Apti Num PDF
Apti Num PDF
Apti Num PDF
1. Several primes which are in ascending order 9. Find the number of trailing zeros at the end of
are multiplied and found their product is 1000.
114114. Find the 5th prime in that order. A. 200 B. 249
A. 5 B. 7 C. 100 D. 110
C. 11 D. 13 10. What will be the unit digit of
2. If 481 Y is divisible by 9, find the value of 6191 + 345201 - 17646
smallest natural number Y? A. 9 B. 0
A. 5 B. 6 C. 3 D. 4
C. 7 D. None of these 11. Find the remainder when the number 7100 is
3. What is the highest power of 7 in 5000? divided by 6?
A. 832 B. 714 A. 5 B. 3
C. 816 D. 852 C. 2 D. 1
4. What is the value of X + Y if 789432X64Y is 12. What is the last digit of 51815 + 142122
divisible by both 8 as well as 9? X and Y being A. 6 B. 0
single digit numbers. C. 2 D. None of these
A. 2 B. 8 13. The traffic lights at 3 different road crossings
C. 11 D. Both A and C change after every 52, 78, 117 seconds
5. Find the number of factors of 22100. respectively. If they all change simultaneously
A. 18 B. 36 at 9:10:00 hrs then they will again change
C. 5 D. 4 simultaneously at
6. If X 382 is divisible by 11, find the value of A. 9:17:48 B. 10:33:32
smallest natural number X? C. 9:45:26 D. 9:12:33
A. 4 B. 8 14. 6 balls commence tolling together & toll at
C. 5 D. 7 intervals of 3,6,9,12,15, seconds respectively.
7. Find the unit place digit of the expression In 33 minutes how many times do they toll
111+212+313+414+515+616+717+818+919 together?
A. 8 B. 2 A. 12 B. 11
C. 7 D. 3 C. 13 D. 15
8. A monkey climbs 3m of a greased pole in 1 15. Find the sum of the factors of 5400.
minute and then slips 1m in the next. When will A. 18600 B. 9300
he reach the top of the pole of height 12 m? C. 37200 D. 16800
A. 11 Min B. 13 Min 16. There are 50 students from 1 – 50 in a class.
C. 9 Min D. 15 Min Three assignments are given to them. Starting
from 1, everyone writes the assignment 1,
Quantitative Aptitude
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. B
11. D 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B
21. C 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. D
1. In a mixture of 100 L, the ratio of milk and 6. 70 cars can be parked in ‘n’ rows with equal
water is 3:1, if 200 L of water is added to the number of cars in each row. If two cars are
mixture, what is the new ratio of milk and eliminated from each row than 4 rows of cars
water? must be added to accommodate all of them.
A. 1:3 B. 3:1 Find the number of rows initially.
C. 2:5 D. 5:2 A. 10 B. 7
2. A man went to market to buy fruits. He bought C. 14 D. 5
apples, mangoes, and dates. The ratio of the 7. Mahesh has Rs. 100/- in hand. He has to buy
weight of apples to that of mangoes bought is 100 balls. One football costs Rs. 15/-, one
the same as the ratio of the weight of mangoes cricket ball costs Rs. 1/- and one table tennis
to that of dates bought. If he bought 7.2 kg of ball costs Rs. 0.25. He spend the whole Rs
apples and 5 kg of dates, find the weight of .100/- to buy the balls. How many cricket balls
mangoes bought. he bought if he bought at least one ball of each
A. 4 B. 4.5 type?
C. 5 D. 6 A. 25 B. 41
3. Find the second part if Rs. 1162 is divided in C. 45 D. 52
three parts such that 4 times the first part is 8. Two mathematics geniuses meet after 20 yrs.
equal to 5 times the second and 7 times the One of them says, I am married and have 3
third. daughters. The product of their ages is 72. The
A. 380 B. 392 sum is the same as my house number. Other
C. 416 D. Undetermined verifies the house number and says, but I cannot
4. The expenses of school are partly constant and find it out. The first says my eldest daughter has
partly vary as the number of boys. The blue eyes. Find the eldest daughters age.
expenses were Rs. 10000 for 150 boys and Rs. A. 8 B. 9
8500 for 120 boys, what will be expenses when C. 12 D. 6
there are 200 boys? 9. There are two candles of equal lengths and of
A. Rs. 11200 B. Rs. 19600 different thickness. The thicker one lasts if six
C. Rs. 12500 D. Rs. 22000 hours. The thinner lasts 2 hours less than the
5. Find the share of C if Rs. 680 is divided among thicker one. Ramesh lights the two candles at
A, B and C such that A gets 2/3 of what B gets the same time. When he went to bed he saw the
¼ of what C gets thicker one is twice the length of the thinner
A. 324 B. 192 one. How long ago did Ramesh light the two
C. 480 D. 144 candles?
Quantitative Aptitude
20. Ranga Rao is a typical merchant who sells and the remainder is divided by them. Find the
apples. First he gives half of the total apples share B in the profit of RS. 2100.
that he has and half an apple. Then he gives half A. Rs. 1000 B. Rs. 1050
of the remaining and half an apple. He gives it C. Rs. 1110 D. Rs. 1200
in the same manner. After seven times all 24. A, B and C entered into a partnership. A
apples are over; How many apples did he invested Rs. 6500 for 6 months, B invested Rs,
initially have? 8400. For 5 months and C invested Rs. 10000
A. 127 B. 125 for 3 months A is a working partner and gets
C. 134 D. 101 5% of the total profit for the same. Find the
21. Dinalal divides his property among his four share of C in a total profit of Rs. 7400.
sons after donating Rs. 20,000 and 10% of his A. Rs. 1600 B. Rs. 1750
remaining property. The amounts received by C. Rs. 1900 D. Rs. 2050
the last three sons are in arithmetic progression 25. A, B and C entered into partnership. A
and the amount received by the fourth son is subscribes one half the capital for one – third of
equal to the total amount donated. The first son the time, B one third of the capital for one –
receives as his share Rs. 20,000 more than the fourth of the time and C the rest of the capital
share of the second son. The last son received for the whole time. Find the share of rest of the
RS. 1 lakh less than the eldest son. Find the capital for the whole time. Find the share of A
share of the third son. if profits is Rs. 1000?
A. 1,00,000 B. 1,20,000 A. Rs. 200 B. Rs. 250
C. 1,40,000 D. 1,50,000 C. Rs. 350 D. Rs. 400
22. Naresh, Suresh and Mahesh are the partners in 26. A, B, C are partners in a business. Initially, their
a firm. Their investments are respectively Rs. capitals are in the proportion 1/3:1/4:1/5. A
10,000, Rs, 12,500 and Rs, 20,000. They divide withdraws half his capital at the end of 15
the profit in the ratio of 4:5:6. If the interest on months and after 15 months more a profit of Rs.
the capital is paid at the rate of 5% per annum. 4340 is made. Find the share of A.
