Lesson 8

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Lesson 8 : Formation of a black hole

Notes from Prof. Susskind video lectures publicly available

on YouTube


In the last lesson, we explained the Kruskal coordinates –

also called Kruskal-Szekeres 1 coordinates – for a black hole.
We shall go over them again, for practice. Then we shall
use a different type of diagram to represent the geometry
of space-time near a black hole, and see what other pheno-
mena it reveals. Finally we shall examine the formation of
real black holes.

Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates

Remember the fundamental diagram :

Figure 1 : Kruskal diagram near the horizon of a black hole.

1. George Szekeres (1911 - 2005), Hungarian–Australian mathe-


In the last lesson we saw that the geometry of a Schwarz-
schild black hole near the horizon looks like flat space 2 . We
build near the horizon hyperbolic polar coordinates which
illustrated that points at fixed distances outside the hori-
zon behave as if they were fixed in a uniformly accelerated
coordinate frame.

We remember that somebody standing in the right qua-

drant is outside the horizon of the black hole. Somebody in
the upper quadrant is inside the horizon of the black hole.

The 45° lines represent the motion of light-rays either going

to the right or going to the left. We saw that not only point
H but the entire lines at 45 ° form the horizon.

We are going to see that the left quadrant and the bot-
tom quadrant don’t have any physical significance for a
real black hole. It is only the right quadrant and the upper
quandrant which have real significance.

Outside the black hole, somebody at rest, that is, at a fixed

distance r, or equivalently at a fixed distance ρ from the
horizon 3 – with a trajectory on a hyperbola –, is of course
experiencing acceleration.

This is the same kind of acceleration which you and me

experience even when we are standing still. Our weight is
due the gravitational field of the Earth, and is equivalent
to being constantly accelerated.
2. In fact, it looks locally like flat space anywhere in space-time
except at the singularity, just like any smooth surface in Euclidean
space looks locally like a plane.
3. ρ is the proper distance. When r > 1, ρ is related to r by a
simple increasing function which we studied in chapter 7.

On the surface of the Earth, we represent the geometry of
space and time with a Euclidean space plus a universal time
coordinate. We reason on only one dimensional spatial axis,
which is radial from the center of the Earth. A uniformly
accelerated frame is simply that of an observer inside an
accelerated elevator. Various points fixed above each other
in the elevator, viewed in the reference frame of the sta-
tionary observer resting on Earth, have trajectories which
are parallel lines when time varies. Lines of fixed time don’t
converge to a center point but are parallel too, orthogonal
to the trajectories. And the time coordinate is the same in
any reference frame.

In relativity the geometry of space-time is different. Space

and time are intimately related. Simultaneity, for instance,
is frame dependent. However, a uniformly accelerated re-
ference frame, far away from the origin of the Minkowski
diagram, is very much like an ordinary accelerated reference
frame near the surface of the Earth : trajectories are almost
parallel vertical lines (if the time axis is vertical), and time
and proper time are almost the same.

We are so accustomed to the acceleration which we perma-

nently feel at the surface of the Earth that we tend to forget
it. But somebody who has been in free fall in outer space
for too long, lost the sense of what a gravitational field is
like. If you place him or her on the surface of the Earth
that person will be very much aware of a new feeling. The
person will be experiencing a sense of upward acceleration.

Spread on a radial axis jutting out of the horizon of the

black hole (angles θ and φ play no role, they are constant),

we then have a collection of people, at proper distances
respectively ρ = 1, ρ = 2, ρ = 3, etc. The closer to the hori-
zon a person is, the stronger the acceleration he or she feels.

In figure 1, the coordinates T and X are those of a free

falling observer, who is anywhere in space-time except at
the singulariy r = 0, and happens to look, in his or her
coordinate frame, what is going on near the horizon of the
black hole.

The observer sees the collection of persons at the various

ρ’s as being at fixed positions in a uniformly accelerated re-
ference frame. In chapter 4, we defined what is a uniformly
accelerated reference frame in relativity.

Pay attention to the fact that in such a uniformly accelera-

ted reference frame, the actual acceleration – the physical
push felt by each person – is not the same at different ρ’s.
The smaller ρ is, the stronger is the acceleration. This is
shown by the growing acuteness of the hyperbolas near H.
On the other hand, the acceleration stays the same along a
hyperbola of constant ρ.

In the right quadrant, the straight lines fanning out of H

are the lines of constant proper time t or ω for the people
in the accelerated frame 4 . As ω tends to +∞, the lines be-
come closer and closer to the 45° line of a light-ray emitted
from H.

