EM - Solutions To Question Bank 2022-23
EM - Solutions To Question Bank 2022-23
EM - Solutions To Question Bank 2022-23
Module-1: DC MOTORS
1. What is Back EMF and its significance? Derive Torque equation of a DC Motor. Dec.2017/
Jan.2018. (06 Marks), June/July 2019. (06 Marks)
2. Explain the significance of Back EMF in DC motors? Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (04 Marks)
3. List the application of DC motors. Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (04 Marks), June/July 2017. (05
Applications of DC Motors:
(1) DC Shunt Motor: When constant speed is required DC shunt motors are used.
Example: Lathes, Centrifugal pumps, fans, drilling machines. etc.
(2) DC Series Motor: For high starting torque we prefer DC series motor. Example: Electric
traction, electric locomotive, cranes, hoists, conveyors etc.
(3) DC Compound Motor: When we require constant speed and high starting torque
Cumulative compound motors are preferred. Example: shears, punches, coal cutting
machine, elevators, conveyors, printing presses etc. Differential compound motors have
no practical applications (being unstable).
5. Describe with neat sketch the working of three-point starter. Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (06 Marks),
June/July 2017. (05 Marks), June/July 2019. (10 Marks)
• L, F, A are the three terminals of the starter, to which external connections are made.
• R is the starting resistance, which is divided into various studs.
• To start the motor, close the supply switch and the brass arm L is moved to the right to
touch stud no.1 of R.
• It also touches the brass arc, thus current will flow through shunt field winding as well as
the armature.
• The motor starts rotating, the starting arm is moved gradually and completely when the
speed is above 50% of its rated speed.
• Speed can be increased by field rheostat Rh if required.
• As long as motor is running and the supply is on, the brass arm L is held in the ON
position by the electromagnet E.
There are two protective devices in the starter, one is the electromagnet, (hold on coil).
• Under running condition when the power fails electromagnet E de-energizes and the
spring S attached to the brass arm pulls back to OFF position.
• The electromagnet E also prevents the motor from reaching dangerously high speed,
when the field circuit is opened under running condition.
The second protective device is an electromagnet M which, is known as the “over load
release” (over load protection).
• When the current increases beyond the rated value, M attracts D; thereby short circuiting
the electromagnet E. The electromagnet E gets de- energized and hence the arm L is
pulled back to OFF position.
This starter is normally used for starting D.C shunt motors
6. Draw the power flow diagram of a DC motor and Derive the condition for maximum efficiency.
Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (06 Marks), June/July 2019. (05 Marks)
Apart from the major losses as enumerated above there may be a small amount loss
called stray loss occur in a machine. Stray losses are difficult to account. Power flow
diagram of a d.c motor is shown in figure 40.1. A portion of the input power is consumed
by the field circuit as field copper loss. The remaining power is the power which goes to
the armature; a portion of which is lost as core loss in the armature core and armature
copper loss. Remaining power is the gross mechanical power developed of which a
portion will be lost as friction and remaining power will be the net mechanical power
developed. Obviously efficiency of the motor will be given by:
Similar power flow diagram of a d.c generator can be drawn to show various losses and
input, output power.
Here we shall see that similar condition also exists for obtaining maximum efficiency in a d.c shunt
machine as well.
Now the armature copper loss 2aaIrcan be approximated to 2LaIras aII≈. This is because the
order of field current may be 3 to 5% of the rated current. Except for very lightly loaded motor,
this assumption is reasonably fair. Therefore replacing Ia by If in the above expression for
Thus, we get a simplified expression for motor efficiency mη in terms of the variable current
(which depends on degree of loading) I , current drawn from the supply. So to find out the
condition for maximum efficiency, we have to differentiate mη with respect to I and set it to
7. Derive the torque equation of DC motor. Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (05 Marks), June/July 2017. (05
Marks), June/July 2019. (05 Marks)
Torque Equation:
Torque is the turning moment about its axis. It is also equal to Force x Distance.
The actual torque or shaft torque (torque available at the shaft) or Useful torque = Tsh = Ta – TL
whereTsh = shaft torque
Ta = armature torque
TL = lost torque due to iron losses and mechanical losses
Output = 2NTsh /60
Tsh = output x 60 / 2N
If output is in Horse Power,
Tsh = output in H.P x 735.5/(2N/60) N-M
2. Armature copper loss: It is power loss in the armature circuit and equal to 2aaIR Since the
value of armature current is decided by the load, armature copper loss becomes a function
of time.
3. Core loss: It is the sum of eddy current and hysteresis loss and occurs mainly in the rotor
iron parts of armature. With constant field current and if speed does not vary much with
loading, core loss may be assumed to be constant.
4. Mechanical loss: It is the sum of bearing friction loss and the windage loss (friction loss
due to armature rotation in air). For practically constant speed operation, this loss too,
may be assumed to be constant.