Then find the share of C if Annual profit is Rs. A. Rs. 1550 B. Rs. 1600
2725. C. Rs. 1650 D. Rs. 1700
A. Rs. 240 B. Rs. 300
C. Rs. 350 D. Rs. 400
23. A and B together start a business, subscribing
Ra. 3600 and Rs. 3400 respectively. A being a
sleeping partner, B manages the business and
receives 8 % of the profits for his extra labour
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A
11. C 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. A
21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. A
1. The price of cloth is increased by 20%. By how supporters. In an assembly election, if 75% of
much percent must be family reduce the the registered congress supporters and 20% of
consumption of cloth so that their expenditure the registered BJP supporter are expected to
may remain the same. votes for candidate A, what percent of the
A. 18% B. 20% registered voters are expected to vote for
C. 16 % D. 14 % candidate A?
A. 50% B. 53%
2. The population of a town decreased per year at
C. 60% D. 42 %
the rate of 5%. If after 2 years, the population
7. Arun make a popular brand of ice cream in a
of the town is 902500. Then what is the
rectangular shaped bar 6cm long, 5cm wide and
population of the town at present?
2cm thick to cut costs, the company had
A. 1100000 B. 1075000
decided to reduce the volume of the bar by
C. 1000000 D. 980000
19%. The thickness will remain same. But the
3. At an election, a candidate secures 40% of the
length and width will be decreased by same
total votes but is defeated by the other
percentage. The new width will be
candidate by 300 votes. Find tout the total
A. 4.5 B. 5
number of votes polled.
C. 5.5 D. 6
A. 1500 B. 1600
8. In a town male and female population is equal.
C. 1450 D. 1550
It is found in a recent survey 60% of male in
4. Inflation in India is so high, Recently the price
town and 70% of female in a town are eligible
of sugar increased by 20%. By what percentage
to vote. Out of which 70% of male and 60% of
should a house wife reduce the consumption of
female who are eligible to vote are expected to
sugar so that expenditure on sugar can be same
vote for candidate A What is the percentage of
as before?
votes in A expected to get?
A. 15% B. 16.66%
A. 64.6 % B. 58.6 %
C. 12% D. 9%
C. 75 % D. 72.6 %
5. Entry fee in an exhibition was RS. 1/-. Later
9. A reduction of 40% in the price of eggs would
this was reduced by 25% which increased the
enable a purchaser to purchase 48 eggs more
sale by 20% Find the percentage increase in the
for Rs. 1. Find the reduced price per dozen.
number of visitors.
A. 0.05 B. 0.08
A. 50% B. 55%
C. 0.15 D. 0.1
C. 60% D. 75%
10. A reduction of 20% in the price of oranges
6. In a certain city, 60% of the registered voters
enables a man to buy 5 oranges more for Rs. 10.
are congress supporters and the rest are BJP
What is the price per orange before reduction?
Quantitative Aptitude
A. 0.35 B. 0.5 the people on the voting list did not vote, and
C. 0.6 D. 0.75 60 votes recorded were rejected as illegal. The
1 majority of the successful candidate was 308
11. If the price of sugar falls by 12 % a person can
2 and it was found that he had been supported by
buy 9 kilograms more sugar for Rs. 126 than 47% of the whole number on the voter’s list.
before, if the price had risen by 12 % , how What was the number or legal votes recorded
by successful candidate?
much less sugar could he gave bought for the
A. 2814 B. 2900
same sum?
C. 2914 D. 300
A. 9 B. 8
16. In an examination paper of 5 question, 5
C. 7 D. 6
percent of the candidates answered all of them
12. In an examination, 75% of the candidates
and 5 percent none. of the rest. 25 percent
passed in English and 70% of the candidates
answered only 1 question and 20 percent
passed in Mathematics, 23% candidates failed
in both subjects, if 136 candidates passed in answered 4, if 24 % of the entire number
both the subjects, find out the number of answered only 2 questions and 200 candidates
candidates that appeared in the examination. answered only 3 questions, Find the total
A. 150 B. 160 number of canisters.
C. 175 D. 200 A. 750 B. 800
13. 10% of the solders of an army are killed in the C. 850 D. 900
battle. 10% of the remaining soldiers died of 17. The population of the town increased by 3% in
disease and 10% of the remaining men were a given interval but it would have been 1500
disabled. Now only 729000 soldiers are left in less if there had been a decreases of 2%. Find
the army. How many soldiers were there in all the original population.
in the beginning. A. 30000 B. 28000
A. 1100000 B. 1000000 C. 27500 D. 2500
C. 990000 D. 995000 18. A man gave 30% of his money to his wife, 40%
14. In a direct election between two contestants for of the remainder to his son and the remaining
the post of secretary, 4% of the total votes cast money equally to his three daughters. If each
are declared to be illegal. One contestant daughter gets Rs. 224. What does the wife gets?
secures 55% of the valid votes and wins with a A. 450 B. 480
majority of 240 votes. C. 500 D. 520
A. 2500 B. 2650 19. In an election, 10% of the total voters did not
C. 2750 D. 2800 cast their votes. 400 votes were declared illegal.
15. Two candidates contested the election. At There were only two contestants A and B. A
election, At the election, 10% of the people on defeated B by 640 votes, it was found that 60%
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Quantitative Aptitude
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B
average comes be 9.2%. Find the amount lent 17. In what ratio must rice at Rs. 6.20 per kg be
at 8% mixed with rice Rs. 7.20 per kg, so that the
A. Rs. 600 B. Rs. 500 mixture be worth Rs. 6.50 per kg?
C. Rs. 400 D. Rs. 450 A. 2:5 B. 6:4
12. A trader has 100 kgs of rice, a part of which he C. 7:3 D. 3:7
sells at 20% and the rest at 10% loss. He gains 18. Metal A is 12 times as heavy as copper and
14% on the whole. What is the quantity sold at another metal B is 16 times as heavy as copper.
10% loss? In what ratio A & B should be mixed so that the
A. 80 kg B. 20 kg resulting mixture be 15 times as heavy as
C. 40 kg D. 50 kg copper.
13. Rs. 3000/- is invested in two parts. That of the A. 3:1 B. 1:3
first part at 6% p.a. and the second part at 5% C. 2:3 D. 3:2
p.a. and obtained a simple interest of Rs. 160/- 19. A mixture of 40 litres of milk and water
in a year. How much is invested at 6% p.a. contains 10% water. How much water must be
A. Rs. 1000 B. Rs. 500 added to make 20% in the mixture?
C. Rs. 1400 D. Rs. 1450 A. 4 lit B. 5 lit
14. Six kilograms of rice at Rs. 6 per kg and 4 kgs C. 6 lit D. 6 lit
of rice at Rs. 7 per kg are mixed together and 20. A man lends Rs.1200 for 3 years. A part he
the mixture is sold at 10% profit. What is the lends at 4% and rest at 6% and obtains RS. 192
selling price of the mixture per kg. as interest. How much money did he lend at 6%
A. Rs. 7.04 B. Rs. 7.40 rate?
C. Rs. 7.00 D. Rs. 7.70 A. Rs. 800 B. Rs. 600
15. To 5 lit of 20% acid, 5 lit of 100% pure acid is C. Rs. 400 D. Rs. 450
added. What is the strength of the acid in the 21. A man has Rs. 2000/-, part of which he lent at
mixture? 5% and the rest at 4%. The whole annual
A. 50 % B. 60 % interest received was Rs. 92/-. How much did
C. 40 % D. 80 % he lend at 5%
16. Alcohol cost Rs. 3.50 per litre and kerosene oil A. Rs. 800 B. Rs. 1200
cost Rs. 2.50 per litre. In what ratio these C. Rs. 1600 D. Rs. 1000
should be mixed so that resulting mixture may 22. In a mixture of 60 litres, the ratio of milk and
be RS. 2.75 per litre. water is 2:1. If the ratio of the milk and water is
A. 1:2 B. 2:3 to be 1:2, then the amount of water to be further
C. 1:3 D. 2:3 added is.
A. 20 lit B. 30 lit
C. 40 lit D. 60 lit
33. 3 friends A,B,C went for week and party to may contain 9% of tin. Find the ratio in which
McDonald’s restaurant and there they measure these two alloys are to be mixed.
