EcologicalSanitationHandbook PDF
EcologicalSanitationHandbook PDF
EcologicalSanitationHandbook PDF
Practitioner’s Handbook
UNICEF, India Country Office provided valuable inputs at various stages to make this
publication possible.
? Mr Yogesh J Khabale
? Mr Shivam Nigam
Various sources, texts and websites which have been consulted to compile national and
international case studies are gratefully acknowledged and find mention in the
References Section.
Contents Pages
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Ecological Sanitation
1. Introduction to Ecological Sanitation
and safe water. It includes home sanitation and Further, in the conventional sanitation
safe disposal of liquid, solid waste and human approach, faecal matter and urine are dealt with
excreta. Sanitation is a fundamental requirement as waste, not as a resource, and thus fail to
to ensure safe health, environment and the recover useful products in it. Since conventional
overall well being of the society. Unless proper, sanitation systems fail to fulfil the fundamental
functional sanitation facilities are in use principles of sustainable development, there is
complemented with the right types of hygiene an urgent need to explore alternative sanitation
behaviours, communities will be vulnerable to systems which are capable of fulfilling this
recurrent incidences of water and sanitation important objective.
related diseases.
This publication explores the alternative
The interlinkages of sanitation with many other sanitation approach called “Ecological
development issues such as health, education, Sanitation”, which is gaining increased attention
agriculture and poverty alleviation have been in sanitation discourse in recent years across the
acknowledged widely in recent years. As a globe. Ecological sanitation is an approach
result, sanitation has been included as one of the based on the principle of “minimum resource
priority areas in the Millennium Development utilization and maximum resource recovery”.
Goals (MDGs) laid out by the United Nations. This approach can offer sound sanitation
solutions in a framework of sustainable
While sanitation has been rated as one of the development.
important medical advancements since 1804,
several studies reflect that conventional Major part of this publication focuses on
sanitation technologies have been responsible ecologically sound sanitation solutions that
for pollution of water bodies & propagation of minimize resource consumption and attempt to
water-borne diseases. Majority of the world’s eliminate pollution of natural ecosystems. In the
population having access to sanitation facilities context of rural India, where substantial
still rely on either “Flush and Discharge” or numbers of sanitation facilities at household and
“Drop and Store” systems. school levels are being created in mission mode,
promotion of sound sanitation practices
Drop and store systems can be simple and founded on the principle of ecological sanitation
relatively low cost but have many drawbacks. will be of great benefit to rural communities in
Often they cannot be used at all on rocky general and especially to communities living in
ground, where the groundwater level is high or ecologically fragile areas.
in areas periodically flooded. They require
1.1 Sanitation Scenario in India efforts towards achieving water and sanitation
coverage in all schools.
Sanitation scenario of rural India has improved
quite significantly over the years due to the Presently, of the 7.66 lakh primary and upper
sustained efforts of the Government of India. primary rural schools in India, 85% have water
Rural sanitation coverage in India was a mere supply facilities, 58% have sanitation facilities
1% in 1980. Presently, over 73% of the rural and 43% have separate toilets for girls.
population has been covered due to these
While there is significant improvement in the
sanitation situation in rural India, issues such as
The Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) launched poor usage of toilet facilities, low priority and
by the Government of India in 1999 has been a awareness on sanitation among rural
key factor for this success. The TSC programme communities, lack of adequate water and
with a focus on awareness generation and infrastructure in schools are some key issues
demand creation brought out significant change that still need to be addressed. Emerging issues
in the sanitation approach. Introduction of the such as contamination of surface and ground
Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) in 2003 under the water due to flush & discharge or drop & store
TSC, an incentive scheme for open defecation systems need to be addressed urgently.
free villages, brought out significant impetus to Promotion of sanitation technologies based on
the programme by leveraging participation of ecological sanitation has an important role in
the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in addressing these issues.
sanitation promotion.
Figure 1.1 Faecal-oral disease transmission via fluids, fields, flies, fingers
responsible for diarrhoeal diseases. Most of the Studies reveal that absence of separate toilet
common diseases which lead to infant mortality facilities for girls in school is a major cause for
such as diarrhoea, typhoid, cholera, worm very high drop out rates among them. In India,
infestations and respiratory diseases can be only 4 out of 10 girls who enrol in schools
prevented by providing safe drinking water and complete schooling.
sanitation facilities.
Apart from impact on health, lack of sanitation
Disease causing pathogens in human excreta are facilities has a direct linkage to the economic,
passed on by an infected person to another literacy and social well being of a society.
person via various routes: flies, on fingers, in Diseases caused due to the absence of water and
fluids and via surfaces such as fields (Figure sanitation facilities impact economic well being
1.1). Improved sanitation and hygiene practices of individuals as well as that of the nation. For
interrupts these routes of transmission and example, diseases burden due to simple and
helps in preventing faecal-oral disease preventable diseases leads to increased medical
transmission. Therefore, sanitation is termed as exchequer and infrastructure for treatment. An
the “Primary Barrier” against the faecal-oral estimate by Central Health Bureau, Ministry of
disease transmission. Health and Family Welfare, Government of
India, shows that every year over 180 crore
One gram of excreta contains productive man days worth of Rs 1,200 crore is
lost due to diarrhoeal diseases in the country.
1 crore viruses
10 lakh bacteria
1,000 parasite cysts and eggs
to go through a complex treatment
Elimination of organic matter and nutrients
at sewage treatment plants requires
enormous amounts of energy and chemicals.
Use of freshwater to transport human
excreta in sewers results in high drinking
water demand. In water-scarce regions,
additional pressure is put on limited
freshwater resources.
Figure 1.2 Flush and discharge method of disposal
Drop and store method of treating human
maintenance costs of managing the flush excreta onsite has limitations too. Ground
and discharge systems are not affordable water especially in coastal areas and areas
even by many developed nations of the with shallow water table get contaminated
world. Developing nations can ill afford the by disease causing pathogens and nitrate
huge costs of environmental restoration present in human excreta.
such sanitation systems in the long run.
Valuable nutrients present in human excreta
are misplaced in the water bodies and 1.4 Ecological Sanitation
environment as these conventional Systems : Advantages & Novel
sanitation technologies fail to recover useful
products. As a result, a linear flow of
nutrients from rural areas to urban areas Ecological sanitation systems render human
and nutrients accumulate in water bodies excreta safe, preventing pollution rather than
resulting in pollution. attempting to control it after pollution takes
place and proposes to use the safe products of
Pathogens present in faeces contaminate
sanitized human excreta for agricultural
fresh water and the resulting sewage needs
purposes. Therefore it can be characterized as a
“closed loop” sanitation system which treats
human excreta as a resource. Human excreta are
processed until they are completely free of
disease organisms. Nutrients obtained in the
form of compost and urine are recycled by using
them in agriculture. As ecological sanitation
systems adopt treatment processes that closely
mimic the cycles of nature, it is sustainable and
has no negative impact on the environment.
Ecological sanitation systems lead to saving processed as crystal fertilizer.
enormous quantities of fresh water since
urine diverting dry toilets and waterless ?
Recovery of nutrients from human excreta
urinals do not require water for flushing. using ecological sanitation systems can
effectively substitute mineral fertilizers
Faeces and urine which require different which are non-renewable whose prices have
treatment processes can be handled easily increased multifold due to depletion of oil
when separated at source. Studies show that and phosphate rock reserves.
the segregated treatment approach is both
energy efficient and cost effective. ?
Linking sanitation and agriculture using
ecological sanitation approaches can play a
Separation of faeces, which has high major role in ensuring health security as
pathogen levels, from urine and absence of well as food security of economically
water used for flushing, significantly weaker sections of society.
reduces the volume of waste fraction to be
By using ecological sanitation approach
pollution of water sources and the risks 1.5 Total Sanitation Campaign
posed by diarrhoeal diseases due to unsafe (TSC)
disposal of human excreta can be mitigated.
Rural sanitation came into focus in the
Ecological systems facilitate decentralized
Government of India in the World Water
and sustainable treatment options for safe
Decade of 1980s. The Central Rural Sanitation
disposal of human excreta.
Programme was launched by the Government
of India in 1986 to address rural sanitation in
Compost obtained from ecological sanitation
India. It was a supply driven, highly subsidy
toilets is a good soil conditioner and
and infrastructure oriented programme. As a
increases soil fertility.
result of these deficiencies and low financial
Urine, which is usually sterile, is rich in allocations, the CRSP had little impact on the
nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium can gargantuan problem. The experience of
be directly applied to crops or further community-driven, awareness-generating
campaign based programmes in some states and
the results of evaluation of CRSP, led to the
formulation of the Total Sanitation Campaign
(TSC) approach in 1999.
Application of
nutrients to crops
The Total Sanitation Campaign is a ‘community
led’ programme with increased emphasis on
Cultivation and
awareness creation and demand generation for
Defecation harvest sanitary facilities in houses, schools and for
cleaner environment. TSC adopts a
comprehensive and integrated strategy for
sanitation promotion which includes intensive
IEC Campaign and behavior change
Figure 1.4 Closing the loop through ecological sanitation
communication involving Panchayati Raj
Institutions, Co-operatives, Women Groups, Self ?
Motivate communities and Panchayati Raj
Help Groups, NGOs, technology improvisations Institutions in generating felt demand for
to meet the customer preferences, hygiene sanitation facilities through awareness
practices, solid and liquid waste management. creation and health education.
Encourage cost effective, appropriate and
Objectives sustainable sanitation technologies in
The main objectives of the TSC are as under:
Develop community managed
Bring about an improvement in the general environmental sanitation systems focusing
quality of life in the rural areas. on solid and liquid waste management.
Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas Sanitation Components under TSC
and achieve cent percent sanitation coverage
by 2017. Increased attention to software components
such as Information, Education and
Cover Schools and Anganwadis with Communication (IEC), human resource
sanitation facilities in rural areas by 2013 development, capacity building and generation
and promote hygiene education and of demand for sanitary facilities were included
sanitary habits among students. in the programme. Introduction of supply chain
Pattern of Allocation Total Cost Centre Share State Share Beneficiary Share
Incentives Per Unit Cost of Household Toilets (only for BPL families) a
School Toilets b
Plain areas Upto Rs 35,000 Upto 70% Upto 30% If necessary, mobilisation
(Rs 24,500) (Rs 10,500) from PTA or from other
Hilly areas Upto Rs 38,500 Upto 70% Upto 30% funds such as MPLADS /
(Rs 26,900) (Rs 11,550) MLALADS can be done.
Anganwadi Toilets
Plain areas Upto Rs 8,000 Upto Rs 5,600 Upto Rs 2,400 If necessary, other funds like
Hilly areas Upto Rs 10,000 Upto Rs 7,000 Upto Rs 3,000 MPLADS / MLALADS can
also be utilised.
Community Sanitary Upto Upto Upto Upto
Complexes c Rs 2,00,000 Rs 1,20,000 Rs 60,000 Rs 20,000
a Incentive for toilet construction is only provided to BPL families. The state government is free to provide
c Community Sanitary Complexes are provided where people live in congested locations or they do not
mechanisms such as rural sanitary marts, community.” Existing financial allocations
production Centers and provision for matching earmarked under TSC for all the respective
grants has helped in supporting the demand locations mentioned above can be utilized for
generated. promoting ecological sanitation technologies.
Efforts may be made by States to integrate
To address safe disposal of solid and liquid Ecosanitation with ongoing TSC projects.
waste financial allocation has been earmarked in
the TSC programme. Table 1.1 provides the
details of the current allocation pattern for the
hardware activities under the TSC programme.
Chapter 2
Ecological Sanitation
2. Ecological Sanitation
them are also transported. This implies
movement of nutrients from the production area
to the area where they are finally utilized.
Table 2.1 Major elements present in human excreta (Source: Esrey et al. 2001)
Nutrients Nutrients in 500 Nutrients in 50 Total Fertilizer needed to grow
litres of Urine litres of Faeces 250 kgs of cereal
Table 2.2 Major nutrients present in human excreta and quantity of nutrients required to grow 250kg cereals
(Source: WEDC)
2.2 Nutrients in Human Excreta The basic steps adopted to render safe handling
and recycling of human excreta are listed below:
Urine and faeces excreted by human beings are
a rich source of nutrients like nitrogen, ?
Source Separation : Source separation of
phosphorous and potassium. On an average, faeces, urine and wash water and ensuring
every human being excretes 500 litres of urine that no water be used for flushing would
and 50 litres of faeces in a year. These values reduce the volume of pathogenic material.
vary according to age and dietary habits of an Only the faecal fraction needs to be paid
individual. Urine contains significant portion of great attention.
nutrients excreted by the human beings. Studies
Isolation : The pathogenic material should
suggest that around 80% of nitrogen, 66%
be isolated until it is safe for recycling and
phosphorous and 80% of potassium are present
this eliminates the risks of contamination.
in urine. Feaces is rich in organic carbon with
over 80%.
Volume Reduction : The volume and
weight of pathogenic material is reduced by
As illustrated in Table 2.1, the amount of dehydration and/or decomposition to
nutrients present in human excreta of a person facilitate storage, transport and further
annually correspond to the amount of fertiliser treatment.
needed to produce 250 kg of cereal, which is
Sanitization : Reducing pathogens to a
also the amount of cereal that a person needs as
harmless state, by sanitization: primary
food every year. Therefore, food security of
treatment on-site (dehydration /
every human being can be ensured if nutrients
decomposition, retention), secondary
are recovered back from excreta. Such an
treatment on / off site (further dehydration,
approach to human excreta management would
high temperature composting, changes in
ensure not only food security but also much
pH by the addition of lime), and, if
desired sustainable environment.
necessary, tertiary treatment (incineration).
Urine is usually sterile; unless it is cross
contaminated with faeces, while it is important
to inactivate pathogens present in human
excreta before it is applied to agricultural lands.
2.3 Recycling Nutrients present
Treatment processes which can be adopted to in Excreta
render human excreta safe are discussed in the
forthcoming sections. Urine and faeces can be safely recycled back to
soil after treatment. Suitable treatment options very good soil conditioner. Some benefits
can be introduced through ecological sanitation exhibited by compost are improved soil
systems appropriate to the situation. structure and water holding capacity, good
microbial activities, prevention of pests and
Urine can be subjected to various treatment disease, moderation of temperature, slow
processes like storage, volume reduction, release of nutrients and binding of heavy
hygienisation, struvite recovery and metals.
evaporation. Direct application of urine to crops
after a short storage period is the most preferred
option being adopted in rural areas presently.
However, direct application of urine over a 2.4 Ecological Sanitation
sustained period may lead to increase in soil Systems
salinity of agricultural lands requiring
periodical monitoring and mitigation measures. Any sanitation system that sanitises waste
Collection of urine from urban areas and materials and facilitates recovery of useful
institutions like schools and public places, substances can be termed as an ecological
transportation of large volume of urine sanitation system. However, it is quite difficult
increases the cost of application. Therefore, and a challenging task to classify the numerous
methods like struvite recovery, volume methods which can be utilised to achieve this
reduction and evaporation are being explored. purpose. Single or a range of systems in
Urine has proved to be a quick acting multi- combination can be employed to achieve this
component fertiliser which has very low heavy objective. The following schematic
metal content. Better plant yield, taste and plant representation shows various ecological
characteristics have been observed among sanitation systems which can be employed to
plants fertilised with urine. address major waste streams.
Dehydration or decomposition processes are In this section, a few important cost effective
applied to eliminate pathogens present in faeces. and decentralised ecosanitation systems which
Aeration, increased temperature, high pH due can be employed in rural areas to treat human
to addition of ash and lime and microbial excreta are discussed. However, ecosan is not
activities are some factors responsible for limited to these technologies alone, other
inactivation of pathogens in faeces. Compost
obtained from the process is rich in carbon and a
Figure 2.3 Recycling nutrients from excreta for food Figure 2.4 Overview of various ecological sanitation
security systems (Source : GTZ)
The faeces and additive of soil, wood ash or dry
leaves added after every use are collected in a
chamber or removable bin placed directly below
the toilet seat. By maintaining dry conditions
inside the chamber and by enhancing air
circulation through vent pipes provided to the
chamber, dehydration of faecal matter is
achieved. Due to factors such as increase in pH,
higher temperature, aeration and dehydration,
the mixture is sanitised and desiccated into a
fine power-like substance after isolation period
of 9-12 months. This dry residue or compost
Figure 2.5 Ecosan toilet with twin chambers (UDDT)
collected from the vault is a good soil
conditioner which can be applied to agricultural
technologies which are capable of meeting these lands.
objectives would also be considered as
ecological sanitation systems. Urine diverted to a storage tank can be applied
to crops as a nitrogen rich fertiliser containing
Ecosan Toilets (UDDT)
both phosphorous and potassium. Urine which
is usually sterile does not require treatment
Urine diverting dehydrating toilets which are
unless cross contamination with faeces occurs.
commonly termed as “ecosan toilets” are widely
Wash water containing pathogens is diverted
being adopted across many parts of the world
safely to a soak pit or a plant bed provided
due to their versatile application and
outside the toilet.
operational ease. Unlike other systems, ecosan
toilets utilise dehydration process which is less
Ecosan toilets help in saving water, preventing
complex and best suited to most places. Faeces,
contamination of ground water and recycling
urine and wash water, especially in places like
nutrients excreted by human beings to
India, where people follow ablution after
agriculture. It is suited for construction in all
defecation, need to be separated using a
types of regions including dry, cold, hilly and
specially designed toilet 3-hole seat (Figure 2.5).
plain areas.
Figure 2.6 Process of construction of Arborloo composting toilet (Design: Peter Morgan, Zimbabwe)
Arborloo much like the Arborloo; however it has two pits
constructed with ring beams placed over them
Arborloo is a composting toilet which is widely permanently. Only the squatting slab and
used in various parts of Africa. Faeces and urine superstructure are moved between the two pits
are collected together in an unlined pit. After when one of them gets filled-up. Lining side
every use, soil, dry leaves or ash are added to walls of the pit with dry stones or bricks
prevent odour and increase the carbon content without mortar provides stability to the side
of the mixture. A movable superstructure is wall of the pits.
placed over the pit to offer privacy to the users.
The ring beam provided around the pit on top Once one pit gets filled-up, it is covered with
and the squatting plate placed over it is moved soil and the contents are allowed to compost for
to a new location after the pit is filled-up. a period of 6-9 months before emptying. The
compost emptied from the pit is applied as
A thick layer of soil cover is placed over the manure to crops and plants. The two pits
filled-up pit and is allowed to settle for some constructed initially are used in rotation by
time. Later, vegetables or fruit plants are grown moving the squatting slab and the
over it. It is observed that plants grow very well superstructure.
due to fertile composted material available
below. Arborloo type composting toilets are Diverting the wash water to a separate soak pit
more suited to areas where ground water table should be considered in order to prevent odour
is very deep and as also for dry regions. and any possible ground water contamination
through leaching. Fossa Alterna is suited for
If Arborloo is implemented in Indian conditions, areas where ground water table is very deep
diverting the wash water to a separate soak pit and for dry regions.
should be considered in order to prevent smell
inside the pit and any possible ground water The Ventilated Improved Double Pit toilets also
contamination through leaching. function similar to Fossa Alterna.
Fossa Alterna is also a composting type toilet Biogas reactors such as fixed or floating dome
being widely promoted in Africa. It functions
Figure 2.7 Use of Fossa Alterna composting toilet Figure 2.8 Toilet linked biogas system
(Design: Peter Morgan, Zimbabwe)
type can be utilised to recover useful products Dewats systems of treating sewage provides
from human and animal excreta and other useful by-products and the possibility of
organic waste from kitchen and agricultural recycling water used for flushing and washing.
farms. Useful products such as biogas (methane) Dewats system usually includes a settling tank,
for cooking purposes and enriched slurry for anaerobic digester and constructed wetland or
fertilising lands can be obtained from biogas polishing pond for complete disinfection of
plants. pathogens present in human excreta. In a
Dewats system, biogas from anaerobic digester
When toilets are linked to biogas plants, low can also be obtained; however due to higher
water-solid ratio must be ensured by using low- operation costs and maintenance requirements,
flush toilets or with suitable water-solid it is normally not desired.
separation devices. Addition of solid materials
like cow dung and organic wastes to the biogas Dewats system is more suited for institutions or
plants apart from human excreta can help in a cluster of households where large quantity of
reducing the water-solid ratio. sewage is generated and sufficient land area is
available for construction of its various
Slurry generated from biogas plants treating components. While, smaller modules for
human excreta will contain pathogens. individual households can also be adopted,
Therefore, secondary composting of the slurry is proper system for treatment of waste water
essential before it is applied to agricultural must be ensured.