In the above eight paragraphs we described the outside of

the black hole.

4. Remember that ω is simply t/2.

The inside of the black hole is represented in the upper qua-

In this upper quadrant, the is a point where the geometry

of space-time is no longer equivalent to locally flat. There is
something nasty happening. It is at the singularity 5 . Stran-
gely enough, the singularity is represented by a whole curve
in figure 1 6 . It is the hyperbola marked with r = 0. The
tidal forces are very strong near the singularity.

The problem for an adventurous person exploring space-

time is that once you find yourself inside the horizon of
a black hole, that is, in the upper quadrant of figure 1,
there is no way out – unless you could exceed the speed
of light. And you will inescapably hit the singularity in a
finite amount of your own time. So you are doomed.

In summary, outside black holes you or objects or light-rays

can get into the black hole, or they can stay out. But inside
the black hole nothing can get out, and everything ends up
at the singularity in a finite amount of time.

That is all there is to know about the geometry of black

holes. It is not just equivalent to plain flat space. The geo-
metry is warped because of the singularity.

5. Notice that we would have the same kind of nasty singularity

for the Earth, even in Newtonian physics, if we considered that all its
mass was concentrated at its center.
6. There is no longer any analog in Newtonian physics. This is
due to the metric of space-time having three positive signs and one
negative sign. Furthermore the Schwarzschild metric is such that the
radial space and the time coefficients exchange signs at the horizon.
Therefore the trajectories for r < 1 are space-like and no longer time-
like as usual.

Penrose diagrams

It is very convenient to redraw the diagram in figure 1 dif-

ferently. We are going to end up with Penrose coordinates
and a Penrose diagram. But these are built in several steps.
So let’s take the steps one by one.

In figure 1, space is infinite. Time may come to an end at

the singularity, but the light-like directions off at 45° are
also infinite. Therefore we cannot draw the entire space-
time in the limited dimensions of the page.

For many purposes it is useful, however, to be able to draw

the entire space-time on a finite sketch. It provides some
visual tools and helps intuition.

Let’s try doing that but let’s start with good old flat space-
time. We will do a coordinate transformation which pulls
the whole thing into some finite region of the page.

This is useful, incidentally, for geometries in space-time

which display rotational symmetry. Rotational symmetry,
or invariance, means that what happens at any event in
space-time doesn’t depend on the direction of the event
from some center.

Let’s focus for a moment on ordinary 3D Euclidean space.

To describe a system which displays rotational symmetry,
it is usually useful to use ordinary polar coordinates. And
when we have rotational symmetry, we often don’t need to
worry too much about the angular direction. Aside from
time, the other coordinate that matters is the radial dis-

Therefore, to start with – before shrinking the whole space-
time on the page –, we think of ordinary flat space-time as
having a time axis T and a space axis R, which is a radial
direction, see figure 2. The time goes from −∞ to +∞. And
the spatial coordinate R goes from 0 to +∞.

Figure 2 : Flat space-time.

We put some markers : T = 0, T = 1, T = 2, T = −1,

T = −2, etc. And R = 0, R = 1, R = 2, R = 3, etc. The
entire space-time is not yet shrunk on the page. So far T
can go up to heaven, and down to hell. Similarly, the radial
axis R doesn’t have any limit on the right.

In all cases, we will imagine using units so that the speed

of light is c = 1. For instance, if we use seconds for time,
then the space units will be light-seconds.

Then some light-rays follow 45° lines. But not all of them.
Light-rays coming from the past aimed at the spatial origin
and then going on into the future, form a pair 45° half lines
as shown in figure 3.

Figure 3 : Two light-rays aimed at the spatial origin.

Another picture will help us understand why some light-

rays follow paths like in figure 3, and some don’t. Figure
4 shows space in polar coordinates centered on the same
point as above. The time axis is not represented.

Figure 4 : Two light-rays, one aimed at the center,

and not the other.

In figure 4, ray 3 is aimed at the center. That ray, represen-
ted in figure 3, would appear to bounce against the vertical
line R = 0, like ray 1 and ray 2.

But ray 4, if we represented it in figure 3, would not bounce

against R = 0. It would be coming from far away in the
past, from what we call light-like infinity. As long as it is far
away, unless we have very good instruments, we could not
say whether it would hit the center. But near the vertical
line R = 0 it would swerve before hitting it, see figure 5.

Figure 5 : Light-ray 4 passing by the origin, but not hitting it.

