Hourly Series

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; HourlySeries.

; This file converts BDL pre-defined hourly results series entries to ASCII
; strings which are to be used in various DOE-2 user interfaces.
;Hdr TYPE INDEX Series Description

; "Global - "
"-", 1114, 1, "Clearness number"
"-", 1114, 2, "Ground temp (Rankine)"
"-", 1114, 3, "Outside wet-bulb temp (F)"
"-", 1114, 4, "Outside dry-bulb temp (F)"
"-", 1114, 5, "Atmospheric pressure"
"-", 1114, 6, "Cloud amount (0-10)"
"-", 1114, 7, "Snow flag (1 = snowfall)"
"-", 1114, 8, "Rain flag (1 - rainfall)"
"-", 1114, 9, "Wind direction (0-15)"
"-", 1114, 10, "Humidity ratio (lb H20/lb air)"
"-", 1114, 11, "Air density (lb/ft3)"
"-", 1114, 12, "Specific enthalpy of air (Btu/lb)"
"-", 1114, 13, "Diffuse horiz solar rad (Btu/hr-ft2) (weather file)"
"-", 1114, 14, "Direct normal solar rad (Btu/hr-ft2) (weather file)"
"-", 1114, 15, "Total horiz solar rad (Btu/hr-ft2) (weather file)"
"-", 1114, 16, "Cloud type (0, 1, or 2)"
"-", 1114, 17, "Wind speed (knots)"
"-", 1114, 18, "Dew-point temp (F)"
"-", 1114, 19, "Wind direction in radians (clockwise from North)"
"-", 1114, 20, "Cloud cover multiplier (0-1)"
"-", 1114, 21, "Clear day direct normal solar rad x CLDCOV (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 1114, 22, "Clear day diffuse horiz solar rad x CLDCOV (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 1114, 23, "Heat loss by horizontal ext wall to sky"
"-", 1114, 24, "Drybulb temp (Rankine)"
"-", 1114, 25, "Sun up flag (1 if sun up, 0 if down)"
"-", 1114, 26, "Hour angle of sunrise for the day (radians)"
"-", 1114, 27, "Current hour angle (radians)"
"-", 1114, 28, "Tangent of solar declination angle"
"-", 1114, 29, "Value of the solar equation of time (hr)"
"-", 1114, 30, "Direct normal extraterrestrial solar rad (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 1114, 31, "Atmospheric extinction coefficient"
"-", 1114, 32, "Sky diffusivity factor"
"-", 1114, 33, "Solar direction cosine (x)"
"-", 1114, 34, "Solar direction cosine (y)"
"-", 1114, 35, "Solar direction cosine (z)"
"-", 1114, 36, "Direct normal solar rad intensity on clear day (Btu/hr-ft2)
"-", 1114, 37, "Diffuse horiz solar rad intensity on a clear day (Btu/hr-
ft2) (calculated)"
"-", 1114, 38, "Year"
"-", 1114, 39, "Month"
"-", 1114, 40, "Day"
"-", 1114, 41, "Hour (local time, w/ Daylight Savings if appropriate)"
"-", 1114, 42, "Day of the year (1-365)"
"-", 1114, 43, "Day of the week (1-7)"
"-", 1114, 44, "Schedule hour (DST corrected, IHR + IDSTF)"
"-", 1114, 45, "Schedule day (Day of week; 1=Sun, 2=Mon,...8=Holiday)"
"-", 1114, 46, "Daylight savings flag (1 if daylight savings in effect, 0
if not)"
"-", 1114, 47, "Pressure caused by wind velocity (inches of water)"
"-", 1114, 48, "Atmospheric turbidity factor according to Angstrom"
"-", 1114, 49, "Atmospheric moisture (inches in precipitable water)"
"-", 1114, 50, "Solar attitude (degrees above horizontal)"
"-", 1114, 51, "Solar azimuth (degrees) (measured clockwise from North)"
"-", 1114, 52, "Cloudiness factor (0 for overcast sky to 1.0 for clear
"-", 1114, 53, "Ext horizontal illuminance from clear part of sky
"-", 1114, 54, "Ext horizontal illuminance from overcast part of sky
"-", 1114, 55, "Ext horizontal illuminance from direct sun (footcandles)"
"-", 1114, 56, "Ratio of ext horiz illum calc from measured insolation vs.
CIE sky lumin"
"-", 1114, 57, "Luminance efficacy of direct solar radiation (lumens/watt)"
"-", 1114, 58, "Luminance efficacy of diffuse solar from clear part of sky
"-", 1114, 59, "Luminance efficacy of diffuse solar from overcast part of
sky (lumens/watt)"
"-", 1114, 60, "Init Day (1-7) / Design Day Type (1=Heat 2=Cool) / Design
Day Run (14-4)"

; "Bldg Loads - "

"-", 1153, 1, "Building heat load (sensible)"
"-", 1153, 2, "Building heat load (latent)"
"-", 1153, 3, "Building heat load from wall conduction"
"-", 1153, 4, "Building heat load from roof conduction"
"-", 1153, 5, "Building heat load from window conduction"
"-", 1153, 6, "Building heat load from solar rad through windows"
"-", 1153, 7, "Building sensible heat load from infiltration"
"-", 1153, 8, "Building heat load from int wall conduction"
"-", 1153, 9, "Bldg heat load from conduction through undergrnd walls and
"-", 1153, 10, "Building light heat load"
"-", 1153, 11, "Building heat load from doors"
"-", 1153, 12, "Building elec equip heat load (sensible)"
"-", 1153, 13, "Building source heat load (sensible)"
"-", 1153, 14, "Building people heat load (sensible)"
"-", 1153, 15, "Building people heat load (latent)"
"-", 1153, 16, "Building elec equip heat load (latent)"
"-", 1153, 17, "Building source heat load (latent)"
"-", 1153, 18, "Building infiltration heat load (latent)"
"-", 1153, 19, "Building cool load (sensible)"
"-", 1153, 20, "Building cool load (latent)"
"-", 1153, 21, "Building cool load from wall conduction"
"-", 1153, 22, "Building cool load from roof conduction"
"-", 1153, 23, "Building cool load from window conduction"
"-", 1153, 24, "Building cool load from solar radiation through windows"
"-", 1153, 25, "Building cool sensible infiltration load"
"-", 1153, 26, "Building cool load from conduction through int walls"
"-", 1153, 27, "Bldg cool load from conduction through undergrnd walls and
"-", 1153, 28, "Building light cool load"
"-", 1153, 29, "Building cool load from door conduction"
"-", 1153, 30, "Building elec equip cool load (sensible)"
"-", 1153, 31, "Building source cool load (sensible)"
"-", 1153, 32, "Building people cool load (sensible)"
"-", 1153, 33, "Building people cool load (latent)"
"-", 1153, 34, "Building elec equip load cool (latent)"
"-", 1153, 35, "Building source cool load (latent)"
"-", 1153, 36, "Building infiltration cool load (latent)"
"-", 1153, 37, "Building elec total"
"-", 1153, 38, "Building gas total"
"-", 1153, 39, "Building hot water total"
"-", 1153, 40, "Building equip elec total"
"-", 1153, 41, "Building light elec total"
"-", 1153, 42, "unused"
"-", 1153, 43, "unused"
"-", 1153, 44, "unused"
"-", 1153, 45, "unused"

