Bharat Engineering Enterprises (EXERCISE)
Bharat Engineering Enterprises (EXERCISE)
Bharat Engineering Enterprises (EXERCISE)
You are a member of the selection committee at Bharat Engineering Enterprises, a small engineering
company. The post in question is that of General Foreman. You must decide age, educational and other
criteria for the post and then make your selection from the candidates applying.
Other points to be remembered as you develop criteria and select: The company puts much emphasis on
leadership in all supervisory posts. Also it affords opportunities for persons to grow, especially for those
who are quick and eager to learn new technology. Since it is a small but tightly manned operation,
attendance and promptness are important. The company puts great importance on the human relations
atmosphere of the enterprise; consequently listening skills are deemed essential. Also since the various
sections work quite interdependently, good planning skills are highly regarded. The General Forman must
do a lot of problem-solving and be able to establish and maintain good relations with the suppliers and
Rakesh Prasad:
Rakesh Prasad, 35 years old, is rarely absent. A good worker, he’s eager to learn and never misses an
opportunity to pick up a new skill. He is, however, a poor planner and frequently there are foul-ups in his
section. Generally he is on time, but outside of picking up new skills, he does not show much initiative.
Many times he could take action on matters he’s aware of, but he lets the change pass. He is, however, an
excellent listener, relates very well with his men, and they confide in him. He has a B. Tech. He is a good
communicator. His problem solving is very unsystematic.
Albert Kunjur:
Albert Kunjur, 32 years old, has rarely if ever been late for work. He is, however, frequently absent. If he’s
going to be late, he seems to feel that it’s better not to come at all. He works very hard, and seems to have
good growth potential. He can handle projects independently and carry them through to a finish. He takes
initiative on his won frequently. He has a B.E. but sometimes does not seem very eager to learn. He’s an
average listener, but he is a good planner. His men never are short of material, carts, or parts. He expresses
himself well and has few communication problems. His problem solving is rather hit and miss.
Source: E H McGrath, S.J.: Basic Managerial Skills for All. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, pp. 414-416.
M. Iqbal:
M. Iqbal, an energetic 35, is one of the most popular people on the shopfloor. Even before he got his
Diploma in Engineering, he was known as an eager learner. Today he does not hesitate to ask questions; so
he continues to grow. His overall performance is excellent. One of the reasons for his popularity with the
workers is because he is such a good listener. He’s a good planner; in fact, he has worked out his plan for
tomorrow before he goes home in the evening. His punctuality and attendance are very good. A skilled
problem solver, he’s a good communicator even through he has trouble with the local language.
Sumant Bose:
When it comes to planning and meeting targets and deadlines, nobody tops Sumant Bose. He’s 31 and
despite his shyness and difficulty in communicating, he has put his B.E. degree to good use. He does,
however, seem to have stopped learning new technology and is content with applying the old scrupulously.
Of course, he does that well, very well. He is not the best of listeners and this has hurt his relations with his
men at times. He can communicate when he wants, too, but will not take the initiative frequently in
communicating as well as in other regards. As for problem solving, he’s always jumping to conclusions
before examining the facts.
S. Kannan:
S. Kannan secured the highest marks in his state when he got his B. Tech. At 29, his future looks extremely
bright. Full of initiative, he can carry a project through to completion; he’s made a point of excelling in
completed staff work and rarely if ever lets a problem go back to his boss, once it’s been entrusted to him.
Though young, he is a good listener, and has displayed rare planning abilities. While his health is not all that
it should be, his attendance record is average. He can communicate well and when it comes to problem
solving, he puts diagnosis ahead of action.