1.simple Stress and Strain

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Strength of Materials U18MEI4201


When an external force acts on a body, the body tends to undergo some deformation. Due to
cohesion between the molecules, the body resists deformation. This resistance by which material
of the body opposes the deformation is known as strength of material.

Within a certain limit (i.e., in the elastic stage) the resistance offered by the material is proportional
to the deformation brought out on the material by the external force. Also within this limit the
resistance is equal to the external force (or applied load).

But beyond the elastic stage, the resistance offered by the material is less than the applied load. In
such a case, the deformation continues, until failure takes place. Within elastic stage, the resisting
force equals applied load. This resisting force per unit area is called stress or intensity of stress.

Types of Loads
The following types of loads are commonly considered in the mechanics of the deformable bodies:
 Dead loads—static in nature, such as the self-weight of the roof.
 Live loads—fluctuating in nature, do not remain constant- such as a weight of a vehicle
moving on a bridge.
 Tensile loads.
 Compressive loads.
 Shearing loads.
Depending on the nature of the forces mentioned, the stress can be

 Tensile stress - the applied force has pulling effect on the body, considered positive

 Compressive stress- the applied load has pushing effect towards a point, considered

 The shearing stre ss is induced when the applied load is parallel or tangent to the surface.

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Strength of Materials U18MEI4201

Classification of Materials
From an engineering point of view, properties concerned with metals are:
1. Elasticity – Mild Steel
2. Plasticity - lead
3. Brittleness – Cast iron
4. Malleability – Wrought iron
5. Ductility - Copper
Many of these properties are contrasting in nature so that a given metal cannot exhibit
simultaneously all these properties.
Elastic Material
It undergoes a deformation when subjected to an external loading such that the deformation
disappears on the removal of the loading (rubber).
Plastic Material
It undergoes a continuous deformation during the period of loading and the deformation is
permanent. It does not regain its original dimensions on the removal o\ the loading (aluminium).
Rigid Material
It does not undergo any deformation when subjected to an external loading (glass and cast iron).
Materials ability to be hammered out into thin sheets, such as lead, is called malleability.
Brittle Materials
They exhibit relatively small extensions to fracture such as glass and cast iron. There is little or
no necking at fracture for brittle materials.


Definition of Stress
Stress is an internal resistance offered by a unit area of the material, from which a member is made,
to an externally applied load.

Alternatively, the force per unit area or intensity of the forces distributed over a given section is
called the stress on that section. The resistance of material or the internal force acting on a unit area
may act in any direction.

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Fig. 1.1: Stress

Direct or normal stress G is calculated by using the following formula:

1.1.2 Units of Stress

The unit of stress depends upon the unit of load (or force) and unit of area.

In M.K.S. units- kgf/m2, kgf/cm2.

In the S.I. units- N/m2, N/mm2
l N/m2 = 10-4 N/cm2 or 10-6 N/mm2 ,1 MPa= 1 N/mm2

1.1.3 Types of Stresses

The stress may be normal stress or a shear stress. Normal stress is the stress which acts in a direction
perpendicular to the area. It is represented by ζ (sigma). The normal stress is further divided into
tensile stress and compressive stress.
Tensile Stress:
The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite pulls as shown in Fig.1.2 as
a result of which there is an increase in length, is known as tensile stress.
The ratio of increase in length to the original length is known as tensile strain.
The tensile stress acts normal to the area and it pulls on the area.

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Fig. 1.2: Tensile stress

Fig. 1.2 (a) shows a bar subjected to a tensile force P at its ends. Consider a section x-x, which
divides the bar into two parts. The part left to the section x-x, will be in equilibrium if P = Resisting
force (R). This is shown in Fig. 1.2 (b). Similarly the part right to the section x-x, will be in
equilibrium if P = Resisting force as shown in Fig. 1.2 (c). This resisting force per unit area is
known as stress or intensity of stress.

Compressive Stress:
The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite pushes as shown in Fig.1.3
as a result of which there is a decrease in length of the body, is known as compressive stress.
And the ratio of decrease in length to the original length is known as compressive strain.
The compressive stress acts normal to the area and it pushes on the area.
Let an axial push P is acting on a body in cross-sectional area A. Due to external push P, let the
original length L of the body decreases by dL.