; "Space - "
"-", 1070, 1, "Quick wall conduction gain"
"-", 1070, 2, "Quick roof conduction gain"
"-", 1070, 3, "Window conduction gain"
"-", 1070, 4, "Delayed wall conduction gain"
"-", 1070, 5, "Delayed roof conduction gain"
"-", 1070, 6, "Int wall conduction gain"
"-", 1070, 7, "Underground floor conduction gain"
"-", 1070, 8, "Underground wall conduction gain"
"-", 1070, 9, "Door conduction gain"
"-", 1070, 10, "Elec equip sensible gain"
"-", 1070, 11, "Source sensible gain"
"-", 1070, 12, "People sensible gain"
"-", 1070, 13, "Task light gain"
"-", 1070, 14, "Glass solar gain"
"-", 1070, 15, "Light heat gain to return air"
"-", 1070, 16, "Quick wall conduction load"
"-", 1070, 17, "Quick roof conduction load"
"-", 1070, 18, "Window conduction load"
"-", 1070, 19, "Delayed wall conduction load"
"-", 1070, 20, "Delayed roof conduction load"
"-", 1070, 21, "Int wall conduction load"
"-", 1070, 22, "Underground floor conduction load"
"-", 1070, 23, "Underground wall conduction load"
"-", 1070, 24, "Door conduction load"
"-", 1070, 25, "Equip sensible load"
"-", 1070, 26, "Source sensible load"
"-", 1070, 27, "People sensible load"
"-", 1070, 28, "People latent gain"
"-", 1070, 29, "Equpment latent gain"
"-", 1070, 30, "Source latent gain"
"-", 1070, 31, "Infiltration latent gain"
"-", 1070, 32, "Task light load"
"-", 1070, 33, "Glass solar load"
"-", 1070, 34, "Light heat gain to other space"
"-", 1070, 35, "Light gain"
"-", 1070, 36, "Light Load"
"-", 1070, 37, "Infiltration sensible gain"
"-", 1070, 38, "Elec load for space"
"-", 1070, 39, "Infiltration flowrate (cfm)"
"-", 1070, 40, "Sum of all weighted loads except infil and latent"
"-", 1070, 41, "Space conductance (Btu/hr-deg F)"
"-", 1070, 42, "Space sensible load"
"-", 1070, 43, "Space latent load"
"-", 1070, 44, "Space total load"
"-", 1070, 45, "Space elec from lights"
"-", 1070, 46, "Space elec from equip"
"-", 1070, 47, "Space gas"
"-", 1070, 48, "Space hot water"
"-", 1070, 49, "Daylight illuminance at LIGHT-REF-POINT1 (footcandles)"
"-", 1070, 50, "Daylight illuminance at LIGHT-REF-POINT2 (footcandles)"
"-", 1070, 51, "Background luminance (footlamberts) for glare calculation
"-", 1070, 52, "Background luminance (footlamberts) for glare calculation
"-", 1070, 53, "Daylight glare index at LIGHT-REF-POINT1 calculated after
window management"
"-", 1070, 54, "Daylight glare index at LIGHT-REF-POINT2 calculated after
window management"
"-", 1070, 55, "Mult due to dylghtng, on elec light use at Ref Pnt 1 (1-no
red, 0-reduce to 0)"
"-", 1070, 56, "Mult due to dylghtng, on elec light use at Ref Pnt 2 (1-no
red, 0-reduce to 0)"
"-", 1070, 57, "Net multiplier due to daylighting, on elec light power for
the entire space"
"-", 1070, 58, "Local Wind Speed"

; "Ext Wall - "

"-", 1020, 1, "Total solar rad on wall after shading (Btu/Hr-Ft2)"
"-", 1020, 2, "Fraction of wall shaded from direct solar rad"
"-", 1020, 3, "Outside air film U-value"
"-", 1020, 4, "Pressure diff due to wind velocity & stack effect"
"-", 1020, 5, "Unweighted heat transfer from wall to space (Btu/hr)"
"-", 1020, 6, "Outside surface temp for delayed walls (Rankine)"
"-", 1020, 7, "Crack method air flow for wall (cfm)"
"-", 1020, 8, "C2 - Parameter to calc Q & T for delayed walls"
"-", 1020, 9, "C3 - Parameter to calc Q & T for delayed walls"
"-", 1020, 10, "SUMXDT - Parameter to calc Q & T for delayed walls"
"-", 1020, 11, "SUMYDT - Parameter to calc Q & T for delayed walls"
"-", 1020, 12, "DT - Parameter to calc Q & T for delayed walls"
"-", 1020, 13, "XSXCMP - Parameter to calc Q & T for delayed walls"
"-", 1020, 14, "XSQCMP - Parameter to calc Q & T for delayed walls"
"-", 1020, 15, "Cosine between sun and the surface outward normal"
"-", 1020, 16, "Solar rad reflected from ground (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 1020, 17, "Surface direct solar rad, before shading (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 1020, 18, "Surface diffuse solar rad, after shading (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 1020, 19, "Surface total solar radiation (Btu/hr-ft2)"

; "Window - "
"-", 1050, 1, "Net overall window U-value (Btu/hr-ft2-deg F)"
"-", 1050, 2, "Direct rad transmission coeff (all panes in window)"
"-", 1050, 3, "Direct rad absorption coeff (outer pane(s))"
"-", 1050, 4, "Net diffuse rad transmission coeff (all panes in window)"
"-", 1050, 5, "Diffuse radiation absorption coefficient (outer pane(s))"
"-", 1050, 6, "Direct radiation absorption coefficient (inner pane(s))"
"-", 1050, 7, "Diffuse radiation absorption coefficient (inner pane(s))"
"-", 1050, 8, "Inward flowing frac of heat from solar rad absorbed by
inner pane(s)"
"-", 1050, 9, "Inward flowing frac of heat from solar rad absorbed by
outer pane(s)"
"-", 1050, 10, "Frac of window area shaded from direct solar rad (ext
"-", 1050, 11, "Direct solar rad (after shading), divided by total area
"-", 1050, 12, "Diffuse solar rad (after shading), divided by total area
"-", 1050, 13, "Dir and diff solar energy transm through glass (after
shading) (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 1050, 14, "Dir and diff solar energy absorbed by glass (after shading)
"-", 1050, 15, "Heat gain by solar rad (after shading) (Btu/hr)"
"-", 1050, 16, "Shading coefficient of glass"
"-", 1050, 17, "Conduction heat gain through window (Btu/hr)"
"-", 1050, 18, "Switching factor 0.0 - unswitched, 1.0 fully switched"
"-", 1050, 19, "Value by which shading-coeff of glazing is multiplied when
window is shaded"
"-", 1050, 20, "Transmitted dir solar gain threshold for activ of shading
device (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 1050, 21, "Visible transmittance (at normal incidence) of glazing
(excl. shading device)"
"-", 1050, 22, "Value by which visible trans of glazing is multiplied when
window is shaded"
"-", 1050, 23, "Shading device status (0=none, 1=open, 2=clsd-gains or oth,
3=clsd-preset sch)"
"-", 1050, 24, "Daylight illum at LIGHT-REF-POINT1 with no shading
"-", 1050, 25, "Daylight illum at LIGHT-REF-POINT2 with no shading
"-", 1050, 26, "Daylight illum at LIGHT-REF-POINT1 with shading
"-", 1050, 27, "Daylight illum at LIGHT-REF-POINT2 with shading
"-", 1050, 28, "Fraction of blind coverage"
"-", 1050, 29, "Blind slat angle"
"-", 1050, 30, "Sum of Frame Conduction from Outside Solar + Convection"
"-", 1050, 31, "Sum of Curb Conduction from Outside Solar + Convection"

; "Door - "
"-", 1055, 1, "Outside air film U-value (Btu/hr-ft2-deg F)"
"-", 1055, 2, "Frac of door shaded from direct solar rad"
"-", 1055, 3, "Solar radiation on door (ft2-deg F)"
"-", 1055, 4, "Outside surface temp (Rankine)"
"-", 1055, 5, "Heat flow through door (Btu/hr-ft2-deg F)"
"-", 1055, 6, "Crack method infiltration air flow (cfm)"

