Compressive Sensing Techniques For Next-Generation Wireless Communications
Compressive Sensing Techniques For Next-Generation Wireless Communications
Compressive Sensing Techniques For Next-Generation Wireless Communications
A range of efficient wireless processes and enabling techniques are put under a magnifier glass in the
quest for exploring different manifestations of correlated processes, where sub-Nyquist sampling may be
invoked as an explicit benefit of having a sparse transform-domain representation. For example, wide-
band next-generation systems require a high Nyquist-sampling rate, but the channel impulse response
(CIR) will be very sparse at the high Nyquist frequency, given the low number of reflected propagation
paths. This motivates the employment of compressive sensing based processing techniques for frugally
exploiting both the limited radio resources and the network infrastructure as efficiently as possible. A
diverse range of sophisticated compressed sampling techniques is surveyed and we conclude with a
variety of promising research ideas related to large-scale antenna arrays, non-orthogonal multiple access
(NOMA), and ultra-dense network (UDN) solutions, just to name a few.
Index Terms
5G, compressive sensing (CS), sparsity, massive MIMO, millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications,
non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), ultra-dense networks (UDN).
Z. Gao is with Advanced Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, P.
R. China (E-mail:
L. Dai, and Z. Wang are with Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology (TNList), Department
of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China (E-mails: {daill, zcwang}
S. Han and C. L. I are with Green Communication Research Center China Mobile Research Institute, Beijing 100053, P. R.
China (E-mails: {hanshuangfeng, icl}
L. Hanzo is with Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, U.K. (E-mail:
This work was supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2013CB329203, the National
Natural Science Foundation of China for Outstanding Young Scholars (Grant No. 61722109), the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61701027, 61571267, and 61571270), and the Royal Academy of Engineering through the
UKCChina Industry Academia Partnership Programme Scheme (Grant No. UK-CIAPP\49). (Corresponding author: Linglong
The explosive growth of traffic demand resulted in gradually approaching the system capacity of the
operational cellular networks [1]. It is widely recognized that substantial system capacity improvement is
required for 5G in the next decade [1]. To tackle this challenge, a suite of 5G techniques and proposals
have emerged, accompanied by: i) increased spectral efficiency relying on multi-antenna techniques and
novel multiple access techniques offering more bits/sec/Hz per node; ii) a larger transmission bandwidth
relying on spectrum sharing and extension; iii) improved spectrum reuse relying on network densification
having more nodes per unit area.
Historically speaking, the transmission bandwidth has increased from 200 kHz in the 2G GSM system
to 5 MHz in the 3G, to at most 20 MHz in the 4G. Meanwhile, the number of antennas employed
also increases from 1 in the 2G/3G systems to 8 in 4G, along with the increasing density of both the
base stations (BSs) deployed and users supported. Despite the gradual quantitative increase of bandwidth,
number of antennas, density of BS and users, all previous wireless cellular networks have relied upon the
classic Nyquist sampling theorem, stating that any bandwidth-limited signal can be perfectly reconstructed,
when the sampling rate is higher than twice the signal’s highest frequency. However, the emerging 5G
solutions will require at least 100 MHz bandwidth, hundreds of antennas, and ultra-densely deployed BSs
to support massive users. These qualitative changes indicate that applying Nyquist’s sampling theorem to
5G techniques reminiscent of the previous 2G/3G/4G solutions may result in unprecedented challenges:
prohibitively large overheads, unaffordable complexity, and high cost and/or power consumption due
to the large number of samples required. On the other hand, compressive sensing (CS) offers a sub-
Nyquist sampling approach to the reconstruction of sparse signals of an under-determined linear system
in a computationally efficient manner [2]. Given the large bandwidth of next-generation systems and
the proportionally high Nyquist-frequency, we arrive at an excessive number of resolvable multipath
components, even though only a small fraction of them is non-negligible. This phenomenon inspired
us to sample the resultant sparse channel impulse response (CIR) as well as other signals under the
framework of CS, thus offering us opportunities to tackle the above-mentioned challenges [2].
To be more specific, in Section II, we first introduce the key 5G techniques, while in Section III, we
present the concept of CS, where three fundamental elements, four models, and the associated recovery
algorithms are introduced. Furthermore, in Sections IV, V and VI, we investigate the opportunities and
challenges of applying the CS techniques to those key 5G solutions by exploiting the multifold sparsity
inherent, as briefly presented below:
• We exploit the CIR-sparsity in the context of massive MIMO systems both for reducing the channel-
sounding overhead required for reliable channel estimation, as well as the spatial modulation (SM)-
based signal sparsity inherent in massive SM-MIMO and the codeword sparsity of non-orthogonal
multiple access (NOMA) in order to reduce the signal detection complexity.
• We exploit the sparse spectrum occupation with the aid of cognitive radio (CR) techniques and
the sparsity of the ultra-wide band (UWB) signal for reducing both the hardware cost as well
as the power consumption. Similarly, we exploit the CIR sparsity in millimeter-wave (mmWave)
communications for improving the transmit precoding performance as well as for reducing the CIR
estimation overhead.
• Finally, we exploit the sparsity of the interfering base stations (BSs) and of the traffic load in
ultra-dense networks (UDN), where sparsity can be capitalized on by reducing the overheads re-
quired for inter-cell-interference (ICI) mitigation, for coordinated multiple points (CoMP) transmis-
sion/reception, for large-scale random access and for traffic prediction.
We believe that these typical examples can further inspire the conception of a plethora of potential
sparsity exploration and exploitation techniques. Our hope is that you valued colleague might also become
inspired to contribute to this community-effort.
