EEE - 4 Years UG Syllabus PDF
EEE - 4 Years UG Syllabus PDF
EEE - 4 Years UG Syllabus PDF
To foster a culture of excellence in research, innovation, entrepreneurship, rational thinking and civility
by providing necessary resources for generation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge and in the
process create an ambience for practice-based learning to the youth for success in their careers.
To impart quality education and advancements in program of studies for producing engineers with
scientific temperament and moral values in the field of electrical engineering
To create and develop research culture with deep sense of commitment, so as to enable the industries
to adopt the research outputs
To enhance the technical dexterity, so as to find the suitable solutions in their respective domain, for
welfare of the society
Programme Educational Objectives of the B.Tech.Electrical and Electronics Engineering are:
The graduates will
PEO1: Acquire a successful career in electrical industries, allied fields and entrepreneurship with
profound knowledge in core engineering.
PEO2: Pursue higher education and involve in research activities to gain in-depth knowledge in
electrical and electronics engineering.
PEO3: Exhibit intellectual skills, ethics and pursue life-long learning to cater the societal needs.
Pre-requisite: A course, the knowledge of which is required for registration into higher level course.
Professional Core: The courses that are essential constituents of each engineering discipline are
categorized as professional core courses for that discipline.
Professional or Discipline Elective: A course that is discipline centric. An appropriate choice of
minimum number of such electives as specified in the program will lead to a degree with specialization.
Programme: Means, Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree programme or UG Degree Programme.
Program Educational Objectives: The broad career, professional, personal goals that every student
will achieve through a strategic and sequential action plan.
Project work: Course that a student has to undergo during his/her final year which involves the student
to undertake a research or design, which is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. It is a credit
based course.
Registration: Process of enrolling into a set of courses in a semester of the Programme.
Regulations: The regulations are common to all B.Tech programmes conducted at the Institute of
Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Madanapalle and shall be called “MITS Regulations R-
14” and are binding on all the stakeholders.
Semester: It is a period of study consisting of 17 weeks of academic work equivalent to normally 90
working days (525 contact hours) excluding examination and preparation holidays. The odd Semester
starts usually in the month of July and even semester during December.
End Semester Examinations: It is an examination conducted at the end of a course of study.
S/he: Means “she” and “he” both.
Student Outcomes: The essential skill sets that need to be acquired by every student during her/his
programme of study. These skill sets are in the areas of employability, entrepreneurial, social and
University: Means the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Ananthapuramu.
a) As per the norms of Government of Andhra Pradesh, A-Category (based on the rank obtained in
EAMCET) seats will be filled by the Convener, EAMCET.
b) As per the norms of Government of Andhra Pradesh, B-Category seats will be filled by the management.
2. Programmes of Study
With the approval from AICTE & JNTUA, the following B. Tech. Degree programmes are offered at present.
3. Programme Pattern
3.1 The medium of instruction, examinations and project reports shall be English.
3.2 The entire programme of study is for four academic years. All four academic years shall be on semester
3.3 A student admitted to a programme should complete it within a period equal to twice the prescribed
duration of the programme from the date of admission.
3.4 The minimum instruction days for each Semester shall be 90.
3.5 A student eligible to appear for the end examination in a course, but absent or has failed in the end
examination may appear for that course at the next supplementary examination when offered.
3.6 When a student is detained due to lack of credits/shortage of attendance he/she may be re-admitted when
the semester is offered after fulfillment of academic regulations. In such case, he/she shall be in the
academic regulations into which he/she is readmitted.
3.7 The curriculum of B.Tech. programme is designed to have a total of 180 credits for the award of B.Tech.
3.8 Each course is assigned certain number of credits which will depend upon the number of lecture per
week. In general, credits are assigned to the courses based on the following contact hours per week per
a. For Theory Courses: One credit for each Lecture hour.
b. For Practical Courses: One credit for two hours of Practical OR
Two credits for three (or max. of four) hours of Practical.
4. Award of B.Tech. Degree
A student will be declared eligible for the award of the B.Tech. Degree if he/she fulfils the following
academic regulations:
4.1 Pursue a programme of study for not less than four academic years and in not more than eight academic
Percentage obtained
Letter Grade Grade points
in MOOCs
O (Outstanding) 10 90 - 100
A+ (Excellent) 9 80 - 89
A (Very Good) 8 70 - 79
B+ (Good) 7 60 - 69
B (Above Average) 6 50 - 59
C (Average) 5 45 - 49
P (Pass) 4 40 - 44
F (Fail) 0 < 40
Ab (Absent) 0
6.5.5 In case of any deviation from the clause 6.5.4, the committee appointed by the Principal shall take a
decision for converting MOOC results in to the relevant grade points.
6.5.6 The Credits for MOOC(s) shall be same as given for the respective discipline core or discipline electives.
6.5.7 Each department shall appoint Coordinators/Mentors and allot the students to them who shall be
responsible to guide students in selecting online courses and provide guidance for the registration,
progress and completion of the same.
6.5.8 A student shall choose an online course (relevant to his/her programme of study) from the given list of
MOOCS providers, as endorsed by the teacher concerned, with the approval of the HoD.
Students shall take a Mini Project or Field Work (for Civil Engineering) during their IV Year I Semester for 2
credits. Students shall submit a Report in 3 copies to the department concerned after the work. The work shall be
evaluated for 100 marks, out of which 40 marks for work execution, 20 marks for report submission and 40 marks
for internal viva-voce. The evaluation shall be made by the Internal Departmental Committee (IDC), comprising
of HoD, internal guide and 2 to 3 senior faculty members.
Student shall opt either FSI or Project work during IV Year II Semester.
Internships in industries is an attempt to bridge the gap between institution and the corporate world. To satisfy
student’s inquisitiveness about the corporate world, the Full Semester Internship (FSI) provides exposure to
practicing professional skills and also helps them acquire social skills by being in constant interaction with the
professionals of an organization. This program benefits the students to understand what they have studied in the
class room and what is being practiced in the industry.
Option- I: Full Semester Internship (FSI): Industry/Research Centre (RC)/Academic Institution (AI)
6.9.I.1 Students may opt for Full Semester Internship (FSI) at Industries/Research Centre (RC)/ Academic
Institutions (AI) like IITs, NITs, IISC etc., during IV year II semester to get practical insight relevant to
their core branch of engineering or in allied branch of study under the guidance of internal and external
expert members/guides in the Institute and at Industries/RCs/AIs respectively.
6.9.I.2 Students shall take two courses in the semester through self-study.
6.9.I.3 The internal & external assessment followed for regular courses (like option-II) shall be applicable for
self-study courses.
6.9.I.4 The attendance requirements are as per academic regulations. The student shall submit the documentary
evidences for attendance, towards regularity during FSI.
6.9.I.5 The FSI period shall be 14 – 16 weeks, to attain 14 credits.
6.9.I.6 A student shall choose FSI as endorsed by the Internal Departmental Committee (IDC), comprising of
HoD, Dean IIIC, Senior Placement Officer, an internal guide and 2 to 3 senior faculty members.
6.9.I.7 Students shall exercise this option well before the commencement of IV year II semester.
6.9.I.8 No financial support shall be provided by the institute for FSI.
Period of Submission/
S.No Mode of Evaluation Industry/ Int.
Presentation External
RC/AI Guide
Feasibility of FSI
(Abstract submission &
1 Presentation - About During 3rd week -- -- --
Industry/RC/AI profile and
Title of Project work)
Review-1: Presentation &
2 Report submission on status of Between7th& 9th week 20 15 --
Project work.
Review-2 - Presentation &
3 Report submission on Between12th&14th week 20 15 --
complete Project work.
Submission of Internship
4 Between14th& 16th week -- 10 --
Diary & Project Report
Total 200
6.9.I.14 The total marks obtained by the students shall be scaled down to 100 marks and the Award of Letter
grade as per academic regulations shall be followed. Further, the letter grade obtained by the student
shall be included for the CGPA computation.
6.9.I.15 In case of any disputes between the organization concerned and the student, IDC shall resolve the
6.9.I.16 In case a student discontinues the FSI at any point of time (whatsoever be the reason), he/she shall
carry out the same as and when offered.
6.9.I.17 The student and IDC shall take utmost care while opting for the organization. However, a provision
shall also be made by the IDC in case a student wants to switch over from opted organization/domain
to any other organization/domain, provided the student submits his genuine reason for switch over. In
such case the IDC has to re-exercise to satisfy all the above clauses.
A student may opt for a 14 credited project work, along with two theory courses of 3 credits each. The project
work submitted to the department shall be evaluated for 200 marks, out of which 80 marks are for internal
evaluation and 120 marks for external viva-voce. The internal evaluation shall be made by the internal
departmental committee (IDC), on the basis of three reviews given by each student on the topic of his project.
Student shall submit 5 hard copies of the project report. The viva-voce shall be conducted by a committee
consisting of HOD, Project Supervisor and an External Examiner nominated by the Principal at the end of the
Atechnical seminar carrying 2 credits is common for both FSI and conventional study during IV Year II Semester.
Each student shall collect information on a specialized topic. He/she shall submit 3 copies of the report and
deliver a seminar on the same. The report and the presentation shall be evaluated for 100 marks by a departmental
committee consisting of Head of the Department, seminar supervisor and a senior faculty member. The seminar
shall be conducted anytime during the semester as per the convenience of the department committee and the
student. There shall be no external examination for seminar.
7. Supplementary Examinations
a. At the end of each Semester there will be regular examinations for the current Semester. Those students
who could not clear their courses in their previous attempt can appear for the examinations under
supplementary category along with the regular students after registering themselves at the examination
section. Supplementary examinations for all other Semesters, other than the current one will be conducted
during the same period.
b. Provided that for those candidates who have been detained in either the first or second semester of
academic year 2014-15, they have to study and pass either the course Advanced Calculus (14MAT11T01) or
Linear Algebra & Complex Analysis (14MAT12T02), which ever the course they have not passed earlier.
9. Transitory Regulations
Discontinued, detained or failed candidates are eligible for readmission as and when the semester is offered
after fulfillment of academic regulations. Candidates who are detained due to shortage of attendance or for not
fulfilling academic requirements or failed after having undergone the programme in earlier regulations or
have discontinued and wish to continue the programme are eligible for admission into unfinished Semester
from the date of commencement of class work with the same or equivalent courses as and when such courses
are offered, subject to section 4.3 and they will be in the academic regulations into which they get readmitted.
10. Withholding of Results
If the candidate has any dues to the institution or any case of indiscipline or malpractice pending against
him/her, the result of the candidate shall be withheld and he/she shall not be allowed/ promoted to the next
semester. The issue of awarding degree is liable to be withheld in such cases.
11.1.2 A student is considered to have completed a course successfully and earned the credits if he/she secures a
letter grade other than F and Ab in that course. A letter grade F or Ab in any course implies that the
candidate is yet to clear that course.
11.1.3 A course successfully completed cannot be repeated.
Where ‘n’ is the number of courses registered and cleared for the semester, ‘ci’ is the number of Credits
allotted to a particular course, and ‘gi’ is the grade points carried by the letter corresponding to the grade
awarded to the student for the course. SGPA will be rounded off to the second place of decimal and
recorded as such. The SGPA would indicate the performance of the student in the semester to which it
Starting from the second semester at the end of each semester S, a Cumulative Grade Point Average
(CGPA) will be computed for every student as follows:
Where ‘m’ is the total number of courses the student has registered and cleared from the first semester
onwards up to and including the semester S, ‘ci’ is the number of Credits allotted to a particular course
‘si’ and ‘gi’ is the grade-point carried by the letter corresponding to the grade awarded to the student for
the course ‘si’. CGPA will be rounded off to the second place of decimal and recorded as such.
The CGPA would indicate the cumulative performance of the student from the first semester up to the end
of the semester to which it refers.
The CGPA, SGPA and the grades obtained in all the courses in a semester will be communicated to every
student at the end of every semester.
When a student gets the grade ‘F’ in any course during a semester, the SGPA and the CGPA from that
semester onwards will be tentatively calculated, taking only ‘zero point’ for each such ‘F’ grade. After the
‘F’ grade(s) has/have been substituted by better grades during a subsequent semester, the SGPA and the
CGPA of all the semesters, starting from the earliest semester in which the ‘F’ grade has been updated,
will be recomputed and recorded to take this change of grade into account.
11.1.5 Cumulative grade point average [CGPA] averaged over all the courses are calculated for the award of
11.2 Award of Class
The following Class is awarded to the student on successful completion of the B.Tech. Degree Programme
depending upon the CGPA obtained;
11.3 In case of a specific query by students/employers regarding Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)/
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) into percentage, the following formulae will be adopted for notional
conversion of SGPA/CGPA into percentage.
3.1 Pursue a course of study for not less than six academic years and in not more than six academic years.
3.2 Register for 134 credits and secure all 134 credits.
3.3 Students, who fail to fulfill all the academic requirements for the award of the degree within six
academic years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in B.Tech. programme and their
admission stands cancelled.
If the candidate:
1. (a) Possesses or keeps accessible in examination Expulsion from the examination hall and
hall, any paper, note book, programmable cancellation of the performance in that course only.
calculators, Cell phones, pager, palm computers,
blue tooth or any other form of material
concerned with or related to the course of the
examination (theory or practical) in which
he/she is appearing but has not made use of
(material shall include any marks on the body of
the candidate which can be used as an aid in the
course of the examination)
(b) Gives assistance or guidance or receives it from Expulsion from the examination hall and
any other candidate orally or by any other body cancellation of the performance in that course only
language methods or communicates through cell of all the candidates involved. In case of an outsider,
phones with any candidate or persons in or he/she will be handed over to the police and a case is
outside the examination hall in respect of any registered against him.
2. Has copied in the examination hall from any Expulsion from the examination hall and
paper, book, programmable calculators, palm cancellation of the performance in that course and all
computers or any other form of material relevant other courses the candidate has already appeared
to the course of the examination (theory or including practical examinations and project work
practical) in which the candidate is appearing. and shall not be permitted to appear for the
remaining examinations of the courses of that
The Hall Ticket of the candidate is to be cancelled.
4. Smuggles in the Answer book or additional Expulsion from the examination hall and
sheet or takes out or arranges to send out the cancellation of performance in that course and all the
question paper during the examination or answer other courses the candidate has already appeared
book or additional sheet, during or after the including practical examinations and project work
examination. and shall not be permitted for the remaining
examinations of the courses of that Semester/year.
The candidate is also debarred for two consecutive
Semesters from class work and all Semester end
examinations. The continuation of the course by the
candidate is subject to the academic regulations in
connection with forfeiture of seat.
6. Refuses to obey the orders of the any officer on In case of students of the college, they shall be
duty or misbehaves or creates disturbance of any expelled from examination halls and cancellation of
kind in and around the examination hall or their performance in that course and all other courses
organizes a walk out or instigates others to walk the candidate(s) has (have) already appeared and
out, or threatens the officer-in charge or any shall not be permitted to appear for the remaining
person on duty in or outside the examination hall examinations of the courses of that Semester. If
of any injury to his person or to any of his candidate physically assaults the invigilator or/
relations whether by words, either spoken or officer in charge of the examination, then the
7. Leaves the examination hall taking away answer Expulsion from the examination hall and
script or intentionally tears of the script or any cancellation of performance in that course and all the
part thereof inside or outside the examination other courses the candidate has already appeared
hall. including practical examinations and project work
and shall not be permitted for the remaining
examinations of the courses of that Semester/year.
The candidate is also debarred for two consecutive
Semesters from class work and all Semester end
examinations. The continuation of the course by the
candidate is subject to the academic regulations in
connection with forfeiture of seat.
8. Possess any lethal weapon or firearm in the Expulsion from the examination hall and
examination hall. cancellation of the performance in that course and all
other courses the candidate has already appeared
including practical examinations and project work
and shall not be permitted for the remaining
examinations of the courses of that Semester/year.
The candidate is also debarred and forfeits the seat.
9. If student of the college, who is not a candidate Student of the colleges expulsion from the
for the particular examination or any person not examination hall and cancellation of the performance
connected with the college indulges in any in that course and all other courses the candidate has
malpractice or improper conduct mentioned in already appeared including practical examinations
clause 6 to 8. and project work and shall not be permitted for the
remaining examinations of the courses of that
Semester/year. The candidate is also debarred and
forfeits the seat.
Person(s) who do not belong to the College will be
handed over to police and, a police case will be
registered against them.
11. Copying detected on the basis of internal Cancellation of the performance in that course and
evidence, such as, during valuation or during all other courses the candidate has appeared
special scrutiny. including practical examinations and project work of
that Semester examinations depending on the
recommendation of the committee.
Note: Whenever the performance of a student is cancelled in any course/ courses due to Malpractice, he/she has to
register for the End semester examination in that particular course/s consequently and has to fulfill all the norms
required for award of Degree.
