Ce Technology Fast 50 Report 2022 Deloitte
Ce Technology Fast 50 Report 2022 Deloitte
Ce Technology Fast 50 Report 2022 Deloitte
Deloitte Technology
Fast 50 Central Europe 2022
Powerful Connections
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
Powerful Connections
Thoughts from the CEO 05
2022 Technology Fast 50 ranking 06
2022 Companies to Watch 17
2022 Impact Stars 25
2022 CE Tech Rocketship! 31
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
Powerful Connections
Jaroslav Škvrna
CEO, Deloitte Central Europe
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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The Technology Fast 50 award winners for 2022 for the programme via our website. Financial data
are determined based on the revenue growth of the companies are provided by the entrants
over four years (2018 to 2021). Companies must themselves and are gathered via our online survey
have base-year operating revenues of 50 000€ tool. This information is then cross-checked using
in 2018, 2019, 2020 and a current year operating each company’s financial statements which have
revenue (2021) of at least 100 000€. been verified by their accountants
or a registered auditor.
Exchange rates are based on the annual average
given by the central bank of the company’s For further information regarding the Deloitte
respective national currency. Technology Technology Fast 50 in Central Europe, please visit
Media Healthcare
companies are invited to self-nominate our website: www.deloitte.com/cefast50. Hardware
& Entertainment & Life Sciences
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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2022 Technology
Fast 50 ranking
The Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central
Europe is a Programme that ranks
50 fast-growing technology companies,
public or private, based on percentage
revenue growth.
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Section titleEurope 2022 |
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Have base-year operating revenues Own proprietary intellectual property Headquarters in a Central European Have an ownership structure that
of at least 50 000€ in 2018, 2019, 2020 or proprietary technology, sold to country (Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia excludes majority-owned subsidiaries
and a current year operating revenue customers in products that contribute & Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech of strategic entities.
(2021) of at least 100 000€. to a majority of the company’s Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo,
operating revenues. Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia,
Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania,
Serbia, Slovakia or Slovenia).
Winners are then selected by ranking their revenue Be in business a minimum of 4 years
growth over the four years from 2018 to 2021. - founded on or prior to
December 31, 2017.
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Overview by our
Programme Leader
As I commented in last year’s Technology Fast 50 report,
“Ever-advancing technology is the single most important driver
of future success. Boosting efficiency, improving quality,
driving simplicity, supporting sustainability.”
This, in a nutshell, is why I feel so privileged The solutions they devise don’t all need to be I am enormously proud that our region is home
to head the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE world-changers that will solve these challenges to so many companies of such great talent, whose
programme. It provides a platform overnight. Rather, they need to provide rapid growth clearly demonstrates a strength
and an endorsement for companies – often incremental improvements that streamline, in sales, marketing and other business disciplines
comparatively a young and small – from across simplify and support positive change in many that fully complements their technical excellence.
our region to showcase exactly how they are areas of life. I am confident you will be just as impressed as you Jiří Sauer,
working to create a better future. read about their achievements, including the detail Partner, Regional Technology
And this is what they do. This year, as ever, on the three highest achievers in the ranking. Fast 50 CE Programme Leader
In a world facing so many challenges – economic, we have continued to be amazed and impressed
geopolitical, medical, social and environmental – by the sheer range of solutions on show, from “Advancing technology continues to be an essential and powerful driver
these companies and the proprietary IP number one (a smart model for motivating
or technologies they own are a disruptive force financial traders) to number 50 (an outstanding
of success for companies, markets, industries and economies. We’re
of hope that human ingenuity will continue new product for hiring technical professionals delighted to be creating a showcase for much of our region’s most shining
to find solutions. and developers). talent, bringing together the stories of so many outstanding young
companies to help maximise their shared positive impact.”
