The document discusses characteristics of good university students and factors that influence achievement. It provides 5 characteristics of good students: having tolerance, maturity, understanding of order, responsibility, and an open mind. It also discusses 3 factors that can influence corruption: needs, greed, and environmental factors. Finally, it lists inherited tendencies, education/acquired knowledge, incentives to activity, and fortuitous factors as influencing achievement.
The document discusses characteristics of good university students and factors that influence achievement. It provides 5 characteristics of good students: having tolerance, maturity, understanding of order, responsibility, and an open mind. It also discusses 3 factors that can influence corruption: needs, greed, and environmental factors. Finally, it lists inherited tendencies, education/acquired knowledge, incentives to activity, and fortuitous factors as influencing achievement.
Original Title
Tugas Perkuliahan 3 ( Business English )_Heppy MP.
The document discusses characteristics of good university students and factors that influence achievement. It provides 5 characteristics of good students: having tolerance, maturity, understanding of order, responsibility, and an open mind. It also discusses 3 factors that can influence corruption: needs, greed, and environmental factors. Finally, it lists inherited tendencies, education/acquired knowledge, incentives to activity, and fortuitous factors as influencing achievement.
The document discusses characteristics of good university students and factors that influence achievement. It provides 5 characteristics of good students: having tolerance, maturity, understanding of order, responsibility, and an open mind. It also discusses 3 factors that can influence corruption: needs, greed, and environmental factors. Finally, it lists inherited tendencies, education/acquired knowledge, incentives to activity, and fortuitous factors as influencing achievement.
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Nama : Heppy Meilysthia Putti
NIM : 20170101487 Mata Kuliah : Business English
1. What are the characteristic of good University Students?
Answer : In my opinion, A student is a label given to someone who is pursuing a high level education at a tertiary institution. In Indonesia, students have a very important role in building the nation. (1) Has a Good Character of Tolerance. Student, you make lots of friends with people who come from various regions and have unique personalities. Cultural, religious and lifestyle differences become things that require you to have an attitude of tolerance. Tolerance is very important to be applied as a form of respect for others, so you will be respected by others. (2) More Mature in Doing Something. As students are expected to be more mature in everything, especially in doing things. At the age of adulthood, a student can certainly choose what is good to do and what is not good to do, choose which ones are the right decision and which ones are not right. (3) Know About Order. A student is obliged to know about the ethics of national and state life in society. This attitude can be proven through everyday attitudes, knowing how to behave in public places, knowing the meaning of respecting people and knowing the meaning of respecting people especially respecting people who have priorities. (4) Responsible. Responsibility is an attitude that has been instilled starting from the family environment, elementary school, junior high school and high school. However, as students we certainly have greater responsibilities, such as if you are registered as the committee of an event, you certainly have the responsibility to complete your assignments as a committee and your assignments as students. The character of responsibility that you have as a student is very important when you are involved in society. So, take responsibility for what you will do and have done. (5) Having an Open Mind. Openness of mind among students is very important. You must be more sensitive to the problems that occur around you and the problems that occur in this country. But remember being sensitive is not enough, you must have an open mind. Thinking openly means that you are ready to accept criticism and suggestions, ready to accept opinions from people, ready to accept if one day your opinion is rejected.
2. According to your mind, why do some people do corruption?
Answer : I think, The most important is the factor of need: the reason for the need for people to commit a crime of corruption as a factor of necessity. For example like this, in the past, corruption due to the needs of many carried out by small bureaucrats because the amount of salary does not meet excessive needs. Second, the greedy factor: the greed factor of the doer. Because, many who commit criminal acts of corruption because they have excessive assets. "For example, state officials, business people, or DPR members, are taken and tried and terminated as corruptors, if seen from the LHKPN they may not spend 7 (seven) derivatives. But, in reality they are the ones who need a lot of help, because it is they who have the opportunity to commit corruption, "he said. The third is environmental factors: factors that cause people to commit acts of corruption due to the environment. Related, in this context, initially it did not support the eager or ambitious, but because it involved what was corrupt and if rejected it would be considered strange. These seeds make the person must go along with corruption.
3. What can you say about characteristics of an ideal lecturer?
Answer : In my opinion, effective lecturing is more a matter of skill than charisma, although there are some techniques that can help to make your lectures more enjoyable for those in the audience. The main characteristics of a good lecturer are that they: * present the material in a clear and logical sequence * make the material accessible, intelligible and meaningful * cover the subject matter adequately * are constructive and helpful in their criticism * demonstrate an expert (and authoritarian) knowledge in their subject * pace the lecture appropriately * include material not readily accessible in textbooks * are concise * illustrate the practical applications of the theory presented * show enthusiasm for the subject * generate curiosity about the lecture material early in the lecture. A good lecturer presents the audience with opportunities for meaningful engagement with the subject material and with their lecturer Another persistent myth about lecturing is that as long as the material is interesting it will be sufficient to attract and hold the audience’s attention. As lecturer, you may judge it to be fascinating, but even highly motivated learners need more than interesting material. An effective lecture should present information that the audience could not learn from simply reading up on the subject of the lecture. And a presentation at a conference or workshop should also stimulate the audience to find out more or to introduce some new research or perspective.