Audit Course - I -
Electric Circuits Microprocessors &
14EEE201 2 14EEE203 2
Practicals Interfacing Practicals
Electrical Machines
14EEE202 Electronics Practicals 2 14EEE204 2
Total 22 Total 22
Audit Course - II -
Control Systems Power Electronics
14EEE205 2 14EEE207 2
Practicals Practicals
Analog Electronics Object Oriented
14EEE206 2 14EEE208 2
Practicals Programming Practicals
Total 22 Total 22
FirstSemester SecondSemester
Year Course Course
CourseName Credits CourseName Credits
Code Code
14EEE118 Electrical Drives 3 Option–I(Full SemesterInternship-FSI)
14EEE119 Engineering Optimization DisciplineElective-IV
3 3
OpenElective-IV 3
14EEE501 FullSemester
Electric Power Utilization
14EEE120 3 Internship- 14
and Illumination
14EEE601 TechnicalSeminar 2
DisciplineElective-II 3 Total 22
DisciplineElective-III 3 OR
IV OpenElective-III 3 Option–II(Conventional)
Digital Signal Processing DisciplineElective-IV
14EEE209 2 3
14EEE210 Power systems Practicals 2 OpenElective-IV 3
MiniProject 2 14EEE501 Project Work 14
14EEE601 Technical Seminar 2
Total 24 Total 22
Course Credits
Sl. No. Course Name
Theory Course
1. 14EEE102 Network Analysis 3
2. 14EEE103 Electrical Machines 3
3. 14EEE104 Digital Design 3
4. 14EEE105 Electronic Devices 3
5. 14EEE106 Electromagnetic Theory 3
6. 14EEE107 Microprocessors & Interfacing 3
7. 14EEE108 Control Systems 3
8. 14EEE109 Analog Electronics 3
9. 14EEE110 Object Oriented Programming 3
10. 14EEE111 Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation 3
11. 14EEE112 Power Systems 3
12. 14EEE113 Power Electronics 3
13. 14EEE114 Signals & Systems 3
14. 14EEE115 Special Electrical Machines 3
15. 14EEE116 Power System Analysis and Control 3
16. 14EEE117 Digital Signal Processing 3
17. 14EEE118 Electrical Drives 3
18. 14EEE119 Engineering Optimization 3
19. 14EEE120 Electric Power Utilization and Illumination 3
Practical Courses
1. 14EEE201 Electric Circuits Practicals 2
2. 14EEE202 Electronics Practicals 2
3. 14EEE203 Microprocessors & Interfacing Practicals 2
4. 14EEE204 Electrical Machines Practicals 2
5. 14EEE205 Control Systems Practicals 2
6. 14EEE206 Analog Electronics Practicals 2
7. 14EEE207 Power Electronics Practicals 2
8. 14EEE208 Object Oriented Programming Practicals 2
9. 14EEE209 Digital Signal Processing Practicals 2
10. 14EEE210 Power systems Practicals 2
Total Credits 77
Discipline Elective – I
Sl. No. Course Code Course Name
1. 14EEE401 Modern Control Systems
2. 14EEE402 Communication Systems
3. 14EEE403 Computer Architecture
Discipline Elective – II
Sl. No. Course Code Course Name
1. 14EEE404 Switchgear and Protection
2. 14EEE405 Digital Image Processing
3. 14EEE406 Operating Systems
Discipline Elective – IV
Sl. No. Course Code Course Name
1. 14EEE411 Power Apparatus & Networks
2. 14EEE412 Wind Electrical Systems
3. 14EEE413 Robotics
4. 14EEE414 High Voltage Engineering
Audit Course - II
Sl. Offered by the
Course Code Course Name Course Code /
No. Department of
1. 14ENG303 Phonetics and Spoken English English None
2. 14ENG304 Introductory Psychology English None
3. 14CSE302 Ethical Hacking CSE None
4. Management None
14MBA301 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Studies
5. 14HUM303 National Service Scheme (NSS)* Humanities None
NSS is a field oriented course, has no internal & external evaluation
Marks Allocation
Sl.No. Description Internal Marks External Marks
1. Mid-Test Assignment 60
30 10
2. Experiment Record Work Viva-voce
Practical 60
25 10 5
3. Technical Seminar 100 --
4. Project Work 40 60
Sl. No. Year/Semester Total Marks
1. I/I 700 22/23
2. I/II 800 24/23
3. II/I 800 22
4. II/II 800 22
5. III/I 800 22
6. III/II 800 22
7. IV/I 900 24
8. IV/II 500 22
Course Objectives:
1. The syllabus has been designed to enhance communication skills of the students of Engineering &
2. The course enables students to communicate in English for academic and social purpose and helps
them improve their grammatical accuracy and vocabulary.
3. It enhances LSRW skills and also inculcates the habit of reading for pleasure.
Units from the Textbook
1. Present Past and Future
2. Communicating
3. Making things clear
Grammar – Tenses – Clauses –Phrases – Common Verbs
Vocabulary – Idioms – Word Building – Learn a Language
Listening & Reading Activities
Writing – Job Application – Describe a scene
Phonetics - Intonation
Units from the Textbook
1. Sports & Games
2. Set in the Past
3. Do it yourself
Grammar – Articles – Past Events – Reporting Verbs – Relative Clauses – ing forms –
Vocabulary- Issues in Sports – Idioms – Guessing unknown Words – Prefix
Listening & Reading Activities
Writing – Linking Events in a Story
Phonetics – Rising & Falling Tone, Stress
Units from the Textbook
1. Life, the Universe and everything
2. Evaluating
3. Yourself & Others
Grammar- Adjectives & Nouns–Time Comparison-Structures-Pronouns -Common Verbs
Listening & Reading
Writing-Summary-Organizing Information-Draft Making
Units from the Textbook
1. Right and Wrong
2. Body and Mind
3. Using the Passive
4. World Affairs
Grammar-Modals-Degrees of Comparison-Passive Forms-Reporting Verbs-Common Verbs
Vocabulary-Forms of Medical Treatment-World Affairs-Idioms
Listening & Reading Activities
Writing-Causes & Results
Pronunciation-Disagreeing politely
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Develop communication skills especially in the field of Engineering and Technology.
2. Construct their grammatical accuracy and vocabulary.
3. Understand the language for academic and social purpose
4. Obtain the habit of reading for pleasure.
5. Use an effective language required by the employers.
Text Book:
Adrian Doff and Christopher Jones, 2000. Language in use– Classroom Book (Upper – Intermediate),
Cambridge University Press.
Course Description:
Functions and Graphs; limit and continuity; applications of derivative and integral.Conics; polar
coordinates; convergences of sequences and series.Maclaurin and Taylor series.Partial Derivatives.
Vector Calculus in R n , vector analysis; theorems of Green's,Stoke's and Gauss's.
Course Objectives:
1. To avail the basic concepts of polar Graphing and Conic section.
2. To familiarize the knowledge of functions of several variables and theirDerivatives, extreme values.
3. To emphasize the role of Double and Triple integrals in dealing with area and volume of the regions.
4. To analyze the line integral, surface integral & volume integrals through the vector integral
5. To introduce Sequences & Series for convergence of various tests and power series expansions.
Text Book:
Weir, MD, Hass J, Giordano FR: Thomas’ Calculus Pearson education 12th ED, 2015.
1. Erwin Kreyszig - Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition Wiley-India, 2007
2. James Stewart - Calculus, 5e, Cengage learning, 2003.
3. Monty J. Strauss, Gerald L. Bradley, & Karl J. Smith – Calculus 3rd Edition, Pearson 2007.
Course Description:
Mechanics, Waves and Oscillations are a basic physics course, which will cover Mechanics, Vibrations
and Waves and Optics.
Course Objectives:
1. Expose students to the fundamental principles and laws of mechanics in physics and understanding
the basic laws of nature through physics.
2. Educate students to think and participate deeply, creatively, and analytically in applying various
kinds of forces in day today life.
3. Demonstrate the ability to identify and apply the appropriate analytic, numerical, computational and
other mathematical reasoning, to situations of the physical world.
4. Analyze and understand the subjects Mechanics, Oscillations, Waves and Optics in preparing the
students for advanced level courses.
5. Adaptability to new developments in science and technology by successfully completing or pursuing
graduate education in engineering.
6. Expose students to theoretical and mathematical aspects of Interference and Diffraction techniques
for mechanical testing of materials.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Describe and explain the fundamental physical principles and laws of Mechanics in Physics.
2. Explain the role of the different realms of physics and their applications in both scientific and
technological systems.
3. Apply the physical principles, together with logical and mathematical reasoning, to situations of the
physical world.
4. Analyze a problem and develop the problem solving skills.
5. Define and evaluate the fundamentals of mechanical testing of materials using Interference and
Diffraction techniques.
Text Books:
1. An Introduction to Mechanics, by D. Kleppner and R. Kolenkow, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2007.
2. French Anthony P, Vibrations and Waves, CBS, 1987.
1. The Physics of Vibrations & Waves, by H. J. Pain, 6th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.
2. Physics Vol I & II, Halliday/Resnick/Krane 5th Edition, John Wiley, 2003.
3. Berkeley Physics Course Volume I, Tata-McGraw Hill.
Course Description:
The course deals with basic concepts of environment, its impact on human, universe, consumption of
energy sources, effects, controlling methods for pollution and the environmental ethics to be followed by
human beings.
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students aware about the environment and its inter-disciplinary nature and to emphasize
the importance of the renewable energy sources.
2. To familiarize the concept of Ecosystem and their importance.
3. To bring the awareness among students about the importance of biodiversity and the need for its
4. To make the students understand the adverse effects of environmental pollution, its causes and
measures to control it.
5. To introduce the environmental ethics and emphasize the urgency of rain water harvesting along
with water shed management.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1. Know about various Ecosystems, Biodiversity and its conservation.
2. Know about effects of Environmental pollution.
3. Understand various social issues regarding Environment
4. Understand human population and environment.
5. Understand about our natural resources and multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies.
Text Book:
Text book of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses by ErachBharucha for University
Grants Commission, Universities Press, 2005.
1. Environmental Science & Engineering by Dr. A. Ravikrishnan, Hitech Publishing Company Pvt.
Ltd. 2013.
2. Perspectives in Environmental Studies, Second edition, AnubhaKoushik and C.P. Koushik, New
Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2004.
Mode of evaluation: Assignments, Internal Mid examinations and External semester end examination.
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide basic understanding on electrical and electronic engineering. The
course material can be used as a starting point for further study in individual disciplines or topics. This
need will come for non-electrical or electronic students at a later stage in their carrier growth.
Course covers basic passive and active circuit elements, network analysis, network theorems,
introduction to single-phase and three-phase AC Systems, magnetic circuits, transformers, electrical
machines, semi-conductor diodes and their applications, transistors and their applications.
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the basics of the D.C. and A.C. electrical circuits
2. To learn basic magnetic circuits
3. To learn the construction and operation of transformers, D.C. and A.C. rotating machines
4. To learn basics of semiconductor devices
Text Book:
Leonard S. Bobrow: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Oxford University Press, Second Edition,
Hughes: Electrical and Electronic Technology, Pearson Education, Ninth Edition, 2008.
Course Description:
Experiments on Principles of Mechanics and Optics, Measurement of Magnetic field and studying
Resonance using LCR Circuit.
Course Objectives:
1. Elucidate the concepts of Physics through involvement in the experiment by applying theoretical
2. Illustrate the basics of mechanics, waves and optics to analyze the behavior and characteristics of
various materials for its optimum utilization.
3. Develop an ability to apply the knowledge of physics experiments in the later studies.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Apply the scientific process in the conduct and reporting of experimental investigations.
2. Know about the characteristics and the behaviour of various materials in a practical manner and gain
knowledge about various optical technique methods.
3. Understand the characteristics and the behaviour of various materials in a practical manner and gain
knowledge about various experimental techniques and their usage.
4. Verify the theoretical ideas and concepts covered in lecture by completing a host of experiments.
5. Acquire and interpret experimental data to examine the physical laws.
Course Description:
This course introduces how to solve problems using flowcharts and programming concepts. The focus is
on developing students to understand and apply the concepts of programming using python. A practical
introduction to computing that will build students confidence and familiarity with computer
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student understand problem solving techniques and their applications
2. Students will be able to understand the syntax and semantics of python.
3. Get acquaintances with classes and objects, stacks and queues using python.
List of Experiments:
Week 1
a) Develop animated models using scratch tool.
Week 2
a) Develop the flowchart for finding a number is even or odd.
b) Develop a flowchart for displaying reversal of a number.
c) Develop a flowchart for finding biggest number among three numbers.
Week 3
a) Develop a flowchart for swapping two values using functions.
b) Develop a flowchart to sort the list of numbers.
c) Develop a flowchart to find largest element in an array.
Week 4
a) Implement Python script to read person’s age from keyboard and display whether he is eligible
for voting or not.
b) Implement Python script to find biggest number between two numbers.
Week 5
a) Implement Python Script to generate prime numbers series up to n.
b) Implement Python Script to check given number is palindrome or not.
c) Implement Python script to print factorial of a number.
Week 6
a) Implement Python Script to perform various operations on string using string libraries.
b) Implement Python Script to check given string is palindrome or not.
Week 9
a) Write a program which accepts a sequence of comma-separated numbers from console and
generate a list and a tuple which contains every number.
Suppose the following input is supplied to the program:34,67,55,33,12,98. Then, the output
should be: ['34', '67', '55', '33', '12', '98'] ('34', '67', '55', '33', '12', '98').
b) With a given tuple (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), write a program to print the first half values in one line
and the last half values in one line.
Week 10
a) Write a python script to perform basic dictionary operations like insert, delete and display.
b) Write a python script to find frequency of words in a file using dictionaries.
Week 11
a) Write Python script to display file contents.
b) Write Python script to copy file contents from one file to another.
Week 12
a) Define a class named Rectangle which can be constructed by a length and width. The Rectangle
class has a method which can compute the area.
b) Define a class named Circle which can constructed by radius. The derived classes Area,
Circumference uses methods called calArea(), calCirc() respectively to calculate area,
circumference of circle.
Week 13
a) Implement Python script to develop stack ADT and its operations.
b) Implement Python script to evaluate postfix expression.
Week 14
a) Implement Python script to develop queue ADT and its operations.
b) Implement Python script to perform tree traversals.
a) b)
Week 16
Write a python script to display following shapes using turtle.
a) b)
Course Outcomes:
After Completion of this course students will be able to
1. Understand problem solving techniques.
2. Use python programming to implement solutions.
3. Identity the stacks and queues for a given problem or application.
4. Analyze and design logic for a given program.
5. Create classes and objects using python.
Course Description:
Introduction to Casting, metal forming, forging, welding and brazing, metal cutting machines e.g., lathe,
shaper, drilling, grinding; laboratory exercise involving machining, fitting and joining.
Course Objectives:
1. The objective of this course is to learn how the physical things we use are manufactured and gain
technical knowledge and skills.
2. The concept based knowledge will be useful in all the disciplines the students are going to
3. The students are exposed to all the manufacturing processes i.e Machining, Casting, Joining
processes, metal forming, and Sheet metal work.
4. The students are exposed to resources in manufacturing and usage of computers in manufacturing.
5. Also brief review of the properties and heat treatment of common engineering materials and of
measuring and gauging tools are also included.
1. Carpentry
2. Welding
3. Fitting
4. Foundry
5. Black smithy
6. Sheet metal
7. Machine shop
8. Metrology
9. CNC programming
10. Manufacturing simulation
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Understand the various manufacturing processes.
2. Identify the related manufacturing processes, tools, machines and inspection tools to manufacture the
3. Make the models by using all the manufacturing processes.
4. Operate all the machines in all the trades i.e. Carpentry, Machine Shop & CNC Machine etc.
5. Measure dimensions or measure profiles using measuring instruments and also simulation studies
can also be done.
Campbell J.S., Principles of Manufacturing Materials and Processes, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill, New Delhi,
1999 print.
Course Description:
Today’s Professional world demands effective transfer of technical Report Writing in the form of
correspondence, talks, discussions, and documents more than ever before. Such forms of
Communication not only reflect the knowledge and achievements of engineers, scientists, and other
professionals but also act as the public face for organizations, reflecting their policies and achievements.
Technical Communication is essentially formal, and hence requires a standard format for disseminating
technical messages.
Course Objectives:
1. To get the required training in documentation, presentation, discussions, and develop
communicative competence.
2. To do Critical reading and comparing texts and their viewpoints.
3. To do Effective writing using Sentence structures.
4. To draft Technical and Business style of writing
5. To prepare Questionnaire for preparing the report which will assist them for doing research work.
Communication Process - Communication networks- formal and informal - Barriers to communication.
Reading - Surveyingatext - reading for important points - makinginferences - identifyingtext structure -
readinggraphics - comparing sources - criticalreading - comparingviewpoints.
Writing - Effective Writing - Elements- Choice of Words and Phrases - Sentence Construction and
Length - Technical Style of Writing -Business Style of Writing.
Report Writing - Basic Business communication - Types of Reports.
Data Collection - PreparatorySteps - Sources of Data Methods of Data Collection - Mail Questionnaire -
Report Structure - Data Analysis & Illustrations - Editing and proofreading - using technical tools for
effective technical writing.
Text Book:
1. Sharma, R.C. and K. Mohan. 2011. Business Correspondence and Report Writing. Fourth Edition.
New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill and Post-lecture reading material.
1. Raman, Meenakshi and Sangeeta Sharma, 2011. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice,
2/e. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
2. Gerson, Sharon J and Steren M. Gerson. 2011. TechnicalWriting : Process and Product. Third Edition.
India : Pearson Education Asia.
3. Mishra, Sunita and C. Muralikrishna. 2004. Communication Skills for Engineers. Delhi: Pearson
Education Pte. Ltd.
4. Krishna Mohan and Meenakshi Raman. 2010. Advanced Communicative English. New Delhi : Tata
McGraw Hill
5. Eric H. Glendinning, Beverly Holmström Study Reading: A Course in Reading Skills for Academic
Purposes, Cambridge University Press, 2004
6. Liz Hamp-Lyons, Ben Heasley Study Writing: A course in writing skills for academic purposes
Cambridge University Press 2006
7. Thomas N Huckin and Olsen Technical Writing & Professional Communication McGraw-Hill, 1991
8. William Strunk Elements of Style B N Publishing 2007 (E book available)
9. Dorothy E Zemach and Lisa A Rumisek College Writing: From Paragraph to Essay Macmillan 2003
(e-book available).