Apart from the major losses as enumerated above there may be a small amount loss called stray loss
occur in a machine.
1. With a neat sketch explain Ward- Leonard method of speed control of dc motor. June/July 2017.
(05 Marks)
connection uses two rheostats in parallel to facilitate reversal of generator field current.
First the induction motor is started with generator field current zero (by adjusting the
jockey positions of the rheostats). Field supply of the motor is switched on with motor field
rheostat set to zero. The applied voltage to the motor Va , can now be gradually increased to the
rated value by slowly increasing the generator field current. In this scheme, no starter is required
for the d.c motor as the applied voltage to the armature is gradually increased. To control the
speed of the d.c motor below base speed by armature voltage, excitation of the d.c generator is
varied, while to control the speed above base speed field current of the d.c motor is varied
maintaining constant Va . Reversal of direction of rotation of the motor can be obtained by
adjusting jockeys of the generator field rheostats. Although, wide range smooth speed control is
achieved, the cost involved is rather high as we require one additional d.c generator and a 3-
phase induction motor of simialr rating as that of the d.c motor whose speed is intended to be
In present day, variable d.c supply can easily be obtained from a.c supply by using
controlled rectifiers thus avoiding the use of additional induction motor and generator set to
implement Ward leonard method.
2. With neat diagram, Explain the Swinburne’s test on a DC motor, mention its demerits of this test.
Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (05 Marks), Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (05 Marks), June/July 2017. (05
For a d.c shunt motor change of speed from no load to full load is quite small. Therefore,
mechanical loss can be assumed to remain same from no load to full load. Also if field current is
held constant during loading, the core loss too can be assumed to remain same.
In this test, the motor is run at rated speed under no load condition at rated voltage. The current
drawn from the supply IL0 and the field current If are recorded . Now we note that:
Since the motor is operating under no load condition, net mechanical output power is zero.
Hence the gross power developed by the armature must supply the core loss and friction &
windage losses of the motor. Therefore,
Since, both P and P for a shunt motor remains practically constant from no load to full
core friction
load, the sum of these losses is called constant rotational loss i.e.,
In the Swinburne's test, the constant rotational loss comprising of core and friction loss is
estimated from the above equation.
After knowing the value of Prot from the Swinburne's test, we can fairly estimate the efficiency of
the motor at any loading condition. Let the motor be loaded such that new current drawn from
the supply is IL and the new armature current is Ia as shown in figure 40.4. To estimate the
Output power
The biggest advantage of Swinburne's test is that the shunt machine is to be run as motor
under no load condition requiring little power to be drawn from the supply; based on the no load
reading, efficiency can be predicted for any load current. However, this test is not sufficient if we
want to know more about its performance (effect of armature reaction, temperature rise,
commutation etc.) when it is actually loaded. Obviously the solution is to load the machine by
connecting mechanical load directly on the shaft for motor or by connecting loading rheostat
across the terminals for generator operation. This although sounds simple but difficult to
implement in the laboratory for high rating machines (say above 20 kW), Thus the laboratory
must have proper supply to deliver such a large power corresponding to the rating of the
machine. Secondly, one should have loads to absorb this power.
3. Derive Torque Equation of 3 phase Induction Motor and condition for maximum torque.
Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (05 Marks), June/July 2017. (05 Marks)
4. What is slip? Derive the maximum torque equation of an induction motor. Dec.2017/ Jan.2018.
(06 Marks)
Generally, the stator supply voltage V is constant so that flux per pole f set up by the stator is
also fixed. This in turn means that e.m.f. E2 induced in the rotor will be constant
It can be proved that starting torque will be maximum when rotor resistance/phase is equal to
standstill rotor reactance/phase.
5. Explain the effect of rotor resistance on maximum torque and slip of an Induction Motor.
Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (04 Marks)
Hence starting torque will be maximum when: Rotor resistance/phase = Standstill rotor
reactance/phase Under the condition of maximum starting torque, f2 = 45° and rotor power
factor is 0.707 lagging [See Fig. (ii))]. Fig. (i) shows the variation of starting torque with rotor
resistance. As the rotor resistance is increased from a relatively low value, the starting torque
increases until it becomes maximum when R2 = X2. If the rotor resistance is increased beyond
this optimum value, the starting torque will decrease.
6. Draw and explain the torque- slip characteristics covering motoring, generating, and breaking
regions of operation. Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (06 Marks), June/July 2017. (05 Marks), June/July
2019. (10 Marks)
Torque-Slip Characteristics
The motor torque under running conditions is given by;
If a curve is drawn between the torque and slip for a particular value of rotor resistance
R2, the graph thus obtained is called torque-slip characteristic. Fig shows a family of torque-slip
characteristics for a slip-range from s = 0 to s = 1 for various values of rotor resistance.
Hence torque slip curve is a straight line from zero slip to a slip that corresponds to full-load.
