Gate Chemical 2008

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ONE MARKS QUESTIONS (1-20) the Newton-Raphson iterative scheme.

Among the initial guesses (I1, I2, I3, and
I4), the guess that is likely to lead to the
1. Which ONE of the following is NOT an
root most rapidly is
integrating factor for the differential
equation xdy – ydx = 0?
1 a. I1
d. b. I2
 x  y c. I3
2. Which One of the following is not a d. I4
solution of the differential 6. For a Carnot refrigerator operating
d y between 40°C and 25°C, the coefficient of
equation 2  y  1 ?
dx performance is
a. y = 1 a. 1
b. y = 1 + cos x b. 1.67
c. y = 1 + sin x c. 19.88
d. y = 2 +sin x + cos x d. 39.74
sin x 7. The work done by one mole of a van der
3. The limit of as x   is Waals fluid undergoing reversible
isothermal expansion from initial volume
a. -1
Vi to final volume Vf is
b. 0
c. 1 V 
a. RT ln  f 
d.   Vi 
4. The unit normal vector to the surface of V b 
the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = 1 at the point b. RT ln  f 
 1 1   Vi  b 
ˆ ˆ ˆ
 , 0,  is ( i , j , k are unit normal V b   1 1
 2 2 c. RT ln  f   a   
vectors in the cartesian coordinate system)  Vi  b   V f Vi 
1 ˆ 1 ˆ  1 1
a. i j V b 
2 2 d. RT ln  f   a   
1 ˆ 1 ˆ  Vi  b   V f Vi 
b. i k 8. For a system containing species P, Q and
2 2
R, composition at point k on the ternary
1 ˆ 1 ˆ
c. j k plot is
2 2
1 ˆ 1 ˆ 1 ˆ
d. i j k
3 3 3
5. A nonlinear function f(x) is defined in the
interval -1.2 < x < 4 as illustrated in the
figure below. The equation f(x) = 0 is
solved for x within this interval by using

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(Pc) across an incompressible filter cake
and the specific surface area (So) of the
particles being filtered is given by ONE of
the following
a. Pc is proportional to So
b. Pc is proportional to 1/ So
c. Pc is proportional to So2
d. Pc is proportional to l/ So2
a. 62.5% P, 12.5% Q, 25% R 14. power required for size reduction in
b. 25% P, 62.5% Q, 12.5% R crushing is
c. 12.5% P, 62.5% Q, 25% R a. proportional to 1
Surface energy of the material
d. 12.5% P, 25% Q, 62.5% R
b. proportional to 1
9. Three containers are filled with water up to Surface energy of the material
the same height as shown. The pressures at
c. proportional to Surface energy of the
the bottom of the containers are denoted as
P1, P2 and P3. Which ONE of the following
d. independent of the Surface energy of
relationships is true?
the material
15. Transient three-dimensional heat
conduction is governed by ONE of the
following differential equations (-thermal
diffusivity, k-thermal conductivity and
a. P3 > P1 > P2
b. P2 > P1 > P3 -volumetric rate of heat generation)
1 T
c. P1 > P2 = P3 a.  T   k
d. P1 = P2 = P3  t
10. Losses for flow through valves and fittings 1 T 
b.  T 
are expressed in terms of  t k
a. drag coefficient 1 T
b. equivalent length of a straight pipe c.   T  k

 t
c. shape factor 1 T 
d. roughness factor d.   2T 
11. To determine the performance of a  t k
compressor, a standardized test is 16. In a countercurrent gas absorber, both the
pardoned in the testing process, when the operating and equilibrium relations are
compressor is under operation, “shut off” linear. The inlet liquid composition and the
term signifies exit gas composition are maintained
a. maximum flow constant In order to increase the absorption
b. zero flow factor
c. steady flow a. the liquid flow rate should decrease
d. intermittent flow b. the gas flow rate should increase
12. Given a pipe of diameter D, the entrance c. the slope of the equilibrium line should
length necessary to achieve fully increase
developed laminar flow is proportional to d. the slope of the equilibrium line should
(NRe is Reynolds number) decrease
17. A species (A) reacts on a solid catalyst to
a. DN Re
produce R and S as follows:
D 1. A  R rR  k1C A2
N Re
2. A  S rS  k2C A2
c. DN Re Assume film resistance to mass transfer is
D negligible. The ratio of instantaneous
d. 2
N Re fractional yield of R in the presence of
13. For laminar flow conditions, the pore diffusion to that in the absence of
relationship between the pressure drop pore diffusion is

