Analysis and Design Principles of Microwave Antennas: Instructor Name: Amitabha Bhattacharya Institute: IIT Kharagpur
Analysis and Design Principles of Microwave Antennas: Instructor Name: Amitabha Bhattacharya Institute: IIT Kharagpur
Analysis and Design Principles of Microwave Antennas: Instructor Name: Amitabha Bhattacharya Institute: IIT Kharagpur
Course Intro: : The course Analysis and Design principles of Microwave Antennas covers a broad spectrum of the
antenna design and analysis, starting with the basic concepts of microwave radiation to numerical computation of
antenna currents, Impulse Radiating Antennas (IRAs), antenna pattern synthesis, etc. This course will not only help the
undergraduate and graduate students by providing fundamental concepts of antenna theory but also help the design
engineer to get familiar with different state of the art techniques of antenna analysis and design. In a nutshell, this course
would lay the foundation for further exploring the vast area of microwave antenna analysis and design.
Pre Requisites: : Basic Knowledge of Electromagnetic Theory, Transmission line, Electronic network theory is
required. Following are the NPTEL courses done earlier covering the above concepts (a) Electromagnetic Theory (b)
Basic Tools in Microwave engineering (c) Basic Building Blocks of Microwave Engineering
Core/Elective: : Core
Industry Support : Radar Industry, Space Industry, Avionics industry, Defense Industry, Internal security Industry,
Mining industry, Geo-exploration Industry.
Reference : Balanis, C. A., “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design―, Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2005
About Instructor: Amitabha Bhattacharya was born in Kolkata, West Bengal in the year 1964. He received his B.Tech,
(E&ECE) Degree from IIT Kharagpur in 1986, M.E. (E&TCE) from Jadavpur University in 1994 and Ph.D. (E. & ECE)
from IIT Kharagpur in 1998. He started his professional career in 1986 by joining as Junior Research Engineer in an
ISRO- sponsored research project at IIT Kharagpur and continued thereafter as a Senior Research Assistant in a DRDO
sponsored Research Project till 1991. In 1997, he joined SAMEER, Mumbai and then Defence Lab, Jodhpur as a
Research Scientist. From 2000 onwards he joined teaching profession, first as an Assistant Professor in the Electronics
and Instrument Department of Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad and then in 2007, in the faculty of Electronics and
Electrical Communication Engineering Department of IIT Kharagpur in 2007.