(iii) As slip increases beyond full-load slip, the torque increases and becomes maximum at s =
R2/X2. This maximum torque in an induction motor is called pull-out torque or break-down
torque. Its value is at least twice the full-load value when the motor is operated at rated voltage
and frequency.
Thus the torque is now inversely proportional to slip. Hence torque-slip curve is a rectangular
(v) The maximum torque remains the same and is independent of the value of rotor resistance.
Therefore, the addition of resistance to the rotor circuit does not change the value of maximum
torque but it only changes the value of slip at which maximum torque occurs.
1. Derive the approximate equivalent circuit referred to stator of an Induction Motor. Dec.2017/
Jan.2018. (06 Marks), June/July 2017. (05 Marks), June/July 2019. (10 Marks)
Equivalent Circuit
It is often required to make quantitative predictions about the behavior of the induction
machine, under various operating conditions. For this purpose, it is convenient to represent the
machine as an equivalent circuit under sinusoidal steady state operating conditions. Since the
operation is balanced, a single-phase equivalent circuit is sufficient for most purposes. In order to
derive the equivalent circuit, let us consider a machine with an open circuited rotor. Since no
current can ow and as a consequence no torque can be produced, the situation is like a
transformer open-circuited on the secondary (rotor). The equivalent circuit under this condition
can be drawn as shown in fig.
Approximate Equivalent Circuit of Induction Motor
As in case of a transformer, the approximate equivalent circuit of an induction motor is
obtained by shifting the shunt branch (Rc - Xm) to the input terminals as shown in Fig. This step
has been taken on the assumption that voltage drop in R1 and X1 is small and the terminal
voltage V1 does not appreciably differ from the induced voltage E1. Fig shows the approximate
equivalent circuit per phase of an induction motor where all values have been referred to primary
(i.e., stator).
The above approximate circuit of induction motor is not so readily justified as with the
transformer. This is due to the following reasons:
(i) Unlike that of a power transformer, the magnetic circuit of the induction motor has an air-gap.
Therefore, the exciting current of induction motor (30 to 40% of full-load current) is much
higher than that of the power transformer. Consequently, the exact equivalent circuit must be
used for accurate results.
(ii) The relative values of X1 and X2 in an induction motor are larger than the corresponding
ones to be found in the transformer. This fact does not justify the use of approximate equivalent
(iii) In a transformer, the windings are concentrated whereas in an induction motor, the windings
are distributed. This affects the transformation ratio.
In spite of the above drawbacks of approximate equivalent circuit, it yields results that
are satisfactory for large motors. However, approximate equivalent circuit is not justified for
small motors.
2. Explain With neat diagram the blocked rotor test on an induction motor. Dec.2017/
Jan.2018. (05 Marks), June/July 2019. (10 Marks)
3. Explain No load and blocked rotor test conducted on 3 phase induction motor to construct
circle diagram. Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (06 Marks), June/July 2019. (10 Marks)
Vs; Is and Ps are measured with appropriate meters. With Rm known from eqn, Xm can be
found from eqn. The current drawn is at low power factor and hence a suitable wattmeter should
be used
Blocked-rotor Test
In this test the rotor is prevented from rotation by mechanical means and hence the name.
Since there is no rotation, slip of operation is unity, s = 1. The equivalent circuit valid under
these conditions is shown in fig. 21(b). Since the current drawn is decided by the resistance and
leakage impedances alone, the magnitude can be very high when rated voltage is applied.
Therefore in this test, only small voltages are applied | just enough to cause rated current to flow.
While the current magnitude depends on the resistance and the reactance, the power drawn
depends on the resistance The parameters may then be determined as follows. The source current
and power drawn may be written as
In the test Vs; Is and Ps are measured with appropriate meters. Above equation enables
us to compute(Rs + R0r). Once this is known, (Xs + X0r) may be computed from the equation
Note that this test only enables us to determine the series combination of the resistance and the
reactance only and not the individual values. Generally, the individual values are assumed to be
equal; the assumption Rs = R'r, and Xs = X'r suffices for most purposes. In practice, there are
differences. If more accurate estimates are required IEEE guidelines may be followed which
depend on the size of the machine.
Note that these two tests determine the equivalent circuit parameters in a `Stator-referred'
sense, i.e., the rotor resistance and leakage inductance are not the actual values but what they
'appear to be' when looked at from the stator. This is sufficient for most purposes as
interconnections to the external world are generally done at the stator terminals.
4. Draw a circle diagram for a 20HP, 50Hz, 3 phase, star connected IM with following data.
No Load Test: 400V, 9A, 0.2 Pf lagging
Block rotor test: 200V, 50A, 0.4 P.F lagging. Dec.2018/ Jan.2019
400V, 11KW, 3-phase,50Hz 4 poles Delta connected induction motor gave the following test data:
No Load test: 400V, 8A, 1000W
Locked rotor test: 100V, 25A, 1750W
Construct the circle diagram and determine
i) Full load current and power factor.
ii) Maximum possible power output.
iii) The best possible operating factor
5. Explain the concept of Cogging & Crawling in Induction Motors. June/June 2017. (05
6. With neat diagram explain the construction of rotor of a Double cage Induction Motor.
Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (05 Marks), Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (05 Marks)
As the name suggests, the rotor of this motor has two squirrel-cage windings located one above
the other as shown in Fig.(i).
