation process of our design focuses on attracting peoples attention and
motivating them to adopt the project. We understand that letting people to follow their wills is
the key element for a successful program. If the community implements our design by choice,
the instructions will be better followed thus more quality products will be given. If the products
prove to be valuable, the community will continue using our design. Our aim is for the design to
naturally fall into that circle which will ensure its long- term sustainability.


In order to address this aim, we divide our design into two parallel processes: Education and
Vermicompost. The Education program starts first to give people the basic understanding of
waste management. Vermicompost and its benefits are then introduced. It is at this point that the
community can choose to try Vermicompost. If that is the case, resources and help will be
provided to assist the community in the process. More education is still given after
Vermicompost starts, mainly focuses on general information about sanitation. The community
can participate in both programs at the same time.
Our design focuses on motivating people rather than forcing. The possibility of Vermicompost
program to be used or not depends solely on the community. In the worst case scenario, this
program may not even be started. However, if that is the case, the program can be simply
discarded or ignored from the design procedure. Due to the fact that the two programs are
parallel, discarding of one will not have a major effect on the other. The design can simply
become an educational program which teaches people about waste management and sanitation.
Refer to Additional use for details about this.
Our group considers the Education program to be the most important part of our project.
However, the design and procedure for this program is still somewhat general and maybe unclear
at some points. This is because we have not have the chance to interact to the community or to
gain a real understanding of what they want or do not want. Without those kinds of knowledge, it
is very difficult to develop a detailed plan. Clearly, more researches needed to be done on
Devikulam before we can even think about implementing our design. A more specific Education
program then can be proposed. Our implementation process can then be reviewed and improved.

4.2.2. Component List

For the educational program part, the following will be needed:
1. Basic primary school tools, including pens and paper
2. Teachers
3. Volunteers
4. Time
For Vermicompost, refer back to 3.3.2. for a list and description of components

4.2.3. Implementation Procedure

Start Education program

Approach community

Vermicompost Education

Start Vermicompost program

Collect feedback

Choose location

Waste Management and

Sanitation education

Construction of tank

Collect worms
Collect feedback
Make bedding
End Education program
Prepare materials

Add waste

Add worms


Harvest compost

End Vermicompost program

Figure 4.2: Implementation Process Flow


4.2.4. Additional Uses

Besides providing education on how to carry out vermicompost, the educational program part of
the project also includes more general information on better sanitation and waste management
practices. The educational program may also improve the way some people learn and
communicate, as it is a solution that involves people working together. It may also be a different
way of thinking for some, and may encourage them to apply this different way of thinking to
other aspects of their lifestyle. The educational program provides plenty of useful extras. It is one
part of the project that will affect different people in different ways. The actual composting side
of the project is not quite the same, although it does produce one useful by-product; more worms.
Worms have the potential to breed very quickly, which makes the possibility of using them as
fishing bait likely. Some worms are better for fishing then others, but composting worms are
often used as bait as the reproduce to large amounts.

4.3. Discussion
4.3.1. Strengths and Weaknesses
Our project focuses on introducing an education program as well as Vermicompost to the
Devikulam community. In our design, we have given serious consideration for every decision to
select the most suitable solution. However, all of the solutions we have chosen come with side
effects. This section outlines some of the major strength and weaknesses of our project. We are
very much aware of this fact and understand that our project still needs constant revision and
The project has an extensive and separate educational program. Instead of focusing on
Vermicompost exclusively, the project aims to give residents in the community a broad
understanding of waste management. The aim is to motivate the people to change their waste
management behaviours by will. We introduce Vermicompost and give them supports if needed,
but the final decision is entirely up to them. Therefore, any change that is made is more likely to
show good results and can be maintained and kept for a long time.


