Petroleum Refining Lecture Notes Dr. Adel Sharif

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The document outlines the syllabus for a petroleum refining course, covering topics such as the history and development of refining, fractionation processes, treating processes, and upgrading processes.

Some of the main processes involved in petroleum refining discussed include fractionation, treating processes to remove impurities, and upgrading processes to improve oil qualities.

Some common upgrading processes mentioned are thermal cracking, catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, catalytic reforming, alkylation, and isomerization.

University of Technology

Chemical Engineering Department

Oil and Gas Refinery Eng Branch
Fourth Class


Ass. Prof. Dr. Adel Sharif Hamadi

University of Technology Chemical Engineering Department Fourth Year B.Sc. Syllabus

Units 6
CE 544-R Petroleum Refining Theoretical 2 hr/week
Tutorial 1 hr/week
Refinery Engineering Branch Practical 3hr/week

1. Introduction:
History and Development of Refining Processes Kinds of Refineries.
(2 hrs)
2. Chemical Composition of Petroleum:
(2 hrs)
3. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Petroleum Oil :
(2 hrs)
4. Evaluation of Oil Stocks:
(4 hrs)
5. Introduction to Processing:
Stabilization, dehydration, tube still heaters
(10 hrs)
6. Fractionation of Petroleum:
Atmospheric and Vacuum Fractionation
(2 hrs)
7. Fractionation Towers:
Material and Energy Balances, Reflux Temperate Distribution in Fractionation
Tower, Tower Diameter
(8 hrs)
8. Treating Processes:
Removal of Acid Gases, Sweetening Processes, Improvement in Performance
and Storage Stability
(8 hrs)
9. Upgrading Processes:
Thermal Cracking, Cooking. Visbreaking, Catalytic Cracking, Hydrocracking,
Catalytic Reforming, Alkylation, Isomerisation.
(10 hrs)
10. Product Blending:
Blending of Vapor Pressure, Octane Number, Viscosity, Flash Point, Aniline
Point and Pour Point.
(6 hrs)
11. Manufacturing of Lubricating Oils:
(4 hrs)

1) Nelson, W. L. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill

Publishing Company Limited, 1985.


1) James H. Gary & Glenn E. Handwerk "Petroleum Refining, Technology &

Economics", 4th ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2001
2) B.K. Bhaskara Rao, “Modern Petroleum Refining Processes” Edn. 3, Oxford
& IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
‫‪Lect./ 1‬‬ ‫‪Introduction‬‬ ‫‪Petroleum Refining‬‬

‫‪History and Development of Refining‬‬

‫ﺗﺰداد أهﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻨﻔﻂ اﻟﺨﺎم ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ ﻳﻮﻣﺎ ﺑﻌﺪ ﻳﻮم وﺗﺘﻌﺪ اﺳﺘﻌﻤﺎﻻﺗﻪ و ﺗﻨﺒﻊ أهﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻨﻔﻂ‬
‫اﻟﺨﺎم اﻹﺳﺘﺮاﺗﻴﺠﻴﺔ ﻣﻦ ﺣﻘﻴﻘﺘﻴﻦ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬آﻮﻧﻪ ﻣﺼﺪر ﻟﻠﻄﺎﻗﺔ‬
‫‪ .2‬آﻮﻧﻪ ﻣﺎدة ﺧﺎم أﺳﺎﺳﻴﻪ ﻟﻔﺮوع اﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﺎت اﻟﻜﻴﻤﺎوﻳﺔ واﻟﺒﺘﺮوآﻴﻤﻴﺎوﻳﺔ اﻟﻤﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ‪.‬‬
‫ﻳﺤﺾ اﻟﻨﻔﻂ اﻟﺨﺎم ﺑﻤﻜﺎﻧﻪ ﻣﺘﻤﻴﺰة ﺑﻴﻦ ﻣﺼﺎدر اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ اﻟﻤﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ ﻟﻸﺳﺒﺎب اﻟﺘﺎﻟﻴﺔ ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬ﻳﺤﺘﻮي ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﻨﺘﺠﺎت ﻋﺪﻳﺪة ﻳﻤﻜﻦ ﻓﺼﻠﻬﺎ ﻋﻦ ﺑﻌﻀﻬﺎ ﻋﻦ ﻃﺮﻳﻖ اﻟﺘﻜﺮﻳﺮ وﺗﻤﺜﻞ‬
‫ﻣﺼﺎدر ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ ﻓﻲ اﺳﺘﻌﻤﺎل اﻟﻮﻗﻮد وإﻧﺘﺎج ﻣﻨﺘﺠﺎت ﻣﺴﺎﻋﺪﻩ آﺰﻳﻮت اﻟﺘﺰﻳﻴﺖ‬
‫واﻹﺳﻔﻠﺖ واﻟﻤﺬﻳﺒﺎت اﻟﺒﺘﺮوﻟﻴﺔ آﻤﺎ ﺗﺸﻜﻞ ﺑﻌﺾ ﻣﺸﺘﻘﺎﺗﻪ ﺑﻌﺾ ﻣﻮاد ﻣﻬﻤﺔ ﻓﻲ‬
‫اﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﺎت اﻟﺒﺘﺮوآﻤﻴﺎوﻳﻪ ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬وﺟﻮد اﻟﻐﺎز اﻟﻄﺒﻴﻌﻲ ﻣﻊ اﻟﻨﻔﻂ اﻟﺨﺎم ﺗﺤﺖ ﺳﻄﺢ اﻷرض‪.‬‬
‫‪.3‬ﺳﻬﻮﻟﻪ ﻧﻘﻠﻪ إﻟﻰ ﻣﺴﺎﻓﺎت ﺑﻌﻴﺪة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬اﻧﺨﻔﺎض آﻠﻔﺔ أﻧﺘﺎﺟﻪ وﻧﻘﻠﻪ وﺗﻜﺮﻳﺮﻩ ‪.‬‬

‫ﻧﺒﺬﻩ ﺗﺎرﻳﺨﻴﻪ‬
‫‪ -‬اﻟﺒﺘﺮول ﻣﺼﻄﻠﺢ ﻻﺗﻴﻨﻲ ﻗﺪﻳﻢ ﻳﺄﺗﻲ ﺑﻤﻌﻨﻰ زﻳﺖ اﻟﺼﺨﺮ ) ‪ ( Rock Oil‬أو اﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬
‫‪ -‬وهﻮ ﻣﺸﺘﻖ ﻣﻦ آﻠﻤﺘﻴﻦ‬
‫ﺑﺘﺮا ) ‪ ( Petr‬وﺗﻌﻨﻲ اﻟﺼﺨﺮ )‪(Rock‬‬
‫) ‪ (Oleum‬وﺗﻌﻨﻲ اﻟﺰﻳﺖ‬
‫‪ -‬ﻳﺮﺟﻊ اﺳﺘﺨﺪام اﻹﻧﺴﺎن ﻟﻠﺒﺘﺮول إﻟﻰ ﻋﺼﻮر ﻣﺎ ﻗﺒﻞ اﻟﺘﺎرﻳﺦ ﺣﻴﺚ اﺳﺘﻌﻤﻠﻪ‬
‫اﻟﺴﻮﻣﺮﻳﻮن و اﻟﺒﺎﺑﻠﻴﻮن ﻓﻲ وادي اﻟﺮاﻓﺪﻳﻦ و ﻗﺪ وﺟﺪ أﺛﺎر اﻟﺒﺘﺮول ﻓﻲ أﻣﺎآﻦ أﺧﺮى‬
‫ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ و ﻓﻲ ﺷﺮق اﻟﺒﺤﺮ اﻷﺑﻴﺾ اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻂ آﺎﻟﺒﺤﺮ اﻟﻤﻴﺖ و آﺎن ﻳﻌﺮف ﺑﺒﺤﻴﺮة‬
‫اﻹﺳﻔﻠﺖ و اﻟﺬي ﻳﻌﻮد إﻟﻴﻬﺎ ﻣﺼﻄﻠﺢ اﻹﺳﻔﻠﺖ اﻟﺸﺎﺋﻊ ﺣﺎﻟﻴﺎ ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﻳﺮﺟﻊ اآﺘﺸﺎف اﻟﺒﺘﺮول إﻟﻰ وﺟﻮد ﻣﺴﺘﻮدﻋﺎت ﺑﺘﺮوﻟﻴﺔ ﻗﺮﻳﺒﻪ ﻣﻦ ﺳﻄﺢ اﻷرض‬
‫واﻟﺘﻲ آﺎﻧﺖ ﺗﺘﺤﺮر ﻣﻨﻬﺎ اﻵﺑﺨﺮة و ﺗﻨﺪﻟﻊ ﻓﻴﻬﺎ اﻟﻨﻴﺮان اﻟﺘﻲ آﺎﻧﺖ ﺗﺪﻋﻰ ) اﻟﻨﻴﺮان‬
‫اﻻزﻟﻴﻪ ( وآﺎﻧﺖ ﺗﻌﺒﺪهﺎ ﺑﻌﺾ اﻟﻤﺬاهﺐ اﻟﺰرادﺷﺘﻴﺔ ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﻓﻲ ﻋﺎم ‪ 1859‬م ﺣﻔﺮ درﻳﻚ ) ‪ ( Drake‬أول ﺑﺌﺮ ﺑﺤﺜﺎ ﻋﻦ اﻟﺒﺘﺮول ﻓﻲ وﻻﻳﺔ‬
‫ﺑﻨﺴﻠﻔﺎﻧﻴﺎ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻮﻻﻳﺎت اﻟﻤﺘﺤﺪة اﻷﻣﺮﻳﻜﻴﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻋﻤﻖ ‪ 21.11‬ﻣﺘﺮ ‪ ،‬وﻳﻮﺟﺪ اﻟﺒﺘﺮول‬
‫ﺑﺼﻮرﻩ ﻋﺎﻣﻪ ﻋﻠﻰ أﻋﻤﺎق ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ ﺗﺘﺮاوح ﺑﻴﻦ ‪ 20 – 20‬أﻟﻒ ﻣﺘﺮ ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬أول ﻣﺼﻔﻰ ﺗﻢ ﺑﻨﺎءﻩ ﻋﺎم ‪ 1860‬م ﻓﻲ اﻟﻮﻻﻳﺎت اﻟﻤﺘﺤﺪة اﻷﻣﺮﻳﻜﻴﺔ ﺑﻜﻠﻔﻪ ‪$ 15000‬‬
‫‪ -‬اﻟﻤﺴﺠﻞ ﺗﺎرﻳﺨﻴﺎ أول ﻋﻤﻠﻴﻪ ﺗﻘﻄﻴﺮ ﻟﻠﺒﺘﺮول ﺟﺮت ﻓﻲ روﺳﻴﺎ ﻋﺎم ‪ 1735‬م‬
‫‪ -‬ﻧﻈﺮﻳﺎت و ﻓﺮﺿﻴﺎت ﺗﻜﻮن اﻟﺒﺘﺮول ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬ﻳﻌﺘﻘﺪ اﻟﺒﻌﺾ أن اﻟﺒﺘﺮول ﻗﺪ ﺗﻜﻮن ﻧﺘﻴﺠﺔ ﺗﺤﻠﻞ اﻟﻤﻮاد اﻟﺤﻴﻮاﻧﻴﺔ و اﻟﻨﺒﺎﺗﻴﺔ ﺑﻔﻌﻞ‬
‫اﻟﺒﻜﺘﺮﻳﺎ اﻻهﻮاﺋﻴﻪ و اﻟﺘﻘﻄﻴﺮ اﻻﺗﻼﻓﻲ ﻟﻠﺒﻘﺎﻳﺎ اﻟﺪهﻨﻴﻪ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺤﻴﻮاﻧﺎت اﻟﺒﺮﻳﺔ أﻟﻤﺠﻬﺮﻳﻪ‬