(i) The outer winding consists of bars of smaller cross-section short-circuited by end rings.
Therefore, the resistance of this winding is high. Since the 224 outer winding has relatively open
slots and a poorer flux path around its bars [See Fig.(ii)], it has a low inductance. Thus the
resistance of the outer squirrel-cage winding is high and its inductance is low.
(ii) The inner winding consists of bars of greater cross-section short-circuited by end rings.
Therefore, the resistance of this winding is low. Since the bars of the inner winding are
thoroughly buried in iron, it has a high inductance [See Fig. (8.35 (ii))]. Thus the resistance of the
inner squirrel cage winding is low and its inductance is high.
When a rotating magnetic field sweeps across the two windings, equal e.m.f.s are induced in
(i) At starting, the rotor frequency is the same as that of the line (i.e., 50 Hz), making the
reactance of the lower winding much higher than that of the upper winding. Because of the high
reactance of the lower winding, nearly all the rotor current flows in the high-resistance outer cage
winding. This provides the good starting characteristics of a high-resistance cage winding. Thus
the outer winding gives high starting torque at low starting current.
(ii) As the motor accelerates, the rotor frequency decreases, thereby lowering the reactance of the
inner winding, allowing it to carry a larger proportion of the total rotor current At the normal
operating speed of the motor, the rotor frequency is so low (2 to 3 Hz) that nearly all the rotor
current flows in the low-resistance inner cage winding. This results in good operating efficiency
and speed regulation. Fig. (a) shows the operating characteristics of double squirrel-cage motor.
The starting torque of this motor ranges from 200 to 250 percent of full-load torque with
a starting current of 4 to 6 times the full-load value. It is classed as a high-torque, low starting
current motor.
7. Explain the stand-alone operation of the Induction generator. Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (05
Marks), Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (05 Marks)
The function of the capacitor bank is to provide the lagging reactive power to the induction
generator as well as load. So mathematically we can write total reactive power provided by the
capacitor bank is equals to the summation of the reactive power consumed by the induction
generator as well as the load. There is generation of small terminal voltage (as in figure given
below) across the stator terminal due the residual magnetism when the rotor of the induction
machine runs at the required speed. Due to this voltage the capacitor current is produced. The
current sends current od which generates the voltage.
1. Discuss with a neat sketch the working of DOL starter. Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (05 Marks)
Direct online starters
M2 and M3 . Then, the motor windings get full supply through back-up fuses e1, e¢2, e²1and
bimetallic relays O1, O2 and O3 and the motor starts running. An auxiliary contact A in C1
retains the contactor in closed position after the release of start switch S1. An overload tripping
device e1, working in conjunction with bimetallic relays, is placed in series with the contactor
coil, so that during sustained overload, this opens and the motor stops automatically. For
stopping the motor any time, a stop button is provided in series with the contactor coil.
2. Why starter is necessary to start all induction motor? Explain in detail auto-transformer method of
starting a cage induction motor. June/July 2019. (10 Marks)
Auto-Transformer in the First Step Starters
In this type of starter, (A.T) it attains the reduced voltage by means of an auto
transformer at the start. After a definite time, interval (about 15 sec.), and after the motor
accelerates, it is transferred from the reduced voltage to 133 the full voltage in the second step.
A. T. are generally provided with voltage drops to give 40%, 60%, 75% and 100% line voltage.
The starting current and starting torque depends on the tapping selected. In the third step, the
change-over switch may be hand operated or automatic through time relay which connects the
motor finally to the line by changing over from position A to B.
Advantages of A.T. Starters
(i) Greater efficiency.
(ii) Taps on the transformer allow adjustment of starting torque to meet the particular
Disadvantages of A. T. Starters
(i) It opens the circuit before the motor is connected directly to the line, thus producing transient
current and stresses.
(ii) It reduces the p.f. of the circuit.
(iii) The torque remains constant for the second step, resulting in acceleration which is not
These disadvantages of open transition in A. T. may be overcome by the use of
Korndorfer connection, which introduces another step in starting. On the second step, part of the
A. T. remains in series with the stator windings. The third step involves the transfer of the full-
voltage without open transition.
3. Why starter is necessary for an induction motor? Explain with neat diagram operation of Star-
Delta starter. Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (06 Marks), Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (08 Marks)
4. Name the different methods of starting of squirrel cage induction motor. Explain star delta
starter. June/July 2017. (08 Marks)
Star-Delta Starter
It is cheaper as compared to A. T. starter. This method of starting is used for motors designed to
operate normally in delta. The six terminals from the three phases of the stator must be available.
a, A : Terminals of phase A
b, B : Terminals of phase B
c, C : Terminals of phase C
Commercially, the terminals are marked A1, A2; B1, B2 and C1, C2 respectively. The motor is
started with TPDT switch in position 1 and subsequently switched to position 2.
