Study Drones in Construction
Study Drones in Construction
Study Drones in Construction
This market analysis report focuses on the industrial. While there are some signifi- Users have been exhibiting a cautious op-
engineering design tools (EDT) and build- cant differences, industrial plants are re- timism toward drones in construction, but
ing information modeling (BIM) applica- ported under buildings. their time has come. It’s now a question of
tions that use high-resolution imagery cap- Infrastructure is often called heavy civil or just where and how drones can be utilized
tured from a drone for construction and heavy engineering that includes large pub- in commercial applications. So how can
infrastructure projects. A drone, with its lic works, dams, bridges, highways, rail- suppliers get the construction users into
onboard camera, is just a tool for capturing ways, seaports, airports, water or the program sooner than later?
images, and the EDT and BIM are the true wastewater, and utility distribution. This • Are different strategies required for us-
essence of the construction industry, re- segment of the market is more conducive ers vs. suppliers?
gardless of where the data capture inputs for drones because of the larger areas and • Which type of construction has the big-
come from. distances involved, and both developed gest potential?
Drones are increasingly becoming the pre- and developing regions see infrastructure • Understanding the elements to having
ferred image capture vehicle for construc- as a top priority. own drone program?
tion projects across the entire spectrum of While this report touches on the three dis- • Are drones valuable tools for the con-
building and infrastructure environments ciplines involved – drones, construction, struction industry?
with photogrammetry determining the ge- and EDT/BIM – the analysis is on the spot RESEARCH FORMATS
ometric properties of objects from photo- where the three come together.
graphic images. This ARC research is available in the form
For more information, please visit us at
This report identifies three sectors of con- of a concise, executive-level Market Analy-
struction: buildings, infrastructure, and sis Report (PDF).