Online Sources:
Course Description:
The course is meant as an introduction to Linear Algebra and Theory of Complex variable functions and
their applications. Vector spaces, Basis and Dimension of vector spaces.Linear transformations, Range
and Kernel.Elementary row operations, System of linear equations.Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
Complex functions and their analyticity. Elementary complex functions, Complex integration. Taylor
and Laurent series expansions.Calculus of Residues and their applications.
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce System of linear equations, Vector spaces, basis and dimension etc.
2. To emphasize the role of Linear transformations, Elementary row operations, Eigen values and
3. To analyze the Functions of Complex variables and their analyticity.
4. To familiarize the knowledge of Elementary complex functions, complex integration.
5. To avail the basic concepts of Laurent series expansions. Calculus of residues and their applications.
Text Books:
1. Elementary linear Algebra by Stephen Andrilli and David Hecker, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2010
2. Complex variables and applications by R. V Churchill and J. W. Brown, 8 th edition, 2008, McGraw-
1. Linear Algebra and its Applications by D.C. Lay, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, Inc.
2. Complex Variables with Applications by A. D. Wunsch, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, Inc.
Course Description:
It deals with basic principles of various branches of chemistry like physical, organic, analytical and
material chemistry.
Course Objectives:
1. To analyse water impurities and determine its hardness, alkalinity and dissolved oxygen content.
2. To understand the basic concepts of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics.
3. To introduce the basic concepts of IR spectroscopy and its applications in study of progress of
various organic reactions.
4. To familiarize the basic concepts of electrochemistry and its influence in corrosion.
5. To impart the importance of various engineering materials and to get familiarity with their
applications in day to day life.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1. Understand the impurities in water and can determine its hardness, alkalinity and dissolved oxygen
2. Be familiarized with thermodynamic systems, work done, internal energy, entropy and Standard free
energy change in chemical reactions.
3. Understand the principles and applications of IR, Paper Chromatography, TLC, GPC /SEC.
4. Get the knowledge of electrochemical cells, lead acid batteries, Ni-Cad batteries, lithium ion
Batteries, lithium batteries, and methanol oxygen fuel cells.
5. Obtain exposure to the basic engineering materials such as cementing, lubricants, Refractories,
Abrasives, Insulators, Liquid crystals and nanomaterials.
Text Books:
1. P.W. Atkins & Julio de Paula, ‘The Elements of Physical Chemistry’, Fifth edition (Oxford
University Press, Oxford 2009).
2. T. W. Graham Solomons and Craig B. Fryhle, ‘Organic Chemistry’, 10th Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. NewYork, 2011.
3. Dr S. S. Dara and Dr S. S. Umare, A Text book of Engineering Chemistry, S. Chand& Company
Ltd, 2000 1st Ed.
1. D. W. Ball, ‘Physical Chemistry’, First Edition, India Edition (Thomson, 2007).
2. L. G. Wade, Jr. and M. S. Singh, ‘Organic Chemistry’, 6 th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., 2006.
3. Perry and Green, Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 9 th Edition, Section 2, McGraw Hill
4. DrSuba Ramesh and others, Engineering Chemistry, Wiley India, , 2011,1st Ed
5. K. N Jayaveera, G. V. Subba Reddy and C. Rama Chandraiah, Engineering chemistry, 1st Ed. 2013,
McGraw Hill education.
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Internal Mid Examinations and external semester end examination.
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of computer programming, the emphasis of this
course is on techniques of program development within the structure and object-oriented paradigm.
Topics include C program basics, control structures, arrays, files, pointers, objects, classes, inheritance,
and data structures.
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student understand problem solving techniques and their applications
2. Students will be able to understand the syntax and semantics of C programming language
3. Get acquaintances with data structures, searching and sorting techniques using C++ generic
Structure of C Program, C Tokens: Variables, Data types, Constants,Identifiers, key words and
Operators, Expressions. Control Structures: Conditional Statements (Simple if, if-else, Nested -if-else,
Switch). Iterative Statements (for, While, Do-While), Jump Statements (break, Continue).
Functions Introduction, User defined function, accessing a function, Function prototypes, storage classes
Arrays: Defining an array, processing an array, one dimensional arrays, two dimensional arrays
Searching: Linear and Binary. Sorting: Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, and
Quick Sort.Pointers: Fundamentals, Pointer Declarations, Pointers and one dimensional array, Dynamic
memory allocation.
Declaring and Defining a string, Initialization of strings, , Strings Library functions Structures:
Defining a structure, Processing a structure Files: File Definition, Opening and closing a data file,
Reading and Writing a data file, Files I/O Functions.
Text Books:
1. The C Programming Language, Kernighan and Ritchie, 2 ndEdition, Prentice Hall, India,
1988.(UNITS-I, II, III)
2. C++: The Complete Reference. Third Edition. Herbert Schildt. Osborne McGraw-Hill. Berkeley
New York St. Louis San Francisco. Auckland Bogotá Hamburg .(UNIT-IV)
3. Data structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, S.Sahni, University Press (India) Pvt.Ltd, 2nd
edition,Universities Press Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd.(UNIT-V)
1. Programming in ANSI C, E. Balagurusamy, Sixth Edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd.-
New Delhi
2. Problem Solving & Program Design in C, Hanly, Jeri R and Elliot. B Koffman, Pearson Education,
5th edition, 20007.
3. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ by Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni, DineshMehta, Universities
Press, Second Edition.
4. Lipmen C++ Book.
Course Description:
Introduction to AutoCAD commands, simple drawings, orthographic projections, projection of points,
lines, planes; auxiliary projections; projections and sections of solids; development and intersection of
surfaces; isometric projections.
Course Objectives:
1. Engineering Graphics is the primary medium for development and communicating design concepts.
2. Through this course the students are trained in Engineering Graphics concepts with the use of
3. The latest ISI code of practice is followed while preparing the drawings using AutoCAD.
4. Computerized drawing is an upcoming technology and provides accurate and easily modifiable
graphics entities.
5. Storage and Retrieval of Drawings is also very easy and it takes very less time to prepare the
drawings. Also enhances the creativity.
Text Book:
D.M. Kulkarni, A.P. Rastogi and A.M. Sarkar., Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD, PHI Learning
Private Limited, New Delhi 2009.
1. Dhananjay A Jolhe, Engineering Drawing: with an introduction to AutoCAD, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Warren J. Luzadder& Jon M. Duff Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, 11th edition, Prentice Hall
of India, New
Course Description:
It deals with basic principles of various volumetric and instrumental analytical methods.
Course Objectives:
1. To impart students a better training in analysis of chemical and instrumental methods.
2. To develop skill in analysis and estimation of a given sample by chemical and instrumental methods.
3. To bridge theoretical concepts and their practical engineering applications, thus highlighting the role
of chemistry in engineering.
Volumetric Analysis
1. Estimation of total, permanent and temporary hardness of water by EDTA method.
2. Estimation of Copper (II) in water by Iodometry.
3. Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen by Winkler’s method.
4. Estimation of alkalinity of water sample.
5. Estimation of Acidity of water sample.
6. Estimation of Iron (II) in waste water by dichrometry.
7. Estimation of copper ion by using standard EDTA.
Course Prerequisite: None 0 0 3 2
Course Description:
This course is to apply the concepts of computer programming in a practical approach; the emphasis of
this course is on techniques of program development within the structure and object-oriented paradigm.
Implementation of program include C program basics, control structures, arrays, files, pointers, objects,
classes, inheritance, and data structures.
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student learn C Programming language.
2. To make the student solve problems, implement those using C & C++ programming languages.
3. To strengthen the ability to identify and apply the suitable data structure for the given real world
List of Experiments:
1. a) Write a C program to swap the two numbers.
b) Write a C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
c) Write a C program to compute the factorial of a given number.
2. a) Write a C program to find the series of prime numbers in the given range.
b) Write a C program to generate Fibonacci numbers in the given range.
3. a) Write a C program to check for number palindrome.
b) Write a C program to generate Pascal Triangle.
4. Implement the following operations on matrices using C
a) Sum of Two Matrices b) Product of Two matrices c) Transpose of Matrix
5. Write a C program to find Factorial, GCD, fibonacci, towers of hanoi, sum of digits, base
conversions, reversal of numbers. (Using recursion).
6. Write a C program to implement all string operations(strlen(), strcpy(), , strcmp(), strcat(), strrev(),
strstr(), strchr()) without using standard string library functions.
7. Write a C program to find the student grade by using structures.
8. Write a C program to perform the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication of complex
numbers using structures.
9. Write a C program to copy the file contents from one file to another file(pass file names as command
line arguments).
10. Implement the following searching techniques using C++ templates (Generic Programming)
a) Linear Search b) Binary Search
11. Implement the following sorting techniques using C++ templates
a) Bubble Sort b) Selection Sort c) Insertion Sort
12. Implement the following sorting techniques using C++ templates
a) Merge sort b) Quick sort.
Course Outcomes:
After Completion of this course students will be able to
1. Apply problem solving techniques to find solutions to problems.
2. Use C & C++ languages features effectively and implement solutions using C & C++ languages.
3. Identity the appropriate data structure for a given problem or application.
4. Improve logical and programming skills.
5. Write Data Structures using C++ templates.
1. “Programming with C”, Byron Gottfried, Third Edition, Schaum’s Outlines, McGrawHill.
2. “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”, Horowitz, Sahni, Anderson-freed, SecondEdition,
Universities Press.
3. “The C Programming Language”, Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, Pearson.
4. “Classic Data Structures”, Samantha, PHI
5. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ by Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni, DineshMehta, Universities
Press, Second Edition.
6. “Pointers in C”, YeswantKanetkar, BPB publications.
3 2 0 3
Course Prerequisite: 14MAT11T01& 14MAT11T01
Course Description:
This course reviews and continues the study of differential equations with the objective of introducing
classical methods for solving boundary value problems. This course serves as a basis of the applications
for differential equations, Fourier series and Laplace transform in various branches of engineering and
sciences. This course emphasizes the role of orthogonal polynomials in dealing with Sturm-Liouville
Course Objectives:
1. To prepare students for lifelong learning and successful careers using mathematical concepts of
ordinary differential equations
2. To avail knowledge of system of first order equations and power series solutions
3. To train the students in the applications of Second order equations and to emphasize the role of
special functions.
4. To familiarize the knowledge of Laplace transform
5. To introduce Fourier series and the classical methods for solving boundary value problems
General remarks on Systems -Linear Systems-Homogeneous Linear Systems with Constant
Coefficients. A Review of Power Series-Series Solutions of First Order Equations- Second order Linear
Equations- Ordinary Points-Regular Singular Points -Frobenius method.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Work in differential equations provides mathematical solutions to various engineering problems.
2. Explain the system of first order equations and Power Series solutions relevant to the field of
3. Explain the application of Second order equations & Special Functions.
4. Analyze the applications of Laplace Transforms is useful to solve complex problems.
5. Explain the Fourier series and efficiency to apply tools for Boundary value problems necessary for
engineering problems.
Text Book:
Simmons G.F., Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes, Tata McGraw Hill
Edition 2003, Eighteenth reprint 2010
1. Kreyszig E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition, Wiley, 2013.
2. Kreider D.L. and Others: An Introduction to Linear Analysis, Addison Wesley, 1966.
3. Shepley L. Ross: Differential Equations, John Wiley & Sons, 1984.
4. William E. Boyce., Richard C. Diprima., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.7th edition, 2001
Course Description:
The course aims to provide an insight into production, distribution and consumption of wealth, analysis
of market structure, input pricing, public finance and economics of development and macroeconomic
issues including international trade with emphasis upon use of analytical tools. The course is designed to
give emphasis on the application of real life examples on various fundamental issues of economics.
Course Objectives:
The course is intended to
1. Describe the nature of economics in dealing with the issue of scarcity;
2. Perform supply and demand analysis to analyze the impact of economic events on markets;
3. Discuss about demand elasticity, marginal utility and indifference theory;
4. Analyze the behaviour of consumers in terms of the demand for products;
5. Evaluate the factors affecting firm behaviour, such as production and costs;
6. Analyze the performance of firms under different market structures;
7. Explain about the concept of markets and its application in the price and output determination in
operations of the firm;
8. Discuss the concept of equilibrium and efficiency of perfect competition;
9. Make the students understand the concept of income distribution and public finance; and
10. Analyze elements of macroeconomics and explain the role played by various sectors of the
Why study Economics- The Scope and method of Economics- Understanding the problem of scarcity
and choice and the concepts of comparative advantage along with various economic systems- The
Economic Problem: Scarcity & Choice.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Understand various principles of economics.
2. Analyze the concepts of demand, elasticity, markets, supply and its essence in floating of an
3. Compare different market structures and cost Analysis to identify suitable market.
4. Assess the income distribution, public finance and taxation to evaluate the different projects in the
practical situation.
5. Apply the measurement methods of macro-economic variables.
Text Book:
Case E. Karl & Ray C. Fair, “Principles of Economics”, Pearson Education, 8 th Edition, 2007
1. Lipsey, R. G. & K. A. Chrystal , “Economics”, Oxford University Press, 11 th Edition, 2007
2. Samuelson P. A. &Nordhaus W. D. “Economics”, Tata McGraw-Hill 18th Edition, 2007
Course Description:
This course is developed to understand the concept of network analysis. Course covering the network
theorems & coupled circuits, three phase circuits, transient response, two port networks
Course objectives:
1. To introduce electric circuits and its analysis
2. To impart knowledge on solving circuits using network theorems
3. To introduce the phenomenon of resonance in coupled circuits.
4. To educate on obtaining the transient response of circuits.
5. To Phasor diagrams and analysis of three phase circuits
Text Book:
Engineering Circuit Analysis by William Hayt and Jack E.Kemmerley, McGraw Hill Company,
1. Network Theory by A. Sudhakar and Shyammohan S Palli, Tata McGraw- Hill publications, first
2. Network Ananlysis by N.C. Jagan, C.LakshmiNarayana, BS Publications, 2nd edition
3. Network Analysis; Van Valkenburg; Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd.
Course Description:
This course is designed to obtain thorough knowledge on performance and control of transformers,
induction machines, dc machines, fractional HP and miniature motors during normal and extreme
working conditions. Course covers Theory, performance, testing, applications and control of
electromechanical energy converters like Transformers, Induction machines, DC machines, synchronous
machines, Fractional HP and miniature motors. To have hands-on experience by testing transformers
and electric machines to evaluate their performance.
Course Objectives:
1. To study the working principles of DC machines as Generator types, determination of their no
load/load characteristics, starting and methods of speed control of motors.
2. To familiarize the constructional details, the principle of operation, prediction of performance, the
methods of testing the transformers and three phase transformer connections.
3. To impart knowledge on Construction, principle of operation and performance of induction
4. To impart knowledge on Construction and performance of synchronous generators and synchronous
5. To impart knowledge on Construction, principle of operation of special machines.
Characteristics of various types of DC Motors and Generators- Starting of DC motors- Braking of DC
motors & applications- Speed control of DC motor- Performance evaluation of DC machines.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the working principles of DC machines as Generator types, determination of their no
load/load characteristics, starting and methods of speed control of motors.
2. Analyze the constructional details, the principle of operation, prediction of performance, the
methods of testing the transformers and three phase transformer connections.
3. Identify the Construction, principle of operation and performance of induction machines.
4. Identify the Construction and performance of synchronous generators and synchronous motor.
5. Justify the Construction, principle of operation of special machines..
Text Books:
1. Nagrath I J and D P Kothari - Electric Machines – Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2010.
2. Electrical Machines Laboratory Manual by NagrathI.J&M.R. Poonkuzhali (EDD Notes), 2007.
1. M.G. Say – Performance and Design of AC machines –Pitman.
2. P.S. Bimbhra, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers
Course Description:
The objective of the course is to impart knowledge of the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and
to provide methods and procedures suitable for a variety of digital design applications. The course also
introduces fundamental concepts of computer organization. The course also provides laboratory practice
using MSI devices.
This course covers digital systems and binary numbers, Boolean algebra and logic gates, Gate level
minimization, Karnaugh map, combinational circuits, synchronous sequential circuit, Memory units and
programmable devices and basics of VHDL in realization of digital circuits.
Course Objectives:
1. To study various number systems , simplify the logical expressions using Boolean functions
2. To study implementation of combinational circuits
3. To design various synchronous and asynchronous circuits.
4. To introduce asynchronous sequential circuits and PLCs
5. To introduce digital simulation for development of application oriented logic circuits.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the number systems, simplify the logical expressions using Boolean functions.
2. Design and implementation of combinational circuits
3. Design various synchronous and asynchronous circuits.
4. Analyze the asynchronous sequential circuits and PLCs.
5. Validate the digital simulation for development of application-oriented logic circuits.
Text Books:
1. M.Moris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti “Digital Design”, PHI, 4 th Edition, 2007
2. G Raghurama, TSBSudharshan “Introduction to Computer Organization”. EDD notes2007.
3. G Raghurama,, “Laboratory Manual for Digital Electronics and Computer Organization”, EDD
notes 2007.
1. Donald D. Givonne, “Digital Principles and Design” TMH, 2003.
2. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”, Prentice Hall; 2 edition, 2003
Course Description:
The course provides a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental theory of semiconductors and
the operation of commonly used electronic devices such as junction diodes, Field Effect Transistors
(FET) and Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). The relations between material properties and terminal
behaviors of devices are derived. Advanced topics covered include optoelectronic devices.