‫‪Lect./ 1‬‬ ‫‪Introduction‬‬ ‫‪Petroleum Refining‬‬

‫‪ .2‬اﻟﺒﻌﺾ اﻷﺧﺮ ﻳﻌﺘﻘﺪ أن أﺻﻞ اﻟﺒﺘﺮول ﻳﺮﺟﻊ إﻟﻰ اﻟﻤﻴﺜﺎن ﺑﻔﻌﻞ اﻟﻤﻮاد اﻟﻤﺸﻌﺔ أو ﻣﻦ‬
‫اﻟﻜﺮﺑﻴﺪات اﻟﺜﻘﻴﻠﺔ ﻣﺜﻞ آﺎرﺑﻴﺪ اﻟﺤﺪﻳﺪ او اﻟﻤﻨﻐﻴﺰ ﻣﻊ اﻟﻤﺎء و ﺗﻜﻮن ﻣﻮاد اﺳﺘﻠﻴﻨﻴﻪ ‪ ،‬اﻟﺘﻲ‬
‫ﺗﻨﺘﺞ ﺑﺘﺄﺛﻴﺮ اﻟﺤﺮارة اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﻣﺰﻳﺞ أو ﺧﻠﻴﻂ ﻣﻦ هﻴﺪروآﺎرﺑﻮﻧﺎت ﻣﺘﺒﺎﻳﻨﺔ اﻟﺘﺮآﻴﺐ و‬
‫اﻟﺨﻮاص ‪.‬‬
‫اﻟﺘﻘﻄﻴﺮاﻟﻤﺴﺘﻤﺮ ) ‪(Continuous Distillation‬‬
‫‪ -‬اﻟﻤﺼﺎﻓﻲ اﻻوﻟﻴﻪ آﺎﻧﺖ ﺗﺴﺘﺨﺪم ﻧﻈﺎم اﻟﺘﻘﻄﻴﺮ ) ﻋﻠﻰ ﺷﻜﻞ وﺟﺒﺎت ‪Batch‬‬
‫‪( distillation‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﻓﻲ ﺑﺪاﻳﺎت ﻋﺎم ‪ 1860‬م ﺗﻢ اﺳﺘﺨﺪام ﻧﻈﺎم اﻟﺘﻘﻄﻴﺮ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻤﺮ‪ ،‬و ﻗﺪ اﺳﺘﻤﺮ‬
‫ﺗﻄﻮﻳﺮ ﻃﺮق اﻹﻧﺘﺎج اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻤﺮ وﻗﺪ ﺳﺠﻞ ﺑﺼﻮرﻩ واﺳﻌﺔ اﺳﺘﺨﺪام وﺣﺪات‬
‫اﻹﻧﺘﺎج اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻤﺮ ﻋﺎم ‪ 1912‬م‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﺣﺎﻟﻴﺎ و ﺣﺪات اﻹﻧﺘﺎج اﻟﻤﺴﺘﺨﺪﻣﺔ ﺟﻤﻴﻌﻬﺎ ﺗﻌﻤﻞ ﺑﻄﺮﻳﻘﻪ اﻟﺘﻘﻄﻴﺮ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻤﺮ ‪.‬‬
‫اﻟﺘﻜﺴﻴﺮ اﻟﺤﺮاري ) ‪( Thermal Cracking‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﻳﻘﺼﺪ ﺑﺎﻟﺘﻜﺴﻴﺮ اﻟﺤﺮاري ﻓﻲ ﻣﺠﺎل ﺗﻜﻨﻮﻟﻮﺟﻴﻪ اﻟﺒﺘﺮول اﺳﺘﺨﺪام اﻟﺤﺮارة‬
‫وﺣﺪهﺎ أو ﻣﻊ وﺟﻮد ﻋﻮاﻣﻞ ﻣﺴﺎﻋﺪﻩ ﻣﻌﻴﻨﻪ ﻟﺘﻐﻴﺮ ﻣﻜﻮﻧﺎت اﻟﺒﺘﺮول و آﺴﺮ‬
‫اﻷواﺻﺮ ﻟﻠﺤﺼﻮل ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﻜﻮﻧﺎت ﺟﺪﻳﺪة ﻟﻬﻞ أوزان ﺟﺰﻳﺌﻴﻪ أوﻃﺄ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺨﺎﻣﺎت‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬أول ﺗﺴﺠﻴﻞ ﻟﻌﻤﻠﻴﻪ اﻟﺘﻜﺴﻴﺮ اﻟﺤﺮاري ﻋﺎم ‪ 1861‬م‬
‫اﻟﺘﻘﻄﻴﺮ أﻟﺘﺠﺰﻳﺌﻲ ) ‪(Fractionation‬‬
‫هﻲ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﻪ ﻓﺼﻞ اﻟﻤﺰﻳﺞ اﻟﺴﺎﺋﻞ إﻟﻰ ﻋﺪد ﻣﻦ اﻟﻨﻮاﺗﺞ ﻟﻬﺎ ﻣﺪى ﻏﻠﻴﺎن ﺿﻴﻖ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﺼﺎﻓﻲ اﻷوﻟﻴﺔ آﺎﻧﺖ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﻪ اﻟﻔﺼﻞ ﺗﺘﻢ ﺑﻌﺪد ﻣﻦ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺎت اﻟﺘﻘﻄﻴﺮ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺘﻌﺎﻗﺒﺔ ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﻻﺣﻘﺎ ﺣﺪث ﺗﻄﻮﻳﺮ ﻓﻲ ﻃﺮﻳﻘﻪ اﻹﻧﺘﺎج ﺣﻴﺚ اﺳﺘﺨﺪﻣﺖ أﺑﺮاج ﺗﻘﻄﻴﺮ ﺗﻌﻤﻞ‬
‫ﺑﻌﻤﻠﻴﻪ اﻟﺘﻜﺜﻴﻒ اﻟﺠﺰﺋﻲ ) ‪ (Partial Condensation‬وﻓﻴﻬﺎ ﻳﺘﻢ اﺳﺘﺨﺪام‬
‫اﻟﻤﻜﺜﻔﺎت ﻟﺘﻜﺜﻴﻒ ﺧﻠﻴﻂ اﻟﺒﺨﺎر ﺑﺪرﺟﺎت ﺣﺮارة ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ‪.‬‬
‫اﻟﻌﻤﻠﻴﺎت اﻟﻜﻴﻤﺎوﻳﺔ )‪( Chemical Processing‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﻋﺎم ‪ 1927‬م ﺗﻢ ﺗﻄﻮﻳﺮ ﻃﺮﻳﻘﻪ اﻟﻬﺪرﺟﺔ وهﻲ ﻋﺒﺎرة ﻋﻦ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﻪ ﺗﻜﺴﻴﺮ‬
‫ﺣﺮاري ﻓﻲ ﺿﻐﻮط ﻋﺎﻟﻴﻪ ﺑﻮﺟﻮد اﻟﻬﻴﺪروﺟﻴﻦ ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬ﻋﺎم ‪ 1937‬هﻮدري اﺳﺘﺨﺪم اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻞ اﻟﻤﺴﺎﻋﺪ ﻓﻲ هﺬﻩ اﻟﻄﺮﻳﻘﺔ ) ﺳﻴﻠﻴﻜﺎت‬
‫اﻷﻟﻤﻨﻴﻮم (‬

Lect./2 Chemical Composition of Petroleum Petroleum Refining

Chemical Composition of Petroleum

Petroleum is a mixture of hundreds of hydrocarbons of all type with water, salts,
sulfur and nitrogen containing compounds and some metal complexes.
The elementary composition of crude oil usually falls within the following ranges.

The three different types of hydrocarbons that crude has are paraffins, aromatics,
cyclo-alyphatic or naphthenes and olefins.

The paraffin series of hydrocarbons is characterized by the rule that the carbon atoms
are connected by a single bond and the other bonds are saturated with hydrogen
atoms. The general formula for paraffins is CnH2n+2. The simplest paraffin is methane,
CH4, followed by the homologous series of ethane, propane, normal and isobutane,
normal, iso-, and neopentane, etc. (Fig. 1).

Figure( 1 ) Paraffins in crude oil.

Saturated alkanes: (n-alkane and i-alkane)

General formula CnH2n+2
Boiling point and density increase with increasing # of C
Branched alkanes (iso-alkanes) is very small in quantity
Boiling point of straight chains > iso-alkanes with the same #
of C

Lect./2 Chemical Composition of Petroleum Petroleum Refining

Naphthenes or cycloparaffins
Cycloparaffin hydrocarbons in which all of the available bonds of the carbon atoms
are saturated with hydrogen are called naphthenes. Typical examples of these are
cyclopentane, cyclohexane, etc. (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Naphthene compounds

General formula CnH2n for one ring compounds

The aromatic series of hydrocarbons is chemically and physically very different from
the paraffins and cycloparaffins (naphthenes). Aromatic hydrocarbons contain a
benzene ring which is unsaturated but very stable and frequently behaves as a
saturated compound. Some typical aromatic compounds are shown in (Figure 3).

Lect./2 Chemical Composition of Petroleum Petroleum Refining

Figure 3: Aromatic compounds

Olefins do not naturally occur in crude oils. However, they are formed during its
processing. They are very similar to paraffins, but they exhibit double bonds, usually
one per molecule (Figure 4), although some di-olefins (two double bonds in the same
molecule, ( Figure 5) can be found.

Figure 4: Olefin compounds

Figure 5: Di-olefin compounds

Lect./2 Chemical Composition of Petroleum Petroleum Refining

Heteroatom compounds
Sulfur compounds might be present in inorganic and organic
forms. In crude oils sulfur concentration can range from 0.1
to more than 8 weight percent. Such as dibenzylthiophene (2
benzene rings separated by 1 S atom) – is most difficult to
relase the Sulfur
Oxygen compounds are responsible for petroleum acidity in
Carboxylic (OH-C=O bonded to a benzene ring)
Phenolic (OH bonded to a benzene ring)
Nitrogen compounds
carbazole (2 benzene rings separated by 1 N atom) – neutral
Quinoline (2 benzene rings with 1 N atom on 1 ring) - basic
Metal Compounds
o Porphyrins contain Ni, V, or Fe

Lect./3 Physical properties of feeds tocks and products Petroleum Refining

Physical properties of feedstocks and products

API = (141.5/SG 15oF) – 131.5 The purpose of this equation was to extend
the range of the specific gravity scale. Crude oil SG changes, although small,
may be important.
Crude Oils oAPI = 10 – 50

Higher oAPI, more paraffinic crude, higher yields of gasoline.

Lower oAPI, more aromatic crude, lower yields of gasoline.

Resistance to flow, usually measured @ 100oF in centistokes (kinimatic

Pour Point
Measured by ASTM D-97 – temperature at which oil ceases to flow. Diesel
may contain waxes, smaller than candle wax, which could solidify in cold

Flash Point
Temperature above which the oil will spontaneously combust. Fractions in
vacuum tower are the least combustible. They are the heaviest.

Vapor Pressure
Measured by ASTM D-323. Also know as Reid vapor pressure (RVP). True
vapor pressure is usually 5-9% > RVP

Carbon Residue
The solid residue (%wt) remaining after heating to coking temperatures (700-
ASTM D-524 Ramsbottom Carbon
ASTM D-189 Conradson Carbon
CCR incr. then Asphaltene incr.

Salt Content
Measured by ASTM – 3230 (lb NaCl/1000 bbl)
Desalting is necessary because NaCl content > 10 lbs/1000 bbl leads to

Measured by EPA Method 3040 These include Ni, V, Ag, Hg, Na, and Ca.
Metals can cause catalyst deactivation and corrosion.

Sediment and Water

Measured by ASTM D – 96 These inorganic particles can lead to operational

Lect./3 Physical properties of feeds tocks and products Petroleum Refining

Measured by ASTM – 664

Measured by ASTM D – 129, 1552, 2622
Sour crudes > 0.5 wt% and sweet crudes < 0.5 wt%. Today it is difficult to
find crudes below 1% sulfur.

TBP Distillation Data

Butanes and lighter 55-175 oF-
Light Gasoline 175-300 oF
Light naphtha 300-400 oF
Heavy naptha 400-500 oF
Kerosene 500-650 oF
Atmosphere Gas Oil 650-800 oF
Light Vacuum Gas Oil 800-1000 oF
Hvy. Vacuum Gas Oil 1000 oF
Vacuum Residue > 1000 oF

Specifications and Environmental Regulations for Gasoline and Diesel

Gasoline-octane number
ON range Gasoline type
87 Regular
88 Plus
93 Super
Octane # of straight run crude oil is 0 ~ 40
EPA regulations limiting benzene to 1%, aromatics to 10%, and sulfur to 30 ppm

Diesel-cetane nuber
The desirable range for the cetane number is between 40-50
EPA regulations limiting sulfur content to 50 ppm in diesel.

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Evaluation of Crude Oil

Evaluation of crude oil is important for refiner because it gives the
following types of information:
1. Base and general properties of the crude oil.
2. Presence of impurities such as sulfur, salt, and emulsions which cause
general difficulties in processing.
3. Operating or design data. Primarily this necessitates curves of
temperature and gravity vs. per cent distilled.
a. Fractionating or true boiling point distillation curve.
b. Equilibrium or flash-vaporization curve.
c. API or specific gravity curve of each fraction distilled.
4. Curves of the properties of the fractions vs. percent distilled (mid per
cent curves) or the average properties of a series of fractions vs.
Percentage yield (yield curve) by which common realization of yields can
by prepared. Among property curves are
a. Viscosity of lubricating-oil fractions
b. Octane number of gasoline fractions.
c. Aniline point of solvents, kerosene, or diesel fractions.
d. Percentage of asphaltic residues.
e. Viscosity of distillation residues.
5. Finished products. Having established the general properties and yield
by means of distillation and property curves and exploring the economy
of the various break-ups of the crude oil.

Base of crude oil

1)Mallison classification according to residuum:( a material left behind after
distillation of fractions.)
Residue > 50% paraffins Paraffinc base
Residue < 20% paraffins Asphaltic base
Residue 20-50% paraffins Mixed base

2)The U.S. Bureau of Mines designated eight base of crude oil

Key Fraction Boiling point Pressure API Note
No. 1 482-527 0F atm. > 40 (Paraffinic Base)
33 <API >40 (Intermediate Base)
API < 33 (Napthene Base)

No. 2 527-572 0F (40-mm)Hg > 30 (Paraffinic Base) The presence of

733-779 0F 1 atm API < 22 (Napthene Base) wax is noted by
22<API<30 (Intermediate Base) cloud point (if
below 50F) it
indicates little
wax (Wax-free)

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

3) Specific Gravity and API Gravity:

Specific gravity and API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity are expressions of
the density or weight of a unit volume of material.
The specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a unit volume of oil to the weight of
the same volume of water at a standard; both specific gravity and API gravity refer to
these constants at 60 0F (16 0C).

API = − 131.5
141.5 =
API . + 131.5

Corresponding values of API gravity (0 to 100)

4) Characterization Factor: (C.F), (K)
The most widely used index is characterization factor (Watson, Nelson and Murphy).
It was originally defined as:
3 T
K= B

In which:
TB is the average molal boiling point ( R)
S: is the specific gravity at 60 0F
It has since related to viscosity, aniline, temperature, molecular weight, critical
temperature, percentage of hydrocarbon etc.

K≥ 12.15 (Paraffinic Base)

K< 11.5 (Napthene Base)
K between 11.5-12.15 (Intermediate Base)

5) Correlation Index: (C.I)

Like (C.F) related to boiling point and gravity

C .I = + 473.7 S − 456.8
TB is the average modal boiling point ( K)
S: is the specific gravity at 60 0F
C.I for Parafine =0
C.I for Benzene =100
C.I =0-15 Parafine
C.I =15-50 either Naphtenes or mix (Parafine + Naphtenes)
C.I = above 50 Aromatic
6) Viscosity Index : (V.I)
A series of numbers ranging from 0-100 which indicate the rate of change of viscosity
with temperature.
Paraffinic base C.O V.I =100
Naphthenic base C.O V.I = 40
Some Naphthenic base C.O V.I =0

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

The presence of impurities in the crude oil

1. Sulfur
Difficulties with oils that contain sulfur compounds arise in only three main ways:
corrosion, odor and poor explosion characteristics of gasoline fuels.
a) Corrosion: corrosion by finished products presents little difficulty because most
products are used at low temperatures. The main bulk of the corrosive sulfur
compounds can by removed by treatment with alkalis or the sweetening treatments. In
presence of air and moisture the sulfur gases produced during the burning of oil may
cause corrosion, as in steel stacks, ducts, and engine exhaust pipes and mufflers.
Real difficulties arise when high sulfur oils are heated to temperature 300 0F or higher
for copper, or 400 0F for steels.
b) Odor : Odor is most obnoxious with low boiling or gaseous sulfur compounds, as
H2S or SO2 in flue gases, mercaptans up to even six carbons atoms (B.P. of about 400
F), sulfides up to 8 carbons atoms (about 350 0F), and among disulfides only methyl
disulfide (B.P. 243 0F) . This odor is not obnoxious in sweetened products except in
certain extremely high- sulfur gasoline.
Percentage of S in crude oil ranges from nearly 0.1 for high API- gravity crude oils as
high 5 percentage in a few very heavy crude oils.
Generally crude with greater than 0.5% S require more extensive processing than
those with lower sulfur content.
2. Salt
Salt carried into the plant in brine associated with crude oils is a major cause of the
plugging of exchangers and coking of pipe still tubes.
If salt content expressed as NaCl , is greater than 10 lb/1000 bbl, it is generally
necessary to desalt the crude before processing.
3.Carbon Residue :
The less the value of carbon residue the more valuable the crude.
4. Nitrogen Compounds:
The nitrogen compounds in petroleum are not of major importance, but they do tend
to cause a reduction in the activity of the catalysts used in catalytic cracking and they
may assist in the formation of so- called "gum" in distillated or diesel fuel oil.
Crude containing in amount above 0.25 % by weight require special processing to
remove the nitrogen.
5. Hydrocarbons Gaseous
The amount of gaseous hydrocarbons dissolved in crude oil is almost totally a
function of the degree of weathering that the oil has undergone or the pressure at
which it is collected. The percentage of involved when the dissolved gases are lost
cannot be stated with accuracy but it is about
Reid V. P -1
Liquid vol. % loss =------------------------

If the gas have M.W= 40, the gas amount to about 16.1 ft3 per 1% loss of liquid.
6. Metallic Content (Ni, V, Cu)
The metal content in crude oil can vary from a few ppm to more than 1000 ppm,
disadvantages affect activities of catalyst, corrosion, deterioration of refractory
furnace lining and stacks. Can be reduced by solvent extraction with C3.