; "Global - "
"-", 2114, 1, "Clearness number"
"-", 2114, 2, "Ground temp (Rankine)"
"-", 2114, 3, "Outside wet-bulb temp (F)"
"-", 2114, 4, "Outside dry-bulb temp (F)"
"-", 2114, 5, "Atmospheric pressure"
"-", 2114, 6, "Cloud amount (0-10)"
"-", 2114, 7, "Snow flag (1 = snowfall)"
"-", 2114, 8, "Rain flag (1 - rainfall)"
"-", 2114, 9, "Wind direction (0-15)"
"-", 2114, 10, "Humidity ratio (lb H20/lb air)"
"-", 2114, 11, "Air density (lb/ft3)"
"-", 2114, 12, "Specific enthalpy of air (Btu/lb)"
"-", 2114, 13, "Diffuse horiz solar rad (Btu/hr-ft2) (weather file)"
"-", 2114, 14, "Direct normal solar rad (Btu/hr-ft2) (weather file)"
"-", 2114, 15, "Total horiz solar rad (Btu/hr-ft2) (weather file)"
"-", 2114, 16, "Cloud type (0, 1, or 2)"
"-", 2114, 17, "Wind speed (knots)"
"-", 2114, 18, "Dew-point temp (F)"
"-", 2114, 19, "Wind direction in radians (clockwise from North)"
"-", 2114, 20, "Cloud cover multiplier (0-1)"
"-", 2114, 21, "Clear day direct normal solar rad x CLDCOV (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 2114, 22, "Clear day diffuse horiz solar rad x CLDCOV (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 2114, 23, "Heat loss by horizontal ext wall to sky"
"-", 2114, 24, "Drybulb temp (Rankine)"
"-", 2114, 25, "Sun up flag (1 if sun up, 0 if down)"
"-", 2114, 26, "Hour angle of sunrise for the day (radians)"
"-", 2114, 27, "Current hour angle (radians)"
"-", 2114, 28, "Tangent of solar declination angle"
"-", 2114, 29, "Value of the solar equation of time (hr)"
"-", 2114, 30, "Direct normal extraterrestrial solar rad (Btu/hr-ft2)"
"-", 2114, 31, "Atmospheric extinction coefficient"
"-", 2114, 32, "Sky diffusivity factor"
"-", 2114, 33, "Solar direction cosine (x)"
"-", 2114, 34, "Solar direction cosine (y)"
"-", 2114, 35, "Solar direction cosine (z)"
"-", 2114, 36, "Direct normal solar rad intensity on clear day (Btu/hr-ft2)
"-", 2114, 37, "Diffuse horiz solar rad intensity on a clear day (Btu/hr-
ft2) (calculated)"
"-", 2114, 38, "Year"
"-", 2114, 39, "Month"
"-", 2114, 40, "Day"
"-", 2114, 41, "Hour (local time, w/ Daylight Savings if appropriate)"
"-", 2114, 42, "Day of the year (1-365)"
"-", 2114, 43, "Day of the week (1-7)"
"-", 2114, 44, "Schedule hour (DST corrected, IHR + IDSTF)"
"-", 2114, 45, "Schedule day (Day of week; 1=Sun, 2=Mon,...8=Holiday)"
"-", 2114, 46, "Daylight savings flag (1 if daylight savings in effect, 0
if not)"
"-", 2114, 47, "Pressure caused by wind velocity (inches of water)"
"-", 2114, 48, "Atmospheric turbidity factor according to Angstrom"
"-", 2114, 49, "Atmospheric moisture (inches in precipitable water)"
"-", 2114, 50, "Solar attitude (degrees above horizontal)"
"-", 2114, 51, "Solar azimuth (degrees) (measured clockwise from North)"
"-", 2114, 52, "Cloudiness factor (0 for overcast sky to 1.0 for clear
"-", 2114, 53, "Ext horizontal illuminance from clear part of sky
"-", 2114, 54, "Ext horizontal illuminance from overcast part of sky
"-", 2114, 55, "Ext horizontal illuminance from direct sun (footcandles)"
"-", 2114, 56, "Ratio of ext horiz illum calc from measured insolation vs.
CIE sky lumin"
"-", 2114, 57, "Luminance efficacy of direct solar radiation (lumens/watt)"
"-", 2114, 58, "Luminance efficacy of diffuse solar from clear part of sky
"-", 2114, 59, "Luminance efficacy of diffuse solar from overcast part of
sky (lumens/watt)"
"-", 2114, 60, "Init Day (1-7) / Design Day Type (1=Heat 2=Cool) / Design
Day Run (14-4)"
; "HVAC Zone - "
"-", 2019, 1, "Load Calc'd SPACE Sensible load at const temp (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 2, "Load Calc'd SPACE Latent load at const temp, excluding
infil (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 3, "Load Calc'd SPACE Zone elec load (kW)"
"-", 2019, 4, "Load Calc'd SPACE Light heat to return air (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 5, "Outdoor air infiltration rate (cfm)"
"-", 2019, 6, "Current hour zone temp (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 7, "Current hour zone thermostat setting (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 8, "Current hour heat extraction rate (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 9, "Sum of ext & int wall thermal conductances (Btu/hr-deg F)"
"-", 2019, 10, "Zone humidity (lbs/lb)" ; SAC 11/17/10 -
design sizing D2
"-", 2019, 11, "Exhaust air flow rate (cfm)"
"-", 2019, 12, "Hot air flow rate (cfm)"
"-", 2019, 13, "Cold air flow rate (cfm)"
"-", 2019, 14, "Zone supply air flow rate (cfm)"
"-", 2019, 15, "Baseboard heat output to zone (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 16, "Amount of unmet heating/cooling to hold set point (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 17, "Thermostat set point for heat (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 18, "Thermostat set point for cool (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 19, "Heat extraction rate at top of band (within thermostat
band) (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 20, "Heat extraction rate at bottom of band (within thermostat
band) (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 21, "Trial zone temp (if no zone coil activity) (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 22, "F in temp variation calculation (TEMDEV subroutine)
"-", 2019, 23, "Contrib to the zone load due to conduction from adj zones
"-", 2019, 24, "Air temp weighting factor G0 (Btu/hr-deg F)"
"-", 2019, 25, "Air temp weighting factor G1 (Btu/hr-deg F)"
"-", 2019, 26, "Air temp weighting factor G2 (Btu/hr-deg F)"
"-", 2019, 27, "Air temp weighting factor G3 (Btu/hr-deg F)"
"-", 2019, 28, "(Unused in 2.3) G0 + G1 + G2 + G3 (Btu/hr-deg F)"
"-", 2019, 29, "Zone coil entering air temp for induction terminals (deg
"-", 2019, 30, "Portion of reheat load that would bring the sup temp to the
zone temp (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 31, "(Unused in 2.3) The average temp during this hour (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 32, "Zone coil heat (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 33, "Zone coil cool (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 34, "ZONE unit - Supply temp (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 35, "ZONE unit - Heating (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 36, "ZONE unit - Cooling (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 37, "ZONE unit - Fan energy (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 38, "ZONE unit - Mixed air temp (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 39, "ZONE unit - Return humidity ratio (WR) or coil leaving temp
"-", 2019, 40, "ZONE unit - Mixed air humidity ratio (lb H20/lb dry air)"
"-", 2019, 41, "ZONE unit - Humidity ratio of air leaving cool coil (lb
H20/lb dry air)"
"-", 2019, 42, "ZONE unit - Ratio of outside air to total supply air"
"-", 2019, 43, "ZONE unit - Latent load (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 44, "ZONE unit - Cooling part load ratio"
"-", 2019, 45, "ZONE unit - Heating part load ratio"
"-", 2019, 46, "ZONE unit - Elec input ratio"
"-", 2019, 47, "ZONE unit - Coil entering wet-bulb temp (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 48, "ZONE unit - Supp heat load for zone's heat pump this hr
"-", 2019, 49, "(Unused in 2.3) Weighted plenum flowrate (cuft/min)"
"-", 2019, 50, "Total zone elec (kW)"
"-", 2019, 51, "Minimum supply temp for zone (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 52, "Maximum supply temp for zone (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 53, "(Unused in 2.3) Extraction rate, top of deadband (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 54, "(Unused in 2.3) Extraction rate, bottom of deadband
"-", 2019, 55, "Throttling range (deg F)"
"-", 2019, 56, "Total heat gain (unweighted) due to solar rad from adj
sunspaces (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 57, "Total solar load (weighted) through int windows from all
adj sunspcs (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 58, "Heat gain by conduction (unweighted) through int windows
"-", 2019, 59, "Solar rad absorbed on the sunspace side of int walls
"-", 2019, 60, "Heat gain by conduction (unweighted) through opaque part of
int walls (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 61, "Heat extraction from convection across int wall (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 62, "Average airflow due to convection across int wall (cfm)"
"-", 2019, 63, "Power of venting fan + fan moving air across int wall (KW)"
"-", 2019, 64, "Heat extraction due to venting (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 65, "(Unused in 2.3) Flow through unit condenser (gal/min)"
"-", 2019, 66, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - Flow during unit heat
"-", 2019, 67, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - Flow during unit cool
"-", 2019, 68, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - Heat taken from loop
"-", 2019, 69, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - Heat added to loop
"-", 2019, 70, "Cooling due to natural ventilation (Btu/Hr)"
"-", 2019, 71, "Natural ventilation flow (cuft/min)"
"-", 2019, 72, "<zn.CFMnv>*60.0/<zn:VOLUME> - the natural ventilation air
"-", 2019, 73, "Natural ventilation setpoint temperature (Deg F)"
"-", 2019, 74, "(Unused in 2.3) Heat plumes that bypass zone terminal,
"-", 2019, 75, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - WSE CAPAIR"
"-", 2019, 76, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - WSE CAPWTR"
"-", 2019, 77, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - WSE MAX QC "
"-", 2019, 78, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - WSE Q TRANSF"
"-", 2019, 79, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - WSE DT AIR "
"-", 2019, 80, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - WSE DT WTR "
"-", 2019, 81, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone Unit Condenser - WSE XCHR EFF"
"-", 2019, 82, "Supply temperature (deg F)" ; SAC 11/17/10 -
design sizing D2
"-", 2019, 83, "Return temperature (deg F)" ; SAC 11/17/10 -
design sizing D2
"-", 2019, 84, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2019, 85, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2019, 86, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2019, 87, "Ice Rink convective sensible heat gain (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 88, "Ice Rink convective latent heat gain (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 89, "Ice Rink radiant gain from ceiling (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 90, "Ice Rink radiant gain from lights (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 91, "Ice Rink radiant gain from windows (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 92, "Ice Rink heat gain from subfloor (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 93, "Ice Rink heat gain from resurfacing (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 94, "Ice Rink heat gain from skaters (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 95, "Ice Rink gross unweighted heat gain (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 96, "Ice Rink net weighted heat gain (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2019, 97, "Ice Rink ceiling surface temperature"
"-", 2019, 98, "Ice Rink effective ice temperature"
"-", 2019, 99, "Ice Rink surface humidity ratio (lb/lb)"
"-", 2019, 100, "Hourly zone OA CFM requirement for DCV calculation (cfm)"
"-", 2019, 101, "Hourly zone OA / total flow for DCV calculation (cfm/cfm)"

; "HVAC Air System - "

