Ammonia and Urea Production PDF
Ammonia and Urea Production PDF
Ammonia and Urea Production PDF
The global market of ammonia is highly fragmented (Figure 2). In 2013, China was the
world’s largest producer of ammonia with a market share of more than 30%, producing
nearly 70 million metric tons per year. India followed with 7.1% market share, Russia with
6.1% and the United States with 6.0%. The I.R. Iran with seven active plants, produced about
3.0 million metric tons per year of ammonia with a market share of more than 1.5%1.
Iran’s Petrochemical Industry Report, 2014
Historically, the production of ammonia has steadily increased over the past 100 years at a
2% growth rate. However, due to a strong increase in fertilizer demand, the ammonia market
is expected to grow at an unprecedented 3.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the
next five years and reach global revenues of over $100 billion in 2019.
Figure 3: Block diagram of ammonia production based on the steam reforming process.
The primary and secondary reformers in ammonia plants are almost the same as methanol
plants. The main difference is that, the air is used instead of oxygen in the secondary reformer
(ATR). In addition no CO2 sources is used as reformer feed, because the objective of
reformer units is to maximize the H2 and minimize the CO and CO2 production.
Water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, all of which poison the iron catalyst used in the
ammonia synthesis, must be removed from the synthesis gas.
Water removal
The gas mixture is further cooled to about 40oC, at which temperature the water condenses
and is removed.
The concentrated (99.7%) urea melt is fed to the prilling device (e.g. rotating bucket/shower
type spray head) located at the top of the prilling tower. Liquid droplets are formed which
solidify and cool on free fall through the tower against a forced or natural up-draft of ambient
air. The product is removed from the tower base to a conveyor belt using a rotating rake, a
fluidized bed or a conical hopper. Cooling to ambient temperature and screening may be used
before the product is finally transferred to storage.
The design/operation of the prilling device exerts a major influence on product size. Collision
of the molten droplets with the tower wall as well as inter-droplet contact causing
agglomeration must be prevented. Normally mean prill diameters range from 1.6-2.0 mm for
prilling operations.
Depending on the process a 95-99.7% urea feedstock is used. The lower feedstock
concentration allows the second step of the evaporation process to be omitted and also
simplifies the process condensate treatment step. The basic principle of the process involves
the spraying of the melt onto recycled seed particles or prills circulating in the granulator. A
slow increase in granule size and drying of the product takes place simultaneously. Air
passing through the granulator solidifies the melt deposited on the seed material. Processes
using low concentration feedstock require less cooling air since the evaporation of the
additional water dissipates part of the heat which is released when the urea crystallizes from
liquid to solid.
All the commercial processes available are characterized by product recycle, and the ratio of
recycled to final product varies between 0.5 and 2.5. Prill granulation or fattening systems
have a very small recycle, typically 2 to 4%. Usually the product leaving the granulator is
cooled and screened prior to transfer to storage. Conditioning of the urea melt prior to
spraying may also be used to enhance the storage/handling characteristics of the granular
1- Varotto, A., Enhanced catalytic performance for global ammonia production,
Quantum Sphere Inc., 2015.
2- European Fertilizer Manufactures’ Association, Booklet No. 1: Production of
ammonia, 2000.
3- European Fertilizer Manufactures’ Association, Booklet No. 5: Production of urea and
urea ammonium nitrate, 2000.