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Analysis of Crude Petroleum

1) Distillation Curves : When a refining company evaluate its own crude oils to
determine the most desirable processing sequence to obtain the required products, its
own laboratories will provide data concerning the distillation and processing of the oil
and its fractions. The first step in refinery is distillation in which the crude oil
separated into fractions according to its boiling point.
There are at least four types of distillation curves or ways of relating vapor
temperature and percentage vaporized
a) True-boiling-point (T.B.P): (Fractional, run only on crude oil, batch) .
Distillation characteristics of a crude are assessed performing a preliminary
distillation called "True Boiling Point" analysis (TBP). This test enlightens the
refiners with all possible information regarding the percentage quantum of fractions,
base of crude oil and the possible difficulties beset during treatment operation etc.
True boiling point (TBP) and gravity-mid percent curves can be developed from U.S
Bureau of mines crude petroleum analysis data sheet Fig. (1) which is reported in two
portions: The first is the portion of the distillation at atmospheric pressure and up to
527 0F (275 0C) end point, the second at 40 mm Hg total pressure to 572 0F (300 0C)
end point. The portion of distillation at reduced pressure is necessary to prevent
excessive pot temperature which cracking of the crude oil. The distillation
temperatures reported in the analysis be corrected to 760 mm Hg pressure. Generally,
those reported in the atmospheric distillation section need to be corrected. The
distillation temperature at 40 mm Hg can by converted to 760 mm Hg by use of chart
Fig. (2) shows the relationships between boiling temperatures at 40 mm Hg and 760
mm Hg pressure. The gravity mid- percent curve is plotted on the same chart with
TBP. The gravity should be plotted on the average volume percent of the fraction, as
the gravity is the average of the gravities from the first to the last drops in the
fractions. For narrow cuts, a straight line relationship can be assumed and the gravity
used as that of the mid-percent of the fraction. Smooth curves are drawn for both TBP
and gravity mid- percent curves. Fig. (3) illustrated these curves for the crude oil.

b) Equilibrium or Flash Vaporization (EFV). The feed material is heated as it

flows continuously through a heating coil. As vapor is formed it kept cohesively with
liquid at some temperature and a sudden release of pressure quickly flashes or
separates the vapor from the mixture without any rectification. By successive flash
evaporation like this the stock can be progressively distilled at different increasing
temperatures. a curve of percentage vaporized vs. temperature may be plotted.
travels along in the tube with remaining liquid until separation is permitted in a vapor
separator or vaporizer. By conducting the operation at a series of outlet temperature, a
curve of percentage vaporized vs. temperature may be plotted.

c) ASTM or no fractionating distillation: (no fractional , run on fractions) .

It is supposed to be like EFV, a non fractionating distillation system, distinguishing
itself as differential distillation. It is a simple distillation carried out with standard
ASTM flasks 100,200,500 ml flasks. The data obtained is similar to TBP data

d) Hempel: (Semi fractional).

It is considered as a semi-fractionating type of distillation like Saybolt 's, Where TBP
data is insufficient , this can be used.

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Figure (1) U.S Bureau of Mines crude petroleum analysis (From Gary and Handwerk,

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Figure (2) Boling point at 760 mmHg versus boiling point at

40mmHg (From Gary and Handwerk, 2001)

Figure (3): TBP and gravity- mid percent curves. Hasting Field,
Texas crude: gravity 31.7 oAPI; sulfur, 0.15 wt%.(From Gary
and Handwerk, 2001)
Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

2) Mid Percent Curves:

The physical properties of an oil found to vary gradually throughout the range
of compounds that constitute the oil. Distillation is a means of arranging of
compounds these chemical compounds in order of their boiling points. The properties
such as color, specific gravity, and viscosity are found to be different for each drop or
fraction of the material distilled. The rate at which these properties change from drop
to drop may plot as mid per cent curves.
In reality, the specific gravity or viscosity of a fraction is an average of the
properties of the many drops that constitute the fraction. If each drop is equally
different from the last drop and from the succeeding one, then the drop that distills at
exactly half of the fraction has the same property as the average of all the drops. This
would be the condition for a mid per cent that is a straight line, but they are
substantially straight through any short range of percentage. For a short range of
percentage the average property is equal to the property at the mid-point of the
fraction. The arithmetical average of the properties of these small fractions is the
property of the total or large fraction, or even the entire sample.
Integral- averaging by adding together the properties of a series of short
fractions and dividing by number of fractions can not be used on properties that are
not additive. Specific gravity (not API gravity) is an example of an additive property,
e. g. 10 volumes of an oil of specific gravity 0.8 when mixed with an equal volume of
0.9 specific gravity oil yields a mixture that has a specific gravity 0.85.

Additive Properties Non additive Properties

Boiling Point (T.B.P) API Gravity
Vapor Pressure Viscosity
Specific Gravity Color
Aniline Point Flash Point
Sulfur Content
Hydrogen/Carbon ratio

3) Yield Curves:
If a property is not additive, the property of various ranges of fractions can be
determined experimentally by blending and plotting the property value as obtained as
a function of yield or amount of blended material.

Crude Suitable for Asphalt Manufacture

If a crude oil residue (750 0F mean average boiling point) having a Watson
characterization factor < 11.8 and gravity < 35 0API , it is usually suitable for
asphalt manufacture.
If however, the difference between the K values for the 750 0F and 550 0F fraction is
grater than 0.15, the residue may contain too much wax to meet most asphalt
Calculation of (K) (Characterization Factor) for The Whole Crude
1. Calculate the TVABP using 20, 50, and 80 volume % TBP temperature.
2. Calculate the 10 to 70% slope of the whole curve.
3. Using a proper correction factor, convert TVABP to TMABP. (or some time given ):
4. Constract a spg mid percent curve and evaluate the spg for the whole crude.
5. K is found as a function of TMABP and spg.

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Figure (4): Mean average boiling point of petroleum fractions. (From Gary and
Handwerk, 2001)
Estimation of EFV Distillation Curve
A- Estimation of the straight line EFV curve:
1. Estimate of t 50% of ASTM/ TBP using:
2. Estimate the 10 to 70% slope of ASTM/TBP using

t 70 − t10
Slope( ASTM / TBP) =
3. Use Fig. (5) to convert slope (ASTM/TBP) to slope of EFV

Fig (5): Relationships between the slopes (degrees/ per cent) of various
distillation or vaporization curves. (From, Nelson, W. L, 1985)
Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

4. Estimate t 50% of EFV from Fig. ( 6 )

t 50% = t 50% − ∆T
5. Draw a straight line through t50% EFV with slop of EFV.
6. t 0% ( bubble point )=t 50% - slope*(50)
7. t 100% (dew point)= t 50%+slope*(50)

Fig (6): Relationship between distillation temperatures at 50 per cent vaporized

and the flash (E. F.V.) temperatures at 50 per cent. (From, Nelson, W. L, 1985)

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

B. Estimation of EFV Curvature

1. Estimate t50% (ASTM/TBP)
The proper 50% temperature is intermediate between the temperature on the distillation curve
and the temperature on a straight line connecting the 10 and 70 percent points, and usually
about halfway between.
2. Convert to t50% EFV using Fig (6)
3. Estimate the (ASTM/TBP) 10-70 % slope
4. Estimate the EFV slope from Fig (5)
5. Estimate t100% on flash curve = t 50% + slope *(50)
t 0% on flash curve= t 50% - slope *(50)
6. Ratio of 10-70 slopes = R
7. Starting at the 10 % and compute the 5 %
t 10% = t 50% - 40* (slope)
8. Slope of (ASTM/TBP) through 5-10 % = r
9. Slope of EFV through 5-10 % = r / R
10. Temperature at 5 % on EFV = t 10%- slope * (5)
Slope of dist. Curve through short range (r)
Slope of dist. Curve (10 -70)

R=--------------------------------- =------------------------------------------
Slope of flash. Curve (10 -70) Slope of EFV through short range

Average Boiling point

1) Volume Average Boiling Point (TVABP)
t + t + − − − − − − − − − − +t 90%
TVABP = 10% 20%
If such data is not available then it may be defined as
t 30% + t 50% + t 70%
Where all % are in volumes
2) Weight Average Boiling Point (TWABP)
t + t + − − − − − − − − − − +t 90%
TWABP = 10% 20%
Where % are based on weight
3) Molar Average Boiling Point (TMABP)
t +t +t
TWABP = x1 x 2 x 3
x1 + x 2 + x3
where x1,x2,x3 are mole fractions
tx1, tx2, tx3 are corresponding boiling points.
All these boiling point are interconvertable.
Interconvertability of boiling points can be worked out by knowing the slope of distillation
curve of a fraction. The method of finding out the slope for ASTM/TBP/EFV is the same
t 70 − t10
TBP slope is given as i.e. 0t/ percent; where
70% and 10% are volumetric boiling points on vaporization curve.
The conversion of TBP slope to ASTM or EFV slope can be done with Fig (5)

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Example (1) :( Use of Gravity Mid percent Curve) (Nelson p/106)

Compute the spg of a 41.4 API (0.8183 spg) mixed base crude oil from the spg mid
Fraction Range of % spg Fraction Range of % spg
No. No.
1 0-5 0.6506 11 50-55 0.8280
2 5-10 0.6939 12 55-60 0.8388
3 10-15 0.7227 13 60-65 0.8498
4 15-20 0.7420 14 65-70 0.8602
5 20-25 0.7583 15 70-75 0.8713
6 25-30 0.7720 16 75-80 0.8827
7 30-35 0.7844 17 80-85 0.8939
8 35-40 0.7958 18 85-90 0.9065
9 40-45 0.8067 19 90-100 0.9340
10 45-50 0.8170

Computed Sp. g =0.8171, Actual Spg=0.8183 reasonable check (good for most
Spg of c.o=-------------------------------------------------------------------------
engineer design work)
See Fig(6).

Computed = 0, 8171, Actual = 0.8183 reasonable check (good for most
engineer design work), See fig (7).

Fig (7): Gravity mid per cent curve. (From, Nelson, W. L, 1985)

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Example (2): (Estimate of Flash Vaporization Curve) p/113 Nelson

1) The TBP curve of Fig (8) has a slope (degree/percent) between 10 and 70 percent point of;
t 70 − t10 775 − 210
= = 9.4 Deg/percent
60 60
2) According to Fig (5) the slope of EFV curve will be 6.5 Deg/percent.
3) From Fig (9), 50 % percent temperature of TBP curve =576 0F
4) From Fig (6), the50 % percent temperature of flash curve will be about 64 0F below of 5)
percent temperature of the TBP curve
576- 64 =512 0F
6) A straight line flash curve can be drawn through 512 0F with slope of 6.5
Thus at zero percent the temperature=512-50*6.5=187 0F
At 100 percent the temperature =512+50*6.5= 837 0F

Fig (8) typical liquid and vapor temperature distillation of a 35 API crude oil
(From, Nelson, W. L, 1985)

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Example (3) :Curvature of Flash Vaporization Curve. (P/119) Nelson.

1) The slope of ASTM, 10-70 percent Fig (9)
430 − 170
= 4.34
2) Slope of flash, 10-70 percent Fig (5) = 2.8
3) The 50 percent point on a straight line connecting 430 and 170 on the ASTM curve is
( 170+4.34*40) or (430-4.34*20) = 343 0F
where as it is about 365 on the ASTM curve Fig( 9)
A compromise temperature halfway between ,i. e, 354 0F , is selected
4) 50% on flash curve Fig (6) (354, 2.8) =354-37=317 0F
100% on flash curve =317+50 *2.8=456 0F
0 % on flash curve =317-50 *2.8=176 0F
5) Computing curvature
Slope of Flashٍ
Ratio of 10-70 slope= -------------------- = -------------------= 0.645
Slope of ASTMٍ 4.34
6) Starting at the 10 percent and computing the 5 percent point as an illustration
10 % on flash curve : 317-40*2.8=205 0F
7) Slope of ASTM curve between 5 and 10 % Fig (9)
170 − 125
= 9 .0
8) Slope of flash curve between 5 and 10 %
Slope of dist. Curve through short range (r)
Slope of dist. Curve(10 -70)

R=--------------------------------- =------------------------------------------
Slope of flash. Curve(10 -70) Slope of EFV through short range

4.34 9
== ------------------------ = ------------------------------------

2.8 Slope of flash through short range

Temperature at 5 % on flash curve = 205-5.8*5 = 176 F

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Fig (9): Curvature in the distillation curves of a pressure still distillate.

(From, Nelson, W. L, 1985)

Distillation Fractions: All the components that boil between the two
specified temperature which called the cut point
Butane and

LSR Gasoline



Crude Oil


Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

Fractions Cut points Cut points

C4 and ltr < 32 C < 90 0F
Light Straight Run (LSR) Gasoline 32-105 0C 90-220 0F
Naphtha HSR Gas 105-150 0C 220-300 0F
Kerosene 150-282 0C 300-540 0F
Gas oil 282-425 0C 540-800 0F
Residue 425+ 0C 800 + 0F

Cut Point
Each fraction has an IBP and EP on ASTM curve because of un efficient
fractionation the IBP of heavier fraction is interrelated with the EP of lighter fraction.

H.W (1): The ASTM data for a pressure distillation are as given. Estimate the EFV curve.
% volume dist. ASTM (temp. 0F ) % volume dist ASTM (temp. 0F )
5 125 50 365
10 175 55 380
15 200 60 400
20 230 65 420
25 255 70 425
30 280 75 450
35 300 80 460
40 325 85 480
45 350 90 500
H.W (2): Evaluate the crude oil whose 0API= 35, MABP=600, sulfur%= 0.52%.