"-", 2010, 1, "Temp of air leaving heat coil - hot deck temp (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 2, "Temp of air leaving cool coil - cold deck temp (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 3, "Temp of air entering coil (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 4, "Return air temp on downstream side of ret fan and plenums
(deg F)"
"-", 2010, 5, "Total central heat coil output (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 6, "Total central cool coil output (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 7, "Total zone heat coil output (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 8, "Total zone cool coil output (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 9, "Total baseboard heat coil output (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 10, "Total preheat coil output (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 11, "Humidification heat output (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 12, "Dehumidification reheat heat output (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 13, "Minimum temp air handler could supply (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 14, "Maximum temp air handler could supply (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 15, "(Unused in 2.3) Total SPACE latent heat load from LOADS
"-", 2010, 16, "Total SPACE light heat to return (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 17, "Total system supply air flow rate (cfm)"
"-", 2010, 18, "Total system hot supply air flow rate (cfm) (DDS/MZS/PMZS)"
"-", 2010, 19, "Total system cold supply air flow rate (cfm)
"-", 2010, 20, "Total system return air flow rate (cfm)"
"-", 2010, 21, "Total ZONE exhaust air flow rate (cfm)"
"-", 2010, 22, "Outside air infiltration rate (cfm)"
"-", 2010, 23, "Fan on/off flag (1-on, 0-off, -1-cannot cycle on)"
"-", 2010, 24, "Heat on/off flag (1-on, 0-off)"
"-", 2010, 25, "Cool on/off flag (1-on, 0-off)"
"-", 2010, 26, "Baseboard heater ratio from RESET-SCHEDULE"
"-", 2010, 27, "<ah.Btuh/CFM-F> In equation Q = <ah.Btuh/CFM-F> * CFM *
delta T"
"-", 2010, 28, "<ah.Btuh/CFM-W> In eq <ah.Btuh/CFM-W> = 1061.0 *
"-", 2010, 29, "<sy.F/in-wg> In equation <sy.F/in-wg> = .3996/<ah.Btuh/CFM-
"-", 2010, 30, "Ratio of hot duct cfm to total cfm (dual duct only)"
"-", 2010, 31, "Ratio of cold duct cfm to total cfm (dual duct only)"
"-", 2010, 32, "Total SYSTEM (and its ZONEs) elec consump (kW)"
"-", 2010, 33, "Total SYSTEM/ZONE fan (supply, return, exhaust) elec
consump (kW)"
"-", 2010, 34, "Makeup air temp obtainable from recovery sys (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 35, "Return air humidity ratio (lb H20/lb dry air)"
"-", 2010, 36, "Mix air humidity ratio (lb H20/lb dry air)"
"-", 2010, 37, "Humidity ratio of air leaving cool coil (lb H20/lb dry
"-", 2010, 38, "Moisture added or removed from air for (de)humidification
(lb H20/lb dry air)"
"-", 2010, 39, "Ratio of outside air to total supply air"
"-", 2010, 40, "Density of air at coil x 60 min/hr (lb/ft3 x min/hr)"
"-", 2010, 41, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 42, "Effect of controller on cool coil set point (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 43, "Adjusted capacity of air-to-air heat pump (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 44, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 45, "Total fuel for heating (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 46, "Elec input to heat (kW)"
"-", 2010, 47, "Elec input to cool (kW)"
"-", 2010, 48, "Latent part of total cool (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 49, "Supply fan elec (kW)"
"-", 2010, 50, "Return fan elec (kW)"
"-", 2010, 51, "If system cycled on at night (-1-heat, 0-no cycle, +1-
"-", 2010, 52, "Humidity ratio at saturation at coil surface temp"
"-", 2010, 53, "unused"
"-", 2010, 54, "Coil surface temp at supply set point (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 55, "Dual Duct - Temperature entering hot deck heating coil"
"-", 2010, 56, "Coil bypass factor: (COIL-BF) * CBF1 * CBF2"
"-", 2010, 57, "Temp correction to COIL-BF"
"-", 2010, 58, "Cfm correction to COIL-BF"
"-", 2010, 59, "Exhaust fans on/off flag (1-on, 0-off)"
"-", 2010, 60, "(Current hour cfm)/(design cfm)"
"-", 2010, 61, "Capacity part load ratio for cool"
"-", 2010, 62, "Capacity part load ratio for heat"
"-", 2010, 63, "Temp correction to COOLING-CAPACITY"
"-", 2010, 64, "(Unused in 2.3) Temp correction to COOL-SH-CAP"
"-", 2010, 65, "Temp correction to HEATING-CAPACITY"
"-", 2010, 66, "Temp correction to COOLING-EIR"
"-", 2010, 67, "Part load correction to COOLING-EIR"
"-", 2010, 68, "Operating EIR (COOLING-EIR*EIRM1*EIRM2) (Btu/Btu)"
"-", 2010, 69, "Outside fan power (kW)"
"-", 2010, 70, "Total cool capacity (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 71, "Sensible heat ratio (frac)"
"-", 2010, 72, "Maximum humidity set point (lbs water/lbs air)"
"-", 2010, 73, "Minimum humidity set point (lbs water/lbs air)"
"-", 2010, 74, "Max ratio of zone cfm that can be obtained this hour"
"-", 2010, 75, "Duct heat gain"
"-", 2010, 76, "DUCT heat loss"
"-", 2010, 77, "Heat recovery on/off flag (1-heat, 0-off, -1-heat/cool)"
"-", 2010, 78, "The total heat capacity (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 79, "(2.3 pending) The mixed air temp for min OA damper position
(deg F)"
"-", 2010, 80, "The minimum OA damper position (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 81, "Total heat pump supplemental heat load (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 82, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 83, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 84, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 85, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 86, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 87, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 88, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 89, "Plenum exhaust flow rate (cfm)"
"-", 2010, 90, "Gas used for cooling (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 91, "Desiccant - Regeneration energy (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 92, "Return air wet bulb temp (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 93, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 94, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 95, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 96, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 97, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 98, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 99, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 100, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 101, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 102, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 103, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 104, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 105, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 106, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 107, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 108, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 109, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 110, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 111, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 112, "Drybulb temp of air leaving desic or evap supp cool unit
(deg F)"
"-", 2010, 113, "Humidity ratio of air leaving desic or evap supp cool unit
(lb H2O/lb air)"
"-", 2010, 114, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 115, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 116, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 117, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 118, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 119, "(Unused in 2.3)"
"-", 2010, 120, "Ratio of air flowing through supp desic or evap unit to
total supply air"
"-", 2010, 121, "Evap Cool - Aux elec used by the supp evaporative cooler
"-", 2010, 122, "Evap Cool - Total cool done by evap cool unit (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 123, "Evap Cool - Sensible cool done by evap cool unit (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 124, "Evap Cool - Latent cool done by evap cool unit (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 125, "Heat pump defrost energy (Btu)"
"-", 2010, 126, "Supply air stream temperature rise across the supply fan
(Deg F)"
"-", 2010, 127, "Supply air stream temperature rise across the return fan
(Deg F)"
"-", 2010, 128, "(Unused in 2.3) Temperature of air surrounding duct (deg
"-", 2010, 129, "(Unused in 2.3) Wtr Cool Cond - Condenser water flow
"-", 2010, 130, "Wtr Cool Cond - Condenser flow for heat (gal/min)"
"-", 2010, 131, "Wtr Cool Cond - Condenser flow for cool (gal/min)"
"-", 2010, 132, "Wtr Cool Cond - Heat taken from loop (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 133, "Wtr Cool Cond - Heat added to loop (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 134, "Water-side economizer flow for cool (gal/min)"
"-", 2010, 135, "Water-side economizer heat added to loop (gal/min)"
"-", 2010, 136, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 137, "Natural Ventilation � total cooling for ventilation
"-", 2010, 138, "Natural Ventilation � random number used for venting
probability (0 to 1)"
"-", 2010, 139, "Heat cap of water-side economizer (Btu/hr-deg F)"
"-", 2010, 140, "Heat cap of air-side economizer (Btu/hr-deg F)"
"-", 2010, 141, "Max possible water-side economizer exchange (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 142, "Actual water-side economizer exchange (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 143, "Temp change of air (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 144, "Temp change of water (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 145, "Water-side economizer heat-exchanger effectiveness"
"-", 2010, 146, "WSE XCHR NTU"
"-", 2010, 147, "WSE XCHR UA"
"-", 2010, 148, "WSE Q MAX"
"-", 2010, 149, "Fraction of water-side economizer max flow used"
"-", 2010, 150, "Air/water temp difference"
"-", 2010, 151, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 152, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 153, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 154, "(Unused in 2.3) Compressor Part-Load Ratio CC"
"-", 2010, 155, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Run time of compressor
"-", 2010, 156, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Output of unit (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 157, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Gas consumed by unit
"-", 2010, 158, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Fans / pumps / aux energy
"-", 2010, 159, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Unmet cool load (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 160, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Unused"
"-", 2010, 161, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Waste heat generated
"-", 2010, 162, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Waste heat used (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 163, "(Unused in 2.3) (Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Unused"
"-", 2010, 164, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Cool mode: Indoor fan energy (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 165, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Heat mode: Run time of compressor
"-", 2010, 166, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Heat mode: Output of unit (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 167, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Heat mode: Gas consumed by unit
"-", 2010, 168, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Heat mode: Fans / pumps / aux energy
"-", 2010, 169, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Heat mode: Load on supp heat (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 170, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Heat mode: Energy input to supp heat