This course covers Energy Bands and Charge carriers in Semiconductors, Crystal Properties and Growth
of Semiconductors, Excess Carriers in Semiconductors, Junction concepts, BJTs, FETs and
optoelectronic devices.
Course Objectives:
1. Understand energy band structures in semiconductors using Quantum mechanics.
2. Study of motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.
3. Understand generation of excess carriers by photo excitation.
4. Understand operation of PN Junction diode and BJT.
5. Understand the operation of FET and opto-electronic devices.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Draw energy band diagram for insulators, semiconductors and conductors.
2. Derive the expression of equilibrium electron and hole concentration and conductivity of a
3. Compute lifetime of excess carriers.
4. Compute Diode current and I-V characteristics of BJT.
5. Draw I-V characteristics of JFET, MOSFET, LED and LASER diode.
Text Book:
B. G. Streetman, and Sanjay Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices”, 6 th Ed., PHI, 2006
D A. Neaman, “Semiconductor Physics and Devices”, 3 rd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill
Course Description:
This course provide practical experience with simulation of electrical circuits and verifying circuit
Course Objective:
1. To apply circuit theorems and concepts in engineering applications.
2. To design the Series and Parallel Resonance.
3. To measure active Power for Star and Delta Connected Balanced Loads.
4. To measure reactive power for Star and Delta Connected Balanced Loads.
5. To measure the 3-Phase Power by Two Wattmeter Method for Unbalanced Loads.
1. Verification of Thevenin’s& Norton’s Theorems and their validation using PSPICE
2. Verification of Superposition & Maximum Power Transfer Theorems and their validation using
3. Verification of Compensation Theorem and its validation using PSPICE
4. Verification of Reciprocity &Millmann’s Theorems and their validation using PSPICE
5. Transient analysis of R-L & R-C series circuits and their validation using PSPICE
6. Series and parallel resonance in R-L-C circuits
7. Determination of self-inductance, mutual inductance and coefficient of coupling
8. Determination of Z-parameter and Y-parameters
9. Determination of Transmission parameters and Hybrid parameters
10. Measurement of active power for Star and Delta connected balanced loads
11. Measurement of reactive power for Star and Delta connected balanced loads
12. Measurement of three-phase power by Two-Wattmeter method for unbalanced loads
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Apply circuit theorems and concepts in engineering applications.
2. Design the Series and Parallel Resonance.
3. Measure active Power for Star and Delta Connected Balanced Loads.
4. Measure reactive power for Star and Delta Connected Balanced Loads.
5. Measure the 3-Phase Power by Two Wattmeter Method for Unbalanced Loads.
0 0 3 2
Course Prerequisite: 14EEE12T02
Course Description:
This practical course provide practical experience with semiconductor device based on experimentation
and digital circuit design
Course Objective:
1. To conduct experiments using power supplies, DMM, Oscilloscopes, and electronic components like
resistors, capacitors, diodes and transistors.
2. To analyze V-I characteristics of PN-Junction diode and Zener Diode.
3. To analyze V-I characteristics of BJT,FET and UJT.
4. To design and implementation of logic gates, Multiplexer and De-multiplexer.
5. Design and implementation of modulo counters and shift registers
1. P-N Junction Diode Characteristics
2. Zener Diode Characteristics
3. Halfwave and Fullwave Rectifiers without and with capacitor filter
4. BJT Characteristics in Common Emitter mode operation
5. JFET/ MOSFET Characteristics
6. UJT Characteristics
7. Study of Basic Digital IC’s
8. Implementation of Boolean Functions, Adder/ Subtractor circuits.
9. Implementation of code converter, parity generator, encoder and decoder
10. Study of multiplexer and demultiplexer
11. Design and implementation of 4-bit modulo counters as synchronous and asynchronous types
12. Design and implementation of 4-bit shift registers in SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO modes
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Conduct experiments using power supplies, DMM, Oscilloscopes, and electronic components like
resistors, capacitors, diodes and transistors.
2. Analyze V-I characteristics of PN-Junction diode and Zener Diode.
3. Analyze V-I characteristics of BJT,FET and UJT.
4. Design and implementation of logic gates, Multiplexer and De-multiplexer.
5. Design and implementation of modulo counters and shift registers.
Course Description:
Probability, Conditional probability, Bayes theorem, One dimensional and Two dimensional Random
Variables, Mathematical Expectation, Theoretical Discrete and Continuous distributions, Simulating
discrete and continuous distributions, Interval Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis, Multiple Linear
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are
1. To revise the elementary concepts of probability and to extend and formalize knowledge of the
theory of probability and random variables.
2. To introduce new techniques for carrying out probability calculations and identifying probability
3. To analyze and interpret basic summary and modeling techniques for Multi-variate data
4. To understand the concepts of the sampling distribution of a statistic and estimation of parameter.
5. To understand the foundations for statistical inference involving confidence intervals and hypothesis
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of probability and random variables.
2. Apply discrete and continuous probability distributions in solving various problems in engineering.
3. Get an idea about the density functions, distribution functions to the Random Variables and analyze
the multivariate problems of engineering & industry.
4. Devise the concept of the sampling distribution of a statistic, and in particular describe the behavior
of the sample mean.
5. Apply the statistical inference in practical data analysis and extend the statistical way of thinking to
solve the problems in Science & Technology.
Text Book:
J.S. Milton and J.C. Arnold, Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 4 th edition, 2003 Tata McGraw-
Hill Publications.
1. Sheldon M. Ross: Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 4th Edition,
Elsevier, Academic Press, 2010.
2. Walpole, R.E., Myers R.H., Myer S.L., Ye. K: Probability and Statistics for Engineers and
Scientists, 8th ed., Pearson Education, 2008.
3. Johnson, R.A. Miller Freund’s: Probability and Statistics, 7th Edition, PHI, 2005.
4. Sheldon Ross: A First Course in Probability, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.
3 0 0 3
Course Prerequisite: None
Course Description:
The course provides students with a practical and concrete explanation of management concepts and
techniques they will need to manage today’s and tomorrow’s organizations. The course will follow the
“planning, organizing, leading, controlling” format of managerial functions while putting together many
small pictures presented by individual modules into one bigger meaningful picture in which managerial
knowledge would apply. At the end of the course students are expected to understand role of
components of bigger picture and interactions between and among components.
Course Objectives:
The course is intended to
1. To make understanding of basic concepts of Management and their application with organizations
around us. Acquainting the students about various theories and approaches of management and their
relevance in the new business environment. To learn and understand about the basic concepts of
organization and types and structure of organization.
2. Enabling the students to understand the concept of planning, manager as decision makers,
foundations of planning and strategic management.
3. To learn and understand about the basic concepts of organization and types and structure of
organization. Explaining the students about the various concepts of HRM and their essence in new
business environment.
4. Facilitating the students to learn about the leading, managers and communication, motivating
employees and managers as leaders.
5. To make aware of the students about controlling, managing operations and functional areas of
management-marketing and financial management.
Introduction to Controlling - Basics, importance and process of control, controlling for organizational
performance, tools for controlling: feed-forward, concurrent and feedback controls, contemporary issues
in control - Managing Operations-What and why of Operations Management, Strategic Role of
Operations Management, Value Chain Management and its goal requirements, current issues -
Functional Areas of Management- 1. Marketing management 2.Financial management.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Understand the various concepts, approaches and theories of management in the real situation.
2. Analyse the concept of planning and apply on the decisions in strategic management.
3. Compare organization structure designs and chart diligently with theoretical learning concepts.
4. Apply communication and theories of motivation in an organization.
5. Understand various tools for controlling organizational performance and apply to achieve the
corporate objectives.
Text Book:
Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter “Management”, Pearson Education, 2010, 10th edition.
3 1 0 3
Course Prerequisite: 14PHY12T01& 14EEE12T01
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide basic understanding on electrical and electronic engineering. The
course material can be used as a starting point for further study in individual disciplines or topics. This
need will come for electrical or electronic students at a later stage in their carrier growth. The concept of
field is at the heart of Physics with applications in many branches of Science and Engineering. In
Physics-II, which is the second of the two core level physics courses, this concept is introduced through
a study of electricity and magnetism with requisite mathematical rigor.
Course covers vector algebra, electrical field intensity, gauss’s law, Maxwell’s equations, Poisson’s
equations ,conductors, dielectrics, polarization, biosaverts law ,magnetic field intensity, scalar magnetic
potential, vector magnetic potential ,Neumann’s formulae, self inductance, mutual inductance ,time
varying fields, Pointing Theorem
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basics knowledge of electromagnetic.
2. To estimate the Electric field intensity, potential and capacitance for different configurations and for
different charge distributions.
3. To understand the dipole and dipole moment, torque on dipole in the electric field and behavior of
conductors, insulators in electric field.
4. To analyze the Maxwell’s equations, neumenns formula
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Estimate the Electric field intensity, potential and capacitance for different configurations and for
different charge distributions.
2. Explain the all Maxwell’s equations.
3. Find force on a current element in magnetic field and magnetic, electric dipole and dipole moments.
4. Explain the properties and limitations of the scalar and vector magnetic potential.
5. Analyze faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.
Text Book:
Introduction to Electrodynamics, David J.Griffiths, Third Edition, Pearson Education Inc., 1999.
Physics, Vol. 2, David Halliday, RobertResnick and Kenneth S.Krane, Fifth edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 2002.
Course Description:
This course facilitates the students to familiar with Micro Processor (MP) based system design which
includes hardware, software and interfacing. After completing this course, the student should be able to
design a complete Microprocessor based system for a real-world application.
Course covers the introduction to basic digital devices and microcomputer components, Architecture
and programming of 8086 Microprocessors, Interrupts, peripheral interfacing and direct memory access.
Course Objectives:
1. To study the Architecture of 8086 Microprocessor.
2. To study the addressing modes & instruction set of 8086.
3. To introduce the need & use of Interrupt structure 8086.
4. To develop skill in simple applications development with programming 8086.
5. To introduce commonly used peripheral / interfacing
Prelude, Number systems, Basic digital devices, Micro-computer components, Component
communication, Bus concept, Typical instruction execution cycle.
Text Book:
Brey Barry B. & C R Sarma The Intel Microproc,: Arch, Prog. & Interfacing Pearson Edu.,8thEdition,
1. The x86 processors, Architecture, programming and interfacing. Lyla B Das, Pearson 2010
2. Morris Mano, Digital Design ,PHI, EE edition
3. 8086_family_Users_Manual, Intel Corporation.
Course Description:
Feedback automatic control systems are an essential feature of numerous industrial processes, scientific
instruments and even commercial, social and management situations. A thorough understanding of the
elementary principles of this all embracing technology is of great relevance for all engineers and
scientists. This course tries to bring out the basic principles of Feedback Control Systems.
Course covers modeling of various physical systems, block diagram reduction techniques, signal flow
graph, time domain analysis of continuous systems, role of different controllers, bode plot, Nyquist
criterion, lag,lead and lag-lead compensators design using bode plot and root locus, Routh stability
criterion, state space representation of continuous systems.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the use of transfer function models for analysis physical systems and introduce the
control system components.
2. To provide adequate knowledge in the time response of systems and steady state error analysis.
3. To accord basic knowledge in obtaining the open loop and closed–loop frequency responses of
4. To introduce stability analysis and design of compensators
5. To introduce state variable representation of physical systems and study the effect of state feedback
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the use of transfer function models for analysis physical systems and introduce the control
system components.
2. Analyze the time response of systems and estimate the steady state error.
3. Examine the open loop and closed–loop frequency responses of systems.
4. Design the compensators.
5. Explore the state variable representation of physical systems and study the effect of state feedback.
Text Books:
1. Modern Control Engineering – by Katsuhiko Ogata – Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 5th edition,
2. Control Systems Engineering – by I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, New Age International (P) Limited,
Publishers, 5th edition, 2007.
1. Control Systems Engineering - by NISE 5th Edition – John wiley& sons, 2010.
2. Modern Control systems – by Dorf, R. C., and Bishop, R. H., Addison Wesley, 7thedition, 1995.
3. Control Systems by A. NagoorKani- First Edition RBA Publications, 2006.
4. Automatic Control Systems– by B. C. Kuo and FaridGolnaraghi – John wiley and sons, 8th edition,
Course Description:
This course aims to introduce the students to operational amplifiers and its usage in Electronic devices.
This course covers introduction to operational amplifiers, linear and non-linear applications of
operational amplifier, waveform generation, Timer 555 based circuits and Analog and Digital interface
Course Objectives:
1. To deal with various electronic techniques and building blocks used in analog signal processing.
2. To study discrete and integrated electronic circuits.
3. To impart practical know-how in the usage of analaog electronic circuits.
Fundamental Concepts: Introduction, Basic Laws, Circuit Theorems and Devices, Circuit analysis and
Op-amp Basics: Op-amp symbols, circuits and characteristics, Ideal Op-amp, Basic configuration of Op-
amp, Practical Op-amp and PSPICE models of op-amp.
Special Purpose Linear Op-amp circuits: Instrumentation Amplifier, Isolation Amplifier, Programmable
Gain Amplifier, Negative feedback Amplifiers
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the basic configuration and operation of Op-amp.
2. Analyze the various Nonlinear Op-amp circuits.
3. Illustrate the operation of signal generators and voltage regulator.
4. Analyze the Active Filters and special purpose amplifiers.
5. Verify the data converters and explain the applications of IC sensors.
Text Books:
1. L.K. Maheshwari, Analog Electronics, PHI, 2005
2. L.K. Maheshwari and M.M.S. Anand, Laboratory Experiments & PSPICE Simulation in Analog
Electronics Experiments, PHI, 2005.
A.S. Sedra, K.C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 5th Ed., Oxford, 2004
Course description:
This course provides exposure to microprocessor and it’s interfaces.
Course Objectives:
1. To gain hands on experience in testing assembly language programs on 8086 microprocessor.
2. To study serial communication on 8086 microprocessor system.
3. To study various interfaces for 8086 microprocessor based systems.
1. Arithmetic operation – Multi byte Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Signed and
unsigned Arithmetic operation, ASCII – arithmetic operation.
2. Logic operations – Shift and rotate – Converting packed BCD to unpacked BCD, BCD to ASCII
3. By using string operation and Instruction prefix: Move Block, Reverse string, Sorting,
4. Inserting, Deleting, Length of the string, String comparison.
5. Reading and Writing on a parallel port.
6. Timer in different modes.
7. Serial communication implementation.
8. 8259 – Interrupt Controller: Generate an interrupt using 8259 timer.
9. 8279 – Keyboard Display: Write a small program to display a string of characters.
10. Traffic Controller Interface
11. ADC & DAC Interface
12. 8255- Interface
13. 8251- UART Interfacing
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Write assembly language program for basic mathematical and logical operations.
2. Write assembly language program for string operations.
3. Write assembly language program for interfacing peripherals with 8086.
4. Evaluate the analog to digital and digital to analog converters with 8086 based systems.
5. Analyze the different modes of Timer.
0 0 3 2
Course Prerequisite: 14EEE103
Course Objectives:
1. To conduct various test on Transformer.
2. To analyze the Open circuit and load. Characteristics of DC separately and self-excited shunt
3. To conduct and analyze the load test on DC shunt, series and compound motors.
4. To draw the equivalent circuit of single phase induction motor.
5. To estimate the regulation of alternator.
1. Scott connection.
2. Sumpners test on transformer.
3. OC and SC test of single phase Transformer.
4. Open circuit and load characteristics of D.C. separately and self excited shunt generator
5. Load test on DC shunt, series and compound motors.
6. Hopkinson’s test.
7. Swinburne’s test and Speed control on DC Motor.
8. V and Inverted V curves of Three Phase Synchronous Motor.
9. Equivalent circuit of single phase induction motor
10. OC and Blocked rotor test and Load test on squirrel cage induction motor.
11. Separation of no load losses of three phase induction motors
12. Regulation of three phase alternator by EMF and MMF methods
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Conduct various test on Transformer.
2. Analyze the Open circuit and load. Characteristics of DC separately and self-excited shunt generator.
3. Conduct and analyze the load test on DC shunt, series and compound motors.
4. Draw the equivalent circuit of single phase induction motor.
5. Estimate the regulation of alternator.
3 1 0 3
Course Prerequisite: 14CSU12T01
Course Description:
Basics of Object Oriented Programming - objects, classes, polymorphism, inheritance, static and dynamic
binding. Object Oriented Programming using Java-classes, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, method
dispatch, features for encapsulation and modularity.
Course Objectives:
1. Study the syntax, semantics and features of Java Programming Language
2. Learn the method of creating Multi-threaded programs and handle exceptions
3. Learn Java features to create GUI applications & perform event handling
4. Learn basics of Java Design Patterns
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Ability to solve problems using object oriented approach and implement them using Java.
2. Ability to write Efficient programs with multitasking ability and handle exceptions Create user
friendly interface.
3. Ability to develop GUI Components.
4. Ability to develop Application Projects.
5. Explain the Basics, Networking classes and interfaces.
Text Book:
The complete Reference Java, 7thEdition, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
1. “Programming with Java” T.V.Suresh Kumar, B.Eswara Reddy, P.Raghavan
2. Pearson Edition.
3. “Java – How to Program”, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, PHI.
4. “Core Java”, NageswarRao, Wiley Publishers.
5. “Thinking in Java”, Bruce Eckel, Pearson Education.