Water conserved from the system after ensuring
Biogas plants linked to toilets can be constructed pathogen destruction can be used for irrigation
for individual or a cluster of households and at and toilet flushing purposes. Sludge collected
institutions like residential schools. Biogas periodically from the system must be subjected
plants perform very well in locations with to secondary composting before application to
temperatures above 15 degrees. Cold climates agricultural lands.
severely limit their performance.
A case study on Dewats implemented by the
Dewats Ecosan Services Foundation in Maharshtra is
Figure 2.9 Dewats system for decentralised Figure 2.10 Secondary composting facility having
treatment of faecal sludge (Design: Ecosan Services two composting chambers for alternative use
Foundation, India)
included in the chapter on case studies in this ensure prevention of odour emission. Urine
publication. collected from homes, schools, institutions and
public places can be stored in tanks and can be
Other systems (Secondary Composting) utilised for recovering nutrients present in
human urine for productive industrial and
Faeces collected prematurely from ecosan
agricultural purposes.
systems would contain pathogens. Contents
emptied periodically from single vault ecosan Waterless urinals can be adopted widely in all
toilet vaults or bins, removable or rotating locations. Odour prevention using traps
vaults or the sludge removed from Biogas or available in the market or developed using low-
Dewats systems must be treated before using cost devices adopted from locally available
them as compost. For such shorter retention materials can be utilised. However, regular
systems, secondary composting facilities must maintenance of the systems is essential to ensure
be provided for ensuring completion of their effective performance.
pathogen inactivation from the contents
Waterless Urinals
Ecosan Systems Plain Areas Dry Areas Cold & High Coastal Areas Flood Plains Maintenance Cost Suitable
with Deep Altitude with High Locations
Water Table Areas Water Table
UDDT Double Vault Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable, if on Easy Low Households
raised level Schools
Double Vault with Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable, if on Easy Medium Households
Solar Panels raised level (vault and Schools
panels Community
increase the
Single Vault with Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable, if on Complex Very Low Households
Removable Bins raised level (replacement (depends on Schools
of bins) the type of Community
bins used)
Revolving Vaults Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable, if on Easy High Households
raised level Schools
Composting Double Vault Suitable, but Suitable, but Not Suitable Suitable Suitable, if on Complex Low Households
Toilets Composting Toilet moisture moisture for very cold raised level (maintaining Schools
content content regions C:N ratio & Community
needs to be needs to be moisture
maintained maintained content)
Arborloo Suitable Suitable Not Suitable Not Suitable Not Suitable Easy Very Low Households
Fossa Alterna Suitable Suitable Not Suitable Not Suitable Not Suitable Easy Low Households
Other Toilet linked Suitable Suitable Not Suitable Suitable Suitable, if on Complex High Households
Systems Biogas (Low raised level Schools
Efficiency) Community
Dewats System Suitable Suitable Not Suitable Suitable Suitable, if on Complex High Schools
for very cold raised level Community
Waterless Urinals Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable Suitable, if on Easy Low Households
(freezing of raised level Schools
pipe line & Community
storage tank
must be
Table 2.3 Features of different ecosan systems and their suitability for different locations
Chapter 3
Ecosan Toilets –
Design Principles
3. Ecosan Toilets – Design Principles
Design Parameters Average Values
Ultimate desiccated volume of faeces and additives 0.25 to 0.4 litres / per person per use
Volume of urine 0.25 to 0.3 litres / per person per use
Wash water 1 to 2 litres / per person per use
Storage period of faeces for inactivation of pathogens 9–12 months (after a vault fills-up and is sealed
for decomposition)
Storage of urine Varies based on the collection frequency and size
of the urine storage tank
Table 3.1 Design parameters and their average values for Ecosan Toilet design
Vent pipe : Vent pipes provided to the ecosan pan ranges between Rs 500 – Rs 2000
chambers facilitate aeration, moisture removal depending on the material used and design.
and increase in temperature. Many agencies also use low-cost on-site
separation arrangements for pan fabrication to
Toilet Structure : Covered super structure reduce cost.
provided to the toilets offer privacy to the users
and also protects the chambers from rain, cold Squatting Pans
weather and from insects and animals.
Squatting type ecosan pans with two-hole
Urine Storage : Collection of urine in a storage and three-hole separations are available in
tank provided within or outside the toilet the market or can be fabricated onsite.
facilitates its application as liquid fertilizer for
crops. ?
In the two-hole separation pans, a drop hole
for faeces and a collection area for urine are
Wash Water Disposal : Planted beds or soak provided. Wash water is either removed
pits provided outside the toilets facilitate safe from a separate anal washing area provided
disposal of wash water containing faecal matter. in the toilet or it is disposed in the urine
collection area itself, if the user is not keen
Additives : Wood ash, soil, saw dust and dry on separate collection of urine. Each
powdered leaves can be added as additives to chamber is provided with a separate pan.
the faeces to remove moisture, increase pH and
achieve desired C:N ratio of the mixture.
In the three-hole separation pans, urine, saving cost of installation. However, if urine
faeces and wash water are removed using a collection is desired, a separate washing
single pan which has separate collection area must be provided.
areas meant for each of these components.
However, a separate pan is provided for ?
Two or three-hole separation can also be
every chamber in the ecosan toilet. created onsite while fabricating cover slabs
for the chambers. For this purpose, holes
required for faeces collection, urine and
wash water collection areas are created in
the slab while fabricating it. After
installation of the slab, using cement mortar
and pipes and plumbing accessories, the
separations are created onsite. Onsite
creation of separation reduces the high cost
required for installation of pans available in
the market.
Dimension of the faeces drop hole is usually
Figure 3.2 Three-hole ecosan toilet pan (left) and kept around 8 inches in either circular or
Two-hole ecosan toilet pan square shape. In schools and anganwadis,
some agencies provide a faeces drop hole of
4 to 6 inches depending on the age group of
Some manufacturers offer pans which have
a urine collection area and two drop holes
for faeces collection. Therefore, a single pan Pedestal and Bench Type
installed in the ecosan toilet can provide
access to both the faeces chambers while ?
Pedestal and bench type ecosan toilet pans
urine is collected in a common urine are being used in Europe and Africa where
collection area located in the centre. Privacy people practice wiping for anal cleansing.
is ensured by building a wall at the halfway These pans have only urine and faeces
mark of the 2 user pan. Such pans help in separation arrangements. There is no
Figure 3.3 Single ecosan toilet pan provided over Figure 3.4 Providing on-site separation over concrete
both the chambers slabs using cement mortar
provision for wash water separation in these under a UNICEF supported project to
pans. In the Indian context provision for develop a pedestal type pan with wash
wash water separation is a must. water separation facility, but further
research is required to develop a sound
Bench type ecosan toilet seat (Fig 3.5) can be option.
constructed onsite using masonry and by
fixing specially designed urine separation
seats. Such seats are being produced in some
of the European countries. 3.3 Faeces Collection and
Isolation of faeces for decomposition and
pathogen inactivation can be achieved by
providing faeces collection chambers below the
ecosan toilet pans. Either removable or
stationary chambers can be used for this
purpose. The type of chamber is chosen based
on factors such as site condition, space
availability and decomposition process desired.
Size of the chambers is decided based on the
number of users, decomposition process
Figure 3.5 Bench type ecosan toilet pan with two selected, user space required for fixing ecosan
toilet seats and a common washing area in the pans and convenience.
Double Vault
In bench type toilet seats, a bidet can be
Twin chamber type ecosan toilets are built
provided along side the ecosan pans for anal
in many places, especially at households, as
they can be managed very easily. (Fig 3.6)
Pedestal or bench type ecosan pans can
In twin chamber type ecosan toilets, after a
facilitate comfortable use of toilets by old
and physically challenged people.
Therefore, further work is needed to
provide a better wash water separation
facility to address this issue.
Ideas like using the idle ecosan pan for anal
washing after necessary modifications or
providing a separate bidet for anal washing
can be explored. Bidets which function very
much like wash basins are used for anal
washing in many western countries.
An attempt was made by EEDS, Bhopal Figure 3.6 Double vault ecosan toilet with 3-hole
separation pans over each vault
chamber gets filled-up, it is sealed and the ?
Where a secondary composting facility is
contents are allowed to decompose over a available, faeces collected in the chamber
period of 9 to 12 months approximately, can be transported to a secondary
while the other chamber is put into use. composting facility periodically. However,
this method requires careful handling and is
Upon dehydration, the contents are not a recommended option due to risks of
collected and applied as manure to pathogen exposure.
agricultural fields or backyard gardens.
On the other hand, use of removable bins
A twin chamber ecosan toilet must have which can also be used as decomposition
clear inner space of 1.65 m x 1.30 m between chambers finds wider application. As soon
walls for ease of use and fixing two ecosan as a bin gets filled up, it is replaced with an
pans. Height of the chamber is kept as 0.6 m empty bin to collect faeces. The bin which is
for a household with 5 members. However, full is moved either within the additional
height of the chambers can be increased to space available in the chamber or moved
accommodate additional requirements outside to a safer location to allow maturing
needed in places like schools and of the contents.
community toilets.
Bins made up of materials like tin or plastic
To provide safe access to elderly and can be used. In some locations, use of gunny
physically challenged, floor area of the bags for collecting faeces is found effective.
ecosan toilets can be increased as per the It is better to keep the size of bin or bag
requirement. small for ease of handling.
The chambers must have access openings to ?
Access door must be provided to the faeces
remove decomposed materials from the collection chamber for removing the
chambers after a period of 9-12 months. For contents or the bins kept in it.
this purpose, rear face of the chambers is
kept open and sealed using a removable slab ?
Size of single chamber ecosan toilets are
by applying lean cement mortar or mud smaller in size as space for fixing an
puddle. Ready made stone slabs or concrete additional pan is not required like the twin
slabs fabricated onsite can be utilised for this
Chambers must have an impermeable
flooring to ensure dry condition and prevent
Single vault ecosan toilets are constructed
where a secondary composting facility is
available for composting or space for
building a twin chamber ecosan toilet is a
constraint or reduction in cost is desired. Figure 3.7 Single vault ecosan toilet with a 2-hole
separation pan and removable bins
chamber toilets. A size of 0.9 m x 1.30 m at an inclined position.
clear inner space would be sufficient.
Solar panels made up of metal, aluminium
Bins stored outside for maturing must be or fibre sheets can be used, but these should
covered to prevent entry of rain water or be painted black for maximum absorption of
contact with insects. solar radiation.
Single chamber removable bin model of ?
Access openings to chambers are usually
ecosan toilet is best suited for terraced provided by installing solar panels which
buildings where an ecosan toilet is desired can be opened to remove desiccated
on first floor or on higher floor. materials or the bins placed inside the
Solar Drying Vaults
The solar panels installed should be water
Solar drying vaults enhance dehydration tight to prevent leakage of rain water into
rate of faeces and pathogen inactivation due the chambers.
to increased temperatures in the faeces
chamber. Therefore, it is a desired feature in ?
As India lies in the northern hemisphere,
cold and high altitude locations. It can also maximum sunshine can be captured by a
be promoted in other areas if faster rate of surface facing southern direction. Therefore,
dehydration is desired. as far as possible solar panels should face
the south direction.
Solar panels can be fixed either to a single or
double vault ecosan toilet. Each chamber ?
Maximum solar radiation is captured if sun-
must be provided with a separate solar rays strike the solar panels at right angles.
panel. For this purpose, an inclination equal to
latitude of the place is recommended. As the
The construction arrangements of solar average latitude of India can be considered
vault ecosan toilets are very similar to single as 15 to 20 degrees, the panels should be
or double vault chamber ecosan toilets. installed at an angle between 15-20 degrees
However, the rear portions of the chambers facing south.
are extended to accommodate solar panels
Revolving Vaults
Chambers of revolving type consist of
several tanks fabricated either by dividing a
large cylindrical tank into smaller tanks or
by assembling smaller tanks into a unit
which has several bins.
A shaft and a rotating platform provided
below the tank facilitate rotation of the unit.
When a tank gets filled up, replacement of
Figure 3.8 Solar bench type ecosan toilet with one
tank can be performed easily using
seat and removable bins revolving vaults.
Dehydration of contents in the filled up bins ?
A fine charcoal mix prepared using
occur within the toilet. The contents can be powdered charcoal, finely cut wood (e.g.
removed after it matures by emptying the sawdust, sliced-cut wood, coconut husks
bin through access doors provided. etc.) and limestone or volcanic soil is added
as additive to cover the faeces after every
A commercial brand of revolving type use.
ecosan toilet – “Carousel” is being
manufactured in Norway. ?
To induce “lacto-fermentation” process, a
specially prepared liquid mix (consisting of
effective micro-organisms including lacto-
bacilli) is sprinkled over the charcoal mix
added after every use.
A single chamber with removable bins is
used for this process. No vent pipe needs to
be provided to the chamber as lacto-
fermentation is an anaerobic process that
does not produce odour.
Faeces drop hole must always be kept
covered to create anaerobic conditions.
Figure 3.9 Revolving vault ecosan toilet “Carousel”
However, occasional opening of the lid for
(Source: EcoSanRes)
defecation won’t affect the process.
As the vaults can be positioned under the ?
Bins which are full must be covered and
ecosan toilet seat by rotation, installation of stored for a period of 2-4 weeks.
one toilet seat is sufficient.
Later, the contents further processed for a 2-
However, cost and maintenance of the 4 weeks period by vermi-composting results
system is higher than double vault type in fine Tera Petra Soil like compost. No
ecosan toilet. Industrial fabrication and addition of biowaste is essential for vermi-
presence of moving parts makes it composting as the saw dust and sliced wood
expensive. added as additives are available in the
Terra Preta Sanitation
Also, addition of 500 ml liquid-mix with
Terra Preta Sanitation (TPS) is a recent microbes prior to storage of urine in tanks
innovation which mimics the Terra Preta do prevents formation of ammonia. This helps
Indio, an anthropogenic black soil that was in controlling odour generated by stored
produced by ancient cultures in the Amazon urine and ammonia released from urine.
region through the conversion of biowaste
and faecal matter into long-term fertile soils.
Toilet arrangement similar to a single vault
ecosan toilet is used in this process.
3.4 Vent Pipe prevent leakage of urine into faeces
chamber. Leakage of urine into faeces
Vent pipe is important for the functioning of
? collection chambers hinders the dehydration
ecosan toilets as they facilitate aeration, process and causes unpleasant odour in the
conduct heat for better dehydration of toilets.
faeces and prevent development of odour in
the toilets. ?
Most ecosan pans manufactured presently
do not have an odour controlling measure to
A single vent pipe can be provided to both
? prevent odour generated from the pipes
the chambers using pipe fittings like elbow carrying urine and the urine storage tanks.
and couplers. It should be secured well to
the wall of the toilet using clamps. ?
To prevent this, measures such as placing a
small spherical plastic float over the
Diameter of the vent pipes should be at least drainage hole of urine separation area of the
100 mm and in humid areas it can be pan, fixing a flexible flat tube at the end of
increased up to 250 mm to handle higher the urine pipe inside the storage tank or
moisture levels. extending the urine pipe up to the floor of
storage tank so that urine collected in the
The vent pipes should be painted black for tank itself acts as an odour seal can be
better absorption of solar radiation. PVC adopted.
pipes are commonly used as vent pipes
since they do not corrode. ?
Storage capacity of urine collection tank
depends on the number of users and urine
For effective functioning of the vent pipes, application cycle desired. At household
they should be fixed vertically and should level, jerry cans of 15-20 litres capacity are
not be having any bends to accommodate used as urine storage tanks which can be
roof projections. Bends in vent pipe reduces directly transported to agricultural fields.
its effectiveness. For schools and public places, large
masonry or HDPE tanks can be installed for
Vent pipes should be taken at least 50 cm storing urine.
above the roof level for safe release odour
into the atmosphere and must be provided ?
Further details on urine storage and
with a cowl wrapped with a screen to handling are provided in the waterless
prevent entry of rain water and flies. urinal section of this manual.
discharge the wash water generated from are added as additives absorb excess
ecosan toilets. moisture present in the faeces. These
materials also helps to reduce odour,
Location of the soak pit or wash water must prevents contact of flies and unsightly view
be isolated and safe. to the next user.
Soak pit filled with gravel, brick bats and ?
Addition of these materials increases the
sand can be utilised for discharging the carbon-nitrogen ratio which is good for the
wash water into the ground safely. composting process and for application to
Plat bed of Canna Indica or any other plant
used for phyto-remediation can be raised ?
Materials like sanitary napkins, clothes and
near ecosan toilets to safe dispose wash toilet paper or any other inorganic material
water. like plastic, bottles should not be put in the
faeces chambers as the dehydration process
Size of the soak pit or plant bed required will not be effective to the decompose of
depends on the number of users and type of these materials.
soil. Usually, a plant bed of 3 ft x 3 ft area or
a soak pit of 3 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft volume is ?
As far as possible, the additives should be
adequate for a household toilet. collected and stored in dry seasons after
proper screening. Contact with insects like
Size of the soak pit or plant bed must be cockroaches should be prevented.
increased accordingly for schools and public
places where volume of wash water ?
A bucket and scoop can be used for storing
generated is high. additives in the toilet. After every use, the
user must sprinkle handful of additives over
the faeces collected in the chamber.
3.7 Additives ?
To simplify the process of addition of
additives, special additive dispensers like a
Dry ash, soil, saw dust and crushed leaves hand held tipping container with holes on
the cover or a mechanically operated
dispenser can be designed to suit the
Chapter 4
Ecosan Toilets - Planning,
Design Considerations
and Technological Options
4. Ecosan Toilets - Planning, Design Considerations and
Technological Options
Chapter 4
will be often required especially for should be designed in such a way that
implementing ecosan toilets in schools and maintenance becomes easy. Measures like
public places. Individual household ecosan open plumbing and removable joints for
toilets may also need such changes due to water and sanitary fittings, proper floor
reasons such as space constraints and user slopes and wall tiling inside the toilet and
convenience. circulation areas can be quite efficient in
ensuring cleanliness.
? Future Demand: Taking care of future
demand is key aspect involved in design. ? Materials and Skills : The systems designed
Based on the data available, the future must make full use of materials and skills
growth in the number of users must be available in a given area. As far as possible,
worked out and incorporated in the design. dependence on external materials and skills
Also, the facilities designed must allow should be avoided as it will have a bearing
expansion of the facilities to accommodate on the sustainability of the structures
additional requirement without becoming created.
redundant as far as possible.