"-", 2010, 171, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Heat mode: Waste heat generated
"-", 2010, 172, "(Unused in 2.3) (Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Heat mode: Waste heat
used (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 173, "SS-Q Heat mode: Defrost imposed heat (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 174, "(Unused in 2.3) SS-Q Heat mode: Indoor fan energy (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 175, "(Pending in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Value of COIL-BF-FPLR used
this hour"
"-", 2010, 176, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 177, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 178, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Value of COOL-EIR-FRPMT used
this hour"
"-", 2010, 179, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 180, "(Unused in 2.3) Value of COOL-WH-FT used this hour"
"-", 2010, 181, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Value of COOL-WH-FRPMT used
this hour"
"-", 2010, 182, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Value of COOL-CFM-FPLR used
this hour"
"-", 2010, 183, "(Pending in 2.3) Value of OUTSIDE-FAN-CFLT used this hour"
"-", 2010, 184, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Value of HEAT-EIR-FRPMT used
this hour"
"-", 2010, 185, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 186, "(Unused in 2.3) Value of HEAT-WH-FT used this hour"
"-", 2010, 187, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Value of HEAT-WH-FRPMT used
this hour"
"-", 2010, 188, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Value of HEAT-CFM-FPLR used
this hour"
"-", 2010, 189, "(Pending in 2.3) Value of OUTSIDE-FAN-HFLT used this hour"
"-", 2010, 190, "Value of HEAT-CLOSS-FPLR used this hour"
"-", 2010, 191, "Value of COOL-CLOSS-FPLR used this hour"
"-", 2010, 192, "Ratio of defrost/heat time (DEFROST-FRAC-FT)"
"-", 2010, 193, "Heat fraction for defrost (DEFROST-CAP-FT)"
"-", 2010, 194, "EIR in defrost mode (DEFROST-PWR-FT)"
"-", 2010, 195, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Value of COOL-CAP-FRPMT used
this hour"
"-", 2010, 196, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Value of HEAT-CAP-FRPMT used
this hour"
"-", 2010, 197, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 198, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 199, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 200, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 201, "Unused"
"-", 2010, 202, "Dual Duct Heat Wipe"
"-", 2010, 203, "(Unused in 2.3) ISZCZ - Single Zone SYSTEM control zone
"-", 2010, 204, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Capacity at max RPM (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 205, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Capacity at min RPM (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 206, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Enetering mixed air temp (deg
"-", 2010, 207, "VS&GAS HP - Gas used in defrost mode (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 208, "(Unused in 2.3) VS&GAS HP - Speed of compressor (RPM)"
"-", 2010, 209, "cl.PLR - PLR of supplemental heat unit"
"-", 2010, 210, "ah.FanOn' - Fraction of hours indoor fans cycle on"
"-", 2010, 211, "sy.CycleLossPLR - Compressor cycling loss PLR"
"-", 2010, 212, "sy.CFMvvt - Fraction of design flow by control zone"
"-", 2010, 213, "(Unused in 2.3) Zone coil load for Gas HP"
"-", 2010, 214, "Condenser entering temp (evap pcc exit T) (deg F)"
"-", 2010, 215, "Dual Fan DD - Heat fan on/off flag"
"-", 2010, 216, "Dual Fan DD - Heat fan elec consump"
"-", 2010, 217, "Dual Fan DD - Heat fan delta T"
"-", 2010, 218, "Dual Fan DD - Heat fan max flow ratio"
"-", 2010, 219, "unused" ; SAC 11/17/10 - design sizing D2
"-", 2010, 220, "Dual Fan DD - Return CFM to mixed air plenum"
"-", 2010, 221, "(Unused in 2.3) Airflow through return/relief fan"
"-", 2010, 222, "(Unused in 2.3) Exfiltration due to fan pressure"
"-", 2010, 223, "Temp rise in supply (cold for DDS) duct"
"-", 2010, 224, "Temp rise in hot supply duct"
"-", 2010, 225, "Supply duct (cold for DDS) temp to diffusers"
"-", 2010, 226, "Hot Duct temp to diffusers"
"-", 2010, 227, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - <QRNOW> sum of zone gain from
"-", 2010, 228, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - <QCNOW> sum of case conductances"
"-", 2010, 229, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - QR for T1"
"-", 2010, 230, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - QR for T2"
"-", 2010, 231, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - QR for T3"
"-", 2010, 232, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Case load schedule val T1"
"-", 2010, 233, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Case load schedule val T2"
"-", 2010, 234, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Case load schedule val T3"
"-", 2010, 235, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Aux schedule val T1"
"-", 2010, 236, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Aux schedule val T2"
"-", 2010, 237, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Aux schedule val T3"
"-", 2010, 238, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - QS for T1"
"-", 2010, 239, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - QS for T2"
"-", 2010, 240, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - QS for T3"
"-", 2010, 241, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - QL for T1"
"-", 2010, 242, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - QL for T2"
"-", 2010, 243, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - QL for T3"
"-", 2010, 244, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Defrosting load for T1"
"-", 2010, 245, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Defrosting load for T2"
"-", 2010, 246, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Defrosting load for T3"
"-", 2010, 247, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Anti-sweat power for T1"
"-", 2010, 248, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Anti-sweat power for T2"
"-", 2010, 249, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Anti-sweat power for T3"
"-", 2010, 250, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp power (stage 0/1 HtRec) T1"
"-", 2010, 251, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp power (stage 0/1 HtRec) T2"
"-", 2010, 252, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp power (stage 0/1 HtRec) T3"
"-", 2010, 253, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp power (stage 2 HtRec) T1"
"-", 2010, 254, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp power (stage 2 HtRec) T2"
"-", 2010, 255, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp power (stage 2 HtRec) T3"
"-", 2010, 256, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Recov Heat (stage 1) T3"
"-", 2010, 257, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Recov Heat (stage 1) T2"
"-", 2010, 258, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Recov Heat (stage 1) T3"
"-", 2010, 259, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Recov Heat (stage 2) T1"
"-", 2010, 260, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Recov Heat (stage 2) T2"
"-", 2010, 261, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Recov Heat (stage 2) T3"
"-", 2010, 262, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Rejected heat (stage 0/1 HtRec)
"-", 2010, 263, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Rejected heat (stage 0/1 HtRec)
"-", 2010, 264, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Rejected heat (stage 0/1 HtRec)
"-", 2010, 265, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Rejected heat (stage 2 HtRec) T1"
"-", 2010, 266, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Rejected heat (stage 2 HtRec) T2"
"-", 2010, 267, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Rejected heat (stage 2 HtRec) T3"
"-", 2010, 268, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Condensing temp"
"-", 2010, 269, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Compressor PLR for T1"
"-", 2010, 270, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Compressor PLR for T2"
"-", 2010, 271, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Compressor PLR for T3"
"-", 2010, 272, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Sum Rejected Heat (stage 0/1)"
"-", 2010, 273, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Sum Rejected Heat (stage 2)"
"-", 2010, 274, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Sum HtRec (stage 1)"
"-", 2010, 275, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Sum HtRec (stage 2)"
"-", 2010, 276, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp EIR F(T) for T1"
"-", 2010, 277, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp EIR F(T) for T2"
"-", 2010, 278, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp EIR F(T) for T3"
"-", 2010, 279, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp EIR F(T) (w/holdback) for T1"
"-", 2010, 280, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp EIR F(T) (w/holdback) for T2"
"-", 2010, 281, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp EIR F(T) (w/holdback) for T3"
"-", 2010, 282, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp EIR f(PLR) for T1"
"-", 2010, 283, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp EIR f(PLR) for T2"
"-", 2010, 284, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Comp EIR f(PLR) for T3"
"-", 2010, 285, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Wtr cooled Cond flow"
"-", 2010, 286, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Fraction w/no Ht Recov"
"-", 2010, 287, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Fraction with Ht Recov"
"-", 2010, 288, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Condenser Capacity"
"-", 2010, 289, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Condenser PLR"
"-", 2010, 290, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - Condenser float T"
"-", 2010, 291, "(Unused in 2.3) Refrig - EIR3 condenser active frac f(t)"
"-", 2010, 292, "ERV Outdoor airflow (CFM)"
"-", 2010, 293, "ERV Exhaust airflow (CFM)"
"-", 2010, 294, "ERV Sensible effectiveness"
"-", 2010, 295, "ERV Latent effectiveness"
"-", 2010, 296, "ERV Sensible heat transfer (heating of OA is negative)"
"-", 2010, 297, "ERV Latent heat transfer (moisture gain of OA is negative)"
"-", 2010, 298, "ERV Excess heat transfer (heating of OA is negative)"
"-", 2010, 299, "ERV Excess coolth transfer (cooling of OA is positive)"
"-", 2010, 300, "ERV required leaving temperature to maintain mixed-air
setpoint (�F)"
"-", 2010, 301, "ERV Temperature setpoint for air supply to mixed air plenum
"-", 2010, 302, "ERV Outdoor air temperature entering HX, after preheat
"-", 2010, 303, "ERV Outdoor air temperature leaving HX (to mixed air
plenum) (�F)"
"-", 2010, 304, "ERV Exhaust air temperature entering HX, after preheat
"-", 2010, 305, "ERV Exhaust air temperature leaving HX (to outdoors) (�F)"
"-", 2010, 306, "ERV Outdoor air humidity ratio entering HX"
"-", 2010, 307, "ERV Outdoor air humidity ratio leaving HX (to mixed air
"-", 2010, 308, "ERV Exhaust air humidity ratio entering HX"
"-", 2010, 309, "ERV Exhaust air humidity ratio leaving HX (to outdoors)"
"-", 2010, 310, "ERV Capacity modulation of HX (frac or mult)"
"-", 2010, 311, "ERV Fraction of OA bypassed around HX (frac or mult)"
"-", 2010, 312, "ERV Fraction of OA thru economizer to maintain setpoint
(frac or mult)"
"-", 2010, 313, "ERV Power of integral fans (kWh)"
"-", 2010, 314, "ERV Power of HX (heat wheel motor) (kWh)"
"-", 2010, 315, "ERV Power of preheat coil (kWh)"
"-", 2010, 316, "ERV HW load of preheat coil (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2010, 317, "ERV flag indicating that exhaust air is at dewpoint within
"-", 2010, 318, "ERV flag indicating that outside air is at dewpoint within
"-", 2010, 319, "Hourly summed zone OA CFM for DCV calculation (cfm)"
"-", 2010, 320, "Hourly max zone OA / total flow for DCV calculation
"-", 2010, 321, "Electric power for fan assisted natural ventilation (kW)"