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a. 1 1
b. 2 2
b. > 1 s  s  1
c. < 1
1 1
d. Zero c.  2
18. For the case of single lump-sum capital s  s  1

expenditure of Rs. 10 crores which 1

generates a constant annual cash flow of d.
 s  1 1
Rs. 2 crores in each subsequent year, the
payback period (in years), if the scrap 23. The value of the surface integral
value of the capital outlay is zero is
a. 10  

xiˆ  yjˆ .ndA
ˆ evaluated over the
b. 20 surface of a cube having sides of length a
c. 1 is ( n̂ is unit normal vector)
d. 5 a. 0
19. The relation between capital rate of return b. a3
ratio (CRR), net present value (NPV) and c. 2a3
maximum cumulative expenditure (MCE) d. 3a3
is 24. The first four terms of the Taylor series
a. CRR  expansion of cos x about the point x = 0
MCE are
MCE x 2 x3
b. CRR  a. 1  x  
NPV 2! 3!
c. CRR  NPV  MCE x 2 x3
MCE b. 1  x  
d. CRR  2! 3!
( NPV  MCE ) 2
x x4 x6
20. Which ONE of the following is NOT a c. 1   
major constituent of crude oil? 2! 4! 6!
a. Paraffins x3 x5 x 7
d. x   
b. Olefins 3! 5! 7!
c. Naphthenes  2
d. Aromatics 25. If A   , then the eigen values of A3
2 1
a. 5, 4
b. 3, -1
c. 9, -1
d. 27, -1
21. Which ONE of the following 26. An analytic function w = u + iv, where
transformations u  f  y  reduces i  1 and z = x + iy. If the real part si
, w  z  is
 Ay 3  By  0 to a linear differential given by u  2
dx x  y2
equation? (A and B are positive constants) 1
a. u  y 3 z
b. u  y 2 1
b. 2
c. u  y 1 z
d. u  y 2 c.
22. The Laplace transform of the function z
f  t   t sin t is d.
2s 27. The normal distribution is given by
 s  1
2 2

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1   x   2  20°C. The product stream contains
f  x  exp    ,   x   hydrated crystals Na2SO4.10H2O in
2  2 2 
 equilibrium with a 20wt% Na2SO4
The points of inflexion to the normal curve solution. The molecular weights of
are Na2SO4 and Na2SO4.10H2O are 142 and
a. x   ,  322, respectively. The feed rate of the 35%
b. x     ,    solution required to produce 500 kg/hr of
c. x    2 ,   2 hydrated crystals is
d. x    3 ,   3 a. 403 kg/hr
28. Using Simpson’s 1/3 rule and FOUR b. 603 kg/hr
equally spaced intervals (n = 4), estimate c. 803 kg/hr
 d. 1103 kg/hr
sin x 33. 600 kg/hr of saturated steam at 1 bar
the value of the integral  cos
dx (enthalpy 2675.4 kJ/kg) is mixed
adiabatically with superheated steam at
a. 0.3887 450°C and 1 bar (enthalpy 3382.4 kJ/kg).
b. 0.4384 The product is superheated steam at 350°C
c. 0.5016 and 1 bar (enthalpy 3175.6 kJ/kg). The
d. 0.5527 flow rate of the product is
29. The following differential equation is to be a. 711 kg/hr
solved numerically by the Euler’s explicit b. 1111 kg/hr
method. c. 1451 kg/hr
 x 2 y  1.2 y with y(0) = 1 d. 2051 kg/hr
dx 34. Carbon black is produced by
A step size of 0.1 is used. The solution for decomposition of methane:
y at x = 0.1 is CH 4 g   C s   2 H 2 g 
a. 0.880
The single pass conversion of methane is
b. 0.905
60%. If fresh feed is pure methane and
c. 1.000
25% of the methane exiting the reactor is
d. 1.100
recycled, then the molar ratio of fresh feed
30. The Poisson distribution is given
stream to recycle stream is
by P  r   exp  m  . The first moment a. 0.9
r! b. 9
about the origin for this distribution is c. 10
a. 0 d. 90
b. m 35. The molar volume (v) of a binary mixture,
c. 1/m of species 1 and 2 having mole fractions x1
d. m2 and x2 respectively is given by
31. Air (79 mole % nitrogen and 21 mole % v = 220x1 + 180x2 + x1x2(90x1+50x2)
oxygen) is passed over a catalyst at high The partial molar volume of species 2 at
temperature. Oxygen completely reacts x2 = 0.3 is
with nitrogen as shown below a. 183.06
0.5 N 2 g   0.5O2 g   NO g  b. 212.34
0.5 N 2 g   O2 g   NO2 g  c. 229.54
d. 256.26
The molar ratio of NO to NO2 in the 36. The standard Gibbs free energy change
product stream is 2:1. The fractional and enthalpy change at 25°C for the liquid
conversion of nitrogen is phase reaction
a. 0.13 CH 3COOH 1  C2 H 5OH 1  CH 3COOC2 H 51  H 2O1
b. 0.20 are given as G298  4650 J/mol and
c. 0.27
d. 0.40 H°298 = -3640 J/mol. If the solution is
32. A 35 wt% Na2SO4 solution in water, ideal and enthalpy change is assumed to be
initially at 50°C, is fed to a crystallizer at