The celebrated Shannon capacity formula indicates the total network capacity can be approximated as
Cnetwork ≈ Wi,j log2 (1 + ρi,j ), (1)
i j
where i and j are the indices of cells and channels, respectively, I and J are the numbers of cells
and channels, respectively, Wi,j and ρi,j are the associated bandwidth and signal-to-interference-plus-
noise ratio (SINR), respectively. As shown in Fig. 1 at a glance, increasing Cnetwork for next-generation
systems relies on 1) achieving an increased spectral efficiency with larger number of channels, for example
by spatial-multiplexing MIMO; 2) an increased transmission bandwidth including spectrum sharing and
extension; and 3) better spectrum reuse relying on more cells per area for improving the area-spectral-
efficiency (ASE). To elaborate a little further:
1) Increased spectral efficiency can be achieved for example: first, massive multi-antenna aided spatial-
multiplexing techniques can substantially boost the system capacity, albeit both the channel estimation in
massive MIMO [3], [4] and the signal detection of massive spatial modulation (SM)-MIMO [5] remain
challenging issues; second, NOMA techniques are theoretically capable of supporting more users than
conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) under the constraint of limited radio resources, but the
optimal design of sparse codewords capable of approaching the NOMA capacity remains an open problem
at the time of writing [6].
2) Larger transmission bandwidth may be invoked relying on both CR [7], [8] and UWB [9], [10]
techniques, both of which can coexist with licenced services under the umbrella of spectrum sharing,
where the employment of sub-Nyquist sampling is of salient importance. As another promising candidate,
mmWave communications is capable of facilitating high data rates with the aid of its wider bandwidth
[1], [11], [12]. However, due to the limited availability of hardware at a low cost and owing to its high
path-loss, both channel estimation and transmit precoding are more challenging in mmWave systems than
those in the existing cellular systems.
3) Better spectrum reuse can be realized with the aid of small cells [1], which improves the ASE ex-
pressed in bits/sec/Hz/km2 . However, how to realize interference mitigation, CoMP transmission/reception
and massive random access imposes substantial challenges [13]–[15].
Naturally, most continuous signals from the real world exhibit some inherent redundancy or correlation,
which implies that the effective amount of information conveyed by them is typically lower than the
maximum amount carried by uncorrelated signals in the same bandwidth [2]. This is exemplified by the
inter-sample correlation of so-called voiced speech segments, by adjacent video pixels, correlated fading
channel envelopes, etc. Hence the number of effective degrees of freedom of the corresponding sampled
discrete time signals can be much smaller than that potentially allowed by their dimensions. This indicates
that these correlated time-domain (TD) signals typically can be represented by much less samples in the
frequency-domain (FD) [2], because correlated signals only have a few non-negligible low-frequency FD
components. Just to give a simple example, a sinusoidal signal can be represented by a single non-zero
frequency-domain tone after the transformation by the Fast Fourier transformation (FFT). Sometimes this
is also referred to as the energy-compaction property of the FFT. Against this background, CS theory
has been developed and applied in diverse fields, which shows that the sparsity of a signal can indeed be
exploited to recover a replica of the original signal from fewer samples than that required by the classic
Nyquist sampling theorem.
To briefly introduce CS theory, we consider the sparse signal x ∈ Cn×1 having the sparsity level of
k (i.e., x has only k ≪ n non-zero elements), which is characterized by the measurement matrix of
Φ ∈ Cm×n associated with m ≪ n, where y = Φx ∈ Cm×1 is the measured signal. In CS theory,
the key issue is how to recover x by solving the under-determined set of equations y = Φx, given
y and Φ. Generally, x may not exhibit sparsity itself, but it may exhibit sparsity in some transformed
domain, which is formulated as x = Ψs, where Ψ is the transform matrix and s is the sparse signal
associated with the sparsity level k . Hence we can formulate the standard CS Model (1) of Table I.
Additionally, we can infer from the standard CS Model (1) of Table I the equally important Models (2),
(3), and (4) of Table I, which can provide more reliable compression and recovery of sparse signals, when
some of the specific sparse properties of practical applications are considered. Specifically, Model (2) is
capable of separating multiple sparse signals {sp }Pp=1 associated with different measurement matrices
{Θp }Pp=1 by recovering the aggregate sparse signal s = sT T T T ; Model (3) has the potential
1 , s2 , · · · , sP
of improving the estimation performance of s by exploiting the block sparsity of s, as shown in Table I;
Model (4) is capable of enhancing the estimation performance of P sparse signals {sp }Pp=1 , when their
identical/partially common sparsity pattern is exploited.
Considering the standard CS model, we arrive at the three fundamental elements of CS theory as follows.
1) Sparse transformation is essential for CS, since finding a suitable transform matrix Ψ can efficiently
transform the original (non-sparse) signal x into the sparse signal s. 2) Sparse signal compression refers
to the design of Φ or Θ = ΦΨ. Φ should reduce the dimension of measurements, while minimizing the
information loss imposed, which can be quantified in terms of the coherence or restricted isometry property
(RIP) of Φ or Θ [2]. 3) Sparse signal recovery algorithms are important for the reliable reconstruction of x
or s from the measured signal y. Particularly, the CS algorithms widely applied in wireless communications
can be mainly divided into three categories as follows.
i) Convex relaxation algorithms such as basis pursuit (BP) as well as BP de-noising (BPDN), and so on,
can formulate the CS problem as a convex optimization problem and solve them using convex optimization
software like CVX [2]. For instance, the CS problem for Model (1) of Table I can be formulated as a
Lagrangian relaxation of a quadratic program as
with k·k1 and k·k2 being l1 -norm and l2 -norm operators, respectively, and λ > 0, and the resultant
algorithms belong to the BPDN family. These algorithms usually require a small number of measurements,
but they are complex, e.g., the complexity of BP algorithm is on the order of O m2 n3/2 [2].
ii) Greedy iterative algorithms can identify the support set in a greedy iterative manner. They have a
low complexity and fast speed of recovery, but suffer from a performance loss, when the signals are not
very sparse. The representatives of these algorithms are orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP), CoSaMP,
and subspace pursuit (SP), which have the complexity of O (kmn) [2].
iii) Bayesian inference algorithms like sparse Bayesian learning and approximate message passing infer
the sparse unknown signal from the Bayesian viewpoint by considering the sparse priori. The complexity of
these algorithms varies from individual to individual. For example, the complexity of Bayesian compressive
sensing via belief propagation is O nlog2 n [2]. Note that, the algorithms mentioned above have to be
further developed for Models (2)-(4) of Table I. For example, the group-sparse BPDN, the simultaneous
OMP (SOMP), and the group-sparse Bayesian CS algorithms tailored for MMV Model (4) are promising
future candidates [2].