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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2 351%
Largest growth: 25 255%
4 Slovakia
3 Hungary
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Media & Entertainment
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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- two-time winner
of the CE Technology Fast 50
When Otakar Šuffner and Marek Vašíček Today, the company’s attention is on ensuring performance coaches who can
co-founded the FTMO educational platform it has the processes and systems in place help them cope with mental
for financial traders in 2013, they practically to support its future development. “Currently, pressures,” Otakar adds. “Trading
invented an industry that today sees around 60 we are focusing on expanding our offering psychology is a crucial
businesses competing for their number one spot. and improving our IT infrastructure and internal but significantly underestimated
procedures,” he continues. aspect of the job.”
But, while considerably below 2021’s astonishing
three-year growth rate that saw the Czech But the focus is not on its own development This attitude is also embedded in a key
business head the Deloitte CE Fast 50 last year, alone. FTMO is also very conscious of its role element of the company’s purpose: to educate
the company’s performance over the last and responsibilities as a good corporate citizen. clients about proper risk-management techniques
12 months assures that once again it tops As Otakar explains, “This springs from our and disciplined trading, protecting them against
the ranking. As CEO Otakar Šuffner explains, recognition that having well-defined values the risk of losses caused by uninformed trading
“The rate we delivered in the past is impossible is essential. Our crucial value is constantly being decisions. This considered approach also extends
to maintain, because the numbers are getting straightforward about our intentions and fair to FTMO’s view of its position in society,
larger and larger. While our growth of 30% in 2022 and transparent with employees, clients and it is highly aware of the widespread positive
seems ‘small’ compared to previous years, the final and business partners. Everything is easie impact it can have. Currently, for example,
numbers are outstanding.” that way, and it enables us to act quickly it is both supplying Czech hospitals with advanced
and decisively.” equipment and supporting humanitarian
In fact, he now sees its previous growth rate aid workers in Ukraine.
as the biggest challenge the company has faced In one example of FTMO’s commitment
in its lifetime. “In 2020, we grew 16-fold over to fairness, it works hard to actively help its clients As it plans its way forward, those 60 rivals
the previous year, which is something you just become better traders by providing feedback can be certain that this Czech powerhouse
cannot prepare for. Still, it was a ride – and we on their performance from various perspectives. is far from relinquishing top spot.
enjoyed every moment!” “We also enable them to connect directly with
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Position Company name CEO Name Country Industry sector Website Revenue growth (%)
Otakar Šuffner
1 FTMO Czech Republic Fintech www.ftmo.com/en 25 255
& Marek Vašíček
3 MultiplexDX Pavol Čekan Slovakia Healthcare & Life Sciences www.multiplexdx.com 6 222
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Position Company name CEO Name Country Industry sector Website Revenue growth (%)
15 Knihobot Dominik Gazdoš Czech Republic Media & Entertainment www.knihobot.cz 1 835
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Position Company name CEO Name Country Industry sector Website Revenue growth (%)
26 Reas.cz Michal Makoš Czech Republic Media & Entertainment www.reas.cz 1 185
30 Ovečkárna.cz Martin Bernátek Czech Republic Media & Entertainment www.oveckarna.cz 996
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Position Company name CEO Name Country Industry sector Website Revenue growth (%)
32 Telmedicin Paweł Sieczkiewicz Poland Healthcare & Life Sciences www.telemedi.com/pl 983
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Position Company name CEO Name Country Industry sector Website Revenue growth (%)
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Section titleEurope 2022 |
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Companies to Watch
In addition to the Technology Fast 50
ranking, Deloitte Central Europe ranks
companies that show great potential
but are too young to meet criterion
for the main Fast 50 category.
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Introduction by our
Clients & Industries Leader
When it comes to businesses with the potential to disrupt
the status quo, it’s impossible to ignore those in our
‘Companies to Watch’ category.