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constant, the equilibrium constant at 95°C 4. Inertial force / Surface tension force
is Codes;
a. 0.65 A B C
b. 4.94 a. 1 2 3
c. 6.54 b. 2 3 4
d. 8.65 c. 3 2 1
37. A cylindrical vessel with hemispherical d. 4 3 2
ends is filled with water as shown in the 40. A steady flow field of an incompressible
figure. The head space is pressurized to a fluid is given by

gauge pressure of 40 kN/m2. The vertical V   Ax  By  i  Ayj  Ayj , where A=1s-1,
ˆ ˆ ˆ
force F (in kN) tending to lift the top dome
B = 1 s-1, and x, y are in meters. The
and the absolute pressure P (in kN/m2) at
magnitude of the acceleration (in m/s2) of
the bottom of the vessel are
a fluid particle at (1, 2) is
(g = 9.8 m/s2, density of water = 1000
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 10
41. Two identically sized spherical particles A
and B having densities A and B
respectively, are settling in a fluid of
density . Assuming free settling under
turbulent flow conditions, the ratio of the
terminal settling velocity of particle A to
that of particle B is given by

 A   
a. F = 83.6; P = 64.5  B   
b. F = 83.6; P = 165.8
 B   
c. F = 125.7; P = 64.5
d. F = 125.7; P = 165.8
 A   
38. A pump draws oil (specific gravity 0.8)
 A   
from a storage tank and discharges it to an  B   
overhead tank. The mechanical energy
delivered by the pump to the fluid is 50 d.
 B   
J/kg. The velocities at the suction and the  A   
discharge points of the pump are 1 m/s and 42. Consider the scale-up of a cylindrical
7 m/s, respectively. Neglecting friction baffled vessel configured to have the
losses and assuming kinetic energy standard geometry (i.e. Height =
correction factor to be unity, the pressure Diameter). In order to maintain an equal
developed by the pump (in kN/m2) is rate of mass transfer under turbulent
a. 19.2 conditions for a Newtonian fluid, the ratio
b. 20.8 of the agitator speeds should be
c. 40 (Given N1, D1 are agitator speed and
d. 80 vessel diameter before scale-up; N2, D2 are
39. Match the following agitator speed and vessel diameter after
GROUP 1 scale-up)
A. Euler number N1 D1
B. Froude number a. 
N 2 D2
C. Weber number
N1 D2
GROUP 2 b. 
1. Viscous force / Inertial force N 2 D1
2. Pressure force / Inertial force
3. Inertial force / Gravitational force