Light-ray 4 doesn’t hit the origin because it was not aimed

at the origin. Far away from the small radiuses it follows
almost 45° lines in figure 5. In fact the trajectory of ray 4
is a hyperbola (but that has nothing to do with the hyper-
bolas of the Kruskal diagram).

In figure 5, light-ray 4 looks like it is repelled from the ori-

gin. Of course it is not repelled from anything, it just passes

by near the origin before flying off again, all in a straight
line as shown in figure 4. But the phenomenon appearing
in figure 5 really is what we call centrifugal force. It is the
centrifugal force that keeps the light-ray from hitting the

We went over these things in figures 2 to 5 to get some

landmarks and prepare for the next step.

The next step is to squeeze the diagram in figures 2, 3 and

5, to fit the entire space-time on the page. In particular
what we dubbed the light-like infinity will now appear as a
point somewhere on the graph.

Of course the diagram will be deformed. It is not going to

look the same. But we are going to keep one feature fixed :
light-rays will keep following 45° lines or asymptotes. That
is a useful thing to do because then we can see how light
rays move, and we can see what is going slower or faster
than the speed of light.

The shrinking of the whole space-time into a limited dia-

gram is done mathematically in two steps as follows.

We introduce a first set of new coordinates.

T+ = T + R
T− = T − R

In this set of coordinates, lines of constant T + , for instance,

are diagonal lines at −45° angle, see figure 6.

Figure 6 : Coordinates T + = T + R and T − = T − R.

Similarly, lines of constant T − are diagonal lines at +45°.

So now we have to sets of coordinates to describe our flat

space-time. We have (T, R) and we have (T + , T − ).

Let’s look at the vertical line going through O. It is R = 0

in the old coordinates (T, R). And it is easy to see that in
the new coordinates(T + , T − ), it has the equation

T+ = T− (2)

One way to see it is to notice that it is the usual equation

for the line splitting the angle formed by the two axes T +
and T − in half. Or we can write T + = T − as T +R = T −R,
which becomes 2R = 0, or equivalently R = 0.

For obvious reasons, the coordinates (T + , T − ) are called

light-like coordinates.

Now we introduce a second set of new coordinates, so as to
shrink the whole plane (T + , T − ) into a bounded area of
the page. The second set is U + and U − .

U + will be an increasing function of T + such that when T +

goes from −∞ to +∞, the coordinate U + goes from −1 to
+1, see figure 7.

Figure 7 : U + as a function of T + .

There are plenty of such functions. The one that is usually

used is hyperbolic tangent. And we will apply the same
transformation to T − as well. So we define
U + = tanh T +
U − = tanh T −

You don’t need to know much about hyperbolic tangent,

except that is has a graph as in figure 7.

Now we represent the flat space-time in the coordinates
(U + , U − ). When T + goes to infinity, U + never gets big-
ger than one. Same for T − and U − . Figure 6 becomes the
following figure 8.

Figure 8 : Space-time in coordinates (U + , U − ).

All we’ve done is squish the geometry of figure 6, vertically

and horizontally, onto a finite triangle. This will become
clearer when we look at light-rays.

Let’s look at an in-going light-ray aimed at the origin. It

corresponds to
T + = constant

After hitting the origin, it becomes an outgoing light-ray

from the origin. It then corresponds to
T − = constant

The coordinate transformation has the property that such

light-rays are still straight lines as shown in figure 9.

Figure 9 : Light-rays going through the origin,
in (U + , U − ) coordinates.

Another enlightening graph is that of constant times, see

figure 10.

Figure 10 : Lines of constant times.

We have squished "spatial infinity" into the point R+∞ . It

is called space-like infinity. And as we look at bigger and

bigger fixed times, the corresponding curves will be closer
and closer to the line U + = 1.

Now let’s look at fixed spatial positions. They will all go to

T+∞ , coming from T−∞ . They are shown in figure 11.

Figure 11 : Fixed position R,

in (U + , U − ) coordinates.

The diagram of figure 11 is "the same" as that of figure 5.

But we have operated a change of coordinates so that every
point which had some coordinates (T, R) gets mapped so-
mewhere onto a finite triangle.

The process of bringing everything from figure 5 into a finite

diagram (fig 11), without changing the way radial light-rays
trajectories appear (fig 9), is called compactification. And
figure 11 is called a Penrose diagram or a Carter 7 -Penrose 8

7. Brandon Carter (born 1942), Australian theoretical physicist.

8. Roger Penrose (born 1931), English mathematician and physi-

diagram because actually the Australian physicist Brandon
Carter invented it first.

