Electric Characteristics of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules
Electric Characteristics of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules
Electric Characteristics of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules
Learning outcomes
A PV cell is in fact a well-known electronic component called “LED” (Light Emitting Diode), a
component that lets pass the electric current in one direction (with a voltage drop of about 0.6 volt)
and that blocks its passage in the other direction.
In the case of a PV cell, we try to keep the surface of the junction as wide as possible to collect the
maximum of solar energy.
The simplified electric diagram of such a PV cell is shown in the following figure:
At the two poles of photovoltaic cell, electrical energy is recovered under the form of a voltage Vp
and of a current IP.
The equation between IP and Vp is the following: Ip ⁄ 1
On this curve, one can recognize the curve of the diode (to the bottom because of the sign - in the
equation) and shifted to the top of the value ICC from the current generated by luminous radiance.
Note that, while varying Vpm from 0 to Voc (or IP from 0 to ICC), the power starts from 0W to go up to
reach Pmax, then to go down again to 0W.
The output of luminous energy conversion in electrical energy of a photovoltaic cell of surface S, of a
Pmax power under a luminous radiance Irrad is the following:
$%&' ( ⁄) *+
,,&- ( ⁄*²
One define also a factor of form (or fill factor), noted FF, representing the quality of a photovoltaic
01% 2 1%
03! 2 44
The typical factors of form for various photovoltaic technologies are the following:
According to photovoltaic technologies of cells, the layout of the equation IP = f(Vp) keeps the same
form but the values of no-load voltage are slightly different and especially, for the same surface, the
currents of short-circuit are different because the output conversion yields are different for each
Figure 3: layout of the equation Ip = f(Vp) for the different PV kind of cells
Here are the typical conversion efficiencies for various photovoltaic technologies:
The voltage of 0.5 V delivered by a photovoltaic cell is much too weak for most implementations. To
increase the voltage, the photovoltaic modules are composed of photovoltaic cells assembled in
series to increase the voltage.
Historically, the first photovoltaic modules included 36 PV cells in series (0.5 V). They were used in
isolated sites to charge the 12 volts lead-acid batteries and, because of that, these modules are
known as the 12V type. The voltage of 18 volts makes it possible to charge 12V batteries until fully
charged (typically 14.8 volts), even with a weak irradiation (where the voltage slightly drops).
Currently, there is no market for battery chargers since most of the photovoltaic installations in the
world are connected to grid, so the number of the cells in series can be higher, in general of 48, 54,
60, 72, 96 cells (standard of 60 cells).
In short, the photovoltaic cells are assembled in series to create photovoltaic modules, then the
modules are assembled in series and in parallel to form photovoltaic fields.
The electric characteristics of PV modules are given into one point of operation described under the
term of STC (Standard Test Conditions), which are:
- solar irradiation of 1,000 W/m ²
- solar spectrum AM 1.5
- temperature of 25°C
- VOC, No-load Voltage (Intensity = 0A) in volt (21 volts on the curve)
- Short-circuit Intensity ICC (tension = 0V) in A (6A on the curve)
- typical voltage of use at the point of maximum output Vtyp in volt (18 volts on the curve)
- typical Intensity of use at the point of maximum output Ityp in A (5.6 A on the curve)
- the point of maximum output, Pmax in W (102 W on the curve)
At the point of function described as STC conditions (1 000 W/m ², spectrum AM1.5 and 25°C), the
maximum capacity is the peak power Pc of the photovoltaic module, this peak power is expressed
in Watts Peak.
According to the curves plotted above for various radiances (1000, 750 and 400W/m², and a surface
cell temperature of 25°C), one notes that the optimum point of operation in power is variable in
current and voltage. That means, for the load connected to a module (or a photovoltaic field) to
function at this optimum power, the installation will have to include an electronic device that will
search for this point of maximum power. This system is called MPPT (for Maximum Power Point
Tracking). Typically, inverters include this function.
Relation between surface S (in m²), the output of luminous energy conversion into electrical energy
(Rmod) and the peak power of a photovoltaic module (in Wp).
5678 9 ⁄: %;
On the basis of the formula for the output of a cell: !"## <==7> 9⁄%²
already considered
before and by remembering that the power peak Pc is defined under conditions STC, we can write:
For example, a module of two m² with an output of 0.15 (or 15%), it has a peak power of:
Note: the output of a photovoltaic module is generally slightly lower than the output of the cells it is
made of, because surface is lost between the cells and it is also necessary to count the surface of the
framework. For example, a photovoltaic module with an output of 12% may contain cells with an
individual output of 14%.
Influence of the solar radiance on the curves voltage-intensity for a given photovoltaic module:
Figure 5 : Influence of the solar radiance on the curves voltage-intensity for a given photovoltaic
module. Example for a module from PHOTOWATT company, type PW6-110
The intensity is a linear function l of radiance (and the surface of the cells), the voltage is a
logarithmic function of the radiance (and of the number cells in series) but relatively near to the
value under STC conditions.
So at first approximation, we can write that the electric output is a linear function of radiance, which
makes possible to calculate the electric output (at the point of maximum power) for any radiance.
