Chapter - 27
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 27
Instruments For
Safe Custody
(2) Other instruments of restraint, as specified in these rules, shall only be used
in exceptional cases, where all other control methods have been exhausted and failed, and
only as explicitly authorised and specified in the following circumstances:
(3) The patterns and manner of use of instruments of restraint shall be decided
by the Superintendent. Such instruments must not be applied for any longer time than is
strictly necessary.
(4) Instruments of restraint shall never be used on women during labour, during
birth and immediately after birth.
648. Review of orders for the imposition of handcuffs.---(1) The Superintendent shall
review, in the beginning of every quarter, cases of all the prisoners who are wearing
handcuffs for safe custody.
(2) The Inspector General may, at the time of inspection, satisfy himself that
there are sufficient reasons for the imposition of handcuffs.
(3) Handcuffs imposed for safe custody shall be removed immediately when the
Superintendent is satisfied by the prisoner’s conduct, or other circumstances that their
imposition is no longer necessary.