Then compressive stress is given by,

And compressive strain is given by,

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Fig. 1.3: Compressive Stress

Shear Stress:

The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite forces which are acting
tangentially across the resisting section as shown in Fig. 1.4 as a result of which the body tends to
shear off across the section, is known as shear stress.

The corresponding strain is known as shear strain.

The shear stress is the stress which acts tangential to the area. It is represented by τ.

Fig. 1.4: Shear Stress

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When a body is subjected to some external force, there is some change of dimension of the body.
The ratio of change of dimension of the body to the original dimension is known as strain. Strain
is dimensionless. Strain may be:
 Tensile strain
 Compressive strain,
 Volumetric strain
 Shear strain.
If there is some increase in length of a body due to external force, then the ratio of increase of
length to the original length of the body is known as tensile strain. But if there is some decrease in
length of the body, then the ratio of decrease of the length of the body to the original length is
known as compressive strain. The ratio of change of volume of the body to the original volume is
known as volumetric strain. The strain produced by shear stress is known as shear strain.

Linear Strain
It is defined as

Linear strain may be either tensile or compressive.

If there is some increase in the length of a body due to external force, then the strain is known as
tensile strain. On the other hand, if there is some decrease in the length of the body due to external
force, then the strain is known as compressive strain. Please note that both are linear strain only.
In the case of rod having uniform cross-section A. the normal stress ζ could be assumed to have a
constant value P/A. Thus, it is appropriate to define ε as the ratio of the total deformation δL over
the total length L of the rod.

Whereas in the case of a member of variable cross-section, however, the normal stress ζ = P/A
varies along the member, and it is necessary to define the strain at a given point as

Shear Strain
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It is a measure of the angle through which a body is deformed by the applied force, denoted by γ.
The shear strain is represented by the angle through which the other two faces have rotated as
shown in Fig.

Fig. 1.5: Shear strain

Volumetric Strain

The ratio of change in the volume of the body to the original volume is known as volumetric


When an external force acts on a body, the body tends to undergo some deformation. If the external
force is removed and the body comes back to its original shape and size (which means the
deformation disappears completely), the body is known as elastic body. This property, by virtue of
which certain materials return back to their original position after the removal of the external force,
is called elasticity.

The body will regain its previous shape and size only when the deformation caused by the external
force, is within a certain limit. Thus there is a limiting value of force up to and within which, the
deformation completely disappears on the removal of the force. The value of stress corresponding
to this limiting force is known as the elastic limit of the material.

If the external force is so large that the stress exceeds the elastic limit, the material loses to some
extent its property of elasticity.

If now the force is removed, the material will not return to its original shape and size and there will
be a residual deformation in the material.

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For elastic bodies, the ratio of stress to strain is constant and is known as Young's modulus or the
modulus of elasticity and is denoted by E, i.e.,

Strain has no units as it is a ratio. Thus, E has the same units as stress.
The materials that maintain this ratio are said to obey Hooke s law which states that within elastic
limits, strain is proportional to the stress producing it.

The elastic limit of a material is determined by plotting a tensile test diagram. Young's modulus is
the stress required to cause a unit strain.

Similarly, for elastic materials, the shear strain is found to be proportional to the applied shear
stress within the elastic limit. Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus denoted by G is the ratio of
shear stress to shear strain, i.e.,
  G

The ratio between the volumetric (Identical) stress and the volumetric strain is called Bulk

modulus of elasticity and is denoted by K.


The ratio of lateral strain to the longitudinal strain is a constant for a given material, when the
material is stressed within the elastic limit.

This ratio is called Poisson's ratio and it is generally denoted by μ or ν or 1/m. Hence

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Longitudinal strain:
When a body is subjected to an axial tensile load, there is an increase in the length of the
body. But at the same time there is a decrease in other dimensions of the body at right angles to
the line of action of the applied load.