Since the conception of CS theory in 2004, it has been extensively developed, extended and applied
to practical systems. Indeed, prototypes for MIMO radar, CR, UWB, and so on based on CS theory
have been reported by Eldar’s research group [2]. Undoubtedly, the emerging CS theory provides us with
a revolutionary tool for reconstructing signals, despite using sub-Nyquist sampling rates [2]. Therefore,
how to exploit CS theory in the emerging 5G wireless networks has become a hot research topic [3]–[5],
[7]–[15]. By exploring and exploiting the inherent sparsity in all aspects of wireless networks, we can
create more efficient 5G networks. In the following sections, we will explore and exploit the sparsity
inherent in future 5G wireless networks in the context of the three specific technical directions discussed
in Section II.
The first technical direction to support the future 5G vision is to increase the spectral efficiency, where
massive MIMO, massive SM-MIMO and NOMA schemes constitute promising candidates. This section
will discuss how to explore and exploit the sparsity inherent in these key 5G techniques.
Massive MIMO employing hundreds of antennas at the BS are capable of simultaneously serving
multiple users at an improved spectral- and the energy-efficiency [3], [4]. Although massive MIMO indeed
exhibit attractive advantages, a challenging issue that hinders the evolution from the current frequency
division duplex (FDD) cellular networks to FDD massive MIMO is the indispensible estimation and
feedback of the downlink FDD channels to the transmitter. However, for FDD massive MIMO, the users
have to estimate the downlink channels associated with hundreds of transmit and receive antenna pairs,
which results in a prohibitively high pilot overhead. Moreover, even if the users have succeeded in
acquiring accurate downlink channel state information (CSI), its feedback to the BS requires a high
feedback rate. Hence the codebook-based CSI-quantization and feedback remains challenging, while the
overhead of analog CSI feedback is simply unaffordable [4]. By contrast, in time division duplex (TDD)
massive MIMO, the downlink CSI can be acquired from the uplink CSI by exploiting the channel’s
reciprocity, provided that the interference is also similar at both ends of the link. Furthermore, the pilot
contamination may significantly degrade the system’s performance due to the limited number of orthogonal
pilots, which hence have to be reused in adjacent cells [3].
Fortunately, recent experiments have shown that due to the limited number of significant scatterers
in the propagation environments and owing to the strong spatial correlation inherent in the co-located
antennas at the BS, the massive MIMO channels exhibit sparsity either in the delay domain [3] or in the
angular domain or in both [4]. For massive MIMO channels observed in the delay domain, the number
of paths containing the majority of the received energy is usually much smaller than the total number of
CIR taps, which implies that the massive MIMO CIRs exhibit sparsity in the delay domain and can be
estimated using the standard CS Model (1) of Table I, where s is the sparse delay-domain CIR, Θ consists
of pilot signals, and y is the received signal [3]. Due to the co-located nature of the antenna elements,
the CIRs associated with different transmit and receiver antenna pairs further exhibit structured sparsity,
which manifests itself in the block-sparsity Model (3) of [3]. Moreover, the BS antennas are usually found
at elevated location with much few scatterers around, while the users roam at ground-level and experience
rich scatterers. Therefore, the massive MIMO CIRs seen from the BS exhibit only limited angular spread,
which indicates that the CIRs exhibit sparsity in the angular domain [4]. Due to the common scatterers
shared by multiple users close to each other, the massive multi-user MIMO channels further have the
structured sparsity and can be jointly estimated using the MMV Model (4) of Table I [4]. Additionally,
this sparsity can also be exploited for mitigating the pilot contamination in TDD massive MIMO, where
the CSI of the adjacent cells can be estimated with the aid of the signal separation Model (2) for further
interference mitigation or for multi-point cooperation.
Remark: Exploiting the sparsity of massive MIMO channels with the aid of CS theory to reduce the
overhead required for channel estimation and feedback are expected to solve various open challenges and
constitute a hot topic in the field of massive MIMO [3], [4]. However, if the pilot signals of CS-based
solutions are tailored to a sub-Nyquist sampling rate, ensuring its compatibility with the existing systems
based on the classic Nyquist sampling rate requires further research.
In massive MIMO systems, each antenna requires a dedicated radio frequency (RF) chain, which will
substantially increase the power consumption of RF circuits, when the number of BS antennas becomes
large. To circumvent this issue, as shown in Fig. 2, the BS of massive SM-MIMO employs hundreds of
antennas, but a much smaller number of RF chains and antennas is activated for transmission. Explicitly,
only a small fraction of the antennas is selected for the transmission of classic modulated signals in each
time slot. For massive SM-MIMO, a 3-D constellation diagram including the classic signal constellation
and the spatial constellation is exploited. Moreover, massive SM-MIMO can also be used in the uplink
[5], where multiple users equipped with a single-RF chain, but multiple antennas can simultaneously
transmit their SM signals to the BS. In this way, the uplink throughput can also be improved by using
SM, albeit at the cost of having no transmit diversity gain. This problem can be mitigated by activating
a limited fraction of the antennas.