6. “A Programmers Guide to Java SCJP”, Third Edition, Mughal, Rasmussen,Pearson. 6:“Head First
Java”, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, O.Reilly
7. “SCJP – Sun Certified Programmer for Java Study guide” – Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, McGrawHill
Course Description:
This course introduces the basic principles of all measuring instruments. It deals with the principle and
operation of voltage, current, power factor, power and energy meters. It also covers the digital storage
oscilloscope, digital meters, active transducers, passive transducers, piezoelectric transducers and RTD.
Course Objectives:
1. To learn basic principles of all measuring instruments.
2. To enumerate the voltage, current, power factor, power and energy meters.
3. To analyze the digital storage oscilloscope and digital meters.
4. To understand the active and passive transducers.
Power factor meters: Dynamometer and moving iron type – Single-phase and three-phase meters.
Power measurement: Single-phase dynamometer wattmeter – LPF wattmeter – Double element and
three element dynamometer wattmeter.
Measurement of Energy: Single-phase induction type energy meter – Driving and braking torques –
Errors and compensations – Three-phase energy meter.
Definition of transducers – Classification of transducers – Characteristics and choice of transducers –
Principle and operation of resistive, inductive, and capacitive transducers – LVDT and its applications –
Strain Gauge – Thermistors – Thermocouples – RTD – Piezo electric transducers – Photo Conductive
Cells – Photo Diodes.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Describe basic requirements and the concepts of electrical measuring instruments and instrument
2. Measure the energy and power through energy meter and wattmeter.
3. Measure the resistance, inductance, capacitance and frequency.
4. Explain the principle and operation of DSO and digital meters.
5. Exhibit the classification and working of transducers.
Text Books:
1. Electrical Measurements and measuring Instruments by E.W. Golding and F.C. Widdis, 5 thEdition,
Reem Publications.
2. Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instruments by A.K.Sawhney,DhanpatRai& Co.
3. Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation by R. K. Rajput, 2nd Edition, S. Chand&
4. Electronic Instrumentation by H. S. Kalsi, Tata McGrawhill, 3rd Edition.
1. Electrical Measurements by Buckingham and Price, Prentice–Hall.
2. Electrical Measurements: Fundamentals, Concepts, Applications by Reissland, M.U, New
AgeInternational (P) Limited, Publishers.
Course Description:
This course aims at introducing the students to the basic features of the modern power systems, analysis
and operation under steady state and transient conditions.
This course covers modeling of the transmission lines (short, medium and long) generator and
transformer, corona, cables, load flow studies, symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis, power
system stability, automatic generation and voltage control
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge of transmission line parameters
2. To know the Classification of Transmission Lines and analyze the performance of transmission
3. To mechanical design of transmission line and cables.
4. To study the various kind of faults in transmission lines
5. To understand the concept of power system stability.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the various transmission line parameters and its importance
2. Classify the transmission Lines and analyze the performance of transmission lines.
3. Design the transmission line and cables.
4. Analyze the various kind of faults in transmission lines
5. Explain the concept of power system stability.
Text Books:
1. NagrathI.J. and Kothari D.P., ‘Modern Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fourth Edition,
2. John J. Grainger and W.D. Stevenson Jr., ‘Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw-Hill, Sixth
reprint, 2010.
3. P. Venkatesh, B.V. Manikandan, S. Charles Raja, A. Srinivasan, ‘Electrical Power Systems-
Analysis, Security and Deregulation’, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2012.
1. J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Thomas J. Overbye, ‘ Power System Analysis & Design’,
Cengage Learning, Fifth Edition, 2012.
2. HadiSaadat, ‘Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 21st
reprint, 2010.
3. Kundur P., ‘Power System Stability and Control, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
10th reprint, 2010.
4. Pai M A, ‘Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, Second Edition, 2007.
3 1 0 3
Course Description:
This course aims to cover the basics of power semiconductor devices and operational behavior of
various power electronic components.
This course covers power semiconductor devices and their characteristics, Single phase half wave
controlled rectifier, Single phase and three phase dual converters, step-down chopper buck, boost, buck-
boost, cuk, full-bridge converters, inverters, voltage controllers, cyclo converters and static switches.
Course objectives:
1. To get an overview of different types of power semiconductor devices and their switching
2. To understand the operation, characteristics and performance parameters of controlled rectifiers
3. To study the operation, switching techniques and basics topologies of DC-DC switching regulators.
4. To learn the different modulation techniques of pulse width modulated inverters and to understand
harmonic reduction methods.
5. To study the operation of AC voltage controller and various configurations.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the different types of power semiconductor devices and their switching characteristics.
2. Analyze the operation, characteristics and performance parameters of controlled rectifiers.
3. Analyze the operation, switching techniques and basics topologies of DC-DC switching regulators.
4. Classify the modulation techniques of pulse width modulated inverters and to understand harmonic
reduction methods.
5. Explain the operation of AC voltage controller and various configurations.
Text Books:
1. N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and
Design, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2003, third edition.
2. P.S.Bimbra “Power Electronics” Khanna Publishers, third Edition, 2003.
3. L. Umanand, “Power Electronics Essentials and Applications”, Wiley, 2010.
1. Muhammad H Rashid: “Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices, and Applications”, 3 rd Edition;
2. P. C. Sen, “Power Electronics” TMH – 2nd Edition.
3 1 0 3
Course Prerequisite: 14MAT12T02, 14MAT103 &14EEE108
Course Description:
This course is a preparatory course in which the basics of signal processing are covered. It deals with the
basic transforms used in signal processing & introduces the analog & digital filters. For practical
exposure MATLAB based assignments are included. The students are required to have pre-requisite of
following mathematical topics: Calculus, Vector analysis, Fourier series, Laplace Transform, Complex
variables and Statistics.
Course covers classification of Signals and systems, Fourier series and Fourier transform, Fast Fourier
Transform, Sampling theorem, Z transform and inverse Z transform.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic properties of signal & systems and the various methods of classification
2. To learn Laplace Transform & Fourier transform and their properties
3. To know Z transform & DTFT and their properties
4. To characterize LTI systems in the Time domain and various Transform domains
Text Books:
1. Lathi B P, Principles of Signal Processing & Linear Systems Oxford University Press, 2009.
2. Nagrath I J, Sharan S N, RanjanRakesh& Kumar S, Signals & Systems, Second Edition, TMH,
A V Oppenheim, A S Willsky, Nawab S N, “Signals & Systems”, PHI, Second Edition, 2006
Course Description:
This course helps the students to know the control system experiments and do the stability analysis using
MATLAB software.
Course Objectives:
1. To identify the system model for real time systems
2. To design the controllers and analyze the stability condition of the controlled system.
1. Programmable Logic Controller – Study and Verification of Truth Tables of Logic Gates, Simple
Boolean Expressions and Application of Speed Control of Motor.
2. Transfer Function of DC Machine
3. Effect of Feedback on DC Servo Motor
4. Characteristics of AC Servo Motor
5. Effect of P, PD, PI, PID Controller on a Second Order Systems
6. Lag and Lead Compensation – Magnitude and Phase Plot
7. Temperature Controller Using PID
8. Modeling of DC Motor and validation of its characteristics using SIMULINK
9. Effect of Feedback on disturbance & Control System Design using LABVIEW
10. Open Loop and Closed Loop position control of DC Motor using LABVIEW
11. Speed control of DC motor using LABVIEW
12. Stability Analysis (Bode, Root Locus, Nyquist) of Linear Time Invariant System Using MATLAB
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Verify the truth tables of logic gates, simple Boolean expressions and application of speed control of
2. Find the transfer function of DC Machine.
3. Analyze the characteristics of AC Servo Motor.
4. Control the speed of DC motor using LABVIEW.
5. Analyze the stability of linear time invariant system Using MATLAB.
Course Description:
This course helps the students to design and test electronic amplifiers, oscillators and filters.
Course Objectives:
1. To design amplifier using transistor.
2. To design amplifier using op-amp
3. To design oscillators.
4. To design filters.
List of Experiments:
1. Common Emitter Amplifier
2. High Input Resistance Transistor Amplifier
3. Basic Configuration of Op-amp
4. Study of Feed Back Amplifiers using Op-amp
5. Instrumentation Amplifier
6. Study of Active Filters (Low Pass, High Pass & Band Pass) using Op-amp
7. Precision Circuit
8. Sinusoidal and Non-Sinusoidal Oscillators
9. Integrated Circuit Timer and Phase Locked Loop
10. IC Fixed and adjustable Voltage Regulators
11. Arithmetic Operation using Op-Amp
12. Magnitude comparator and window detector using Op-Amp
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Design and test amplifiers using transistors and op-amps.
2. Design Analog Active filters using op-amps.
3. Design and testing of Sinusoidal and Non-Sinusoidal Oscillators.
4. Verify the Arithmetic Operation using Op-Amp.
5. Design and test the voltage regulated power supply.
Course Objectives:
1. To expose the students to those soft skills which are crucial to an employee’s ability to work smarter.
2. To enhance Art of Communication, Team Skills, Presentation & GD handling skills and preparing
resume &Interview Skills.
Verbal Communication - Effective Communication - Active listening - Paraphrasing - Feedback
Non Verbal Communication - Body Language - Greetings, Introductions, Small Talk.
Self Enhancement - Importance of developing assertive skills- developing self-confidence – developing
emotional intelligence - Importance of Team work – Team vs. Group - Attributes of a successful team –
Barriers involved working with Groups – Dealing with People- Group Decision Making - Leadership
skills- Empathy, self-realization(Identifying strengths and weaknesses), Motivation.
Presentation Skills – Stages involved in an effective presentation – selection of topic, content, aids –
Engaging the audience – Time management – Mock Presentations & Feedback - GD skills –
Understanding the objective and skills tested in a GD – General types of GDs – Roles in a GD – Do’s &
Don’ts – Mock GD & Feedback.
Types of Resumes – Resume preparation- Tips in writing resume - Interview handling Skills – Self
preparation checklist – Grooming tips: do’s & don’ts – mock interview & feedback - Goal setting.
Grooming etiquette – Telephone etiquette – E-mail etiquette, Professional electronic communication –
Dining etiquette – Do’s & Don’ts in a formal setting – How to impress.
Text Book:
“Soft Skills”. Dr K Alex. S Chand Publications, New Delhi
1. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, Covey Leadership Center, 2005.
2. Negotiate to Close by Gary Karnass, Simon and Schuster, 1987.
3. The greatest miracle in the world – OgMandino, Random House Publishing Group, 2009.
4. Working with Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman, A&C Black, 2009.
5. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan and MeeraBanerji; MacMillan India Ltd.,
Delhi, 2000.
6. Essentials of Effective Communication, Ludlow and Panthon; Prentice Hall of India, 1993.
7. Effective Presentation Skills (A Fifty-Minute Series Book) by Steve Mandel, Crisp Publications,
8. “Strategic interviewing” by Richaurd Camp, Mary E. Vielhaber and Jack L. Simonetti – Published
by Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2007.
9. “Effective Group Discussion: Theory and Practice” by Gloria J. Galanes, Katherine Adams, John K.
Brilhart, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010.
3 1 0 3
Course Description:
This course aims to give the exposures towards special electrical machines such as stepper
motor, variable reluctance motor, switched reluctance motor, permanent magnet synchronous motor and
permanent magnet DC motor.
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on Construction, principle of operation and performance of synchronous
reluctance motors.
2. To impart knowledge on the Construction, principle of operation, control and performance of
stepping motors.
3. To impart knowledge on the Construction, principle of operation, control and performance of
switched reluctance motors.
4. To impart knowledge on the Construction, principle of operation, control and performance of
permanent magnet brushless D.C. motors.
5. To impart knowledge on the Construction, principle of operation and performance of permanent
magnet synchronous motors.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Analyze the Construction, principle of operation, control and performance of stepper motors.
2. Explain the Construction, principle of operation and performance of variable reluctance stepper
3. Explain the the Construction, principle of operation, control and performance of switched reluctance
4. Explain the Construction, principle of operation, control and performance of permanent magnet
brushless D.C. motors.
5. Analyze the Construction, principle of operation and performance of permanent magnet synchronous
Text Books:
1. K.Venkataratnam, ‘Special Electrical Machines’, Universities Press (India) Private Limited, 2008.
2. T.J.E. Miller, ‘Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives’, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1989.
3. T. Kenjo, ‘Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls’, Clarendon Press London, 1984.
1. R.Krishnan, ‘Switched Reluctance Motor Drives – Modeling, Simulation, Analysis, Design and
Application’, CRC Press, New York, 2001.
2. P.P. Aearnley, ‘Stepping Motors – A Guide to Motor Theory and Practice’, Peter Perengrinus
London, 1982.
3. T. Kenjo and S. Nagamori, ‘Permanent Magnet and Brushless DC Motors’, Clarendon Press,
London, 1988.
4. E.G. Janardanan, ‘Special electrical machines’, PHI learning Private Limited, Delhi, 2014.
3 1 0 3
Course Prerequisite: 14EEE115
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide basic understanding of analysis and control of power system. This
course covers representation of power system elements essential characteristics of a good algorithm,
graph theory, formation of Y bus and Z bus of a Power System, modeling of turbines, generators and
automatic controllers. It emphasizes on single area and two area load frequency control.
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the basics of the power system network matrices
2. To learn mathematical modelling of steam turbines and speed governors
3. To learn block diagram representation of steam turbines and speed governors
4. To learn load frequency control of single area and two area system
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Analyze the graph theory, Zbus and Ybus formation
2. Explain the algorithm for formation of Z bus matrix
3. Analyze modelling and block diagram representation of turbine and governor
4. Analyze the load frequency control of single area and two area power system
5. Explain the concept of economic dispatch control and unit commitment problem
Text Books:
1. Modern Power system Analysis by I.J.Nagrath&D.P.Kothari: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company, 2nd edition.
2. Power System Analysis Operation and Control by A. Chakravarthi and S. Halder, 3rd Edition, PHI.
3. Electric Energy Systems by O I Elgerd, McGraw-hill Edition.
Course Description:
This course deals with the design of analog filters like Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Elliptic.Digital
filter design for both IIR & FIR filters. Different filter structures for the realization of digital filters will
be discussed. Finite word length effects and Multirate DSP will be introduced. DSP Processor
architecture and implementation of DSP algorithms will be part of the course, which will be emphasized
Course Objectives:
1. To enumerate the theoretical and practical aspects of modern signal processing in a digital
2. To discuss application areas with particular stress on speech and image data.
Discrete time Signal and Systems in Time Domain: Characterization and analysis of discrete time
signals, LTI systems and Correlation of Signals. DSP Architectures: Numeric representation used in
DSP, Architectural details of a typical DSP processor.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the basic concepts and techniques for processing signals on acomputer.
2. Analyze the discrete-time signals analytically and visualize them in the time domain.
3. Write the meaning and implications of the properties of systems and signals.
4. Define and analyze the digital Filter Structures
5. Summarize the application of DSP systems.
Text Book:
S.K. Mitra, ‘Digital Signal Processing – A Computer Based Approach’, McGraw Hill Edu, 2013.
1. J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis, ‘Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and
Applications’, Pearson Education, New Delhi, PHI. 2003.
2. Emmanuel C.Ifeachor and Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach,
Second Edition”, Pearson education.
3. Robert Schilling & Sandra L.Harris, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing using Matlab”,
Cengage Learning, 2014.
Course Description:
This practical course provide hands on experience with power electronic converter design and testing
Course Objective:
1. To analyze the Characteristics of SCR, MOSFET&IGBT
2. To design the single phase AC voltage controller with R and RL Loads
3. To analyze the forced Commutation circuits
4. To analyze the different converter circuits.
5. To simulate the resonant pulse commutation circuit and Buck chopper using PSPICE
List of Experiments
1. Study of Characteristics of SCR, MOSFET& IGBT
2. Gate firing circuits for SCR‘s
3. Single Phase AC Voltage Controller with R and RL Loads
4. Single Phase fully controlled bridge converter with R and RL loads
5. Forced Commutation circuits (Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class D & Class E)
6. DC Jones chopper with R and RL Loads
7. Single Phase Parallel, inverter with R and RL loads
8. Single Phase Cycloconverter with R and RL loads
9. Single Phase half controlled converter with R load
10. Three Phase half controlled bridge converter with R-load
11. Single Phase series and bridge inverters with R and RL loads
12. Single Phase dual converter with RL loads
13. PSPICE simulation of resonant pulse commutation circuit and Buck chopper.
14. PSPICE simulation of single phase Inverter with PWM control.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Analyze the Characteristics of SCR, MOSFET&IGBT
2. Design the single phase AC voltage controller with R and RL Loads
3. Analyze the forced Commutation circuits
4. Analyze the different converter circuits.
5. Simulate the resonant pulse commutation circuit and Buck chopper using PSPICE
Course Prerequisite: 14CSU12T01 0 0 3 2
Course Description:
Basics of Object Oriented Programming - objects, classes, polymorphism, inheritance, static and dynamic
binding. Object Oriented Programming using Java-classes, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, method
dispatch, features for encapsulation and modularity.
Course Objectives:
1. Study the syntax, semantics and features of Java Programming Language
2. Learn the method of creating Multi-threaded programs and handle exceptions
3. Learn Java features to create GUI applications & perform event handling
4. Learn basics of Java Design Patterns
Week 1:
1. Write a Java program that prints all real and imaginary solutions to the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx
+c = 0. Read in a, b, c and use the quadratic formula.
2. Write a Java program that find prime numbers between 1 to n.
3. Write a Java Program that find the factorial of a number
Week 2:
1. Write a java program that print the fibonacci series for a give number.
2. Write a java program to perform multiplication of two matrices.
Week 3:
1. Write a Java program that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not. Ex: MADAM is a
2. Write a Java program for sorting a given list of names in ascending order.
3. Write a Java program to make frequency count of vowels, consonants, special symbols, digits, words
in a given text.