; "Condensing Unit - " ; SAC 11/17/10 - design sizing D2

"-", 2082, 1, "Heating coil run fraction (frac)"
"-", 2082, 2, "Cooling coil run fraction (frac)"
"-", 2082, 3, "Cycle loss (frac)"
"-", 2082, 4, "Condensing unit run fraction (frac)"
"-", 2082, 5, "Suction temperature (�F)"
"-", 2082, 6, "Suction at Coil (�F)"
"-", 2082, 7, "Outdoor DBT (�F)"
"-", 2082, 8, "Cooling load (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2082, 9, "Cool run load (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2082, 10, "Cool capacity fT (frac)"
"-", 2082, 11, "Cool capacity (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2082, 12, "Cooling PLR (frac)"
"-", 2082, 13, "Cooling EIR fPLR (frac)"
"-", 2082, 14, "Cooling EIR fT (frac)"
"-", 2082, 15, "Cooling Adjust. EIR (Btu/Btu)"
"-", 2082, 16, "Cooling Compressor power (kW)"
"-", 2082, 17, "Discharge Temperature (�F)"
"-", 2082, 18, "Discharge at coil (�F)"
"-", 2082, 19, "Outdoor WBT (�F)"
"-", 2082, 20, "Heating load (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2082, 21, "Heat run load (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2082, 22, "Heating capacity fT (frac)"
"-", 2082, 23, "Heating capacity fDEF (frac)"
"-", 2082, 24, "Heating capacity (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2082, 25, "Heating PLR (frac)"
"-", 2082, 26, "Heating EIR fPLR (frac)"
"-", 2082, 27, "Heating EIR fT (frac)"
"-", 2082, 28, "Heating Adjust. EIR (Btu/Btu)"
"-", 2082, 29, "Heating compressor power (kW)"
"-", 2082, 30, "Auxiliary power (kW)"
"-", 2082, 31, "Crankcase heater power (kW)"
"-", 2082, 32, "Total power (kW)"
"-", 2082, 33, "Heat Rejected (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2082, 34, "spare 7"
"-", 2082, 35, "spare 6"
"-", 2082, 36, "spare 5"
"-", 2082, 37, "spare 4"
"-", 2082, 38, "spare 3"
"-", 2082, 39, "spare 2"
"-", 2082, 40, "spare 1"

; "Bldg HVAC - "

"-", 2152, 1, "Building cool load (coils+losses&gains) (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2152, 2, "Building heat load (coils+losses&gains) (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2152, 3, "Building elec load (kW)"
"-", 2152, 4, "Building heating fuel use (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2152, 5, "Building elec used for heat (kW)"
"-", 2152, 6, "Building elec used for cool (kW)"
"-", 2152, 7, "Building elec used for fans (kW)"
"-", 2152, 8, "Unused"
"-", 2152, 9, "Building cooling fuel use (Btu/hr)"
"-", 2152, 10, "Unused"

; SAC 10/12/06 - removed - no longer written to DOE-2 hourly results files

; ; "End Use - "
; "-", 2150, 1 "Lighting Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 2 "Task Lighting Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 3 "Equipment Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 4 "Heating Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 5 "Cooling Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 6 "Heat Rejection Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 7 "Auxiliary Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 8 "Ventilation Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 9 "Refrigeration Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 10 "HP Supp Heat Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 11 "DHW Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 12 "Exterior Electric (kW)"
; "-", 2150, 13 "Total Electric Usage"
; "-", 2150, 14 "spare"
; "-", 2150, 15 "spare"
; "-", 2150, 16 "Lighting Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 17 "Task Lighting Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 18 "Equipment Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 19 "Heating Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 20 "Cooling Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 21 "Heat Rejection Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 22 "Auxiliary Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 23 "Ventilation Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 24 "Refrigeration Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 25 "HP Supp Heat Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 26 "DHW Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 27 "Exterior Fuel (Btu/hr)"
; "-", 2150, 28 "Total Fuel Usage"
; "-", 2150, 29 "spare"
; "-", 2150, 30 "spare"

; "Pump - "
"-", 2061, 1, "Flow"
"-", 2061, 2, "Electricity used"
"-", 2061, 3, "Number operating"
"-", 2061, 4, "Speed ratio"
"-", 2061, 5, "Fraction of hour pump runs"
"-", 2061, 6, "Head output requested by loop"
"-", 2061, 7, "Actual head"
"-", 2061, 8, "Friction head of attached loop or equipment"
"-", 2061, 9, "Static head of attached loop or equipment"
"-", 2061, 10, "Ratio of requested head to design head"
"-", 2061, 11, "Ratio of requested flow to maximum flow at requested head"
"-", 2061, 12, "Maximum flow the pump can move at the requested head"
"-", 2061, 13, "RPM ratio raised to the PUMP-POWER-EXP"
"-", 2061, 14, "Ratio = (Actual flow / Maximum Flow) / (Actual Speed /
Design Speed)"
"-", 2061, 15, "Ratio of actual horsepower to nominal horsepower at current
speed ratio"
"-", 2061, 16, "Heat gain of fluid thru pump"
"-", 2061, 17, "Temperature rise of fluid thru pump"
"-", 2061, 18, "Loss in variable-frequency drive (kW)"
; "-", 2061, 19, ""
; "-", 2061, 20, ""

; "Circ Loop - "