H.W (3): 4000 BPD of (35 0 API) crude oil having the given TBP data is available.
TBP 0F % vol. Distilled 0
API % Sulfur
85 1 110 -
180 13 63 -
385 30 49 0.1
510 50 38 0.3
620 63 23 0.5
750 73 20 0.8
1000 84 17 1.5
1000+ 100 11 2.3
a) Draw an assay curve.
b) Evaluate the given crude ; TMABP=TVABP- 120 ( 0 F )
c) Select TBP cut temperature for the products to be obtained from distilling this
crude and estimate their yields.
H.W (4) : For the given crude oil ;
a) Evaluate the given oil.
b) Select TBP cut points for the products to be obtained from processing this crude in
an atmospheric distillation unit and estimate the %yield for each cut.
% vol. Distilled TBP ( 0 F ) API %S
0 40 --- ---
20 200 40 0.1
40 280 35 0.18
60 330 30 0.25
80 410 26 0.42
90 500 25 0.68

Lect. /3 Evaluation of Crude Oil Petroleum Refinery

95 520 20 0.8
H.W (5) : For the given crude oil (31.7 0 API ),sulfur percent 0.15 ;
a) Evaluate the given oil.
b) Select TBP cut points for the products to be obtained from processing this crude in
an atmospheric distillation unit and estimate the %yield for each cut.
Stage 1- Distillation at atmospheric pressure 751 mm Hg
Fraction No. Cut Temp. 0F Percent Sum. Percent Sp. gr. 0
API 60 0F
Distilled 60/60 0F
1 122 0.8 0.8 0.673 78.8
2 167 1.0 1.8 0.685 75.1
3 212 3 4.8 0.725 63.7
4 257 3.4 8.2 0.755 55.9
5 302 3.1 11.3 0.777 50.6
6 347 3.9 15.2 0.798 45.8
7 392 4.9 20.1 0.817 41.7
8 437 6.8 26.9 0.833 38.4
9 482 8.0 34.9 0.848 35.4
10 527 10.9 45.8 0.864 32.3
Stage 2- Distillation at atmospheric pressure 40 mm Hg
Fraction No. Cut Temp. 0F Percent Sum. Percent Sp. gr. 0
API 60 0F
Distilled 60/60 0F
11 392 7.3 53.1 0.873 30.6
12 437 7.8 60.9 0.879 29.5
13 482 6.2 67.1 0.889 27.7
14 527 5.7 72.8 0.901 25.6
15 572 6.9 79.7 0.916 22.94
16 ------- 20.3 100.0 0.945 18.2

Lect./4 Degassing and Dehydration Petroleum refinery

Degassing and Dehydration

In a producing oilfield the fluid obtained at the wellhead is submitted to
degassing and dehydration operations . In the first operation the gases evolved by
releasing the pressure of the fluid are recovered, stripped of the less volatile
components, and either sent to consumer centers as natural gas or used to
repressurize the oilfield.
The stripped liquid components are marketed as stabilized natural gasoline.

To flare To flare To flare

Chemicals station

Fresh water
oil 1 st 2 nd
flow stage stage
well separ. To user
Heater Dehy.
Cold To user

Dist. To user

Oily water
To treat. or

Crude oil Degassing station (From Gary and Handwerk, 2001)

Dehydration and desalting of crude

The second operation aims to completely eliminate the water that appears in the
fluid forming stable emulsions, and the removal of water-soluble inorganic salts
associated with the water which, if left in the oil, would give rise to serious corrosion
problems in the course of refining operation.
All crude contain moisture and salts to varying degrees. Water is likely to occur
in emulsion form when the crude are naphthenic or sulfurous ( No harm may be
expected to the distillation column due to the presence of moisture , as there is
always steam in distillation. However , crude has to be dehydrated to remove the
Water being good solvent for these salts the removal is very much effective in the
form of brine.
Of all of the existing salts, chlorides of calcium and magnesium distinguish
themselves in playing an invincible role in overhead corrosion . ( These salts in
presence of steam at 150-200 0C easily hydrolyze generating hydrochloric vapors.

Lect./4 Degassing and Dehydration Petroleum refinery

These vapors cause corrosion to equipments). Any crude that contains more than 5
kgs of total salts expressed in terms of sodium chloride per thousand barrels may be
regarded as salty crude.
Dehydration of crude is practiced in two stages, first in the site and later in the
At the site (oil field ) : salt is removed by 1) settling or by 2) adding chemicals
or by 3) Combination of these two.
Crude possessing emulsifying characteristics are not responsive to settling
method; these demand demulsifying agent to increase the coalescence of water drops.
(Soda ash, sodium hydroxide, salt of fatty acids petroleum sulfonates which assist
coalescence of water droplets).
A good amount of water should be available in crude for such treatment ; lack
of water demands the fresh additions to about 20 % . After adding the chemicals and
water to the desired extent the crude mixture is allowed to stand 75-80 oC at 15
kgs/cm2 in huge tall tanks. Demulsifying chemicals , if necessary are added in very
small amounts. Retention time is about 48 hours.
Water droplets will settle at a velocity proportional to the square of their diameter
D 2 ( ρ w − ρo )
V =c
Salt water is present in oil in the form of an emulsion, created by dispersion of water
in droplet form, and held by emulsifying agents present in the oil.
These emulsifying agent are generally
Resin, asphalts, organic acids, and solids which are produced with the oil, and aid in
the formation of a tough film around the droplet, thus isolating each separate water
droplet from the other. The film which isolates the water droplets from the other must
be broken before coalescence take place
1)Chemical aids are used to displace this film from the water
deemulsifiers droplet. The proper use of heat is also an aid

The final phase of the coalescence process is the collision of these small water
droplets under the influence

3) An electrostatic field to form layer drops which will settle faster

+ H
- +

_ 105 oC

- +
+ H

Lect./5 Tube Still Heater Petroleum refining

Tube Still Heater

Tube Still Heater
Tube heaters can be categorized into three types:
1) Box/ Rectangular
2) Cylindrical
3) Radiant Wall
All these furnaces have got separate radiation section and convection section.
The most universal classification is based on direction of tubes as well as shape of
furnace and mode of application of heat.
In most of the furnaces, the direction of tubes is horizontal as in all box type
heaters and vertical in cylindrical stills. Radiant walls also use horizontal tubes,
however tubes can be placed vertically also.
The radiant section design is based on Stefan 's law of radiation :
Q r = bAT = bA (T G − T B )
4 4 4

A: area of radiating surface, ft2

b : 1.72x109 Btu/ oF ft2 hr at black body conditions.
T: absolute temperature of the surface , oF
For a satisfactory design , the following schedule of heat distribution may be
Type of heat Percent
Convection heat transfer 30-50%
Radiant heat transfer 45-60%
Losses (Furnace) 5%
Stack losses 12%
Design of a furnace radiation section is based on Hottle, Wilson method and radiant
heat absorption is given as
R= x100
G Q / α Acp
R= % heat absorbed in radiant section
G= Air /fuel ratio (wt. basis)
α = Factor to convert actual exposed surface to cold surface
0.986 for two rows at spacing 2 OD.
0.88 for one rows at spacing 2 OD.
If Q in Kj / hr S=14200 Area in m2
Q in Btu/hr S=4200 Area in ft2
Q in Kcal/hr S=6930 Area in m2
Acp= Area of wall having tubes in front of it

Acp = LN Acp = wall area
α Acp= equivalent cold plane surface ft2
L= length
C= Center to center spacing
N= Number of tube per row.
A = LnN
A= Projected area
D= Tube diameter (in)

Lect./5 Tube Still Heater Petroleum refining

n= no. of rows
A = nA cp
Acp =
n D
RQ = Aq
q= rate of heat absorption per square foot of projected tube area
Aq nA cp ( D / C ) q
Q= =
R= x100
q n D
1+ R α C
D n (1 − R ) 2 S 2
q( )= ( )
C α R G
For a most commercial case D/C=0.5 , n=2
(1 − R ) 2 S 2
1 .014 xq ' = ( )
C a '
q = 1 . 014 x x q
D n
A petroleum stock at a rate of 1200 bbl/hr. of sp. gr. 0.8524 is passed through a train
of heat exchangers and is allowed to enter directly the radiant section of box type
heater at 220 o C . The heater is designed to burn 3500 kgs per hour of refinery off
gases as fuel. The net heating value of fuel is 47.46x103 Kj per kg. The radiant section
contains 150 sq. meters of projected area of one row of tubes (10.5 cm, 12 m long and
spaced at 2 OD).
Find the outlet temperature of the petroleum stock,
Data α=0.88
Air fuel ratio= 25
Average Specific heat of stock=2.268 Kj/Kg o C.
Total heat liberated (Q) = m fuel * NHV =47.46*103 * 3500
= 1.66*108 Kj per hour
Projected area of one tube (L * D)=12x0.105
No. of tubes= 150/(12*0.105)=120 tubes
α A cp=0.88* 120 * 0.105 * 2* 12=266 Sq. m.

1 1
Heat absorption %(R) = x100 = = 44 %
G Q / α Acp 1 .66 * 10 8
1+ 25 *
S 266
Outlet temperature of the stock:
Q=m Cp ∆t
0.44*1.66*108= 1200* 200* 0.8524* 2.268* ∆t
∆t=157 o C
So the outlet temperature is equal to 157+220=377 o C

Lect./5 Tube Still Heater Petroleum refining

A pipe still uses 7110 lb per hour of a cracked gas (Net Heating Value (NHV) 20560
Btu per lb). The radiant section contains 1500 sq ft of projected area, and the tube (5
in. outside diameter) are spaced at a center-to-center distance of 10 in. there is only
one row of radiant tubes, and they are 40 ft long. The ratio of air to fuel is (21 (30
percent excess air).
a) What percentage of the heat liberation is absorbed in the radiant section?
b) How many Btu are absorbed per hour through each square foot of projected area?
Total heat liberated(Q)=m fuel * NHV=7110*20560=146000000 Btu/hr
A = LnN
N=number of tubes = =90
40 * 5 / 12
Acp = LN = 40x90x10/12=3000
α A cp=0.88x3000=2640 sq ft
1 1
Heat absorption %(R) = x100 = = 45 .8 %
G * Q / α Acp 1 .46 x10 6
1+ 21 *
S 2640

Heat absorption in radiant section = 0.458*146*106=66900000 Btu per hr

Heat absorbed per sq ft projected area = q= 66900000/1500=44500 Btu per hr
A furnace is to be designed for a heat duty of 50x106 Btu/hr if the overall efficiency
of the furnace is 80% and an oil fuel with a NHV=17130 Btu/lb is to be fired with
25% excess air (17.5 lb air/ lb fuel ) with the air being preheated to 400 o F . Steam is
used for atomizing at a rate of 0.3 lb/lb of fuel at 190 0 F. Furnace tubes are of 5 in
OD., 38.5 ft length and 10 in spacing arranged in a single row. 1500 ft2 of projected
area is available.
Hair (400 o F) = 82 Btu/lb
H steam (190 o F) = 95 Btu/lb
H (flue gases at 1730 o F)=148 Btu/hr
Calculate :
1) The no. of tube required in radiation section.
2) % heat absorbed in convection section assuming wall losses of 5 %.
3) The heat rate available per unit projected area.
heatduty 50 * 10 7
Q comb . = = = 6 . 25 * 10 7 Btu / hr
efficiency 0 .8
A= 1500 ft2
1) N=1500*12/(1*38.5*5)
N= 94 tube/row
A cp= L * C/12 * N =38.5*10/12*94=3015.8 ft2
α A cp=0.88*3015.8=2653.9 ft2
Q total= Q comb. + Q steam + Q air

Lect./5 Tube Still Heater Petroleum refining

Q comb.=m fuel * NHV

m fuel =6.25 * 107/17130=3.648 * 103
0.3 lb steam / 1 lb fuel
m steam=0.3 * m fuel
m steam=0.3*3.648*103 =1.0944*103 lb/hr
Q steam = m steam * H steam
= 1.0944 * 103 * 95=1.03968 * 105 Btu/hr
17.5 lb air / 1 lb fuel
m air=17.5 *m fuel
m air= 17.5 *3.648*103 =6.384 *104 lb/hr
Excess air =25 %
m air=1.25 * 6.384 * 104 =7.98 *104 lb/hr
Q air= m air x Hair
Q air= 7.98 * 104*82= 6.5436 * 106 Btu/hr
m flue gases= m fuel+ m air+ m steam
m flue gases= 3.648 * 103+7.98*104 + 1.0944*103 = 8.454 * 104 lb/hr
Q flue gases = m flue gases x H flue gases = 8.454 * 104 * 148 = 1.25 * 107 Btu/hr
Q total= Q comb. + Q steam + Q air = 6.25 * 107 + 1.03968 * 105+6.5436 * 106
= 6.9147 *107 Btu/hr
% stack loss = Q flue gases/ Q total * 100 =1.25 * 107 /6.9147 * 107 * 100 = 18 %
Heat absorption %(R) = x100
G * Q / α Acp
= = 59 .88 %
6 .9147 x10 7
17 .5 *
2653 .9
2) % convection=100-%R-%stack loss-% wall loss
% convection = 100 - 59.88 – 18 – 5 = 17.12 %
3)q=RQ/A =0.5988 x 6.78 x 107/1500
q= 2.7 x 104 Btu/ hr ft2

H.W (1)
A furnace is to be designed for a heat duty of 30 x 105 Btu/hr and efficiency of 75%.
The furnace is fired with gaseous fuel at a rate of 17 lb air / lb fuel (NHV = 17000
Btu/lb). The tube are arranged in two rows and are of 5 in OD., 40 ft length and 2x
OD. Spacing, heat rate of 35000 Btu/hr of projected area is recommended calculate:
1) % heat absorbed in radiation section (R %).
2) Heat absorbed in the convection section. (State any assumptions used).
3) The number of tubes in the radiation section.
H.W (2)
7000 lb/hr of cracked gas of 20560 Btu/lb NHV is used as a fuel in a furnace. The
radiant section absorbed 44500 Btu/hr ft2 of projected area. The tubes are 5 in. OD. ,
10 in. spacing, and 20 ft long. They arranged in two rows. The air to fuel ratio is 21.0.
Calculate 1) the number of tubes in the radiation section 2) the amount of heat
absorbed in this section.

