Jamia Transcript Form
Jamia Transcript Form
Jamia Transcript Form
Passport Size
Application Form for Issue of Official Transcript
Note: 1. Payment is to be made between 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m
2. Please read instruction given overleaf carefully before apply.
1. Name of Candidate……………………………………………………………
(In Block Letter)
2. Father’s Name ………………………………………………………………..
7. Have you applied for transcript earlier, if so, please mention the No. & Date …………………
Note: Write (in block letters) the name/s with full addresses of the University/ies for which official
transcript/s are to be addressed.
1. __________________________ 2. __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
3. __________________________ 4. __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
1. No transcript will be issued to any applicant until/unless the student the student encloses a copy of the
letter of the foreign university for which transcript is sought. The candidate is also requested to
mention the name of the foreign university with full address/es, where he/she wants to apply. No
transcript will be issued without any address of the foreign university.
2. Write your Name, Roll no. Name of exam, Year in which passed, subject etc. correctly and legibly.
3. The required transcript will be issued after a period of fifteen working days (two weeks or so)
excluding Saturday/Sunday and other holidays from the date of submission of application prescribed
fee of Rs. 200/- per copy of transcript.
4. One photocopy of the Mark sheet of the Final Examination may be enclosed with the application
form for which transcript is required.
5. The candidate is required to enclose a photocopy of the Mark sheet of each year.
6. The result of the student i.e. name, examination, year, mark obtained and division will be verified by
this office and the same will be delivered to the student in a sealed envelop after weighing the same
from the Post Office, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025 after obtaining the same from this