A Decoupled Control Strategy of PMSG For Variable Speed Wind Power Application

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ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753

ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

Volume 3, Special Issue 3, March 2014

2014 International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET’14)

On 21st & 22nd March Organized by

K.L.N. College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

A Decoupled Control Strategy Of

PMSG for Variable Speed Wind Power
Swagat Pati#1, Narendra Kumar Jena#2, Santosh Acharya#3
Department of Electrical Engineering, Siksha „O‟ Anusandhan University,Bhubaneswar , Odisha, India
Department of Electrical Engineering, Siksha „O‟ Anusandhan University,Bhubaneswar , Odisha, India
Department of Electrical Engineering, Siksha „O‟ Anusandhan University,Bhubaneswar , Odisha, India

ABSTRACT— Speed control of permanent magnet wind turbines. But with advancement in power
synchronous machines for reliable speed wind energy electronic converters, variable speed wind power
systems has always been a challenging task. But with the generation has become possible. Variable speed wind
development of vector control strategies the speed control WECS consists of two measure blocks. They are
process has been easily achievable. In this paper the (1) Control of the generator for transient and steady
control of speed and torque of a PMSG is discussed. state performance improvement [1-6].
Vector control strategies have been implemented for the (2) Control of the Grid-side converter for supplying
PMSG control. The PMSG is modeled in synchronous power at constant voltage and frequency [1-6].
rotating reference frame. The whole control scheme is The choice of generator for a WECS is very
modeled using Matlab/Simulink and the results are vital task. Induction generator are used extensively in
discussed WECS for their advantages that they are robust,
efficient and cheaper. But they suffer from a drawback
KEYWORDS— Permanent magnet synchronous that they can‟t generate flux for power generation .So
generator(PMSG), Vector control scheme, PI controllers. either they have to be grid connected or a capacitor
bank is needed to make the machine self excited. Again
as they draw reactive power from the grid they have a
low working power factor [11, 12].Although induction
In the advent of the advanced and proficient generators are the main work horse of WECS, but to
technologies the wind Energy Conversion System achieve high power density PMSG are used. In PMSG
(WECS) has penetrated well in the energy market. the rotor is provided with permanent magnet so there is
Although Induction Generators are the work horse of the no need of rotor winding, so no rotor loss occurs in the
WECS, but to achieve high power density with reducing machine. To maintain a constant air gap flux there is no
size, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators (PMSG) need of magnetizing current hence the working power
are used. The drawbacks of these machines are more factor of PMSG is high. Although these machines have
expensive and prone to demagnetization. PMSG based drawbacks that they are costly and less efficient than
WECS are of two types, such as direct driven and indirect induction machines and they are prone to
driven. As in synchronous generator multiple pole design demagnetization, but can provide a promising and high
is possible, hence it is employed in the gearless operation. quality power to the grid.
In case of direct driven PMSG, it needs less maintenance As mentioned earlier in variable speed wind
because there are no gear drives. In the recent years it has power generation the control of the generator plays a
become a promising source of Clean and renewable vital role in maximum power extraction from wind[11,
Energy. But WECS has a major drawback that the wind 12].Many control structures have been recently
behavior is highly changing, so constant voltage and developed for the control of PMSG, such as Vector
control[7-10],Direct Torque control, Direct power
control, In vector control the active and reactive power
frequency generation is not possible with fixed speed
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A Decoupled control strategy of PMSG for variable speed wind power application

are decoupled and controlled independently[7-10].Direct And the torque equation for generator can be given as
Torque control strategy concentrates on the control of the 3 3
stator flux vector with respect to the rotor flux, such that Te  n piqs  n p ( Ld  Lq )ids iqs
desired operating conditions can be met[9,10]. 2 2
In this paper the modeling and dynamic behavior n p =Pair of poles
of direct driven variable speed medium power based The rotors of wind turbine and generator are connected
PMSG has been proposed. For controlling the PMSG the directly ,so they can be expressed as
generator side converter is controlled which results in the d g
control of speed/torque of the generator and also the J  Te  Tm  Bm g (5)
control of the active and reactive power flow to the grid. dt
For the control of machine side converter vector control Where
strategy employing PI controllers is implemented. The Te = electromagnetic torque,
whole system is simulated using Matlab/Simulink
environment and results are analyzed. Tm = load torque,
J = rotor inertia including turbine.,
 g = mechanical speed of the generator.
The wind energy conversion system, as shown in Fig.2 Bm =damping coefficient
comprises of wind turbine, PMSG, PWM converter and
converter control system. The active and reactive power taken by the machine
The output of PMSG is not suitable for use because it can be represented by the following equations
generates power at variable voltage and frequency due to
variable wind speed. So it is converted to constant DC P  Vds i ds  Vqs i qs
voltage at the DC link to be directly used as a dc source or
for storage or further inverted into AC and synchronized Q  Vqs i ds  Vds i qs
to a grid. A vector controlled IGBT based inverter is used (8)
to regulate the speed, active power and reactive power of
the PMSG during the wind speed variation IV. INVERTER MODEL


