KnowledgeRepresentation PDF
KnowledgeRepresentation PDF
KnowledgeRepresentation PDF
Propositional Logic Concepts Simple & Compound Propositions
Given some propositions to be true in a given context, • Fast foods tend to be unhealthy.
− logic helps in inferencing new proposition, which is also true in • Parakeets are colorful birds.
the same context.
Exploring the Wumpus World Exploring the Wumpus World
[1,1] The first percept is [none, none,none,none,none], indicates that there is a pit in [2,2] or [3,1],
move to safe cell e.g. 2,1 return to [1,1] to try next safe cell
Propositional Logic Propositional Logic
• A simple language useful for showing key ideas and definitions
• Logical constants: true, false • User defines a set of propositional symbols, like P and Q.
• Propositional symbols: P, Q, S, ... (atomic sentences) • User defines the semantics of each propositional symbol:
• Wrapping parentheses: ( … ) • P means “It is hot.”
• Sentences are combined by connectives: • Q means “It is humid.”
...and [conjunction] • R means “It is raining.”
• (P Q) R
...or [disjunction]
• “If it is hot and humid, then it is raining”
...implies [implication / conditional] • QP equivalent [biconditional] • “If it is humid, then it is hot”
...not [negation]
• Literal: atomic sentence or negated atomic sentence
Truth tables
Truth tables II
The five logical connectives:
A complex sentence:
Models of complex sentences Inference rules
• Logical inference is used to create new sentences that logically
follow from a given set of predicate calculus sentences (KB).
– A rule is sound if its conclusion is true whenever the premise is true Modus Ponens A, A B B
• Following rules can be shown to be sound using a truth table From an implication and the premise of the implication, you can
RULE PREMISE CONCLUSION infer the conclusion.
Modus Ponens A, A B B
And Introduction A, B AB
And Elimination AB A
Double Negation A A
Unit Resolution A B, B A
Resolution A B, B C AC
Sound rules of inference Sound rules of inference
And Introduction A, B AB And Elimination AB A
From a list of sentences, one can infer their conjunction From a conjunction, one can infer any of the conjuncts.
Unit Resolution A B, B A B can’t be both true an false, one of the other disjuncts must be
true in one of the premises. Or equivalently, implicative is
From a disjunction, if one of the disjuncts is false, then one can transitive.
infer the other one is true.
A B, B C A C
Exploring the Wumpus World
After the third move
• Some atomic propositions:
S12 = There is a stench in cell (1,2)
• We can prove that the
B34 = There is a breeze in cell (3,4) Wumpus is in (1,3) using
W22 = The Wumpus is in cell (2,2) the four rules given.
V11 = We have visited cell (1,1)
OK11 = Cell (1,1) is safe.
• Some rules:
(R1) S11 W11 W12 W21
(R2) S21 W11 W21 W22 W31
(R3) S12 W11 W12 W22 W13
(R4) S12 W13 W12 W22 W11
Limitations of Propositional Logic Formal Languages and Commitments
Language Ontological Epistemological
• number of propositions Commitment Commitment
– since everything has to be spelled out explicitly, the number of rules is (“what is”) (“what can be known”)
immense Propositional Logic facts true, false, unknown
• Can’t directly talk about properties of individuals or relations
between individuals (e.g., “Bill is tall”) First-order Logic facts, objects, true, false, unknown
• dealing with change (monotonicity) Temporal Logic facts, objects, true, false, unknown
– even in very simple worlds, there is change relations, times
– the agent’s position changes
– time-dependent propositions and rules can be used Probability Theory facts degree of belief
• even more propositions and rules ∈ [0,1]