? Cost : The structures designed should be
? User and Child Friendliness : Ecosan toilets based on the available financial resources
created in schools, public palaces and and the benefits it offers to the community.
households with people with special needs Inappropriate design which does not take
must be designed according to their these factors into consideration eventually
requirement. The ecosan toilets must be will fail to yield desired results.
designed with facilities such as ramp,
railing, toilet doors and circulation space
with wheel chair access, special toilet chair
designed for use in ecosan toilets, handles 4.3 Design Considerations
and door locks. Similarly, ecosan toilets built
in schools and anganwadis should The standard design considerations based on
incorporate facilities based on the the requirement of users and local climatic
anthropometric requirement of children. In conditions are useful in optimising the design of
addition, anganwadi ecosan toilets must toilet units. The design considerations can be
have good ventilation, adequate space, child grouped into various aspects such as
friendly ecosan toilet pans and safety anthropometric requirements, climatic
measures such as opening in doors so that conditions and wind and sunlight penetration.
latches can be opened from outside, etc. Some of these details are adopted from SSHE
Manual published by UNICEF and DDWS
? Combining Facilities : As far as possible, prepared by VINYAS.
combining the facilities helps in reducing
cost and saving space. Building shared
water tanks, soak pits, urine collection tanks
and common walls for toilets meant for both 4.3.1 Anthropometric Data
sexes in school and community ecosan
It is important to adopt proper anthropometric
toilets can be useful in this regard.
data for the design of structures to achieve user
Easy Maintenance : The facilities created friendliness in the facilities provided. The
considerations must address the need of people facilities. Households having people with
with special needs as well. It is very important special needs can also consider incorporation of
with regard to the design of school ecosan toilets facilities to cater to their needs for enabling use
where children of different age group and of the facilities created on their own.
varied capacities are expected to use the
S.No Component Recommended Standard
1 Ramp ? An ideal slope of 1:18 or a minimum of 1:12 with a minimum width of 1000 mm
must be maintained for access by wheel chair users independently
? The height of the railing should not exceed 780 mm and must have a lower level
support at 600 mm level for younger children
? The length of railing should be extended beyond 300 mm from the sloped ends of
the ramp
? Antiskid tiles must be used for flooring of ramp
2 Doors ? The entrance doors and toilets designed for the use of children / people with
special needs must be minimum 1000 mm wide
? All other doors should be at least 700 mm wide
? Doors must have two door handles at 1025 mm and 693 mm height from finished
floor level for use by children and adults
? Doors shutters should be installed above 100 mm above finished floor level
? Provide see through jalli above 900 mm level from finished floor level in the
entrance doors to prevent collision among the users
? Door edges must be painted with contrasting colours to assist chi ldren with low
3 Urinals For Boys :
? The boys urinal must be 500 mm wide and 600 mm in depth
? Separators or walls between urinals must be installed
? Walls must be impervious either with glazed tiles or plastering
For Girls :
? A enclosed urinal cubicle of minimum 700 mm width and inner length of 800 mm
? Doors must be provided with handles and latches according to age
? Hooks for hanging clothes must be provided
4 Ecosan ? Size of ecosan toilet for the use of children / people with special needs must be
Toilets minimum 1750 mm x 2100 mm
? Specially designed chairs with washing arrangements and strong handles for
offering support to children / people with special needs must be provided in
ecosan toilets designated for their use
? Other ecosan toilets with two chambers must be at least 1200 mm x 1500 mm in
? At least one incinerator in one of the girls toilet is a must
? Provisions like hooks, latches and handles for variable age group s must be
? One ventilator should be provided for each toilet
5 Hand ? The hand washing facility must be accessible to children of varying age group.
washing ? Sloping or stepped or independent wash basins can be installed for this purpose.
? Taps must be installed at 600 mm to 770 mm height over the wash basins.
? Top level of wash basins must be between 400 mm to 600 mm
? Chubby holes must be provided for holding soaps at 500 mm to 600 mm height
Table 4.1 Anthropometric Data for Design of Ecosan Toilets
4.3.2 Design Parameters for climatic conditions help in optimising the
design. The following table provides the design
Different Climate Zones
considerations of key elements in a toilet unit
Climatic conditions across India are very diverse for various climatic zones across India.
and the toilets designed based on the local
Parameter West Coastal Tropical East Coastal Peninsular Plains Gangetic Plains Desert Areas Eastern Hill
Tropical Areas
1 Site Good rainwater Good rainwater Good rainwater Good rainwater Nothing specially Good
drainage essential drainage drainage essential drainage essential in required rainwater
essential view of the flat terrain drainage
and possibility of essential
water stagnation
2 Layout Building to be on the Building to be Building to be on Building to be on the Building to be on Building to be
E-W to NE-SW axis to on the E-W axis the E-W axis to East-West axis to the East-West axis on the East-
reduce solar heat to reduce solar reduce solar heat reduce solar heat to reduce solar West axis to
gains and improve heat gains gains in summer gains in summer and heat gains in reduce solar
wind movements and most part of receive the same in summer and heat gains in
winter winter. Location of receive the same summer and
rooms to be judicially in winter. receive the
determined Compact same in winter
planning to avoid
exposure to sun
3 Air Good arrangements Single banked Single banked Open spacing Not critical but Opens spacing
Movement for cross ventilation modules with modules for good desirable to take desirable and desirable to
good cross ventilation advantage of external hence compact take advantage
arrangement for air motion for cross planning needed of external air
cross ventilation ventilation just to fit. motion for
Excessive air changes cross
in summer or winter ventilation just
brings in heat or cold to fit
respectively from
4 Opening 25% of floor area and Upto 25% of Upto 25% of floor maximum 25% and Maximum 12% of Upto 25% of
upto a maximum of floor area and area and up to a upto 30% of floor area floor area floor area and
30% for ventilation, up to a maximum of 30% for ventilation and up to a
air movement and maximum of for ventilation, air day lighting maximum of
day lighting low sill 30% for motion and day 30% for
heights, ventilation and lighting. Winter ventilation and
windows/ventilators day lighting sunshine may be day lighting
horizontal desirable
5 Roofs May be light weight Light weight Light weight Roofs should be roofs can be flat. May be light
but should be with short time insulative or designed for moderate May be white weight but
insulative. Protection lags may be medium heavy rains. May be white washed for should be
against heavy rainfall sufficient. with short time washed for additional additional insulative.
necessary. Design for lags may be comfort, just before comfort, just Protection
moderate rains sufficient. Design onset of summer, to before onset of against heavy
for moderate rains. reduce heat gains summer, to rainfall
False ceiling and reduce heat gains necessary
attic ventilation
may be useful.
Northern positions
may need heavy
foors also
6 External Light weight, and Light weight, Light weight with careful consideration May be thick with Light weight if
walls thin, if possible, short and thin, if short time lags will should be given to long heat transfer possible with
time lag for heat possible, with suffice. Local plan internal lag time short time lags
transfer. Light short time lag conditions may occupancy during hot for heat
external colours. for heat dictate heavy summer months insulation.
Walls rain protected insulation. Light walls. Light Light external
external colours, colours on walls colours, damps
damp proofed proofed
Figure 4.2 Design considerations of key elements of toilet unit for various climatic zones
4.3.3 Wind and Sunlight Sunlight Penetration
Chapter 4
the regular maintenance requirements, a suitable materials can be used for
single chamber ecosan toilet with removable construction of ecosan toilets.
bins can be chosen. ? Cost of household ecosan toilets can be
drastically reduced by using low cost
iv) Retention Period materials like bamboo, thatch, gunny bags,
etc., for the construction of superstructure.
? A minimum retention period of 10 months However, care should be taken to prevent
for pathogen inactivation of faeces and entry of rainwater into the ecosan toilet.
additive mixture in the faeces collection
chamber must be considered in the design. vii) Customized designs
? If bins or any other removal method of ? The ecosan toilets can be constructed as per
collection is proposed for use, the bins or the the convenience of users either within or
secondary composting process where faeces outside the house.
is processed must take the appropriate
retention period required for pathogen ? If the ecosan toilets are attached to bath
inactivation. rooms, care must be taken to prevent entry
of shower water into faeces and urine
? Urine can be collected in jerry cans of 10-15 collection tanks.
litres size. These can be stored or directly
transported for agricultural applications. ? Ecosan toilets can also be built in the upper
floors of multi-storey buildings.
v) Floor Space and Level
? This can be achieved either by building
? The minimum floor dimension of ecosan having faeces collection chambers right in
toilets with single chamber must be 1.00 m the upper floors or through special chutes
in width and 1.20 m in length, while it which transfer the faeces to collection
should be at least 1.50 m in width and 1.20 chambers provided in ground floor.
m in length for twin chamber.
4.5.2 Designs, Drawings and
Design details Specification
Brick Walls Hollow Blocks Mud Blocks
Bill of Quantities of Household Ecosan Toilet
7 Plastering
a Plastering of walls in 1:6 sq.m 15.30 92.00 1,407.60
Plastering in 1:4 with water proof
b sq.m 7.99 105.47 842.71
compound for inner sides of the chambers
8 Cement floor
a Flooring sq.m 2.75 140.00 385.00
9 Sanitary fixtures
a Ecosan squatting pan No 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
10 Water and sanitary fittings (inclusive of all materials and labour costs)
Wastewater and urine pipes from toilets
a Rm 5.00 125.00 625.00
(1.5 inch dia PVC)
b Urine tank (20 litres) No 1.00 150.00 150.00
12 Doors
a D1 No 1.00 800.00 800.00
13 Ventilator and windows
a V1 No 1.00 300.00 300.00
4.6 Anganwadi Ecosan Toilet iii) Type of Chambers
vii) Customized Designs
4.6.3 Cost Estimate
The cost of a standard design of an anganwadi
In the design of anaganwadi ecosan toilet,
ecosan toilet considered works out to Rs 80,630.
features like one ecosan toilet, two urinals, hand
The drawings and estimates of the anganwadi
washing facility, raised basement for free access,
ecosan toilet are provided on pages 58 - 61.
RCC roof cover and ceramic tiling on walls and
floors for easy maintenance have been
Bill of Quantities of Anganwadi Ecosan Toilet
# Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount 11 Water and sanitary fittings (inclusive of all materials and labour costs)
1 Excavation a Water pipes (1.25 inch dia GI) Rm 5.00 250.00 1,250.00
a Foundation cu.m 8.48 140.62 1,192.60 b Taps No 2.00 175.00 350.00
b Soak pit cu.m 3.59 140.62 505.15 c Waste pipes (2 inch dia PVC) Rm 12.00 125.00 1,500.00
2 PCC in 1:4:8 d Vent rainwater pipes (4 inch dia PVC) Rm 4.00 260.00 1,040.00
a Foundation cu.m 1.16 3,330.65 3,851.90
e Water tank (500 litres) No 1.00 2,250.00 2,250.00
b Flooring cu.m 0.32 3,330.65 1,065.81
f Urine tank (500 litres) No 1.00 2,250.00 2,250.00
3 Filling
12 Doors
a Foundation cu.m 1.55 62.15 96.39
a D1 No 1.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
b Sand filling cu.m 1.16 410.04 475.65
b D2 No 1.00 800.00 800.00
c Infill in soak pit cu.m 3.59 350.00 1,257.30
13 Ventilator and windows
4 Masonry work a V1 No 2.00 300.00 600.00
a RR masonry in CM 1:6 for foundation cu.m 3.78 2,500.90 9,448.15 b V2 No 1.00 250.00 250.00
b 115mm tk brick work in CM 1:4 sq.m 4.40 367.67 1,618.67 14 Painting work
c 230mm tk brick work in CM 1:6 cu.m 5.10 3,206.20 16,348.55 a Internal white washing Sq.m 34.54 20.00 690.80
d Brick work in CM 1:6 for ramp and steps cu.m 0.30 3,206.20 961.86 b External cement painting Sq.m 20.95 50.00 1,047.55
5 RCC Works c Door and ventilator Sq.m 4.73 70.00 331.10
a 1:2:4 RCC Lintel (all type) cu.m 0.02 4,569.06 105.09 Total Cost 80,630.94
Total Area in sq.m 8.17
b 1:2:4 RCC for (roof slab) cu.m 0.82 4,569.06 3,733.76
Cost per sq.m 9,869.15
6 Slab ( Stone/Precast RCC)
a 75mm tk slab over chambers sq.m 2.41 620.00 1,491.10
b 75mm tk cover for leach pit sq.m 1.73 620.00 1,071.71
c Cover slab for chamber access sq.m 1.13 620.00 697.50
7 Plastering
a Plastering of walls in 1:6 sq.m 55.49 105.47 5,852.37
Plastering in 1:4 with water proof
b sq.m 5.22 105.47 550.55
compound for inner sides of the chambers
8 Ceramic tiles
a Flooring sq.m 5.68 814.16 4,624.02
b Walls sq.m 10.71 857.88 9,187.89
9 Weathering course
a Over roof area using brick ballast and lime cu.m 0.61 1,200.00 735.46
10 Sanitary fixtures
Ecosan toilets with urinals can be built in ? Handwashing facility with one tap for every
schools to cater to the requirements of boys, 20 children is necessary.
girls and teachers. These units must be designed
ii) Volume of Chamber
according to the number of students in schools.
Use of a single ecosan toilet in a toilet complex ? For designing the storage volume of faeces
by a maximum of 40 children and one urinal by collection chamber, an ultimate volume of
a maximum of 20 children is an ideal design desiccated faeces and additive mixture of
capacity to be considered while designing 0.20 to 0.30 litres per person per day can be
school ecosan toilet units for boys and girls. considered depending upon the local
condition and usage pattern.
It is also important to consider the use of ecosan
toilets by children with special needs. Toilet iii) Type of Chambers
units must have ramps, wide doors and larger
sized toilet units to provide access to children ? A twin chamber ecosan toilet is most ideal
with special needs. Provision of washing which requires very minimal maintenance
facilities encourages hand washing practice compared to others.
among children. Ensuring availability of water
in the school ecosan toilet units is very ? Single chamber ecosan toilets will be
important for the proper up-keep. difficult to maintain in a school situation.
needs must be provided in ecosan toilets should be used for walls of schools ecosan
designated for their use. toilets to provide a robust and safe
construction which will lasts for several
? Other ecosan toilets with two chambers years.
must be at least 1,200 mm x 1,500 mm in
size. ix) Customized Designs
? The lower level of the faeces collection ? The school ecosan toilets can be constructed
chambers of ecosan toilets should be above as per the space available and the strength
the high flood level expected in low lying of children in a school.
and flood prone areas.
? Urinals and washing area can be modified
vi) Ramp and Railing to suit the space available.
vii) Incinerator
4.7.2 Design, Drawing and
Design details Specification
Bill of Quantities of School Ecosan Toilet - 80 Capacity
a Foundation cu.m 9.13 62.15 567.43 e Vent and rainwater pipes (4 inch dia PVC) Rm 12.00 260.00 3,120.00
b Sand filling cu.m 2.01 410.04 825.16 f Water tank (1000 litres) No 1.00 4,500.00 4,500.00
c Consolidated brick bats cu.m 7.76 700.00 5,433.75 g Urine tank (1000 litres) No 1.00 4,500.00 4,500.00
d Infill in soak pit cu.m 3.59 350.00 1,257.30 12 Doors
4 Masonry work a D1 No 4.00 1,000.00 4,000.00
a RR masonry in CM 1:6 for foundation cu.m 9.86 2,500.90 24,660.77 b D2 No 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
b 115mm tk brick work in CM 1:4 sq.m 10.47 367.67 3,849.14 13 Ventilator and windows
c 230mm tk brick work in CM 1:6 cu.m 24.80 3,206.20 79,513.76 a V1 No 2.00 300.00 600.00
d Brick work in CM 1:6 for ramp and steps cu.m 2.38 3,206.20 7,630.76 b V2 No 4.00 250.00 1,000.00
5 RCC Works 14 Incineator
a 1:2:4 RCC Plinth and Lintel cu.m 0.10 4,569.06 472.90 a Metal / Masonry incineator No 1.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
b 1:2:4 RCC Roof cu.m 2.92 4,569.06 13,355.36 15 Painting work
6 Slab (Stone/Precast RCC) a Internal white washing Sq.m 41.77 20.00 835.40
75mm tk slab chamber and hand wash b External cement painting Sq.m 35.40 50.00 1,770.00
a sq.m 8.10 620.00 5,022.00
c Door and ventilator Sq.m 68.40 70.00 4,788.00
b 75mm tk cover for leach pit sq.m 2.75 620.00 1,705.00
16 Hand rails
c Cover slab for chamber access sq.m 2.25 620.00 1,395.00
a MS rods and pipes for ramp Rm 10.30 500.00 5,150.00
7 Plastering
Total Cost 301,661.59
a Plastering of walls in 1:6 sq.m 143.00 105.47 15,082.32
Total Building Area in sq.m 26.80
Plastering in 1:4 with water proof
b sq.m 14.67 105.47 1,547.46
compound for inner sides of the chambers Total Cost per sq.m 11,256.03
8 Ceramic tiles
a Flooring sq.m 26.80 814.16 21,819.49
b Walls sq.m 43.41 857.88 37,240.57
c Ramp sq.m 8.61 814.16 7,009.92
9 Weathering course
a Over roof area using brick ballast and lime cu.m 2.01 1,200.00 2,412.00
Bill of Quantities of School Ecosan Toilet - 160 Capacity
c 230mm tk brick work in CM 1:6 cu.m 36.27 3,206.20 116,288.87
a V1 No 4.00 300.00 1,200.00
d Brick work in CM 1:6 for ramp and steps cu.m 1.22 3,206.20 3,911.56
b V2 No 4.00 250.00 1,000.00
5 RCC Works
14 Incineator
a 1:2:4 RCC Plinth and Lintel cu.m 0.14 4,996.44 699.50
Metal / Masonry incineator No 1.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
b 1:2:4 RCC Roof cu.m 4.60 4,996.44 22,983.62
15 Painting work
6 Slab (Stone/Precast RCC)
75mm tk slab chamber and hand wash a Internal white washing Sq.m 151.68 20.00 3,033.60
a sq.m 1.60 620.00 992.00
areas b External cement painting Sq.m 113.15 50.00 5,657.60
b 75mm tk cover for leach pit sq.m 2.75 620.00 1,705.00 c Door and ventilator Sq.m 17.85 70.00 1,249.50
c Cover slab for chamber access sq.m 1.80 620.00 1,116.00 16 Hand rails
7 Plastering a MS rods and pipes for ramp Rm 11.42 500.00 5,710.00
a Plastering of walls in 1:6 sq.m 264.83 105.47 27,931.62 Total Cost 431,899.25
Plastering in 1:4 with water proof Total Building Area in sq.m 45.95
b sq.m 20.00 105.47 2,109.40
compound for inner sides of the chambers
Total Cost per sq.m 9,399.33
8 Ceramic tiles
a Flooring sq.m 36.00 814.16 29,309.76
b Walls sq.m 61.98 857.88 53,171.40
c Ramp sq.m 15.00 814.16 12,212.40
9 Weathering course
Over roof area using brick ballast and
a cu.m 3.45 1,200.00 4,140.00
Bill of Quantities of School Ecosan Toilet - 240 Capacity
13 Ventilator and windows
c 230mm tk brick work in CM 1:6 cu.m 41.59 3,206.20 133,355.75
a V1 No 8.00 300.00 2,400.00
d Brick work in CM 1:6 for ramp and steps cu.m 1.82 3,206.20 5,835.28
b V2 No 2.00 250.00 500.00
5 RCC Works
14 Incineator
a 1:2:4 RCC Plinth and Lintel cu.m 0.20 4,996.44 1,022.77
Metal / Masonry incineator No 1.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
b 1:2:4 RCC Roof cu.m 6.08 4,996.44 30,353.37
15 Painting work
6 Slab ( Stone/Precast RCC)
75mm tk slab chamber and hand wash a Internal white washing Sq.m 188.81 20.00 3,776.20
a sq.m 3.41 620.00 2,114.20
areas b External cement painting Sq.m 123.74 50.00 6,187.00
b 75mm tk cover for leach pit sq.m 2.75 620.00 1,705.00 c Door and ventilator Sq.m 17.85 70.00 1,249.50
c Cover slab for chamber access sq.m 6.75 620.00 4,185.00 16 Hand rails
7 Plastering a MS rods and pipes for ramp Rm 11.50 500.00 5,750.00
a Plastering of walls in 1:6 sq.m 312.54 92.00 28,753.82 Total Cost 537,305.43
Plastering in 1:4 with water proof Total Building Area in sq.m 60.75
b sq.m 19.50 105.47 2,056.67
compound for inner sides of the chambers Total Cost per sq.m 8,844.53
8 Ceramic tiles
a Flooring sq.m 64.00 814.16 52,106.24
b Walls sq.m 77.10 857.88 66,142.55
c Ramp sq.m 11.60 814.16 9,444.26
9 Weathering course
a Over roof area using brick ballast and lime cu.m 4.56 1,200.00 5,472.00
Bill of Quantities of School Ecosan Toilet - 320 Capacity
c 230mm tk brick work in CM 1:6 cu.m 39.82 3,206.20 127,670.88 13 Ventilator and windows
d Brick work in CM 1:6 for ramp and steps cu.m 2.61 3,206.20 8,368.18 a V1 No 8.00 300.00 2,400.00
5 RCC Works b V2 No 2.00 250.00 500.00
a 1:2:4 RCC Plinth and Lintel cu.m 0.18 4,996.44 919.34 14 Incineator
b 1:2:4 RCC Roof cu.m 7.76 4,996.44 38,787.36
Metal / Masonry incineator No 2.00 1,500.00 3,000.00
6 Slab ( Stone/Precast RCC)
15 Painting work
75mm tk slab chamber and hand wash
a sq.m 25.11 620.00 15,568.20 a Internal white washing Sq.m 214.89 20.00 4,297.80
b 75mm tk cover for leach pit sq.m 2.75 620.00 1,705.00 b External cement painting Sq.m 139.38 50.00 6,969.00
c Cover slab for chamber access sq.m 9.00 620.00 5,580.00 c Door and ventilator Sq.m 35.54 70.00 2,487.80
7 Plastering 16 Hand rails
a Plastering of walls in 1:6 sq.m 354.27 92.00 32,592.84 a MS rods and pipes for ramp Rm 11.50 500.00 5,750.00
Plastering in 1:4 with water proof Total Cost 647,011.80
b sq.m 20.36 105.47 2,147.37
compound for inner sides of the chambers
Total Building Area in sq.m 77.62
8 Ceramic tiles
Total Cost per sq.m 8,335.63
a Flooring sq.m 77.60 814.16 63,178.82
b Walls sq.m 98.37 857.88 84,389.66
c Ramp sq.m 11.40 814.16 9,281.42
9 Weathering course
a Over roof area using brick ballast and lime cu.m 5.82 1,200.00 6,984.00
4.8 Community Ecosan Toilets 0.20 to 0.30 litres per person per day can be
considered depending upon the local
Ecosan toilets can also be constructed at condition and usage pattern.
community level in densely populated areas
where space for promoting household ecosan iii) Type of Chambers
toilets is a constraint. Either a large scale
? A twin chamber ecosan toilet is most ideal
community ecosan toilet complex or a
which requires very minimal maintenance
decentralised row type ecosan toilet unit can be
compared to others.
promoted in such scenarios. Row type units
have an advantage as these can be easily ? Single chamber ecosan toilets will be
maintained by few families (3 – 4 numbers) who difficult to maintain in a community set-up.
would use the toilet. A large community
complex would require a very systematic iv) Retention Period
maintenance routine.
