The document discusses the design of efficient massive MIMO systems for 5G networks. It reviews past and present techniques used for massive MIMO, focusing on achieving higher energy and spectral efficiency. The paper analyzes approaches like cognitive radio networks, device-to-device communication, machine-to-machine communication and massive MIMO. It specifically looks at improving the energy and spectral efficiency of massive MIMO systems through techniques like incremental redundancy and spatial multiplexing.
The document discusses the design of efficient massive MIMO systems for 5G networks. It reviews past and present techniques used for massive MIMO, focusing on achieving higher energy and spectral efficiency. The paper analyzes approaches like cognitive radio networks, device-to-device communication, machine-to-machine communication and massive MIMO. It specifically looks at improving the energy and spectral efficiency of massive MIMO systems through techniques like incremental redundancy and spatial multiplexing.
The document discusses the design of efficient massive MIMO systems for 5G networks. It reviews past and present techniques used for massive MIMO, focusing on achieving higher energy and spectral efficiency. The paper analyzes approaches like cognitive radio networks, device-to-device communication, machine-to-machine communication and massive MIMO. It specifically looks at improving the energy and spectral efficiency of massive MIMO systems through techniques like incremental redundancy and spatial multiplexing.
The document discusses the design of efficient massive MIMO systems for 5G networks. It reviews past and present techniques used for massive MIMO, focusing on achieving higher energy and spectral efficiency. The paper analyzes approaches like cognitive radio networks, device-to-device communication, machine-to-machine communication and massive MIMO. It specifically looks at improving the energy and spectral efficiency of massive MIMO systems through techniques like incremental redundancy and spatial multiplexing.
2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control (I2C2)
Design of Efficient Massive MIMO for 5G
Systems - Present and Past: A Review M.Ramesh C.Geetha Priya V.P.M.B.Aarthi Alais ECE Department, ECE Department, Ananthakirupa Kamaraj College of Kamaraj College of ECE Department, Engineering and Technology, Engineering and Technology, Mepco Schlenk Engineering Virudhunagar, India Virudhunagar, India College, Sivakasi, India vpmb2aarthi@
applications and the controller.
Abstract— In this survey paper, the ground work on Massive b. Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) based architectures: The Multiple Input – Multiple Output (mMIMO) is concentrated by cognitive radio nodes named secondary users (SUs) exploit the studying the various existing techniques in the system design for existing spectrum opportunistically by having the LEIRA fifth generation wireless communications. The service quality of (learning, efficiency, intelligence, reliability, and adaptively) 5G systems can be enhanced in terms of throughput, latency, peak property in the absence of licensed primary users (PUs) data rate along with spectral and energy efficiency. Though there exist, new methodologies, techniques and architectures including c. Device-to-device (D2D) communication architectures: D2D Cognitive Radio Networks, D2D communications for designing communications allow close proximity user equipments (UEs) and implementing 5G networks, the mMIMO utilizes spatial to communicate among one another on a licensed cellular multiplexing for capacity improvement and remains robust across bandwidth without involving a Mobile Base Station (MBS) or intentional jamming thereby playing a key aspect in the 5G with a very controlled involvement of a MBS. The challenged system development. The efficient design of mMIMO still here are Interference Management, Resource Allocation and remains an open problem in the present research. This paper analyses the existing techniques in the development of mMIMO delay-sensitive processing. specifically concentrating on energy & spectral efficiency and d. Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication architectures: discusses the challenges in the system design. It indicates the communication amidst devices without human Index Terms— mMIMO, spectral efficiency, 5G, energy intervention. Examples include monitoring of buildings, efficiency. intelligent transportation systems and health measurement. Challenges are connectivity of massive devices, bursty data, I. INTRODUCTION zero latency, scalability etc., e. Millimeter Waves (mmWave) communication: The current
T HE 5G communications aims at supporting infinite
capability of networking, big data bandwidth along with extensive signal coverage in order to provide a good range of band is unable to support huge UEs and so 30-300 GHz frequency bands where mmWave communication, is proposed for achieving high-speed data transfer. mmWave has several highǦquality personalized services to the end users. Towards challenges at physical, MAC and network layers. this aim, 5G communications will integrate multiple existing f. Massive MIMO (mMIMO): mMIMO systems as depicted in advanced technologies with innovative new techniques. Fig. 1 are named as very large MIMO, large-scale antenna The various approaches and techniques for 5G networks [1] systems, hyper-MIMO and full-dimension MIMO. are discussed below. a. Software-Defined Networking (SDN): SDN architectures partition the network control functions and data forwarding functions, in which network control functions are programmable. SDN architectures consist of three modules, as (i) software controller which holds functions such as network management, APIs, network operating system. (ii) the southbound part provides a protocol and an interface amidst the controller and SDN-enable infrastructure. (iii) the northbound part provides interface across various SDN Fig. 1. Structure of MIMO Systems Massive MIMO systems use arrays of antennas with hundreds in number of antennas at MBS for parallely serving many UEs with a single antenna. So expensive equipments are fixed on 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control (I2C2)
MBS. A mMIMO system is based on spatial multiplexing,
which again depends on the channel information at MBS, for both Up Link (UL) and Down Link (DL) channels. A mMIMO system minimizes energy and latency, develops a low complex MAC layer, remains powerful against jamming, and improves the capacity as a result of spatial multiplexing. However the mMIMO has various implementation challenges [2] such as energy/spectral efficiency, pilot overhead in channel estimation, channel feedback, channel reciprocity, architectures, hardware impairments etc., In this survey paper we mainly concentrate on energy and spectral efficiency of mMIMO systems. This survey is organized as follows: Section II deals with the Fig. 2. Rate adaptive mode – IR System Model related works on the energy efficient design of mMIMO systems and their design issues. Section III discusses the The rate adaptive mode as depicted in Fig. 2 attains several techniques used for achieving energy efficient improvement in the spectral efficiency and also maintains BER mMIMO systems. Finally, section IV discusses the conclusion reliability whereas in energy-conservative mode given in Fig. 3 with further scope for the researchers. achieves a significant reduction in symbol-level reception energy requirements. II. RELATED WORKS