These formulas do not seem homogeneous but it should be remembered that “Watt peak” is not a SI
unit and that it expresses the electric power recovered under a luminous radiance of 1 kW/m².
For example, a PV module of 300 Wp under a radiance of 600 W/m² will produce an electric output of
EP = 300 Wp × 0.6 kW/m² = 180 W (attention, it is a first approximation).
The graph below represents the standardized output at the point of STC conditions (thus a radiance
of 1000 W/m ²) according to radiance for various technologies of photovoltaic modules.
Figure 6: Standardized output at the point of STC conditions (radiance
radiance of 1000 W/m ²) according
accordin to
radiance for various technologies of photovoltaic modules for different technologies.
On these curves, it has to be noted that for amorphous technology silicon (a-Si,
( , in red and blue), the
output is slightly higher than the output standardized for most radiances, but near 1,
1 except when
they are weak where the output falls. For
Fo crystalline technologies (C-Si and P-Si, green and pink), the
output is slightly lower than the output standardized for most radiances,
radiances, but near to 1,
1 except when
the radiance is weak, where the output falls.
This shows that the formula used to calculate the electric output according to radiance is valid as a
first approximation for radiances ranging between 100 and 1000 W/m ². Software
oftware for photovoltaic
simulation (such as the well-known
known PVsyst and PV-SOL) make it possible to perform more precise
calculations because they take into account all of these losses by calculating them.
Influence of the temperature on the electric characteristics
Influence of the temperature on the voltage-intensity curves of a photovoltaic module:
Figure 7: Influence of the temperature, Example for a module from PHOTOWATT Company, type
From these curves, it is noted that the intensity increases slightly according to the temperature (+2
mA per °C, so +0.028% per °C).
One notes that the voltage decreases significantly according to the temperature (-79 mV per °C, so -
0.47% per °C).
Consequently, the power at the point of maximum power decreases by -0.43% per °C.
For example, this 110 Wp photovoltaic module, under a radiance of 800 W/m ² and with a cell
temperature of 55 °C will produce an electric output Pe of:
The TUC or the NOCT represents the temperature reached by a cell encapsulated in a module in open
circuit, under an irradiation of 800W/m ², an ambient temperature of 20°C, an angle of 45°and a
wind speed of 1 m/s.
From the TUC or NOCT figures, it is possible to approximately calculate the temperature reached by a
cell in a module (Tcell) according to solar radiance (Irrad) and the ambient temperature (Tamb).
<,,&- "O 9⁄%²
GH II @° GK*L @° 2 GM @° 20° 2 PQQ 9/%²
For example, a photovoltaic module of TUC = 47°C, under a radiance Irrad of 1,000 W/m² and with an
ambient temperature Ta = 30°C, the temperature of cell will be :
Note, the TUC and NOCT are given for free field conditions: for an integration on a roof, the
temperature will be higher and hard to estimate, according to the type of integration.
The effect of the temperature coefficients on the power for various technologies are the following:
Technology Cadmium Tellurium (CdT): -0,25%/°C (not presented in the above graph)
One notes that technologies having a relatively low output also have low temperature coefficients,
therefore lower losses due to the temperature increase of the module under the effect of solar
radiance. Thus, they will have lower losses for the same power peak with higher efficiency
technologies but, on the other hand, it will be necessary to install a larger surface, which is a
Another point, in spite of the lowest loss ratio for poor yield technologies, at a temperature of 70°C,
it is always the crystalline silicon technology that maintains the best conversion efficiency.
Time-related degradation of crystalline silicon PV modules
This study originates from LEEE TISO, performed in Switzerland on 288 modules ARCO Solar ASI 16-
2300 m-Si of 37 Wp each, installed on May 13th, 1982.
It is noted that among the 288 modules, 252 are still functional, which corresponds to a loss of 12.5%
after 20 years.
In addition, over the 252 functional modules remaining, the production loss is 0.2% per annum,
which is very low.
To all appearances, these modules that were manufactured in 1983 were proven to be reliable.
According to a study made by the US NREL, 'Outdoor PV degradation comparison' in June 2010,
studying the degradation rate uncertainty vs observation time for different PV technologies, the
results were:
It is noted that the production loss in photovoltaic energy is roughly not significant during the first
years of use, especially for amorphous silicon technology. After a few years, the annual loss on the
photovoltaic production is stabilized to 0.2% per annum, which is very low. To compare with the
20% maximum loss guarantee after 20 years given by the majority of the PV module manufacturers,
that is to say 1% per annum, far greater than the research results. PV modules are proven highly
reliable on this point.
Comparison of production between various technologies
A study performed by the University of Stuttgart on the energy production of 13 sites in Germany
and in Cyprus using various technologies.
From the graph above, one notes that no technology is frankly more advantageous than another (it is
said that amorphous silicon is better in the countries with strong nebulosity but that is not
confirmed), and that dispersion within the same technology seems larger than that between
Advantages and disadvantages of solar photovoltaic
- High investment cost, need for subsidies, dependence on political decisions and policies
- Difficulty to recycle components that must resist more than 20 years even in bad weather
Stuart R Wenham (Editor), Martin A Green (Editor), Muriel E Watt (Editor), Richard Corkish (Editor), "Applied
Photovoltaics", Routledge, 2013.