Legal Forms of Business Ownership: Sole Proprietorship
Legal Forms of Business Ownership: Sole Proprietorship
Legal Forms of Business Ownership: Sole Proprietorship
Sole Proprietorship
A sole proprietorship is the common business structure. It makes sense if you're in a business
where personal liability is not a concern. From a legal standpoint, the owner and the
proprietorship are the same.
It's the easiest to set up because it doesn't require the filing of any papers.
States do not require the registration of proprietorships.
Profits are only taxed once on the owner's personal tax returns.
The owner has complete control of the business and makes all the decisions.
Tax forms are not complicated.
Assets are easy to liquidate upon the death of owner.
The owner is exposed to unlimited legal liabilities. If you lose a lawsuit, you could lose your
home, car and other personal assets.
Proprietorships cannot accept capital from outside investors.
Borrowing money is more difficult. Banks are reluctant to make business loans to sole
proprietorships. You will have to rely on savings, home equity loans or loans from family
Business will be liquidated when owner passes away.
But, what if your business has more than one owner? A partnership could work in this case.
A partnership is a sole proprietorship that allows the business to have more than one owner.
They're easy to form.
A partnership can bring together a group of individuals with different talents to share in the
responsibilities of running a business.
If the partnership agreement permits, a partnership could continue to exist if one of the
partners dies.
Partners are exposed to unlimited liabilities.
Owners will not always agree on decisions. This could lead to management conflicts.
Partners share in the profits of the business, but will not always feel they are being adequately
compensated for their contributions and services.
Are you concerned about the unlimited liability exposure that risks losing your personal
assets in a lawsuit? The next step up is to form a limited liability company.
C Corporations
A corporation is a legal entity that's completely separate from the shareholders who own
stock in the company. It has the authority to enter into contracts and buy and sell property. A
corporation can sue other parties but can also be sued.
Owners do not have personal liability for debts of the corporation. A shareholder only risks
the amount of the investment in the company.
Has more access to financial resources. A corporation can sell stock to raise capital, obtain
bank loans or issue bonds for long-term financing.
Corporations are better able to attract more talented and skilled employees than
The corporations continues to exist separately from the lives of its stockholders.
A C Corp is the most complex business structure and requires a lawyer to set up.
Earnings could be subject to double taxation.
Not thrilled with the prospect of paying taxes twice with a C Corp? An S Corp could be your
S Corporations
S Corporations combine the tax benefits of proprietorships and LLCs with the liability
protection of C Corps.
Avoids double taxation by passing income through to the owners.
The structure of an S Corp protects the personal assets of the shareholders.
Lenders are more willing to make loans to S Corps.
Articles of incorporation must be filed with the state.
An S Corp is limited to 100 shareholders.
It can only have one class of stock.
Fringe benefits provided by the company to shareholder-employees are taxable as
The choice of which business structure to use demands thought about your type of business
and what you want it to look like. If the business is just yourself, a sole proprietorship could
be enough. But, if you're worried about personal liability and risking personal assets and
taxes, consider an LLC, a C Corp or an S Corp.
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