Generally machine models are expressed in d-q reference
frame, because if it is modeled in „abc‟ reference frame
then the equations describing the machine ,involves time a
varying inductances, so it is complex to solve by any b
analytical method. To alleviate this shortcomings ,by
park‟s transformation the time varying machine equations
c cdc Vdc
are transferred to time invariant( dc)equations in a
synchronously rotating frame. In this paper d-q reference
based equations have been described.
T4 T6 T2
vds  ra ids  Ld ids - Lωiqs (2)
vqs  ra iqs  L iqs  Lωids  
dt Fig.1 Inverter Structure

A voltage source inverter is used in order to get the

Where variable voltage variable frequency alternating current
v ds =stator voltage in d-axis supply. A simplified PWM inverter model diagram is
shown in the Fig.1
vqs = stator voltage in q-axis Vdc
Va  [2 s a  sb  sc ] (11)
i ds = stator current in d-axis 6
iqs = stator current in q-axis V
Vb  dc [2 sb  s a  s c ] (12)
Ld = Lq = L s =Stator Inductance
 =synchronous speed of stator Vc  [2 s c  s a  sb ] (13)
 =Rotor‟s magnetic flux linkage

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A Decoupled control strategy of PMSG for variable speed wind power application

Where, The PI controllers are designed according to the

Va , Vb , Vc are the phase voltages, following
Vdc = DC link voltage u n (t )  K pn en (t )  K in ∫en (t )dt
sa  2T 1  1 (15)
sb  2T 3  1
where „un(t)‟ is the controller output, en is the error,
sc  2T 5  1
„Kpn‟ and „Kin‟ are the proportional and integral gains
Where T1,T3,T5 are the switches. of the PI controllers respectively ,where „n‟ varies from
V. CONROL STRUCTURE 1 to 3. The gain parameters are tuned manually to get
To get rid of the demerits of Scalar control, vector control near optimum results and the parameters are given in
is used profusely. In this paper the d-axis component of table-1
current is aligned with flux vector and q-axis component TABLE I
current is 90 degree ahead of it. The d-axis current
controls the reactive power and q-axis current controls the Controller no. Kp Ki
active power. So the active and reactive power are
decoupled and can be controlled easily and independently.
Basically in this paper two current control loops has been
demonstrated as shown in the Fig.2. which are controlled PI_1 0.06 4.2
by conventional PI controller. Here the rotor angle θ and
rotor speed ω has been traced from the generator and
converted to its electrical equivalent. The error signal of
the measured speed and reference speed is processed PI_2 150 0.4
through a PI controller to get iqs .The d-axis generator

current reference is set to, i ds =0. Finally the d-q
PI_3 25 1
component of the voltage vector which controls the d-q
current of generator is passed through PI controllers.

PMSG Machine
- side
converter cdc

  abc/dq

d/dt PWM Generator

ids iqs

 dq/abc

 ( Ld * ids   )  iqs * rs +
Lq **iqs ids *rs +
PI_1 PI_2
i ds e2
+ _
 +
 i
 _

Fig.2 Wind energy conversion system with control scheme

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A Decoupled control strategy of PMSG for variable speed wind power application