Lect./6 Fractionation Towers Petroleum refining

Fractionation Towers
After desalting, the crude oil is pumped through a series of heat exchanger and
its temperature raised to about 550 o F (288 o C ) by heat exchange with product and
reflux streams. It is then further heated to about 750 o F (399 o C ) in a furnace (i.e.
direct fired heater or "pipe still" ) and charged to flash zone of atmospheric
The furnace discharge temperature is sufficiently high to cause vaporization of
all products with drawn above the flash zone + about 20% of the bottom product. The
20 % "over flash" allows some fractionation to occur on the trays just above the
flashing zone by providing internal reflux in excess of side stream withdrawals.
In many petroleum distillations, steam is admitted to the space in which
vaporization occurs, the steam reduce the partial pressure in the vapor by Dalton's
law, the boiling point of a material may be reduced in only two ways:1) the pressure
may be reduced, 2) or some inert gas such as steam may be introduced.
The distillation causes the fractions to separate in increasing order of boiling
point. The top product being highly volatile has to be condensed in a reflux
condenser. Some portion of the condensed fraction goes back as reflux.
All other fractions form the side draw products of distillation column. There
fractions are usually classified as heavy naphtha, kerosene, gas oil.
Bottom product of atmospheric column is now again routed through a furnace
to reach a temperature of 350 to 400 oC and is allowed to flash in a vacuum column,
vacuum gas oil, heavy diesel, lubrications oil cuts / pressure distillates shall be the
side cuts.

gasoline 300 0 F

1 atm naphtha 330 0 F

Vac. gasoline
Kerosene 410 0 F

C. O
Gas oil 510 0 F

L. L. o
650 -800 F
40 mm
M. L .o

R. C

H. L. o

660 -750 0F

Vac .Residue

Lect./6 Fractionation Towers Petroleum refining

Heat and Material Balances

1) The vapor liquid feed enters the tower at a high temperature, and the product are
withdrawn at lower temperature , hence heat must be removed, and it is referred as
" reflux heat ".
2) The most satisfactory temperature datum is the vaporizer temperature because
this temperature can be accurately estimated and is the temperature about which the
entire design of tower, and pipe still hinges.
3) By using this datum plane , the heat balance consists simply of the sensible heat
required to:
a)Cool each product from vaporizer temperature to its withdrawal temperature.
b)Condense the products that are withdrawal as liquid.
Example (1) : Heat Balance of a Fractionating Tower
A heat balance of the simple tower system shown in Fig. below will be computed to
determine the amount of heat that must be removed to keep the tower in thermal
balance. The capacity is 1200bbl per day (2100 gal per hour of a 12.1 to 12.2
Characterization Factor crude oil. At 576 o F the gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, and gas
oil are vapor and the reduced crude oil is a liquid. A sufficient quantity of heat must
removed from the vapors to cool them as vapors to the temperature at which they are
withdrawn from the tower and to condense the naphtha, kerosene, and gas oil at their
withdrawal temperature.
Volume, API Lb per Gal Lb per 50 per Mol. Latent
Percent gal per hr hr cent bp wt heat
Gasoline 26.8 62.8 6.06 563 3415 260 110 120
Naphtha 5.63 52.8 6.39 118 754 370 155 113
Kerosene 19.8 45.6 6.65 416 2765 460 185 100
Gas oil 10.6 39.4 6.89 222 1530 585 240 90
Reduced crude 36.97 31.2 7.24 776 5610
Loss 0.2 96
Crude 100.00 43.0 6.75 2100 14170

286 o F
Gasoline 26.8 %
62.8 API
286 o F
Hot reflux
335 F
Naphtha 5.6%
52.8 API
420 F
Kerosene 19.8%
45.6 API
510 F
Gas oil 10.6 %
Crude oil 600 F 39.4 API
576 F
1200 B.P.D
Steam 535 o F
567 lb. per hr.

510o F
Reduced crude 36.97 %
31.2 API

Lect./6 Fractionation Towers Petroleum refining

Solution :Energy Balance Basis =1hr

Sensible heat Btu
Gasoline (vapor) 3415x(576-286)x0.56 = 589000
Naphtha (vapor) 754x(576-335)x0.55 = 106000
Kerosene(vapor) 2765x(576-420)x0.57= 261000
Gas oil (vapor) 1530x(576-510)x0.59= 63000
Reduced crude (liquid) 5610x(576-510)x0.72=276000
Steam (vapor) 567x(535-286)x0.5= 70600
Latent heat Btu
Gasoline ( withdraw as vapor )
Naphtha 754x113 = 85100
Kerosene 2765x100= 276500
Gas oil 1530x90= 138000
Total heat to be removed 1865200
Kinds of Reflux :
Ways of removing heat are indicated in Fig below , the types of reflux:
1) Cold Reflux : is defined as reflux that is supplied at some temperature below the
temperature at the top of the tower. Each pound of this reflux removes a quantity of
heat equal to the its latent heat and the sensible heat required to raise it temperature
from the storage tank temperature to the temperature at the top of the tower
Q = m λ + mC pL ∆ T
2) Hot Reflux :Admitted to the tower at the same temperature . Reflux or over flow
from plate to plate in the tower is essentially hot reflux because it is always
substantially at its boiling point. Hot reflux capable of removing only the latent heat
because no difference in temperature is involved
Q = mλ
2) Circulating Reflux : It is not vaporized. It is only able to remove the sensible heat that
is represented by its change in temperature as it circulate. This reflux is withdrawn from the
tower as a liquid at a high temperature as a liquid and is returned to the tower after having
been cooled.
Q = mC pL ∆ T Charge- Stock

Circulating Reflux Storage
Cold Reflux
Hot Reflux


Lect./6 Fractionation Towers Petroleum refining

Example (2) : (Quantity of Reflux)

A tower fractionating system is such that 18652000 Btu per hr of reflux heat must be
removed. Example (1) illustrates the method of determining the reflux heat. How
many pounds of (1) hot (2) cold, and (3) circulating reflux are required?
Hot reflux:
λ ( Gasoline ) =123 Btu/lb
lb of hot reflux = 1865200/120=15500 lb/hr
mole hot reflux=15500/110=141
mole gasoline = 3415/110=31
moles vapor=141+31=172
moles steam =567/18=31.5
total moles at the top of the tower=172+31.5= 203.5
total pressure at the top of the tower = 780 mm Hg
the partial pressure in the gas phase is (172/203.5)x780 =660 mm Hg
( according to Daltons law Pi= y i PT )
The dew point of 100% gasoline on EFV curve = 296 o F (at 760 mm Hg)
At 660 mm Hg the temperature is calculated according to Claussius – Clapeyron Eq.
p λ 1 1
ln = ( − )
po R To T

R= 1.987 Btu/lb mole o R

660 120 x110 1 1
ln = ( − )
760 1 . 987 296 + 460 T
T=284 o F
The actual top temperature when using hot reflux=286 o F
Cold reflux :
Assume storage tank at 80 o F
Lb cold reflux = = 7950
120 + ( 286 − 80 ) * 0 .58
Moles cold reflux =7950/110=72.3
Mole gasoline 31
Moles vapor 103.3
Moles steam 31.5
Total moles 134.8
103 . 3
p= * 780 = 600 mm Hg
134 . 8
The equilibrium temperature of 296 o F corrected to 600 mm Hg = 275 o F
Circulating reflux :
When circulating reflux was used the top temperature was 244 o F. Assuming the
reflux is cooled from 264 to 166 o F.
Mole gasoline 31
Mole steam 31.5
Total moles 62.5
Partial pressure = 31 * 780 = 387 mm Hg
62 . 5
Correction 296 to 387 mm pressure gives 253 o F
Lb circulating reflux = = 10403
120 + ( 264 − 166 ) * 0 .605

Lect./6 Fractionation Towers Petroleum refining

Moles reflux =10403/110=94.6

Side-Draw Temperature:
1) The method of calculating side-draw temperature is much the same as the
calculation of the top temperature except that complications arise because of the
presence of the low boiling materials that pass the draw plate.
2) Making heat balance upon the drawn plate.
3) In practice, steam and vapor of lighter products are usually present, and hence the
effect of these vapors on the final condensation temperature must be estimated. The
lighter vapors extended from materials boiling at almost the same temperature as the
side-draw product to materials that are substantially fixed gases.
4) Those vapor materials which are far above their boiling point behave as fixed gases
and lower condensation point by Dalton 's law of partial pressures, just as steam
does, but those vapor materials which are at or near their boiling point are not
effective in reducing the partial pressure.
5) Arbitrarily, the vapors materials that will be condensed at the second or higher
draw plate above the plate under consideration may be considered to act as fixed
6) Also, the vapor constituting the materials that is withdrawn from the draw
plate above the one under consideration are assumed to have no effect at all on
the partial pressure.
7) thus in a tower producing, gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, and gas oil , at the
kerosene draw plate the gasoline vapor would be considered as a fixed gas ,
whereas naphtha vapor would assumed to have no effect on the condensation

Example (3) : (Calculation of Side Temperature)

This example is a continuation of examples (1) and (2). The temperature of the
kerosene plate will be computed. (actual temperature=420 o F)
286 o F
Gasoline 26.8 %
62.8 API

286 o F

Hot reflux
335 F
Naphtha 5.6%
52.8 API
420o F
Kerosene 19.8%
45.6 API
510o F
Gas oil 10.6 %
Crude oil 600 o F 39.4 API
576o F
1200 B.P.D
Steam 535 o F

567 lb. per hr.


510o F

Reduced crude 36.97 %

31.2 API

Lect./6 Fractionation Towers Petroleum refining

Solution :
Heat balance on kerosene plate, quantity of reflux and reflux (or vapor reflux) must be
Cool gasoline (vapor) =3415*(576-420)*0.58 = 327000
Cool naphtha (vapor) =754*(576-420)*0.57 = 71000
Cool kerosene(vapor) =2765*(576-420)*0.57= 260000
Cool gas oil (vapor) =1530*(576-510)*0.58= 62000
Reduced crude (liquid) =5610*(576-510)*0.72= 276000
Cool steam =567*(535-420)*0.5= 44000
Condense kerosene = 2765*100= 276500
Condense gas oil =1530*90 = 138000
Reflux heat at kerosene plate 1454000
QT 1454500
Moles internal reflux= = = 78 .6
( λ xM W ) K 185 x100
Moles fixed gases
Steam 31.5
Gasoline 31
Naphtha no effect ------
Total moles vapor=62.5+78.6=141.1
Assume tower pressure at kerosene plate = 950 mm Hg
Pi=PT x y i
Partial pressure = 78 .6 * 950 = 530 mm Hg
141 . 1
p λ 1 1
ln = ( − )
po R To T
530 100 * 185 1 1
ln = ( − )
760 1 . 987 445 + 460 T
T=414 o F
T actual =420 o F
Repeat the example above, recalculate the temperature of the naphtha plate, assume a
tower pressure of 810 mm Hg?
H.W :

Fraction Lb\hr Mw λ Temperature o F

Gasoline 33500 101 120 310
Kerosene 11800 185 108 410
Gas oil 32200 270 95 510
R.C 43500 - - 510
Steam 600 18 - 580
C.O. 121000 - - 576
A)calculate the amount of Hot, Cold and circulating reflux if the storage temperature
is 100 o F and Cpv =0.6 and Cpl =0.7 Btu/lb o F

Lect./6 Fractionation Towers Petroleum refining

B)check the top tower temperature if hot reflux is used. The dew point of gasoline is
296 o F and the pressure at the top plate is 780 mm Hg.
Calculation of The Diameter of Distillation Column
Example (4): See examples 1, 2 and 3 the quantities and conditions will be taken
from these examples.
Density of vapor at top of column (the reflux in the column is always hot reflux)
Mole gasoline 31
Mole hot reflux 141
Mole steam 31.5
Total moles 203.5
P=780 mm Hg
T=286 o F

Volume of vapors = nRT = 203 .5 * 379 * ( 286 + 460 ) x 760 = 107600 ft 3

P 780 * 520

Mass of vapor =mass of gasoline +mass of hot reflux+ mass of steam

= 3415+15500+567=19482 lb/hr
ρV =19482/107600 = 0.181 lb/ft3
Assume density of liquid ρl= 42.7 lb/ft3

= K ρ v (ρ l − ρ v )
Assume K= 735, K is constant dependent primarily on the tray spacing.
w lb
= 2040
a hrxft 2
mass 19482
A= = = 9 .55 ft 2
massveloci ty 2040
4A 4 x 9 . 55
D= = = 3 .5 ft 3
π π
To check the vapor velocity at top (3.5 ft/sec)
v 107600
u= = = 3 . 13 ft / sec
A 9 . 55 * 3600

u is ok
120000 Lb/hr of 34 o API crude oil at 650 o F is fed to an atmospheric distillation unit.
Steam at a rate of 600 lb/hr and 850 o F is used. The fraction obtained were 34000
lb/hr gasoline (MW=110,λ=120) at 310 o F; 12000 lb/hr kerosene (MW=185, λ=108)
at 420 o F; 30000lb/hr gas oil (MW=270,λ=95) at 510 o F . The residue is withdrawn at
510 o F . Assume C PL=0.7 ,CPV=0.6 Btu/lb o F.
a) Check the top tower temperature if the dew point of gasoline is 296 o F and the
pressure at the top plate is 780 mm Hg.
b) Calculate the diameter of the tower if K=735 and ρl= 42.7 lb/ft3 .