"-", 2062, 1, "1=Loop running this hour, 0=Off"
"-", 2062, 2, "-1= Loop Off, 0=Floating w/ pump on, 1=Heating mode,
2=Cooling mode"
"-", 2062, 3, "Fluid flow, supply side"
"-", 2062, 4, "Fluid flow, return side (equal to supply except for DHW and
"-", 2062, 5, "Net hourly loop load, including thermal losses and pump
"-", 2062, 6, "Heating coil load on loop"
"-", 2062, 7, "Cooling coil load on loop"
"-", 2062, 8, "Secondary loop load on primary loop (for primary loops
"-", 2062, 9, "Primary plant equipment load on loop (such as absorption
chiller heating load)"
"-", 2062, 10, "Loop load due to loop temperature change"
"-", 2062, 11, "Loop thermal loss, supply side"
"-", 2062, 12, "Loop thermal loss, return side"
"-", 2062, 13, "Temperature of loop's environment used to calculate thermal
"-", 2062, 14, "Control setpoint temperature"
"-", 2062, 15, "Actual supply temperature"
"-", 2062, 16, "Temperature entering coils or secondary loops after supply-
side thermal loss"
"-", 2062, 17, "Temperature leaving coils, average for all coils"
"-", 2062, 18, "Temperature returning to plant after return-side thermal
"-", 2062, 19, "Temperature change due to thermal loss, supply-side"
"-", 2062, 20, "Temperature change due to thermal loss, return-side"
"-", 2062, 21, "Average loop temperature, supply-side"
"-", 2062, 22, "Average loop temperature, return-side"
"-", 2062, 23, "Average temperature for entire loop last hour"
"-", 2062, 24, "End of hour temperature the loop would become if floating
(no active heating or cooling)"
"-", 2062, 25, "Total head on loop - valid only when pump attached to loop"
"-", 2062, 26, "Loop heat gain for all pumps on loop"
"-", 2062, 27, "Temperature rise of all pumps on loop"
"-", 2062, 28, "Flow from primary to secondary, for secondary loops only"
"-", 2062, 29, "Secondary loop friction imposed on primary"
"-", 2062, 30, "Accumulated overload (generated this hour and accumulated
from previous hours)"
"-", 2062, 31, "Loop heat gain for pumps attached to equipment on this
"-", 2062, 32, "Flow for all pumps attached to equipment on this loop, only
if such pumps power the loop"
"-", 2062, 33, "Temperature rise for all pumps attached to equipment on
this loop"
"-", 2062, 34, "Friction due to loop piping"
"-", 2062, 35, "Design flow thru all primary plant equipment active this
"-", 2062, 36, "Part load flow ratio for loop"
"-", 2062, 37, "Maximum available capacity of all primary equipment
attached to loop"
"-", 2062, 38, "Ratio of loop load to maximum available capacity of all
primary equipment"
"-", 2062, 39, "Total flow of all secondary loops attached to this primary
"-", 2062, 40, "Total friction of all components on this loop, coils,
piping, plant equipment"
"-", 2062, 41, "Recovered heat or free cooling heat applied to this loop"
"-", 2062, 42, "Loop return temperature after heat recovery or free
"-", 2062, 43, "WLHP loop temperature change due to overloaded condition"
"-", 2062, 44, "WLHP and CW loop estimated supply temperature at beginning
of hour"
"-", 2062, 45, "Loop process load"
"-", 2062, 46, "Domestic water loop inlet temperature (makeup)"
"-", 2062, 47, "New overload generated this hour"
; "-", 2062, 48, ""
; "-", 2062, 49, ""
; "-", 2062, 50, ""

; "Chiller - "
"-", 2063, 1, "Assigned load"
"-", 2063, 2, "Equipment operating point, including the effects of cycling
and/or hot-gas bypass"
"-", 2063, 3, "Hot gas bypass load (compression chillers only)"
"-", 2063, 4, "Operating capacity at current conditions"
"-", 2063, 5, "Fraction of hour equipment operates"
"-", 2063, 6, "Part load ratio, EQload/OperCap"
"-", 2063, 7, "Leaving supply temperature"
"-", 2063, 8, "Entering condenser temperature"
"-", 2063, 9, "Correction to electric-input-ratio for PLR"
"-", 2063, 10, "Correction to electric-input-ratio for temperature"
"-", 2063, 11, "Corrected electric-input-ratio"
"-", 2063, 12, "Electrical power consumed"
"-", 2063, 13, "Electrical power consumption of air-cooled condenser"
"-", 2063, 14, "Auxiliary electrical power consumption"
"-", 2063, 15, "Correction to heat-input-ratio for PLR"
"-", 2063, 16, "Correction to heat-input-ratio for temperature"
"-", 2063, 17, "Corrected heat-input-ratio"
"-", 2063, 18, "Fuel or thermal energy consumed"
"-", 2063, 19, "Heat rejected to condenser"
"-", 2063, 20, "Heat recovered"
"-", 2063, 21, "Hot water flow"
"-", 2063, 22, "Hot water head"
"-", 2063, 23, "Chilled water flow"
"-", 2063, 24, "Chilled water head"
"-", 2063, 25, "Condenser water flow"
"-", 2063, 26, "Condenser water head"
"-", 2063, 27, "Heat recovery flow"
"-", 2063, 28, "Heat recovery head"
"-", 2063, 29, "Force equipment pump to operate, even if no load, 1 = Yes"
"-", 2063, 30, "Startup load"
"-", 2063, 31, "Chiller heat load, chiller/heater only"
"-", 2063, 32, "Startup heat load, chiller/heater only"
"-", 2063, 33, "Part load heat ratio, chiller/heater only"
"-", 2063, 34, "Fraction of hour heating, chiller/heater only"
"-", 2063, 35, "Fuel heat use, chiller/heater only"
"-", 2063, 36, "Electric heat use, chiller/heater only"

; "Boiler - "
"-", 2064, 1, "Assigned load"
"-", 2064, 2, "Equipment operating point"
; "-", 2064, 3, ""
"-", 2064, 4, "Operating capacity at current conditions"
"-", 2064, 5, "Fraction of hour equipment operates"
"-", 2064, 6, "Part load ratio, EQload/OperCap"
"-", 2064, 7, "Leaving supply temperature"
"-", 2064, 8, "Environmental temperature"
"-", 2064, 9, "Correction to electric-input-ratio for PLR"
; "-", 2064, 10, ""
"-", 2064, 11, "Corrected electric-input-ratio"
"-", 2064, 12, "Electrical power consumed"
; "-", 2064, 13, ""
"-", 2064, 14, "Auxiliary electrical power consumption"
"-", 2064, 15, "Correction to heat-input-ratio for PLR"
"-", 2064, 16, "Correction to heat-input-ratio for temperature"
"-", 2064, 17, "Corrected heat-input-ratio"
"-", 2064, 18, "Fuel energy consumed"
; "-", 2064, 19, ""
; "-", 2064, 20, ""
; "-", 2064, 21, ""
; "-", 2064, 22, ""
; "-", 2064, 23, ""
; "-", 2064, 24, ""
; "-", 2064, 25, ""
; "-", 2064, 26, ""
; "-", 2064, 27, ""
; "-", 2064, 28, ""
; "-", 2064, 29, ""
"-", 2064, 30, "Startup load"
; "-", 2064, 31, ""
; "-", 2064, 32, ""
; "-", 2064, 33, ""
; "-", 2064, 34, ""
; "-", 2064, 35, ""
; "-", 2064, 36, ""

; "DHW Heater - "

"-", 2065, 1, "Assigned load"
"-", 2065, 2, "Equipment operating point"
; "-", 2065, 3, ""
"-", 2065, 4, "Operating capacity at current conditions"
"-", 2065, 5, "Fraction of hour equipment operates"
"-", 2065, 6, "Part load ratio, EQload/OperCap"
"-", 2065, 7, "Leaving supply temperature"
"-", 2065, 8, "Environmental temperature"
"-", 2065, 9, "Correction to electric-input-ratio for PLR"
"-", 2065, 10, "Correction to electric-input-ratio for temperature"
"-", 2065, 11, "Corrected electric-input-ratio"
"-", 2065, 12, "Electrical power consumed"
; "-", 2065, 13, ""
"-", 2065, 14, "Auxiliary electrical power consumption"
"-", 2065, 15, "Correction to heat-input-ratio for PLR"
"-", 2065, 16, "Correction to heat-input-ratio for temperature"
"-", 2065, 17, "Corrected heat-input-ratio"
"-", 2065, 18, "Fuel or thermal energy consumed"
; "-", 2065, 19, ""
; "-", 2065, 20, ""
; "-", 2065, 21, ""
; "-", 2065, 22, ""
; "-", 2065, 23, ""
; "-", 2065, 24, ""
; "-", 2065, 25, ""
; "-", 2065, 26, ""
; "-", 2065, 27, ""
; "-", 2065, 28, ""
"-", 2065, 29, "Force equipment pump to operate, even if no load"
; "-", 2065, 30, ""
; "-", 2065, 31, ""
; "-", 2065, 32, ""
; "-", 2065, 33, ""
; "-", 2065, 34, ""
; "-", 2065, 35, ""
; "-", 2065, 36, ""

; "Heat Rejection - "

"-", 2066, 1, "Load on tower from circulation-loop"
"-", 2066, 2, "Maximum thermal load on tower given current conditions"
"-", 2066, 3, "Total load on tower, including pump heat and temperature
swing in loop"
"-", 2066, 4, "Condenser loop flow allocated to this tower"
"-", 2066, 5, "Actual tower flow - may be different than TWRgpm because of
heat exchanger or run-around pump"
"-", 2066, 6, "Temperature leaving tower, loop side of any heat exchanger"
"-", 2066, 7, "Temperature control setpoint, loop side of any heat
"-", 2066, 8, "Trial temperature in calculations"

"-", 2066, 9, "Temperature drop thru tower"

"-", 2066, 10, "Approach temperature, Ttower-Wetbulb"
; "-", 2066, 11, ""
"-", 2066, 12, "Ratio of actual flow/cell to flow at CTI rating conditions"
"-", 2066, 13, "Actual flow capacity per cell"
"-", 2066, 14, "Actual flow per cell"
"-", 2066, 15, "Number of cells operating"
"-", 2066, 16, "Minimum number of cells that could operate at current flow"
"-", 2066, 17, "Maximum number of cells that could operate at current flow"
"-", 2066, 18, "Temperature at top of throttling range"
"-", 2066, 19, "Flow capacity at top of throtting range"
"-", 2066, 20, "Temperature at bottom of throtting range"
"-", 2066, 21, "Flow capacity at bottom of throtting range"
"-", 2066, 22, "Air flow ratio, actual/design"
"-", 2066, 23, "Fraction of design fan power consumed"
"-", 2066, 24, "Fan electrical power"
"-", 2066, 25, "Auxiliary electrical power (kW)"
"-", 2066, 26, "Pan Heat Loss"
"-", 2066, 27, "Coil Heat Loss (fluid cooler only, not currently
"-", 2066, 28, "Spray Pump"
"-", 2066, 29, "Wetbulb temperature, limited to allowable range"
"-", 2066, 30, "Condenser water temperature at beginning of hour"