4. As far as you know, what are influential factors to get successful?
Answer : According to me, there are 8 critical influential factors that are even more important than being a smartie. 1).Have a look at how self-regulation, Managing your emotions successfully means you’ll be able to respond to negative situasions rationally rather than emotionally. Taking time to think before you act is the first step towards success in any area of your life 2). A growth mindset People with a growth mindset welcome challenges setbacks with open arms. Not only do they fiercely believe in their ability to master whatever they turn their mind to, they also outperform those without a growth mindset, even when they have a lower IQ. 3). Resilience, Intelligence is admirable,but being unable to handle things going wrong is not. Rather than succumbing to failure, resillent people accept that something didn’t work and go about finding a different-and successfull-solution instead. 4). Passion, While knowledge is often an excellent starting point, relentless pasion is guaranteed to drive you toward success. Pursuing something just because you’re a good at it- and not because you’re pasionable about it-is unlikely to get you to the top. 5). Empathy, Putting yourself on the same page as your client or colleague will enable you to build rapport and reduce tension. Having empathy is the different betwen saying “I understand your point of view” and “you’re wrong”. Which will inevitably stop you in your tracks. 6). Conscientiousness, Conscientious people are disciplined, compliant and excellent at planning ahead. Rather than assuming they are already gifted with everything they need to know, they conscientiously put effort in to make sure that they do. 7). Openness to experience, and If you’re corious about how and why things work, and are keen to uncover explanation, then you’re four times more likely to success than your closed-off classmates or colleagues. This is partially due to the genuine excitement you feel when given they opportunity to learn something new 8.) Social skills You can network, function in a team, and bring people together all whilst remaining foccused. Having social skill means more than just being friendly-it means being emotionally capable in any situation. It ultimately means success.
5. What do you know about factors of achievement?
Answer : I think, increase and diffusion of organized knowledge and in its application to special problems for the national wel- fare, the selection and training of individuals of course plays an important part. The capacity for unusual achievements is in part born in the individual and in part the result of his environment, (1) Inherited tendencies With equal opportunity to ac- quire knowledge and skill, the proper choice of vocation de- pends chiefly upon inherited traits. Usually but a few traits are dominant and the proper vocation is not difficult to deter- mine within rather narrow limits. An occasional individual possesses a wide variety of overlapping tendencies and is ccapable of achievement in a variety of callings. Many others exhibit no dominant mental characteristics, being fitted only for work in the less skilled crafts and trades. (2) Education in a broad sense or Acquired Knowledge Acquired Knowledge. To be a vital factor in achieve- ment, education should provide not only a book knowledge of fundamental principles, but skill in applying these principles. One extreme of education is represented by the individual with purely academic training, resulting in mere breadth and depth of impotent knowledge, possessing neither the ability nor the incentive to use it. At the other extreme is the self-made indi- vidual with a thorough first-hand knowledge of certain classes of problems and of certain basic principles applicable to them. There can be no question as to which is of greater value to the nation, but both are far from ideal. The individual favored in both respects with capacity for achievement may or may not accomplish great re- sults according to the (3) Incentives to activity Incentives to activity he may possess or develop and according to certain. Under normal conditions the average individual operates on low gear, seldom rising even to second. Any one who habitually operates on high and is rea- sonably endowed with intelligence and common sense is rea- sonably certain of great achievement. Our present problem is to outline the incentives tending to induce us to put forth our best efforts. If we but put forth our best efforts, our future is assured, either as individuals or as a nation. (4) Fortuitous factors, Among the con- tributory factors leading up to any great event in the world's history may always be found ideas and impulses coming to certain individuals apparently from nowhere, vital in initiating whole series of events. Caesar hesitated at the Rubicon, but finally obeyed the impulse to cross and end the Roman republic. Many a great war started from an impulse to conquer the world, coming to some individual ruler. Had Lincoln not obeyed the impulse to take on Douglas in debate, it is quite probable he would never have been president and one of the dominant characters in history. Any man of great achieve- ment can recall many instances of fruitful lines of activity originating in some impulse. Since such impulses are fre- quently very important factors in achievement, it is well to scrutinize them with care, attempting to discover some general pattern, some laws of appearance and the best means of utilization. Ideas and impulses coming apparently from nowhere, which may influence his choice of activities. Rom the point of view of practical work, the capacity for success depends almost entirely upon but two factors-fertil- ity of mind to originate ideas and judgment to select from these the most vital and effective. With an energetic use of both, worthy achievement is assured, the importance of activity and practical experience lying in the fact that its effects are strongly cumulative, each bit of experience enhancing ability to achieve more. Hence, the considerable effect on national achievement of such an apparently trivial factor as climate. In a well-organized democracy, each individual should have equal opportunity to acquire (1) knowledge through study, as- similation and deduction of fundamental principles, (2) skill through application of these principles to practical problems and (3) incentives to productive effort. These are the essen- tial qualifications of the expert and since, in any highly effi- cient democracy, all problems of moment must be handled by experts, the fundamental problem is the application of or- ganized knowledge to bring about such a condition, the "rule of common sense."
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