Solar Powered Automatic Irrigation System: Dr.S.Lokesh Asp/Cse Hindusthan Institute of Technology Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Solar Powered Automatic Irrigation System: Dr.S.Lokesh Asp/Cse Hindusthan Institute of Technology Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Solar Powered Automatic Irrigation System: Dr.S.Lokesh Asp/Cse Hindusthan Institute of Technology Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Hindusthan Institute of Technology
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Department of CSE
Hindusthan Institute Of Technology
Department of CSE
Hindusthan Institute Of Technology
Department of CSE
Hindusthan Institute Of Technology
Department of CSE
Hindusthan Institute Of Technology
ln future, the Automated Irrigation System Using Linear
Programming provides to be a real time feedback control
system. This control system monitor at the same time the
cultivation of the entire irrigation system is controlled and
Relay module also efficient water management gives more profit in less cost.
Using this system, man power and water can be saved, as well
as with this system the productivity improved and ultimately
The proposed system will be very much useful to the
the profit. In future with some modification in this system can
farmers in order to save the limited water resource,
also supply agricultural chemicals like sodium, ammonium,
which is available for them. The solar based system
zinc, calcium to the field along with fertilizers by adding new
will reduce their dependency on power supply from
sensors and valves.
the grid. Also the battery backup helps them to use
the power at anytime they need it. The sensing
device in the tank to check level of water. The event [ I ] Chaitali R.Fule and Pranja li K. Awachat, “Des ign and
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