Shape Up: Identifying Shapes: Learning Objectives
Shape Up: Identifying Shapes: Learning Objectives
Shape Up: Identifying Shapes: Learning Objectives
Shape up! Your students will develop spatial and coordination skills while using accurate terms to name and
describe two-dimensional shapes.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to identify 2D shapes and use accurate terms to describe them.
Introduction (5 minutes)
Tell your students that they are going to learn to identify and name two-dimensional, or flat, shapes.
Show your students examples of shapes, and have them name the shape.
Take a "shape walk" around the classroom, and have students identify shapes when they see them.
Preview the lesson content by reading aloud a shape book such as Shapes, Shapes, Shapes By Tana
Review shape names using visuals and provide students with a word bank to use when describing each
shape (corner, side, etc.).
Provide students with a visual aid (images of each shape on paper) to use when identifying shapes in the
While you draw shapes on the board or chart paper, have your students draw shapes in the air.
If you find it helpful, have students place a shape on the board inside of the shape you drew.
Label each shape with the word. For example, write "circle" underneath the drawing of the circle.
Provide shape cards for students to use when identifying shapes on the floor.
Pair students together to name each shape.
Display visuals of each shape for students to reference when they are identifying each floor shape.
Divide your students into groups, and give each group a bean bag. Give each student a Shapes Graph.
Instruct the groups to take turns throwing a bean bag, identifying the shape it landed on. Ask your
students to record it on the graph.
Continue this until every student has gone.
For students who may require support, arrange for them to be in a group that has a student with stronger
shape identification skills. Give your students the Tracing Basic Shapes worksheet to complete.
For advanced students, have them count the tally marks and compare the results.
Assessment (5 minutes)
Listen to students at work to assess if they are able to identify each shape and correctly mark it on their
Check for any misconceptions or areas of confusion as students are working. Refer back to these areas in
a follow-up lesson or with the whole class during the closing portion.
Provide students with sentence starters and sentence frames to utilize when discussing their collage with
a peer.