? A minimum retention period of 10 months
Community ecosan toilet complex also must be for pathogen inactivation of faeces and
made accessible to people with special needs. additive mixture in the faeces collection
Therefore, provisions like ramp and toilets chamber must be considered in the design.
which can accommodate wheel chair must be
provided. Other provisions like incinerator in ? Urine can be collected in a tank of 500-2000
women's toilet can be provided. litres capacity can be installed based on the
number of users. Provision should be made
A community ecosan toilet complex for a village for transporting urine for agricultural
with a population of 500 has been considered in applications.
this section. A row ecosan toilet with four toilet
units has been designed for the use by 12 v) Floor Space and Level
families (i.e. one toilet for three families) with a
total of 50 members. ? In a large community ecosan complex, at
least one ecosan toilet for people with
special needs with a minimum size of 1750
mm x 2100 mm should be provided
4.8.1 Design Considerations separately in toilet units meant for men and
i) Capacity
? Specially designed chairs with washing
? Community Complex - One ecosan toilet for arrangements and strong handles for
20 persons. offering support to children with special
needs must be provided in ecosan toilets
? Row Toilets - One ecosan toilet for 3 families designated for their use.
chambers of ecosan toilets should be above
the high flood level expected in low lying
and flood prone areas.
vii) Incinerator
viii)Construction Materials
4.8.2 Design, Drawings and
Design details Community Ecosan Toilet Complex Row Ecosan Toilets
finish with RCC roof, urine diverting pan, urine
collection tank and wide steps for accessing the
toilets are provided. Where necessary, these
units also can be made friendly to people with
special needs by incorporating a ramp and
specially designed ecosan toilet chair.
Bill of Quantities of Community Ecosan Toilet Complex
# Item Unit Qty Rate Amount a Over roof area using brick ballast and lime cu.m 7.25 1,200.00 8,700.00
1 Excavation 10 Sanitary fixtures
a Foundation cu.m 50.23 140.62 7,062.78 a Ecosan squatting pan No 36.00 800.00 28,800.00
b Soak pit cu.m 3.59 140.62 505.15 b Girls/Ladies urinal squatting pan No 8.00 400.00 3,200.00
c Ramp cu.m 2.21 140.62 310.49 c Boys/Mens urinal pans with odour trap No 8.00 500.00 4,000.00
2 PCC in 1:4:8 11 Water and sanitary fittings (inclusive of all materials and labour costs)
a Foundation cu.m 6.85 3,330.65 22,811.62 a Water pipes (1.25 inch dia GI) Rm 35.00 250.00 8,750.00
b Flooring cu.m 6.42 3,330.65 21,382.77 b Taps No 12.00 175.00 2,100.00
c Ramp cu.m 1.54 3,330.65 5,129.20 c Waste pipes (2 inch dia PVC) Rm 35.00 125.00 4,375.00
3 Filling Wastewater and urine pipes from toilets (3
d Rm 120.00 185.00 22,200.00
inch dia PVC)
a Foundation cu.m 26.00 62.15 1,615.90
e Vent and rainwater pipes (4 inch dia PVC) Rm 78.00 260.00 20,280.00
b Sand filling cu.m 8.51 410.04 3,489.44
f Water tank (2000 litres) No 1.00 9,000.00 9,000.00
c Consolidated brick bats cu.m 6.80 112.81 767.11
g Urine tank (2000 litres) No 1.00 9,000.00 9,000.00
d Infill in soak pit cu.m 3.59 112.81 404.99
12 Doors
4 Masonry work
a D1 No 2.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
a RR masonry in CM 1:6 for foundation cu.m 33.39 2,500.90 83,505.05
b D2 No 16.00 800.00 12,800.00
b 115mm tk brick work in CM 1:4 sq.m 204.42 367.67 75,159.10
c D3 No 2.00 700.00 1,400.00
c 230mm tk brick work in CM 1:6 cu.m 76.81 3,206.20 246,268.22
13 Ventilator and windows
d Brick work in CM 1:6 for ramp and steps cu.m 0.88 3,206.20 2,821.46
a V1 No 18.00 300.00 5,400.00
5 RCC Works
b V2 No 3.00 250.00 750.00
a 1:2:4 RCC Plinth band cu.m 1.75 4,569.06 7,997.23
c W1 No 3.00 750.00 2,250.00
b 1:2:4 RCC Lintel band (all type) cu.m 0.55 4,996.44 2,758.03
14 Incineator
c 1:2:4 RCC for sill slab cu.m 6.94 4,996.44 34,675.29
a Metal / Masonry incineator No 4.00 1,500.00 6,000.00
d 1:2:4 RCC for roof slab cu.m 9.66 4,996.44 48,265.61
15 Painting work
6 Slab ( Stone/Precast RCC)
a Internal white washing Sq.m 597.00 20.00 11,940.00
a 75mm tk slab under hand wash areas (all) sq.m 1.05 620.00 651.00
b External cement painting Sq.m 219.00 50.00 10,950.00
b 75mm tk cover for leach pit sq.m 2.75 620.00 1,705.00
c Door and ventilator Sq.m 64.39 70 4,507.13
c Cover slab for chamber access sq.m 20.25 620.00 12,555.00
16 Hand rails
7 Plastering
a MS rods and pipes for ramp Rm 12.13 500.00 6,065.00
a Plastering of walls in 1:6 sq.m 786.00 105.47 82,899.42
Total Cost 10,57,322.40
Plastering in 1:4 with water proof Total Area in sq.m 10,4.99.00
b sq.m 166.73 105.47 17,585.01
compound for inner sides of the chambers Total Cost per sq.m 10,070.70
8 Ceramic tiles
a Flooring sq.m 78.42 814.16 63,846.43
b Walls sq.m 142.41 857.88 122,170.69
c Ramp sq.m 8.00 814.16 6,513.28
9 Weathering course
Bill of Quantities of Community Row Ecosan Toilet
d Brick work in CM 1:6 for ramp and steps cu.m 1.31 3,206.20 4,200.12
5 RCC Works
a 1:2:4 RCC Lintel (all type) cu.m 0.09 4,569.06 411.22
b 1:2:4 RCC for (roof slab) cu.m 1.45 4,569.06 6,625.14
6 Slab ( Stone/Precast RCC)
a 75mm tk slab over chmabers sq.m 11.98 620.00 7,427.60
b 75mm tk cover for leach pit sq.m 1.73 620.00 1,071.71
c Cover slab for chamber access sq.m 1.80 620.00 1,116.00
7 Plastering
a Plastering of walls in 1:6 sq.m 125.60 92.00 11,555.20
Plastering in 1:4 with water proof
b sq.m 40.16 105.47 4,235.68
compound for inner sides of the chambers
8 Cement floor
a Flooring sq.m 17.97 140.00 2,515.80
9 Weathering course
a Over roof area using brick ballast and lime cu.m 1.09 1,200.00 1,308.00
10 Sanitary fixtures
a Ecosan squatting pan No 8.00 800.00 6,400.00
11 Water and sanitary fittings (inclusive of all materials and labour costs)
Wastewater and urine pipes from toilets (2
a Rm 18.00 125.00 2,250.00
inch dia PVC)
b Urine tank (500 litres) No 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
Chapter 5
Waterless Urinals
5. Waterless Urinals
grow crops carcinogenic in nature.
Recover fertiliser & other chemicals from
5.3 Functioning of Waterless
Reduce emission of green house gases and
pollution of water bodies
Odour associated with urine severely affects the
performance of urinals. The enzyme urease
present in sewer lines hydrolyses the urea
5.2 Disadvantages of
present in urine into ammonia and carbonate.
Conventional Water Flush Urinals The latter decomposes spontaneously to
carbonic acid and a second molecule of
Conventional water flush urinals use ammonia. The overall reaction can be written as
approximately 4 litres of water for flushing. follows:
This figure goes up to 10-15 litres when a
toilet pan with flush is used for urinating.
NH2 (CO) NH2 + 2H2O →NH3 + NH4+ + HCO3-
Water used for flushing urine (liquid human
Flushing with water is employed to control
waste is over 95% liquid) increases the
odour in the conventional urinals whereas
volume of sewage generated in cities.
waterless urinals are provided with odour
control mechanisms installed to the urinal seats.
Odour control in conventional urinals is
Similar to conventional urinals, waterless
only achieved by the use of water and
urinals also require regular cleaning routines
deodorising agents.
based on the number of users. However,
Use of hard water for flushing urine leads to waterless urinals can be cleaned using a moist
scale formation causing blockages in sponge or brush without the use of water.
drainage lines.
Precipitation of salts present in urine and other
Dampness in urinals offers favourable deposits such as hair, dead skin cells and
environment for growth of microbes and cigarette butts can potentially block urinal
result in air borne infections. drains. Use of hard water for flushing in
conventional urinals also aggravates the
Hand operated valves used for flushing Sch em atic D iagram Show ing F unc tio nin g o f U rinals
conventional urinals may lead to W ate r
Valves and plumbing lines used in Ur in e U rin e
cleaning conventional urinals contaminate Figure 5.2 Schematic diagram showing functioning of
waste water generated as some of these are urinals
problem. Both these problems are also when
eliminated in waterless urinals. Further, precipitates of
installation cost and maintenance cost of urine and
waterless urinals is less on account of absence of foreign objects
expensive flushing valves and fittings. such as
cigarette butt
get deposited
in the trap.
5.4 Odour Traps
The sealant
Odour trap mechanisms fitted to waterless liquid also
urinals assist in preventing odour developed needs refilling
inside the drainage lines connected to urinals as they Figure 5.3 Sealant liquid type
waterless urinal odour trap
from entering rest rooms. The first waterless evaporate and (source:
urinal trap using sealant liquid method was also get
patented by Mr Beetz of Austria in 1894, and washed away owing to the urine flow.
was commercially exploited by the company F
Ernst Engineer in Zurich, Switzerland, who was Merits
the sole supplier of waterless urinals worldwide
Performance of sealant liquid based odour
for approximately 100 years. Since then, apart
traps has been found to be very good. In
from sealant liquid traps, odour prevention
countries such as USA, presently,
methods using microbial control and membrane
legalisation permits only use of liquid filled
/ curtain valves have been developed across the
globe. The following section describes some of
the popular odour prevention traps available in
the market in detail.
To retrofit an existing conventional urinal
into sealant liquid type waterless urinal, the
old urinal pans have to be replaced.
5.4.1 Sealant Liquid Type Odour
Traps ?
Models of waterless urinals working based
on the sealant liquid are expensive than
Odour traps using sealant liquids made of other models.
vegetable oils or aliphatic alcohols are fitted to
urinal bowls to prevent odours from reaching ?
Regular replacement of cartridges and
the washroom. As sealant liquids have lower refilling of sealant liquid increases the
specific gravity than urine, these allow passage maintenance cost.
of urine but prevent odour emitted by drainage
lines. The sealant liquid is contained either
within a replaceable or built in cartridges ?
In India, sealant liquid based waterless
provided to the urinal pans. urinals are being marketed by companies
such as Parryware, Hindware, Falcon and
Cartridges need to be replaced or cleaned
The cost of a waterless urinal pan with ?
Membranes need to be replaced between
sealant liquid trap ranges from Rs 6,000 to three months to six months depending on
Rs 15,000. quantum of usage.
The cleaning frequency depends directly on
the number of uses per day.
5.4.3 Biological Blocks for Odour using Biological blocks.
Control ?
Any existing conventional urinal can be
converted into a waterless urinal by
Biological blocks
providing biological blocks to urinal pans.
used for making
urinals into Demerits
waterless contain a
number of active ?
Regular use of biological blocks increases
ingredients, the maintenance cost.
microbial spores Availability
and surfactants.
These blocks are ?
Biological blocks are being marketed by
placed either in the several suppliers in India.
urinal pans or
Figure 5.5 Biological blocks
At present, the biological blocks are priced
housed within a
placed in urinals for odour around Rs 20 per block.
dome inserted into control
the urinal waste
outlet to gain contact with the urine flow.
Apart from regular cleaning of urinal pans,
there is no maintenance required for water
urinals functioning using biological blocks.
Biological blocks need to be replaced
approximately 2-3 days based on the usage.
Biological blocks are found to be effective in
making urinals water free. In India, few
corporate offices and malls have started
5.4.4 Comparison of Popular
Odour Traps in the Market
Description Membrane Traps Sealant Liquid Biological Blocks
Odour Control Good Good Good
Cost of the Trap can be fitted to existing New Urinal Pan with Any urinal can be made
system urinal pans costing around cartridge has to be waterless using bio-
Rs 500 - 1750. Cost of a trap procured. A single urinal blocks. A bio-block costs
is Rs 1200 (Silicone Curtain costs Rs 6,500 - 14,000 Rs 20 (Lasts for 2-3 days
Valve of Addicom). depending on no. of
Retrofitting of Traps can be fitted to New sealant liquid based Bio-blocks can be placed
Existing Urinals existing urinals urinal pans to be installed in existing urinal pans
Replacement of Membrane needs to be Sealant Liquid (approx. Bio-blocks need to be
Parts replaced once in a year. 1000 uses) & cartridge replaced once 2-3 days
replacement (approx. based on usage.
once in a year).
Clogging High (Silcone curtain valves Medium Low
Frequency require low maintenance)
Maintenance of High Medium Low
Pan & Trap (only pan)
Flow of < 2 mm size particles Particles accumulate in Same as in normal urinals
Particles trap cartridge
through Trap
Dependence on Supply of membranes Supply of cartridge and Supply of bio-blocks
Suppliers sealant liquid
A U-bend can be fitted to the urinal drainage
5.4.5 Other Type of Odour Traps
pipe below the urinal seats to retain some
Air enclosing trap using an adsorbing quantity of urine to prevent entry of odour
membrane sheath and a spring controlled tray from the plumbing lines or storage tank.
to facilitate passage of urine by gravity has been However regular cleaning of the U-bend
introduced by Sunming in India recently. The may be necessary to remove scales formed
model does not require replacement of due to precipitates.
The drainage pipes transferring urine to
An odour trap Zerodor which does not require collection tanks from urinals can be
replaceable parts or consumables resulting in extended up to the bottom of collection
low maintenance costs has been developed at tanks so that the stored urine in the tank
IIT Delhi. This model is in final test stage yet to itself acts as liquid seal.
be made commercially available.
Pouring some quantity of oil in the
Other than the commercially available odour collection tank also helps to create a seal
traps, few simple and low-cost techniques are over the collected urine to prevent odour.
being utilised to create waterless urinals. This method is suitable only for small
collection tanks like jerry can.
Installation of U bends in the Use of surgical gloves or rubber Extending the urine collection pipes
pipe line tubes below the urinal pans into the floor of the urine collection
tank or by pouring oil in it
Figure 5.6 Simple low-cost methods for making waterless urinals
Flexible rubber tubes, surgical gloves or wide must be raised by at least 100 mm with
condoms with a small hole at their closed a slope of 1:100 towards the wall to avoid
end can also be fixed to urinal pans with flow of urine spilling due to carelessness of
suitable plumbing arrangement to act as the users.
odour traps.
Provision for separate scour/drain vents for
Platform below the urinal cubicle of 600 mm Figure 5.7 Layout of a urinal having separate urine
and floor drainage provisions
draining the wash water used for cleaning 5.5.3 Drainage Pipes and Fittings
the floor of the platform and passage areas
of the urinals must be provided. This should ?
There should not be any sharp 90° bends in
not be clubbed with main urinal pipes the urine drainage pipes to prevent
carrying urine. This should be drained into accumulation of deposits.
to a soak pit or a plant bed.
Pipes carrying urine should be at least 2 inch
Walls of the urinals should not be porous as in diameter (except the connector lines
porous walls might absorb urine spilling below the urinal pans) and they must be laid
outside the urinal pan. Glazed tiles or with a slope of at least 1:100.
enamel painting up to the top level of urinal
seats must be provided from the floor level. ?
Connector pipes from urinals seats must be
secured well to the main urine drainage
pipes to prevent odour emission.
Cleaning staff must wear gloves and face
masks while attending maintenance works.
Users of urinal must be educated to avoid
spitting, throwing of cigarette butts and
chewing gum in the urinal pans.
Capacity of Tank (litres) = No. of Users x Volume of Urine (litres / day) x Storage Period (days)
No. of Users = No. of users expected to use the facility per day
Volume of Urine = Usually 1.5 litres per person per day must be taken. For day schools about 0.5 litre per
student can be adopted.
Storage Period = It depends on the emptying frequency desired. A minimum of 15 days can be taken for
ease of operations.
Note: It is advisable to install more than one tank totaling the total capacity of tank calculated in view of
maintenance requirements that may arise periodically
way air admittance valve can be provided to gas pressure can be provided in large tanks.
equalize gas pressure in the pipeline. Instead cover of the urine tank can also be
kept slightly loose or a very thin vent pipe
can be fixed to the storage tanks on top for
this purpose.
5.5.4 Storage of Urine and
Pumping ?
Use of gloves and face mask is a must for
inspection and urine emptying routines.
Storage tanks made of plastic materials,
Storage tanks should be located in safe
inflatable rubber and high quality masonry
locations to prevent any untoward incidents.
can be used when reuse of urine is intended.
These can be over ground or below ground,
Urine can be emptied either manually or
but adequate precautions for structural
pumped out using pumps from collection
safety must be followed. The following
relation can be used to calculate the capacity
of storage tank required. ?
For large storage tanks where electric pumps
are installed, it is advisable to use non-
The inlet pipe to the urine storage tank
corrosive pumps which can handle some
should be extended up to floor level to
amount of sludge load.
prevent turbulence in the tank.
For small storage tanks, very small
A one way air admittance valve to equalise
submersible pumps with plastic impellers
Figure 5.10 Use of protective gears during maintenance of waterless urinals is very important
which are normally used in household air
coolers can be used.
Ensuring a gradient of 1:100 and providing
glazed tiles for the drains can help in
smooth flow of urine from the urinals and to 5.7 Innovative Urinal Designs
reduce odour in the urinals.
Public toilets that are badly designed, badly
It is preferable to filter urine using sand and maintained, and poorly located generate a sense
charcoal filter bed before it is collected in a of neglect, attracting vandalism, anti-social
storage tank. This is especially behaviour and social disorder. Poor quality of
recommended for secondary or high schools construction and inappropriate designs of
where older girls use the urinals during urinals lead to improper use of facilities in most
menstrual periods. By providing this cases. As a result, most urinals suffer from the
arrangement, collection of unwanted vicious cycle of bad use and improper
materials other than urine can be prevented. construction or maintenance.
The sand and charcoal filters must be Waterless urinals are a good option to be
periodically cleaned and the waste collected considered while promoting public urinals
must be disposed either in the ecosan toilet because they overcome the need for water as
chamber or composted outside in a separate
well as infrastructure required for conventional
urinals. Unmanned public urinals usually
constructed on streets and less density areas can
be improved to provide better aesthetic and
environment to the user. Quality of construction
is an issue in most of such stand alone urinals
constructed in less crowded areas.