Furthermore, since the educational program addresses a number of problems, improvements can
be made on a bigger and broader scale. Instead of attacking only organic waste management
problems, our project also introduces basic information about basic topics such as waste
separation and hygienic practice. This ensures that along with having a better way to manage
waste, the community can also have a more hygienic lifestyle. This knowledge is essential for
waste management plans. Even in the case that Vermicompost proves to be not possible, the
knowledge introduced to the community can still be useful in any future design.
Our project also aims to focus on the entire community rather than any particular group of
people. The educational program takes a slow and steady approach to the community via
handing out pamphlets or conducting door- to- door visits. Different approaches are also used for
different groups. The adults are given lectures, possibly in small groups. The children are
introduced to the project via waste management education at school. In addition to that, we also
encourage the villagers to work together as much as possible when implementing the plan. We
propose the Vermicompost part to be carried out in a group of 10 families. Besides saving time,
energy and money, this grouping can increase peoples interaction and exchange of knowledge.
Having villagers helping each other would decrease the amount of work required by volunteers
and ensure all villagers can get the help they need. This is another way to sustain the project.
Specifically, the projects area of focus is organic solid waste treatment. Devikulam is a small
village with the main occupation being agriculture. It would be reasonable to assume that organic
waste is the main type of waste in the village. Most of the waste treatment problems also come
from organic waste since this kind of waste cannot be recycled or reused easily. Therefore,
treating organic wastes could immediately reduce many problems all at once.
The solution proposed in this project is the very simple vermin- composting method. Relying
solely on natural species to breakdown organic matter, this solution requires little instruction and
work. The equipment involved are basically garden tools and a container. Thus, the process is
very sustainable. It turns organic waste into useful products without consuming a lot of power
and materials. By being relatively easy to follow, the process promotes recycling organic waste
in a very convenient way. Even though carbon dioxide is released, the process is still cleaner
than burning waste directly. The products are useful for crops which then can absorb carbon

Figure 4.3: Compost effectively recycles organic matter


In the design, many assumptions have been made about the community in Devikulam. In fact,
the team has never had actual interactions with the people here and do not have a full
understanding about them. The assumptions made, besides being based on the information
provided, came from analysing case studies in other developing communities in India. There is a
possibility that these assumptions are very far from the truth. The design may simply not be what
the community wants or is interested in. They may not want to adopt the change at all.
Furthermore, because of the lack of full understanding, the knowledge and skills of the residents
have not been considered and included. These skills can be particularly useful since the residents
have already known and approved them. However, since the skills were not identified, they
could not be used. Thus, the task of convincing the residents to change and educating them
become much harder. Thirdly, the nature of the society and social hierarchy has not been
accounted for. The fact that there is a caste system present means that people may have
problems working together. This further increases the chance that the project becomes
Another weak point of the design is the lack of tests and surveys. As discussed above, no surveys
could be done prior to designing due to not being able to contact the residents. Testing on both a
small and large scale has not been done. Therefore, the actual outcomes of the design are still
unknown. Predictions have been made with careful considerations but there may be other factors
present in the village that are unknown. For example, it is known that the area is affected by the
rainfall season. However, how much this actually affects the village is not known and understood
fully. The design includes building a vermi- compost tank which caters for 10 households. If the
rainfall season results in excessive flooding and there is no area that can sufficiently protect the
tank, the compost can be completely ruined. It is clear that proper revision and improvement of
the design cannot be done without testing.


4.3.2. Next Steps

If successful, this project will help Devikulam be one step closer to being a sustainable
community. There are a lot of changes that will need to be made for it to become sustainable, but
Vermicompost is just one of them. If vermicompost continues to be a part of the community,
better team work and organisational skills may also be developed, as the composting method
requires people to work together and remain reasonably organised.
Once the implementation of the project has concluded, it will be up to the people of Devikulam
to continue it and take ownership of the project. But for this to take place smoothly, steps need to
be taken:

Evaluate the results and decide if is successful enough or appropriate to continue

Vermicompost and education on this subject in the community.

Conduct discussions, and determine how much of the community agree and want to
continue the project. It is not necessary for the entire community to agree. Those who
want to continue should be able to continue, and should have access to the support they
need. Those who dont want to take part shouldnt have to give up any of their time or
put in any effort to support those who do want to continue.