That closes our section on the Penrose diagram of a flat

space-time. Now we turn to black hole geometry. And this
will lead us to a discussion of wormholes.


We succeeded in representing the entire flat space-time on

the page. Now the question is : can we apply the technique
to black hole geometry ?

Some terminology to start with : the right tip of the tri-

angle in figure 11, where R = +∞, is called spatial infinity,
or space-like infinity. The tip of the triangle on top, along
the right side, where T = +∞, is called future time-like
infinity. And the tip at the bottom is called past time-like

The 45° line between T−∞ and R+∞ is where all light-rays
come from (fig 9). And the line between T+∞ and R+∞ is
where they all go, after hitting the origin of swerving past
the origin. The standard notation for the segment T−∞ to
R+∞ is I − , read "script i minus", or sometimes "scry mi-
nus". And the segment T+∞ to R+∞ is I + , read "script
i plus", or "scry plus". They are called respectively past
light-like infinity and future light-like infinity. They are the
places where light-rays begin and where light-rays end. This
is all summarized in figure 12.

Figure 12 : Flat space-time compactified.

Figure 12 is what flat space-time looks like when compac-

tified. Now what about a black hole. What does that look
like ?

We can do exactly the same thing. We can take the entire

diagram in figure 1 (where we can rename the X-axis the R-
axis), that is, the original Kruskal coordinates and diagram.
We can again introduce light-like coordinates, T + = T + R
and T − = T − R, shrink them into functions varying bet-
ween −1 and +1. We do exactly the same operations. What
will we get ?

What it will look like is the diagram in figure 13. Again it

shrinks the original four quadrants into four squares, but
the upper square is halved by the singularity. And we dis-
regard momentarily the lower quadrant.

Figure 13 : Black hole space-time compactified.

The exterior of the black hole is the right square. The hy-
perbolas of fixed positions hovering above the horizon H be-
come the blue curves. The original straight lines of constant
time ω become the green curves.

The interior of the black hole is the upper part. It is the

place where we are doomed. It is the half square bounded
by the singularity. The singularity is not off at infinity. Re-
member that once we are inside the horizon, we cannot stay
at a fixed position on the graph because we cannot avoid
the future, and it takes a finite amount of time to travel to
the singularity and be anihilated by infinite tidal forces.

Figure 13 shows the entire space-time of a black hole in a

Penrose diagram. If we are in the right part we can stay
where we are, but that takes acceleration in the sense that
we have to oppose gravitation pulling us in. We can even
escape to farther away – but, remember, all outer space is
now represented in the right square. We can also fall beyond

the horizon. Once we are inside the horizon, we cannot go
back to the right part. We are doomed.

The picture in figure 13 asks an obvious question : what

could possibly correspond to the left square ? Same for the
lower part. These are the compactified representations of
the left quadrant and the lower quadrant of figure 1.

The left quadrant and the lower quadrant have no real mea-
ning for a real physical black hole. We will see that when
we work out a real physical black hole, how it forms, etc.

Nevertheless, we can ask ourselves : what kind of geometry

is described by the full extended Kruskal-Penrose diagram
of figure 13. It seems to have two exterior regions – the
right and left squares – connected together at the horizon
H. Remember that, at the horizon, R = 2M G. This value
of R is also denoted RS , and called the Schwarzschild R. It
is the place where (1 − 2M G/R) changes sign. We arrive
from above, that is from the exterior region, the coefficient
changes sign, and we continue in the interior region, repre-
sented in the upper quadrant or upper half square.

Now suppose, at a fixed time, say T = 0, we look at a slice

of space, or at the entire space. What does it look like ? In
figure 13, it is just the complete horizontal segment from
the right to the left of the figure. But in all our diagrams so
far, for the sake of drawing, space was only one-dimensional.
Think of space as three dimensional. Then for each R it is
the surface of a sphere – also called a 2-sphere – of radius R.

When we start far away, the celestial sphere is very big.

Then, as we approach H, the 2-sphere shrinks to R = 2M G.

If, for drawing purposes, we think of space as only two-
dimensional, for each R the 2-sphere becomes a "1-disk",
that is, the boundary of a disk, in other words a circle.
Flipping the diagram from horizontal to vertical with H
down below, we can represent these circles in figure 14.

Figure 14 : Wormhole.