their weights in some order in 7 rounds. A,B,C, A. 6:1 B. 5:2
AB, BC, AC, ABC. Final round measure is C. 5:1 D. 2:1
155kg then find the average weight of all the 7 38. One alloy contains silver and copper in the ratio
rounds? of 5:1 and the other contains them in the ratio
A. 88.5 B. 90 of 7:2 respectively. What weights of the two
C. 92 D. 91.5 must be melted together so as to make a 5 lb.
34. A tea merchant buys two kinds of tea, the price mass with 80% silver?
of the first being twice of that of the second. He A. 2:3 B. 2:5
sells the mixture at Rs.14 per kg, thereby C. 1:3 D. 1:4
making a profit of 20 per cent. If the ratio of the 39. Nine litres are drawn from a cask full of wine
first and second kind of tea in the mixture be and it is then filled with water. Nine litres of the
2:3, find the cost price of second kind of tea. mixture are drawn and the cask is again filed
A. Rs. 15 B. Rs. 16 with water. The quaintly of the wine now left in
2 1 the cask is to that of the water in it as 16:9. How
C. Rs. 16 D. Rs. 17
3 4 much does the cask hold?
35. A cup of milk contains 3 parts of pure milk and A. 40 B. 45
1 part of water. How much of the mixture must C. 50 D. 55
be withdrawn and water substituted in order 40. A vessel contains mixture of spirit and water.
that the resulting mixture may be half milk and Spirit is 18%. 8 litres of mixture is taken out of
half water.
the vessel which is again filled with water. If
A. 1/4 B. 1/5 the percentage of spirit is 15%, find the quaintly
C. 1/2 D. 1/3 in litres of the mixture in the vessel.
36. A mixture contains wine and water in the ratio A. 33 B. 42
3:2. Another contains wine and water in the C. 45 D. 4
ratio 4:5. How many gallons of the later must 41. Gold is 19 times as heavy as water and copper
be mixed with 3 gallons of the former so that 9 times. In what ratio should these metals be
the resulting mixture may contains equal mixed that the mixture may be 15 times as
quantities of wine and water. heavy as water?
A. 5 B. 5.4 A. 1:3 B. 1:4
C. 5.8 D. 6 C. 3:2 D. 2:3
37. One alloy of metal contains 90% copper and 42. A man buys milk at 85 paisa per litre and mixes
10% tin. Another alloy contains 93% copper water in it. He sells the mixture at the same rate
4% tin. If they are mixed so that the mixture
1 2
and thus gains 11 % . Find the quantity of water of 16 per cent is made. If the first liquid costs
9 3
per litre of the mixture? Rs.4 per litre more than the second, find the
A. 1/10 B. 1/12 price per litre of first liquid.
C. 1/6 D. 1/9 A. 8 B. 6
43. Two liquids are mixed in the ratio 5:3 and by C. 10 D. 12
selling the mixture at Rs.12.25 per litre, a profit
1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. B 20. A
21. B 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. D
31. A 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. D 36. B 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. D
1. A man buys oranges at Rs. 5 a dozen and an C. Rs. 814 D. Rs. 800
equal number at Rs. 2 a dozen. He sells them at 7. A vendor has 24 kg apples. He sells part of
Rs. 5.50 a dozen and makes a profit of Rs. 50. these at 20% gain and the balance at 5% loss. If
How many oranges (in dozen) did he buy? on the whole he earns a profit of 10%, the part
A. 25 B. 40 of apples sold at a loss is
C. 50 D. 60 A. 6 kg B. 4.6 kg
2. Ram purchased 35 kg rice at Rs. 9.50 per kg C. 9.6 kg D. 11.4 kg
and 30 kg at Rs. 10.50 per kg and mixed them. 8. By selling an article, there is a loss of 2.5%. By
At what price (per kg) should he sell the selling it at Rs. 6 more, there is a gain of 5%.
mixture to gain 35%? The cost price of the article is
A. Rs. 12 B. Rs. 12.50 A. Rs. 78 B. Rs. 81
C. Rs. 13 D. Rs. 13.50 C. Rs. 82 D. Rs. 80
3. A dealer declares to sell his goods at cost price, 9. A man sold an article for a gain of 5%. If he
18 bought it for 5% less and sold it for Rs. 1 less,
but he uses a false weight and gains 6 % . For
17 he would have made a profit of 10%. The cost
a kilogram he uses a weight of price of the article is……
A. 953 g B. 960 g
A. Rs. 100 B. Rs. 150
C. 940 g D. 947 g C. Rs. 500 D. Rs. 200
4. By selling toffees at 20 for a rupee, a man loses 10. The profit earned by selling a table for Rs. 900
4%. To gain 20% for a rupee he must sell is double the loss incurred when it is sold for
A. 16 toffees B. 20 toffees Rs. 450. At what price should it be sold to make
C. 12 toffees D. 15 toffees a profit of 25%?
5. A bought a cycle and spent Rs. 110 on its A. Rs. 600 B. Rs. 650
repairs. He then sold it to B at a profit of 20%. C. Rs. 800 D. Rs. 750
B sold it to C at a loss of 10%. C sold it at a 11. A trader quotes Rs. 45 for an article whose cost
profit of 10% for Rs. 1,188. What is the price A price is Rs. 30. The customer pays him a 50 –
paid to buy that bicycle? rupee note. The trader does not have the change
A. Rs. 850 B. Rs. 870 to give back Rs. 5 to the customer. He thus goes
C. Rs. 930 D. Rs. 890 to a neighbouring shop to get change for Rs. 50.
6. If the manufacturer gains 10%, the wholesaler The customer collects his balance Rs. 5. The
gains 15%, and the retailer gains 25%, what is next day the neighbouring shop owner realizes
the cost of production of the goods if the retail that the 50 rupee note was fake and demanded
price is Rs. 1,265? Rs. 50 back from the trader who gave it. What
A. Rs. 632.50 B. Rs. 834.34 is the total loss to the trader?
- 16 -
Quantitative Aptitude
24. A man purchases some oranges at the rate of 3 the carriage at a profit of 30%, His total profit
for Rs. 4 and the same quantity at 5 for Rs. 6. If 5
was 25 % . Find the cost of the horse.
he sells all the oranges at the rate of 3 for Rs.5, 6
Find the amount spent by the shopkeeper on A. Rs. 250 B. Rs. 265
repairs. C. Rs. 277 D. Rs. 285
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. D
11. D 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C
21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. D
1. In SI if rate of interest would have been 4% 7. A part of the amount of Rs. 7,000 was lent at
higher, a man would have obtained Rs. 400 6% p.a. and the remaining part at 4% p.a. if the
more in 2 years. Find the principal. total simple interest in 5 years was Rs. 1,600.