Figure 5.14 Drawing of public urinal kiosk established at IIT Delhi
Advantages of Waterless Public Urinal Kiosks Ficus planted around the urinal. For enabling
uniform distribution of urine to the plant bed, a
Open and green surrounding provides good perforated pipe connected to the urinal is laid
aesthetic environment. along the plant bed. As urine contains essential
plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphate and
Low cost of construction and easy to
potassium, these are utilized by the plants for
their growth. The plantation also doubles as a
hedge around the urinal offering privacy to the
Quality of construction is assured due to
centralised production.
The bed must be surrounded by earthen bunds
Any concrete fabrication industry can
to prevent flow of urine to nearby areas during
produce it.
rainy seasons. At periodic intervals, watering
Strong RCC structure can withstand any act and emptying of the phosphate deposits is
of vandalism. carried out to maintain the system. Treatment
for reducing salinity of the soil must be taken up
Low odour due to open surroundings and at regular intervals.
requires lesser space.
Suitable for parks, road side sites, schools
and institutions.
Suitable for parks, road side sites, schools,
institutions and individual houses.
Requires lesser space and easy to install
Lower level of ammonia smell due to open
Figure 5.17 Schematic of green urinal established at IIT Delhi (Photo: R Sakthivel)
may 5.9 The Way Forward
urine as Institutions and Public Places: Installation of
solder and waterless urinals should be made mandatory for
metal cap of institutions and public places. Enforcing proper
the bulb maintenance routines for the upkeep of
contains waterless urinals in such locations will result in
heavy conservation of fresh water and reduce
metals. environmental pollution.
Construction of these urinals is very low Female Urinals: Innovative designs of waterless
cost. urinal designs are yet to be developed for
meeting the requirements of female population.
In rural areas, when cans are full, they can be
Currently, toilets double as urinals for the use of
transported to agricultural plots for fertilisation
female population. In schools, squatting slabs
of crops when they are full.
connected to open drains are being used as
5.8 Cost Estimate urinals for girls. As a result, issues like increased
cost of construction, excessive odour problems,
A standard waterless urinal seat can be created
poor maintenance and inconvenience to the
in the cost range of Rs 500 to Rs 8,000. The cost
users are being faced. Therefore, further work to
of installation depends on the type of odour trap
address the above issues needs to be taken up.
Industrial Application of Urine: Apart from the
In a large toilet unit where a number of urinal
use of urine in agriculture, industrial
seats are created, the cost of pipeline and
applications using human urine need to be
storage facilities have to be included apart from
developed to utilise the urine harvested by
the cost of urinal seats and odour traps. The cost
installing waterless urinals. Diverting and
of installation of waterless urinals are included
collecting urine separately from sewage can
in the standard designs provided in Chapter 4.
reduce nitrate levels in the effluents discharged
to water bodies and ground water. The problem
of eutrophication of the water bodies can also be
prevented due to lower of levels of nutrients,
especially phosphate.
Chapter 6
Hygienic Operation and
6. Hygienic Operation and Maintenance
Additive must not be allowed to fall into
urine or wash water separation areas to
6.1 Safe Use of Ecosan Toilets & prevent clogging.
Waterless Urinals
Ablution Water
? A mug or container must be used for
6.1.1 Ecosan Toilets
1 2 3 4
bringing water into the ecosan toilet for the 6.2 Maintenance of Ecosan
purpose of ablution.
Toilets and Waterless Urinals
Water used for ablution must be handled
with care to avoid spilling of it into 6.2.1 Ecosan Toilets
faeces chambers.
Careful and judicial use of water in the
Hygiene ecosan toilet is recommended.
? Hand washing using soap/mud/ash after
defecation should be practiced for ensuring ?
It is advisable not to have provision of
hygiene. running water in the ecosan toilets.
It is always better to wear footwear while ?
Vent pipe should be periodically checked for
using the toilets. blockage and cleared.
Other Precautions ?
Access vents of faeces chambers must be
? Lid of faeces drop hole must always be sealed properly and no leakage from it or
covered when not in use. into it should be allowed.
Doors of the toilets must be kept closed to ?
Water should never be allowed to enter
prevent entry of rain water or any pet faeces collection chamber.
animals and insects.
If accidentally or by mistake water is added
Toilet seats must only be wiped with moist to faeces chamber, sufficient quantity of
cloth or brush. additive must be added to soak the excess
Rainwater should not be allowed to enter
6.1.2 Waterless Urinals the toilet or faeces chambers. Check whether
doors or ventilators are installed properly to
How to Use Waterless Urinals prevent entry of rainwater into the toilet.
? Waterless urinals are used in the same way
as normal urinals. ?
Wash water beds/soak pit must be
maintained properly to dispose off the wash
However, spitting, throwing cigarette buds, water generated.
beedis or chewing gum is strictly prohibited.
Urine storage tanks should be monitored
Maintenance and emptied periodically.
? Only moist cloth or brush should be used
for cleaning the urinals, water should not be ?
In case insects like cockroaches are found in
used. faeces chamber, dry powdered neem leaves
and turmeric powder may be used to control
Use of chemicals or acids for cleaning is the same. No chemicals should be used for
strictly prohibited. such operations.
6.2.2 Waterless Urinals removing sediments settling in the pipes.
However, this should not be taken up as a
Waterless urinals installed especially in regular activity as it will dilute the urine
schools and public places require regular collected in the storage tanks.
Pipes carrying urine should be cleaned
Only wet cloth or brush must be used for using thin wires to remove settled particles
cleaning the urinals without pouring water especially in long urine collection pipe lines
into them. laid in schools or public places.
No chemicals or acids should be used for ?
There should not be any loose joints in the
cleaning urinals as this affects the fixtures as this would result in leading to
performance of odour traps and also the leakage of urine and emissions of odour.
quality of urine being collected.
Storage tanks must be monitored and
Odour traps fixed to urinals must be emptied at periodic intervals to avoid
checked periodically. Replacement of these overflow of urine.
must be taken up based on requirements
specified by manufacturers.
Occasional flushing with water helps in
Figure 6.2 Provide collection chambers at periodic Figure 6.3 Avoid sharp bends and provide proper
intervals to break length of pipe lines and install slope for the urine collection pipes
bends with openable doors for maintenance
Use only moist cloth and No cigarette butts No spitting in the No use of acids and
brush for cleaning and chewing gum urinal pan chemicals for cleaning
Figure 6.4 Do’s and Dont’s to be followed for maintenance of waterless urinals
6.3 Safe Handling of Faeces and 6.4 Post Implementation Support
Regular inspection of the systems installed
Young children should not be allowed to is a must for identifying the problems before
play inside ecosan toilets or handle urine they get worse.
storage tanks.
Periodic maintenance of ecosan pans,
Persons inspecting or handling large urine waterless urinal odour traps and urine
collection tanks must wear face masks to collection and wash water disposal pipes is
avoid any untoward incident due to strong required to prevent clogging of the systems.
ammonia gas presence.
Schools and families who do not have their
Use of protective hand gloves while own land need support for disposal of
servicing / repairing the systems is contents from chambers and stored urine at
recommended to avoid contact with faecal periodic intervals. Therefore, for
matter. sustainability of the systems created
introducing a system to link farmers who
Use of footwear like shoes / gumboots require these for application to agricultural
while handling urine and faeces helps in lands with owners of ecosan facilities is very
avoiding contact with pathogenic matter. important.
Tools for repairing and containers used for ?
Repairs can occur to the systems installed
removing contents from the systems must due to wear and tear over a period of use.
be cleaned properly and stored after every Therefore, assistance of technicians who are
use. trained to repair these must be made
Timely availability of spares like ecosan
toilet pans, waterless urinal pans and odour
traps, pipes and fittings is a must for
replacing the broken parts. Users must
know where these are available and the
technicians who can fix these.
Figure 6.5 Always wear protective gear like gloves,
mask and footwear while handling faeces and urine
Figure 6.6 Link farmers with schools and landless families having ecosan toilets for disposal and utilisation of
compost and urine at regular intervals
Chapter 7
Ecosan in Disaster and
Special Situations
7. Ecosan in Disaster and Special Situations
The goal often is to minimise implementation Trenches : In disaster relief, trenches for
time and spend the available financial purpose of defecation are created in the same
allocation. Although some of the available way as controlled defecation fields. However,
options are exhibit based on sound principles of instead of the large defecation strips, shallow
managing human excreta, these often fail in (20 - 30 cm wide and 15 cm deep) or deep (0.8 m
coastal, high water table or flood prone areas. wide and 2 m deep) trenches are created in long
Conventional sanitation solution require water strips for disposal of excreta. A wooden
other for serving large number of people.
agencies have successfully adopted ecosan ?
Consistent follow up and support is needed
toilets considering this aspect. However, if to ensure proper use of ecosan toilets.
ecosan toilets are newly introduced to an area
under a disaster relief programme, the real
challenge is to educate people on the benefit of
ecosan toilets very quickly. 7.3 Design Principles and
Benefits of Ecosan toilet in a disaster situation
The design considerations for any sanitation
Ecosan toilets do not cause pollution of
system provided in a disaster relief and
ground water sources in the area.
rehabilitation situation must include the
following sustainability criteria (Kvarnström
Ecosan toilets require very little water only
and Petersens, 2004).
for anal washing.
The sanitation systems promoted should not
Dry faeces collection and urine diversion
pollute groundwater, especially if shallow
decreases the volume of material to be
wells are being used as a drinking water
treated and improves efficiency of the
source, and surface water.
pathogen inactivation process.
The system should not require water for
As ecosan toilets are constructed above the
transporting waste since water is usually
ground level, these are less prone to damage
precious in emergency situations.
in case of flooding and cyclones.
The system should be able to sanitise the
Nutrients from faeces and urine collected
waste to destroy pathogens and prevent
through ecosan toilets can be utilised for
contact of users with excreta to protect
growing agricultural crops and in the
public health.
kitchen garden.
The system must have low capital, (cost as
Challenges in promoting Ecosan toilets
well as operation and maintenance) costs to
Users need to be educated about proper use be financially sustainable.
of ecosan toilet if they are not familiar with
As ecosan toilets meet these criteria, these can be
it already.
promoted as a sound option for safe disposal of
Ecosan toilets are slightly more expensive human excreta in disaster and emergency
than normal toilets. situations. The following aspects in the design
considerations should be adhered to while
Requirement of physical infrastructure to be promoting ecosan toilets in disaster prone areas:
created might take some time before
facilities. ?
Basement and the faeces collection chambers
of ecosan toilets must be raised above the
Recycling of urine and composted faeces high flood level anticipated in an area.
may not be a priority immediately after the
disaster situation. ?
Faeces collection chambers must be water
tight to prevent entry of water during
floods. building ecosan toilets in the areas which are
Doors and ventilators of the toilet must be prone to regular floods and cyclones is
able to prevent entry of rain water during recommended. The designs discussed in
heavy rains. previous section of this publication can be
The material chosen for construction of
ecosan toilet, especially the superstructure An innovative design of a portable ecosan toilet
should be able to withstand wind and heavy constructed using bamboo with removable
rains. containers has been developed for installation in
flood prone areas by Megh Pyne Abhiyan, a
If the area is situated in seismic zones, the NGO working in Bihar. The portable unit can be
structure should be designed considering utilised as normal ecosan toilets by the
the stability required for earthquakes. communities in their houses and the same units
can be shifted to elevated locations during
floods where people stay in make shift
dwellings for some period.
7.4 Promotion of Ecosan Toilets
in Disaster Prone Areas Ecosan Toilets in Rehabilitation Shelters :
Building ecosan toilets in rehabilitation shelters
Ecosan toilets can be promoted in disaster prone which accommodate disaster affected people
areas in two ways. First, permanent ecosan during disaster has several advantages. The
systems can be installed in areas which are ecosan toilets built in such shelters can serve the
identified as disaster prone. Second, temporary need of urgent people when they are
measures can be used for providing sanitation temporarily accommodated in relief shelters
facilities in post disaster situations. These are during disasters.
discussed in the following sections in detail.
Ecosan Toilets in Schools : Apart from
providing ecosan toilets in relief shelters, it can
be promoted in the schools located in disaster
7.4.1 Permanent Measures prone areas. Schools which are usually built as
permanent structures act as relief shelters in
Ecosan Toilets in Households : Although
ecosan toilets can be constructed in almost all
areas, according priority to its promotion in
flood prone areas located in coastal and flood
plains major rivers has a definite advantage. By
installing ecosan toilets in these areas, one can
ensure that people have safe sanitation facilities
even during floods, apart from preventing
ground and surface water contamination.
many areas. Therefore, building ecosan toilets in bag was developed by the Swedish company
schools would be ideal as children and people in “Peepoople” to provide solutions where
the area will become familiar with the use of provision of sanitation infrastructure is not
ecosan toilets. feasible or where they have to be provided
immediately. Therefore, use of peepoo bags for
safe disposal of human excreta is quite suitable
for urban slums and temporary settlements like
7.4.2 Temporary Measures in disaster relief camps.
Relief Operations
The Peepoo bag is a slim, elongated bag (14 x 38
Relief camps with high concentration of people cm) with a thin inner liner (25 x 24 cm) designed
can become a potential place for disease to be used once for defecation and urination.
outbreak if safe disposal of excreta is not Wash water should not be allowed to enter the
provided. Therefore, systems for safe excreta bag, and it should be disposed safely to a soak
disposal must be provided on an immediate pit or plant bed as discussed in earlier sections.
basis. As construction activities to build ecosan
The bag is made from degradable bio-plastic
toilets would take longer time, ready-made
(EU standard EN13432) and comprises a
solutions given below can be deployed
mixture of aromatic copolyesters and
polylactone acid, with small additives of wax
Peepoo Bags : The Peepoo is a single use bio- and lime (the base ingredient of the mixture is
degradable bag used for defecating and safe “Ecoflex” manufactured by BASF in Germany).
disposal of excreta. The chemically treated bag The plastic is produced using 45% renewable
sanitizes human excreta from contaminating the materials (Peepoople intends to find a solution
immediate and larger environment. The peepoo to make the plastic 100% renewable in the
Wash hands with soap after defecation Remove the pee-poo bag and Use the container lined with
or handling used pee-poo bags carefully tie a knot before pee-poo bag for defecation
Figure 7.6 Steps depicting the use of pee-poo bags for safe disposal of human excreta
future). ready well in advance. Some agencies have also
used prefabricated circular RCC rings as faeces
Its two-layer design ensures that the bacteria in collection chambers by dividing it into twin
human excreta do not come into contact with chambers using brick walls. Using such
skin because the inner, wider tube helps to keep prefabricated components the ecosan toilets can
the hands clean when holding or closing the be installed wherever necessary. Cost of such
bag. Each bag contains 4 g of urea, which installations will be quite cheaper than
rapidly destroys pathogens in human excreta commercially produced ready to install toilets.
(including the hard to destroy helminth eggs).
Ammonia produced by urea helps in sanitising Further, research is required on the type of
excreta and makes it safe to use as fertilizer portable ecosan facilities that are appropriate for
within a relatively short period of time (2-4 emergency situations and their cost. If ecosan
weeks at average temperatures of at least 20ºC). compatible toilets are to be used during
emergencies, then easy to assemble units should
The Peepoo eliminates the need for fixed and be available for installing as soon as an
hard infrastructure for a soft approach to emergency strikes.
sanitation and excreta management. After use,
the Peepoo bags should be collected and stored Mobile Ecosan Toilets : Mobile ecosan toilets
for use as fertiliser in agriculture. The design of are another very important system which can be
the bag offers a clean and hygienic way of put into service during emergencies and other
excreta management. events where emergency sanitation facilities are
needed. Similar to the mobile conventional
Ready to Install Ecosan Toilets : Ready to toilets already in service, the mobile ecosan
install ecosan toilets can be installed during toilets can be pressed into service rapidly.
emergency situations at relatively high speed.
Such ready to install models of conventional The mobile ecosan toilets have an advantage
flush toilets are already available in the market. over conventional toilets as they require very
They are being manufactured using PVC or little water. Also, the faeces collection chambers
fibre materials. can be put into service for a longer duration as
they do not get filled-up with large quantities of
The ready to install ecosan toilet models can be water used for flushing.
fabricated with provisions like ecosan squatting
pan, removable faeces collection chamber and Wherever the Need, a UK based charity
vent pipe. These ready to install toilets can be working in India, has developed a mobile
designed as single or modular type units. ecosan toilet model keeping these factors into
Modular type units created adjacent to each consideration. However, the heavy unit needs to
other have an advantage as they help in be pulled by motorised vehicles like a tractor or
reducing the installation cost drastically. van. This could be a deterrent for deployment in
disaster affected areas where roads are damaged
Alternatively, various pre-fabricated ecosan very severely. The agency is now considering a
toilet components made up of concrete can be design which is light weight to facilitate
kept ready in disaster prone areas for rapid portability.
deployment. Ecosan toilet components like
squatting slab, chamber cover slabs, roof panels Keeping this in mind, Megh Pyne Abhiyan has
and other accessories can be fabricated and kept developed a simple push cart type ecosan toilet
using bamboo for use in flood prone areas of installed during disaster situations, steps to
Bihar. This push cart based ecosan toilet can be ensure availability of adequate quantities of
moved easily to relief camps or temporary additives like soil, ash, dry leaves or saw
shelters during floods. Being very light in dust must be ensured for the proper
weight, it can be pushed to the desired location maintenance of the ecosan toilets.
with ease.
Steps to maintain the high quality of
construction required by ecosan toilets must
be taken up to ensure effective functioning
7.5 Important Precautions to be of the systems in disaster situations.
Adopted ?
As immediate utilisation of composted
faeces and urine collected from ecosan
Effective communication campaign with
toilets for agricultural purposes in the
respect to the operation and maintenance of
disaster affected areas may not be
ecosan toilets and handholding with users
immediately possible, provisions for
must be taken up as part of the programme
collection and storage of these materials
to familiarise the communities with the
have to be established in consultation with
the farmers in the area.
Staff involved in the programme must be
trained and should have all the details about
the systems to trouble shoot and assist the
Safety precautions such as wearing gloves,
footwear and face mask while handling
repairs of pipelines and storage tanks
installed in the ecosan toilets must be
ensured to prevent any health risks.
In large community ecosan toilet systems
Chapter 8
Safe Application of
Human Excreta
in Agriculture
8. Safe Application of Human Excreta in Agriculture
Group Pathogen Disease - Symptoms
Bacteria Aeromonas spp. Enteritis
Campylobacter jejuni / coli Campylobacteriosis - diarrhoea, cramping, abdominal
pain, fever, nausea; arthritis; Guillain - Barré syndrome
Escherichia coli (EIEC, EPEC, Enteritis
Pleisiomonas shigelloides Enteritis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Various; bacteraemia, skin infections, ear, infections,
meningitis, pneumonia
Salmonella typhi / paratyphi Typhoid / paratyphoid fever - headache, fever, malaise,
anorexia, bradycardia, splenomegaly, cough
Salmonella spp. Salmonellosis - diarrhoea, fever, abdominal cramps
Shigella spp. Shigellosis - dysentery (bloody diarrhoea), vomiting,
cramps, fever; Reiter’s syndrome
Vibrio cholerae Cholera - watery diarrhoea, lethal if severe and untreated
Yersinia spp. Yersinioses - fever, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, joint pains,
Virus Adenovirus Various; respiratory illness. Here added due to the enteric
types (see below)
Enteric adenovirus 40 and 41 Enteritis
Astrovirus Enteritis
Calicivirus (incl. Noroviruses) Enteritis
Coxsackievirus Various; respiratory illness; enteritis; viral meningitis
Echovirus Aseptic meningitis; encephalitis; often asymptomatic
Enterovirus types 68-71 Meningitis; encephalitis; paralysis
Hepatitis A Hepatitis - fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, abdominal
discomfort, jaundice
Hepatitis E Hepatitis
Poliovirus Poliomyelitis - often asymptomatic, fever, nausea,
vomiting, headache, paralysis
Rotavirus Enteritis
Parasitic Cryptosporidium parvum Cryptosporidiosis - watery diarrhoea, abdominal cramps
protozoa and pain
Cyclospora cayetanensis Often asymptomatic; diarrhoea; abdominal pain
Entamoeba histolytica Amoebiasis - Often asymptomatic, dysentery, abdominal
discomfort, fever, chills
Giardia intestinalis Giardiasis - diarrhoea, abdominal, cramps, malaise,
weight loss
Helminths Ascaris lumbricoides Generally no or few symptoms; wheezing; coughing;
fever; enteritis; pulmonary eosinophilia
Taenia solium/saginata
Trichuris trichiura Unapparent through vague digestive tract distress to
emaciation with dry skin and diarrhoea
Hookworm Itch; rash; cough; anaemia; protein deficiency
Shistosomiasis spp.