On the diagram, at the horizon, instead of turning into the

interior region (upper quadrant or upper half square), we
just "kept going". That is the lower part of figure 14. It
represents the left quadrant, or left square, of the previous

Once we have passed the horizon in this way, the space of

each R starts expanding again. It looks like we can pass
through from one side to the other by going through what
people call a wormhole. It is also called an Einstein-Rosen

It connects two seemingly external regions of the black hole,
which get bigger and bigger as we move away from the
bottleneck. In other words, it looks like the black hole is
connecting two universes, or two asymptotic regions.

You might think : well we could pass through the bottle-

neck at the horizon going from right to left. But we can’t.
Let’s think of somebody who wants to make such a trip. If
that person starts anywhere on the right and is to end up
anywhere on the left, his or her trajectory at some point
must have a slope smaller than 45°, that is, he or she will
have to exceed the speed of light.

In fact the diagram of figure 14 is somewhat misleading. It

shows everything at an instant of time. But there simply
isn’t really time to go from the upper part to the lower part.
We cannot go from the real exterior of the black hole to the
left quadrant (shown in the lower part of fig 14). Therefore
the Einstein-Rosen bridge isn’t really a bridge.

One way to think about it is that the bottleneck opens up

and closes again before anything can pass through it. But
the best way is just to look at figure 13 and say : yeah if we
could exceed the speed of light and move horizontally yes
we would move from right to left going through the neck at
the center. However we are not allowed to do that. We can
only move along 45° lines or steeper.

This travelling through wormholes has been the source of all

sorts of science fiction, passing from one universe to another
through the horizon of a black hole (not into its inside but
into its left region). However as you can observe it cannot
happen. These wormholes don’t allow you to access other

universes. They are of a kind called "non traversable worm-
holes", meaning to say you can’t traverse them.

This may come as a disappointment that we won’t be able

to go on a field trip to other universes at the end of the
lectures. But in fact, as we shall see in the next section,
there is no real meaning to the left hand side of figure 13
anyway. It is not a real place.

Let’s talk now about creating a black hole, not in the labo-
ratory because that is too hard, but in an infinite space by
having some in-falling matter.

Formation of a black hole

and Newton’s shell theorem

In order to study the formation of a black hole, we are going

to take a very special kind of in-falling matter. .

Figure 15 : Shell of incoming radiations.

We begin with a point in space-time, where is no black hole
nor anything, and with a very distant shell, figure 15. The
shell is not made of iron or other matter like that. It is a
thin shell of incoming radiations.

Radiation carries energy. Radiation carries momentum. For

one reason or another, it has been created far away. And
it is incoming, with sphrerical symmetry, at the speed of
light, toward a central point.

At some point in time for the observer, as the shell gets

close enough together, there will be so much energy in a
small region that a black hole will form. This is the sim-
plest version of black hole formation.

A star isn’t really made up out of things which fall in with

the speed of light. What we are looking at is the problem
of a black hole being formed by stuff coming in with the
speed of light, the stuff being on a thin spherical shell. It is
the simplest of all of relativity problems.

There are only two important things we need to know to

understand this formation of a black hole :
1. The shell moves in with the speed of light.
2. We need to know Newton’s theorem in classical me-
chanics, and a version of it in relativity.

Here is Newton’s theorem in classical mechanics. If we have

a shell of matter forming a 2-sphere, that is, uniformly
spread on the surface of a sphere, then
a) The gravitational field inside the sphere is null.
b) The gravitational field outside the sphere is identical
to that of a point mass at the center with the same

amount the mass.

That is Newton’s theorem or a special case of Newton’s

theorem : in the interior of a distribution of mass forming
a spherical shell you see no gravitational field, and outside
you see the gravitational field as it would be if all of the
mass was concentrated at the central point.

That is even true if the shell is moving, for example collap-

sing toward the center. Of course, as time goes, there will
be less inside space, with no gravitational field, and more
outside space with a gravitational field. But it is still true.

This theorem is also true in general relativity. It now says

the following : if you have a shell of in-falling mass or energy
of any kind, then the interior region is just flat space-time.
It is like space-time where there is no point source, or no
mass. So for the interior, it is similar to classical mechanics.
But for the exterior region, it doesn’t look like a Newtonian
point source with an ordinary gravitational metric around it
– because there is no such thing in general relativity. What
does it look like then ? It looks like the Schwarzschild me-
tric, that is, the solution to Einstein field equations that we
shall study in chapter 9.

So in general relativity, the inside of a shell of mass or

energy (that is the same thing) is flat space-time. And the
outside of it looks like a Schwarzschild black hole.

