Tech Cities of The Future Report
Tech Cities of The Future Report
Tech Cities of The Future Report
ondon has won top billing in
fDi and TNW’s Tech Cities of
the Future for 2020/21, as its
combination of capital, talent and
infrastructure has proved unbeata-
ble among European cities. Peers
such as Paris and Dublin have,
however, also developed a compel-
ling proposition for innovators
and start-ups.
The debut Tech Cities of the
Future ranking is focused on finding
those European cities with the most
promising prospects for start-ups,
tech and innovation investment. The
ranking also marks fDi’s first collab- RECOGNISED AS EUROPE’S LEADING
oration with TNW, a media, events
and intelligence company focused
on new technology and start-ups, TO THE FUTURE, I’M CONFIDENT
and will take the centre stage at
TNW’s Ecosystem couch conference LONDON’S STRENGTHS AS A GLOBAL
The UK capital triumphed in the TALENT TO THE CITY”
ranking, taking first place in five out
of six categories. According to SADIQ KHAN, MAYOR OF LONDON
research from greenfield investment
monitor fDi Markets, between 2015
and 2019, FDI in the software and IT
services and communications sec-
tors made up about 50% of London’s
total inward FDI, reinforcing its sta-
tus as a tech powerhouse. In 2019,
tech investors in the city ranged
from large multinationals Huawei in research and development.
Technologies, Facebook and Robert According to research by TNW,
Bosch to smaller start-ups such as access to capital is the main strength
Chainalysis and Lilium Aviation. of its start-up ecosystem, with the
According to data compiled by average Series A funding round rais-
London & Partners, the UK capital is ing more than $11m.
producing more unicorn tech com- LONDON CONTINUES TO BE As a global financial centre, Lon-
panies (firms valued at more than A HOTBED FOR INNOVATION, don offers start-ups access to a wide-
$1bn) than any other European city. WITH MORE THAN 5,000 range of financing opportunities,
These companies include Monzo, PATENTS IN SOFTWARE AND from venture capital funds and
Revolut, Deliveroo and Farfetch. angel investors to crowdfunding
London continues to be a hotbed MORE THAN 100 IN ARTIFICIAL platforms and banks. Between 2015
for innovation, with more than INTELLIGENCE REGISTERED IN and 2019, London attracted the high-
5,000 patents in software and more THE CITY BETWEEN 2003 est amount of jobs from start-up
than 100 in artificial intelligence AND 2019 companies (defined by this study as
registered in the city between 2003 companies established from 2014
and 2019. In addition, its reputation onwards) out of all 76 cities analysed.
as a talent hub – hosting 370,000 stu-
dents and five of the world’s top 500 R&D hub
universities in electric and electronic Paris is deemed the second-ranking
engineering – contributed to it rank- tech city. The French capital
ing top in the Innovation and Attrac- attracted 50 inward FDI projects in
tiveness category. software research and development
London also led in the Start-up (R&D) between 2015 and 2019, the
Environment category. Figures from highest out of all locations studied.
Dun & Bradstreet show the city Investors include Sweden-based
boasts more than 70,000 companies Inex One, a provider of a software as
in software and IT services, 5,000 in a service procurement tool for advi-
communications and almost 4,000 sory services, which opened a new
engineering and R&D location in
May 2019. Online food delivery app
INWARD FDI JOBS CREATED BY START-UPS, 2015-2019, 000s based Naspers, also opened a Paris
research office in October 2019.
7 Paris also did well in the Eco-
nomic Potential category – since
investors can start a business there in
5 just four days – as well as in Innova-
tion & Attractiveness; the city has 10
of the world’s top 500 universities in
computer science and engineering.
FDI Strategy
uccessful tech cities are the TOP 25 TECH CITIES OF THE FUTURE 2020/21 – FDI STRATEGY
result of coordinated govern- RANK CITY COUNTRY
ment strategy aimed at devel- 1 London UK
oping a globally connected and sup- 2 Barcelona & Catalonia Spain
portive community that fosters col- 3 Berlin Germany
laboration, innovation and entre- 4 Tricity (Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia) Poland
preneurship. 5 Lyon France
London leads the pack in this 6 Amsterdam The Netherlands
regard, ranking first out of 50 Euro- 7 Zurich Switzerland
pean tech ecosystems assessed in the
8 Munich Germany
FDI Strategy category of fDi and
9 Milan Italy
TNW’s inaugural ranking.