Table 8.1 Example of pathogens that may be excreted in faeces (can be transmitted through water and improper
sanitation) and related diseases, including examples of symptoms they may cause (adapted from e.g. CDC, 2003c;
Ottosson, 2003; SMI, 2003) (Source : EcoSanRes)
In fresh faeces, there are four main groups of 8.1.2 Pathogens in Urine
organisms of concern to humans: bacteria,
viruses, protozoa and helminths. These Urine is normally sterile in the urine bladder,
organisms once excreted: but gets contaminated while discharged from
the lower parts of urinary tract. Several types of
may be immediately infectious; bacteria may cause urinary tract infections. The
environmental transmissions of these are
may require a period of time outside of the
normally of low importance. E. coli is the most
body to become infectious; or
common cause of urinary tract infections, where
certain clones may also be associated with
may require an intermediate host before
gastrointestinal infections.
becoming infectious.
The pathogens traditionally known to be
Bacteria and viruses are immediately infectious
excreted in urine are Leptospira interrogans,
once excreted. Protozoa are excreted primarily
Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi and
as cysts, and can be immediately infective or
Schistosoma haematobium. There is a range of
require a period of time outside the body. The
other pathogens that have been detected in
eggs of helminths, many of which are resistant
urine but their presence may not be considered
to environmental conditions, require a period of
significant for the risk of environmental
time outside of the body. Some parasites, such
transmission of disease.
as bilharzia, also require an intermediate host
before becoming infectious.
However, the significant risk of contamination
of urine occurs due to faecal cross-
contamination. Faecal contamination usually
Viruses: CMV, JCV, BKV, Not normally recognized other than adeno, Probably low
hepatitis and others single cases of hepatitis A
and suggested for hepatitis B. More
information needed
Microsporidia Suggested, but not recognized Low
Venereal disease causing No, do not survive for significant periods -
outside the body
Urinary tract infections No, no direct environmental transmission Low
Table 8.2 Pathogens that may be excreted in urine and the importance of urine as a transmission route
(Source : EcoSanRes)
occurs at the urine diverting toilets when urine Following proper hygienic practices like hand
comes into contact with faeces. washing after defecation and handling of waste
as also food hygiene are necessary to prevent
secondary channels of disease transmission. The
following table provides various factors
8.2 Processing and Application responsible for disinfection of pathogens in
of Faeces faeces and rendering it safe for agricultural
As mentioned in the previous section, faeces
contains most of the pathogens. Therefore, Ecosan toilets are designed to process human
disease transmission through faeces can be faeces to a harmless state. The treatment to
effectively prevented by containing it and destroy pathogenic organisms present in human
effecting appropriate treatment methods by faeces is effected either within or outside the
building ecological sanitation systems. system. Broadly, the process of pathogen
Temperature Most micro-organisms survive well at low temperatures (<5°C) and rapidly die-off at
high temperatures (>40-50°C). This is the case in water, soil, sewage and on crops. To
ensure inactivation in e.g. composting processes, temperatures around 55-65°C are
needed to kill all types of pathogens (except bacterial spores) within hours (Haug, 1993).
pH Many micro-organisms are adapted to a neutral pH (7). Highly acidic or alkaline
conditions will have an inactivating effect. Addition of lime to excreta in dry latrines and
to sewage sludge can increase pH and will inactivate micro-organisms. The speed of
inactivation depends on the pH value, e.g. it is much more rapid at pH 12 than at pH 9.
Ammonia In natural environments, ammonia (NH3) chemically hydrolysed or produced by bacteria
can be deleterious to other organisms. Added ammonia-generating chemical will also
facilitate the inactivation of pathogens in e.g. excreta or sewage sludge (Ghigletti et al.,
1997; Vinnerås et al., 2003a).
Moisture Moisture is related to the organism survival in soil and in faeces. A moist soil favours the
survival of micro-organisms and a drying process will decrease the number of pathogens,
e.g. in latrines.
Solar UV-irradiation will reduce the number of pathogens. It is used as a process for the
radiation / treatment of both drinking water and wastewater. In the field, the survival time will be
UV-light shorter on the soil and crop surface where sunlight can affect the organisms.
Presence of The survival of micro-organisms is generally longer in material that has been sterilized
other micro- than in an environmental sample containing other organisms. Organisms may affect each
organisms other by predation, release of antagonistic substances or competition (see Nutrients
Nutrients If nutrients are available and other conditions are favourable, bacteria may grow in the
environment. Enteric bacteria adapted to the gastrointestinal tract arenot always capable
of competing with indigenous organisms for the scarce nutrients, limiting their ability to
reproduce and survive in the environment.
Other factors Microbial activity is dependent on oxygen availability. In soil, the particle size and
permeability will impact the microbial survival. In soil as well as in sewage and water
environments, various organic and inorganic chemical compounds may affect the
survival of micro-organisms.
Table 8.3 Physicochemical and biological factors that affect the survival of microorganisms in the environment
(Source : EcoSanRes)
inactivation in ecological sanitation systems can effective in humid climates.
be grouped into two categories (i) dehydration
and (ii) composting.
8.2.3 Handling
8.2.4 Application Procedure waterless urinals can be utilised as a resource in
agriculture. As urine contains macro nutrients
Compost is rich in macro and micro nutrients as such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and
well as organic matter, which increases the sulphur, among others, it can be termed as quick
water-holding and ion-buffering capacity of the acting multi-component fertiliser. Also, urine
soil, serves as food for the micro-organisms and has very low concentration of heavy metals than
is important for improving soil structure. The conventional chemical fertilisers.
compost harvested can be applied to crops as a
fertiliser and to improve soil properties. Faecal Presence of pharmaceutical residues in urine
matter is especially rich in phosphorous, and its effects on crops is an issue being
potassium and organic matter. Both organic debated. However, other factors like the risks
matter and ash, which are often added to the posed by pesticide residues in agriculture, use
faeces, increase the buffering capacity and the of sewage and animal manure which also
pH of the soil, especially important on soils with contain high level of pharmaceutical residues
low pH. Organic matter also improves the for agriculture and the release of these in water
structure and the water-holding capacity of the bodies are of much higher concerns to be noted.
Higher nutrient (NPK) uptake by plants from
Compost can be applied to crops as given liquid urine than from solid mineral fertilisers
below: was observed. Crop trials conducted in India
and various parts of the world have shown that
Compost should be applied and mixed into crops fertilised with urine produce higher yield
the soil preferably before cultivation or and show better plant characteristics. Therefore,
showing to ensure availability of phosphate by using urine as a fertiliser, small and marginal
for proper plant growth. farmers from rural areas can benefit by
replacing it with the expensive chemical
Local application in holes or furrows close fertilisers.
to the plants can make the nutrients
available to the plants. Urine which is usually sterile may get cross
contaminated with faeces in the ecosan toilets.
The application rate of compost can be However, pathogens present in urine can be
based on the current recommendation for disinfected by storing urine for longer period.
the use of phosphorous-based fertilizers. Hydrolysis of urea in urine into ammonia helps
in disinfecting the pathogens. The table
It is better to apply compost supplemented provided below contains the Swedish guideline
with a source of nitrogen. Urine or urea for storage of urine for pathogen elimination
fertiliser can be applied as a source of from urine. Direct use with short time storage is
nitrogen. adequate for urine collected from small
domestic systems. Higher ambient temperatures
in countries like India results in disinfection
within a short storage period of 3-7 days.
8.3 Processing and Application
of Urine
Urine harvested by installing ecosan toilets and
Storage Storage time Possible pathogens Recommended crops
temperature in the urine mixture
after storage
4°C ≥1 month Viruses, protozoa Food and fodder crops that are to be processed
but are not normally recognized for causing any of the infections of concern.
c A larger system in this case is a system where the urine mixture is used to fertilizecrops that will be
consumed by individuals other than members of the household from which the urine was collected.
d Not grasslands for production of fodder.
e For food crops that are consumed raw it is recommended that the urine be applied at least onemonth
before harvesting and that it be incorporated into the ground if the edible parts grow above the soil surface.
Table 8.4 Table Recommended Swedish guideline storage times for urine mixture based on estimated pathogen
b c
content and recommended crop for larger systems . (Adapted from Jönsson et al., 2000 and Höglund, 2001)
(Source : EcoSanRes)
8.3.1 Storage and Handling agricultural crops. Most preferred use is the
direct application of urine after a short storage
Loss of ammonia must be controlled during period. Direct application of urine is preferred if
storage and application processes. By keeping the urine collection sites are closer to
the storage containers of urine covered and use agricultural fields and if the farmers have no
of very thin aeration pipes or use of one way air reservation in using urine as a fertiliser. In the
admittance valves, loss of ammonia can be Indian context, other processing methods like
reduced. Persons involved in application of struvite precipitation and co-composting of
urine must take precautions like wearing of urine with organic matter can also be utilised.
gloves, boots and face mask. Sufficient care These two methods are ideal for farmers having
must be taken when inspecting large urine reservations in handling liquid urine. Struvite
collection tanks due to high ammonia levels precipitation reduces the cost of transportation
present in it. Hand washing with soap after of urine collected from urban areas to farms
urine application is also important. Phosphate located at a distance.
precipitates settling down in urine tanks due to
spontaneous precipitation can be recycled as
fertiliser to crops. Direct Application of Urine
to Crops
8.3.2 Methods of Urine Direct application of urine to crops can be
Application and Processing carried out using various methods. Surface
irrigation is one of the easiest and the most
Urine can be used in various ways to fertilise common method adopted widely. Other
methods like deep injection and drip irrigation method (use of PET bottles having small
are also practiced wherever possible. holes at bottom can be handy) deep injection
of urine can be achieved at low cost.
Surface Application
For large scale application to traditional
Urine can be directly applied on the surface crops, custom made mechanised
of agricultural lands during land agricultural tools can be designed for deep
preparation and after planting crops. injection of urine.
Urine must be applied to soil around the Drip Irrigation
plants by creating furrows. The furrows
should be covered with soil after application ?
Urine applied along with irrigation water
of urine to prevent loss of nitrogen through and applied through drip irrigation.
ammonia gas.
Fertilisation tank filled with urine to be
Use of watering cans which are commonly applied to crops is connected to water mains
used in home gardens can be ideal for carrying water for drip irrigation.
application of urine.
Regular maintenance of emitters and tubes
Watering the plants after application of are necessary to prevent clogging.
urine is necessary if urine is applied
undiluted. Dosage
Figure 8.2 Various methods of application of urine to agricultural crops apart from direct application
Crop Recommended Human urine Urine required SSP required MOP required
dose of fertilizer litre / ha per plant (litre) kg / ha* kg / ha*
Maize 150:75:40 50,000 0.9 -63 -67
Finger millet 100:50:50 33,333 0.6 -42 -47
Jowar 100:75:40 33,333 0.13 115 -22
Pearl millet 100:65:25 33,333 0.15 52 -47
Wheat 100:75:50 33,333 0.06 115 -6
Paddy 100:50:50 33,333 0.29 -42 -6
Chilli 150:75:75 50,000 1.69 -63 -8
Tomato 250:250:250 38,333 3.38 218 -2
Brinjal 125:100:50 41,667 1.13 182 -28
Radish 75:38:38 25,000 0.11 -28 -3
Banana 405:245:507 135,000 53.33 115 36
Sugarcane 250:100:125 83,333 2.25 97 478
* - sign denotes nutrients applied in excess quantity through urine, and these are not to be supplemented.
Table 8.5 Recommended dose of urine for various crops in the Indian conditions - based on an average values of
0.45%N, 0.17%P and 0.16%K in urine. (Source : Dr C A Srinivasamurthy, GKVK, Bengaluru)
potassium is worked out based on the quantity However, irrigation with water should be
of urine applied to crops using nitrogen as an carried out after urine application.
indicator. The Table 8.5 provides the amount of
urine required for some of the common crops ?
Urine should be applied to the soil around
grown in India. the plants and not onto the plant as it can
cause “burning” of leaves.
As urine contains chlorides, care must be
While urine collected from a domestic taken when it is applied to chloride sensitive
system can be applied directly, the urine is crops such as potatoes and tomatoes.
collected from a public system, which has
higher possibilities of cross contamination ?
As urine is rich in nitrogen, the other
with faeces, must be stored for sufficient nutrients required by the crops must be
duration before it is applied to food and supplemented with compost or chemical
fodder crops. fertilisers.
Application of urine to edible crops must be ?
Caution should be exercised while applying
stopped one month before the harvest of urine in sandy areas having shallow
crops. aquifers to prevent leaching.
Urine can be applied to crops either diluted
or undiluted. Urine can be diluted with ?
Increase in the salinity of agricultural lands
water in the ratio from 1:3 to 1:15. Dilution over a period of urine application must be
with water reduces fertiliser burn, clogging taken into account. Measures like treatment
of drip nozzles and odour problem. with gypsum, crop rotation with salt
Applying undiluted urine has few tolerant crops and use of smaller pots where
advantages like handling of low volume of soil can be exchanged are some measures
liquid and it can also be easily covered with which can be adopted.
soil after urine application in furrows.
137 Recovery of Struvite filtration
Struvite (Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate -
MgNH4PO4.6H2O) is a solid white crystal which ?
The struvite
can be obtained by the addition of magnesium precipitates so
to urine. White deposits often observed in obtained are dried
choked urinal or sewage pipes are struvite and used as a
formed due to naturally occurring precipitation fertilizer to crops.
reaction between phosphate and magnesium
under favourable conditions like high pH and
temperature. Recovery of struvite from urine
makes it a favourable product for easy Co-
transportation and application to agricultural composting
crops. This process also overcomes the Figure 8.3 Struvite
problems associated with the direct application Urine can be applied Precipitation Reactor
of urine. Application of struvite to agricultural to organic waste
crops is also beneficial due to its capability of during composting to enrich its nutrient value.
slow release of phosphate and low heavy metal Although this is an emerging practice, there are
concentration. few studies which successfully used urine for
co-composting process. Use of urine also
Struvite from urine can be recovered as given accelerates the composting process. This method
below: is more suitable if farmers have reservation in
directly handling liquid urine to crops.
Ammonium and phosphate in urine can be
precipitated by the simple process of The following aspects may be considered while
addition of magnesium. co-composting with urine.
This process is carried out when urine kept ?
Urine can be applied while composting
in a closed container reaches a pH of over 8. organic waste.
Based on the phosphate concentration of ?
Studies have shown that maintaining 0.8%
stored urine, a magnesium dose in the molar
ratio of 1.1 Mg to 1 P is dosed for struvite
precipitation from urine.
Magnesium sources like MgCl2, MgSO4,
MgO and bittern (brine from salt pans) can
be used for struvite precipitation from urine.
Urine is dosed with magnesium in a
specially designed reactor and stirred for 10
minutes to obtain struvite precipitates.
After struvite precipitates settle in the
Figure 8.4 Co-composting of organic matter with
reactor, these are separated from urine using urine
of nitrogen with the use of 10 to 20% of
urine by volume in 3 split doses produces
optimum results.
Presence of nitrogen and phosphorous in
urine enhances the nutrient value of
Higher composting temperature is observed
in urine dosed compost heaps.
Loss of nitrogen should be avoided while
dosing urine in co-composting process.
Chapter 9
9. Implementation Framework
Bellagio Principles - 2000
(1) Human dignity, quality of life and environmental security at household level should be at the centre
of the new approach, which should be responsive and accountable to needs and demands in the local and
national setting.
? solutions should be tailored to the full spectrum of social, economic, health and environmental
? the household and community environment should be protected
? the economic opportunities of waste recovery and use should be harnessed
(2) In line with good governance principles, decision making should involve participation of all
stakeholders, especially the consumers and providers of services.
? decision making at all levels should be based on informed choices
? incentives for provision and consumption of services and facilities should be consistent with the
overall goal and objective
? rights of consumer and providers should be balanced by responsibilities to the wider human
community and environment
(3) Waste should be considered a resource, and its management should be holistic and form part of
integrated water resources, nutrient flow and sanitation.
? inputs should be reduced so as to promote efficiency and water and environmental security
? exports of waste should be minimised to promote efficiency and reduce the spread of pollution
? wastewater should be recycled and added to the water budget
(4) The domain in which environmental sanitation problems are resolved should be kept to the minimum
practical size (household, community, town, district, catchment, city) and wastes diluted as little as
? waste should be managed as close as possible to the source
? water should be minimally used to transport waste
? additional technologies for waste sanitisation (sic) and reuse should be developed
(Source : WSSCC – SANDEC)
Table 9.1 Bellagio Principles
between sustainable agriculture and ecological Transformation (PHAST) : Participatory
sanitation can bring about greater appreciation hygiene and sanitation transformation (PHAST)
and knowledge on the potential of resource is an adaptation of the SARAR (Self-esteem,
recovery from human and other wastes with the Associative strengths, resourcefulness, Action-
help of ecological sanitation concepts. planning, and Responsibility) methodology of
participatory learning to the specific context of
sanitation issues. It uses a participatory
approach to community learning and planning
9.1.1 Project Planning and that follows a seven step framework: (i) problem
Implementation identification, (ii) problem analysis, (iii)
planning for solutions, (iv) selecting options, (v)
Use of participatory methods is critical to ensure planning for new facilities and behaviour
the success of hygiene and sanitation change, (vi) planning for monitoring and
programmes and this would be true for ecosan evaluation, and (vii) participatory evaluation.
also. Participatory methods support
achievement of effective project planning and Open Planning of Sanitation Systems : The
implementation, finding practical solutions and framework recommended by the EcoSanRes
monitoring health and environmental impacts. Programme is based on the Open Comparative
Participatory methods can also improve Consequence Analysis (OCCA) methodology.
communication both within and between the This planning process is performed in five steps:
community and support agencies. Effective (i) problem identification, (ii) identification of
implementation requires a balance between boundary conditions, (iii) terms of requirement,
local, traditional knowledge and outside (iv) analysis of possible solutions, and (v) choice
expertise which becomes possible with a of the most appropriate solution. At least three
participatory approach. Another advantage of options should be selected and presented to the
participatory approaches is their potential to stakeholders for evaluation and selection of the
stimulate self-confidence and creativity of the most appropriate solution based on the terms of
community members. requirement developed after the first two steps
using participatory approaches.
A variety of participatory tools used for
implementing water and sanitation programmes Multi-Criteria Decision Support Systems
have shown great deal of success. These (MCDSS) : Decision Support Systems (DSS) are
participatory planning and implementation derived from the theory of decision analysis and
approaches developed so for mainly deal with designed to help decision makers resolve issues
conventional systems of water supply and of trade-offs through the synthesis of a variety
sanitation. Therefore, these tools should be of information. Multi-Criteria Decision Support
adapted wherever possible to the specific needs Systems (MCDSS) are used when there is a need
of ecosan programmes enabling them to address to identify trade-offs between of a variety of
the philosophy of a closed loop approach to information, often including both quantitative
sanitation. Some of the participatory planning and qualitative data, as is the case with
tools used successfully in water and sanitation sanitation. The advantages of using MCDSS in
programmes are given below: decision-making are that it can increase
transparency, stakeholder participation, and
Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation optimisation by application of several criteria in
the decision process. The process of a MCDSS even a minority continues to defecate in the
planning approach can be highlighted in six open everyone is at risk of disease, CLTS
steps; (i) definition of the problem, goals and triggers the community’s desire for change,
objectives, (ii) definition of Criteria, (iii) propels them into action and encourages
definition of Alternatives, (iv) definition of innovation, mutual support and appropriate
Preferences, and (v) decision Making. local solutions, thus leading to greater
ownership and sustainability.