Lect./7 The Petroleum Refinery Petroleum refining

The Petroleum Refinery

A small refinery : will take in 2000 to 10000 tons of crude oil/ day .
A large refinery : 20000 to 40000 tons/day and these are a few refineries larger
than this up to 60000 tons/day. Refineries vary in complexity ;i.e. in the variety of
processes operated and of products that are sent out.
Simple refinery : may make only gasoline, diesel fuel, and heavy fuel.
The crude oil is distilled into:
1) Gaseous hydrocarbons, which are burnt as refinery fuel
2) Light gasoline , which will need sweetening, a simple chemical treatment, and
then use for automotive use except for its low octane number.
3) Naphtha of very low octane number, perhaps 40 compared with a market of 90.
It is catalytically reformed, by which octane number of 90 to 95 can be obtained.
A simple refinery consist of a crude oil distilling unit, a gasoline sweetening unit
and a catalytic reformer. Refineries having just this usually small of 2000 to 4000
tons/day of crude oil.
Next stage of complexity is to added a desulphurization unit to treat the diesel fuel.
Usually also the growing refinery will make (LPG) and some low grade kerosene.
The kerosene will also need refining, at least sweetening to make it of marketable
Large Complex Refinery: will have many more units representing more processes
a) Vacuum Distillation : To make a heavy distillate suitable for catalytic cracking or
hydro-cracking or manufacture of lubricating oils , and a residue which may be blown
or further distilled for bitumen.
b) Hydro-cracking : which makes more naphtha for catalytic reforming, more diesel
fuel and low sulphur fuel.
c) Catalytic Cracking : which makes much gas, suitable for LPG ; olefinic
hydrocarbons, the feed stock for many petroleum chemicals ; and high grade gasoline.
d) Wax Plant : de-waxing to get wax out of oil, then de oiling of the crude wax and
final purification of the wax by hydrogenation.
e) Sweetening and Desulphurisation : for jet fuel.
f) Alkylation unit : to synthesize very high octane components for gasoline out of by
product gases from processes (b) , (c) and the primary distillation of the crude oil.
g) Lubricating oil refining :special plant to remove resinous and solidifying
materials from lubricating oil stocks and achieve the finished product by blending.
Butane and
Butane and ltr → gas unit for refining ltr.
and separation Gasoline
Gasoline → Blending
Naphtha → Reforming Naphtha
Kerosene → Hydrogenation Kerosene
Light Gas oil → Gas Oil Blending C. O
Heavy Gas oil → Catalytic Cracking Light Gas oil
Reduced Crude → Vacuum Distillation
Unit Heavy Gas oil

Reduced Crude

Lect./7 The Petroleum Refinery Petroleum refining

Gas from petrolum is classified under several names
a) Natural gas : It is readily availble in nature, in almost as a finished product.It
contains mainly methane It may be accompanied by other dry fractions like ethane
and propane to a small extent. In addition to these combustibles some inerts like CO2
,N2 , noble gases are also present. The proportion of methane ranges from 85% to
b) Associted gas : This is obtained from oil reservoirs and this exists as a separate gas
cap over liquid phase. The proportion of CH4, C2H4 , C3H8 vary depending on
reservoir conditions. When the gas phase is taken out, it may still contain some liquid
, hyrocarbons mainly of volatile range like butane and pentane which when condensed
are treated as (Natural Gasoline ).
c) Disolved gas : Gas may be present in liquid HC mainly in the dissolved state
depending upon the formation pressure. When the pressure dercreased, this dissolved
gas comes out of the oil. This gas is separated before transportation in pipe lines or
tankers . The remaining is first to come out of the distillation column because of
higher temperature.
d) Refining off gas : In refinery , gas is formed in cracking and reforming operations
due to the thermal degradation of liquid hydrocarbons. During stabilization of wild
gasolines or prossessed gasolines, the gases are vented. This forms a major source of
heat energy for refinery, as wall as feed stock for petrochemicals. All the gases
contain impurities like CO2 ,N2 , mercaptans, H2S, water vapour, suspended
impurities. First three paraffins are gases at room temperature. The mixture of
methane and ethane is called dry gas , propane and butane mixture is called wet gas.
e) Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) : Propane is frequently used as LPG after being
mixed with butane. The most important property of this fuel is the vapour pressure.
For factiliting leak detection, the gas is mixed with small amount of odourous

Most refiners produce gasoline in two grades, regular and premium and in addition
supply a low-lead or non-lead gasoline to comply with antipollution requirments. The
principal difference between regular and premium fuels is the antiknock performance.
Gasoline is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons C4-C12 having a boiling range from
100 to 400 oF as determined by ASTM method. Components are blended to promote :
1) high antiknock property. 2) ease of starting. 3) quick warm-up. 4) low tendency to
vapour lock. 5) low engin deposits.
Normal butane is blended into gasoline to give the desired vapour pressure which is a
compromise between high RVP to improve starting characteristics and a low RVP to
prevevt vapour lock and reduce evaporation losses. As butane has a high blending
octane number as much as vapour pressure limitation permits.

Gasoline specifications
The most important properties are :
1) Boiling Range :
This governs ease of starting, rate of acceleration, loss by crankcase dillution. and
tendency towards vapour lock. Engine warm-up time is affected by the % distilled at
158 oF and the 90% ASTM distillation temperature.
Warm up is expressed in terms of the miles of operation required to develop full
power without excessive use of the choke.

Lect./7 The Petroleum Refinery Petroleum refining

Crankcase dilution is controlled by the 90% ASTM distillation temperature and is

also a function of outside temperature.
Tendency to vapour lock is directly propotional to the RVP of the gasoline.
RVP is approximately the vapour pressure of the gasoline at 100 oF in Lb/in2 absolute.
2) Antiknock Properties :
There are two types of octane numbers for gasoline engines : those determined by
- the motor method (MON)
- the research method (RON)
both methods use the same basic test engine but operate under different conditions.
The RON represents the performance during low-speed driving when acceleration is
relatively frequent, and the MON is aguide to engine performance and high speeds or
under heavy load conditions. The difference between the RON & MON of gasoline is
an indication of the change of performance under both city and highway driving and
is known as the "sensivity" of the fuel.

Distillate Fuels
1) Jet Fuels : Commercial jet fuel is a material in the kerosine boiling range and must
be clean burning. One of the critical specification of jet fuels is its smoke point and
this limits the % of cracked products high in aromatic that can be incorporated.
Specification limit the aromatic conc. to 20% . Hydrocracking saturates the
aromatics in the cracked products and raise the smoke point.
The freeze point specification is very low (-40 oF to -58 oF) max. and hydrocracking
is also used to isomerize paraffins and lower the freeze point. In addition the other
limiting specification is flash point (110 to 150 oF).
Naphtha jet fuel is produced for military and is a wide- boiling- range stock which
extends through the gasoline and kerosene boiling range.
2) Diesel Fuels : The major performance characteristics of diesel fuels, some what in
the order of importance are : (cleanlines, ignition quality, volatility, viscosity)
No.1 diesel fuel : is generally made from virgin stocks having cetane No. above 50 .
It has a boiling range from 360 to 600 oF (250 to 320 oC) and is used in high- speed
engines in trucks and buses, it is called some time super diesel.
No.2 diesel fuel : is similar to No.2 fuel oil, and has a wider boiling range (350 to
650 oF) than No.1. It is usually contains some cracked stocks and may be blended
from naphtha, kerosene , and light cracked cycle oils.
Limiting specifications are
Flash point ( 120 to 125 oF min.)
5% 0.5% max
Dist. Range
Cetane No. (52 min.)
Pour point (-10 to +10 max.)
The ignition properties of diesel fuels are expressed in terms of cetane number which
expressed the volume % of cetane (C16H34 , high ignition quality) in a mixture with
alpha-methl-naphthalene (C11H10 , low ignition quality).
3) Heating Oils
No.1 fuel oil is very similar to kerosene but has a higher pour point and end point.
Limiting specification are
Distillation, pour point, flash point and sulfur content.
No.2 fuel oil is very similar to No. 2 diesel fuel, contains cracked stock, and is
blended from naphth, kerosine,diesel and cracked- cycle oils.

Lect./7 The Petroleum Refinery Petroleum refining

Limiting specification are :

Sulfur content ( 0.25 to 0.5% max. )
Pour point ( -10 to +5 max. )
Flash point ( 120 oF min.)

Aviation Turbine Fuels , ( ATF) , Jet Fuels

Modern jet engines use fuel similar to kerosene. It is a most flexible fuel in its boiling
range ( upto 300 oC )
Important properties
Pour point not higher than -30 oC
Smoke point high
Water content

(HSR) Gasoline
These fractions are highly volatile and fall in the boiling range of motor spirits.
These are mostly used as solvents in paints, perfumery and other industries. Solvent
grades are produced by distilling wide cut naphthas into small boiling range cuts.
Naphthas are not suitable for combustion because of the rapid flame propagation,
resulting in explosions.
Cuts boiling below 80 oC donot have any aromatics, hence their solvent power is also
less, such fractions are sent for cracking operations.
80-120 oC fraction is reformed to produce an improvrd octane No. and this goes as a
blend into SRG.

Approx. boiling point range 150-250 oC
Low viscosity
Good degree of refinement to be fairly stable.
Light in colour
Free from smoke
Used as illuminating oil.

Diesel Fuels
Boiling point range 250-320 oC
Mainly two types : classification of diesel oils is done according to speed and load of
the engine as
1) high speed diesels
2) low speed diesels

Lube Oils

The principal source of lubricating oil is the fraction that is left after components,
namely gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil during crude distillation.
Boiling point >350 oC
Otained from vacuum distillation units.
Residuums after precipitation of asphaltenes are known as bright stocks and form
good source for lube oils.

Lect./8 Treating processes Petroleum refining

Treating Processes
The essential purpose of the primary processes is to produce the required
amounts of the various products from the available crude. The products obtained are,
as a general rule, unsuitable as such for immediate use, for the following reasons :
1)Inadequate performance, 2) Instability in storage ,and 3) Objectionable odor and
appearance and contamination with water or particulate matter.
Secondary refining processes (finishing or treating processes), are required to give
the products acceptable with respect to the above criteria.
Main Finishing Processes
a) The removal of the objectionable gases (Acid gas removal).
b) The removal of the objectionable odors.
c) The improvement in storage stability.
d) The improvement in performance characteristics.
e) The removal of water and particulate matter.
a)The removal of the objectionable gases
Hydrogen sulphide : Has to be removed from products because :
a) toxic, b) foul smelling, c) corrosive, d) traces of it may seriously contaminate
regenerative treating solvents such as a solutizer used for final sweetening of the
A) Scrubbing with caustic soda : It is still the most widely used process for the
removal of H2S , mainly because it simultaneously removes other constituents such as
CO2 , carbonyl sulphide, lower aliphatic mercaptans, phenols fatty acids and
naphthenic acids.
The disadvantage of this processes is that there is no known cheap method of
regenerating the spent soda, and if H2S is present in gross amounts, as is frequently in
crude gases, especially the C2 -C3 fractions , a regenerative method of extraction such
as the girbotol method is more generally used.
This method is more economical than caustic washing but caustic washing may still
be required as a final cleaning-up operation for the removal of the last traces of H2S.
The combination of the two processes not only provides a very low H2S content
economically but also safe guards against high sulfur contents in the treated products
should there be a temporary failure of the regenerative treating plant.
In the caustic washing of gases rather weak solutions of 2-10%wt NaOH have to be
used to prevent the deposition of sodium sulphide crystals. The reaction proceeds
almost to the complete conversion of NaOH to NaHS.
Traces of H2S often appear in fractions much heavier than C2 -C3 fraction because of a
slight breakdown of sulfur compounds owing to pyrolysis during re-distillation or a
similar operation. Caustic soda may be employed for its removal.
Purified gas

Sour gas

Fresh caustic
Spent caustic Make-up

Fig ( ) H2S removal from gases by caustic washing

Lect./8 Treating processes Petroleum refining

B) Girbotol process :
Hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide readily combine with aqueous solutions of
certain alkanol amines at temperatures usually close to ambient , and may be driven
off from the fat solutions by heating to about 100 oC .
The reaction with hydrogen sulphide is essentially

2 RNH2+ H2S (RNH3)2S

Amine (mono- di and tri ethanol amines and methyl di ethanol amine)
The conventional equipment , comprising a bubble- cup tower together with a bubble
cup tower for regeneration. The treating temperature is 5 to 10 oC above the dew
point of the gas to ensure that no hydrocarbons liquid condenses out of the plant.
The girbotal process is the most widely used method for the regenerative removal of
H2S from both gases and liquids. Its use is not only in refineries but also for oilfield
treatment of natural gases and LPG.
The choice of the proper amine and solution depends on the composition of the gas to
be treated and the final purity desired.
Acid gas
Purified gas

Lean solution


Impure gas

Rich solution

Fig ( ) Girbotol process

Carbon dioxide :
Carbon dioxide is frequently found in natural gas, and is also present in the products
of catalytic crackers since regenerated catalyst always carries with it a small quantity
of carbon dioxide. Its removal is rarely a direct aim but the major part of it will be
removed by a caustic wash applied for the removal of H2S.
When CO2 removal is a direct aim one of the regeneration processes such as Girbotol
process would normally be used.

b)The removal of the objectionable odors

( Sweetening Process )
The object of sweetening processes is to ensure that the finished products do not have
objectionable odors. The objectionable odors are normally attributed to traces of
mercaptans, and it is necessary either to remove them by extractive processes or by
hydrodesulphurization , or to covert them into innocuous disulphides.

Lect./8 Treating processes Petroleum refining

1)Copper Chloride Process

The copper chloride process is used to sweeten gasolines and kerosenes by the direct
oxidation of mercaptans to disulphides, using cupric chloride as the oxidizing agent.
The basic reactions of the process may be expressed as follows :
CuCl2 + 2RHS → CU(SR) 2 + 2HCl
Cupric chloride Mercaptan Cupric mercaptide Hydrochloric acid

Cu(SR)2 +CuCl2 → Cu Cl 2 2 + R-S-SR

Cupric chloride Disulphide

Cu2Cl2 +2HCl → Cu Cl 2 2HCl 2
Chlorocuprous acid
Cu2Cl2 2HCl + ½ O2 → 2CuCl +H O 2 2

1)The sour charge is caustic washed to remove traces of hydrogen sulphide which
would otherwise deactivate the cupric chloride.
2) It then pass :
A) firstly through a sand coagulator to remove any caustic and / or water haze
B) secondly through a rock salt drying lower to ensure complete removal of free
water, which would adversely affect the water balance in the reactor.
3)After passing through a pre-heater to raise the temperature sufficiently to dissolve
the water formed during the process, air or oxygen is injected into the line, and the
dried and oxygenated feed flows upwards through the reactor which contains a bed of
fullers earth impregnated with cupric chloride.
4)The sweetened product is water washed to remove traces of acidity, clarified from
water haze in an up-flow sand coagulator and passed to storage.

Sand coagulator Sand drier

Caustic mixing column

Steam heater

Air disengage

Fresh caustic
Air CuCl2
Caustic recirculation Spent or reactor
caustic oxygen

Sand Settler Water

coagulator wash



Drain water
Copper Chloride Sweetening
Lect./8 Treating processes Petroleum refining

2) Merox Process :
The Merox process, Developed by UOP (Universal Oil Products), is combination of
mercaptan extraction and sweetening. The combined process is applicable to all
gasoline and lighter boiling range fractions; the sweetening process is applicable to
many jet fuel and kerosenes.
A) Merox Extraction:
1- The mercaptans are extracted by an aqueous solution of caustic soda according to
the reaction :

RSH + NaOH NaSR+H2O------- ---------- (1)

Since the reaction is reversible it is impossible to get complete removal of mercaptans

by extraction without the use of an excessive amount of caustic soda solution. The
forward reaction is favored by low temperature, low molecular weight of mercaptan
and high caustic concentration. It is also promoted by the use of compounds that
increase the solubility of the mercaptan in the aqueous phase, of these methanol,
isobutyric acid and cresols.
2- The caustic is generated ,after separation from hydrocarbons by blowing with air in
the presence of a catalyst at ambient temperature the reaction proceeding according to
the reaction :
2NaSR+1/2 O2 + H2O ---------------- (2)

The disulphide so formed are insoluble in caustic soda and are removed in a gravity
separator, the caustic is being re-circulated for further use.
The catalyst which consists of an iron group metal chelate , may be in solution in the
caustic, in which case the caustic and air are brought into contact in a reactor such as
an orifice column, a mechanically stirred reactor or some other type of gas/liquid
Alternatively the catalyst may be supported on a carrier, in which case the caustic and
air are passed together over a packed bed.