These astonishing young businesses, founded This year, yet again, our Companies to Watch have
“I strongly believe that
too recently to be included in the main Fast 50 excelled themselves and it has been a privilege
ranking, have a powerful capacity to disrupt to be part of the process to bring them a little by supporting Central
the wider market place that is entirely out of the exposure and attention they deserve.
of proportion with their size. The complex challenges and issues faced
Europe’s best and youngest
by the world call for innovation and determination, Companies to Watch, we are
This is at least in part associated with their just two of the characteristics that these
youthful energy and drive to succeed. More than companies possess in enormous quantities. taking a giant stride towards
that, it’s due to their roots in new technologies
that they are so often bringing to the fore, bringing It will be fascinating to watch them as they
achieving the Deloitte
new applications to market that can make and their technologies mature in the years ahead, purpose of ‘building
a real difference to people’s lives – from health and I fully expect a number of this year’s laureates Tomasz Konik,
and the environment to business, finance to feature in the Fast 50 listings of the future. better futures’.” Partner, CE Clients & Industries Leader
and more.
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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category overview 2
5 446%
Largest growth: 100 314%
5 Slovakia
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Environmental Technology
Media & Entertainment
2 2 1 1
North Macedonia
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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- Winner
of the Companies to Watch category
Any company that has grown by more than According to Václav Navrátil, “We’re building our expanding into global markets,
100 000% in just three years must be delivering business on a team of top scientists with unique where we will have to compete
products or services that meet a very real expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry, with very large and long established
and important need. This is certainly the case organic and medical chemistry, pharmacology players. We’re also now setting drug-
with DIANA (DNA-linked Inhibitor ANtibody Assay) and laboratory automation. We believe we have development projects in motion, which are
Biotechnologies, a leading Czech biotech business globally competitive PCR technology, and we are typically very demanding in terms of both
focusing on R&D in areas including PCR diagnosis, now aiming to replicate our success at home time and expense. We’ll therefore need
drug discovery, developing antibodies and creating on a global scale. to establish suitable partnerships
new diagnostic methods. to move these forwards.”
“We’re also expanding our diagnostics portfolio,
Perhaps the company’s most high-profile having recently introduced a combined test Besides the science, one of the main reasons
achievement to date took place during the height for COVID, influenza and the respiratory syncytial behind DIANA’s success to date is the underlying
of the COVID-19 pandemic, when it became virus (RSV). We’re developing a range of new platform provided by highly efficient business
the Czech Republic’s leading producer of PCR tests diagnostic tests for other diseases too, including operations and a fully aligned shareholder
– accounting for some 40% of all the tests to take various cancers. In addition, we continue to focus and management structure. As Martin Dienstbier
place in the country. But when it succeeds on projects aiming to develop new products adds, “We’re also very fortunate to employ
in delivering against its global expansion plans and services for drug discovery, as well as so many highly motivated people who are aligned
over the years ahead, DIANA Biotech will soon establishing our innovative pipeline to develop with our efforts to combine excellent science
eclipse even this performance. Founded in 2018 monoclonal antibodies for diagnostic with a functional business.”
by Václav Navrátil (CEO and CTO) and Martin and therapeutic applications.”
Dienstbier (CFO and COO), DIANA Biotech has These are just some of the many reasons
already grown from a small academic start-up There is no shortage of ambition, but Václav for that extraordinary growth rate that this year
to become a mid-sized company of around 100 and his colleagues are highly aware has propelled DIANA Biotechnologies to dominate
people. And significant further growth lies ahead. of the challenges ahead. As he says, “We are now our Companies to Watch ranking.
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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2 nd
3 rd
According to CEO Hristo Borisov, “We owe this The company also strives to ensure that
success to our customer-centricity, meaning customers have access to the information they
place that our customers trust us to deliver. And by place need to avoid making hasty decisions – essential
combining the best financial services with the best in light of the cryptocurrency market’s volatility.
technology, we ensure we provide a truly holistic “We always inform our clients about the current
It was in Sofia in 2018 that Hristo Boriso solution that enables companies to manage their The purpose behind the creation of the Fumbi situation and events, and they can access support
and Boyko Karadzhov launched a brand new spend easily.” Network is very straightforward: to provide in their local language when needed,” he adds.