Household Centred Environmental Sanitation
Approach (HCES) : A relatively new tool for
environmental sanitation is seen as being almost
ideal for ecosan projects. This is the Household 9.1.2 Selection of Technology
Centred Environmental Sanitation Approach
(HCES), a new approach for planning Selection of suitable technology plays an
environmental sanitation services, with the important role in the success of an ecological
promise of correcting current unsustainable sanitation programme. Ecological sanitation
practices in planning and resource management system to be implemented in an area should be
by concentrating on two main components; (i) selected based on various factors such as
The focal point of environmental sanitation climate, availability of materials, geography of
planning should be the household, reversing the the area, agricultural practices, social factors,
customary order of centralised top-down economic conditions of the population and
planning. The user of the services should have a technical skills available. Some of these factors
deciding voice in their design, and sanitation are explained as below:
issues should be dealt with as close as possible
to the site where they occur. With the household Climate : The factors like temperature, humidity
as the key stakeholder women are provided and precipitation should be considered while
with a strong voice in the planning process, and selecting appropriate type of ecological
the government’s role changes from that of sanitation system.
provider to that of enabler, and (ii) a circular
Materials : The availability of materials
system of resource management should be used
determines the suitability an ecosan system in
emphasising the conservation, recycling and
an area. Civil works can be designed according
reuse of resources, in contrast to the current
to the availability of materials.
linear sanitation service system.
Geography : Type of land, soil and water table
Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) :
should be considered while designing ecosan
CLTS is an innovative methodology for
systems as well as reuse of urine and compost
mobilising communities to completely eliminate
for agriculture. These factors are critical for
open defecation (OD). Communities are
areas which area prone to floods.
facilitated to conduct their own appraisal and
analysis of open defecation (OD) and take their
Agriculture : The characteristics of local
own action to become ODF (open defecation
agriculture and home gardening should be
free). At the heart of CLTS lies the recognition
taken into account while planning recovery and
that merely providing toilets does not guarantee
application of nutrients.
their use, nor result in improved sanitation and
hygiene. By raising awareness that as long as Social Factors : The customs, beliefs, values and
practices should be taken into account while ecological sanitation can be utilized to raise
planning the ecological sanitation systems. awareness among the target group. Key
Especially promotion of source separation of messages related to ecological sanitation like
urine and faeces, waterless urinals and recycling advantages of ecosan over conventional
of nutrients in some communities require sanitation systems, how to use and maintain
considerable amount of awareness and ecosan toilets, benefits of nutrient recovery from
education. waste, safe application of urine and compost in
agriculture and success stories can be
Economic Condition : The systems designed disseminated.
must commensurate with the financial ability of
communities to build. Identifying suitable Training Programmes : Training programmes
options through participatory process help in to impart skills related to promotion and
overcoming this aspect. management of ecological sanitation
components including safe application of
Technical skills : The level of technology nutrients recovered from human waste for
adopted should be based on the technical skills agriculture are very important. These training
locally available or what can be created in an programmes can be imparted to community
area. members, village level workers and officials
involved in sanitation promotion. Also, targeted
training programmes on the use of urine and
compost derived from ecological sanitation
9.1.3 Capacity Building systems can be conducted for officials from
agricultural departments to actively engage
The following capacity building initiatives can
them in the promotion of ecological sanitation.
be taken to effectively promote ecological
sanitation systems : Special training programmes for masons,
engineers and sanitation workers who will be
Awareness Camps : Awareness camps
involved in the construction activities should be
conducted on ecological sanitation concepts
conducted exclusively. These programmes
targeted towards individual families, women's
should involve practical teaching sessions on
self-help groups and school children can play a
various construction aspects. Showing
very important role in taking forward the
functional ecosan toilets during training
message to the communities. Identifying key
programmes can bring about greater
leaders like political, religious and community
understanding among the participants.
leaders and involving them in the awareness
Therefore, a training programme should be
creation activities can be very effective. Apart
organized either at a location where an ecosan
from these, awareness creation among
toilet is functional or at least a model ecosan
sanitation workers, key NGOs in the area and
toilet is built prior to or during a training
officials and policy makers are also very
important to provide impetus to the
programme. Exposure Visits : Taking people on exposure
visit to locations where ecological sanitation
Mass awareness and door to door campaigns,
systems are functional can be quite handy in
cultural programmes, wall paintings, audio-
transferring knowledge. Discussions exchanged
visuals, pamphlets and brochures prepared on
with communities already using these facilities child, child to family and child to community
will be a real eye-opener to the visiting channels of awareness and motivation initiatives
members. Members from the target community, established. It also important to identify and
SHG members, innovative farmers, influential train teachers who can take charge of the
leaders, sanitation workers, school teachers, programme and impart hygiene and sanitation
agriculture officers and other officials involved related skills to the children.
in sanitation promotion can be taken on such
exposure visits. Works carried out by agencies Public Places : Establishing pilot demonstration
like Scope (Trichy), GKVK (Bangalore), Ecosan units in public places like local government
Services Foundation (Pune) and many other offices, markets and other local places of
locations (detailed list attached in annexure - X) importance where large numbers of people
can be chosen for taking people on exposure gather can help in taking the message forward.
visits based on the available financial resources. The type of pilot units chosen must be identified
based on the long term interventions planned at
the community level. Also, establishing proper
systems of maintenance and safe up-keep of the
9.1.4 Pilot Demonstrations facilities created are very crucial. Involving
officials and staff who are keen on the systems is
Pilot demonstrations play a very important role essential for success of the initiative.
in inspiring people to adopt ecological
sanitation systems. However, it is very
important to choose right locations and the
beneficiaries for success of the initiative. A failed
demonstration can create negative impression of
the proposed initiative. Choosing locations of
the pilot demonstrations where the users are
keen to change their sanitation practice can be
very supportive for creating awareness. The
following types of pilot demonstrations can be
undertaken to promote ecological sanitation.
trouble shoot minor problems that emerge in the 9.1.5 Supply Chain Mechanism
course of time.
Instituting effective supply chain mechanisms
Sanitation Parks : Sanitation parks which can play a very vital role in supporting the
houses various demonstration units can be demand created for ecological sanitation
constructed to show case the various ecological through awareness and education programmes.
sanitation options available to the communities. Aspects related to both hardware and software
Such parks can be established at the Block / is essential for assisting people who are willing
District level. These parks can be managed by to construct ecosan toilets. Ensuring hardware
NGOs or Production / Building centres. Other support towards making the construction
useful sanitation components like solid and materials such as pans, slabs, pipes and
liquid waste management options, rainwater plumbing materials available locally is very
harvesting techniques and water treatment important. Similarly, the software aspects such
techniques can also be included. as ensuring the availability of skills and
knowledge to construct ecosan toilets are
equally essential.
can enable availability of skills within the motivation and also fulfil the credit
communities for scaling-up and sustainability of requirements for improving sanitation coverage.
the initiatives. As members of the local
community, these trained individuals will be in Subsidy : Subsidy for sanitation has always
a better position to motivate people to adopt been a contentious issue in the sector. However,
ecological sanitation components. an innovative resource oriented sanitation
approach like promotion of ecological sanitation
NGOs : Local NGOs having rapport with the calls for additional financial allocations and
communities should be involved in promoting sustained efforts at all levels. Especially schools
ecological sanitation activities. Their close and institutions which are willing to adopt these
interactions with the communities place them in facilities require additional funds as they cost
an advantageous position to promote a difficult higher than conventional sanitation systems.
development component like sanitation. These The positive aspects offered by ecological
NGOs should be trained along with necessary sanitation systems such as conservation of
programme support to carry out work related to water, prevention of environmental pollution,
ecological sanitation. The potential of potential of nutrient recovery and long-term
establishing sanitation parks, production centres sustainability should be considered while
and experimental plots with the NGOs should designing financial instruments.
be explored for long-term sustainability of the
time is essential after the implementation phase. important to document both the successes and
Communities need handholding support to failures of programmes. Various forms of print,
trouble shoot minor problems which may arise electronic and audio-visual systems available
in the initial periods. Necessary supply of spares can be made use of to highlight success stories
and skills required to sort out these problems to a wider audience. The lessons learnt from
must be made available locally. NGOs or such studies can be incorporated into the
production centres can stock such items. awareness generation and capacity building
Implementing agencies must take these factors initiatives taken up to promote ecological
into consideration in the programme design. sanitation.
Chapter 10
Case Studies
10. Indian Case Studies
Pedestal type ecosan pans for elderly and
physically challenged.
Rain water harvesting facility in the campus.
Incinerator in women’s block for safe
disposal of sanitary napkins.
Design Features of ECCT
Sitearea – 2600 square feets ?
Buckets and mug for carrying water
Two blocks – 7 toilets in each ?
Ash storage in buckets in toilets
(separate for men and women)
Size of the toilet – 7 ft x 5 ft x 7 ft ?
Message board inside each toilet
(level from super structure)
Size of fa eces chamber – 6 ft x 3 ft x 5 ft (two ?
Ceramic tiling on walls and floors
per toilet)
3-Hole FRP Ecosan pans ?
Only mopping of pans and floors for cleaning
(two per toilet)
No water taps inside the toilet ?
Use of EM solution for cleaning
Common water taps for water collection and ?
Pipes are painted yellow (urine) and blue (wash
hand washing water) for easy identification
Mirror over wash basin ?
Urine collected in a sump and wash water led to
Canna Indica plant bed
Table 10.1 Design features of ECCT
Figure 10.2 View of a toilet in the community ecosan Figure 10.3 Composted material being collected from
complex (Source : R Sakthivel) a toilet chamber (Source : R Sakthivel)
Room for storing ash and other tools.
environmental pollution, results in conservation
of water and drastic reduction in the operation
and maintenance costs. Low electricity
SCOPE has constructed 5 ECCTs and 25 ecosan consumption due to minimal water requirement
toilet complexes in schools in various parts of and absence of periodic cleaning charges
the State. The initiative shows that ECCTs can incurred for empting the septic tanks, which is
be successfully built and managed in locations necessary for the conventional toilet complexes
where space for building individual household built in rural areas, amounts to greater savings
ecosan toilets is a constraint. Collection of faeces in the O&M costs.
and urine in a central location offers tremendous
For further details, contact :
potential for recovery of nutrient from human
Mr M Subburaman
SCOPE, Trichy, Tamilnadu
The initiative, apart from reducing the
Case Study 2
Collection and analysis of urine for its
physical and chemical properties.
Application of Urine as Liquid
Fertilizer to Crops on Farmers ?
Green house experiments with radish as test
Fields crop.
Introduction ?
Field experiments of different crops both in
the research farm and in farmer’s fields.
In recent years, Indian agriculture is more
dependent on the use of fertilizers of fossil fuel Results
origin. The consumption of fertilizers has
The research work has paved way for safe
increased, and it is expected that over the years,
utilization of human urine as a liquid fertilizer.
there would be acute shortage of raw materials
The findings of the research work carried out
required for the production of fertilizers. In this
are as given below:
context, use of human urine as a liquid fertilizer
which has appreciable quantities of nutrient 1) Urine is slightly alkaline in reaction, has
elements required by the plants is one of the appreciable amount of soluble salts and a
options to be explored. The Department of Soil low BOD and COD load. It contains
Science and Agricultural Chemistry, University appreciable amount of plant nutrient
of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore has been elements especially N, P and K in addition
involved in conducting research studies on the to secondary and trace elements required by
possibilities of using human urine as a liquid crops. There is slight variation in the quality
fertilizer, and to study its impact on soil of urine depending on the age of the persons
properties and yield crop. and the diet.
Figure 10.4 French bean crop grown using human Figure 10.5 Pole bean crop grown using human urine
urine in two splits doses (Source : GKVK, Bangalore) and cattle urine (Source : GKVK, Bangalore)
Dr C A Srinivasamurthy
Dept of Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry
University of Agricultural Science
Summary of yield in t/ha for different type of treatments studied
Year of Yield of Control Regular Human Farm Yard Cow Treatments Conducted
Experiments Crops Dose of Urine Manure Urine
Studied in Fertilizer (FYM) +
t/ha (RDF) Human
Maize 40.37 79.37 80.95 n.d. n.d. Replications. 3. 10 treatment combinations - control &
RDF as checks, RDN through human urine with &
without gypsum applied to soils as in single dose and in 6
2007-08 split doses
Banana 19.38 28.41 30 n.d. n.d. Replications. 3. 10 treatment combinations - control, RDF
as cecks, RDN through urine with & without gypsum
applied to soils as in single dose and in 8 split doses
Finger millet 2.11 n.d. 3.78 4 3.22 Treatment - I
(for French bean, Ash gourd, pole bean & squash)
French bean 1.19 n.d. 3.99 4.87 2.41
Replications. 3. 14 treatment combinations - RDF&FYM
alone, as checks, RDN through human urine & cattle
Hebbal 1 n.d. 4.61 4.61 4.04 urine (with & without gypsum applied to soils) in single
Avare application two & three split doses
Tomato 16.6 n.d. 28.3 29.6 27.6
2009-10 Treatment - II
Brinjal 9.2 n.d. 32.5 33.6 29.6 (for French Bean, Finger millet, Field bean, Tomato
Brinjal, Bhendi & potato)
Bhendi 7 n.d. 13.2 13.7 12.3
Replications.3, Treatments: 9. Absolute control, 40% of N
through human urine and cattle urine as basal and 60% N
Potato 2.89 n.d. 5.59 6.68 4.82 in 3 splits with and without gypsum applied to soil and
40% N through farm yard manure as basal and 60% N
through human urine and cattle urine in 3 splits doses.
Cowpea 2.32 3.2 3.05 4.37 3.14
Replications. 3. Treatments: 9. Absolute control, 40% of N
Aerobic rice 2.99 5.02 5.36 5.54 5.2 through human urine/cattle urine as basal and 60% N in
2010-11 Soybean 2.04 2.81 2.62 3.84 2.75 3 splits with and without gypsum applied to soil and 40%
Finger millet 1.15 2.28 2.75 2.84 2.29 N through farm yard manure as basal and 60% N through
Maize 3.84 6.69 6.89 7.1 6.55 human urine and cattle urine in 3 split doses.
Note: n.d. denotes study was not done
Table 10.3 Summary of yield in t / ha for different type of treatments studied
Case Study 3
Decentralized Wastewater
inside the cubicles. The toilet users have to fetch purposes.
water for cleansing and flushing with a bucket
(approx. 5 litres) from a central tank that is Operation and maintenance
located inside the enclosure. Daily total
For O&M of the toilet block and reuse of the
wastewater production (black water plus grey
recyclates, caretakers cum resource managers (1
water) is estimated to be about 8.0 m³ (i.e. 8,000
female and 1 male person) are hired. Students
will support the resource managers in their
The hemispherical shaped biogas settler daily work (e.g. application of nutrients,
provides a volume of approx. 21 m³ at an inner gardening activities, etc.
diameter of 1.25 m. The anaerobic baffled Cost of Treatment System
reactor volume is approx. 12.0 m³. The reactor
comprises 6 compartments of 2.0 m3 each and Component Cost (Rs)
Biogas settler 1,20,000
provides for 1.5 days hydraulic retention time at
Baffled Reactor 1,20,000
a wastewater production of 8 m³/d). The Up-flow filter 1,20,000
anaerobic up-flow filter volume is approx. 14.6 Constructed wetland 50,000
m³. The up-flow filter comprises of 4 Pond 40,000
compartments of approx. 3.6 m³ each. The
Total 4,50,000
height of the filter media (gravel of 40 mm
diameter) is 0.75 m. Length and width of the
horizontal flow constructed wetland is 6.00 m
by 3.00 m. Main filter media is fine gravel with a
grain size of 4 – 8 mm. Height of filter media (at
The project demonstrates that along with
inlet) is approx. 0.70 m. Saturated water depth is
improved sanitation, recovery of useful
approx. 0.60 m. The pond has an effective
products from decentralized wastewater
volume of 12 m³ at a maximum depth of about
management is possible. The campus has
1.20 m.
successfully substituted LPG by biogas and uses
treated water and urine for agricultural
Benefits of Decentralised Wastewater
Management purposes. The Badlapur Municipality Council is
planning to replicate the concept in other areas
The final effluent collected in the polishing of the municipality.
pond is reused for irrigation purposes.
For further details, contact :
The biogas produced (from biogas settler
Dayanand Pandse
and the anaerobic baffled reactor) is used
Ecosan Services Foundation
either for cooking / lighting purpose. Pune, Maharashtra
The urine collected is used for agriculture /
gardening within the school campus.
The dried sludge from the biogas settler,
baffled reactor and up-flow filter is applied
as soil amendment within the school
premises for agricultural / gardening
Case Study 4 diversion of urine, by using a combination of
soil composting and dehydration. On the floor
of a small room upstairs, typically in some
Improved Traditional Composting distance to the kitchen / living room, there is a
Toilets with Urine Diversion in thick layer of soil from the garden. In the floor, a
Leh drop hole leads to a small ground-floor room.
This room can only be reached from the outside.
Leh is situated in a mountainous desert 3,500 m
above sea level in the Himalayas with long cold People excrete on the soil which is on the floor.
winters and severe water scarcity with rainfall Then they push soil and excreta together down
below 100 mm per year. With modernisation the drop hole. Urine goes the same way. Ashes
happening around, the traditional sanitation from the kitchen are added from time to time.
system being practised in the Ladakh region has The household members bring loads of soil into
been gradually replaced by the waterborne toilet the room when necessary. For the long winter
systems. This development gradually led to the (September–May), a supply of soil is piled into
increase in water supply problems and also one corner of the toilet room upstairs. A spade
pollution of surface and groundwater sources or shovel is also kept in the room. Normally
due to leakages and disposal of untreated there is no anal cleaning. The decomposed
wastewater. An additional problem of excreta are removed in spring and again at the
waterborne systems in this region is freezing of end of summer and spread on the fields.
pipes during winters with temperatures
reaching minus 30°C. As long as the toilet is well maintained and
enough soil is pushed down the drop hole every
The Initiative day, there are no odours. In some cases there
might be a faint smell of ammonia from urine
Ladakhi Ecological Development Group splashed on the soil-covered floor of the toilet
(LEDeG), an NGO working in the Ladakh room. There is no fly breeding due to the
region, has taken various steps to preserve and dryness of the soil / excreta pile. The system has
develop ways of living adapted to the local worked well in rural areas for hundreds of
conditions and values. In order to revitalise the years, but in recent years there have been some
traditional sanitation system of Ladakh, LEDeG problems in the central part of the town of Leh
created a demonstration facility in its Ecology where households have no easy access to soil.”
Center for visitors in Leh, apart from promoting
few more household toilets. The toilet at LEDeG Cost
is used by the workers and visitors of the
LEDeG Ecology Centre in Leh. It is based on the The construction of the toilet was included in
traditional local toilet system, improved by a the ordinary construction of the Ecological
black-painted vent-pipe (like in VIP latrines) to Center. Total investment for the demonstration
ventilate the collection chamber and reduce toilet was Rs 40,000 Indian Rupees. The costs for
annoyance by flies. each ecosan toilet in a household was Rs 15,000
– Rs 20,000 INR. Direct economic benefits of the
Traditional Sanitation System project are not described, but the complete
dependence on natural fertilisers will prevent
Due to an extremely dry climate it is possible to the farmers to buy artificial fertilisers for food
process human excreta indoors without prior production recovering all the nutrient contents
Figure 10.7 Figure 10.8
in human excreta. pipe during cold winters and extending the time
of the storage time to minimise the pathogenic
Maintenance and Reuse contamination have to be properly addressed.
The issue of handling faeces is not a problem as For further details, contact :
in the upper Himalayas the composted excreta
is seen as important resource for nutrients Mr Sonam Dawa
traditionally since centuries. The excreta Director
material (plus soil) is traditionally collected for LEDeG
reuse as fertiliser and soil conditioner once a Leh, Jammu & Kashmir
year by the families to grow barley or
vegetables. Due to the very low temperatures,
the material has not always finished the
composting process before collection. It is
therefore taken out, brought to a nearby field
(200 meters) and covered with soil to finalise the
composting process. After a period of 20-30
days, it is applied to the fields.
Case Study 5
about scalability and affordability. For further details, contact :
Case Study 6
the same digester was adopted in toilet linked Social aspects: In general, acceptance of the
biogases. In the case of the co-digestion of food toilet linked biogas systems among the people is
waste and toilet waste, the low C:N ratio and very good and most families would recommend
biodegradability content of the toilet waste are it to others. The improved waste management
compensated by the high values characterizing and the production of biogas were mentioned as
those two parameters for the food waste. Thus, the main advantages.
the major problem of ammonia toxicity due to
low C:N ratio is avoided and the low biogas Conclusion
yield due to the small content of biodegradable
The promotion of toilet linked domestic biogas
matter is increased. At the opposite, the high
plants helps in increasing the benefits derived
content of macro and micronutrients of toilet
from improved sanitation. BIOTECH intends
waste compensate the relatively low content of
minimize the price by producing the plants at
those ones in the food waste. The so obtained
large scale. Continued assistance in the form of
effluent is a rich source of inorganic plants
subsidies can help the aspiring families to install
nutrients. If pathogens are not sufficiently
these plants while improving their sanitation
inactivated during the AD process, an improper
status. Adopting precaution in the handling and
use of the fertilizer can lead to infection of the
disposal of effluent from the toilet linked biogas
is highly essential.