A. Rs. 4,000 B. Rs. 5,000 What was the sum lent at 6% p.a.?
C. Rs. 6,000 D. Rs. 10,000 A. Rs. 4,000 B. Rs. 2,500
2. A sum of money at SI doubles in 7 years. In C. Rs. 3,000 D. Rs. 2,000
how many years will it become 8 times? 8. What will be the CI on Rs. 1,000 for 3 years at
A. 28 years B. 16 years 10% p.a.?
C. 32 years D. 49 years A. Rs. 331 B. Rs. 330
3. A sum was put at simple interest at a certain C. Rs. 300 D. Rs. 361
rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 3% higher 9. Find the difference between SI and CI on
rate, it would have fetched Rs. 72 more, the Rs.700 at the rate of 10% for 3 years
sum is A. Rs. 20.90 B. Rs. 21.00
A. Rs. 1,200 B. Rs. 1,500 C. Rs. 21.70 D. Rs. 24.00
C. Rs. 1,600 D. Rs. 1,800 10. If CI for a certain sum of 2 years at 2% p.a. be
4. A sum of Rs. 1,550 was partly lent at 5% and Rs. 1,010. What is the principal?
8% p.a. simple interest. The total interest A. Rs. 20,000 B. Rs. 25,000
received after 3 years was Rs.300. The ratio of C. Rs. 25,250 D. Rs. 27,500
the money lent at 5% to that lent at 8% is 11. If I lend Rs. 5,000 for 3 years in two schemes,
A. 8:5 B. 5:8 at ….
C. 31:6 D. 16:15 (i) 11% SI
5. A man invested one-third of his capital at 7%, (ii) 10% CI, which is the beneficial scheme and
one fourth at 8% and the remainder at 10% by what amount?
simple interest, respectively. If his annual A. (i): Rs. 150 B. (ii): Rs. 50
income is Rs. 561, the capital is C. (ii): Rs. 5 D. (ii): Rs. 50
A. Rs. 5,400 B. Rs. 6,000 12. A sum of Rs. 12,000 deposited at compound
C. Rs. 6,600 D. Rs. 7,200 interest doubles after 5 years. After 20 years it
6. Rs. 2,189 is divided into three parts such that will become
their amounts after 1, 2 and 3 years respectively A. Rs. 1,20,000 B. Rs. 1,92,000
may be equal, the rate of simple interest being C. Rs. 1,24,000 D. Rs. 96,000
4% p.a. in all cases, the smallest part is 13. The least number of complete years in which a
A. Rs. 702 B. Rs. 389 sum of money invested at 20% compound
C. Rs. 756 D. Rs. 398 interest will be more than doubled is
A. 3 B. 7
- 20 -
Quantitative Aptitude
C. 5 D. 4 C. z2 = xy D. xyz = 1
14. A $ 500 investment and a $ 1,500 investment 20. If the simple interest on a sum of money for 3
have a combined yearly return of 8.5 per cent years at 5% per annum is Rs. 1,200. What is the
of the total of the two investments. If the $ 500 compounds interest for the same period at the
investment has a yearly return of 7 per cent, same rate?
what per cent yearly return does the $ 1,500 A. Rs. 1,260 B. Rs. 1,216
investment have? C. Rs. 1,264 D. Rs. 1,261
A. 9 B. 10 21. If the difference between the compound interest
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. D 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. D
21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. D 26. D 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. C
31. A
A. 15 km B. 18 km A. 1 B. 2
C. 20 km D. 22 km C. 3 D. Never
14. There is a circular track of length 400 metres. 20. A takes 9 strides to B’s 7 strides. A’s strides is
If A and B starts at the same point but in of 1 meter and B’s stride is of 1.2m. If B gets a
opposite direction with a speed of 8 m/s and 12 start of 24m, then what distance should A travel
beginning they will meet for the second time. A. 300 m B. 360 m
C. 40 Sec D. 3 min 20 Sec 21. A Tortoise and a Hare go for a race. The
15. In the above question when will they meet for Tortoise gets a head start of 100 m but Hare is
the first time at the starting point? 10 times faster. What is the distance travelled
for 90, A beats C by 10 points for 60. By How 22. A gives a start of 10m to B in a 100m race. B
gives a start to 25m to C in a 150m race. How
many can C beats B in a game of 70?
A. 7.5 B. 62.5 much start can A give to C in a 200m race?
C. 67.2 D. 2.8 A. 80 m B. 70 m
1 sec in a race of 120m. In how many seconds 23. In a circular track of length 100 m, three
does A complete the race? persons A, B and C start together. A and B start
18. A can beat B by 20 m and C can beat B by 40 direction at 15 m/s respectively. While C runs
m in race of 100 m. By how much can C beat A in the opposite direction at 15 m/s. When will
in the race? all the three meat for the first time at the starting
A. 75 m B. 70 m point?
C. 25 m D. 20 m A. 80 Sec B. 90 Sec
C. 100 Sec D. 120 Sec
24. There are two bridges separated by a distance puncture occurred 30 kms later he would have
of 1 km. A person starts rowing upstream from been only 15 min. late. Find his initial speed.
the bottom of first bridge and when he reaches A. 40 kmph B. 45 kmph
the bottom of second bridge he has seen a cork C. 50 kmph D. 60 kmph
floating down the river. He continued rowing 28. A starts form a place at 11:00 A.M. and travels
upstream for 15 minutes hen started rowing at a speed of 4 kmph, B starts from the same
downstream. Surprisingly, he has seen the cork place at 12:00 noon and travels with speeds of
at the bottom of first bridge. Find the speed of 1 kmph for 1 hour, 2 kmph for the next 1 hour,
river? 3 kmph for the next 1 hour and so on. At what
A. 2 kmph B. 1.8 kmph time will B catch up with A?
C. 1.8 m/s D. 2 m/sec A. 10 pm B. 9.24 pm
25. A son and father go for boating in river C. 8 pm D. 9.32 pm
upstream. After rowing for a mile son notices 29. Two toy cars, at a distance of 500 cm from each
the hat of his father falling in the river. After 5 other, moves towards each other by 100 cm at
min, he tells his father that his hat has fallen. So a speed of 50 cm/s and then moves backward
they turn around and are able to pick the hat the by 50 cm at a speed of 25 cm/s. How long will
point from where they began boating. What is it take for the cars to collides?
the speed of river? A. 15s B. 14s
A. 5 miles /hr B. 6 miles /hr C. 16s D. 10 s
C. 8 miles /hr D. 2 miles/hr 30. A and B run in opposite directions from a point
26. Two trains travelling in opposite directions at P on a circle with different but constant speed.
speed of 18 kmph each are 60 km apart. There A is running in clockwise direction. They meet
is a fly in one train. It files at 80 kmph. It starts for the first time at a distance of 900 m in
from the first train, hits the seconds train and clockwise direction form P and for the second
then returns back. In this way it oscillates time at a distance of 800 m in anticlockwise
between the two trains. At the instance when, direction from P. If B is yet to complete one
the two trains collide it dies. What is the total round. The circumference of the circle is
distance covered by the fly? A. 1500 m B. 1450 m
A. 111.11 km B. 120 km C. 1300 m D. 1200 m
C. 140 km D. 133.33 km 31. A Bird ‘A’ starts flying from P to Q at 9.00 a.m.
27. A person starts from Pune to Mumbai. After 1 and another bird ‘B’ starts flying from Q to P at
hr of journey his tyre gets punctured. He repairs 10:00 a.m. B is 50% faster than A. What is the
it in 10 min. He then travels the rest of the time at which they meet if P and Q are 300 kms
distance with a uniform speed of 30 km/hr and apart and A’s speed is 50 kmph?
