Mediathèque Jules Verne: Library Hour
Mediathèque Jules Verne: Library Hour
Mediathèque Jules Verne: Library Hour
26, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1205
9675258, 9675249 Ext-32
Fax: 8616462
Monday to Thursday
4:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Closed on Sunday
Membership is open to everybody subject to: identification
and a valid proof of address such as passport, national ID
card, driver’s licence, student ID card or any government
card issued as proof of identity. Tourists and foreign
residents must present their passport and a valid proof of
address in Bangladesh and in their country.
For minors, a letter of authority from their parents/guardians
is also required besides a proof of identity. The signature of
the membership form is an undertaking by the members that
they will abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the
Annual fees:
Bangladeshi 2500 BDT
Non-Bangladeshi 5000 BDT
Language students of AFD 1000 BDT
Membership card:
All members have to produce their membership card at
the time of borrowing and returning books or multimedia
Change of address must be reported immediately, in
Loss of membership card must be reported
immediately. Duplicate card can be issued on payment
of 100 BDT per card.
The due date of the documents can be extended for
another loan term. Renewals can be done over the
phone. Documents can be reissued once. Renewals
have to be done on or before the date of return.
Classification of Documents:
Books and audio-visual items have been classified
according to the Dewey decimal classification system.
The classification numbers are printed on the spine of
the books. Please ask the librarian for further
After consulting a book, please do not put it back in the
shelf by yourself but keep it on the table.
General Notice:
In case of delay in return of documents a fine of 50
BDT will be charged per document after crossing
double due dates.
In case of loss or damage of documents, the
member will be charged the price of the lost item +
30% of the price (shipment and processing charges).
USB Pendrives cannot be used in the library
In case of damage of multimedia items like DVD or
Audio CD, 300 BDT will be charged for each copy.
All bags and personal belongings must be deposited at
the gate.
Personal computer like Laptop or Notebook cannot be
used in the library.
It may be used only in a case of emergency with the
authorisation of the Librarian.
Using of Cell phones is prohibited inside the library.
The library reserves the right to search any personal
items and does not accept liability for loss or damage
of these items.
All members are requested to respect the peace and
tranquillity of the Library. In case of any
misdemeanour, the Director or the staff is authorised to
evict the person and possibly cancel his/her