Due to the potentially higher number of transmit antennas than the number of activated receive antennas,
signal detection and channel estimation in massive SM-MIMO can be a large-scale under-determined
problem. The family of optimal maximum likelihood or near-optimal sphere decoding algorithms suffers
from a potentially excessive complexity. By contrast, the conventional low-complexity linear algorithms,
such as the linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) algorithm, suffer from the obvious performance
loss inflicted by under-determined rank-deficient systems. Fortunately, it can be observed that in the
downlink of massive SM-MIMO, since only a fraction of the transmit antennas are active in each time
slot, the downlink SM signals are sparse in the signal domain. Hence, we can use the standard CS Model
(1) of Table I for developing SM signal detection, where s is the sparse SM signal, Θ is the MIMO channel
matrix, and y is the received signal. Moreover, observe in Fig. 2 that for the uplink of massive SM-MIMO,
each user’s uplink SM signal also exhibits sparsity, thus the aggregated SM signal incorporating all of
the multiple users’ uplink SM signals exhibits sparsity. Therefore, it is expected that by exploiting the
sparsity of the aggregated SM signals, we can use the signal separation Model (2) of Table I to develop
a low-complexity, high-accuracy signal detector for improved uplink signal detection [5].
Remark: The sparsity of SM signals can be exploited for reducing the computational complexity of
signal detection at the receiver. To elaborate a little further, channel estimation in massive SM-MIMO is
more challenging than that in massive MIMO, since only a fraction of the antennas are active in each
time slot. Hence, how to further explore the intrinsic sparsity of massive SM-MIMO channels and how
to exploit the estimated CSI associated with the active antennas to reconstruct the complete CSI is a
challenging problem requiring further investigations.
Cellular networks of the first four generations obeyed different orthogonal multiple access (OMA)
techniques [6]. In contrast to conventional OMA techniques, such as frequency division multiple access
(FDMA), time division multiple access (TDMA), and orthogonal frequency division multiple access
(OFDMA), NOMA systems are potentially capable of supporting more users/devices by using non-
orthogonal resources, albeit typically at the cost of increased receiver complexity.
As a competitive NOMA candidate, sparse code multiple access (SCMA) supports the users with the
aid of their unique user-specific spreading sequence, which are however non-orthogonal to each other -
similar to classic m-sequences, as illustrated in Fig. 3 [6]. Each codeword exhibits sparsity and represents
a spread transmission layer. In the uplink, the BS can then uniquely and unambiguously distinguish the
different sparse codewords of multiple users relying on non-orthogonal resources. In the downlink, more
than one transmission layers can be transmitted to each of the multiple users with the aid of the above-
mentioned non-orthogonal codewords. The SCMA signal detection problem can be readily formulated as
the signal separation Model (2) of Table I, where the columns of Θp consist of the pth user’s codewords,
and sp is a vector with 0 and 1 binary values and only one non-zero element. Amongst others, the
low-complexity message passing algorithm (MPA) can be invoked by the receiver for achieving a near-
maximum-likelihood multi-user detection performance.
Remark: The optimal codeword design of SCMA and the associated multi-user detector may be designed
with the aid of CS theory for improving the performance versus complexity trade-off [6].
The second technical direction contributing to the 5G vision is based on the larger transmission
bandwidth, where the family of promising techniques includes CR, UWB and mmWave communication.
How we might explore and exploit sparsity in these key 5G techniques will be addressed in this section.
A. Cognitive Radio
It has been revealed in the open literature that large portions of the licensed spectrum remains under-
utilized [7], [8], since the licensed users may not be fully deployed across the licensed territory or might
not occupy the licensed spectrum all the time, and guard bands may be adopted by primary users (PUs).
Due to the sparse spectrum exploitation, CR has been advocated for dynamically sensing the unused
spectrum and for allowing the secondary users (SUs) to exploit the spectrum holes, while imposing only
negligible interference on the PUs.
However, enabling dynamic spectrum sensing and sharing of the entire spectral bandwidth is chal-
lenging, due to the high Nyquist sampling rate for SUs to sense a broad spectrum. To exploit the low
spectrum occupancy by the licensed activities, as verified by extensive experiments and field tests [7], the
compressive spectrum sensing concept, which can be described by the standard CS Model (1) of Table
I, has been invoked for sensing the spectrum at sub-Nyquist sampling rates. In CR networks, every SU
can sense the spectrum holes, despite using a sub-Nyquist sampling rate. However, this strategy may
be susceptible to channel fading, hence collaborative sensing relying on either centralized or distributed
processing has also been proposed [7], [8]. Due to the collaborative strategy, the sparse spectrum seized
by each SU may share common components, which can be readily described by the MMV Model (4) of
Table I to achieve spatial diversity [7]. Moreover, integrating a geo-location database into compressive
CR is capable of further improving the performance attained [8].
Remark: CS-based CR can facilitate the employment of low-speed analog-to-digital-converter (ADC)
instead of the high-speed ADC required by conventional Nyquist sampling theory. In closing we mention
that in addition to sensing the spectrum holes by conventional CR schemes, Xampling is also capable of
demodulating the compressed received signals, provided that their transmission parameters, such as their
frame structure and modulation modes are known [2].
UWB systems are capable of achieving Gbps data rates in short range transmission at a low power
consumption [9], [10]. Due to the ultra-wide bandwidth utilized at a low power-density, UWB may coexist
with licenced services relying on frequency overlay. Meanwhile, the ultra-short duration of time-hopping
UWB pulses enables it to enjoy fine time-resolution and multipath immunity, which can be used for
wireless location.
According to Nyquist’s sampling theorem, the GHz bandwidth of UWB signals requires a very high
Nyquist sampling rate, which leads to the requirement of high-speed ADC and to the associated strict
timing control at the receiver. This increases both the power consumption and the hardware cost. However,
the intrinsic time-domain sparsity of the received line-of-sight (LOS) or non-line-of-sight (NLOS) UWB
signals inspires the employment of an efficient sampling approach under the framework of CS, where
the sparse UWB signals can be recovered by using sub-Nyquist sampling rates. Moreover, the UWB
signals received over multipath channels can also be approximately considered as a linear combination
of several signal bases, as in the standard CS Model (1) of Table I, where these signal bases are closely
related to the UWB waveform, such as the Gaussian pulse or it derivatives [9], [10]. Compared to those
users, who only exploit the time-domain sparsity of UWB signals, the latter approach can lead to a
higher energy-concentration and to the further improvement of the sparse representation of the received
UWB signals, hence enhancing the reconstruction performance of the UWB signals received by using
fewer measurements. Besides, CS can be further applied to estimate channels in UWB transmission by
formulating it as MMV Model (4) of Table 1, where the common sparsity of multiple received pilot
signals is exploited [10].