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2 46. The temperature profile for heat transfer
N1  D1  3
from one fluid to another separated by a
c.  
N 2  D2  solid wall is
2 a.
N1  D2  3
d.  
N 2  D1 
43. Two plates of equal thickness (t) and
cross-sectional area, are joined together to
form a composite as shown in the figure. if
the thermal conductivities of the plates are
k and 2k then, the effective thermal
conductivity of the composite is b.

a. 3k/2
b. 4k/3
c. 3k/4
d. 2k/3
44. A metallic ball ( = 2700 kg/m3 and
Cp = 0.9 kJ/kg°C) of diameter 7.5 cm is
allowed to cool in air at 25°C. When the
temperature of the ball is 125°C, it is
found to cool at the rate of 4°C per minute.
If thermal gradients inside the ball are d.
neglected, the heat transfer coefficient (in
W/m2 °C) is
a. 2.034
b. 20.34
c. 81.36
d. 203.4
45. Hot liquid is flowing at a velocity of 2 m/s
through a metallic pipe having an inner
diameter of 3.5 cm and length 20 m. The
temperature at the inlet of the pipe is 90°C. 47. A rectangular slab of thickness 2b along
Following data is given for liquid at 90°C the x axis and extending to infinity along
Density = 950 kg/m3 the other directions is initially at
Specific heat = 4.23 kJ/kg°C; concentration CAo. At time t = 0, both
Viscosity = 2.55 × 10-4 kg/m.s; surfaces of the slab (x = ± b) have their
Thermal conductivity 0.685 W/m °C concentrations increased to CAW and
The heat transfer coefficient (in W/m2°C) maintained at that value. Solute A diffuses
inside the tube is into the solid. The dimensionless
a. 222.22 concentration C is defined as
b. 111.11 c c
c. 22.22 C  A AO
cAW  c AO
d. 11.11

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The diffusivity of A inside the solid is 49. An ideal flash vaporization is carried out
assumed constant. At a certain time with a binary mixture at constant
instant, which ONE of the following is the temperature and pressure. A process upset
correct representation of the concentration leads to an increase in the mole fraction of
profile? the heavy component in the feed. The flash
a. vessel continues to operate at the previous
temperature and pressure and still
produces liquid and vapor. After steady
state is re-established,
a. the amount of vapor produced will
b. the amount of liquid produced will
b. c. the new equilibrium compositions of
the vapor and liquid products will be
d. the new equilibrium compositions of
the vapor and liquid products will
remain as they were before the upset
50. A batch distillation operation is carried out
to separate a feed containing 100 moles of
c. a binary mixture of A and B. The mole
fraction of A in the feed is 0.7. The
distillation progresses until the mole
fraction of A in the residue decreases to
0.6. The equilibrium curve in this
composition range may be linearized to y*
= 0.7353 x + 0.3088. Here x and y are the
mole fractions of the more volatile
component A in the liquid and vapor
phases respectively. The number of moles
d. of residue is
a. 73.53
b. 48.02
c. 40
d. 30.24
51. A packed tower containing Berl saddles is
operated with a gas-liquid system in the
countercurrent mode. Keeping the gas
flow rate constant, if the liquid flow rate is
48. In a binary mixture containing components continuously increased,
A and B, the relative volatility of A with a. the void fraction available for the gas
respect to B is 2.5 when mole fractions are to flow will decrease beyond the
used. The molecular weights of A and B loading point
are 78 and 92 respectively. If the b. the gas pressure drop will decrease
compositions are however expressed in c. liquid will continue to flow freely
mass fractions the relative volatility will down the tower beyond the loading
then be point
a. 1.18 d. the entrainment of liquid in the gas will
b. 2.12 considerably decrease near the
c. 2.5 flooding point
d. 2.95 52. A sparingly soluble solute in the form of a
circular disk is dissolved in an organic