If you have a static, non-moving shell, what you would do

to construct the actual solution, that is, the actual metric,
is sort of paste together the metric in the interior, which is
flat, with the metric in the exterior, which is the Schwarz-

schild metric.

Notice that we do the same thing in Newtonian physics : we

paste together no gravitational field on the inside, with, on
the outside, the standard gravitational field due to a cen-
tral point source. And that is the way we solve problems of
Newtonian physics involving a 2-sphere of mass 9 . You do
exactly the same thing in general relativity.

Let’s redraw the Penrose diagram of a black hole to illus-

trate what we are going to find, figure 16.

Figure 16 : Penrose diagram of a black hole.

Let’s also redraw the Penrose diagram of flat space-time.

But we now add an incoming shell of radiations, figure 17.
We can think of the incoming shell of radiations as a sort

9. Notice a similar fact in electromagnetism : consider a conducting

body with electric charges in a stable, that is static, configuration.
Then – whatever the shape of the body – the charges are on the outer
surface, and there is no electric field inside the body.

of pulse of incoming photons, a pulse distributed nicely on
a sphere.

Figure 17 : Pulse of incoming photons in flat space.

The pulse of incoming photons comes from past light-like

infinity (what we also call scry-). In 3D they form a conti-
nuous collection of shells focussing on the origin, but in
figure 17 where we can draw only one spatial dimension
they are represented simply as a straight line. Nonetheless,
let’s think of it as a shell.

At any given instant of time, where is the interior and where

is the exterior of the shell ? The diagram makes it easy to
answer. The triangle represents space-time with R and T .
But both shrunk so that the entire half plane of figure 2 fits
into the triangle. A point in time and space (being repre-
sented with only one dimension) is a point in the triangle,
figure 18. The trajectory of the shell is the yellow line. All
the events at a given time is the blue curve. At a given time
the shell is at the intersection. The interior of the shell is

the part of the blue curve to the right. The exterior goes
from the shell to space-like infinity.

Figure 18 : Interior and and exterior of the shell at any given

instant of time.

What Newton’s theorem (or its general relativity version)

says, is that on the interior of a shell everything is flat

On the diagram of figure 18, we have a dynamic view of

the interior of the shell has it moves. In other words, it
is correctly represented by the space-time that we drew in
figure 19, which was just a representation of flat space-time.

So, first of all, for the interior of the shell the Penrose dia-
gram of flat space-time is the correct representation of eve-
rything that is going on.

Figure 19 : Flat space-time inside the shell,
as the shell moves in time.

Now what about the exterior ? On the exterior we are told

that there is a gravitational field. It does not look like flat
space-time. So the upper white region of the triangle in fi-
gure 19 is not the correct representation of the physics or
of the geometry of the in-falling shell.

Out beyond the shell, what is the correct representation ?

It is the representation of the Schwarzschild black hole of
figure 16. Let’s redraw it without the unecessary details of
fixed times and fixed positions, figure 20.

Somebody on the outside (the right square) throws in the

shell. The in-falling shell, represented with one spatial di-
mension, is a radially incoming light-ray. It must move
along a 45° straight line. It comes in from far away. It ex-
periences nothing special when it crosses the line called ho-
rizon. It keeps going and eventually hits the singularity.

Figure 20 : Shell in the black hole diagram, as it moves in time.

That is what the light-ray would look like on the Schwarz-

schild geometry.

But now which part of the diagram, in figure 20, is correctly

representing the physics that we are doing ? Notice that the
interior of the shell is not correctly represented by the black
hole diagram of figure 20, because its correct representation
is the flat space-time diagram of figure 19. The exterior of
the shell in the black hole diagram is shown in figure 21.

So we have two diagrams, one representing correctly the in-

side and incorrectly the outside, and the other representing
correctly the outside but incorrectly the inside.

Figure 21 : Outside the shell, over time,
in the black hole diagram.

How do we put the two together in order to make a single

geometry ? It is pretty easy. In each diagram we throw away
the wrong part, then we paste together the correct parts,
figure 22.

Figure 22 : Interior and exterior of the shell pasted together.

The in-falling shell is the thing that the two parts of fi-
gure 22 have in common. On one side of the shell we put
flat-space geometry. On the other side we put black hole
geometry. The complete diagram represents the geometry
of a black hole that is formed by an in-falling shell.