Some volunteers will come back after 1-2 months to check on how the village is doing,
and find out what their opinions are. The volunteers may carry out some more lectures,
classes or just give some more assistance if it is needed.

If possible keep the assistance groups going to support those who are composting.

As the people get more experience with Vermicompost and a better idea of how it
works best, and most efficiently, a bigger system could be developed. A system that
runs more smoothly and can take more input. People could be employed to collect the
waste and harvest the increased amount of compost.

If compost is being produced at a steady rate, it could be possible to sell it. This would
provide even more job opportunities- people will be needed to travel round to other
villages selling the compost. Money would go back to the composting system, to pay
for expenses; materials for new tanks, more worms, maintenance, employees. If
possible, some could also be donated to village to support it in another way.


5. Evaluation Plan
In the future, tests could be conducted to determine how successful the project has been. The
design requirements used at the start of this report should be used to conduct the tests.
These tests will be conducted by asking the entire village questions concerning the design
requirements. This information will be collected through interviews, group meetings,
discussions, surveys and any other forms of face-to-face communication that would be possible
Here is an overview of a test plan for evaluating each requirement. Questions such as these can
be asked to get a thorough overview about how well the project went:

Where there too many steps?

Were the resources required to difficult to obtain?

Were too many resources required- more than the people expected?

Was the process too long?

Was the quality of the product worth it?

Was the quality of the product expected?

Were the instructions clear enough?

Did the educational programs go into enough detail?


Concerning the materials currently used, what condition are they in?

If there were any materials that needed to be replaced during the process, how often
was it necessary?

How often was it necessary to take action to correct moisture levels in the tank?

Overall, was a lot of work required to maintain the process?


Cost and Profit

Were the costs too much?

Is there potential to spend more on the project?

Is there potential for profit to be made?


Overall, has the project provided any benefit to the community?

Were any results noticed after compost was added to garden or crops?

Were the resources that were required, obtained in a reasonably sustainable way?

Will the project have a positive effect on future generations?

Influence on community

Has this project made an impression on the village?

Have attitudes concerning waste, sanitation and sustainability changed?

Has anything being learnt- about themselves, other people, the village, their


6. Evaluation Supporting Documents

6.1. Case Studies
In order to create a sustainable project in Devikulam, we have researched many examples of
Vermicompost and education programs and adopted some of advantages to our project. As our
project is not brand-new idea, but more likely to be a conglomeration of ideas, we supposed that
it is better to evaluate existence case studies rather than operating a Vermicompost. Case studies
could reflect the similar situations of Devikulam and give a better understanding of the way
people think and behave in developing community. Therefore, in this section, it will be discussed
that how the case studies we found have affected our project.
In most of the cases, implementations of Vermicompost in developing countries were successful.
For example, in Indonesia, a group of 60 families have started to compost their household waste
by using 30 little tubs and 0.5 kilograms earthworms. It usually only takes a few months that a
tub can produce 20 kilograms compost and it can be either used for individuals gardening or sold
as a commercial fertilizer. There are also many success stories of Vermicompost in India
(Hoornweg, 1999). For example, BAIF Development Research Foundation has been addressing a
problem of land degradation, mostly in Pune in India. In their program, 200 earthworms were
used for every 100 kilograms of substrata. Villagers were trained to stir and turn the compost
every week. The resulting Vermicompost was available to local small farms after 45 days. This
project was very successful especially in terms of land development and improving fertility. For
instance, after applying Vermicompost, the soil fertility in paddy fields was dramatically
improved and crops survived dry periods longer than before during monsoon season because of
an increase in the water holding capacity in soil (Daniel, 2005). These case studies show
evidence that Vermicompost could work well in Devikulam and lead to successful as well as this
method is a practical way with a record of accomplishment.


