Home Learning Week10
Home Learning Week10
Home Learning Week10
Home Learning Timetable
13.00- Topic: Geography Topic: Geography RE: Computing:
14.30 This week our focus is to Have a look on BBC Bitesize
Today I would like you to Can you draw a picture give thanks to God for https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize Do something
you enjoy!!
neighbours everywhere. /articles/zmp98xs
research the setting of map of Max’s jungle
Share the story of King This goes over what code is
Max’s jungle adventure. adventure? Where does
David, who wrote a psalm for a computer.
he go? Can you picture the
Try googling: ‘what are route he takes? What about the sky that we
share with all our Then:
jungles for kids’. There does he see first? Next?
neighbours: Have a go at the work on:
are lots of good websites. Then? After? Finally? Code Studio Course Pre-Reader
The sky above tells how
I really like the wonderful God is. Every day it Express 2019 Lesson 1:
coolaboo.com website is there for us to see. Learning to Drag and Drop
Every morning the golden sun https://studio.code.org/s/pre-
appears shining on everyone, express-2019/stage/1/puzzle/1
What is a jungle?
bringing light and warmth to
Where do we find jungles?
What is the weather like Spreading the message of
in a jungle? God’s love all over the world
to neighbours here,
neighbours there, neighbours
(based on Psalm 18:1−5)
Think about:
• How does the sky
tell us how
wonderful God is?
• How do we show
God’s love to our
neighbours all over
the world?
If you would like to do
more, you could create a
sky collage: you could make
Home Learning Timetable
a day or night scene. This
about what colours you
need for the sky. If you
have chosen to create a
night scene, how could you
create the stars and moon?
If you have decided to
make a day scene, what
could you use for the
clouds? Find images or draw
our global neighbours, add
these to your image to show
that we all share the same