Position 1 : Starting-windings connected in Y
Position 2 : Running-windings get connected in D
5. Explain Stator Voltage Speed control of a three phase Induction Motor. Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (05
6. Describe the different methods of speed control of three phase Induction Motor. Dec.2018/
Jan.2019. (06 Marks), June/July 2017. (05 Marks), June/July 2019. (10 Marks)
Note that while the maximum torque and synchronous speed remain constant, the slip at
which maximum torque occurs increases with increase in rotor resistance, and so does the
starting torque. whether the load is of constant torque type or fan-type, it is evident that the speed
control range is more with this method. Further, rotor resistance control could also be used as a
means of generating high starting torque.
For all its advantages, the scheme has two serious drawbacks. Firstly, in order to vary the
rotor resistance, it is necessary to connect external variable resistors (winding resistance itself
cannot be changed). This, therefore necessitates a slip-ring machine, since only in that case rotor
terminals are available outside. For cage rotor machines, there are no rotor terminals. Secondly,
the method is not very e_cient since the additional resistance and
operation at high slips entails dissipation.
The resistors connected to the slip-ring brushes should have good power dissipation
capability. Water based rheostats may be used for this. A `solid -state' alternative to a rheostat is a
chopper controlled resistance where the duty ratio control of of the chopper presents a variable
resistance load to the rotor of the induction machine.
where N is the number of the turns per phase, _m is the peak ux in the air gap and f is the
frequency. Note that in order to reduce the speed, frequency has to be reduced. If the frequency
is reduced while the voltage is kept constant, thereby requiring the amplitude of induced emf to
remain the same, ux has to increase. This is not advisable since the machine constant which
implies that voltage must be reduced along with frequency. The ratio is held constant in order to
maintain the ux level for maximum torque capability. Actually, it is the voltage across the
magnetizing branch of the exact equivalent circuit that must be maintained constant, for it is that
which determines the induced emf. Under conditions where the stator voltage drop is negligible
compared the applied voltage, from above eqn. is valid.
In this mode of operation, the voltage across the magnetizing inductance in the 'exact'
equivalent circuit reduces in amplitude with reduction in frequency and so does the inductive
reactance. This implies that the current through the inductance and the ux in the machine remains
constant. The speed torque characteristics at any frequency may be estimated as before. There is
one curve for every excitation frequency considered corresponding to every value of
synchronous speed. The curves are shown below. It may be seen that the maximum torque
remains constant.
Equation 24 shows that this maximum value is independent of the frequency. Further ^s! is
independent of frequency. This means that the maximum torque always occurs at a speed lower
than synchronous speed by a fixed difference, independent of frequency. The overall effect is an
apparent shift of the torque-speed characteristic as shown in fig.
Though this is the aim, E is an internal voltage which is not accessible. It is only the
terminal voltage V which we have access to and can control. For a fixed V, E changes with
operating slip (rotor branch impedance changes) and further due to the stator impedance drop.
Thus if we approximate E=f as V=f, the resulting torque-speed characteristic shown in fig. is far
from desirable.
7. Explain the concept of Double revolving field theory why the 1 phase Induction Motor is not
self-starting with phasor diagram. Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (08 Marks), June/July 2017. (10
Marks), June/July 2019. (10 Marks)
The single phase induction motor in its simplest form is structurally the same as a poly-
phase induction motor having a squirrel cage rotor, the only difference is that the single phase
induction motor has single winding on the stator which produces mmf stationary in space but
alternating in time, a poly phase stator winding carrying balanced currents produces mmf
rotating in space around the air gap and constant in time with respect to an observer moving with
the mmf. The stator winding of the single phase motor is disposed in slots around the inner
periphery of a laminated ring similar to the 3-phase motor.
An induction motor with a cage rotor and single phase stator winding is shown schematically in
Fig. The actual stator winding as mentioned earlier is distributed in slots so as to produce an
approximately sinusoidal space distribution of mmf.
Suppose the rotor is at rest and 1-phase supply is given to stator winding. The
current flowing in the stator winding gives rise to an mmf whose axis is along the winding and it
is a pulsating mmf, stationary in space and varying in magnitude, as a function of time, varying
from positive maxi-mum to zero to negative maximum and this pulsating mmf induces currents
in the short-circuited rotor of the motor which gives rise to an mmf. The currents in the rotor are
induced due to transformer action and the direction of the currents is such that the mmf so
developed opposes the stator mmf. The axis of the rotor mmf is same as that of the stator mmf.
Since the torque developed is proportional to sine of the angle between the two mmf and since
the angle is zero, the net torque acting on the rotor is zero and hence the rotor remains stationary.