Gasoline Extractor Oxidizer
charge Caustic

To disposal

Caustic circulating pump

Merox Extraction
Lect./8 Treating processes Petroleum refining

B) Merox Sweetening
Sweetening is achieved by blowing a caustic hydrocarbon mixture with air in the
presence of the catalyst where by disulphide are formed according to equation (2), and
dissolve in the material being treated . As in the above mentioned regeneration
process, the catalyst may be in solution in the caustic or held on carrier, and the
process is carried out as described.

Excess air coalescer

Mixer Merox

Air (0.0004%
Charge Caustic Circulating Drain

Merox Sweetening

C) Combined Operation
The combined extraction/ Sweetening operation is carried out by a combination of the
extraction and sweetening processes.

c) Removal of Water and Particulate Matter In the Refinery

1) Water and particulate matter in the fuel can have disastrous effects on gas
turbine blades.
2) Free water may cause corrosion through out a fuel distribution system.
3) Particulate matter may block filters or the fine orifices of fuel injection and
Water may be removed by :
1) Physically 2) Chemically 3) Electro- statically
Particulate matter may be removed by:
1) Water washing 2) Filtration

1) Salt Dryers: Used to remove water from water primary distillation
products and to control the water content both before and after secondary
processing. The product is passed through a vertical drum filled with suitably
graded rock salt. Rock salts are not powerful desiccants; it will remove the
free water but not dissolved water. If more dissolved water has to be removed
it is usual to use calcium chloride in the dryer.

Lect./8 Treating processes Petroleum refining

2) Electrostatic Coalescers : Uses electrical coalescing for the removal of free

water and sodium chloride or calcium chloride for the removal of any residual
traces of water. The process is used for the dehydration of heating oil,
kerosene, jet fuel, diesel fuel and solvents. The dehydration product contains
no free water but may contain some dissolved water.
3) Sand Coagulators and Filters : Vertical drums filled with fine sand are used
for removal of particulate matter and water, this process have the advantage
over salt dryers is not involving the use of chemicals. Down flow through the
bed and up flow through a water separator will remove gross water but not
haze. For this purpose the oil must pass upward through the bed with a bottom
water drain so that it can emerge clear , and bright from the top of the drum, 5
micron peculator filter may be needed for turbo jet fuel.
4) Vacuum Flashing : Where difficulties might be met in the removal of water
from high-boiling or viscous products by the previous methods, water may be
removed by passing the product through a vessel at a sufficiently reduced
pressure to cause the water to evaporates , it is used sometimes for the
clarification of lubrication oil.
d) Improvement in Storage Stability
Owing to their complex composition and the presence of small amounts of N2, S,
organic acids, and oxygen, most petroleum products are subjected to deterioration in
storage. This storage instability may be noticed by a darkening in color, the formation
of gums, and in some cases a significant deterioration in those characteristics that
control the performance of the products. Instability may be accompanied by a marked
degree of corrosiveness due to the presence of organic and/ or inorganic acids.
Caustic Extraction
In addition to the use of caustic soda for the removal of acidic gases and malodorous
compounds as described earlier , it is widely used for the removal of substances
which cause instability and corrosion.

Settler product



Spent caustic

Caustic recirculation
Caustic make-up

Lect./8 Treating processes Petroleum refining

e) Improvement in Performance
The performance characteristics of products from primary refining processes are
seldom in keeping with the demands of modern machinery and engines. It is therefore
often necessary to subject the products to secondary refining processes to remove
those compounds that have an adverse effect on performance.
Performance improvement processes
1) SO2 Extraction : Liquid SO2 is very selective solvent for removal of aromatic
hydrocarbons . SO2 treatment removes aromatics and some polar compounds,
including sulfur , gum and color constituents , as well as olefins. The process is used
in the manufacture of premium kerosene the removal of aromatics leads to better
burning properties.
2) H2SO4 Treatment : This process is used for the removal of sulfur and thiophene
from aromatic streams . It is less applicable now a days as other treating methods are
available . This process may be applicable for the pretreatment of straight run naphtha
that are to be reformed.
3) Hydrodesulphurization : Hydrodesulphurization is the most modern and effective
processes for the removal of sulfur from oil products and for general improvement in
the quality of refinery streams, including the pretreatment of catalytic reformer feed.
The process convert S to H2S by reaction with hydrogen in the presence of catalyst.
This process is used mainly for the processing of straight run and cracked medium
and heavy distillates, while vapor phase hydro-treating is used for the processing of
light distillates it operates at lower pressure.
Thiophen (XXII ) and mono-methyl thiophens have been isolates from gasoline :
alkyl-thiophens and benzo-hiophens (XXIII ) have been isolates from kerosience. In
gas oil range substituted thiophens, benzo-hiophens and higher polycyclic thiophens
are present

(XXII )Thiophen
(XXII ) Benzo thiophen
Two general methods of reducing the amount of sulfur have been developed, those
which involve
1) solvent extraction of the sulfur compounds and
2) those by which most of the sulfur compounds are decomposed by the use of a
catalyst into hydrogen sulfide and the remaining hydrocarbon part of the molecule.
The solvent extraction processes are not cheap or effective as the catalytic processes
in the removal of sulfur because they remove the entire sulfur bearing molecule and at
the same time certain hydrocarbons , particularly those with aromatic rings.
This when the removal of aromatic hydrocarbons as well as sulfur is desirable , the
solvent process may be superior.
H2SO4 , HF are an effective solvent, but SO2 and furfural are more frequently used.
The solvent process tends to raise the pour point and moderately improve the Diesel
Index, but the catalytic processes of desulphurization do not materially affect either

Lect./8 Treating processes Petroleum refining

of these properties. Yields by the catalytic processes may exceed 100% especially if
outside hydrogen is used.
By the addition of H2 from outside sources more vigorous reaction (decomposition )
and hydrogenation can be undertaken, and in the extreme, whole crude oils and
residues can be desulphurization.
Desulphurization is a mild selective hydrogenation, so mild that aromatic are not
usually hydrogenation to naphthenes. Sulfur is removed as H2S and the remaining part
of the molecule is hydrogenated.
Mild decomposition result in an evolution of hydrogen which can be recycled for
hydrogenation reactions but if higher boiling or refractory stocks are being treated,
extra H2 must be introduced from outside sources to maintain a higher concentration
of hydrogen during the reaction. The decomposition leads to products of slightly
lower boiling range than that of the parent material slightly API gravities.
Efficiency of desulphurization depends upon the charge stock and severity of
treatment, ranging from as low as 50 to 60 % for mild operation to 80 to 99 % and 95
to 98% is not uncommon.

Treating Equipment
The mechanical operations involved in treating are primarily those of mixing or
contacting and settling or separating.
Contacting method :
The design of mixing columns is normally based on the pressure drop that is available
for mixing. A total pressure drop of 30 psi is sufficient to give effective mixing.
Among the type of mixers are square-angle bends, orifice-plate, baffle plate
columns perforated buckets, various mechanical mixers operated by motors, jet and
nozzle mixer and pumps.
Orifice Column : is widely used for mixing
Q = 17 . 8 * D 2 * ∆ h
Q= volumetric flow rate Bbl per hr
D= diameter of orifice hole, in
∆h= pressure drop across one plate, ft liquid
In general , the ratio of pipe area to the total orifice area may range from 3 to 10 .
The feet of liquid may be converted to pounds per square inch by

Psi = (ft of fluid ) * (Spg) * (0.433)

Ft of fluid
Psi = ----------------------------
2.148 + 0.01623 (API)
Example : Acid is to be mixed with 8000 Bbl per day of 53 API pressure distillate. A
pressure drop of 25 psi is permissible. If pressure drop across one plate is 5.5 ft liquid,
design the orifice mixer.
Given that the pipe area= 3 – 10 orifice area.
8000 Bbl / day
Bbl per hr = ------------------------------- = 334
24 hr/day
Bbl per hr = 17 .8 * D 2 * ∆ h
334 = 17.8 D2 5 .5

Lect./8 Treating processes Petroleum refining

D = 2.83 in diameter of orifice hole

п п
A=----- D2 = ------- (2.83)2 = 6.3 in2
4 4
if 7/8 in holes is used how many holes required per plate
ft of fluid
∆ psi = --------------------------
per plate 2.148 + 0.01623 (API)

= -------------------------- = 1.83
2.148 + 0.01623* (53)
No. of plates = -------- = 14 plates
for 1 ft spacing, H = 16 ft
pipe area= 3 – 10 orifice area
pipe area = 5*6.3 = 31.5 in 2
pipe diameter = 6.3 in
use standard pipe of 6 in with A= 28.9 in2 , use clearance of 1/16 in
12 7/8 in holes total opening = 7.64 in 2
Settlers or Separators : In general caustic and water mixtures are rapidly settles, 10-
30 minutes are used as settling time. The settlers are usually 40 ft high and 2- 10 ft
diameter. The velocity of the fluid in the settler should not exceed about 3 ft/ min.
Stockes law governs the rate of settling.
Example : Design a settler to handle the separation of caustic from 12000 bbl of oil
per day.
Assume 30 min settling time
H= 40 ft
12000 * 42
Volume of oil per hr = -------------
= 2800 ft3

------- = 1400 ft3 handled in 30 min
A= ------- = 35 ft2

D = 6 ft = 10 in
If 40 ft tank are not convenient, use two 20 ft tanks connected in series

gD 2 ( ρ s − ρ l )
18 µ

Lect./9 Upgrading processes Petroleum refining

Upgrading Processes
Thermal cracking: Is defined as the thermal decomposition, under pressure, of large
HC molecules to form smaller molecules. Lighter, more valuable HC may be obtained
from such relatively low value stocks as heavy gas oils (boiling up to 540 oC (1005
F)) and residues.
1) Coking
Coking are severe cracking operations designed to completely convert residual
products such as pitch or tar into gas, naphtha, heating oil, gas oil, and coke.
The gas oil fraction represents the major product obtained used as a feed stock for
catalytic cracking units. The C5-220 oC naphtha may be used as a gasoline blending
agent, although its octane no. quality from 65 to 80 RON (unleaded), is lower than the
desirable, the coke is usually used as fuel.
After something like a ten year gap, there has been a renewed interest in coking;
key reasons are the diminishing relative demand for fuel oils and the increasing
concentration on reducing atmospheric pollution. For the later coking not only
concentrated feed stock sulfur in the coke but yields products which can be readily
The main uses of petroleum coke are as follows:
1. Fuel
2. Manufacture of anodes for electrolytic cell reduction of alumina
3. Direct use as chemical carbon source for manufacture of elemental phosphorus,
calcium carbide, and silicon carbide
4. Manufacture of electrodes for use in electric furnace production of elemental
phosphorus, titanium dioxide, calcium carbide, and silicon carbide
5. Manufacture of graphite
The major coking processes in use today:
1) Delayed Coking : A semi- continuous process in which the heated charge is
transferred to large soaking ( or coking ) drums which provide the long residence
time needed to allow the cracking reactions to proceed to completion, the feed to
these units is normally an atmospheric residue, although cracked tars and heavy
catalytic cycle oils may be also used.
Process Description — Delayed Coking
Hot fresh liquid feed is charged to the fractionator two to four trays above the bottom
vapor zone. This accomplishes the following:
1. The hot vapors from the coke drum are quenched by the cooler feed liquid thus
preventing any significant amount of coke formation in the fractionator and
simultaneously condensing a portion of the heavy ends which are recycled.
2. Any remaining material lighter than the desired coke drum feed is stripped
(vaporized) from the fresh liquid feed.
3. The fresh feed liquid is further preheated making the process more energy efficient.
Vapors from the top of the coke drum return to the base of the fractionator.
These vapors consist of steam and the products of the thermal cracking reaction:
gas, naphtha, and gas oils.

Lect./9 Upgrading processes Petroleum refining

Fig 1: Delayed coking unit (From Gary and Handwerk, 2001)

2) Fluid Coking : A continuous process which uses the fluidized- solids technique to
convert residues to more valuable products. The residue is coked by being sprayed
into a fluidized bed of hot, fine coke particles. The use of a fluid bed permits the
coking reaction to be conducted at higher temperature and shorter contact times than
those in delayed coking; steam is used for fluidizing the bed.
Coke & liquid yields may be estimated by simple equations

30% S
30% S (H2S)
5% S
35% S

Conradson carbon: A test used to determine the amount of carbon residue left after
the evaporation and pyrolysis of an oil under specified conditions. Expressed as
weight percent; ASTM D-189.
Example ( 1 ) : Develop preliminary estimate of product yields on the processing of
1000+ Rc of 23760 BPD capacity. Conrad son carbon = 19%, 2.3% S, API = 10.7.
Solution : (lb/bbl)
Feed BPD API lb/ hr lb/ hr wt% S lb/hr S
1000+ RC 23700 10.7 14.52 345080 2.3 7940
Products wt% lb/ hr lb/ hr S
Coke wt % 30.4 104900 2382
Gas (C4 - ) wt% 10.5 36230 2382

Lect./9 Upgrading processes Petroleum refining

Gasoline wt% 17.8 61450 397

Gas oil wt% 41.3 142500 2779
----- -------- -------
100 345080 7940

H.W ( 1 )
Feed RC of an 35.6 API gravity, C.O having 28.3 vol. % residuum with 8.4 %
Conrad- son and 15.9 API, capacity 10000 BPD C.o. of 2.7 % Conrad son.

2) Visberaking
Visbreaking is a relatively mild thermal cracking operation mainly used to reduce the
viscosities and pour points of vacuum tower bottoms to meet the requirements of fuel
oil or to reduce the amount of cutting stock required to dilute the residue to meet the
specifications. It is also used to increase catalyst cracker feed stocks and gasoline
The principal reactions which occur during the visbreaking operation are :
1) Cracking of the side- chains attached to cyclo-paraffin and aromatic rings.
2) Cracking of resins to light HC (primarily olefins) and compounds which convert to
3) At temperature above 900 oF some cracking of naphthene rings.
There are two types of visbreaker operation
1) Coil or furnace cracker
Uses high furnace outlet temperature (885-930 oF), and reaction time from 1-3
minutes. The feed is heated in a furnace or coil and quenched as it exits the furnace
with gas oil or tower bottoms to slop the cracking reaction.
2) Soaker
The feed leaves the furnace at 800- 820 oF and pass through a soaking drum which
provides an additional reaction time, before it is quenched.