10 Cambridge UK
Spearheaded by its economic
11 Zagreb Croatia
development agency London & Part-
ners, the UK capital has effectively 12 València Spain
leveraged its global financial centre 13 Vilnius Lithuania
and academic landscape to become 14 Hamburg Germany
the European home of the most pri- 15 Rotterdam area Netherlands
vate companies valued above $1bn. 16 Manchester UK
The UK’s flagship Tech Nation 17 Sofia Bulgaria
initiative provides a support net- 18 Brussels-Capital Region Belgium
work for entrepreneurs in London 19 Greater Helsinki Finland
and the UK, as well as visas to inter- 20 Düsseldorf Germany
national digital talent. Source: fDi Markets
Other networks, such as Tech
London advocates, and events, such start-up ecosystem worth $4.1bn,
as SVC2UK, provide wider support according to Startup Genome.
and improve London’s connectivity
with other global ecosystems. Burgeoning Berlin
London has also promoted digi- Berlin’s business development
tal education in schools, including LONDON HAS ALSO agency has launched initiatives and
a £20m ($25m) government pro- portals to create an ecosystem which
gramme to train almost 6000 teen-
PROMOTED DIGITAL boasts over 9,500 start-ups, account-
agers in modern cyber security EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS, ing for 15.8% of Germany’s total.
skills by 2021. INCLUDING A £20M ($25M) The city’s ‘Gründen in Berlin’
Broad tax incentives, such as for GOVERNMENT PROGRAMME platform, which provides informa-
research and development, have also tion, consulting and events for entre-
helped London attract international
TO TRAIN ALMOST 6000 preneurs, and StarterCenter which
tech companies, while the London & TEENAGERS IN MODERN provides advice and mentorship,
Partners Business Growth Pro- CYBER SECURITY SKILLS embody Berlin’s centralised
gramme has aided more than 400 BY 2021 approach to its ecosystem develop-
companies to expand their work- ment.
force and raise financing in London. Specialised entrepreneurial cen-
tres, such as the Factory for Inter-
Bolstered Barcelona & Catalonia ups in Barcelona and Catalonia, net of Things (IoT) start-ups and fin-
As the host of major global technol- including home-grown delivery app tech-focused H:32-Tower, have pro-
ogy events, such as Mobile World unicorn Glovo. vided community spaces for entre-
Congress and Smart City Expo, Bar- Infrastructure, including scien- preneurs in some of the city’s lead-
celona and its surrounding Catalo- tific parks, nine universities and a ing startup segments.
nia region is a leading destination in 200-hectare 22@ innovation district, This short article cannot compre-
the global tech ecosystem map. help bolster Barcelona’s attractive- hensively cover the factors needed to
The ‘Start-up Catalonia’ initia- ness to international tech companies. develop a tech city, but the common
tive, a set of public policies that pro- The public-private partnership thread is clear: ecosystems which
motes tech transfer and entrepre- Pier01, a 11,000 sq m converted build- develop through government policy
neurship, has helped develop an ing in Barcelona that hosts more than driven support, funding and infra-
ecosystem of more than 1500 start- 100 start-ups, has helped develop a structure tend to prevail. ■
Cork’s construction sector is experiencing a
renaissance with large city centre development
as demonstrated by the multiple cranes on the
skyline. Over €1bn of office, hotel and apart-
ment developments are currently underway in
the City. In addition brown-field development
opportunities on a 179 hectares will result in a
complete regeneration of the City Docklands
area with employment projections of 30,000
jobs and 30,000 residents. This will enable the
city’s population and local economy to con-
tinue to grow over the next 20 years, projected
Silicon Roundabout: in London, tech companies have traditionally settled in the east of the city