For analytical purposes a pulsating field can be resolved into two revolving fields
of constant magnitude and rotating in opposite directions as shown in Fig. and each field has a
magnitude equal to half the maximum length of the original pulsating phasor.
These component waves rotate in opposite direction at synchronous speed. The forward
(anticlockwise) and backward-rotating (clockwise) mmf waves f and b are shown in Fig. In case
of 3-phase induction motor there is only one forward rotating magnetic field and hence torque is
developed and the motor is self-starting. However, in single phase induction motor each of these
component mmf waves produces induction motor action but the corresponding torques are in
opposite direction. With the rotor at rest the forward and backward field produce equal torques
but opposite in direction and hence no net torque is developed on the motor and the motor
remains stationary. If the forward and backward air gap fields remained equal when the rotor is
revolving, each of the component fields would produce a torque-speed characteristic similar to
that of a poly phase induction motor with negligible leakage impedance as shown by the dashed
curves f and b in Fig.
The resultant torque-speed characteristic which is the algebraic sum of the two
component curves shows that if the motor were started by auxiliary means it would produce
torque in what-ever direction it was started.
In reality the two fields, forward and backward do not remain constant in the air gap and
also the effect of stator leakage impedance can’t be ignored. In the above qualitative analysis the
effects of induced rotor currents have not been properly accounted for.
When single phase supply is connected to the stator and the rotor is given a push along
the forward rotating field, the relative speed between the rotor and the forward rotating magnetic
field goes on decreasing and hence the magnitude of induced currents also decreases and hence
the mmf due to the induced current in the rotor decreases and its opposing effect to the forward
rotating field decreases which means the forward rotating field becomes stronger as the rotor
speeds up. However for the backward rotating field the relative speed between the rotor and the
backward field increases as the rotor rotates and hence the rotor emf increases and hence the
mmf due to this component of current increases and its opposing effect to the backward rotating
field increases and the net backward rotating field weakens as the rotor rotates along the forward
rotating field. However, the sum of the two fields remains constant since it must induce the stator
counter emf which is approximately constant if the stator leakage impedance drop is negligible.
Hence, with the rotor in motion the torque of the forward field is greater and that of the
backward field is less than what is shown in Fig. The true situation being as is shown in Fig.
The single phase induction motors are classified based on the method of starting method
and in fact are known by the same name descriptive of the method. Appropriate selection of
these motors depends upon the starting and running torque requirements of the load, the duty
cycle and limitations on starting and running current drawn from the supply by these motors. The
cost of single phase induction motor increases with the size of the motor and with the
performance such as starting torque to current ratio (higher ratio is desirable), hence, the user
will like to go in for a smaller size (hp) motor with minimum cost, of course, meeting all the
operational requirements. However, if a very large no. of fractional horsepower motors are
required, a specific design can always be worked out which might give minimum cost for a given
performance requirements. Following are the starting methods.
8. Explain with neat diagram, the working principle of Capacitor start single phase Induction
Motor. Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (08 Marks), Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (05 Marks)
9. With neat sketches explain the construction, working and applications of Split phase induction
Motor. Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (04 Marks), June/July 2019. (05 Marks)
(a) Split-phase induction motor. The stator of a split phase induction motor has two
windings, the main winding and the auxiliary winding. These windings are displaced in space by
90 electrical degrees as shown in Fig. 9.5 (a). The auxiliary winding is made of thin wire (super
enamel copper wire) so that it has a high R/X ratio as compared to the main winding which has
thick super enamel copper wire. Since the two windings are connected across the supply the
current I m and I a in the main winding and auxiliary winding lag behind the supply voltage V, I a
leading the current I m Fig. 9.5(b). This means the current through auxiliary winding reaches
maximum value first and the mmf or flux due to I a lies along the axis of the auxiliary winding
and after some time (t = θ/w) the current I m reaches maximum value and the mmf or flux due to
I m lies along the main winding axis. Thus the motor becomes a 2-phase unbalanced motor. It is
unbalanced since the two currents are not exactly 90 degrees apart. Because of these two fields a
The capacitor start induction motor is also a split phase motor. The capacitor of suitable value is
connected in series with the auxiliary coil through a switch such that I a the current in the
auxiliary coil leads the current I m in the main coil by 90 electrical degrees in time phase so that
the starting torque is maximum for certain values of I a and I m. This becomes a balanced 2-phase
motor if the magnitude of I a and I m are equal and are displaced in time phase by 90° electrical
degrees. Since the two windings are displaced in space by 90 electrical degrees as shown in Fig.
9.6 maximum torque is developed at start. However, the auxiliary winding and capacitor are
disconnected after the motor has picked up 75 per cent of the synchronous speed. The motor will
start without any humming noise. However, after the auxiliary winding is disconnected, there
will be some humming noise.