In figure 22, we also plotted the horizon. It is the 45° dot-

ted line ending up at the intersection of the singularity and
scry+. Nothing special is experienced by someone crossing
the horizon. But once you are inside the horizon, that is,
above the dotted line in the diagram, there is no way you
can avoid eventually hitting the singularity. Therefore once
inside you are doomed. On the other hand if you are out-
side the shell and outside the horizon, you can get away.
You can escape the scry+ for example.

Notice something very curious. Even in the little triangle

shown in figure 23, where it seems that life should be trouble-
free, you are doomed.

Figure 23 : Inside the shell and inside the horizon.

In the little triangle you are still in flat space-time. The
shell hasn’t even gotten in yet. You cannot see the shell.
If you looked backward on your light cone, you would not
see it, because for you looking backward means looking ei-
ther at light-rays coming from the past parallel to the shell
trajectory or on the other 45° line of rays coming from the
other direction. In both cases, they don’t meet in the past.

So you don’t know the shell is coming. You are standing in

the flat, apparently trouble-free, space-time region. Yet you
are also standing behind the horizon defined by the shell.
In other words, even though the shell is still far away, and
the horizon still very small, you are already in the doomed

To understand this paradoxical situation, let’s see what

could happen. If you choose not to move in space, the shell
will come in and pass you. Then there is no question that
you will be inside the Schwarzschild radius. If you choose to
move, trying to get out, you can only move on trajectories
steeper than 45°. So you will hit the singularity anyway 10 ,
and in a finite amount of your proper time at that.

The horizon itself starts very small at some time in space-

time (see next section for a detailed discussion). Then, as
the shell approaches, the horizon grows following the dot-
ted line. At some point in time, the shell crosses its horizon.
Then the horizon does not grow anymore. In figure 23, su-
prisingly enough, the dotted line, after the intersection with
the yellow line, corresponds to a fixed R = 2M G.

10. Whether before the shell caught on you or after, you will hit the

The usefulness of the Penrose diagram, combining the geo-
metries inside and outside the shell, is to show us that –
provided we cannot exceed the speed of light – there is no
path out from beyond the horizon, no matter where the
shell is.

Of course, if we are inside the shell but outside the horizon,

we are not doomed. As long as the shell has not passed
us, we can stay where we are effortlessly. Once the shell
has passed us, to stay still we will have to fight gravitation
with acceleration (like you and me do when we are sitting
on a chair – even though we tend to forget it). If we don’t
fight acceleration, we will fall beyond the horizon and be
anihilated when we hit the singularity. But if we accelerate
we can not only stay fixed, but we can even fly off to scry+
if we move fast enough.

Let’s look at the black hole formation with the more conven-
tional concrete diagram, figure 24.

Inside the shell, space-time is flat. Outside the shell, space-

time has the same metric as that of a black hole of the same
mass at the center of the picture. The horizon is growing
toward the Schwarzschild radius, then it doesn’t grow any-
more. Whatever is inside the horizon is doomed, even if the
shell is not there yet.

So long as the shell has not crossed its horizon, it could

presumably change its mind and accelerate back out. Well
we can suppose that shells of photons don’t have minds.
But if they had one the photons could turn around as long
as they are farther away than 2M G.

Figure 24 : Shell, black hole and its horizon.

When the shell crosses the horizon nothing special hap-

pens, except that now the photons are trapped for good.
They can no longer turn around. Or, well, they could try
to turn around, but would not get very far. They are now
doomed to hit the singularity.

In figure 23, we can visualize the point where the shell (yel-
low trajectory) crosses its own horizon (dotted line). It hap-
pens at R = 2M G. Aftewards, we can say that the black
hole has formed for good.

Discussion of the paradoxical aspect of the horizon before

the shell has crossed it, figure 24 : it seems that as long
as the shell is outside its horizon, as in figure 24, someone
inside the horizon could possibly move outside of it, while
still inside the shell, because in that region space-time is
tranquil. Therefore the person would escape from his or
her doomed destiny. But that is a mistaken view. There
would not be time. Or, if you prefer, the person would have

to exceed the speed of light.

That is the superiority of the diagram of figure 23 over the

more conventional diagram of figure 24. The Penrose dia-
gram is more abstract, but it shows explicitely the possible
and impossible space-time trajectories.

So the horizon is a funny thing. In a ghostly manner, it

begin to exists, at first very small, at some point in time
after the shell has begun to fall in and is still far away. It
grows up to the Schwarzschild radius and then does not
grow anymore. The horizon is the point of no return. It is
its definition.