software company with a view to creating payment a simple platform where everyone has
and expenses solutions. This attitude is at the heart of a business that now the opportunity to invest in cryptocurrencies. Fumbi currently has customers across Slovakia,
has 270 employees, and ambitious ongoing plans Founder and CEO Juraj Forgács explains. the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, and has
A few short years later, and that company – for further expansion. Its arrival in the US market “We wanted more than just a select few people plans to expand into other markets. During 2022,
Payhawk – now has its headquarters in London. in the late summer of 2022, coinciding with to have the opportunity to prosper. So we have it launched the Fumbi Academy to educate people
This is alongside a growing international network, the launch of a US credit card, is a powerful created a service that means everyone can do so, about cryptocurrencies. And, with plans to launch
with offices in Barcelona, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris statement of its continued ambitions. as simply, safely and effectively as possible.” further new products and services as the crypto
and New York as well as the Bulgarian capital. world goes mainstream, it’s happy to disclose
As Hristo puts it, “Adding more and more The Fumbi approach involves several innovations, its ambition to become a billion-dollar business.
Even more important, it also offers what it calls enterprise-focused functionality and operating including portfolio products compiled according
the world’s most comprehensive busines globally is making us increasingly well-suited to strict criteria and managed by sophisticated
spend-management solution, combining credit for growing businesses that scale internationally.” algorithms. As Juraj says, “We also work with
cards, payments, expenses, cash management The realism underpinning this statement is shown the best in the market to bring our customers
and pre-accounting into a single integrated by the company’s exceptional growth rate over world-class security for their finances
experience that delivers maximum control the last three years, amounting to 6,629%. and cryptocurrencies. With Fumbi, users can just
and visibility over all aspects of business spend. make a deposit and not worry about anything else.”
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Position Company name CEO Name Country Industry sector Website Revenue growth (%)
Václav Navrátil
1 DIANA Biotechnologies Czech Republic Healthcare & Life Sciences www.dianabiotech.com 100 314
& Martin Dienstbier
6 DNA ERA Michaela Šišková Slovakia Healthcare & Life Sciences www.dnaera.com 2 021
9 Nenad Tanaskovic Serbia Fintech www.bloxico.com 1 152
Software Solutions
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Position Company name CEO Name Country Industry sector Website Revenue growth (%)
15 ArtMaster Radim Vysoký Czech Republic Media & Entertainment www.artmasteracademy.cz 650
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Position Company name CEO Name Country Industry sector Website Revenue growth (%)
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Section titleEurope 2022 |
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Impact Stars
The Impact Stars is a special
classification of entities which
successfully link great products/services
with a positive impact on at least
one of the following: society, business,
innovativeness, environment
and diversity.
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Insights from
the CE Impact Leader
As I write this, the COP27 summit is underway in Egypt, where
world leaders are calling again for policy implementation that
will help the world hit its climate targets and accelerate
the journey to Net Zero.
Meanwhile, in Central Europe, visionary young diversity and society to business, innovation “Today, technology is an essential
companies are taking positive action which is and, of course, the environment.
driver of a better environmental
driving improvement on many fronts – including
the environment. Not all of them are focused single-mindedly performance for every business.
on the sustainability agenda, although this is This includes Deloitte CE,
They are providing practical new alternatives, an essential consideration for many. What they
as we work hard to deliver against
breakthrough solutions that will work alongside have in common is a shared understanding
regulation to create new efficiencies in many areas of the need to act now to have a collective impact our medium-term 2030 targets,
Ivana Lorencovičová,
of life. In other words, they are companies on the quality of life of future generations. including using only renewable Partner, CE Impact Leader
with positive impact.
energy in our facilities, helping
That’s why I believe the Impact Stars category,
So I am delighted to feature 41 such businesses now in its second year, is so important today. to set science-based targets across our supply chain and investing
as our CE Impact Stars for 2022. These are I very much hope you enjoy learning about this in solutions to compensate for our remaining emissions. As I look
companies that successfully combine great ideas year’s fabulous laureates as much as I have done.
at our Impact Stars, I feel a strong sense of gratitude for the amazing work
and excellent products or services with a clear
benefit in one or more essential areas, from so many are doing to help us all do better – socially as well as
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Ministry of Programming Rešad Začina & Faris Začina Software Bosnia and Herzegovina www.ministryofprogramming.com
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Apis Innovation Jan Rája Healthcare & Life Sciences Czech Republic www.thermosolarhive.com
snuggswear Linda Šejdová & Tomáš Zahradník Healthcare & Life Sciences Czech Republic www.snuggs.cz
Semetron Martin Minin & Maksim Markelov Healthcare & Life Sciences Estonia www.semetron.ee/en
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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DNA ERA Michaela Šišková Healthcare & Life Sciences Slovakia www.dnaera.com
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Section titleEurope 2022 |
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CE Tech Rocketship!