1. Explain briefly Why Synchronous motor are not self-starting? Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (06 Marks)
When the stator of motor is connected to a three-phase supply and driven up to its rated speed, it
continues to run at the constant speed, converting the electrical energy into mechanical energy.
The constructional features of a synchronous motor are same as that of synchronous generator.
Rather, the Alternator can itself be made to run as a synchronous motor.
A synchronous motor works on the principle of magnetic inter-locking between stator and rotor
poles and maintains a constant speed for all loads within its rated capacity. If such a motor is
over-loaded to such an extent that it can no longer continue to maintain its synchronous speed,
then it loses its synchronism and torque at which motor fails to run is called pull-out torque.
A synchronous motor is not a self-starting motor and there are various methods of starting the
synchronous motor. They are :
(a) Starting as an Alternator, synchronizing it to the Infinite Bus Bar and then prime-mover is
taken off. It starts running as synchronous motor, drawing power from the 3-phase supply of the
Infinite Bus Bar.
(b) Starting it with a D.C. Shunt Motor and energizing the stator field winding by three-phase
supply at synchronous speed.
(c) Constructional features incorporating additional damper windings.
Working Principle:
Figure 7.1 shows a synchronous machine with a round rotor. The rotor is initially stationary with
fixed North and South poles created by DC excitation. Let the three phase winding of the stator
be connected to a 3-phase supply of fixed voltage V (line) and fixed frequency f (This is known
as the infinite bus.) As a result, three-phase currents flow in the stator winding creating a rotating
magnetic field rotating at synchronous speed Ns in the counter-clockwise direction. Since the
rotor is stationary and cannot pick-up speed instantaneously because of inertia of rotor, so the
two fields move relative to each other, thereby resulting in zero starting torque and hence the
motor is not self-starting.
By auxiliary means, if the rotor is brought upto a speed close to synchronous speed in the
direction of rotation of field, the two fields interlock with each other and the relative speed of the
rotor field with respect to stator field will become zero and then motor runs exactly at
synchronous speed.
Alternator used as a Motor
If two alternators are running in parallel and the driving force of one is suddenly removed, then
the machine continues to run as a motor, taking the electrical power necessary to drive it from
the other machine, which is thereby loaded to a certain extent on this account. The supply of
direct current to the field system of the motor must be maintained throughout. In addition, as is
seen later, the motor must be brought up to the speed of synchronism and synchronized before
the motoring action takes place.
Consider the case of the elementary two-pole, single-phase synchronous motor represented in
Figure 7.2. This machine is supposed to be exactly the same as the corresponding alternator, and
may have a stationary field system and a rotating armature, or vice versa, the current being led
into the rotating element by means of slip rings. Consider the conductor arriving at A at the
moment when the current is zero. The instantaneous value of the torque due to this conductor is
also zero, since it is proportional to the product of the field strength and the armature current.
The field strength is assumed to be constant throughout. A moment later the conductor arrives at
B, the armature having rotated through an angle . Since the speed is assumed to be that of
synchronism, the current has also advanced in phase by the same angle , this current being
supposed to be flowing away from the observer. A torque is produced in a clockwise direction,
which rotates the rotor in same direction. When the conductor reaches C the current has reached
its maximum value, and by the time the conductor reaches D the current has died down to zero.
Throughout the whole of this half-revolution, which has taken places while the current has
advanced through half a cycle, the torque has been in the same direction. A little later the
conductor arrives at E, but the current has now started to grow in the reverse direction. However,
since this reverse current is cutting the magnetic flux in the reverse direction, the torque still
tends to produce rotation in a clockwise direction. By the time the armature has completed one
whole revolution the current has advanced through one whole period. This is the essential
condition for the continuance of rotation, the armature must rotate synchronously with the
current, and hence the machine is called a synchronous motor. The currents in the other armature
conductors produce torques which aid one another. During the first half period of the current
they are cutting the field in one direction, and during the second half-period, when the current
reverses, they are cutting the field in the other direction. The same principle operates in the case
of three-phase synchronous motors.
2. Explain the different methods of starting synchronous motor. Dec.2018/ Jan.2019. (06
Marks), June/July 2017. (05 Marks), June/July 2019. (05 Marks)
type induction motor. This reduced voltage at starting is derived from tappings on an auto
transformer, and the method is known as tap-starting.