Exercise 1 : Suppose there is a spherical mirror

at some distance farther than the Schwarzschild
radius, and that when the in-falling radiations
hit the mirror they are reflected back outward.
1. Draw in figure 23 the trajectory of the shell
of radiations.
2. Discuss in which region people are doomed.

Discussion of the time variable

Let’s look more closely at the relationship between figure

23 and figure 24, and at the significance of the time variable.

Figure 24 is the conventional picture of the in-falling radia-

tions. It is a snapshot at an instant of time.

Figure 23 is the Penrose diagram for the formation of a

black hole. It shows in the same picture space and time,
that is, the entire space-time.

In order to speak of an instant of time, we have to specify

which time do we use ?

Time is just a coordinate. We can make coordinate trans-

formations. To talk about an instant of time really means
picking a surface, from a collection of surfaces which are
everywhere space-like, see figure 25.

Figure 25 : Defining a time variable.

From this collection of space-like surfaces indexed by some
number, time can be taken to be the index of the surface
we are on.

If we follow this time variable, at time TA there is a shell

far away. There is no horizon. At time TB the shell is closer.
The horizon has not begun to form yet. At time TC , the ho-
rizon exists, but the radiations are still outside. Sometime
between TC and TD , the shell crosses its horizon. Then we
can say that the black hole exists.

To summarize : as the shell falls in, at some point in time

the horizon appears, at first as a tiny point. It grows un-
til the shell meets it, at R = 2M G. Then it stays at the
Schwarzschild radius. As long as the horizon is below the
shell, it is in the flat space-time region. Someone crossing
the horizon doesn’t feel anything. On either side the per-
son is still in gravitation-free space. However beyond the
horizon, even in the flat region, the person is doomed. The
boundary is the dotted line of figure 25. It is not when we
cross this boundary, that is, the horizon, that we begin to
feel gravity. It is when we cross the shell.

The importance of the diagrams cannot be overemphasized.

If you try to do calculations to find out where for example
the horizon forms, you will find that can’t do it. You will
wind up drawing the picture, drawing the dotted line from
the intersection of scry+ and the singularity, at 45°.

If you want to get a good picture of what is going on, the

way to do it is to become familiar with all the diagrams in
the lesson, particularly with the Penrose diagrams – for flat
space-time, for black hole, and their combination.

If you try to reason the problems out, without a good pic-
ture in front of you that accurately represents the relation-
ships between the different parts of space-time, you will run
into difficulties.

By the way, the important relationship is not the relative

size of things in the pictures. A small circle at the intersec-
tion of scry+ and the singularity represents a huge space-
time region. The same small circle where the horizon is
born, along the vertical side in fig 25, represents a tiny re-
gion. The important relationships shown by the Penrose
diagrams are what light-rays – which are 45° lines – and
other trajectories can link or not.

The diagrams illustrate causal relationships, what can cause

what, what can signals propagate, who can send a signal to
whom. Can a signal from Alice here get to Bob there ? In
technical language we would say that the diagrams reflect
the causal structure, cause and effect. It means : what can
influence what. The rule is that an event E – that is, a
point in the space-time diagram – can only influence things
in front of it, in other words things in the region where light
emitted from E or slower travelling objects sent from E can
get to. E cannot influence events outside its light-cone.

The Penrose diagrams were built first of all to be able to

draw and examine everything on one page, and second of
all to reflect faithfully the causal relations, what can have
an effect on what. For that reason these diagrams are very
valuable. It is very difficult to think without them. With the
Penrose diagrams we see things much more clearly than wi-
thout them. For instance, we saw how the Penrose diagram

of fig 23 is much more talkative than the more conventional
diagram of fig 24.

If you play with the Penrose diagrams, it won’t take you

long to become familiar with them and to be able to use
them efficiently.

You may say that the Penrose diagrams are abstract pic-
tures. Yet general relativity is still classical physics. It is
much less abstract than for instance quantum mechanics.
General relativity can be represented. It is more or less
easy of course, but in the end usual intuition works. Not so
in quantum mechanics, which, we saw in volume 2 of the
collection The Theoretical Minimum, is much farther away
from ordinary experience.

In the next chapter we shall finally arrive at Einstein’s field

equations, which are the keystone of general relatitivity.
And Lev Landau 11 said of general relativity that it is the
most beautiful physical theory ever built.

11. Lev Landau (1908-1968), Russian theoretical physicist. He coi-

ned the expression "The Theoretical Minimum" to speak of what one
should know to start doing physics.


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