Remark: The sparsity of the UWB signals facilitates the reconstruction of the UWB signals from
observations sampled by the low-speed and power-saving ADCs relying on sub-Nyquist sampling. The
key challenge is how to extract the complete information characterizing the analog UWB signals from
the compressed measurements. Naturally, if the receiver only wants to extract the information conveyed
by the UWB signals, it may be capable of directly processing the compressed measurements by skipping
the reconstruction of the UWB signals [9].
C. Millimeter-Wave Communications
The crowded microwave frequency band and the growing demand for increased data rates motivated
researchers to reconsider the under-utilized mmWave spectrum (30∼100 GHz). Compared to existing
cellular communications operating at sub-6 GHz frequencies, mmWave communications have three dis-
tinctive features: a) the spatial sparsity of channels due to the high path-loss of NLOS paths, b) the
low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) experienced before beamforming, and c) the much smaller number of
RF chains than that of the antennas due to the hardware constraints in mmWave communications [11],
[12]. Hence, the spatial sparsity of channels can be readily exploited for designing cost-efficient mmWave
1) Hybrid Analog-Digital Precoding: The employment of transmit precoding is important for mmWave
MIMO systems to achieve a large beamforming gain for the sake of compensating their high pathloss.
However, the practical hardware constraint makes the conventional full-digital precoding in mmWave
communications unrealistic, since a specific RF chain required by each antenna in full-digital precoding
may lead to an unaffordable hardware cost and to excessive power consumption. Meanwhile, conventional
analog beamforming is limited to single-stream transmission and hence fails to effectively harness spatial
multiplexing. To this end, hybrid analog-digital precoding relying on a much lower number of RF chains
than that of the antennas has been proposed, where the phase-shifter network can be used for partial
beamforming in the analog RF domain for the sake of an improved spatial multiplexing [11].
The optimal array weight vectors of analog precoding can be selected from a set of beamforming
vectors prestored according to the estimated channels. Due to the limited number of RF chains and as a
benefit of spatial sparsity of the mmWave MIMO channels, the hybrid precoding can be formulated as a
sparse signal recovery problem, which was referred to as spatially sparse precoding [Equ. (18) in 11]. This
problem can be efficiently solved by the modified OMP algorithm. However, the operation of this CS-
based hybrid precoding scheme is limited to narrow-band channels, while practical broadband mmWave
channels exhibit frequency-selective fading, which leads to a frequency-dependent hybrid precoding across
the bandwidth [11]. For practical dispersive channels where OFDM is likely to be used, it is attractive to
design different digital precoding/combining matrices for the different subchannels, which may then be
combined with a common analog precodering/combining matrix with the aid of CS theory.
2) Channel Estimation: Hybrid precoding relies on accurate channel estimation, which is practically
challenging for mmWave communications relying on sophisticated transceiver algorithms, such as mul-
tiuser MIMO techniques. In order to reduce the training overhead required for accurate channel estimation,
CS-based estimation schemes have been proposed in [11], [12] by exploiting the sparsity of mmWave
channels. Compared to conventional MIMO systems, channel estimation designed for mmWave massive
MIMO in conjunction with hybrid precoding can be more challenging due to the much smaller number
of RF chains than that of the antennas. The mmWave massive MIMO flat-fading channel estimation can
be formulated as the standard CS Model (1) of Table I [Equ. (24) in 11], where s is the sparse channel
vector in the angular domain, the hybrid precoding and combining matrices as well as the angular domain
transform matrix compose Θ. While for dispersive mmWave MIMO channels, the sparsity of angle of
arrival (AoA), angle of departure (AoD), and multipath delay indicates that the channel has a low-rank
property. This property can be leveraged to reconstruct the dispersive mmWave MIMO CIR, despite using
a reduced number of observations [12].
Remark: By exploiting the sparsity of mmWave channels, CS can be readily exploited both for reducing
the complexity of hybrid precoding and for mitigating the training overhead of channel estimation.
However, as to how we can extend the existing CS-based solutions from narrow-band systems to broadband
mmWave MIMO systems is still under investigation.
The third technical direction to realize the 5G vision is to improve the frequency reuse, which can be
most dramatically improved by reducing the cell-size [1]. Ultra-dense small cells including femocells,
picocells, visible-light atto-cells are capable of supporting seamless coverage, in a high energy efficiency,
and a high user-capacity. Explicitly, they can substantially decrease the power consumption used for radio
access, since the shorter distance between the small-cell BSs and the users reduces the path-loss [13]–[15].
This section will address how to explore and exploit the sparsity in dense networks under the framework
of CS theory.
A. BSs Identification
The ultra-dense small cells may impose non-negligible ICI, which significantly degrades the received
SINR. Thus, efficient interference cancellation is required for such interference-limited systems. In con-
ventional cellular systems, orthogonal time-, frequency-, and code resources can be used for effectively
mitigating the ICI. By contrast, in the ultra-dense small cells, mitigating the ICI in the face of limited
orthogonal resources remains an open challenge [13].
In the ultra-dense small cells of Fig. 4 (a), a user will be interfered by multiple interfering BSs. The
actual number of interfering BSs for a certain user is usually small, although the number of available BSs
can be large. Hence, the identification of the interfering BSs can be formulated based on the CS Model
(1) of Table I, where indices of non-zero elements in s corresponds to the interfering BSs, Θ consists
of the training signals, and y is the received signal at the users. To identify the interfering BSs, each BS
transmits non-orthogonal training signals based on their respective cell identity. Then the users detect both
the identity and even the CSI of the interfering BSs from the non-orthogonal received signals at a small
overhead. Moreover, the ICI may be further mitigated by using the signal separation Model (2) of Table
I via the CoMP transmission, where the interfering BSs becomes the coordinated BSs. Additionally, by
exploiting the observations from multiple antennas in the spatial domain and/or frames in the temporal
domain, the block-sparsity Model (3) and MMV Model (4) of Table I can be further considered for
improved performance [13].
