This material safety data sheet provides information on Advance Deionized Water. It contains no hazardous ingredients and presents minimal risks. Personal protective equipment is not normally required when handling this product. It is a clear, odorless liquid that is non-flammable and will not burn. Proper disposal methods should be followed in accordance with regulatory guidelines.
This material safety data sheet provides information on Advance Deionized Water. It contains no hazardous ingredients and presents minimal risks. Personal protective equipment is not normally required when handling this product. It is a clear, odorless liquid that is non-flammable and will not burn. Proper disposal methods should be followed in accordance with regulatory guidelines.
This material safety data sheet provides information on Advance Deionized Water. It contains no hazardous ingredients and presents minimal risks. Personal protective equipment is not normally required when handling this product. It is a clear, odorless liquid that is non-flammable and will not burn. Proper disposal methods should be followed in accordance with regulatory guidelines.
This material safety data sheet provides information on Advance Deionized Water. It contains no hazardous ingredients and presents minimal risks. Personal protective equipment is not normally required when handling this product. It is a clear, odorless liquid that is non-flammable and will not burn. Proper disposal methods should be followed in accordance with regulatory guidelines.
Product Name: Advance Deionized Water Personal Protective Equipment: Personal protective garments, WHMIS Classification: Not Available gloves, eye protection and respiratory protection is not normally TDG Classification: Non-Regulated Product required. Manufacturer: Advance Chemicals Ltd. Respiratory Protection: A respirator is normally not required. 2023 Kingsway Avenue Ventilation Requirements: There are no special ventilation Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1S9 requirements. Phone: (604) 945-9666 Action to take for Spills & Leaks: Absorb the liquid and scrub with Fax: (604) 945-9617 soap and water. Emergency phone: CANUTEC 24 hrs. (613) 996-6666 Disposal methods: Dispose of contaminated product and materials Section 2 - Hazardous Ingredients used in cleaning up spills or leaks in a manner approved for this material. Consult appropriate federal, provincial and local Hazardous Components %(w/w) C.A.S. No. LD50 & LC50 regulatory agencies to ascertain proper disposal procedures. Contains no hazardous ingrediants. Storage & Handling Precautions: No special handling or storage Section 3 - Physical Data procedures required. Repair and Maintenance Precautions: None available. Physical state: liquid Boiling point: 100ºC Liquid density: 1.0 g/mL Freezing point: 0ºC Section 8 - First Aid Measures pH: 7.0 Solubility in water: no data If Inhaled: Get medical aid if cough or other symptoms appear. Vapour pressure: no data Evaporation rate: >1 In Case of Eye Contact: If irritation develops, get medical aid. (Butyl acetate=1) In Case of Skin Contact: Get medical aid if irritation or symptoms Odour & Appearance: The product Is a clear odorless liquid. occur. Section 4 - Fire or Explosion Hazard In Case of Ingesting or Swallowing: Get medical attention if irritation or other symptoms appear. Flammable: The product is not flammable. Extinguishing Media: Substance is non combustible; use agent Section 9 - Preparation Information most appropriate to extinguish surrounding fire. Advance Chemicals Limited expressly disclaims all expressed or Hazardous Combustion Products: Material will not burn. implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular Section 5 - Reactivity Data purpose with respect to the product provided. The information contained herein is offered only as a guide to the handling of this Chemical Stability: Stable. specific product, and has been prepared in good faith by technically Incompatible Substances: Strong acids, strong bases, water knowledgeable personnel. This M.S.D.S. is not intended to be all- reactive substances (e.g. Acetic anhydride, alkyl aluminum chloride, inclusive, and the manner and conditions of use may involve other calcium carbide, ethyl dichlorosilane). and additional considerations. Polymerization: Will not occur. Prepared: 17 January 2007 Conditions to Avoid: None reported. Hazardous Decomposition Products: No data available. Section 6 - Toxicological Properties Acute Toxicity: No data found. Skin Contact: Non-irritating to the skin. Eye Contact: Non-irritating to the eyes. Inhalation: No hazard expected in normal industrial use. Ingestion: No hazard expected in normal industrial use. Exposure Limits: No data found. Carcinogenicity: This material is not considered to be a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or The Occupational Safety & Health Administration.
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