Thus the body is having axial deformation and also deformation at right angles to the line
of action of the applied load (i.e., lateral deformation).
The ratio of axial deformation to the original length of the body is known as longitudinal (or linear)
The longitudinal strain is also defined as the deformation of the body per unit length in the direction
of the applied load.
Let L = Length of the body,
P = Tensile force acting on the body,
δL = Increase in the length of the body in the direction of P

Then, Longitudin al strain =

Fig. 1.6: longitudinal and lateral strain

Lateral strain:
The strain at right angles to the direction of applied load is known as lateral strain. Let a rectangular
bar of length L, breadth b and depth d is subjected to an axial tensile load P as shown in Fig. 1.6.
The length of the bar will increase while the breadth and depth will decrease.
Let δL = Increase in length, δb= Decrease in breadth, and δd = Decrease in depth.
Lateral strain = δb/b (or) δd/d

1) If longitudinal strain is tensile, the lateral strains will be compressive.
2) If longitudinal strain is compressive then lateral strains will be tensile.
3) Hence every longitudinal strain in the direction of load is accompanied by lateral strains of opposite
kind in all directions perpendicular to the load.

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Strength of Materials U18MEI4201


For Structural Steel

Certain important properties of materials used for engineering applications can be determined by
conducting laboratory tests on small specimens of the material - is tension test.

Tension test - application of gradually increasing axial tensile load on a standard specimen in UTM

After performing tension or compression test and determining stress and strain at various
magnitudes of load,

we can obtain a diagram by plotting stress along Y-axis and strain along X-axis.

The stress-strain diagram conveys about mechanical properties and behavior of the material.

Structural steel - most widely used metals, in buildings, bridges, towers, antennas and many more
structures. Structural steel is also called low carbon steel or mild steel.
A typical stress strain diagram for mild steel is as shown in Figure.
The initial behaviour - straight line OA- the stress is proportional to strain, behaviour is linear.
Beyond point A. the linear relationship no longer exists, the stress at A is proportionality limit.
Material remains elastic even beyond the limit of proportionality – called elastic limit (B).

Figure: Stress-strain curve for structural steel

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If the load is further increased, the material reaches a point where sudden and appreciable increase
in strain occurs without appreciable increase in stress - C - (upper yield point)
@ C - upper yield stress.
Curve drops at point D (lower yield point) and the stress is called lower yield stress.
In the region of upper and lower yield points, the material becomes perfectly plastic – material can
deform without an increase in applied load.
After the large strains in the region of upper and lower yield points, the steel begins to strain
Strain hardening is a process, where material undergoes changes in its atomic and
crystalline structure. This process brings in new lease of life for the material and it picks up
increased resistance to further loading (hence resistance to deformation).
Additional elongation requires an increase in tensile load, and stress-strain diagram mounts
up with a positive slope from D to E.
Point E signifies the maximum stress the material can bear and this point is called ultimate
point and the corresponding stress is ultimate stress.
Further, stretching of the bar – leads to drastic reduction in area and in load,
and fracture finally occurs as shown by point F on the diagram.

Being a ductile material, steel specimen sustains uniform strain over the entire length up to
the ultimate strength point.
Figure shows that the stress decreases beyond the ultimate strength of the material and
rupture does not occur until a strain considerably in excess of the strain corresponding to the
ultimate stress has been reached.
The strain that occurs during this phase tends to be localised over a very short length of the
test specimen, leading to necking phenomenon (also called waist formation) depicted in Figure (b).
This necking is typical of a metal which behave in a ductile manner.
Figure (c) shows type of failures for ductile and brittle materials.

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After conducting tension test on steel we can determine the following items
• Elastic modulus
• Proportional limit
• Yield stress
• Ultimate stress

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True Stress-Strain Diagram

In plotting stress-strain diagram, we make use of original area of cross section while computing all
stress values and original length while calculating corresponding strains. In this context it is
pertinent to define the following:

Nominal or Conventional or Engineering Stress

The ratio of load over original area of cross section of a component is nominal stress.

True Stress
The ratio of load over instantaneous area of cross section is true stress. Thus, under tensile load,
instantaneous area is less than original area and under compressive load, instantaneous area is more
than original area.

Nominal or Engineering Strain

Strain values are calculated at various intervals of gradually increasing load considering original
gauge length of the specimen, such a strain is nominal or engineering strain. Nominal strain is
change in dimension to corresponding original dimension.