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solvent as shown in the figure. The area subscript S. The compositions of the
available for mass transfer from the disk is streams are expressed on a mole ratio
A and the volume of the initially pure basis. The extract leaving the contactor is
organic solvent is V. The disk is rotated divided into two equal parts, one part
along the horizontal plane at a fixed rpm to collected as the product (P) and the other
produce a uniform concentration of the stream is recycled to join the solvent. The
dissolving solute in the liquid. equilibrium relationship is
The convective mass transfer coefficient Y* = 2X
under these conditions is kc. The The product flow rate (Ps) and
equilibrium concentration of the solute in composition (Yout) are
the solvent is C*. The time required for the
concentration to reach I % of the saturation
value is given by

a. Ps = 50 mol/s, Yout = 0.3

b. Ps = 100 mol/s, Yout = 0.4
c. Ps = 200 mol/s, Yout = 0.1
d. Ps = 100 mol/s, Yout = 0.4
55. The gas phase reaction A + 3B  2C is
conducted in a PFR at constant
temperature and pressure. The PFR
achieves a conversion of 20% of A. The
feed is a mixture of A, B and an inert I. It
 k A  is found that the concentration of A
a. exp   c t   0.99 remains the same throughout the reactor.
 V 
Which ONE of the following ratios of inlet
 k A 
b. exp   c t   0.01 molar rates (FA,in: FB,in: FI,in) is consistent
 V  with this observation? Assume the reaction
exp  0.99   t
mixture is an ideal gas mixture.
Akc a. 2 : 3 : 0
V b. 2 : 2: 1
d. exp  0.01  1 c. 3 : 2: 1
Akc d. 1: 2 : 1
53. Air concentrated with solute P is brought 56. The elementary liquid phase series-parallel
in contact with water. At steady state, the reaction scheme
bulk concentrations of P in air and water A BC
are 0.3 and 0.02 respectively. The
A R
equilibrium equation relating the interface
is to be carried out in an isothermal CSTR.
compositions is
The rate laws are given by
y p.i  0.25 x p.i
rR  k ' C A
Assume that the mass transfer coefficients
rB  kC A  kCB
F and FL are identical. The gas phase mole
fraction of P at the interface (yp.i) is Feed is pure A. The space time of the
a. 0.0663 CSTR which results in the maximum exit
b. 0.075 concentration of B is given by
c. 0.16 1
d. 0.3 kk '
54. A feed (F) containing a solute is contacted 1
with a solvent (S) in an ideal stage as b.
k '  k  k '
shown in the diagram below. Only the
solute transfers into the solvent. The flow 1
rates of all the streams are shown on a  k  k '
solute free basis and indicated by the

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1 3
d. c. 0  r  R
k  k  k ' 4
57. The liquid phase reaction A  Products is d. 0  r  R
governed by the kinetics 60. The unit impulse response of a first order
 rA  kC1/2 process is given by 2e0.5t The gain and
time constant
If the reaction undergoes 75% conversion
a. 4 and 2
of A in 10 minutes in an isothermal batch
b. 2 and 2
reactor, the time (in minutes) for complete
c. 2 and 0.5
conversion of A is
d. 1 and 0.5
a. 40/3
61. A unit step input is given to a process that
b. 20
is represented by the transfer function
c. 30
d.   s  2  . The initial value (t = 0+) of the
58. The homogeneous reaction A + B  C is  s  5
conducted in an adiabatic CSTR at 800 K response of the process to the step input is
so as to achieve a 30% conversion of A. a. 0
The relevant specific heats and enthalpy b. 2/5
change of reaction are given by c. 1
CP , A  100 J /  molK  , CP ,C  150 J /  molK  d. 
CP , B  50 J /  molK  , h r n  100kJ / mol 62. A tank of volume 0.25 m3 and height 1 m
has water flowing in at 0.05 m3/min. The
If the feed, a mixture of A and B, is outlet flow rate is governed by the relation
available at 550 K, the mole fraction of A Fout  0.1h
in the feed that is consistent with the above
data is where h is the height of the water in the
a. 5/7 tank in m and Fout is the outlet flow rate in
b. 1/4 m3/min.
c. 1/2 The inlet flow rate changes suddenly from
d. 2/7 its nominal value of 0.05 m3/min to 0.15
59. The irreversible zero order reaction A  B rn3/min and remains there. The time (in
takes place in a porous cylindrical catalyst minutes) at which the tank will begin to
that is sealed at both ends as shown in the overflow is given by
figure. Assume dilute concentrations and a. 0.28
neglect any variations in the axial b. 1.01
direction. c. 1.73
d. 
63. Which ONE of the following transfer
functions corresponds to an inverse
response process with a positive gain?
1 2
a. 
2 s  1 3s  1
2 5
The steady state concentration profile is b. 
s  1 s  10
 2  r  
 1  0    1 3  0.5s  1
C AS 4  R   c.
 2s  1 s  1
where o, is the Thiele modulus. For o =
5 1
4, the range of r where CA = 0 is d. 
R s  1 2s  1
a. 0  r  64. Match the following
b. 0  r  A. Temperature
2 B. Pressure
C. Flow