Week 4:
1. Write a Java program that reads a file name from the user, then displays information about whether
the file exists, whether the file is readable, whether the file is writable, the type of file and the length
of the file in bytes.
2. Write a Java program that reads a file and displays the file on the screen, with a line number before
each line.
3. Write a Java program that displays the number of characters, lines and words in a text file.
Week 6:
1. Write java program to create a super class called Figure that receives the dimensions of two
dimensional objects. It also defines a method called area that computes the area of an object. The
program derives two subclasses from Figure. The first is Rectangle and second is Triangle. Each of
the sub class overridden area() so that it returns the area of a rectangle and a triangle respectively.
2. Write a Java program that creates three threads. First thread displays ―Good Morning every one
second, the second thread displays ―Hello‖ every two seconds and the third thread displays
―Welcomeǁ every three seconds
Week 7:
1. Write a Java program that correctly implements producer consumer problem using the concept of
inter thread communication.
2. Use inheritance to create an exception super class called EexceptionA and exception sub class
ExceptionB and ExceptionC, where ExceptionB inherits from ExceptionA and ExceptionC inherits
from ExceptionB. Write a java program to demonstrate that the catch block for type ExceptionA
catches exception of type ExceptionB and ExceptionC
Week 8:
1. Develop an applet that displays a simple message.
2. Develop an applet that receives an integer in one text field, and computes its factorial Value and
returns it in another text field, when the button named ―Compute is clicked
Week 9:
Write a Java program that works as a simple calculator. Use a grid layout to arrange buttons for the
digits and for the +, -,*, % operations. Add a text field to display the result
Week 10:
Write a program that creates a user interface to perform integer divisions. The user enters two numbers
in the J text Fields, Num1 and Num2. The division of Num1 and Num2 is displayed in the Result field
when the Divide button is clicked. If Num1 or Num2 were not an integer, the program would throw a
Number Format Exception. If Num2 were Zero, the program would throw an Arithmetic Exception
Display the exception in a message dialog box.
Week 11:
Write a Java program that implements a simple client/server application. The client sends data to a
Week 12:
Write a java program establish a JDBC connection, create a table student with properties name, register
number, mark1, mark2, mark3. Insert the values into the table by using the java and display the
information of the students at front end.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Ability to solve problems using object oriented approach and implement them using Java
2. Ability to write Efficient programs with multitasking ability and handle exceptions Create user
friendly interface
3. Ability to develop GUI Components
4. Ability to develop Application Projects.
5. Develop an applet that displays a simple message.
Text Books:
1. Java How to Program, Sixth Edition, H.M.Dietel and P.J.Dietel, Pearson Education/PHI.
2. Java The Complete Reference” by Herbert Schildt, TMH, 8th Edition
1. Introduction to Java programming, Sixth edition, Y. Daniel Liang, Pearson Education
2. Programming in Java, Sachine
3. Big Java, 2nd edition, Cay Horstmann, Wiley Student Edition, Wiley India Private Limited.
4. Introduction to Programming with Java, J.Dean&R.Dean, McGraw Hill education.
5. Java Programming, D S Malik, Cengage Learning, India Edition
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Analyze the control of single ,Three phase semi and full converters with DC motors
2. Evaluate the control of dual converters, choppers with DC motors
3. Study the voltage and frequency control of induction motor on stator
4. Analyze the voltage and frequency control of induction motor on rotor
5. Understand the control of synchronous motor drive and closed loop operation
Text books:
1. Fundamentals of Electric Drives – by G K Dubey Narosa Publications.
2. Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and applications by M.H.Rashid, PHI.
1. Power Electronics – MD Singh and K B Khanchandani, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
2. Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives by B.K.Bose, PHI.
3. Thyristor Control of Electric drives – Vedam Subramanyam, Tata McGraw Hill Publilcations.
4. Analysis of Thyristor Power conditioned motors, S K Pillai, Universities press, 1 st Edition. .
Course Description:
Linear programming problem, Goal programming, transportation and assignment problems,
unconstrained and constrained optimization, project management and queuing models.
Course Objectives:
1. Provide students with the basic mathematical concepts of optimization.
2. Understand the theory of optimization methods and algorithms for solving various types of
optimization problems.
3. Emphasize the modeling skills necessary to describe and formulate optimization problems.
4. Avail knowledge to solve and interpret optimization problems in engineering.
5. Analyze the techniques of project management and Queuing models.
Text Books:
1. Hamdy A Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction, Pearson Education, 9/E, 2011.
2. J K Sharma, Operations Research: Theory and Practice, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd, 5th Edition,
1. SS Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, New Age International (P) Limited, Third
Edition, 1996 (R1)
2. FS Hillier and GJ Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, TMH, 8/E, 2006.
3. JC Pant, Introduction to Optimization: Operations Research, Jain Brothers, New, 6/E, 2004.
4. A Ravindran, DT Philips and JJ Solberg, Operations Research: Principles and Practice, John Wiley
& Sons, Singapore, Second Edition. (R5).
Course Description:
This course deals with the illumination, Electrical heating, Welding and Electric Traction.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand and design the various illuminations systems.
2. To study the various electric heating and welding systems.
3. To analyse the different traction systems.
4. To analyze economics of utilization
Definition – Laws of illumination – Polar curves – Calculation of MHCP and MSCP. Lamps:
Incandescent lamp, Sodium Vapour lamp, Fluorescent lamp. Requirement of good lighting scheme –
Types, Design and Calculation of illumination. Street lighting, LED lighting and Factory lighting -
Storage batteries – Numerical Problems.
Text Books:
1. Utilization of Electric Energy – by E. Openshaw Taylor and V. V. L. Rao, Universities Press.
2. Utilization of Electrical Power – by R. K. Rajput, Laxmi Publications.
3. Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy – by C.L. Wadhwa
1. Utilization of Electrical Power including Electric drives and Electric traction – by
N.V.Suryanarayana, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 1996.
2. Art & Science of Utilization of electrical Energy – by Partab, DhanpatRai&Co..
0 0 3 2
Course Prerequisite: 14EEE117
Course description:
This course helps the students to learn digital signal processing techniques such as convolution, FFT,
IIR and FIR.
Course objectives:
The student should be made to:
1. To implement Linear and Circular Convolution
2. To implement FIR and IIR filters
3. To study the architecture of DSP processor
4. To demonstrate Finite word length effect
Course description:
This practical course provides the knowledge to the students to analyze various faults in power system,
power flow analysis and the operating characteristics of various protective relays.
Course Objectives:
1. To analyze various faults in power system.
2. To paraphrase the operational characteristics of synchronous machine.
3. To interpret the operating characteristics of various protective relays.
1. Fault Analysis-I
i) LG Fault
ii) LL Fault
2. Fault Analysis-II
i) LLG Fault
ii) LLLG Fault
3. Capability curve of a Synchronous Generator.
4. Characteristics of IDMT over Current Relay.
5. Characteristics of Static Negative Sequence Relay.
6. Characteristics of Over Voltage Relay.
7. Characteristics of Percentage Biased Differential Relay.
8. Gauss Seidal load flow analysis using MATLAB Software
9. Newton Raphson method of load flow analysis using MATLAB Software.
10. Formation of Y bus matrix by inspection / analytical method using MATLAB Software.
11. Formation of Z bus using building algorithm using MATLAB Software.
12. Fast decoupled load flow analysis using MATLAB Software.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Analyze the various faults in power system.
2. Verify the operational characteristics of synchronous machine.
3. Analyze the operating characteristics of various protective relays.
4. Form the Y bus and Z bus matrix using MATLAB software
5. Carry the various load flow analysis using MATLAB software
Course Description:
This subject deals with state space, describing function, phase plane and stability analysis including
controllability and observability. It also deals with modern control and optimal control systems.
Course Objectives:
1. To analyze Linear Continuous time invariant model for physical systems
2. To test the controllability and observability of continuous time invariant systems
3. To understand the types of non linear system phenomenon
4. To investigate the stability of non linear system using phase plane analysis
5. To investigate the stability of continuous time invariant system using Lyapunov’s method
6. To formulate the optimal control problems and Linear quadratic regulator
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Analyze the linear continuous time invariant model for physical system.
2. Measure the controllability and observability of continuous time invariant systems.
3. Analyze the different types of non-linearity and stability of the non-linear system.
4. Investigate the stability of continuous time invariant system using Lyapunov’s method.
5. Analysis the optimal control problems and Linear quadratic regulator.
Text Book:
Control Systems Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and M.Gopal, New Age International (P) Ltd. 2007.
1. Modern Control System Theory by M. Gopal, New Age International Publishers, 2nd edition, 1996.
2. Modern Control Engineering by K. Ogata, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd edition, 1998.
3. Digital Control and State Variable Methods by M. Gopal, Tata McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997.
Course Description:
Analysis and design of communication systems; analog and digital modulation and demodulation,
frequency conversion, multiplexing, noise and distortion; spectral and signal-to-noise ratio analysis,
probability of error in digital systems, spread spectrum. Introduction to the basic principles of the
design and analysis of modern digital communication systems. Topics include source coding, channel
coding, baseband and passband modulation techniques, receiver design, and channel equalization.
Course objectives:
1. To study the fundamental concept of the Modulation & Noise.
2. To analyze various analog modulation and demodulation techniques.
3. To understand sampling theorem and analyze various analog pulse modulation techniques.
4. To understand the influence of noise on the performance of analog communication systems, and to
acquire the knowledge about information.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the fundamental concept of the Modulation & Noise.
2. Analyze various analog modulation and demodulation techniques.
3. Explain the concept of noise in communication systems.
4. Explain sampling theorem and analyze various analog pulse modulation techniques.
5. Demonstrate the influence of noise on the performance of analog communication systems, and to
acquire the knowledge about information.
Text Books:
1. B.P. Lathi and Zhi Ding, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 3 rd or 4th Edition,
Oxford University Press, 2010
2. Simon Haykin& Michael Moher, Communication Systems, 4th or 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
1. Proakis John, Digital Communications, 4th Edition, TMH
2. K. Sam Shanmugam, Digital and Analog communication systems, John Wiley & Sons
3. DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS Fundamentals and Applications: ERNARDSKLAR andPabitra
Kumar Ray; Pearson Education 2009.
Course Description:
This course provides computer architecture, instruction set design, memory organization,ALU
operations, I/O interfaces and multi computing systems.
Course Objectives:
1. To provide an introduction to concepts in computer architecture.
2. Impart knowledge on design aspects, system resources such as memory technology and I/O
subsystems needed to achieve increase in performance.
3. Acquaint the students with current trends in computing architecture.
Text Book:
Patterson, D.A. &J.L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, Elsevier, 4th ed.,2009
1. Patterson, D.A. &J.L. Hennessy Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 5thEdition, 2012
2. William Stallings, Computer Organisation& Architecture, Pearson, 8th ed., 2010.
3. Hamacheret. al, Computer Organisation, McGraw Hill, 5th ed., 2002.
4. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Pearson Education, Asia,
Course Description:
This course introduces all varieties of Circuit Breakers and Relays for protection of Generators,
Transformers and feeder bus bars from over voltages and other hazards. It emphasis on Neutral
grounding and protection against over voltages.
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the principles of fusing characteristics and circuit breaker ratings and specifications
2. To learn the Description and Operation of different types of circuit breakers
3. To learn operation of Electromagnetic and Static relays
4. Tolearn the construction and characteristics, Generator Protection, Transformer Protection, Feeder
and Bus-Bar Protection
5. To learn about neutral grounding and Protection against over voltages
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Analyze the principles of fuses, circuit breaker ratings and specifications
2. Apply the operation of different types of circuit breakers
3. Analyzeoperation of Electromagnetic and Static relays
4. Analyze the Generator, Transformer, Feeder and Bus-Bar Protection
5. Analyze the neutral grounding concept and Protection against over voltages
Text Books:
1. Switchgear and Protection – by Sunil S Rao, Khanna Publishers
2. Power System Protection and Switchgear by Badari Ram, D.NViswakarma, TMH Publications.
Electrical Power Systems by C.L.Wadhwa, New Age international (P) Limited, Publishers, 3rd edition
Course Description:
This is a first course on digital image processing. It begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of
digital images and discusses the various discrete transforms, which are extensively used in image
processing. It then goes on to discuss the different image processing techniques such as image
enhancement, automatic image classification and recognition.
Course Objectives:
1. Helps to attain basic knowledge on DIP basic blocks and its applications.
2. Attains knowledge on different types of Image transformations.
3. Students can attain knowledge on Histogram processing techniques and applications.
4. Students can attain knowledge DIP Spatial and Frequency Domain transforms.
5. Students can attain knowledge on Image enhancement, compression, segmentation, Degradation and
restoration techniques.
6. Introduces different color model and color image processing techniques.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the fundamental of digital image processing.
2. Describe the various building blocks of DIP.
3. Perform various arithmetic and logical operations on Images.
4. Explain the various transform methods for image processing applications.
5. Carryout image segmentation.
Text Book:
Gonzalez, R. C. & R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, 3 rd ed., 2009
Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, Gonzalez, Woods &Eddins, Pearson, 2007
Course Description:
This course describes concepts of operating systems, its approach to memory management, structure and
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the services provided by and the design of an operating system.
2. To understand what a process is and how processes are synchronized and scheduled.
3. To understand different approaches to memory management.
4. To understand the structure and organization of the file system.
Text Book:
Operating System Concepts, Abraham Silberchatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne, Eighth edition, John
1. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Stallings, Sixth Edition–2009, Pearson
2. Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S Tanenbaum, Second Edition, PHI.
3. Operating Systems, S.Haldar, A.A.Aravind, Pearson Education.
4. Principles of Operating Systems, B.L.Stuart, Cengage learning, India Edition.
5. Operating Systems, A.S.Godbole, Second Edition, TMH.
6. An Introduction to Operating Systems, P.C.P. Bhatt, PHI.
7. Operating Systems, aconcept based Approach-D.M.Dhamdhere, Second Edition, TMH.
Course Description:
This course introduces Power Quality introduction and terms and definitions, Voltagesags and
interruptions, Transient over Voltages, Fundamentalsof harmonics, Harmonic Solutions, Long duration
voltagevariations, Distributed generation and power quality, Wiring andgrounding, Power quality
Course Objectives:
To introduce the power quality problem
1. To educate on production of voltages sags, over voltages and harmonics and methodsof control.
2. To study overvoltage problems
3. To study the sources and effect of harmonics in power system
4. To impart knowledge on various methods of power quality monitoring.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the power quality definitions and distributed generation
2. Explain the voltages sags, over voltages, harmonics and methods of control.
3. Ability to analyze overvoltage problems.
4. Analysis the harmonics sources and evaluates the harmonics distortion.
5. Demonstrate the various methods of power quality monitoring.
Text Books:
1. Roger. C. Dugan, Mark. F. McGranagham, Surya Santoso, H.WayneBeaty, ‘Electrical Power
Systems Quality’ McGraw Hill,2003
2. Eswald.F.Fudis and M.A.S. Masoum, “Power Quality in Power System and Electrical Machines,”
Elseviar Academic Press, 2013.
3. C. Sankaran, Power Quality, CRC Press, 2002.
1. M.H.JBollen, ‘Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruptions’, (New
York: IEEE Press, 1999).
2. G.J.Wakileh, “Power Systems Harmonics – Fundamentals, Analysis and Filter Design,” Springer
3. E.Aeha and M.Madrigal, “Power System Harmonics, Computer Modelling and Analysis, Wiley
India, 2012.
4. R.S.Vedam, M.S.Sarma, “Power Quality – VAR Compensation in Power Systems,” CRC Press
5. A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich, Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2002.
Course Description:
This course describes about manufacturing, modeling and applications of MEMS.
Course Objectives:
1. To know the fundamentals of MEMS materials, their physical properties and Principles of operation
of MEMS devices
2. To know various MEMS microfabrication technologies.
3. To provide various MEMS technology for mechanical, optical, and chemical sensors and actuator
Overview – History and industry perspectives – Working principles – Mechanics and dynamics ––
Scaling law
Text Books:
1. Chang Liu, ‘Foundations of MEMS’, Pearson Education Inc., 2006
2. G.K. Ananthsuresh et al ,’Micro and Smart Systems’, Wiley, India, 2010
1. NadimMaluf, “An introduction to Micro electro mechanical system design”, ArtechHouse, 2000.
2. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, editor, “The MEMS Handbook”, CRC press Baco Raton, 2000
3. James J.Allen, micro electro mechanical system design, CRC Press published in 2005
4. Stephen D. Senturia, Microsystem Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001
3 1 0 3
Course Prerequisite: 14EEE104 & 14EEE109
Course Description:
This course describes about accessing methods and modeling RF channel in cellular networks. It also
describes 3G Technologies: CDMA and UMTS.
Course Objectives:
1. To model RF channel with fading for cellular applications.
2. To understand various cellular data networks.
3. To understand CDMA Architecture.
4. To Understand UMTS for 3G Cellular network.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Model the RF channel with fading for cellular applications
2. Describe various cellular data networks.
3. Explain the GSM architecture and Interfaces
4. Describe CDMA Architecture
5. Explain the OFDM and MIMO technologies for UMTS mobile networks.
Text Book:
“Wireless Communication Principles and Practice” by Theodore.S. Rappaport Second Ed. Pearson
Education, Asia 2002.