This special recognition by Deloitte
and Google Cloud awards companies
that have developed high-quality,
scalable solutions with the potential
to serve the most demanding customers
in the market. Joint teams assessed
the companies’ technologies
and awarded those with
the greatest business potential.
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Insights from
the Programme Partner
This year we are honoured to introduce a new category
in the CE Fast 50 – the CE Tech Rocketship!.
This award recognises those companies that, and, in so doing, realised the rocket was Investors are not the customers of all
apart from displaying rapid growth, have also a potential means of travelling into space. the inventions that science helps us to develop:
differentiated themselves in a number of other This sparked considerable interest in rocketry it is the broader good of humankind that should
ways to future-proof their business model and space travel, and in 1926, Robert Goddard benefit from all innovation. Technology is just
and underlying technology. launched the world’s first liquid-propellant rocket. a tool that can be used for good or evil, so it is
Magdalena Dziewguć, Google Cloud Poland
Due to secrecy, this rocket had little influence the responsibility of the inventor to think upfront
Country Director
Let me briefly remind you of the history on later developments. As is so often the case, about the risks and consequences. Moreover,
of the rocket. First of all, as with many modern rocket design and capabilities saw a huge leap true success is not about being fast and prepared The CE Tech Rocketship! award is dedicated to all
inventions, it was not just one genius who woke up in the following decades. Today, due to the to take risks: it is about being patient the companies that applied to participate in the CE
with the idea. The first rockets were created incredible subsequent advances in rocketship and tenacious over the long term. Technology Fast 50 ranking in 2022. All applicants
in China and mainly used as weapons technology, even space tourism is a reality! were evaluated by an independent jury composed
and fireworks. It was not until the 1920s that That is why my strong appeal today is for of experts from Deloitte and Google Cloud.
rocket societies emerged, and it was in the 1930s I retell this story to remind us all that, even though innovators to go back to thinking about the
and 1940s that professional rocket engineering we are fascinated by the fast growth represented long-term perspective. We need to see sustainable We believe this category will inspire others to build
took off... quite literally! History tells us that three by the success this report recognises, there are growth as a goal for all humankind. on solid foundations and collaborate with partners
people in particular began working independently a number of principles we must keep in mind to ensure security and broad availability.
on developing rockets to reach space. Konstantin to consciously ensure we always do the right thing. Today, sustainable growth means growth that In the current environment, we need rocketships
Tsiolkovsky and Hermann Oberth were the first First and foremost, we source from is repeatable, ethical and responsible, both that will help to ensure our planet remains a good
to work out many of the essential principles the community and we build for the community. to and for current and future communities. place to grow for all.
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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- Winner
of the CE Tech Rocketship! category
It was a decade ago in 2012 that an idea began on European and national regulations. “Businesses services. These are some of the
to formulate itself in the mind of Grzegorz may use our services to create legal agreements reasons why Deloitte CE
Wójcik – an idea for a new business that would in multiple environments – with other companies and Google Cloud have selected
empower every entrepreneur to sign legally (B2B), customers (B2C) and employees (B2E),” Autenti as the first recipient
binding documents online. Ten years later, his idea he says. “Autenti provides secure e-signature of the new “CE Tech Rocketship!”.
has evolved into Autenti – a vibrant young Polish solutions in which the signatory does not have The award, recognizes companies that have
company whose platform has to date enabled to pay to sign. This makes it an effective tool with developed high-quality scalable solutions
the e-signature of more than 4.5 million the highest levels of security even for those who with the potential to satisfy the most
documents. do not wish to bear the costs of signing.” demanding customers. Grzegorz Wójcik’s
The platform is a one-stop-shop platform solution ambitions for the business are far from satisfied.