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GROUP 2 A. Saponification
1. Hot wire anemometry B. Calcination
2. Strain Gauge C. Aikylation
3. Chromatographic analyzer GROUP 2
4. Pyrometer 1. Petroleum refining
Codes; 2. Synthetic fibres
A B C 3. Cement
a. 1 2 3 4. Soaps and Detergents
b. 4 1 3 Codes;
c. 1 2 4 A B C
d. 4 2 1 a. 1 3 4
65. Match the following b. 2 3 4
GROUP 1 c. 4 2 1
A. Ziegler Nichols d. 4 3 1
B. Under damped response 69. Which ONE of the following process
C. Feed-forward Control sequences is used in the production of
GROUP 2 synthesis gas?
1. Process Reaction Curve a. Desulphurization  Steam reforming
2. Decay ratio  Hot K2CO3 cycle
3. Frequency Response b. Steam reforming  Desulphurization
4. Disturbance measurement  Hot K2CO3 cycle
Codes; c. Hot K2CO3 cycle  Steam reforming
A B C  Desulphurization
a. 1 2 3
d. Hot K2CO3 cycle  Desulphurization
b. 1 2 3
 Steam reforming
c. 3 4 2
70. Which ONE of the following process
d. 1 4 2
sequences is used in the sugar industry?
66. A reactor has been installed at a cost of Rs.
50,000 and is expected to have a working a. Ca2HPO4/Lime Treatment 
life of 10 years with a scrap value of Rs. Crystallization  Crushing
10,000. The capitalized cost (in Rs.) of the b. Ca2HPO4/Lime Treatment  Multiple
reactor based on an annual compound stage evaporation  Crystallization
interest rate of 5% is c. Crushing  Crystallization 
a. 1,13,600 Ca2HPO4/Lime Treatment
b. 42,000 d. Multiple stage evaporation 
c. 52,500 Crystallization  Ca2HPO4/Lime
d. 10,500 Treatment
67. In a shell and tube heat exchanger, if the
shell length is Ls, the baffle spacing is LB COMMON DATA FOR QUESTIONS(71,72&73)
and the thickness of baffle is tb the number
of baffles on the shell side, NB, is Methane and steam are fed to a reactor in molar
Ls ratio 1: 2. The following reactions take place,
LB  tb CH 4 g   2 H 2O g   CO2 g   4 H 2 g 

1 CH 4 g   H 2O g   CO g   3H 2 g 
LB  tb Where CO2 is the desired product, CO is the
Ls undesired product and H2 is a byproduct. The exit
c. 1
LB  tb stream has the following composition
d. 2 Species CH4 H2O CO2 H2 CO
LB  tb Mole % 4.35 10.88 15.21 67.39 2.17
68. Match the unit processes in Group 1 with
the industries in Group 2 71. The selectivity for desired product relative
GROUP 1 to undesired product is
a. 2.3