When first switched in, the greater part of the voltage appears across the starting motor on
account of the lower impedance of the synchronous motor stator windings. As the speed rises,
however, these conditions are changed gradually and automatically, until when near synchronism
nearly all the voltage is across the main synchronous motor. The exciter, which is permanently
connected to the synchronous motor field winding, builds up a considerable voltage when near
full speed, and the DC excitation, increasing automatically, suffices to pull the synchronous
motor into synchronism. The auxiliary starting motor now has its stator windings short circuited,
thus cutting it out of circuit and throwing the whole of the supply voltage on to the synchronous
3. Explain the operation of a synchronous motor under constant excitation and varying load.
Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (06 Marks), June/July 2017. (05 Marks), June/July 2019. (10
4. Write a brief note on V and inverted V curves of synchronous motors. Dec.2018/ Jan.2019.
(06 Marks), June/July 2019. (10 Marks)
If the excitation is varied, the armature current will vary for constant load. When
armature curve is plotted against exciting current, the resulting curve takes the shape of word V,
as shown in Figure 7.8, and is known as a V-curve. With one particular excitation the armature
current is a minimum for unity power-factor. For smaller exciting currents, the armature mmf,
Fa is made to lag, since the flux, f, and the resultant m.m.f., Fr are the same as before. A lagging
armature mmf, Fa, is only brought about by a lagging armature current, I and motor operates as
lagging PF load. For larger exciting currents, the armature mmf, Fa, is made to lead, in order
that Fr shall again remain unaltered, and motor operates as leading PF load.
This effect can be seen more clearly from the approximate vector diagram given in Figure
7.5. A low excitation here corresponds to a reduced back emf, giving rise to a resultant voltage
that leads the applied voltage by a relatively small angle, thus causing the current to lag by a
considerable angle. Since the power-factor is low, the current is relatively large. As the exciting
current is increased, the back e.m.f. is also increased, thus swinging the resultant voltage vector
round and advancing it in phase. The current is also advanced in phase, its magnitude decreasing
since the power-factor is increasing. When the current becomes in phase with the applied voltage
it reaches a minimum value, the power-factor being unity. A further increase in exciting current
causes an increase in the armature current, which is now a leading one.
Figure: V-Curves
The excitation corresponding to unity power-factor and minimum current is called the
normal exciting current for that particular load. A smaller exciting current (under-excitation)
results in a lagging armature current and a larger exciting current (over-excitation) in a leading
armature current, due to the reduction and increase in the induced back e.m.f. respectively.
The excitation necessary for unit power-factor goes up as the load increases. On noload the point
on the V-curve is sharply accentuated, but if the machine is loaded the tendency is to round off
the point, this effect being more marked at the higher loads.
5. List the causes of hunting and effects of hunting in a synchronous motor. Dec.2017/
Jan.2018. (06 Marks), June/July 2017. (06 Marks)
6. What is Hunting in Synchronous motor. Explain the concept of hunting. Dec.2018/
Jan.2019. (06 Marks), June/July 2019. (05 Marks)
Sudden changes of load on synchronous motors sometimes set up oscillations that are
superimposed upon the normal rotation, giving rise to periodic variations of a very low
frequency in speed. This effect is known as hunting or phase-swinging. Occasionally, the trouble
is aggravated by the motor having a natural period of oscillation approximating to the hunting
period, when it is possible for the motor to phase-swing into the unstable region, thus causing it
to fall out of synchronism.
Damper Winding
The tendency to hunt can be minimized by the addition of a mechanical flywheel, but this
practice is rarely adopted, the use of a damper winding being preferred. Assuming that the speed
of rotation of the magnetic flux is constant, there is relative movement between the flux and the
damper bars if the rotation of the field system is also uniform. No emfs are induced in the
damper bars and no current flows in the damper winding, which is not operative. Whenever any
irregularity takes place in the speed of rotation, however, the polar flux moves from side to side
of the pole, this movement causing the flux to move backwards and forwards across the damper
bars. Emfs are induced in the damper bars forwards across the damper winding. These tend to
damp out the superimposed oscillatory motion by absorbing its energy. The damper winding,
thus, has no effect upon the normal average speed, it merely tends to damp out the irregularities
in the speed, thus, acting as a kind of electrical flywheel. In the case of a three-phase
synchronous motor the stator currents set up a rotating mmf rotating at uniform speed (except for
certain minor harmonic effects), and if the rotor is rotating at uniform speed, no emfs are induced
in the damper bars.
7. What is a synchronous condenser? What is its application? Dec.2017/ Jan.2018. (04 Marks)
Synchronous Condenser
We know that over excited synchronous motor operates at unity or leading power factor.
Generally, in large industrial plants the load power factor is lagging. The specially designed
synchronous motor which runs at zero load takes leading current approximately near to 90°
leading. When it is connected in parallel with inductive loads to improve power factor, it is
known as synchronous condenser. Compared to static capacitor the power factor can improve
easily by variation of field excitation of motor. Phasor diagram of a synchronous condenser
connected in parallel withan inductive load is given below.
6 It operates only at lagging P.F It can operate for both leading and
lagging P.F.
7 Its maximum torque is proportional Its maximum torque is proportional to
to the supply voltage
square of the supply voltage
8 Induction motor with speeds above Synchronous motors with speed below
500 500 RPM and ratings more than 40
RPM and rating below 120 KW are KW or with medium speeds from 500-
cheaper than synchronous motors 1000 rpm and ratings above about 500
KW are costly, i.e. than induction