Remark: The identification of the interfering BSs can be formulated as a CS problem for reducing the
associated overhead, by exploiting the fact that the actual number of BSs interfering with a certain user’s
reception is usually smaller than the total number of BSs. Under the framework of CS, designing optimal
non-orthogonal training signals and robust yet low-complexity detection algorithms for identifying these
potential BSs with limited resources are still under investigation.
It is a widely maintained consensus that the Internet of Things (IoT) will lead to a plethora of devices
connecting to dense networks for cloud services in 5G networks. However, the conventional orthogonal
resources used for multiple access impose a hard user-load limit, which may not be able to cope with
the massive connectivity ranging from 102 /km2 to 107 /km2 for the IoT [1]. It can be observed for each
small-cell BS that although the number of potential users in the coverage area can be large, the proportion
of active users in each time-slot is likely to remain small due to the random call initiation attempts of the
users accessing typical bursty data services, as shown in Fig. 4 (b) [14]. In this article, this phenomenon
is referred to as the sparsity of traffic, which points in the direction of CS-based massive random access.
More particularly, in the uplink, the users transmit their unique non-orthogonal training signals to
access the cellular networks. As a result, the small-cell BSs have to detect multiple active users based
on the limited non-orthogonal resources. This multi-user detection process can be described by the signal
separation Model (2) of Table I [Equ. (2) in 14]. Moreover, due to the ultra-dense nature of the small
cells, the adjacent small-cell BSs can also receive some common signals, which implies that the adjacent
small-cell BSs may share some common sparse components. Were considering small-cell BSs constituted
by the remote radio head (RRH) of the cloud radio access network (C-RAN) architecture, this sparse
active-user detection carried out at the baseband unit (BBU) can be characterized by the MMV Model (4)
of Table I. By exploiting this structured sparsity, it is expected that further improved active user detection
performance can be achieved.
Remark: The sparsity of traffic in UDN can be exploited for mitigating the access overhead with the
aid of CS theory. Compared to the identification of BSs in the downlink, supporting large-scale random
access in the uplink is more challenging: 1) Since the number of users is much higher than that of the
BSs, the design of non-orthogonal training signals under the CS framework may become more difficult; 2)
The centralized cooperative processing may be optimal, but the compression of the feedback required for
centralized processing may not be trivial; 3) Distributed processing contributes an alternative technique
of reducing the feedback overhead, but the design of efficient CS algorithms remains challenging.
It has been demonstrated that the majority of power consumption for the radio access is dissipated
by the BSs, but this issue is more challenging in dense networks [1]. To dynamically manage the radio
access for the sake of improved energy efficiency, the estimation of traffic load is necessary. However,
under the classic Nyquist sampling framework, to estimate the large-scale traffic matrix for UDN, the
measurements required as well as the associated storage, feedback, and energy consumption may become
prohibitively high. Therefore, it is necessary to explore efficient techniques of estimating the traffic load
for dense networks.
Experiments have shown that the demand for radio access exhibits the obvious periodic variation
on a daily basis and it also has a spatial variation due to human activities [1]. The strong spatio-
temporal correlation of traffic load indicates that the indicator matrix of traffic load exhibits a low rank,
which inspires us to reconstruct the complete indicator matrix with the aid of sub-Nyquist sampling
techniques [2]. When partial traffic data is missing, a spatio-temporal Kronecker compressive sensing
method may be involved for recovering the traffic matrix as the standard CS Model (1) of Table I [Equ.
(15) in 15]. This may motivate us to exploit the low-rank property for estimating the complete traffic
matrix with a reduced number of observations. Furthermore, if the past history of the traffic load has been
acquired, traffic prediction may be obtained by exploiting the low-rank property of the indicator matrix,
and then the BSs can dynamically manage the network for the improved energy efficiency. This process
is illustrated in Fig. 4 (c). To achieve global traffic prediction from the different BSs, the estimate of
traffic load sampled by different sensors has to be fed back to the fusion center, which may impose a
huge overhead. This challenge may be mitigated by using part of the historic data for traffic prediction
and by exploiting the low-rank nature of the indicator matrix. Moreover, since the spatial correlation of
traffic load is reduced as a function of the distance of different BSs, using distributed CS-based traffic
prediction with limited feedback may become a promising alterative approach to be further studied.
Remark: The low-rank nature of the traffic-indicator matrix can be exploited for reconstructing the
complete indicator matrix with the aid of sub-Nyquist sampling techniques. In this way, the measurements
used for traffic prediction or their feedback to the fusion center can be reduced.
CS has inspired the entire signal processing community and in this treatise we revisited the realms
of next-generation wireless communications technologies. On the one hand, the very wide bandwidth,
hundreds of antennas, and ultra-densely deployed BSs to support massive users in those 5G techniques will
result in the prohibitively large overheads, unaffordable complexity, high cost and/or power consumption
due to the large number of samples required by Nyquist sampling theorem. On the other hand, CS theory
has provided a sub-Nyquist sampling approach to efficiently tackle the above-mentioned challenges for
these key 5G techniques. We have investigated the exploitation of sparsity in key 5G techniques from three
technical directions and four typical models. Furthermore, we have discussed a range of open problems
and future research directions from the perspective of CS theory. The theoretical research on CS-based
next generation communication technologies has made substantial progress, but its applications in practical
systems still have to be further investigated. CS algorithms exhibiting reduced complexity and increased
reliability, as well as compatibility with the current systems and hardware platforms constitute promising
potential future directions. It may be anticipated that CS will play a critical role in the design of future
wireless networks.
Hence our hope is that you valued colleague might like to join this community-effort.
[1] M. Agiwal, A. Roy, and N. Saxena, “Next generation 5G wireless networks: A comprehensive survey,” IEEE Commun.
Surveys Tut., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1617-1655, 3rd Quart., 2016.