; "PV Module - "

"-", 2067, 1, "DC power output (kW)"
"-", 2067, 2, "Voltage at maximum power point (Volts)"
"-", 2067, 3, "Current at maximum power point (Amps)"
"-", 2067, 4, "Total horizontal solar radiation (W/m2)"
"-", 2067, 5, "Direct beam radiation on module surface (W/m2)"
"-", 2067, 6, "Diffuse radiation on module surface (W/m2)"
"-", 2067, 7, "Ground reflected radiation on module surface (W/m2)"
"-", 2067, 8, "Angle of incidence, 0� is normal to surface (degrees)"
"-", 2067, 9, "Angle of incidence optical correction factor (ratio)"
"-", 2067, 10, "Relative air mass, 1 is sun directly overhead at sea level
"-", 2067, 11, "Air mass spectral correction factor (ratio)"
"-", 2067, 12, "Plane-of-array irradiation (W/m2)"
"-", 2067, 13, "Ratio of plant-of-array irradiation to reference
irradiation (suns)"
"-", 2067, 14, "Internal cell temperature (�C)"

; "Generator - "
"-", 2068, 1, "Assigned load"
; "-", 2068, 2, ""
; "-", 2068, 3, ""
"-", 2068, 4, "Operating capacity at current conditions"
"-", 2068, 5, "Fraction of hour this equipment ran"
"-", 2068, 6, "Part load ratio, Eqload/OperCap"
; "-", 2068, 7, ""
; "-", 2068, 8, ""
"-", 2068, 9, "EIR correction as function of PLR (PV-array)"
; "-", 2068, 10, ""
"-", 2068, 11, "Electric input ratio (EIR) (PV-array)"
"-", 2068, 12, "Direct-current power input (PV-array)"
; "-", 2068, 13, ""
"-", 2068, 14, "Auxiliary electrical power consumption"
"-", 2068, 15, "Correction to heat-input-ratio for PLR"
"-", 2068, 16, "Correction to heat-input-ratio for temperature"
"-", 2068, 17, "Corrected heat-input-ratio"
"-", 2068, 18, "Fuel or thermal energy consumed"
; "-", 2068, 19, ""
"-", 2068, 20, "Heat recovered"
; "-", 2068, 21, ""
; "-", 2068, 22, ""
; "-", 2068, 23, ""
; "-", 2068, 24, ""
"-", 2068, 25, "Condenser water flow"
"-", 2068, 26, "Condenser water head"
; "-", 2068, 27, ""
; "-", 2068, 28, ""
; "-", 2068, 29, ""
"-", 2068, 30, "Start-up load"
; "-", 2068, 31, ""
; "-", 2068, 32, ""
; "-", 2068, 33, ""
; "-", 2068, 34, ""
; "-", 2068, 35, ""
; "-", 2068, 36, ""

; "TES - "
"-", 2069, 1, "Charge load"
"-", 2069, 2, "Discharge load"
"-", 2069, 3, "Tank loss"
"-", 2069, 4, "Heat required to prevent freezing"
"-", 2069, 5, "Tank heat content"
"-", 2069, 6, "Available capacity"
"-", 2069, 7, "Auxiliary electric"
"-", 2069, 8, "Environment temperature"
"-", 2069, 9, "Tank average temperature (fully mixed)"
"-", 2069, 10, "Time required to fully charge"
"-", 2069, 11, "Hours until charging starts"
"-", 2069, 12, "Time charging"
"-", 2069, 13, "Time discharging"
"-", 2069, 14, "Stored kWh (consumed by equipment which charged tank)"
"-", 2069, 15, "Stored fuel (consumed by equipment which charged tank)"

; "Elec Meter - "

"-", 2085, 1, "Lighting end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 2, "Task lighting end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 3, "Miscellaneous equipment end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 4, "Heating end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 5, "Cooling end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 6, "Heat rejection end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 7, "Auxiliary end-use energy (pumps)"
"-", 2085, 8, "Vent fan end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 9, "Refrigeration systems end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 10, "Supplemental heat pump end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 11, "Domestic hot water end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 12, "Exterior to the building end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 13, "spare enduse 6"
"-", 2085, 14, "spare enduse 5"
"-", 2085, 15, "spare enduse 4"
"-", 2085, 16, "spare enduse 3"
"-", 2085, 17, "spare enduse 2"
"-", 2085, 18, "spare enduse 1"
"-", 2085, 19, "TES Adjustment (to compensate for energy stored or
dischared from tank)"
"-", 2085, 20, "Total end-use energy"
"-", 2085, 21, "Transformer loss"
"-", 2085, 22, "CA Title-24 TDV Multiplier"

; "Fuel Meter - "

"-", 2086, 1, "Lighting end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 2, "Task lighting end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 3, "Miscellaneous equipment end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 4, "Heating end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 5, "Cooling end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 6, "Heat rejection end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 7, "Auxiliary end-use energy (pumps)"
"-", 2086, 8, "Vent fan end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 9, "Refrigeration systems end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 10, "Supplemental heat pump end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 11, "Domestic hot water end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 12, "Exterior to the building end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 13, "spare enduse 6"
"-", 2086, 14, "spare enduse 5"
"-", 2086, 15, "spare enduse 4"
"-", 2086, 16, "spare enduse 3"
"-", 2086, 17, "spare enduse 2"
"-", 2086, 18, "spare enduse 1"
"-", 2086, 19, "TES Adjustment (to compensate for energy stored or
dischared from tank)"
"-", 2086, 20, "Total end-use energy"
"-", 2086, 21, "spare"
"-", 2086, 22, "CA Title-24 TDV Multiplier"

; "Steam Meter - "

"-", 2087, 1, "Lighting end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 2, "Task lighting end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 3, "Miscellaneous equipment end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 4, "Heating end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 5, "Cooling end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 6, "Heat rejection end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 7, "Auxiliary end-use energy (pumps)"
"-", 2087, 8, "Vent fan end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 9, "Refrigeration systems end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 10, "Supplemental heat pump end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 11, "Domestic hot water end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 12, "Exterior to the building end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 13, "spare enduse 6"
"-", 2087, 14, "spare enduse 5"
"-", 2087, 15, "spare enduse 4"
"-", 2087, 16, "spare enduse 3"
"-", 2087, 17, "spare enduse 2"
"-", 2087, 18, "spare enduse 1"
"-", 2087, 19, "TES Adjustment (to compensate for energy stored or
dischared from tank)"
"-", 2087, 20, "Total end-use energy"
"-", 2087, 21, "spare"

; "CHW Meter - "

"-", 2088, 1, "Lighting end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 2, "Task lighting end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 3, "Miscellaneous equipment end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 4, "Heating end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 5, "Cooling end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 6, "Heat rejection end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 7, "Auxiliary end-use energy (pumps)"
"-", 2088, 8, "Vent fan end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 9, "Refrigeration systems end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 10, "Supplemental heat pump end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 11, "Domestic hot water end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 12, "Exterior to the building end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 13, "spare enduse 6"
"-", 2088, 14, "spare enduse 5"
"-", 2088, 15, "spare enduse 4"
"-", 2088, 16, "spare enduse 3"
"-", 2088, 17, "spare enduse 2"
"-", 2088, 18, "spare enduse 1"
"-", 2088, 19, "TES Adjustment (to compensate for energy stored or
dischared from tank)"
"-", 2088, 20, "Total end-use energy"
"-", 2088, 21, "spare"

; "Ground Loop HX - "

"-", 2092, 1, "Thermal load"
"-", 2092, 2, "Fluid flow"
"-", 2092, 3, "Available capacity at current conditions"
"-", 2092, 4, "Outlet temperature"
"-", 2092, 5, "Far field ground temperature"
"-", 2092, 6, "Ground temperature rise at well bore"
"-", 2092, 7, "Ground temperature rise due to current load"
"-", 2092, 8, "Fluid temperature rise"
"-", 2092, 9, "Rate of heat addition/removal (including cycling)"
"-", 2092, 10, "Fraction of hour running"

; "Weather - "
"-", 5000, 0, "Dry Bulb Temperatures (�F)"
"-", 5000, 1, "Wet Bulb Temperatures (�F)"
"-", 5000, 2, "Direct Normal Solar (BTU/Ft�)"
"-", 5000, 3, "Direct Horizontal Solar (BTU/Ft�)"


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