Lesson 8
Lesson 8
Lesson 8
Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates
In the last lesson we saw that the geometry of a Schwarz-
schild black hole near the horizon looks like flat space 2 . We
build near the horizon hyperbolic polar coordinates which
illustrated that points at fixed distances outside the hori-
zon behave as if they were fixed in a uniformly accelerated
coordinate frame.
We are going to see that the left quadrant and the bot-
tom quadrant don’t have any physical significance for a
real black hole. It is only the right quadrant and the upper
quandrant which have real significance.
On the surface of the Earth, we represent the geometry of
space and time with a Euclidean space plus a universal time
coordinate. We reason on only one dimensional spatial axis,
which is radial from the center of the Earth. A uniformly
accelerated frame is simply that of an observer inside an
accelerated elevator. Various points fixed above each other
in the elevator, viewed in the reference frame of the sta-
tionary observer resting on Earth, have trajectories which
are parallel lines when time varies. Lines of fixed time don’t
converge to a center point but are parallel too, orthogonal
to the trajectories. And the time coordinate is the same in
any reference frame.
we then have a collection of people, at proper distances
respectively ρ = 1, ρ = 2, ρ = 3, etc. The closer to the hori-
zon a person is, the stronger the acceleration he or she feels.
The inside of the black hole is represented in the upper qua-
Penrose diagrams
Let’s try doing that but let’s start with good old flat space-
time. We will do a coordinate transformation which pulls
the whole thing into some finite region of the page.
Therefore, to start with – before shrinking the whole space-
time on the page –, we think of ordinary flat space-time as
having a time axis T and a space axis R, which is a radial
direction, see figure 2. The time goes from −∞ to +∞. And
the spatial coordinate R goes from 0 to +∞.
Then some light-rays follow 45° lines. But not all of them.
Light-rays coming from the past aimed at the spatial origin
and then going on into the future, form a pair 45° half lines
as shown in figure 3.
Figure 3 : Two light-rays aimed at the spatial origin.
In figure 4, ray 3 is aimed at the center. That ray, represen-
ted in figure 3, would appear to bounce against the vertical
line R = 0, like ray 1 and ray 2.
by near the origin before flying off again, all in a straight
line as shown in figure 4. But the phenomenon appearing
in figure 5 really is what we call centrifugal force. It is the
centrifugal force that keeps the light-ray from hitting the
Figure 6 : Coordinates T + = T + R and T − = T − R.
T+ = T− (2)
Now we introduce a second set of new coordinates, so as to
shrink the whole plane (T + , T − ) into a bounded area of
the page. The second set is U + and U − .
Figure 7 : U + as a function of T + .
Now we represent the flat space-time in the coordinates
(U + , U − ). When T + goes to infinity, U + never gets big-
ger than one. Same for T − and U − . Figure 6 becomes the
following figure 8.
Figure 9 : Light-rays going through the origin,
in (U + , U − ) coordinates.
bigger fixed times, the corresponding curves will be closer
and closer to the line U + = 1.
diagram because actually the Australian physicist Brandon
Carter invented it first.
The 45° line between T−∞ and R+∞ is where all light-rays
come from (fig 9). And the line between T+∞ and R+∞ is
where they all go, after hitting the origin of swerving past
the origin. The standard notation for the segment T−∞ to
R+∞ is I − , read "script i minus", or sometimes "scry mi-
nus". And the segment T+∞ to R+∞ is I + , read "script
i plus", or "scry plus". They are called respectively past
light-like infinity and future light-like infinity. They are the
places where light-rays begin and where light-rays end. This
is all summarized in figure 12.
Figure 12 : Flat space-time compactified.
Figure 13 : Black hole space-time compactified.
The exterior of the black hole is the right square. The hy-
perbolas of fixed positions hovering above the horizon H be-
come the blue curves. The original straight lines of constant
time ω become the green curves.
the horizon. Once we are inside the horizon, we cannot go
back to the right part. We are doomed.
The left quadrant and the lower quadrant have no real mea-
ning for a real physical black hole. We will see that when
we work out a real physical black hole, how it forms, etc.
If, for drawing purposes, we think of space as only two-
dimensional, for each R the 2-sphere becomes a "1-disk",
that is, the boundary of a disk, in other words a circle.
Flipping the diagram from horizontal to vertical with H
down below, we can represent these circles in figure 14.
Figure 14 : Wormhole.
It connects two seemingly external regions of the black hole,
which get bigger and bigger as we move away from the
bottleneck. In other words, it looks like the black hole is
connecting two universes, or two asymptotic regions.
universes. They are of a kind called "non traversable worm-
holes", meaning to say you can’t traverse them.
Let’s talk now about creating a black hole, not in the labo-
ratory because that is too hard, but in an infinite space by
having some in-falling matter.
We begin with a point in space-time, where is no black hole
nor anything, and with a very distant shell, figure 15. The
shell is not made of iron or other matter like that. It is a
thin shell of incoming radiations.
amount the mass.
schild metric.
of pulse of incoming photons, a pulse distributed nicely on
a sphere.
the part of the blue curve to the right. The exterior goes
from the shell to space-like infinity.
So, first of all, for the interior of the shell the Penrose dia-
gram of flat space-time is the correct representation of eve-
rything that is going on.
Figure 19 : Flat space-time inside the shell,
as the shell moves in time.
Figure 20 : Shell in the black hole diagram, as it moves in time.
Figure 21 : Outside the shell, over time,
in the black hole diagram.
The in-falling shell is the thing that the two parts of fi-
gure 22 have in common. On one side of the shell we put
flat-space geometry. On the other side we put black hole
geometry. The complete diagram represents the geometry
of a black hole that is formed by an in-falling shell.
In the little triangle you are still in flat space-time. The
shell hasn’t even gotten in yet. You cannot see the shell.
If you looked backward on your light cone, you would not
see it, because for you looking backward means looking ei-
ther at light-rays coming from the past parallel to the shell
trajectory or on the other 45° line of rays coming from the
other direction. In both cases, they don’t meet in the past.
10. Whether before the shell caught on you or after, you will hit the
The usefulness of the Penrose diagram, combining the geo-
metries inside and outside the shell, is to show us that –
provided we cannot exceed the speed of light – there is no
path out from beyond the horizon, no matter where the
shell is.
Let’s look at the black hole formation with the more conven-
tional concrete diagram, figure 24.
Figure 24 : Shell, black hole and its horizon.
In figure 23, we can visualize the point where the shell (yel-
low trajectory) crosses its own horizon (dotted line). It hap-
pens at R = 2M G. Aftewards, we can say that the black
hole has formed for good.
to exceed the speed of light.
Discussion of the time variable
From this collection of space-like surfaces indexed by some
number, time can be taken to be the index of the surface
we are on.
If you try to reason the problems out, without a good pic-
ture in front of you that accurately represents the relation-
ships between the different parts of space-time, you will run
into difficulties.
of fig 23 is much more talkative than the more conventional
diagram of fig 24.
You may say that the Penrose diagrams are abstract pic-
tures. Yet general relativity is still classical physics. It is
much less abstract than for instance quantum mechanics.
General relativity can be represented. It is more or less
easy of course, but in the end usual intuition works. Not so
in quantum mechanics, which, we saw in volume 2 of the
collection The Theoretical Minimum, is much farther away
from ordinary experience.