True Strain
As the load keeps on increasing, the gauge length will also keep on varying (e.g., gauge length
increases under tensile loading). If actual length is used in calculating the strain, the strain obtained
is true strain. Crisply, change in dimension to instantaneous dimension is true strain. In most of the
engineering designs, the stresses considered will be well within proportional limit and as the strain
involved up to this limit is very small, the change in area is not at all appreciable. Therefore,
original area of cross section is considered while defining the stress for all practical purposes.
Coming back to true stress-strain diagram, as mentioned above, the lateral contraction of
the metal occurs when it is stretched under tensile load, this results in decreased cross sectional
area. However, this decrease is too small to show a noticeable effect on calculated value of stress
upto point D, but beyond point D, the reduction begins to alter the shape of the diagram. If the
actual area is used to calculate stress, the true stress-strain curve will follow dashed line that is
superposed on the diagram.

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Stress-Strain Diagram for Other Materials

Every material has its own strength characteristics. Unlike steel, other materials do not show clear
points of yield stress. But initial linear behaviour is shown by almost all materials. Figure presents
the stress-strain behaviour of some important materials. Table presents elastic properties of certain

Proof Stress
Most of the metals except steel, do not show well-defined yield point and yet undergoes large
strains after the proportional limit is exceeded. An arbitrary yield stress called proof stress for these
metals can be found out by offset method. On the stress-strain diagram of the metal under
consideration, a line is drawn parallel to initial linear part of the curve (Figure 2.14) this line is
drawn at a standard offset of strain value, such as 0.002 (0.2%). The intersection of the offset line
and the stress-strain curve (point A in the figure) defines the yield point for the metal and hence
yield stress. Proof stress is not an inherent property of the metal. Proof stress is also called offset
yield stress.

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Consider a prismatic bar of length L and cross-sectional area A subjected to axial force P. We
have the relation

upon substitution of ε and ζ in that equation, we get

E = Young’s Modulus, N/mm2
L = original length , mm
δL = change in length , mm
A = original cross-sectional area, mm2 and
P = axial force , N

The above Eq. can also be written as,

Table 1.2 gives the values of Young's modulus of some commonly used materials.
Table 1.2: Young’s modulus of some materials
Sl. Young's modulus
no. (kN/mm2)
1 Mild steel 200
2 Aluminium 70
3 Copper 100
4 Cast iron 90
5 Bronze 120
6 Wood 10

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Consider a bar of varying three sections of lengths L1 L2 and L3 having
respective areas of cross-sections A1, A2 and A3 subjected to an axial
pull P. Let δL1, δL2, δL3 be the changes in length of the respective three
sections of the bar, then we have

Now the total elongation of the bar,

Fig. 1.7: Stepped bar


1.9.1 Bars with varying Circular cross section

A bar uniformly tapering from a diameter D1 at one end to a diameter D2 at the other end is
shown in Fig. 18.
Let P = Axial tensile load on the bar
L = Total length of the bar
E = Young's modulus.
Consider a small element of length dx of the bar at a distance x from the left end. Let the
diameter of the bar be D at a distance x from the left end.

Fig. 1.8: Taper rod of circular cross section

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Area of cross-section of the bar at a distance x from the left end,

Now the stress at a distance x from the left end is given by,

The strain ex in the small element of length dx is obtained by using equation

Extension of the small elemental length dx

Total extension of the bar is obtained by integrating the above equation between the limits 0 and

Substituting the value of k in the above equation, we get,

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Total extension,

If the rod is of uniform diameter, then D1 - D2 = D

1.9.2. Bars with varying rectangular cross section

A bar of constant thickness and uniformly tapering in width from one end to the other end is
shown in Fig. 1.9.

Fig. 1.9: Bars with rectangular cross section

Let P = Axial load on the bar
L = Length of bar
a = Width at bigger end
b = Width at smaller end
E = Young's modulus
t = Thickness of bar Consider any section X-X at a distance x from the bigger end.

Width of the bar at the section X-X

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Total extension of the bar is obtained by integrating the above equation between the limits 0 and
Total extension,


Consider a prismatic or circular bar of cross-sectional area A and length L hanging freely under its
own weight as shown in Fig. 1.10. This circular bar experiences zero load at the free end and
maximum load at the top. Weight of a body is given by the product of density and volume. Let γ
be the density of the material. Consider a small section of thickness dx at a distance x from the free
The deformation of the element is given by

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Where Wx = weight of the portion below the section = γ A x

Fig.1.10: Elongation due to self weight

The extension of the entire bar can be obtained by integrating above Eq.