When it comes to education, Village Education Resource Centre and Water Aid Bangladesh have
been operating a great education program since 2000. In Bangladeshi villages, human waste was
found everywhere in open spaces, as people did not have proper toilets and knowledge of
hygiene. Therefore, there were quite unsanitary living conditions with a high incidence of
disease. However, education centres have started to teach about the danger of open defecation
and the importance of washing hands. Furthermore, they started a public shaming campaign, in
which children were in charge of giving adults advice about hygiene issues and checking
whether the adults actually followed the rules that would improve hygiene. As a result, the
sanitation coverage in Bangladesh increased by 40 precent in only three years. Moreover, local
people realised that solving these sanitation issues not only improved their health but also saved
them time and money as public places became cleaner and safer (Global Education, 2009). As
seen in this example, education programs are powerful and can change the attitude of whole
communities. Hence, we are hopeful that our project might also have the potential to change the
waste situation in Devikulam and improve quality of life.
A further case study of a successful education program at Jamkhed demonstrates that focusing on
educating children rather than adults is very important and effective because it can build selfesteem and children are people who will lead the future and next generation (Comprehensive
Rural Health Project, 2009).
As seen in these two examples, educating children has greater potential to change the current
situation in a community. Therefore, in our project, education program is designed to focus more
on children and try to let them be familiar with waste management by means of Vermicompost.
These examples support that education program would have a good influence on the community
in Devikulam and solve their hygiene problems.


6.2. Cost Analysis

Money is one of the most important aspects in every project. In fact, many composting projects
ended in a failure due to the financial reasons (Drescher& Zurbrugg, 2006). As we mentioned in
Section 4 of this report, we calculated that Vermicompost per household would cost
approximately Rs 1,520. There are around 89 households in Devikulam according to EWB 2011.
Hence, a practice of Vermicompost would cost Rs 135,280 for the whole community. How
should we gain this huge amount of money? Firstly, we can receive the aid of sponsorship. One
of the biggest potential sponsors would be the Government of India as over flowing waste is big
issue in India and this has to be settled to improve the quality of health care and life. For
instance, Pune Municipal Cooperation in India decided to subsidize the company, which would
deal with biomedical waste. The maximum amount of funding will be Rs 13.75 crore for
treatment and facility (The Times of India 2011).
However, in reality it may be hard to find funding agencies that can support enough money for
our project. In this case, we can break our project into smaller pieces like composting and
education. We might be able to gain the grant for composting from Government of India and
education from some private organizations for children. For example, Rainforest Information
Centre Small Grants Fund supported 5,000 dollars to Tesi Environmental Awareness Movement
for Environmental Education in North India. This project was aimed to raise more awareness
towards environment, especially about waste management for local students (Rainforest
Information Centre n.d.). As this example shows, we could find smaller amount of funding from
different sponsors.
In order to find the potential funding sponsor, we can look for information on the Internet and
check grant programs from federal agencies. Unfortunately, when we cannot receive funding, we
should not give up. It is important to attempt improving our projects by asking agencies the
reason why we are not funded. This process will make our project practical and creative more
and more.