reaches 30 min late at destination. Had the A. 12.8 noon B. 12:30 pm
C. 62.5 miles D. 160 miles of the original speed and reaches 45 minutes
35. Two persons are walking with the same speed late at station B. Had the accident taken place
along a track of rail in the opposite direction. A 50 km further on, it would have reached 30
minutes late at station B. what is the distance m/s. The bird starts flying towards the train, and
between station A and B? as soon as it reaches the train, it files back
A. 250 B. 200 towards the wall. It continues to do this to and
C. 180 D. 320 fro motion till the train crashes to the wall. If
39. A bus stared from the terminus at 8:00a.m. and the bird can fly at a speed of 120 kmph, find the
after 30 minutes staying at destination. It total distance covered by the bird while it was
returned back to the bus stand. The destination flying towards the wall.
is 27 miles from the bus stand. The speed of the A. 200 km B. 400 km
bus is 18 kmph. In return journey bus travels C. 600 km D. 800 km
50% faster speed. At what time it returns to the 43. My milk man delivers me milk daily at certain
bus terminus? time. One day, I started 30 minutes before from
A. 12 Noon B. 12:30 pm my home on my motor cycle and met the milk
C. 1:00 pm D. 11:00 am man on the way who was coming on his
40. A car is travelling at a uniform speed. The bicycle. I collected the milk and reached home
driver sees a milestone showing a 2 – digit in 10 minutes. What is the ratio of the speeds of
number. After travelling for an hour the driver motor cycle and bicycle?
sees another milestone with the same digits in A. 5:1 B. 4:1
the reverse order. After another hour the driver C. 3:1 D. 2:1
sees another milestone containing the same two 44. Sharukh works for Bata Consultancy Services
digits with a zero between them. What is the (BCS), and his wife Gowri works for
average speed of the driver? Microhard. On a particular Saturday Sharukh
A. 42 kmph B. 45 kmph went to office to complete a dead line, and his
C. 54 kmph D. 63 kmph wife told him that while returning she would
41. Every day a cyclist meet a train at a particular pick him up at his office (She starts form their
crossing. The road is straight before the home). But he completed his work 45 min
crossing and both travels in the same direction. earlier than expected, and without waiting for
The cyclist travels with a speed of 10kmph. his wife he started walking towards his house.
One day the cyclist comes late by 25 min. and On the way he met his wife who was coming
meets the train 5 km before the crossing. What and both reached home 20 minutes earlier than
is the speed of the train? expected. How much time did he walk?
A. 48 kmph B. 52 kmph A. 55 min B. 35 min
C. 60 kmph D. 66 kmph C. 30 min D. 25 min
42. A bird sitting on a wall, spots an approaching
train, which is 720 km away, and moving at 15
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
11. A 12. D 13. C 14. C 15. A 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. B
21. C 22. C 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C
31. A 32. A 33. C 34. C 35. B 36. B 37. A 38. A 39. D 40. B
1. A and B can do a job in 12 days and B and C times faster than A. How many days will they
do it in 16 days. After A has been working for take to do the work together?
5 days and B for 7 days, C finishes rest of the A. 3 days B. 8/9 days
work in 13 days. In how many days can C do C. 4 days D. 1 day
the work alone? 7. Pipe A can fill a tank in 30 mins and Pipe B can
A. 16 days B. 30 days fill it in 28 mins. If 3/4th of the tank is filled by
C. 36 days D. 24 days Pipe B alone and then both pipes are opened,
2. A, B and C can do a job in 11, 20 and 55 days how much time is required by both the pipes to
respectively. How soon can the work be done if fill the tank completely?
A is assisted by B and C on alternate days? A. 315/29 mins B. 105/29 mins
A. 7 days B. 9 days C. 420/29 mins D. 706/29 mins
C. 8 days D. 10 days 8. A certain number of men can finish a piece of
3. A does half as much work as B, and C does half work in 10 days. If however there were 10 men
As much work as A and B together in the same less it will take 10 days more for the work to be
time. If C alone can do the work in 40 days. All finished. How many men were there originally?
of them can together will finish the work in A. 10 men B. 30 men
A. 13 days B. 15 days C. 15 men D. 20 men
C. 20 days D. 13.33 days 9. 15 men take 21 days of 8 hours each to do piece
4. If two pipes operate simultaneously, a tank will of work. How many days of 6 hours each it
be full in 12 hr. If one pipe takes 10 hr less than would take for 21 women to do the same work
the other how much time does the other take to if 3 women do as much work as 2 men?
fill the tank? A. 30 B. 20
A. 25 hr B. 28 hr C. 19 D. 29
C. 30 hr D. 35 hr 10. 5 men or 8 women do equal amount of work in
5. A and B can finish a work in 45 and 40 days a day. A job requires 3 men and 5 women to
respectively. They worked for some days finish the job in 10 days. How many women are
together and then A left. The remaining work is required to finish the job in 14 days?
finished by B in 23 days. Find for how many A. 10 B. 7
days they worked together. C. 6 D. 12
A. 5 days B. 7 days 11. It takes 8, 12 and 16 days to A, B and C
C. 12 days D. 9 days respectively to complete a task. How many
6. A can finish a piece of work in 8 days, B can days will it take if A works on the job for 2 days
work three times faster than A, C can work five then B works on it until 25% of the job is left
for C to do, and C completes the work?
- 29 -
Quantitative Aptitude
C is a waste pipe meant for emptying it. After order. At last A completes the task. At what
opening both the pipes A and B, a man leaves time does A complete the task?
the cistern and return when the cistern should A. 12 am B. 1 am
have just been full. Finding however, that the C. 2 am D. 3 am
waste pipe was accidentally left open, he closes 24. Six people in a group shared and extra large
it and the cistern now fills in the 3 minutes. In pizza. They started together and ate half of it in
how much time can C alone empty the tank? some time. Then suddenly 2 more people from
A. 42 B. 45 another group joined them and those two of
C. 48 D. 52 them alone finished half of the remaining pizza
22. Two pipes A and B can separately fill a cistern in the same time. What is the ratio of time taken
in 7 ½ and 5 minutes respectively, and a waste to eat the pizza by one man from the initial
pipe C can carry off 14 litres per minute. If all group to one man from the second group to eat
the pipes are opened when the cistern is full, it the whole pizza?
is emptied in 1 hour. How many litres does it A. 3:1 B. 2:3
hold? C. 3:2 D. 1:3
A. 32 B. 35 25. A and B can fill a tank in 20 & 30 minutes
C. 40 D. 42 respectively and C & D can empty the same
23. Five people A, B, C, D and E working together tank in 30 & 40 minutes respectively. If the
at the same rate can complete a task in five order of opening the pipes is A, C, B & then D
hours. They all start together at 12 noon. After for one min each, what will be the total time to
1 hour E leaves the work. After an interval of fill the tank?