If W is the total weight of the bar, then

The deformation of the bar under its own weight is equal to the half of the deformation, if the body is
subjected to the direct load equal to the weight of the body.
When a number of loads are acting on a body, the resulting strain, according to principle of
superposition, will be the algebraic sum of strains caused by individual loads.
While using this principle for an elastic body which is subjected to a number of direct forces (tensile or
compressive) at different sections along the length of the body, first the free body diagram of individual
section is drawn. Then the deformation of the each section is obtained. The total deformation of the
body will be then equal to the algebraic sum of deformations of the individual sections.

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1) The following observations were made during a tensile test on a mild steel specimen of 40 mm
diameter and 200 mm long: Elongation with 40,000 N load (within the limit of proportionality)
= 0.0304 mm, Yield load = 165,000 N, Maximum load = 245,000 N, Length of the specimen
at fracture = 252 mm, Determine the yield stress, the modulus of elasticity, the ultimate stress
and the percentage elongation.
Diameter of the specimen = 40 mm
Length of the specimen = 200 mm
Load = 40,000 N
Elongation within the limit of proportionality = 0.0304 mm
Yield load = 165,000 N
Maximum load = 245,000 N
Final length of the specimen = 252 mm

To find the yield stress:

Using the relation for yield stress, we have

To find the modulus of elasticity:

Consider the load within the proportionality Limit. Then, stress is given by

To find the ultimate stress:

Using the relation for ultimate stress, we have

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To find the percentage elongation:

Using the relation, we have
Percentage elongation

2) The bar shown in Fig. is subjected to a tensile load of 60 kN. Find the diameter of the middle
portion of the bar if the stress is limited to 120 N/mm2. Also find the length of the middle
portion if the total elongation of the bar is 0.12 mm. Take E = 2 x 105 N/mm2.

To find the diameter at the middle portion of the bar:
Stress in the middle portion of the bar is given by

To find the length of the middle portion of the bar:

Let the length of the middle portion of the bar be x
Stress in the end portion is given by

Also, total elongation = elongation of the end portion + elongation of the middle portion = 0.12

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3) A flat steel plate is of trapezoidal form of uniform thickness of 8 mm and tapers uniformly
from a width of 60 mm to 90 mm in a length of 300 mm. Determine the elongation of the plate
under the axial force of 40 kN at each end. Assume E = 205 kN/mm2.
Thickness of the plate t = 8 mm
Width at one end b = 60 mm
Width at other end a = 90 mm
Length of the plate L = 300 mm
Axial force P = 40 kN
Modulus of elasticity E = 205 kN/mm2

Using the relation, we have

4) Figure shows the bar AB of uniform cross-sectional area is acted upon by several forces. Find
the deformation of the bar, assuming E = 2 x 105 N/mm2.

Solution: The free body diagram (F.B.D.) of individual sections is shown in Figure.

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5) A steel bar ABCD of varying cross-section is subjected to the axial forces as shown in Fig.
Find the value of P for equilibrium. If the modulus of elasticity E = 2.1 x 105 N/mm2, determine
the elongation of the bar.

From the equilibrium condition:
Σ Fx=0

+8000 -10,000 + P - 5000 = 0 ; P = 15,000 - 8000 = 7000 N

To find the elongation of the bar, consider a free body diagram of the bar,

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6) A vertical prismatic bar is fastened at its upper end and supported at the lower end by an
unyielding floor as shown in Fig. Determine the reaction R exerted by the floor of the bar if external
loads P1 = 1500 N and P2 = 3000 N are applied at the intermediate points shown.

Let A be the cross-sectional area of the bar, and E be the
modulus of elasticity.
Elongation of AD = elongation of AB + elongation of BC
+ elongation of the bar CD

Since there is a rigid support at D, there is a reaction R at

D which causes contraction of AD, i.e.

As there is no change in the length of the bar AD, we have

1) A Textbook of Strength of Materials By R. K. Bansal
2) Strength of Materials By R. K. Rajput

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