In addition to gaining help from local agencies, we can also get support from some developed
countries by utilizing the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) defined in the Kyoto Protocol.
CDM is the trading between industrial and nonindustrial counties of permits to discharge
greenhouse gases. Currently in India, most wastes are dumped in landfills without any treatment,
resulting in the production of methane emissions, ultimately contributing significantly to global
warming. Therefore, we can seek financial support from some developed countries that would
like to generate emission reductions (Barat, 2008). Probably it is hard for common citizen to use
this mechanism, but we still can consult municipal or state agencies about this idea.
Although it is not a bad idea to operate the project with the assistance of sponsors, eventually
local people should be able to manage to carry out the project by themselves. Otherwise, they
would become heavily relied on stakeholders, who would not support them forever and then the
project would end up failure. At the earlier stage, we do not consider a huge benefit very much.
In the future, however, there are possibilities that Vermicompost would be income-generation
activity. For example, there is a project that conducted by the International Crops Research
Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in India. This Project was designed as microenterprises of Vermicompost for women to improve their status in society. First, the stuff from
ICRISAT and four local women established a Vermicompost enterprise with 2000 earthworms.
They all cooperated and produced 400-kilo grams of Vermicompost every month. As a result,
they could earn around Rs 500 monthly and achieve to involve in decision making by being an
earning member of family (Nagavallemma, 2004).
Furthermore, the project in Gujarat in India has generated 2,000 tonnes of compost per year and
this is equivalent to 8,500 US dollars (Daniel, 2005). As approximately 250 people have been
involved in this project, it comes to around 34 US dollars per person per year, which is Rs. 1700
if calculated at the current exchange rate. Rs. 1700 is around 8 per cent of annual income per
year in Devikulam and this number looks quite small. However, an 8 per cent increase in income
for the whole community would be enough to change the current situations and some of the local
people could utilize this benefit to start new business. Vermicompost has many potential benefits
to generate revenues and enrich the community.


6.3. Safety and Regulatory considerations

6.3.1. Safety Considerations
The following safety considerations were discussed and then graded using the risk assessment
table (see table 6.1)
Vermicompost Safety Considerations:
Vermicompost is a safe way to dispose of waste and turn it into compost and there are not many
dangers to composting and treating waste this way. However if the process is not done correctly
there are dangers that could potentially arise so the following points need to be taken into
Safe Separation Techniques
This is the most dangerous part of the procedure of composting as if the waste is not separated in
a safe manner there is a possibility of injuries and the spread of sickness. If the waste contains
sharp objects sharp objects such as glass or sharp metals the person separating the waste could
receive cuts and while this is not too serious the risk of infection is quite high. As Devikulam is a
poor, rather undeveloped town, if the person cut does not treat the injury properly the wound
could become infected resulting in sickness.
However the risk of being cut from waste containing sharps can be lessened if the waste is
properly separated in the first place, for example, putting waste into different bins rather than
dumping all of it in one pile or wearing gloves and footwear (even thongs/flip-flops or sandals
are better than bare feet!).
Grade: 3-B High (H)
Likely chance that waste will not be separated properly especially in early stages as
people are learning and getting accustomed to waste separation. High risk as there could
be potential danger to a person if the waste contains sharps and there is also a risk that
the waste will not form good compost if it contains waste that should not be composted


Exposure to Harmful Chemicals

Although exposure to harmful chemicals in rural towns is a low risk, it could cause a significant
safety concern. Toxins and Chemicals can be mixed in with general waste if it is not properly
separated and can then cause harm to anyone who comes into contact with that waste and
consequently, the toxins and chemicals. Furthermore there can be a risk when separating the
waste as people could possibly come into contact with these dangerous chemicals. The last issue
is if harmful chemicals are put back into the ground if they are mixed in with the waste that is to
be composted. This could result in poisoning the soil and plants and quite possibly make crops
inedible if they become contaminated.
Grade: 4-D to 5-D Moderate (M) to Extreme (X)
It is unlikely that a poor underdeveloped town like Devikulam will have many chemicals
and toxins. The worst may be insecticides or similar agricultural products but it is
unlikely that major harmful chemicals will be dumped with normal waste. If it is however
it could pose a significant threat to the safety of those who come in contact with it.
Sanitation after Handling Waste
This safety concern relates to sanitation after handling the waste during separation and as it is
decomposing. If proper sanitation procedures such as washing your hands are not done the
people dealing with the waste could catch sicknesses and consequently spread these sickness to
other people in the community. This safety concern can be easily dealt with if simple sanitation
practices are performed.
Grade: 2-A to B High (H)
This will occur frequently in the early stages of implementation. This may cause sickness
but this will hopefully only occur often during early stages and volunteers and the team
implementing the plan can monitor any signs of sickness.