one hour D leaves and then C and B also leave A. 142 B. 147
after an interval of one hour each in the same C. 153 D. 161
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B
11. D 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. A
ALIEN, the country’s greatest forester can of 1.32 kms. How many saplings does he plant
carry only one sapling at a time and has to move in the process?
back to the original point to get the next A. 14 B. 13
sapling. In the manner he covers a total distance C. 12 D. 11
1. A rectangular filed is there of the dimension 7. A kite started rotating in a circle of diameter 12
40m×50m. A path of 1 m width surrounds the m at a height of 8 m from the ground when all
field from outside. What is the area of the path? the thread that is available is used. What is the
A. 184 B. 324 number of turns that the thread is wound on the
C. 124 D. 204 reel if the radius of the turn on the reel is 5/66
2. Given length = y, breadth = x cm? (Assume that each winding is circular in
Find the area not occupied by circles nature)
DIAGRAM A. 2100 B. 1680
A. 9x2(1 – π/4) B. 3x2(1 + π/4) C. 1980 D. 1320
C. 3x2π/4 D. 3x2(1 – π/4) 8. Seven circles of radius ‘r’ is kept in a square of
3. There is a square of side 6 cm. A circle is unit length as shown below. Find the radius of
inscribed inside the square. Find the ratio of the the small circle.
area of the circle to that of the square. DIAGRAM
A. 22/21 B. 14/11 A.
√ √
C. 28/11 D. 11/14
√ √
4. There are two circles, one circle is inscribed C. D.
√ √
1. How many arrangements can be made of the 7. The letters of the word BANANA are permuted
letters of the word “ASSASSINATION”? in in all possible ways and arranged as in a
how many of them are the vowels always dictionary. The rank of the word BANANA is
together? A. 30 B. 34
! ! ! ! ! ! C. 35 D. 36
A. ( ,( B. ( ,(
!) !) !) !)
! ! ! ! ! !
8. Using the digits of the decimal system, how
C. ( ,( D. ( ,(
!) !) !) !) many numbers lying between 5000 and 6000
E. None of these (both inclusive), can be formed if,
2. How many 4 letter words can be formed by (i) Repetition of digits is not allowed.
using the letters of the word
A. 1000 B. 10001
A. 13C4 B. 13P4 C. 504 D. 999
C. 445 D. 925
E. None of these
3. In how many ways can the letters of the word
ARRANGE be arrange so that (ii) Repetition of digits is allowed.
- 36 -
Quantitative Aptitude
22. Find the number of ways of diluting 5 balls to how many ways can 3 balls be drawn the box
3 boxes for the following cases so that at least 1 blue ball is always included in
(iii) Balls similar, Boxes distinct, A box can 26. In how many ways can a pack of cards be
28. How many ways a set of 52 cards are 40. Five friends are sitting around a table eating a
distributed to 4 persons so that each get 10, 12, bowl of grapes. There were a hundred grapes
14, 16 cards each. initially in the bowl. If the five friends finish off
29. In how many ways 24 persons be seated around the grapes, and each of them eats at least 10
a table, if there are 13 seats? grapes, in how many ways could they have
30. 5 Boys and 5 girls to be seated in a circular table distributed the grapes among themselves?
so that Boys and girls are seating alternatively. 41. Amy has 20 dimes and 4 pockets. In how many
31. If 2 dice are rolled, what is the number of ways ways can she put the coins into these pockets?
of getting a sum of 7 42. A group of 6 hunters went to hunt foxes. They
32. If 3 dice are rolled, what is the number of ways managed to bag a total of 20 foxes. In how
of getting a sum of 10 many different ways could they have done so?
33. If 4 dice are rolled, what is the number of ways 43. In how many ways could 28 identical marbles
of getting a sum of 15. be put into 8 boxes so that no box is empty?
34. On a rainy day, 10 Persons brought umbrellas 44. Rose Day is being celebrated in Bayport
to a party. While going out, 7 persons did not Engineering College, between them, the 18
pick up their own umbrella. How many ways it girls in the first year batch get 75 red roses. In
can be possible? how many ways could this happen, given that
35. On a ∆ ABC, on side AB 5 points are marked, each girl gets at least 2 red roses?
on side BC 4 points are marked, while on side 45. In an ice-cream eating competition, there are
AC 3 points are such that none of the points forty participants. Each of them eats at least 4
thus marked are on the vertex, then how many scoops of vanilla ice-cream and in all 250
triangles can be drawn by joining these points? scoops of vanilla ice-cream were consumed. In
36. 10 points are drawn in a plane such that 3 points how many ways could they have eat the ice-
are collinear. Then cream?
(i) How many straight lines can be drawn 46. In a test match innings, the total number of runs
by joining these points? scored by the 11 batsmen from England was
(ii) How many triangles can be drawn by 350. Given that no batsman failed to score, how
taking these points as the verticles? many different scorecards could be possible?
37. In how many ways can 5 apples be divided 47. Scrat has 24 acorns and 4 holes to hide them in.
between 2 people – Sid and Manny? In how many ways can he distribute the acorns
38. In how many ways can 5 apples be divided given that one particular hole, his favorite, must
among 3 people – Sid, Manny and Diego? have at least 10 acorns?
39. In how many ways can 15 chocolate eclairs be 48. In how many ways up-to 10 identical objects
distributed among 5 children, given that each can be distributed among 5 people?
child receives at least 1 éclair?
49. How many 4 digits number exists such that sum 51. How many numbers having up-to 4 digits exist
of digits is equal to 7? such that sum of digits is equal to 7?
50. How many 4 digits numbers exist such that sum 52. How many numbers having up-to 4 digits exist
of digits is up to 7? such that sum of digits is up-to 7?
C. × D. 7 + 7 is divisible by 5.
12. A man throws a fair coin a number of times and
gets 2 points for each head and 1 point for each
6. From the decade 1991-2000, one year is
trial. The probability that he gets exactly 6
selected at random. What is the probability that
points is
it is a leap year?
- 41 -
Quantitative Aptitude
13. {x, y} is a subset of the first 30 natural numbers 4. Ten cards numbered 1 to 10 are placed in a box
then the probability + is divisible by 3 is and one card is drawn randomly. If it is known
14. 3 numbers are selected from the first 15 natural that the drawn card is more than 3, what is the
numbers then the probability that they are in probability that it is an even no?
A.P is 5. A dice is thrown twice and sum is 6. If 4
15. 3 numbers are selected from 1 to 20. Find the appeared atleast one, what is the probability of
probability that they are in G.P getting sum 6.
16. The probability for India to win a game against 6. Suppose an urn contains 8 balls and 4 white
South Africa is 0.4. If India has an option of balls. We draw 2 balls without replacement.
playing either best of 3 or best of 5, which one What is the probability that both are red?
is better? 7. A bag contains 15 items, of which 4 are
17. If three dices are thrown simultaneously, what defective. The items are selected at random, not
is the probability that sum of the numbers on put back. What is the probability that 10th one
their top faces is 16? examined is last defective?