The categorization of MIMO schemes [3,4] includes two
approaches namely Spatial Multiplexing (SM) and Space Time Block Coding (STBC). SM [3] can provide high data rates whereas STBC [4] is having high transmission fidelity. Hence there remains a pact between capacity and transmission reliability extremeness. In [5,6], a switching criterion is derived to decide a scheme which gives least probability of error [5] or to chose a scheme which provides higher spectral efficiency [6]. A Hybrid SM/STBC [7] is used as a MIMO technique that blends STBC and SM by considering the benefits of two schemes. Another scheme called Incremental Redundancy (IR) is a Fig. 3. Energy conservative mode – IR System Model Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) which provides error control in wireless networks [8,9]. In this, upon receiving In conventional linear precoding and detection schemes, negative acknowledgement (NACK) which indicates erroneous increase in count of antennas can harm energy efficiency (EE) packet, and so the transmitter sends IR symbols to ensure due to the necessity of more radio frequency (RF) chains for robustness of previously transmitted data and is repeated until the system. Hence SM [11-14] is suggested in which only a a positive acknowledgement (ACK) is received. This IR can portion of antennas are simultaneously active in the system. be adopted within MIMO systems where the system This in turn reduces the achievable rates. A normalized incrementally shifts from SM to STBC or hybrid SM/STBC compressive sensing (CS) detection algorithm used for space [10]. When negative acknowledgement is found after shift keying (SSK) and generalized space shift keying (GSSK) decoding, the system incrementally switch towards diversity was proposed in [15] where the system encodes information mode. The incremental diversity symbols are combined till a only in active antenna locations and hence a normalization of positive acknowledgement is received. Incremental diversity channel matrix before applying greedy compressive detectors can be operated in two modes: Rate-Adaptive and Energy can improve the system performance. Detection algorithms Conservative. applied to compressive sensing scenarios are proposed in [16]. A message passing detection algorithm [17] is conditioned by the frequency of message transfer between nodes. In addition it is adopted to obtain reconstruction of sparse signals with high complexity in compressive sensing. Hence a low complex greedy CS algorithms [15] are used for large system dimension for signal reconstruction.
Recent researches concentrate on Scaling Laws to develop
2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control (I2C2)
energy efficient MIMO systems. Thus, analyzing the scaling
laws to provide EE by considering power consumption, pilot contamination and errors in channel estimation with regard to the number of antennas involved in each base station. Scaling laws for Spectral Efficiency (SE) with regard to number of antennas M are discussed in [18]. Transmit power is taken to consideration [19] in MIMO to achieve higher EE than single antenna system for the same data rate. Massive MIMO systems provide energy efficiency than traditional MIMO [20] considering the circuit power of RF links along with complicated signal processing schemes. A large array gain and multi user multiplexing gain [21] reduces the transmit power for large number of antennas [22]. The energy efficiency results [23] of mMIMO holds good when average channel gain and power consumption is low. On considering the circuit power consumption, the EE results of [24-27] shows a slighter Fig. 5. Efficient mMIMO System Design increment and then decreases with increase in antennas M. Scaling laws are used to show potential gain of mMIMO This paper studies the various design methodologies for systems [28-30]. It mainly investigates uplink transmit power developing an efficient mMIMO system that fits for the 5G scaling laws with reference to a given data rate. The environment along with the major challenges in its experimentations of Ricean and Rayleigh channel models [28] implementation. for the case with imperfect CSI is discussed. A single cell downlink mMIMO supporting Zero forcing Beam forming IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE (ZFBF) with perfect CSI is considered for energy efficient design [31]. The analysis of closed form equations of transmitted power along with maximal EE including their This paper provides an exhaustive survey on the existing EE scaling laws with respect to M antennas proves that the pilot mMIMO system design with their preliminaries, state-of-art to contamination is the limitation of mMIMO systems. Hence it explore an energy efficient MIMO system for 5G can be mitigated with pilot decontamination methods [32]. communications. Additionally, it throws light on open challenges in the development process. In future, research on EE needs to be incorporated for multi-user and multi-cell cases III. DISCUSSION by considering the practical challenges like circuit energy consumption, which is of great significance to the practical Though several techniques and methods are available for 5G system design. As for the advanced techniques that will be system design as given in Fig. 4, mMIMO is a promising used in the wireless communications, such as OFDMA, technology to ensure the various requirements to be satisfied MIMO, and relay, existing research has proved that larger EE with 5G systems. can be attained through energy-efficient design. However, most work is still in the initial stage and more effort is needed to investigate potential topics such as those listed in this article. Energy-Efficient MIMO Schemes in Multi-User and Multi- Cell Scenarios: In multi-user and multi-cell environments, the existence of inter-user and inter-cell interference complicates the design of energy efficient MIMO systems. The idea of maximizing EE by utilizing the spatial resource while suppressing the interference is worth investigating. Complexity reduction plays a major role in any system development. Hence effective but simple algorithms are required to obtain a Fig. 4. 5G System Design – Technologies good pact between complexity and performance.
In order to have an efficient mMIMO system, Spectral and/or ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Energy Efficiency may be concentrated much more than the We thank our teachers and mentors who directly or others as given in Fig. 5. indirectly inculcated technical enthusiasm within us. 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control (I2C2)
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