Appropriate Storage of Waste

The risks associated with storage of waste are that if the waste is not stored in a safe and
protected area, pests, rats insects and flies could be attracted to the waste and an mass influx can
cause a big health concern as they are able to transmit sickness and disease.
Grade: 2-C Moderate (M)
Similar safety concerns as Sanitation after Handling Waste
Building the Storage and Composting Units
Building storage units will involve using tools such as hammers, saws, nails and other
construction apparatus. If these tools arent used correctly, or used with proper safety equipment,
injuries could be caused from accidents while building the units.
Grade: 2-D Low (L)
As the people in the community handle tools like these often (especially farmers and most
men who work with these tools everyday) we would expect that the danger or serious
injuries would be quite minimal.
However if children were composting for example, in a school program, the grade would
be 4-D. This would be greater the younger the child however we expect children to be
supervised at all times and volunteers or teachers will operate any equipment that is not
appropriate for children to handle.
Lifting and Transporting Compost and Storage Units
Care needs to be taken when moving compost as a lot of compost will in turn mean a great
weight to lift or move. It must be made clear that people must take care while removing and
moving compost. Otherwise back related injuries or other general injuries could be received from
lifting too much compost. Similarly if storage units are to be moved or transported the same level
of care must be taken.
Grade: 2-C Moderate (M)
Similar safety concerns as Sanitation after Handling Waste

Education Safety Considerations:

There are no major safety concerns when looking at education for our composting method. The
main safety concerns relate to supervision and respecting culture and are as follows:
It is imperative that if we are to run or coordinate any education programs with children that
appropriate supervision must be taken. If there is poor supervision this could result in injuries to
children, as there will not be the appropriate supervision and ability to intervene if problems or
accidents arise. If we run programs we are also responsible for the children so regular headcounts
must be taken to make sure that there are no disappearances that cant be accounted for or
Grade: 4-D High (H)
If a child is not supervised properly the chance of injury is greatly increased and the
ability to intervene in a dangerous situation is made much less.
Working With Children Checks
Although we will be working in India, if we, or any Australians, are educating children by
running programs or teaching sessions we must make sure that each teacher and demonstrator
who is responsible for children have a valid working with children certificate. Although it may
not be a necessity when running programs and activities in India it is our job to make sure that
we are responsible and able to be fully trusted especially when dealing with children. If this is
not done we may have Australian volunteers who may not be qualified to work with Children
resulting in an environment that is not the safest that it can be.
Grade: 1-D Low (L)
This is unlikely to cause any major safety issues and it would be made a requirement for
any Australian before joining any team that went to India to be a part of our
implementation decreasing the chance that someone may not have a Working With
Children Check.


Respecting Culture
The culture of India and Devikulam must be observed and respected when introducing our
composting method and education programs. If this is not done there could be conflicts created
resulting in poor cooperation and listening. Consequences from this could include people of the
community not understanding safety principles as mentioned above as they will not have listened
and understood what has been taught in the education programs. The worst-case scenarios that
could follow a disrespect of culture are arguments and violence.
Grade: 3-D High (H)
It is possible that there may be misunderstandings, as people who arent from India may
not fully understand their culture. However there will be a big emphasis on learning
about the culture of India and acceptable behaviour if they were to be a volunteer or part
of the team.
Volunteers must be trained before they can be responsible for teaching people in the community
about our composting techniques or sanitation practices. If the appropriate training is not put in
place volunteers could unknowingly teach people of the community poor practices regarding
waste management and sanitation and this could lead to people going about these practices in an
unsafe way.
Grade: 3-D High (H)
See Respecting Culture.


Table 6.1: Risk Assessment Matrix



7. References
Ali, M. (2004). Sustainable Composting: Case studies and guidelines for developing countries.
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8. Appendices
Appendix 1: Comparison: Industrial Windrow vs Domestic Windrow
composting methods


Appendix 2: Takakura Home composting method


Appendix 3: Vermicompost step- by- step instruction


Appendix 4: Examples of posters used in waste management and

sanitation education



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