18. Two people agree to meet at a given place 8. A person has undertaken a construction job.
between noon and 1 pm. By agreement, the first The probabilities are 0.65 that there will be
to arrive will wait 15 minutes for the second, strike, 0.8 that the job will be completed on
after which he will leave. What is the time if there is no strike, 0.32 that the job will
probability that the meeting takes place? be completed on time. If there is a strike,
Conditional Probability and Baye’s theorem Determine the probability that the job will be
1. A bag contains 5 black and 3 red balls. A ball completed on time. If the job was completed on
is taken out of the bag and is not replaced. time, find the probability that there would be a
(a) What is the probability of drawing a red ball strike.
in the second draw if the ball in the first 9. There are 3 bags each containing 5 white and 2
draw is red? black balls, and 2 bags each containing 1 white
(b) What is the probability of drawing a black ball and 4 black ball. Find the probability A
ball in the second draw if the ball in the first black ball having been drawn, find the chance
draw is red? it came from the 1st group.
2. A coin is flipped twice. What is the probability 10. A speaks truth 3 out of 4 times, B speaks truth
that both flips results in heads given that first 7 out of 10 times. They both assert that a white
flip does? ball has been drawn from a bag containing 6
3. A family has two children. What is the balls of different colors. Find the probability of
probability that both boys are boys given that the truth of the assertion.
one of the children is boy? 11. There are four machines and it is known that 2
of them where faulty. They are tested, one by
one, in a random way. Find the probability that 15. A box contains 10 mangoes, out of which 4 are
only two tests are needed? rotten, 2 mangoes are taken out. If one of them
12. A box contains 6 white and 4 black balls. 2 balls is good. Find the probability that the other one
are taken at the same time. If one ball is white is good.
find the probability that the other one is white. 16. A person goes to office either by car, scooter,
13. 3 numbers are to be selected from the first 15 bus or train with probabilities 1/10, 1/5, 3/
natural numbers so that all the selected are 10, 2/5. The probabilities that he reaches office
consecutive or none of them are consecutive. late, if he takes car, scooter, bus or train is
14. A box contains 3 white and 2 red balls. If the 2/9, 1/9, 4/9, 1/9. If he reached office in time,
first drawn ball is not replaced. Find the the probability that he travelled by car is?
probability that the second ball drawn is red.
1. What is the maximum number of identical 8. How many cubes will have three faces colored?
pieces a cube can be cut into the three cuts? A. 24 B. 16
A. 9 B. 8 C. 8 D. 4
C. 7 D. 6 Directions for questions 9 to 13:
2. What is the maximum number of identical Two equidimensional cubes are joined face to
pieces a cube can be cut into by 6 cuts? face and are colored with red on all available
A. 12 B. 36 open faces. One cube is divided into 8 equal
C. 18 D. 27 pieces and the other cube is divided into 27
3. What is the maximum number of identical equal pieces.
pieces a cube can be cut into by 5 cuts? 9. How many cubes have three sides colored?
A. 25 B. 20 A. 2 B. 8
C. 18 D. 16 C. 9 D. 12
4. 125 small but identical cubes have been put 10. How many cubes have two sides colored?
together to form a large cube. How many more A. 10 B. 12
such small cubes will be required to cover this C. 16 D. 18
large cube completely? 11. How many cubes have at least one side
A. 208 B. 212 colored?
C. 218 D. 224 A. 24 B. 30
Directions for questions 5 to 8: C. 33 D. 35
Two cubes are joined together and colored 12. How many cubes have no sides colored?
golden of all available ten faces. Each cube is A. 0 B. 1
now cut into 27 pieces. C. 2 D. 4
5. How many cubes will remain uncolored? 13. How many cubes have only one side colored?
A. 16 B. 8 A. 1 B. 3
C. 4 D. 2 C. 7 D. 9
6. How many cubes will receive color on at least 14. A cube of side 6 cm has been cut into smaller
two faces? but identical cubes. It was estimated that it
A. 32 B. 28 could take 4 litres of paint to paint all the faces
C. 16 D. 8 of the original cube, and could take 12 litres of
7. How many cubes will have only one face paint to paint all the faces of the smaller cubes
colored? then how many smaller cubes are there?
A. 24 B. 18 A. 8 B. 27
C. 16 D. 8 C. 64 D. 125
- 44 -
Quantitative Aptitude
15. Each face of a cube is painted either white or A cube of 7 ×7 ×7 is kept in the
black. In how many different ways can the cube corner of a room and painted in three different
be painted? colors, each face in one color. The cube is cut
A. 8 B. 10 into 343 smaller but identical cubes.
C. 12 D. 16 21. How many smaller cubes do not have any face
Directions for questions 16 to 20: painted?
There is a cube in which one pair of opposite A. 125 B. 180
faces is painted red; the second pair of opposite C. 144 D. 216
faces is painted blue and the third pair of 22. How many smaller cubes have exactly one
opposite faces is painted green. This cube is color on them?
now cut into 216 smaller but identical cubes. A. 108 B. 72
16. How many small cubes are there with no red C. 36 D. 24
paint at all? 23. How many smaller cubes have at the most two
A. 121 B. 144 faces painted?
C. 169 D. 100 A. 343 B. 342
17. How many small cubes are there with at least C. 256 D. 282
two different colors on their faces? Directions for questions 24 to 26:
A. 49 B. 64 These questions are based on the following
C. 56 D. 81 information:
18. How many small cubes are there without any 216 similar cubes are taken and each cube is
face painted? painted green on all its faces. These cubes are
A. 64 B. 49 now arranged to form a large cube. Three faces
C. 36 D. 81 of the large cube are painted white, such that no
19. How many small cubes are there with only red two faces which are painted white are opposite
and green on their faces? to each others, and the remaining three faces are
A. 9 B. 12 panted saffron.
C. 27 D. 16 24. How many small cubes have all the three colors
20. How many small cubes are there showing only on them?
green or only blue on their faces? A. 36 B. 33
A. 64 B. 81 C. 30 D. 24
C. 125 D. 100 25. How many small cubes have exactly two colors
Directions for questions 21 to 23: on them?
These questions are based on the following A. 144 B. 122
information. C. 156 D. 108
26. How many cubes have at least one of their faces One hundred and twenty-five cubes of the same
painted twice? size are arranged in the form of a cube on a
A. 180 B. 144 table. Then a column of five cubes is removed
C. 160 D. 152 from each of the four corners. All the exposed
Directions for questions 27 to 28: faces of the rest of the solid (except the face
These questions are based on the following touching the table) are colored red.
information: 29. How many small cubes are there in the solid
A cube is to be painted with two faces in red, after the removal of the columns?
two faces in green and one face in blue. The A. 115 B. 105
other face is to be left unpainted. C. 109 D. 100
27. In how many different ways can the cube be 30. How many cubes do not have any colored face?
painted? A. 36 B. 32
A. 9 B. 8 C. 45 D. 27
C. 10 D. 7 31. How many cubes have only one red face each?
28. After painting, if the cube is cut into 64 smaller A. 9 B. 16
and identical cubes, what is the least number of C. 25 D. 32
smaller cubes that have only green color on 32. How many cubes have two colored faces each?
them? A. 32 B. 34
A. 8 B. 10 C. 42 D. 36
C. 12 D. 14 33. How many cubes have more than 3 colored
Directions for questions 29 to 33: faces each?
These questions are based on the following A. 4 B. 8
information. C. 12 D. 16
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C
11. C 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. A
21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. A
31. C 32. D 33. B
Here “p” and “q” are simple statements. 3. Either I give up or I work hard.