Progress has been rapid, and a recently completed that makes it possible to use all three types of While he recognizes that Autenti currently meets
funding round has seen major new investors join secure electronic signatures within one process the needs of the ‘Digital Natives’ generation
the VCs and banks already supporting and for each document type. Autenti’s clients and the most demanding entrepreneurs,
the business. “This enabled us to raise EUR 8.5 have access also to electronic seals, identification he is confident that much more is to come.
million, underlining the strength of the position methods and qualified services critical in “The solution is also a remedy for tough times,
we’ve built in Poland and supporting our plans executing core business processes in Financial especially during this post-pandemic period
for international expansion,” says Grzegorz Wójcik. Services, Insurance, Manufacturing, Healthcare, and today’s inflationary pressures,” he says.
Created and developed by the company’s teams and other regulated industries. Today, businesses “Entrepreneurs everywhere are looking to save,
of 120+ specialists, the Autenti solution is based are not only saving the time and money it takes optimize and simplify the cloud solutions they use.
on its in-house expertise, many years of studying to close transactions by using Autenti So we’re planning to grow our customer base
the market and in-depth analysis of customers’ to streamline their document workflow. by a factor of seven over the next three years.
e-signature needs. As Grzegorz explains, its We’ll be able to support all European languages
success to date is down to the unique combination The platform also supports its sustainability by the end of 2023, and are planning to grow
of electronic signature and innovative technology credentials by reducing the consumption of paper our portfolio by working with suppliers who offer
within a legal environment based and ink as well as lessening the need for courier services in areas including remote identification.”
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Special recognition Cyrkl Cyril Klepek Environmental Technology Czech Republic www.cyrkl.com/en
Special recognition Self Learning Solutions Karol Dziasek Fintech Poland www.slsolutions.io
“This new award looks at the companies in the ranking in a way that goes CE Tech Rocketship! jury:
far deeper than their growth rates alone. We are seeking companies that
have built their business architecture on a modern technology stack
and demonstrate particularly high levels of technology maturity. These are
Krzysztof Zalasa - Customer Engineering Manager Jiří Sauer – Partner, Audit & Assurance,
the companies that we believe can best accommodate spikes in demand
Claudiu Hobjila - Customer Engineer Regional Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE Programme Leader
and scale themselves accordingly – companies with high-quality products
Milen Genchev - Customer Engineer Alex Tomášek – Director, Consulting
and services that are unique in their sectors and meet or surpass Jan Harasimiuk - Customer Engineer Michał Przybylski - Assistant Director, Financial Advisory
the expectations held by the most demanding customers in their markets.” Łukasz Olejniczak - Sales Engineer, Smart Analytics Marcin Hawryluk – Senior Manager, Systems
Matas Tvarijonas - Customer Engineer, & Cloud Engineering, Consulting
Magdalena Dziewguć, Infrastructure, Digital Native Customers Tereza Lickova - Specialist Lead, Consulting
Country Director, Google Cloud Poland Renata Barlangi - Specialist Lead, Consulting
Oldrich Novak - Senior Project Associate, Consulting
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Local contacts
Albania Bulgaria Croatia Estonia
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Local contacts
Kosovo Lithuania Poland Romania
Liis Mehine
Senior Coordinator, Clients & Industries
Email: lmehine@deloittece.com
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2022 |
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Local contacts
Serbia Slovakia Slovenia
Milan Šustek
Senior Manager, Tax
Email: msustek@deloittece.com
Zuzana Mrázová
Senior Manager, Clients & Industries
Email: zmrazova@deloittece.com
Laura Lippová
Senior Coordinator, Clients & Industries
Email: llippova@deloittece.com
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entities, which cannot obligate or bind each other in respect of third parties.
DTTL and each DTTL member firm and related entity is liable only for its
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