[2] Y. C. Eldar, Sampling Theory: Beyond Bandlimited Systems, Cambridge University Press, Apr. 2015.
[3] Z. Gao, L. Dai, W. Dai, B. Shim, and Z. Wang, “Structured compressive sensing based spatial-temporal channel estimation
for FDD massive MIMO,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 601-617, Feb. 2016.
[4] A. Liu, F. Zhu, and V. K. N. Lau, “Closed-loop autonomous pilot and compressive CSIT feedback resource adaptation in
multi-user FDD massive MIMO systems,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 173-183, Jan. 2017.
[5] Z. Gao, L. Dai, Z. Wang, S. Chen, and L. Hanzo, “Compressive-sensing-based multiuser detector for the large-scale SM-
MIMO uplink,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 8725-8730, Oct. 2016.
[6] L. Dai, B. Wang, Y. Yuan, S. Han, C-L I, and Z. Wang, “Non-orthogonal multiple access for 5G: Solutions, challenges,
opportunities, and future research trends,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vo. 53, no. 9, pp. 74-81, Sep. 2015.
[7] Z. Qin, Y. Gao, M. Plumbley, and C. Parini, “Wideband spectrum sensing on real-time signals at sub-Nyquist sampling
rates in single and cooperative multiple nodes,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 3106- 3117, Jun. 2016.
[8] Z. Qin, Y. Gao, and C. G. Parini, “Data-assisted low complexity compressive spectrum sensing on real-time signals under
sub-Nyquist rate,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1174-1185, Feb. 2016.
[9] S. Gishkori, V. Lottici, and G. Leus, “Compressive sampling-based multiple symbol differential detection for UWB
communications,” IEEE Trans. Wirelss Commun., vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 3778-3790, Jul. 2014.
[10] X. Cheng, M. Wang, and Y. L. Guan, “Ultrawideband channel estimation: A Bayesian compressive sensing strategy based
on statistical sparsity,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vo. 64, no. 5, pp. 1819-1832, May 2015.
[11] R. W. Heath, N. Gonzalez-Prelcic, S. Rangan, W. Roh, A. M. Sayeed, “An overview of signal processing techniques for
millimeter wave MIMO systems,” IEEE J. Sel. Topics Signal Process., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 436-453, Apr. 2016.
[12] Z. Zhou, J. Fang, L. Yang, H. Li, Z. Chen, and R. S. Blum, “Low-rank tensor decomposition-aided channel estimation for
millimeter wave MIMO-OFDM systems,” IEEE J. Sel. Area Commun. vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 1524-1538, Jul. 2017.
[13] N. Rajamohan, A. Joshi, and A. P. Kannu, “Joint block sparse signal recovery problem and applications in LTE cell search,”
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vo. 66, no. 2, pp. 1130-1143, Feb. 2017.
[14] J. Liu, A. Liu, V. K. N. Lau, “Compressive interference mitigation and data recovery in cloud radio access networks with
limited fronthaul,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 1437-1446, Mar. 2017.
[15] D. Jiang, L. Nie, Z. Lv, H. Song, “Spatio-temporal Kronecker compressive sensing for traffic matrix recovery,” IEEE Access,
vol. 4, pp. 3046-3053, Jul. 2016.
Required Capacity in 5G
Spectral Efficiency Spectrum Reuse
ƺ Massive Multi-Antenna Techniques ƺ Interference Cancellation
ƺ Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access ƺ Cooperation
ƺ Connecting Massive Devices
ƺ Traffic Load Prediction
Microwave Bands Higher Frequency Bands
Transmission Bandwidth (2G/3G/4G)
SM signal
User 1
2 Downlink
RF SM signal
1 1
SM signal RF
Baseband Signal
1 2 Chain
User 2 2
2 3 RF
RF Chain
nt M RF
SM signal
User K
Fig. 2. The SM signals in massive SM-MIMO systems are sparse.
10 01 11 10 00 01
Fig. 3. SCMA is capable of supporting overloaded transmission by sparse code domain multiplexing.
Traffic load
History Future
Time domain
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 4. Sparsity in ultra-dense networks: (a) Sparse interfering BSs; (b) Sparsity of active users can be exploited to reduce the
overhead for massive random access; (c) Low-rank property of large-scale traffic matrix facilitates its reconstruction with reduced
overhead to dynamically manage the network.
CS Models Mathematical Expression Illustration
of Model
Model (1) y = Φx = ΦΨs = Θs Θ = ΦΨ
CS model [2]
X sp and Θp are the pth sparse
ỹ = Θp s p = Θ1 s 1 + Θp sp = Θs
Signal separation by p=1 p=2 signal and the pth measure-
Model (2) | {z }
sparse representations [2] ment matrix, respectively, s
Θ= [Θ1 , Θ2 , · · · , ΘP ], s = sT T
1 , s2 , · · · , sP
is the sparse aggregate signal
Model (3) Block sparse signal [2] has non-zero Euclidean norm for
s = [s1 · · · sd sd+1 · · · s2d · · · sN −d+1 · · · sN ]T
| {z } | {z } | {z }
sT [1] sT [2] sT [L] at most k indices
Zhen Gao received the B.S. degree in information engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing, China, in July 2011, the Ph.D. degree in communication and signal processing with the Tsinghua
National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering,
Tsinghua University, China, in July 2016. From 2014 to 2015, he visited the Communications and Signal
Processing Group in Imperial College London, UK for nearly one year. Dr. Gao is currently an Assistant
Professor with both the Advanced Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Science (ARIMS) and School of
Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China. His research interests are in wireless communications,
with a focus on multi-carrier modulations, multiple antenna systems, sparse signal processing. He was the recipient of IEEE
Broadcast Technology Society 2016 Scott Helt Memorial Award, the Exemplary Reviewer of the IEEE Communications Letters
in 2016, the recipient of Academic Star of Tsinghua University in 2016. He currently serves as the Associate Editor of IEEE
Linglong Dai (M’11- SM’14) received the B.S. degree from Zhejiang University in 2003, the M.S. degree
(with the highest honor) from the China Academy of Telecommunications Technology (CATT) in 2006, and
the Ph.D. degree (with the highest honor) from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2011. From 2011
to 2013, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua
University, where he has been an Assistant Professor since July 2013 and then an Associate Professor
since June 2016. His current research interests include massive MIMO, millimeter-wave communications,
multiple access, and sparse signal processing. He has published over 50 IEEE journal papers and over 40 IEEE conference
papers, with over 2300 citations. He also holds 13 granted patents. He has received 4 conference Best Paper Awards at IEEE
ICC 2013, IEEE ICC 2014, WCSP 2016, and IEEE ICC 2017, and he also received the IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
Best Paper Award in 2015, the Science and Technology Award of China Institute of Communications in 2016, and the National
Natural Science Foundation of China for Outstanding Young Scholar in 2017. He currently serves as Editor of IEEE Transactions
on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, and IEEE Communications Letters.