11 of 12
b. 3.5 azeotrope is 0.62. At 105.4°C, the pure
c. 7 component vapor pressures for species 1 and 2 are
d. 8 0.878 bar and 0.665 bar, respectively. Assume that
72. The fractional yield of CO2 is the vapour phase is an ideal gas mixture. The van
(where fractional yield is defined us the Laar constants, A and B, are given by the
ratio of moles of the desired product expressions:
formed to the motes that would have been  x ln  2   x1 ln  1 
formed there were no side reactions and A  1  2  ln  1 , B  1   ln  2 ,
the limiting reactant had reacted  x1 ln  1   x2 ln  2 
completely) 76. The activity coefficients  1 ,  2  under
a. 0.7 these conditions are
b. 0.88 a. (0.88, 0.66)
c. 1 b. (l.15, 1.52)
d. 3.5 c. (1.52, 1.15)
73. The fractional conversion of methane is d. (1.52, 0.88)
a. 0.4 77. The van Laan constants (A, B) are
b. 0.5 a. (0.92, 0.87)
c. 0.7 b. (1.00, 1.21)
d. 0.8 c. (1.12, 1.00)
d. (1.52, 1.15)


A liquid is flowing through a reactor at a constant QUESTION (78 &79)
flow rate. A step input of tracer at a molar flow
rate of 1 mol/min is given to the reactor at time
A siphon tube having a diameter of 2 cm draws
t = 0. The time variation of the concentration (C)
water from a large open reservoir and discharges
of the tracer at the exit of the reactor is as shown
into the open atmosphere as shown in the figure.
in the figure:
Assume incompressible fluid and neglect
frictional losses. (g = 9.8 m/s2)

74. The volumetric flow rate of the liquid

through the reactor (in L/min) is
a. 1
b. 2
c. 1.5
d. 4 78. The velocity (in m/s) at the discharge point
75. The mean residence time of the fluid in the is
reactor (in minutes) is a. 9.9
a. 1 b. 11.7
b. 2 c. 98
c. 3 d. 136.9
d. 4 79. The volumetric flow rate (in L/s) of water
at the discharge is
b. 3.67
c. 30.77
A binary mixture containing species 1 and 2 forms d. 42.99
an azeotrope at 105.4°C and 1.0 13 bar. The liquid
phase mole fraction of component 1 (x1) of this

12 of 12

The liquid phase reaction A  Products is to be

carried out at constant temperature in a CSTR
followed by a PFR in series. The overall
conversion of A achieved by the reactor system
(CSTR + PER) is 95%. The CSTR has a volume 82. If the exit avenge concentration in the
of 75 liters. Pure A is fed to the CSTR at a liquid is measured to be 1.4 × 10-2
concentration CAO = 2 mol/liter and a volumetric kmol/m3, the total mass transfer rate (in
flow rate of 4 liters/mm. The kinetics of the kmol/s) of the sparingly soluble gas into
reaction is given by the liquid is
mol a. 0.133 × 10-4
rA  0.1C A2 b. 0.434 × 10-7
80. The conversion achieved by the CSTR is c. 3.4 × 10-2
a. 40% d. 17 × 10-2
b. 50% 83. The mass transfer coefficient (in surface is
c. 60% m/s), averaged along the length of the
d. 80% vertical
81. The volume of the PFR required (in liters) a. 2.94 × 10-6
is b. 2.27 × 10-6
a. 380 c. 1.94 × 10-6
b. 350 d. 1.64 × 10-6
c. 75


The cross-over frequency associated with a
QUESTION (82 AND 83) feedback loop employing a proportional controller
to control the process represented by the transfer
A thin liquid film flows at steady state along a function
2e  s
vertical surface as shown in the figure. The Gp  s   ,(units of time is minutes)
 s  1
average velocity of the liquid film is 0.05 m/s. The
viscosity of the liquid is 1 cP and its density is
1000 kg/m3. The initially pure liquid absorbs a 84. The time constant,  (in minutes) is
a. 1.14
sparingly soluble gas from air as it flows down.
The length of the wall is 2 m and its width is 0.5 b. 1.92
in. The solubility of the gas in the liquid is 3.4 × c. 3.23
10-2 kmol/m3 and isothermal conditions may be d. 5.39
assumed. 85. if the control loop is to operate at a gain
margin of 2.0, the gain of the proportional
controller must equal
a. 0.85
b. 2.87
c. 3.39
d. 11.50

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