A. I am not going to give up, Hence I will work
Logical Implications Negations hard.
connectives B. I am not going to work hard, therefore I’ll
If p, then q ⟹ & − give up.
Whenever p, − ⟹ − − & C. I’ll give up, still I’ll keep on working hard.
then q D. Both A and B.
Only if p, ⟹ & − 4. Only if I revise regularly, I’ll get at least one
then q − ⟹− − & call.
A. I’m revising regularly, Hence I’ll get at
Either p or q − ⟹ − & −
least one call.
Unless p, − ⟹ − & −
B. I am not revising, Hence I’ll not get any
then q
C. I got three calls, means that I have revised
Directions for questions 1 to 5: Each question
below consists of a main statement followed by
D. Both B and C
four options. From the options, select the one
5. Unless I score well, I’ll not get selected.
that logically follows the main statement.
A. I was not selected, means that I did not
1. If it rains, then I wear a raincoat.
score well.
A. It is raining, Hence I wear a raincoat.
B. I am selected, implies that I scored well.
B. It is not raining, Hence I will not wear a
C. I did not score well, means that I will not be
C. I am not wearing a raincoat, means that it is
D. Both B and C
not raining.
Directions for questions 6 to 10:
D. Both A and C
In each question, there is a main statement
2. Whenever I go for shopping, I end up spending
followed by four statements a, b, c and d. From
the choices, choose the ordered pair in which
A. I went for shopping, means that I ended up
the first statement implies the second statement
spending less.
and the two are logically consistent with the
B. I did not go for shopping, implies that I did
main statement.
not spend more.
6. If Osama sings, then Saddam dances.
C. I did not spend more, means that I did not
a) Osama sang
go for shopping.
b) Osama did not sing
D. Both A and C.
c) Saddam danced
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Quantitative Aptitude
8. Sabu will stop crying, only if Chacha 11. If I take the medicine on time, then I will not
Choudhary gifts him a Chevrolet. harm you.
a) Chacha Choudhary gifted Sabu a A. I harmed you, although I took medicine on
Chevrolet. time.
b) Sabu stopped crying. B. I did not harm you, although I took the
c) Chacha Choudhary did not gift Sabu a medicine on time.
Chevrolet. C. I did not take the medicine on time, still I
d) Sabu will not stop crying. did not harm you.
D. None of the above.
A. Only ab B. Only cd
12. Dhoni scores runs, only if he is sent in at slog
C. Both ba and cd D. Both ab and dc overs.
9. I hear a motivational song, whenever India A. Dhoni did not score runs, although he was
wins. sent in at slog overs.
a) I heard a motivational song. B. Dhoni scored runs, although he was not sent
b) India did not win. in at slog overs.
c) India won. C. Dhoni was not sent in at slog overs and he
d) I did not hear a motivational song. did not score runs.
D. Dhoni scored runs, as he was sent in at slog
A. Only ca B. Only bd
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Quantitative Aptitude
13. Either I commit suicide or I get married. Directions for questions 17 to 25:
A. I did not commit suicide and I got married.
Each question below consists of a main
B. I did not get married and I committed
statement followed by four options. From the
options select the one that logically follows
C. I neither got married nor committed
the main statement.
D. All the above. 17. If I drive a car, then it is a BMW or a Skoda.
14. You cannot take leave, unless I allow you. A. I am driving a car, means that it is a BMW
B. I did not allow you, but still you took leave. B. The car is neither BMW nor a Skoda, Hence
C. I did not allow you, hence you did not take I do not drive the car.
15. Whenever I jump from Mt. Everest, I land on 18. If you clear the GD and the interview, then
A. I jumped from Mt. Everest and I landed on A. You cleared the GD and the interview,
B. I did not jump from a Mt. Everest but still I B. You were not selected but you cleared the
landed on the Great Wall of China. interview, implies that you have not cleared
although I jumped from Mt. Everest. C. You were not selected but you cleared the
D. I did not land on the Great Wall of China, GD, implies that you have not cleared the
16. I swim with sharks and count my chicken. D. All the above.
A. I swam with sharks but did not count my 19. If I have to clear the cut-offs in CAT, then I
B. I courted my chicken but did not swim with A. I cleared the cut-offs in CAT, implies I that
1. Statements: Conclusions:
Some cakes are toffees. I. Some married are doctors.
All toffees are chocolates. II. Some doctors are married.
Conclusions: 7. Statements:
I. Some chocolates are toffees. All men are dogs.
II. Some toffees are not cakes. All dogs are cars.
2. Statements: Conclusions:
All pins are guns. I. All men are cars.
Some boats are not poles. II. All cars are men.
Conclusions: 8. Statements:
I. All guns are boats. All huts are buildings.
II. Some boats are not guns. All buildings are temples.
3. Statements: Conclusions:
No man is poor. I. Some temples are huts
All men are rich. II. Some temples are buildings.
Conclusions: 9. Statements:
I. No man is rich All pens are dusters.
II. No man is poor. All chairs are dusters.
4. Statements: Conclusions:
Some girls are queens. I. Some pens are chairs.
All queens are beautiful II. Some dusters are pens.
Conclusions: 10. Statements:
I. All girls are beautiful Most engineers are boys.
II. All queens are girls Some boys are students.
5. Statements: Conclusions:
No magazine is crap. I. Some students are boys
All craps are cameras. II. Some engineers are students.
Conclusions: 11. Statements:
I. No camera is magazine. All educated people read Books.
II. Some cameras are magazines. Rahul does not read Books.
6. Statements: Conclusions:
All men are married. I. Rahul is not educated,
Some men are doctors.
- 51 -
Quantitative Aptitude
All film director are film stars. Some souls are angles.
Conclusions: All workers are angels.
I. All film directors are fight masters. Conclusions:
II. Some film stars are film directors. I. Some souls are workers.
24. Statements: II. Some workers are souls.
Some doctors are fools. 30. Statements:
Some fools are rich All buses fly.
Conclusions: Some scooters fly.
I. Some doctors are rich. Conclusions:
II. Some fools are not rich. I. All buses are scooters.
25. Statements: II. Some scooters do not fly.
All buns are cats. 31. Statements:
All fans are cats. Some adults are boys.
Conclusions: Some boys are old.
I. All buns are fans. Conclusions:
II. Some fans are cars. I. Some adults are not old.
26. Statements: II. Some boys are not old.
All jungles are deers. 32. Statements:
Some deers are horses. Some papers are pens.
Conclusions: Some pencils are pens.
I. Some horses are jungles. Conclusions:
II. No horse is jungle. I. Some pens are pencils.
27. Statements: II. Some pens are papers.
All actors are smokers. 33. Statements:
Some smokers are drunkards. Some mornings are nights.
Conclusions: Some nights are days.
I. All smokers are actors. Conclusions:
II. Some drunkards are not smokers. I. All days are either nights or mornings.
28. Statements: II. Some days are nights.
All pens are roads. 34. Statements:
All roads are doors. All fish are toys.
Conclusions: No toy is a crocodile.
I. All doors are pens. Conclusions:
II. Some doors are pens. I. No crocodile is a fish
29. Statements: II. No fish is a crocodile
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Quantitative Aptitude
11. A 12. E 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. E 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. D
21. D 22. C 23. E 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. D 30. D
31. D 32. E 33. B 34. E 35. E 36. E 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. C