Mold & Moisture: Keeping Your Home Free From Mold and Moisture Problems
Mold & Moisture: Keeping Your Home Free From Mold and Moisture Problems
Mold & Moisture: Keeping Your Home Free From Mold and Moisture Problems
Keeping your home free from
mold and moisture problems
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Mold and Your
Health effects from mold exposure can vary greatly “All indoor mold growth should be
from person to person. Common symptoms can
include coughing, runny nose, wheezing and sore
removed promptly, regardless of the
throat. People with asthma or allergies may notice type of mold present.”
their symptoms worsen.
All molds are a potential health Some people may have more
hazard severe reactions
Many molds are capable of producing substances ● Children
that can be harmful to your health. Molds can
● Individuals with respiratory conditions or
produce allergens and irritants that can cause illness.
sensitivities such as allergies or asthma
For this reason, all indoor mold growth should be
removed promptly, regardless of the type of mold ● Persons with conditions severely weakening
present. their immune systems (For example: HIV
infection, chemotherapy patients, and organ
transplant recipients)
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Home Investigation Look for signs of water damage or excess
The most practical way to find a mold problem is to
● Water leaks ● Water stains
simply use your eyes and nose to find signs of excess
moisture and mold growth. If you see or smell mold, ● Standing water ● Condensation problems
you should assume that a problem exists.
1. Leaking roofs and ice dams 4. Condensation on windows and exterior walls
Mold and Water
2. High humidity in bathrooms
Can Show Up in and kitchens
5. Flooding in basement
Many Places: 6. Pooling water at foundation
3. Leaking pipes
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Moisture in Your
Mold needs water to grow. Controlling moisture in Divert Water Away from the House
your home is the best way to prevent mold problems.
● Clean and maintain gutters
Repair Leaks and Spills Quickly ● Slope the ground and sidewalks away from
● Periodically check plumbing, roofing, foundation
foundations, gutters, attics, crawl spaces, and ● Install and use a sump pump
sump pumps
● Use dehumidifier
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Mold Testing
Many people want to test their home for mold. In
most situations, MDH does not recommend mold
testing. There are several reasons for this:
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Mold Removal Protect Others and the Building
If you decide to clean the mold yourself, it is
In many cases, cleaning-up mold can be a do-it- important to protect yourself and the other people in
yourself project. the building. When cleaning a large amount of mold,
consider the following:
Protect Yourself
● Remove furnishings and items from the work
Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when area.
handling or working around mold contaminated
materials. The following equipment should be ● Enclose and seal mold material in plastic (bags
considered: or sheets work) before carrying them through
the home.
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Clean-Up Steps
1. Identify and Fix the Moisture 3. Remove Mold Growth
Problem Your approach depends on the type of material or
This is the most important step. If you don’t correct surface contaminated.
the moisture problem the mold will likely return. Porous materials: Items like carpet, drywall,
Consult pages 5 – 6 for more information. insulation and paper should be bagged and thrown
away if they are growing mold.
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Clean-Up Steps
4. Optional: Treatment with Bleach 5. Remain on Mold Alert
After cleaning has removed the mold growth, bleach Keep an eye out for signs of moisture problems
may be used to kill mold missed by step 3. Always or mold growth. If mold returns, fix the moisture
handle bleach with caution. Never mix bleach with problem and repeat the cleaning steps again.
other chemicals and only use it in a well-ventilated
area. Protect your eyes and skin from the solution.
6. Rebuilding
If the water damage and mold growth are due to
overland flooding or sewage back-up, then use Reconstruction needs to wait until the affected areas
bleach. are completely dry. This may take several days, weeks
or even months.
To apply bleach:
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Resources Renters
The Minnesota Department of Health does not Generally, the landlord is responsible for controlling
provide inspection or testing services. MDH moisture problems and removing mold, unless it is
provides technical advice by phone and email, an issue related to the tenant’s behavior. Renters can
and advises people to investigate potential mold address some minor moisture problems themselves.
problems on their own first. Homeowners can
Tenants and landlords should work cooperatively to
hire indoor air quality service providers to assist
investigate and correct moisture and mold problems.
them in investigating and remediating mold. These
If the owner is unwilling to help, the renter may
professionals may have tools such as moisture
seek outside advice. MDH does not inspect rental
meters, scoping cameras and infrared cameras that
properties. How local agencies respond to complaints
may be useful in an investigation. There are also mold
varies throughout the state.
remediation professionals that specialize in cleaning
and removing mold. Neither the state of Minnesota If the case cannot be addressed with a local building,
nor any federal agency licenses or certifies mold housing or health inspector, a renter may wish to
investigators or remediators. contact an attorney or tenants’ organization to
discuss legal options.
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Indoor Air Unit
PO Box 64975
St Paul, MN 55164-0975
4/2017 ID #55918