Shuangfeng Han received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University
in 2002 and 2006 respectively. He joined Samsung Electronics as a senior engineer in 2006 working on
MIMO, MultiBS MIMO, etc. From 2012, he is a senior project manager in the Green Communication
Research Center at the China Mobile Research Institute. His research interests are green 5G, massive
MIMO, full duplex, NOMA and EE-SE co-design. Currently, he is the vice chair of wireless technology
work group of China’s IMT-2020 (5G) promotion group.
Chih-Lin I received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University. She has been with
multiple world-class companies and research institutes leading the Research and Development, including
the AT&T Bell Laboratories; the Director of AT&T HQ; the Director of ITRI Taiwan; and VPGD of
ASTRI Hong Kong. Her current research interests center around green, soft, and open. She received the
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Stephen Rice Best Paper Award, is a winner of the
CCCP National 1000 Talent Program, and has received the 2015 Industrial Innovation Award of the IEEE
Communication Society for Leadership and Innovation in Next-Generation Cellular Wireless Networks. In 2011, she joined
China Mobile as its Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies, established the Green Communications Research Center, and
launched the 5G Key Technologies Research and Development. She was a Professor with National Chiao Tung University,
an Adjunct Professor at Nanyang Technological University, and currently an Adjunct Professor with the Beijing University of
Posts and Telecommunications. She is the Chair of FuTURE 5G SIG, an Executive Board Member of GreenTouch, a Network
Operator Council Founding Member of ETSI NFV, a Steering Board Member of WWRF, a Steering Committee member and
the Publication Chair of the IEEE 5G Initiative, a member of the IEEE ComSoc SDB, SPC, and CSCN-SC, and a Scientific
Advisory Board Member of Singapore NRF. She is spearheading major initiatives, including 5G, C-RAN, high energy efficiency
system architectures, technologies and devices; and green energy. She was an Area Editor of the IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS
ON NETWORKING, an Elected Board Member of the IEEE ComSoc, the Chair of the ComSoc Meetings and Conferences
Board, and the Founding Chair of the IEEE WCNC Steering Committee.
Zhaocheng Wang (M’09-SM’11) received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, in 1991, 1993, and 1996, respectively. From 1996 to 1997, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow
with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. From 1997 to 1999, he was with OKI Techno Centre
(Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Singapore, where he was firstly a Research Engineer and later became a Senior
Engineer. From 1999 to 2009, he was with Sony Deutschland GmbH, where he was firstly a Senior
Engineer and later became a Principal Engineer. He is currently a Professor of Electronic Engineering with
Tsinghua University and serves as the Director of Broadband Communication Key Laboratory, Tsinghua National Laboratory
for Information Science and Technology (TNlist). He has authored or coauthored more than 130 journal papers and over 70
conference papers. He is the holder of 34 granted U.S./EU patents. He has authored/co-authored two books, two of which,
”Millimeter Wave Communication Systems” and ”Visible Light Communications: Modulation and Signal Processing”, have been
selected by IEEE Series on Digital and Mobile Communication and published by Wiley-IEEE Press. His research interests include
wireless communications, visible light communications, millimeter wave communications, and digital broadcasting. Prof. Wang
has received the IEEE ICC2013 Best Paper Award, OECC2015 Best Student Paper Award, 2016 IEEE Scott Helt Memorial
Award (Best Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting) and IEEE ICC2017 Best Paper Award. Prof. Wang is a Fellow
of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. He served as the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications (2011-2015) and the Associate Editor of the IEEE Communications Letters (2013-2016), and has also served
as Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs of various international conferences.
Lajos Hanzo (M’91-SM’92-F’04) received the D.Sc. degree in electronics in 1976 and the Ph.D. degree
in 1983. During his 40-year career in telecommunications he has held various research and academic posts
in Hungary, Germany, and U.K. Since 1986, he has been with the School of Electronics and Computer
Science, University of Southampton, U.K. He has successfully supervised 111 Ph.D. students. In 2016,
he was admitted to the Hungarian Academy of Science. He is currently directing a 50-strong academic
research team, where he is involved in a range of research projects in the field of wireless multimedia
communications sponsored by industry, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, U.K., the European Research
Council’s Advanced Fellow Grant, and the Royal Society’s Wolfson Research Merit Award. He is an enthusiastic supporter
of industrial and academic liaison and he offers a range of industrial courses. He has co-authored 18 John Wiley/IEEE Press
books on mobile radio communications totaling in excess of 10 000 pages, published over 1681 research contributions on IEEE
Xplore. He was FREng, FIET, and a fellow of the EURASIP. In 2009, he received the honorary doctorate from the Technical
University of Budapest and in 2015 from the University of Edinburgh. He served as the TPC chair and the general chair of IEEE
conferences, presented keynote lectures and has been received a number of distinctions. He is also a Governor of the IEEE VTS.
From 2008 to 2012, he was an Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Press and a Chaired Professor with Tsinghua University, Beijing.
He is the Chair in telecommunications with the University of Southampton. He has 30 000+ citations and an h-index of 68.