1. Mobile Communication by Jochen H. Schiller, Addison –Wesley, Pearson Education Ltd., 2000.
2. Principles and applications of GSM by Vijay Garg and Joseph Wilkes, Pearson Education, Asia
3. Wireless communication and networking by Vijay Garg, Morgan Kaufmann publishers, Imprint of
Elsevier, 2008
4. IS-95 CDMA and CDMA 2000- Cellular/PCS system implementation by Vijay Garg, Pearson
Education, 2000.
5. Mobile Telecommunications Networking With IS-41,by Michael D. Gallagher and Raand all snyder,
Course Description:
This course covers the HVDC transmission systems and basic concepts of FACTS controller.
Course Objective:
This subject deals with the importance of HVDC transmission, analysis of HVDC converters,
Harmonics and Filters, Reactive power control and Power factor improvements of the system. it also
deals with basic FACTS concepts, static shunt and series compensation and combined compensation
Comparison of AC and DC transmission systems, application of DC transmission, types of DC links,
typical layout of a HVDC converter station. HVDC converters, pulse number, analysis of Gratez circuit
with and without overlap, converter bridge characteristics, equivalent circuits or rectifier and inverter
configurations of twelve pulse converters.
Text Books:
1. HVDC Transmission, S. Kamakshaiah, V. Kamaraju, The Mc — Graw Hill Companies.
2. Understanding FACTS, Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Narain. G.
Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi, IEEE Press, Wiley India.
1. HVDC and Facts Controllers Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems, Vijay K. Sood,
Kiuwer Academic Publishers.
2. HVDC Power Transmission Systems: Technology and system Interactions, K.R.Padiyar, New Age
International (P) Limited.
3. Thyristor — Based Conrollers for Electrical Transmission Systems, R.Mohan Mathur, Rajiv K.
Varma.Wiley India.
4. FACTS Modeling and Simulation in Power Networks, Enrique Acha, Wiley India Distributed by
BSP Books Pvt. Ltd.
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide knowledge in power apparatus and fundamental principles of power
Course covers apparatus in power networks like transformers, synchronous generators; transmission
lines, cables etc. It also covers stability, protection and deregulation of large interconnected power
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the overview of power systems and changing landscape
2. To infer the constructional details, the principle of operation of apparatus in power networks
3. To comprehend the stability phenomenon of large interconnected power network
4. To interpret the protection aspects of power system.
5. To impart knowledge on deregulation of power industry.
Management of vertical utilities, utility deregulation and open access: operational economics of the
power industry, privatization; deregulation and energy markets.
Text Books:
1. G. L. Kusic, Computer Aided Power Systems Analysis. Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 2003.
2. S. Roy, Simulation Experiments on Power Apparatus & Networks. EDD Laboratory Manual.
1. W. D. Stevenson, Elements of power systems analysis, McGraw Hill International Book Company,
fourth or subsequent editions.
2. PrabhaKundur, Power System Stability and Control, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006
Course Description:
This course aims to give the exposures toThermodynamics of wind energy, Types of Wind energy
conversion devices, Aerodynamics of wind rotors, design of wind turbine rotor, Power -speed
characteristics, torque-speed characteristics, Wind turbine control systems, Wind speed measurements ,
Wind speed statistics, Site and turbine selection, Induction Generators, Wound field synchronous
Generator, Permanent Magnet synchronous machine, Doubly fed induction generator, Power Flow
equations, Power Semiconductor devices, Converters, Inverters, power quality, Reactive power
compensation, Wind diesel hybrid systems, Wind photovoltaic systems, Role of Govt. and policies for
market development.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the fundamentals of wind energy and its conversion system
2. To study about various control scheme and measurement techniques
3. To learn about generation systems and power quality
4. To understand the hybrid wind power generation
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the fundamentals of wind energy and its conversion system
2. Analysis the various control scheme and measurement techniques
3. Describe about the generation systems and power quality
4. Explain about the power semiconductor devices
5. Analyze the hybrid wind power generation
Text Book:
Spera, D.A., Wind Turbine Technology: Fundamental concepts of Wind Turbine Engineering, ASME
Press, 1994.
1. Freris, L.L., Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Prentice Hall, 1990
2. Twidell, J.W. and Weir, A., Renewable Energy Sources, EFNSpon Ltd., 1983.
3. SukhatmeS.P.,Solar Energy, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd.New.Delhi, 1996.
Course Description:
Robotics is an interdisciplinary area ranging from mechanical & electrical component design to
advanced sensor technology, incorporating computer systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI). With
advances in AI-techniques & computational power in recent years, it has become one of the most
interesting area for multidisciplinary research, with lots of commercial applications already in market.
Course Objectives:
1. To know the fundamentals of Robotics & its Applications.
2. To make students capable of handling robot manipulator tasks in real, as well as in simulation
3. To know about kinetic and Jacobian modeling
4. To know about sensors and actuators.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the fundamentals of Robotics
2. Analyze the mechanical structure and notations kinematic model
3. Analyze the jacobian and dynamic modeling
4. Explain the robot manipulator control and path planning
5. Describe the various sensors and actuators.
Text Book:
Mittal, R.K. and Nagrath, I.J., Robotic and Control, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
1. Fu, K.S., Gonzalez, R.C., and Lee, C.S.G., Robotics Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence,
McGraw Hill, 1988.
2. Craig, J.J., Introduction to Robotics: Mechanism & Control. Addison Wesley, 1986.
3. Paul, R.P., Robot Manipulator: Mathematics Programming & Control. MIT Press, 1981.
4. Pugh,A., RobotSensors, Vision Vol.-I.Springer Verlag, 1986.
5. Groover, M.P., Industrial Robotics Technology, programming & Application, McGraw Hill, 1986
Course Description:
This course covers the generation, measurement and testing of high voltages.
Course Objective:
This subject deals with the detailed analysis of Breakdown occur in gaseous, liquids and solid
dielectrics.Information about generation and measurement of High voltage and current. In addition, the
High voltagetesting methods are also discussed
Text Books:
1. High Voltage Engineering by M.S.Naidu and V. Kamaraju – TMH Publications, 4th Edition, 2004.
2. High Voltage Engineering by C.L.Wadhwa, New Age Internationals (P) Limited, 2007.
1. High Voltage Technology by L. L. Alston, OXFORD University Press, Second Edition, 2009.
2. High Voltage Engineering Problems & Solutions, R. D. Begamudre, New Age International
Publishers, First Edition 2010
Course Description:
Professionally accepted standards of personal and business behavior, values and guiding principles.
Codes of professional ethics are often established by professional organizations to help guide members
in performing their job functions according to consistent ethical principles.
Course Objectives:
The course is intended to
1. To provide a formal acquaintance with the ethical concepts and frameworks.
2. To enable the students to recognize the codes of ethics and moral values relevant to the experience of
being a professional.
3. To develop among the students an understanding of various ethical issues relating to professions in
general and business, management, education, engineering and computers in particular.
4. To enable the students to develop the awareness needed to understand the role of moral reasoning in
the framework of professional life with the help of real time case studies.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify and analyze an ethical issue in the subject matter under investigation or in a relevant field.
2. Identify the multiple ethical interests at stake in a real-world situation or practice.
3. Assess their own ethical values and the social context of problems.
4. Identify ethical concerns in research and intellectual contexts, including academic integrity, use and
citation of sources, the objective presentation of data, and the treatment of human subjects.
5. Integrate, synthesize, and apply knowledge of ethical dilemmas and resolutions in academic settings,
including focused and interdisciplinary research.
Text Book:
Boatright, John R., Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Pearson Education, Fifth Edition, Indian Reprint,
1. Rowan, John, and Zinaich, Jr., Ethics for the Professions, Wadsworth, 2003.
2. Sekhar, R.C., Ethical Choices in Business, Response Books, Sage Publications, 1997.
3. Harris, Charles, E. Jr., Michael S. Pritchard, Michael J. Rabins, Engineering Ethics: Concepts & Cases,
Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1995
4. Erwann, M.David, Williams, Masy B and Gutierrez, Claudio, Computers, Ethics, and Society, Oxford
University Press, 1990
5. Langford, Duncan (ed.), Internet Ethics, Macmillan Press Ltd, 2000
6. Sachdev, Kumar Neeraj, Ethics: A Virtue Theoretic Approach, Delhi: Adhyayan Publishers
&Distributors, 2005.
Numerical approach to find errors, calculation of roots; solving system of linear equations; interpolation,
trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule; Taylor Series, Finite difference methods for ordinary differential
equations; Wave, heat and poisson equations.
Course Objectives:
1. To avail knowledge in solving nonlinear equations through Numerical methods.
2. To familiarize the student in the fields of finite difference methods and Numerical calculus.
3. Our emphasis will be more on the logical and problem solving techniques in numerical methods for
differential equations.
4. To introduce finite difference methods and its applications in technical fields.
Text Book:
Applied Numerical Analysis by Curtis F. Gerald, Patrich O. Wheatley Pearson Education, 7th Edition,
1. Numerical Analysis by Burden and Faires, 7th ed., Thomson Learning, 2001.
2. A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis by Brain Bradie, 1sted., Pearson, 2005.
3. Elementary Numerical Analysis byK. Atkinson&Weimin Han, 3rd ed., Wiley, 2004.
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, 10th ed., Wiley, 2010.
5. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists by Steven C. Chapra, 3 rd
ed., McGraw Hill, 2012.
Course Description:
This is primarily a course which brings together relevant knowledge from the disciplines of physics and
chemistry to give students a fundamental understanding of the integrated multidisciplinary nature of
Nanotechnology. It will also be a forum for discussion on the possible consequences of such
technological development. This multidisciplinary course will bring together discipline based
knowledge and skills and which will show how this expertise can be applied to Nano-technological
Course Objectives:
1. This course is designed to provide students with an overview of current topics and challenges in
Nanoscience and Technology.
2. To introduce various synthetic strategies of nanomaterials.
3. To familiarize the existing types of nanostructured materials.
4. To analyze the properties and characterization techniques of nanomaterials.
5. To sensitize students with the exhaustive applications of nanomaterials and their current role in the
modern technology.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate a working knowledge of nanotechnology principles and industry applications.
2. Identify current nanotechnology solutions in design, engineering and manufacturing.
3. Explain the nanoscale paradigm in terms of properties at the nanoscale dimensions.
4. Apply key concepts in materials science, chemistry, physics, biology and engineering to the field of
5. Search, read and present current nanotechnology literature applied to a particular problem domain.
Text Books:
1. M. Wilson, K. Kannangara, G Smith, M. Simmons, B. Raguse, Nanotechnology: Basic science and
Emerging technologies, Overseas Press India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, First Edition,2005.
2. C.N.R.Rao, A.Muller, A.K.Cheetham (Eds), the chemistry of nanomaterials: Synthesis, properties
and applications, Wiley VCH VerlagGmbh&Co, Weinheim, 2004.
3. Kenneth J. Klabunde (Eds), Nanoscale Materials Science, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2001.
4. C.S.S.R.Kumar, J.Hormes, C.Leuschner, Nanofabrication towards biomedical applications, Wiley –
VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, Weinheim, 2004.
1. W. Rainer, Nano Electronics and information Technology, Wiley, 2003.
2. K.E.Drexler, Nano systems, Wiley, 1992.
3. G.Cao, Naostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, properties and applications, Imperical College
Press, 2004.
4. T.Pradeep,Nano: The Essentials,Understanding Nano science and Nanotechnology, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing CompanyLimited, New Delhi, 2007
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Internal Mid Examinations and Semester end examination
Course Description:
This course covers the introduction to the theory and mechanism of laser action, various types of lasers
and their applications and future use.
Course Objectives:
1. Make the student to understand the principle of laser.
2. Explain the properties of laser light and to make them understand the operations of different types of
3. Students are aware of latest developments in certain areas of Physics which have important
applications for societal needs. Explain how material processing is accomplished with lasers.
4. Estimate laser operation parameters for material processing.
5. Introduce basic fiber optic communication systems using laser, and to make the students learn about
their important applications for societal needs.
Laser characteristics, Spontaneous and Stimulated emission of radiation, Einstein’s Coefficients,
Population inversion, Methods of Population Inversion Gaussian beam and its properties, Stable two
minor optical resonators, Longitudinal and transverse modes of laser cavity, Mode selection, Gain in the
regenerative laser cavity.
Text books:
1. Laser Theory and Applications: A.K. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan
2. Optics: Ghatak, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
1. Principles of Laser: O. Svelto
2. Laser spectroscopy: Demtroder
3. Laser Applications: Monte Ross
Course Description:
The course content includes : Introduction to HRM, strategic human resource challenges , work flows,
job analysis, managing diversity, concepts, goals , mechanism and system of HRD, recruitment and
selection, downsizing and outplacement, appraising and managing employee performance, training,
career development, managing compensation, rewarding performance, designing benefit plans,
employee relation and employee discipline ,and workplace safety and health.
Course Objectives:
The course is intended to
1. Every Organization (industrial, educational, medical etc.) had to depend on the co-operation of its
personnel for accomplishing its set objectives.
2. This course aims at providing understanding of various human resource management concepts to
obtain necessary co-operation and commitment of the organizational personnel
3. Performance management
4. Training programs &Succession plans
5. Motivation and employee engagement
6. Career development
7. Coaching and mentoring
8. Leadership development
Understanding the nature and scope of Human Resource Management- Definition, Functions/objectives,
organization of department, Evolution, Context in HRM Changing role in HRM Meeting present and
emerging strategic Human resource challenges- Human resource management, planning and
implementing strategic HR Policies, selecting HR strategies to increase firm performance.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to
1. Formulate Human Resource Development strategies that attract, develop, and retain the best human
capital and talent.
2. Design and implement workplace learning and performance interventions to achieve employee and
organizational goals.
3. Develop effective consulting, coaching, and mentoring skills to sustain learning, performance, and
change in the workplace.
4. Lead strategic change initiatives and manage projects in any organizational setting.
5. Evaluate Human Resource Development programs and interventions to determine their quality,
value, and effectiveness.
Text Books:
1. Aswathappa K., Human Resource Management- Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition,
2. Gomez-Mejia, L.R., Balkin, D.B., &Cardy, R.L. Managing Human Resource Management 6th
edition, Pearson Edu. 2007.
1. Garry Dessler, BijuVarkkey, Human Resource Management,11th Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
2. R. Wayne Mondy, Human Resource Management, 10th Edition, 2010
Course Description:
Linear programming problem, Goal programming, transportation and assignment problems,
unconstrained and constrained optimization, project management and queuing models.
Course Objectives:
1. Provide students with the basic mathematical concepts of optimization.
2. Understand the theory of optimization methods and algorithms for solving various types of
optimization problems.
3. Emphasize the modeling skills necessary to describe and formulate optimization problems.
4. Avail knowledge to solve and interpret optimization problems in engineering.
5. Analyze the techniques of project management and Queuing models.
Text Books:
1. Hamdy A Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction, Pearson Education, 9/E, 2011.
2. J K Sharma, Operations Research: Theory and Practice, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd, 5th Edition,
1. SS Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, New Age International (P) Limited, Third
Edition, 1996 (R1)
2. FS Hillier and GJ Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, TMH, 8/E, 2006.
3. JC Pant, Introduction to Optimization: Operations Research, Jain Brothers, New, 6/E, 2004.
4. A Ravindran, DT Philips and JJ Solberg, Operations Research: Principles and Practice, John Wiley
& Sons, Singapore, Second Edition. (R5).
Course Description:
This course aims to introduce the interdisciplinary concept for engineering’s to enhance their knowledge
that they need to contribute with relevance and confidence in developing green technologies. This
course covers feed stocks, green metrics and the design of safer, more efficient processes, as well as the
role catalysts and solvents and green processes for Nanoscience.
Course Objectives:
1. Learn an interdisciplinary approach to the scientific and societal issues arising from industrial
chemical production, including the facets of chemistry and environmental health sciences that can be
integrated to promote green chemistry
2. Sensitize the students in redesigning of chemicals, industrial processes and products by means of
3. Understand the use of alternatives assessments in using environmentally benign solvents.
4. Emphasize current emerging greener technologies and the need of alternative energies.
5. Learn to adopt green chemistry principles in practicing Nanoscience.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the students should
1. Recognize green chemistry concepts and apply these ideas to develop respect for the
interconnectedness of our world and an ethic of environmental care and sustainability.
2. Understand and apply catalysis for developing eco friendly processes.
3. Be in a position to use environmental benign solvents where ever possible.
4. Have knowledge of current trends in alternative energy sources.
5. Apply green chemistry principles in practicing green Nanoscience.
Text Books:
1. M. Lancaster, Green Chemistry an introductory text, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002.
2. Paul T. Anastas and John C. Warner, Green Chemistry Theory and Practice, 4th Edition, Oxford
University Press, USA.
Edited by AlvisePerosa and Maurizio Selva, Hand Book of Greenchemistry Volume 8: Green
Nanosciences, Wiley-VCH.
Mode of evaluation: Assignments, Internal Mid examinations and semester end examination.
Course Objectives:
1. Knowledge of basic principles and concepts in optics and the techniques used to deal with them.
2. Explain the limitations associated with spherical and chromatic aberration.
3. Describe optical systems such as microscopes and telescopes with reference to parameters such as
angular magnification and depth of field.
4. Provide a working knowledge of optical physics, including interference, diffraction and physical
5. Introduce construction and concepts of basic fiber optic communication system and to make the
students learn about its important applications for societal needs.
Corpuscular and wave theory, Fermat’s principle, Matrices for translation, refraction and reflection, Unit
and nodal planes, Eigen values and Eigenvectors.
Text Book:
Optics by Ghatak, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill (2011).