VI. SIMULATION AND RESULT ANALYSIS From the Fig.5 it can be seen that when the speed was
A. Dynamic response with the step change in 314rad/sec (electrical) i.e. the machine runs at
reference speed. synchronous speed the air gap flux is same as the flux
The speed versus time characteristic has shown in Fig. 3. of the rotor. But when the reference speed command is
The oscillation damps out within 0.4 sec.The system has reduced to 200rad/sec (electrical) at time 3 sec, the air
been subjected to a step change in speed from gap) flux needs to be increased to reduce the speed.
314rad/sec(electrical) to 200rad/sec(electrical) at time 3 The rotor is in capable of increasing the air gap flux. So
seconds. the machine draws reactive power from the grid for
generation of extra air gap flux for reducing the speed.
350 This is clear from the Fig.5, the reactive power before
time 3 sec is zero, but after 3 seconds the reactive
300 power becomes positive is: reactive power is drawn

from the grid. Again as the speed reduces the torque

250 remains constant so active power also reduces from -
1050 watts to -650 watts
200 200

150 -200
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 -400
time P&Q -600
Fig.3 Speed response during step change in reference speed

During this speed variation the mechanical torque has
been kept constant. As it is a medium power machine, -
25 Nm mechanical torque has been provided. And it has 2 2.5 3
3.5 4

been observed that variation of torque is for a transient Fig.5 Active and reactive power during step change in reference
period of time and again the torque regains its previous set speed
value of -25Nm after a time of 0.4 second as shown in
Fig.4. As the speed decreases the reactive power becomes
positive so the power factor reduces from unity to
30 0.998 as illustrated in the Fig.6.



power factor

10 0.995


0 0.985
2 2.5 3 3.5 4
time 0.98
2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Fig.4 Torque response during step change in reference speed time

Fig.6 Power factor during step change in reference speed 150

Fig.7 & Fig.8 show that the inverter phase voltage and
phase voltage

phase current of PMSG respectively. And from these 0
figures it is evident that the inverter frequency is reduced -50
when the speed is reduced at the time 3 sec. -100


2.9 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2
Fig.7 Phase voltage response during step change in reference speed

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A Decoupled control strategy of PMSG for variable speed wind power application

15 500




-15 -2000
3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
time Time
Fig.11 Active and reactive power during step change in turbine torque
Fig.8 Phase currents response during step change in reference speed
increases it tends to accelerate the machine but the
B. Dynamic response with step change in turbine machine has to be kept the reference speed. This is
Torque. possible by increment in the air gap flux, so the PMSG
Again this system has been subjected to a step change in draws extra reactive power from the grid to generate the
turbine torque at time 3 sec and the performance of the extra flux and to maintain the speed at its reference value.
system is simulated.The turbine torque is changed from - So the reactive power increases, which can be seen from
25Nm to -40Nm at 3 sec.The speed response of the the Fig.11.
system can be seen from the Fig.9.It is evident from the The Fig.12 gives the power factor of the
figure that the speed deviates from its reference valuefor PMSG during variable torque conditions. Initially the
0,3 sec due to the sudden changein turbine torque,but power factor was unity but as the turbine torque
again settles down at the reference value . increased the reactive power increased so the power
factor decreased to a value less than unity.


340 1.015

Power Factor


310 0.995

2 2.5 3 3.5 4
time 0.985
Fig.9 Speed response during step change in turbine torque 0.98
2 2.5 3 3.5 4
The electromagnetic torque response of the PMSG has Fig.12 power factor during step change in turbine torque
been illustrated in the Fig.10 and torque varies from -
25Nm to -40Nm. The phase voltage and phase current of inverter is shown
in the Fig.13 & Fig.14.From the Fig.14,it is evident that
-20 the current increases as the torque increases and from the
Fig.13 it is clear that the frequency of the supply voltage
-25 remains constant with the variation of torque keeping the
speed constant.

-35 200

phase voltage

2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Fig.10 Torque response during step change in turbine torque -50

The excursion of active and reactive power has shown in
the Fig.11.As the torque increases the active power fed to
the grid increases. When the turbine torque Fig.10 2.9 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15

Fig.13 Phase voltage response during step change in turbine torque

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A Decoupled control strategy of PMSG for variable speed wind power application

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Poles (P) = 4 Rated KW : 6
Rated Current: 12 A Rated voltage: 340 V
Rated speed, N=600rpm Stator resistance, Rs=0.425
Rotor flux = 0.433 wb Inertia of rotor, J=0.02kg-
Stator Inductance, Damping Factor,
Ld =Lq = 0.0084 H B= 0 N-rad/sec

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M.R. Thansekhar and N. Balaji (Eds.): ICIET‟14

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