Key Features
Technical performance: The monitoring of the
For further details, contact
ordinary biogas plant and the toilet linked
A Saji Das
biogas plant showed that both plants are
Bio-Tech PB No. 520
working satisfactorily regarding their technical MP Appan Road
performance. The daily gas production of 680L Vazhuthacaud 695014
is sufficient to cook the main dishes of a family. Kerala
Quality of the effluent: The toilet linked plant
shows a very high reduction in pathogen
content, but still, the concentration of E. Coli
and total Coliforms only allows for restricted
irrigation according to the WHO-guidelines for
“safe use of waste water, excreta and
greywater”. Therefore, the effluent is only fit for
direct application to the roots of the crops or
banana and coconut trees.
Case Study 7
Child and disabled friendly water and
sanitation design options
School as knowledge center and teacher as
facilitator / motivator
School environmental cleanliness by
plantation, solid and liquid waste
Participation of students, teachers and
Figure 10.12 School ecosan toilet in a primary school parents in O&M facilities created
(Source : S Paramasivan)
Cost of the Toilets
S Paramasivan
Country Director
Wherever the Need India Services
Case Study 8
Experience of Promotion of
Household Ecosan Toilets and
Reuse of Compost in Gujarat
Vankwad is a village located thirty-five
kilometres in the north-east of Rajkot in Gujarat
state. The village is typical of those found in this
part of Gujarat, mainly given over to
agriculture, especially dairy and subsistence
Figure 10.15 Ceramic ecosan pan with a common
farming. It is made up of 113 families with an urine and washwater collection trough installed over a
approximate population of 1,400. twin chamber ecosan toilet (Source : S Paramasivan)
WATSAN Scenario far away to use frequently, even when there was
enough water. With no other toilets in the
Water supply through the Government supply village and most people defecated in the open.
network is periodic with an indeterminate flow.
There are four standpipes scattered around the The Project
village from which people collected water. An
external water pump which was commissioned At the beginning of the project implemented by
to complement the Government water supply the SSP with the support of WTN, a number of
got silted-up and became unusable. The two village meetings were conducted to educate and
water storage units also got damaged and were create awareness among people. Local people
unused. When the supply is not adequate, were formed as volunteers and some of the
villagers collect water from the farm wells and / senior villagers were taken on exposure visit to
or the dam, a walk of three kilometres. A ecosan projects in Tamil Nadu. The first part of
communal flush toilet with septic tank had also the project was very straight forward as the
fallen into disuse (and disrepair) because of the water pump was repaired to provide a more
lack of water and because people felt it was too constant supply of water to the village and
school. The pump, linked to one of the repaired
storage units to store water, is now being
maintained by a local committee.
may be due to some underlying resistance residue in food, as suffered before
relating to the subject matter in general. The
construction was very simple. Using locally ?
Cauliflowers were larger & had more florets
quarried stones and porcelain ecosan pans which led to a three fold increase in income
produced in Gujarat, ninety-nine ecosan toilet
units were constructed within one year in ?
Savings due to no pesticides purchased
The Self Help Groups (SHGs) that were formed
A comprehensive visit one year later in during the early part of the project are all
November 2009 revealed outstanding results. thriving and are now linked to other SHG
The positive response was overwhelming. Associations. There is a general increase in
Ninety-one of the ninety-nine units were fully in people’s self confidence. Significant
use, five chambers had been opened and achievements like water connections for all
another seventeen were awaiting opening. The houses, new houses for twenty eight families,
compost itself was very fine and dry. The first new road and flooring for temple area have
chamber opened in the village had 178 kgs of been possible with the increased unity and
compost removed from it. enthusiasm among the communities as a result
of the project. Whereas previously teachers
People constantly related positive stories of their would refuse to stay in the village, there is now
experience after construction of the units. one female teacher who lives there, because the
Everyone was positive. Mothers felt happier facilities have improved. One item that was
that the units provided their daughters with highlighted was that people are healthier and
safety and privacy. One young boy explained visits to the fortnightly mobile medical clinic
how previously he used to help his grandfather have reduced drastically.
walk to the fields so he could defecate, causing a
great deal of awkwardness – now his
Field Note on Ecosan Project Implemented by
grandfather used the family ecosan. Many times
SSP and WTN in Gujarat
the words safer, privacy and dignity were used
by the people.
Where pest attacks did occur only the
infected plant needed to be uprooted rather
than the whole crop, as before
Figure 10.16 Cauliflower crop to which toilet compost
No family illness from pesticide covered was applied by a farmer in vankwad
(Source : S Paramasivan)
International Case Studies
The toilets are placed indoors, usually on Cost
the second or third floor.
At the household level, the actual construction
Faeces drop through a 20 cm wide PVC costs for ecological sanitation are easy to
chute down to a ground level double vault calculate and can be remarkably low. In 2001,
processing chamber. the total cost of materials for a typical eco-san
toilet in Guangxi province was CNY 284 (= USD
A baffle, similar to the one shown in Figure 35). This is only a third of the cost of a three
2.5, directs the faeces to one of the vaults. chamber septic tank or a biogas toilet. Private
entrepreneurs in different parts of China now
A specially designed squatting pan diverts
produce several models of urine-diverting
the urine to a ground level collection point
squatting pans. The pans are made of plastic,
fibreglass or porcelain and range in price from
USD 5 to 10.
Case Study 2 poor soil was compared to spinach grown in the
same poor soil mixed with an equal volume of
pit compost. After 30 days of growth, the
Use of Compost in Agriculture in harvest was increased 7 times for the enhanced
Zimbabwe soil. The same growth test was done with covo
grown on poor soil compared to covo grown on
The demonstration that human excreta can the same poor soil mixed with an equal volume
change into these soils and humus can be an of pit compost. After 30 days of growth, the
important step in convincing people that harvest was increased 4 times.
something good can come out of practicing
ecosan. When fully composted, toilet compost is For the lettuce growth test in poor and enhanced
pleasant to handle and safe to use. It can greatly soil, after 30 days of growth the harvest was
enhance the fertility of very poor soils and can increased 7 times. The onion growth test in poor
also be used as a potting soil or added to and enhanced soil produced similar results,
vegetable and flower beds. with a harvest increase of nearly 3 times after
four months of growth. In all of these examples,
Toilet compost varies a great deal in texture and the use of urine would have enhanced the
colour depending on the amount and type of production further.
soil added. Where sandy soil has been added,
the toilet compost is sandy and almost humus- Compost from urine-diverting toilet
free. Presence of dried out fly cocoons shows
that the material was once excreta. Where fertile When the urine-diverting toilet is used, urine
soil and leaves have been added, the toilet builds up in the urine chamber. A mix of faeces,
compost is much more humus-like. The humus- soil, ash and leaves, builds up in the secondary
like sieved soil makes it an excellent potting soil composting unit. This final compost is rich in
for planting seedlings. nutrients and also contains seeds which have
passed through the alimentary canal. If the local
Compost from toilet pit diet includes tomatoes, then if this compost is
placed in a container and watered young tomato
Toilet compost is obtained from Fossa Alterna plants will spontaneously grow.
or Arborloo. A test crop of spinach grown on
Figure 10.17 Compost being removed from a Fossa Figure 10.18 Comparison of lettuce grown in normal
Alterna soil (left) and soil enhanced with compost (right)
mulberry tree was planted in the hole and the
soil levelled. Leaf mulch was then added and
the tree watered. After four months, the
mulberry tree showed excellent growth and was
in good health. As the tree grew extra mulch
and compost was added. Manure and other
fertilisers can also be dug into the soil as the tree
grows and requires extra feeding.
Toilet compost was dug out and the tree pit was
filled with the toilet compost to ground level. In
this example, the toilet pit compost was
excavated from a Fossa Alterna pit after only 6
months of processing when it was not fully
composted, instead of the recommended 12
months. However, the material was sufficiently
composted to be easily transferred from the
toilet pit to the tree pit. Bricks were laid around
the tree pit and the pit filled again with good
topsoil. A hole was dug in the middle and
topsoil added to the base of the hole. A young
Case Study 3 reduces the heap to less than 10% of the original
Figure 10.20 Clivus Multrum installed in the
basement of a house has separate chutes connecting
the toilet and kitchen along with a network of
perforated pipes for aeration of the pile (Design:
Richard Lindstorm, Sweden)
Case Study 4 tank is rotated so that the next chamber is
positioned below the toilet. In this way each
chamber is filled in sequence.
Promotion of Multiple-vault
Composting Toilet “Carousel” in The system is designed so that it will take at
Norway least a year for all of the chambers to be filled
when use is within the design capacity of the
The “Carousel” is a multiple-vault composting unit. After this point, when a chamber is filled,
toilet widely used in Norway. The “Carousel” is the material in the oldest one is removed
manufactured by Vera Miljö A/S of Norway, through an access door in order to make room
has long been one of that country's most for fresh material.
popular composting toilets, and reportedly over
30,000 units have been manufactured there and Liquid drains through holes at the bottom of the
in the US since 1972. A similar type is also inner tank into the outer one, where it may be
manufactured in Sweden. Outside Scandinavia evaporated or discharged into an evapo-
the carousel-type toilet is manufactured in transpiration bed. Several different size units of
Australia under the name of Rota-Loo. In varying capacity are available at prices between
addition to sales in Australia and New Zealand, USD 1,700 and 2,300 (SEK 14,000 to 19,000).
Rota-Loos are in now in use on some of the
islands in the South Pacific.
The carousel is basically a multi-vault toilet. As
such it effectively keeps fresh and sanitized
The design of the “Carousel” features a below- faeces separate. The same effect can be achieved
the-floor processing vault consisting of a at a much lower cost by using a series of
cylindrical outer tank in which a slightly smaller collection buckets shifted manually instead of a
inner tank is able to rotate on a pivot. The inner rotating tank.
tank is divided into four chambers (six on some
models). The one in use is positioned directly
Based on the publication “Ecological
below the drop chute from the toilet in the
Sanitation” by SEI, Stockholm, Sweden, 2004
bathroom. When a chamber is filled, the inner
Indian Agencies Supplying Ecosan Toilet and Waterless Urinal Components
ii) Waterless Urinals
Shital Ceramics Mr. Jayesh Sompura Low-cost membrane based
15, Milan Park Society, Nr. Swastik Cross waterless urinal odour trap
Road, Navrangpura, with ceramic pan
Ahmedabad - 380 009, Gujarat
Phone: +91-79-26402123
Fax: +91-79-26423061
Parryware Available in all showrooms Sealant Liquid based waterless
Web: urinal odour trap with
fibre/ceramic pan
Hindware Available in all showrooms Sealant Liquid based waterless
Web: urinal odour trap with
fibre/ceramic pan
Falcon Waterless West Coast Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Sealent Liquid based waterless
Sneh Centre, 4th Floor urinal odour trap with
F.C. Road (Lalit Mahal Crossing) fibre/ceramic pan
Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005
Tel: +91 (93) 7161 7026
Eagle Build-Tech Mr. Sanjay Sharma Bio-Blocks for waterless urinals
Plaza Cinema
Connaught Place
New Delhi
Phone: 91-11-65661864
AG Aqua Solutions 17, Pusa Road, 2nd Floor Mechanical air enclosing odour
Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005 traps with fibre/ceramic pan
Phone: 011 – 47999850/1/2/3/4/6/7
Mobile: +91 9899999339,
+91 9711436534
Fax: 011 – 47999855
List of Resource Agencies
S. Organization Contact Person Contact Details
1 BIOME , Bangalore Mr S Vishwanath 1022, 6th Block, 1st Floor, HMT Layout
Director Vidyaranyapura Main Road
Bangalore – 560 097
Phone: 91-80-41672790
2 Bio-Tech Mr A Saji Das Bio-Tech, PB No. 520, MP Appan Road,
Vazhuthacaud, Thycad P.O,
Thiruvananthapuram (Dist). PIN - 695014,
Kerala, India.
Phone: 91-471-2331909, 2321909
3 BLESS, Cuddalore Mr Antony Samy BLESS Learning Centre
Secretary East coast Road
Phone : 91-0413-2615782, 2611047
4 Centre for Science and Training coordinator 41, Tughlakabad Institutional
Environment New Delhi - 110062
Phone: 91-11-29955124
5 Consortium for DEWATS Mr Joe D’Souza 621, 5th Main Road
Dissemination (CDD) Society Advisor OMBR Layout
Banaswadi Post
Bangalore 560 043, INDIA
Phone: 91- 80 - 25452804
6 Eco Pro - Auroville Mr Lucas Dengel Saracon Building, Kottakarai
Environmental Initiatives Chief Functionary Auroville
Tamil Nadu - 605 101
7 Eco solutions Mr Paul Calvert 'Pulari', 49 Asan Nagar
Chief Functionary Vallakadavu
Trivandrum - 695008
Phone: 91- 471- 2502622
8 Ecosan Service Foundation Mr Dayanand Panse Vishwa Chandra,
Chief Functionary 1002/42 Rajendra Nagar
Pune – 411030
Phone: 91- 20- 64000736
9 Energy Environment & Mr Ajit Kumar Saxena R-12 GTB Complex, New Market
Development Society Director Bhopal
Madhya Pradesh
Phone: 0755-2768369
Email :
10 Environmental Sanitation Director Gandhi Ashram,
Institute Ashram Road
Ahmedabad - 390027
11 FODRA Mr Madhav Naik 130, Neelgiri Appartments
Director Sector-9, Rohini India, 110 085
12 Indian Green Service Mr C Srinivasan Indian Green Service (IGS)
Director Vellore
Phone: 09443318523
13 Indian Institute of Technology Dr V M Chariar Centre for Rural Dev & Technology
Delhi (IIT Delhi) Professor IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas
New Delhi 110016
Phone: 91 -11-2659 6358
14 Indian Institute of Technology Dr Vinod Tare Dept. of Civil Engineering
Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) Professor IIT Kanpur
Room: 116 Western Laboratory
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 91-512- 259 7792
15 Key Resource Centre Dr Vinod K Mishra Uttaranchal Academy of Administration,
Uttaranchal Academy of Programme Director Ardwell Camp, Mallital
Administration Nainital -263 001
Phone : 91-5942- 236141
16 Ladakh Ecological Director Karzoo, Leh
Development Group Ladakh – 194101
Jammu & Kashmir
Phone: 91-1982- 253221
17 Megh Pyne Abhiyan Mr Eklavya Prasad C/o Dr.A.Sinha, Dr.R.V.P.Sinha Clinic
Chief Functionary Rajvibhuti, Salimpur Ahara
Patna – 800 003
18 MYRADA KVK Mr P Alagesan 272 – Perumal Nagar,
Director Puduvalliampalayam,
Kalingiyam – 638 453
Gobichettipalayam – Taluk
Erode District
Tamil Nadu
Phone : 91- 04285- 241626, 241727
E-mail :
Web :
19 National Research Centre for Dr K J Jeyabhaskaran Thogamalai Road,Thayanur Post,
Banana Senior Scientist Tiruchirapalli - 620 102
Tamil Nadu
Phone : 91-431-2618104
20 Nirmal Gram Nirman Kendra Mr Srikant Navrekar At Govardhan, PO Gangapur,
Director Nashik - 422222
Phone: 91-253-2231598
21 People’s Learning Centre for Mr Praveen Bhikadiya C-1157, 1st Floor,
Water and Sanitation Programme Manu Raja Chamardiwala Opp. SBS,
Coordinator Kaliyabhid
Bhavnagar 364002
Gujarat, India
Phone: 91-278-2573061
22 Rain Centre Mr Sekar Ragavan 4, 3rd Trust Link Street
Founder Mandavelipakkam
Tamilnadu - 600 028
Phone: 91-44-2461 6134
Web :
23 Ramakrishna Mission Mr Chandi Charan De Po Narendrapur
Lokasiksha Parishad Co-ordinator Kolkata - 700103
West Bengal
Phone: 91-33-24772201, 33-24772070
24 SCOPE Mr M Subburaman P/17, 6th Cross, Ahamed Colony,
Director Ramalinganagar,
Phone : 91- 431- 2774144
25 Sulabh International Dr P K Jha Sulabh Gram, Mahavir Enclave,
Director Palam-Dabri Road
New Delhi- 110045
Phone: 91-11-25031518, 25031519,
E-mail: sulabhinfo@gmail
26 University of Agricultural Dr C A University of Agricultural Sciences
Sciences GKVK Srinivasamurthy Department of Soil Science and agriculture
Professor Chemistry, GKVK
Bangalore: 560065
Phone: 91- 80- 23620023
27 Wash Institute Mr Prakash Kumar 5-296, Anandhagiri 7th Street,
CEO Kodaikanal - 624 101
Dindigul District
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-4542- 240881
28 Water for People Mr A Kalimuthu 26/1/1, Gariahat Road (South)
Country Director Kolkata 700031, West Bengal
Phone: 91- 33- 24187600
29 Wherever the Need Dr S Paramasivan 27, 4th Cross Street, Kurinji Nagar
Country Director Lawspet
Pondicherry – 605008
Phone: 09443018327
Web :
1. Ecological Sanitation - editors Winblad U & Simpson-Hébert M, (2004). published by SEI, Stockholm,
2. Total sanitation campaign guidelines. (2010). Published by Department of Drinking Water Supply,
Govt. of India.
4. Closing the loop: Ecological Sanitation edited by Sawyer, R. (2001). SIDA, Swedish International
Development Cooperation Agency. ISBN 91-586-8935-4.
5. Technology review: Urine diversion components by Münch, E. von and Winker M. (2009). German
Development Cooperation, Eschborn, Germany.
6. Ecological sanitation – Fact sheet by Smet.J and Sugden.S. (2006). WEDC, Loughborough University,
7. Guidelines for the safe use of urine and faeces in ecological sanitation systems by Schönning, C. and
Stenström, T-A. (2004) EcoSanRes, SEI, Stockholm, Sweden.
8. Guidelines on use of urine and faeces in crop production by Jönsson, H., Richert Stintzing, A.,
Vinnerås, B. and Salomon, E. (2004). EcoSanRes, SEI, Stockholm, Sweden.
9. Toilets that make compost by Peter Morgan. (2007). EcoSanRes, SEI, Stockholm, Sweden.
10. Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies by Tilley.E. et al, .(2008). Swiss Federal
Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag). Dübendorf, Switzerland.
11. Capacity building for ecological sanitation – ecosan resource material. (2006). compiled by
UNESCO/IHP, Delft, The Netherlands and German Development Cooperation, Eschborn, Germany.
12. Capacity Building for Ecological Sanitation in India – Resource material for Ecosan Training Course
Summer 2007 compiled by Ecosan Services Foundation (ESF) and Seecon gmbh
13. Results of a medium-scale trial of single-use, self-sanitising toilet bags in poor urban settlements in
Bangladesh. (2009). Published by German Development Cooperation, Eschborn, Germany.
14. Humanure Handbook by Jenkins.J. (2005) published by Joseph Jenkins Inc. USA.
15. Sanitation and hygiene education – India: Handbook for teachers by Snel.M., Ganguly.S., and Shordt.
K. (2002) published by IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Delft, The Netherlands.
16. Code of basic requirements for water supply, drainage and sanitation - BIS code 1172:1993 published
by Bureau of Indian Standards, India.
17. School sanitation and hygiene education. (2008). Published by UNICEF and Department of Drinking
Water Supply, Govt. of India.
18. Terra Preta sanitation - poster published by Sustainable Sanitation Center, Xavier University,
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, 2010.
19. A simple guide for construction of ecosan toilets by Kalimuthu. A. (2009). published by Plan,
21. Emergency Sanitation: Assessment and programme design by Harvey, P.A., Baghri, S. and Reed,
R.A. (2002), WEDC, Loughborough University, UK.
23. Tutorial for sustainable sanitation planning introduces a participatory planning approach, NETSSAF.
Comments and suggestions on this manual are welcome.