1. Optics by Lipson, Lipson & Lipson, 4th Edition, Cambridge Univ Press (2010).
2. Optics by Hecht, 4th Edition, Addison-Wesley (2002).
2 0 0 0
Course Prerequisite: None
Course Description:
This course provides effective presentation training tools and skills include good content, organization,
delivery, audience, and analysis. These enhance students’ traits in becoming a more critical consumer of
information and delivery of speeches within a public setting and group discussion. Emphasis is on
research, preparation, delivery, and evaluation of informative, persuasive, and special occasion public
Course Objectives:
1. To improve student’s speaking skills in various professional contexts and enable one to develop the
art of public speaking.
2. To improve student’s speaking skills in various professional contexts and enable one to develop the
art of public speaking.
3. To develop the necessary skills through actual practice in presenting information, giving seminars,
participating in group talk etc.
Public Speaking- an overview- Significance to professionals- Importance of Listening and Speaking
Credibility & Confidence- Preparation of Speech & Audience Analysis.
Organization of Speech- Platform Manners & Use of Microphones- Modes of Delivery.
Use of Visual Aids- Psychology of Persuasion- Speeches for Special Occasions.
Speech Practice.
Text Book:
PushpLata and Sanjay Kumar. Communicate or Collapse New Delhi: Prentice Hall ofIndia, 2007.
1. Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. Third Edition, Singapore: McGraw- Hill, 1989.
2. Deanna D Sell now Public Speaking A Process Approach Media Edition, Wadsworth/Thomson,
3. Jaffe, Clella. Public Speaking New Delhi: Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd, 2008.
4. Bellingham, Jo. Giving Presentations Delhi: Oxford University Press. 2003.
5. Qubein, Nido. How to be a Great Communicator New Delhi: Viva. 1997.
Course Description:
The course functions as a broad-based introduction to various forms of creative writing, such as short
fiction, poetry and drama. Short story writing is geared toward creative writing so that students learn
about character, dialogue, voice, style and description in fiction. The course provides them with the
opportunity to delve deeper into the analysis of selected short fiction and to work on stories of their own.
Students explore the genre of poetry in-depth through their own writing and that of published poets. The
study of playwriting involves many of the same focuses as short story writing, such as dialogue,
character and plot. Students also experiment with writing these genres. The class is usually comprised of
technique and style discussions, reading assignments and writing exercises.
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize the students with different forms of writing: poetry, scene writing, and vignette and
feature writing.
2. Apart from writing, the course will also encourage students to read and acquaint, appreciate and
respond to different genres of writing.
Introduction to creative writing and reading, Poetry, Short Story, Drama, Fiction, Non Fiction, Feature
Writing, etc.
Poetry, Scenario writing, feature and vignette writing, Haiku, Object Poem, List Poem, Visual Poem,
Nature Poem, Scanning a poem and understanding its meaning
Writing a scene, finding sources from which to draw ideas to write scenes, creating an effective setting
for a scene to take place; creating strong, believable characters in a scene.
Learning how a scene can drive the plot of a story, how to effectively use point of view to enhance a
scene, how to write interesting and useful dialogue, self-editing own writing.
Writing a vignette, finding sources from which to draw ideas to write a vignette, organizing one’s time
and ideas to produce a longer piece of writing.
Text Book:
Mills, Paul. 2006. Creative Writing Course Book. New York: Routledge.
1. Jaron, Philip K. and Allan B. Lefcouitz. 2004. Creative Writer’s Hand Book. 4th ed. Prentice Hall.
2. Bulman, Colin. 2007. Creative Writing: A guide and glossary to fiction writing. Polity Press.
3. Coles Notes. 1991. Dictionary of Literary Terms. Delhi: Chaman Enterprises.
4. Minot, Stephen. 1971. Three Genres: The Writing of Poetry, Fiction, and Drama. Englewood Cliffs:
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to inculcate in students the skills necessary to craft strategies and
initiatives which can enable growth and sustainability in an entrepreneurial venture, to include the
effective management of inventory, receivables, production, human resources, financial resources, and
risk. Students will develop higher-level critical thinking skills, evidenced by analysis, evaluation, and
Course Objectives:
The course is intended to
1. Identify legal issues affecting development, ownership and operation of commercial property.
2. Understand strategies to manage and/or exit from distressed properties.
3. Addressing the development challenges that start-ups face.
4. Build skills needed to create high-value technology companies.
5. Analyze prospective venture capital investments.
6. Work in an entrepreneurial firm with instructor coaching.
7. In-depth research regarding a specific business opportunity.
8. Opportunity identification & evaluation.
9. Steps required to start a business.
10. Creativity techniques at the individual and organizational level to identify and capitalize on
innovative opportunities.
11. Develop skills to translate patents and other intellectual property into viable business opportunities.
12. Analytic techniques to determine highest and best use of property.
13. Understand venture capital and angel investor funding criteria and contractual terms.
Nature of Entrepreneurship- Features - Entrepreneur‘s competencies, attitude, qualities, functions.
Entrepreneurial scenario in India and Abroad.Forms of Entrepreneurship: Small Business, Importance in
Indian Economy, Types of ownership, sole trading, partnership, important features of various types of
businesses -corporate entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship - Role of Government in the promotion of
Entrepreneur, State Enterprises in India.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will able to
1. Understand the concepts of entrepreneurship and its role in Indian Economy.
2. Compare and apply sources of different promotional and financial aspects.
3. Understand and analyze the feasibility study in project planning.
4. Find the women entrepreneurship development in India.
5. Assess the rural entrepreneurship and strengthen the role of NGOs and EDPs.
1. Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand and Company Limited, S.S. Khanka, New Delhi,2009.
2. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, H. Nandan, PHI, First/e, New Delhi, 2009.
3. Entrepreneurship, 6/e, Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd, TMH, 2009.
4. The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management, Vasanth
5. Desai, Himalaya,2009
6. Entrepreneurship Management – text and cases, BholanathDutta, Excel Books, 2009
7. Entrepreneurship – New venture Creation, Holt, PHI, 2009.
Course Description:
Intellectual property (IP) is a legal term that refers to creations of the mind. Examples of intellectual
property include music, literature, and other artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words,
phrases, symbols, and designs. Under intellectual property laws, owners of intellectual property are
granted certain exclusive rights. Some common types of intellectual property rights (IPR) are
copyright, patents, and industrial design rights; and the rights that protect trademarks, trade dress, and in
some jurisdictions trade secrets. Intellectual property rights are themselves a form of property,
called intangible property.
Course Objectives:
The course is intended to
1. This course will provide the engineering as well as management students to understand the
importance of intellectual property rights protection and management.
2. It is an important part of new products/processes/ technologies development to get the competitive
advantages for competing and sustaining in the competitive global business scenario.
3. This represents the Intellectual Property Rights, assets, ownership rights and valuation of property
4. It represents the Filing of patent rights, acts, rules & portfolio analysis, management, patent strategy.
5. It represents the Right to Information Act, objectives, obligations, powers &functions, penalties &
Introductory issues related to intellectual property and its protection, WTO, TRIPS Agreement& its
Introduction to Copyrights - Principles of Copyright Principles -The subject matter of Copyright - The
Rights Afforded by Copyright Law - Copyright ownership, transfers and duration - Right to prepare
derivative works – Rights of Distribution - Copyright Formalities and Registrations - Limitations -
Copyright disputes and International Copyright Law – Semiconductor Chip Protection Act – Patent -
Trademark – Industrial Design – Trade Secret – Geographical indications.
Commercialization of IP assets: Contracting, Licensing, Assignment and technology transfer; Drawing
up a business strategyIP rights in export markets; Ownership of rights by employees; Valuation of
intellectual property rights.
RTI – Introduction – Objectives – Obligation of Public Authorities – The Central & State information
commission – Powers & Functions – Penalties & Appeal.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will able to
1. Understand the process of getting intellectual property rights and managing the IP assets
2. Broaden thinking perspective of the students that will enhance their long term planning and decision
making capabilities as an R&D/Technology manager or as an Entrepreneur.
3. Sensitize the students to think on this legal as well as management aspect.
4. Know patent filing, acts & rules, Patent portfolio analysis.
5. Explain the details of Right to Information Act.
Text Book:
Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets, 4th Edition
(2013) By Deborah E. Bouchoux, Cengage Learning.
Latest Research Papers
Course Description:
This course is an applied statistics course focusing on data analysis. The course will begin with an
overview of how to organize, perform, and write-up data analyses. Instead of focusing on mathematical
details, the lectures will be designed to help you apply these techniques to real data using the R
statistical programming language, interpret the results, and diagnose potential problems in your analysis.
The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading
data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and
commenting R code.
Course Objectives:
1. Students will learn techniques of statistical modeling.
2. Students will learn to communicate their results effectively to others, including non-experts.
3. Students will have hands-on experience with analyzing diverse data types, using modern statistical
computer tools.
Overview of R, R data types and objects, reading and writing data.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will able to
1. Understand the data types available in R.
2. Understand the various control structures, scope rules present in R.
3. Understand the loop functions and debugging tools.
4. Simulate and code profiling capability.
5. Understand the R Functions, Vectors, etc.
Course Description:
This course aims to introduce the students the basic concepts of English phonetics and impart
competence in the effective use of spoken English. To help them communicate effectively in social as
well as classroom/academic settings and improve critical listening skills. Special focus on three
important aspects of pronunciation: stress, rhythm, and intonation.
Course Objectives:
1. To deal with various articulation mechanics to get to proper pronunciation
2. To study 44 sounds of English.
3. To impart practical knowledge by providing listening sessions.
Phonetics-an over view - Speech mechanisms - Organs of articulation.
Pure Vowels and Diphthongs - Practice Sessions.
Consonants - Practice Sessions.
Word Stress and Intonation - Process of listening and Characteristics of Voice - Practice sessions.
Phonemic Transcription and pronunciation Practice - Spoken English Practice Sessions.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will able to
1. Provides information on the sound system of English and deals specifically with some specific
problems faced by the student as learner.
2. Understand the importance of phonetics for effective communication; extract precise and explicit
information on pronunciation.
3. Know the Speech and hearing disorders that can have a huge impact on his social life.
4. Explain the flexibility in incorporating words and phrases in his speech.
5. Study of accent and its neutralization enable a student to understand standard form of language while
it is a predominating dialect.
1. Daniel Jones. Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary 17 thEdition. Ed. Peter Roach et al.
Cambridge University Press, 2006.
2. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma. Communicative English Oxford University Press, Delhi,
3. Mark Hancock. English Pronunciation in Use Cambridge University Press, 2003.
4. T. Balasubramanian. A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students Macmillan India Ltd.
Course Description:
The development of psychology as a science – individual and the environment; Nature, kinds and
determinants of Perception; Biological bases of behavior; Consciousness; Motivation; Emotion;
Modification of behavior through learning; Memory and forgetting; Thought processes, Problem solving
and Creative thinking; Individual differences – Intelligence, Gender, Personality, Stress and coping; and
Social thought and Social Behavior.
Course Objectives:
To develop a conceptual framework for understanding the human behavior; relevance of psychology
in daily life and its application in social, educational, industrial, personal and other spheres.
Definition-Origin- Classical Studies- Psychology in India; Nervous System: Neurons - The Brain- the
Brain and Human Behavior; Heredity and Behavior; Sensation: Perception-Extrasensory Perception;
Thinking- Making decisions- Problem Solving.
Biological Rhythms: Waking States of Consciousness;Learning: Types of learning-Theories; Human
Memory: Kinds of Information Stored in Memory- Forgetting- Memory Distortion- Memory
Construction, Memory in Everyday Life- Memory & Brain.
Motivation: Theories - Motives & Motivation- Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation; Emotions: Nature-
Expression & Impact; Intelligence: Contrasting Views of its nature; Measuring Intelligence; Human
Intelligence- Emotional Intelligence; Creativity.
Personality: The Psychoanalytic Approach-Humanistic Theories- Trait Theories- Learning Approaches -
Measuring Modern Research on Personality; Health Psychology: Stress- Understanding and
Communication our Health Needs- Promoting Wellness.
Social Perception: Attribution-Social Cognition, Attitudes; Social Behavior- Prejudice &
Discrimination, Social Influence, Leadership.
Psychology & the Scientific Method; Research Methods in Psychology- Observation, Correlation,
Experimentation Method; Issues in Psychological Research.
Text Book:
Robert A. Baron, “Psychology”, Revised 5th Edition, Pearson, 2009
1. Ceccarelli& Meyer, Psychology, South Asian Edition, Pearson Longman, 2006
2. A. K. Singh, “Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences”, Revised 4 th
Edition, BharatiBhawan, 2009.
Online Sources:
Course Description:
This course will function as an introduction to ethical hacking mechanisms. Students will understand
about social engineering and types of attacks. Students will begin by understanding how perimeter
defenses work and then be lead into scanning and attacking their own networks, no real network is
harmed. Students then learn how intruders escalate privileges and what steps can be taken to secure a
system. Students will also learn about Intrusion Detection, Policy Creation, Social Engineering, Buffer
Overflows and Virus Creation.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand how intruders escalate privileges.
2. To understand Intrusion Detection, Policy Creation, Social Engineering, Buffer Overflows and
different types of Attacks and their protection mechanisms.
3. To learn about ethical laws and tests.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will able to
1. Explain the concepts of intruders.
2. Understanding of foot printing tools.
3. Understand and explain about Intrusion
4. Detection and different types of attacks.
5. Learn and implement mechanisms.
6. Understand about ethical laws.
Text Book:
Michael T. Simpson, Kent Backman, James E. “Corley, Hands‐On Ethical Hacking and Network
Defense”, Second Edition, CENGAGE Learning, 2010.
1. Steven DeFino, Barry Kaufman, Nick Valenteen, “Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide”,
CENGAGE Learning, 2009-11-01.
2. Patrick Engebretson, “The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing: Ethical Hacking and
Penetration Testing Made Easy”, Syngress Basics Series – Elsevier, August 4, 2011.
3. Whitaker & Newman, “Penetration Testing and Network Defense”, Cisco Press, Indianapolis, IN,
Course Description:
To make students aware of ethical and moral issues concerning business context and develop sensitivity
in students for right ethical practices in conduct of business to understand the principles of corporate
governance and to know the social responsibility of the corporate.
Course Objectives:
1. To explain students the significance of ethics in business, ethical theories and approaches.
2. To explain the significance of ethics in Marketing and HRM
3. To explain the significance of ethics in Finance and IT
4. To explain the concept, purpose, theories and Philosophies of Corporate Governance; Corporate
Governance Structures and Processes
5. To explain corporate social responsibility
Business Ethics: concept, need and importance, Ethical theories and Approaches-Modern Decision
making- Ethical Models for Decision Making.
Text Books:
1. Business Ethics –An Indian perspective, Fernando, Pearson Education, 2009
2. “Perspectives in Business Ethics”, Laura P Hartman, 2 ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
1. Bob Tricker, Corporate Governance, Oxford, 2009
2. Corporate Governance and Social responsibility, Balachandran, Chandrasekharan, PHI
3. Business Ethics -Concepts and Cases, Weiss,Cengage, 2009
4. Business Ethics, Himalaya, C.S.V.Murthy, 2008
5. Ethical Management, SatishModh, Mcmillan, 2005
6. The Theory and practice of Managerial Ethics, Jayashreesadri, Dastoor, Jaico,2008.
Course Description:
NSS underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society on the
whole. Therefore, it should be the aim of the NSS, to demonstrate this motto in its day-to-day
Programme. It needs to organize National Integration Camps, Blood Donation Camps, Health Camps,
Plantation, Immunization, Shramdaan, Disaster Management and many at various places. N.S.S.
volunteers need to undertake various activities in adopted villages and slums for community service. An
NSS volunteer will extend his/her services for 120 hours. NSS volunteers need actively to take a role in
adopted villages for eradication of illiteracy, watershed management and wasteland development,
agricultural operations, health, nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, mother and child care, family life
education, gender justice, development of rural cooperatives, savings drives, construction of rural roads,
campaign against social evils etc.
Course Objectives:
The course is intended to
1. The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government-sponsored public service program
conducted by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India.
2. Its Objective is “Not Me, But You”.
3. NSS reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and
appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human
4. Adoption of Villages to make the students study about living of the people, make people literate and
make them to maintain hygiene health.
5. This Represents the Water Management and agricultural management as well as disaster
Watershed management-Wasteland development-Agricultural operations- Disaster Management –
Methods of Water Conservation.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will able to
1. Understand the rationale and application of the scientific method to behaviour, cognition, and
2. Respect and use critical and creative thinking.
3. Apply psychological principles to personal, social, and organizational issues.
4. Making the student self-disciplined.
5. Social responsibility and making good environment.
6. Inculcate the quality of Team leadership and working as a Team
The CBCS provides choice for students to select from the prescribed courses (core, elective or minor or
soft skill courses). The CBCS provides a ‘cafeteria’ type approach in which students can take courses of
their choice, learn at their own pace and adopt an interdisciplinary approach to learning.
Audit Courses
The students merely might have received teaching and achieved a given standard of knowledge of the
subject, rather than being evaluated. In that perception, MITS has also introduced 10 Audit Courses
from various fields. A student who audits a course will obtain self-enrichment and academic
Foreign Languages
Apart from its Curriculum, MITS also offers two levels of certificate programmes in Japanese, German
and Spanish languages. The training follows international benchmarks of teaching and learning in order
to achieve international equivalency of proficiency. The certificate programme of each language is
classified below.
Certificate Courses
To improve the technical dexterity of the students, MITS also intends to offer several Certificate
Courses like J2SE (Core JAVA) &J2EE (Advanced Java), PHP and MySQL Web Development, .Net
Framework, Instrumentation etc.