Fig 2 :Coil visbreaker (From Gary and Handwerk, 2001)

Lect./9 Upgrading processes Petroleum refining

Catalytic Cracking
It has been the most important and widely used process for the production of gasoline
from heavy distillates and hence the major means for increasing the ratio of light to
heavy products from crude oil. The catalytic-cracking processes in use today can
all be classified as either moving-bed or fluidized-bed units:
1) Moving Bed: In which the catalyst was allowed to fall slowly by gravity through
the reactor and a regenerator vessels and was returned mechanically to the top.
2) Fluidized Bed: Is based on the fluidization propertied of fine powders, which
enabled the catalyst to be transported continuously between the reactor and
The fluidized system has been more widely used than the moving bed and now
represents about 80 % of all cracking plants.
Catalyst : both systems use basically similar catalysts but produced in a different
form, in the shape of beds for moving bed and fine powder for fluidized bed.
Acid treated clays ground to a powder
Synthetic silica- alumina catalysts of higher activity (amorphous)
Crystalline synthetic silica – alumina catalyst called zealots or molecular sieves.
The advantages of zealots over the natural and synthesis amorphous catalyst are
1) Higher activity.
2) Higher gasoline yields at a given conversion.
3) Production of gasoline containing a larger % of paraffinic and aromatic HC.
4) Lower coke yield.
5) Increased iso-butane production.
6) Ability to go for higher conversion per pass without over cracking.

Fig 3: FCC unit (From Gary and Handwerk, 2001)

Lect./9 Upgrading processes Petroleum refining

Catalytic Reforming
It is mainly used for the production of high- octane number hydrocarbons. In catalytic
reforming the change in the boiling point of the feed stock passed through the unit is
relatively small as the HC molecules are not cracked but their structures are
rearranged to form higher octane aromatics. Thus catalytic reforming primarily
increases the octane number of motor gasoline rather than increasing its yield. Typical
feed stock is HSR gasoline and naphtha (180 to 375 oF).

(PONA) {Paraffin, Olefin, Naphthene, Aromatic}

1) P → isomerizes to some extent converted to N, and N subsequently converted to
2) O → saturated to form P which then react as in (1) {hydro-cracking}.
3) N → converted to aromatics. {dehydrogenation}.
4) A→ unchanged.
Reforming are classified as :
1) Continuous : Catalyst can be regenerated continuously and maintained at a high
activity . (Higher capital cost).
2) Semi- regeneration: Regeneration is required at intervals 3 to 24 months
depending on the severity of operation. (Low capital cost).
High H2 recycle rates and operating pressure is utilized to minimize coke.
3) Cyclic: compromise between the two extremes having a swing reactor for
Net H2

100 oF


Heater Reactor H2 Separator


Stabilizer Reformat

Catalytic Reforming, semi- regeneration

Reforming Catalyst : All of the reforming catalyst contains platinum supported on a

silica alumina base. In most cases rhenium is combined with platinum to form a
more stable catalyst which permits operation at lower pressure.
Platinum serve as a catalytic site for hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions.
Chlorinated alumina provides an acids site for isomerization and hydro- cracking
reactions and cyclization.

Lect./9 Upgrading processes Petroleum refining

Selectivity: The difference between the RON and MON of a given gasoline. Alkylate
is an excellent low sensitivity and reformat a high sensitivity gasoline component.
Severity: The degree of intensity of the operating conditions of a process unit.

(Cat. / oil) ratio (lb/lb)

Severity = -------------------------------
Space velocity

lb oil /hr
Space velocity =--------------------
lb cat.

Space velocity: The volume or weight of gas and / or liquid passing through a given
catalyst or reactor space per unit time, divided by the volume or (weight) of catalyst
through which the fluid passes. High space velocity corresponds to short reaction
WHSV: Weight hour space velocity = weight of feed per hour per weight of catalyst.
LHSV: Liquid hour space velocity = volume of feed per hour per volume of catalyst.
Example (2):
Calculate the length of time between regeneration of catalyst in a reformer operation
at the following conditions:
Liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) = 3.0 v/hr/v
Feed rate = 5000 BPSD
Feed gravity = 55 API
Catalyst bulk density = 50 lb / ft3
H2 to feed ratio = 8000 scf /bbl (standard cubic feet, 14.7 psia, 60 oF)
No. of reactors = 3
Catalyst deactivates after processing 90 bbl of feed per pound of catalyst. If the
catalyst bed is 6 ft deep in each reactor. What are the reactor inside diameters?
Assume an equal volume of catalyst in each reactor.
Solution :
5000 BPSD = 5000 (bbl/day) * (day/ 24 hr) * (42 gal/bbl) * (0.13 ft3/ 1 gal)
= 1170 ft3/ hr
Oil volume /hr
LHSV = ------------------
Catalyst volume
Total catalyst = 1170 / 3 =390 ft3
Weight of catalyst = volume * density of catalyst
= 390 * 50 = 19500 lb catalyst
19500 lb catalyst * 90 bbl/ lb catalyst
Time between regeneration= ---------------------------------------- = 351 days
5000 bbl/day

Volume of catalyst per reactor = 390 / 3 =130 = 130 ft 3

Inside area = 130 ft3 / 6 ft
Inside diameter = 5.25 ft.

Lect./9 Upgrading processes Petroleum refining

Example (3): On processing 1200 ton / day of 27 API catalyst crackers feed stock at a
temperature of 450 oC, pressure =1050 mm Hg the following products were obtained:

Products wt % API Mw
Gases 15 -- 32
C5+ gasoline 55 63 110
TCGO 26 5 260
Coke 4 -- 12

Given that: WHSV = 0.7 hr -1, Linear velocity of vapor (U) = 0.3 m/s,
ρ catalyst = 420 Kg /m3
Calculate: a) diameter of the cracker, b) weight of catalyst needed, c) conversion, and
d) efficiency.
Solution :

1200 ton/day * 1000 Kg/ton

m feed = ------------------------------------ = 50000 Kg /hr
24 hr/day

m gases = 0.15 * 50000 / 3600 =2.08 Kg/s

m C5+ gasoline = 0.55 * 50000/ 3600 =7.64 Kg/s
m TCGO = 0.26 * 50000/ 3600 = 3.61 Kg/s
Total moles of vapor = (2.08/ 32) + (7.64/ 110) + (3.61/ 260 )
n = 0.1479 Kg mole / s
22.4 (m3/ kg mole) * 760 mm Hg
R = ------------------------------------------- = 62.359
1 Kg mole * 273

nRT 0.1479* 62.359 *(450+273)

V= -------- = ----------------------------------- = 6.35 m3/s
P 1050

П V 6.35 m3/s
A =----- D2 = ----- = ------------- = 21.17 m2
4 U 0.3 m/s

4 * 21 . 17
D = = 5 . 19 m

m catalyst = 50000/0.7 = 71428 Kg

V catalyst = m/ ρ = 170 m3
4* 170
H= ---------------- = 8 m
3.14 * (5.19)2

Lect./9 Upgrading processes Petroleum refining

Alkylation or Polymerization
Propylene and butylenes can be polymerized to form a high-octane product boiling in
the gasolineboiling range. The reactions involved are shown in Figure 5. In the first
reaction two butylenesreact to form an octane. In the second reaction, two propylene
molecules react to form a hexane.These reactions take place at 300-425°F and high
pressures (400-1500 psi). The catalyst used is Phosphoric Acid on an inert support.

Figure 5: Polymerization reactions

The rearrangement of straight chain HC molecules to form branched- chain
products, pentanes and hexanes, which are difficult to reform, are iso-merized using
aluminum chloride or precious metal catalyst to form gasoline- blending compounds
of fairly high octane no.
The octane number of the LSR gasoline (C5- 160 oF) can be improved by iso-
merization to convert normal paraffins into their isomers. This results in a significant
octane increase as n- pentane has an 61.7 RON and iso-pentane has 92.3 RON. In
once through iso-merization the RON of LSR gasoline can be increased from 70 to
about 82.
Reaction temperature of about 300-400 oF are preferred to higher temperature because
the equilibrium conversion to isomers is enhanced at the lower temperature. Hence a
very active catalyst is necessary to provide a reasonable reaction rate. Catalysts used
contain platinum on various bases.
Process Variable
Activity: Ability to crack gas oil to lower boiling fractions.
Catalyst / oil ratio = C/ O = lb catalyst / lb feed.

Volume of feed – Volume of cycle stock

Conversion = 100 * ( ---------------------------------------------------)
Volume of feed

Cycle stock: portion of catalytic- cracker effluent not converted to naphtha and lighter
products (generally the material boiling above 430 oF)

% gasoline
Efficiency =( ------------------------ ) * 100
% conversion

Lect./9 Upgrading processes Petroleum refining

Recycle ratio = Volume recycle / volume fresh feed

Selectivity: The ratio of the yield of desirable products to the yield of undesirable
products (coke and gas).
Space velocity: space velocity may be defined on either a volume (LHSV) or a
weight (WHSV) basis. In a fluidized bed reactor the LHSV has little meaning because
it is difficult to establish the volume of the bed. The weight of the catalyst in the
reactor can be easily determined or calculated from the residence time and C/O ratio.
LHSV: Liquid hour space velocity in volume feed / (Volume catalyst) (hr)
WHSV: Weight hour space velocity in lb feed / (Lb catalyst) (hr)
If (t) is the residence time in hours then

WHSV = -------- (C / O )

With in the limits of normal operation increasing:

1) Reaction temperature.
2) C/O ratio
3) Catalyst activity.
4) Contact time.
Results are an increase in conversion while a decrease in space velocity increases
conversion. Increase in conversion does not necessarily mean an increase in gasoline
yield, as an increase in temperature, above certain level can increase conversion coke
and gas yields, and octane number of the gasoline but decrease gasoline yield.

Lect./10 Product blending Petroleum refining

Product Blending
Blending purpose is to allocate the available blending components in such a way
to meet product demands and specification at the least cost. We now review how the
properties of mixtures are estimated based on the properties of the components.
Octane Blending
True octane numbers do not blend linearly. It is therefore necessary to use
especial “blending” octane numbers to obtain linear expressions. The blending is
performed on a volumetric average basis.
The formula used for calculation is:
B t ON = ∑ ( B i ON i ) (1)
t i =1
Bt = total amount of blended gasoline , bbl
ONt = desired octane of blend
Bi = bbl of component i
ONi = blending octane number of component i.
contributing to product t and blending octane numbers, respectively. The practice has
been to use the following expression for the “blending” octane number:

ON i = ( MON i + RON i ) / 2 (2)

where MON and RON are the motor and research octane numbers, respectively. Note
that the true octane number is the one obtained using a CFR test engine. For example,
consider a 30% isomerate and 70% reformate blend. Isomerate has the following octane
values: MON=81.1, RON=83.0, whereas reformat has the following octane numbers:
MON=86.9 and RON=98.5. When blended in the proportion given above, the blended
pool has ON=89.505.
Pool Octane : is the average octane of the total gasoline production of the refinery, if the
regular, mid- premium, and super- premium gasolines are blended together.
Posted Octane numbers (PON): are the arithmetic average of the motor octane number
(MON) and research octane number (RON).
Reid vapor pressure
The desired RVP of a gasoline is obtained by blending n-butane with C5 (380 oF)
with C5 (193 oF) naphtha. The amount of n-butane required to give the needed RVP is
calculated by
M t ( RVP ) t = ∑ M i ( RVP ) i (3)
i =1
Mt = total moles blended product
(RVP)t = specification RVP for product, psi
Mt = moles of component i
(RVP)i = RVP of component I, psi or kPa

Lect./10 Product blending Petroleum refining

The desired RVP for a blended gasoline is obtained by adding n-butane to reach the
desired value.
Example (1): calculate the amount of n-butane to be added to following base stock to
achieve an RVP of 10 psi( n- butane: MW=58, RVP=52)
Base BPD Lb/hr MW RVP
stock (psi)
LSR 4000 39320 86 11.1
Reformate 6000 69900 115 2.8
Alkylate 3000 30690 104 4.6
FCC 8000 87520 108 4.4
Total 21000 5.38


Base BPD Lb/hr MW mol/hr mol% RVP PVP

LSR 4000 39320 86 457 21 11.1 2.32
Reformate 6000 69900 115 617 28.4 2.8 0.80
Alkylate 3000 30690 104 295 13.4 4.6 0.62
FCC 8000 87520 108 810 37.2 4.4 1.64
Total 21000 2179 100
Butane requirement : (use Eq. (3) )
(2179) (5.38) + M (52) = (2179+ M)(10)
11732+52 M=21790 +10 M
M= 240 moles n-butane required.
The above method requires obtaining the molecular weight of each of the streams
involved, which could be a problem sometimes, although there are good ways of
estimating such molecular weights. To makes matter simpler, one can use the method
developed at Chevron. In this method “Vapor blending indices” (VPBI), which work
well. The RVP of a blend is then calculated using the following volume averaging
( RVP ) = ∑ V i ( RVP )i (4)
In the case where the volume of the butane to be blended for a given RVP is desired :

A(VPBI)a + B(VPBI)b+ C(VPBI)c+ -------+ W(VPBI)w= (Y+W) (VPBI)m (5)

A= bbl of component a, etc
W= bbl of n- butane (w)
Y= A+B+C+ ----------- ( all component except n- butane )
(VPBI)m = VPBI corresponding to the desired RVP of the mixture
w= subscript indicating n- butane.

Lect./10 Product blending Petroleum refining

Table 11-1 and 11-2 show the blending component values for different blending streams
and the blending indexes as a function of RVP values.
Table 11-1: Blending Component values (Gary and Handwerk, 2001)

Lect./10 Product blending Petroleum refining

Table 11-2: Blending Component values (Gary and Handwerk, 2001)

Lect./10 Product blending Petroleum refining

Example (2): Repeat Example (1) use vapor blending indices (VPBI) method.
Component BPCD RVP VPBI Vol x VPBI
n-Butane W 51.6 138 138 W
LSR gasoline 4000 11.1 20.3 81200
Reformat 6000 2.8 3.62 21720
Alkylate 3000 4.6 6.73 20190
FCC gasoline 8000 4.4 6.37 50960
Total 21000 + W 174070 + 138 W
Given : VPBI of n- butane =138
For 10 psi RVP, (VPBI)m = 17.8
17.8 (21000 + W) =174070 +138 W
(138-17.8) W =373800-174070
W= 1660 bbl n-butane required
Total 10 psi RVP gasoline =21000 + 1660 = 22660 BPCD
Although this differs slightly from the result in Example (1)
Example (3): Consider the following gasoline blending streams are available from the
various units. It is desired to produce a 50-50 split of premium and regular gasoline
having 91 and 87 posted octane numbers respectively, with both having an RVP= to 10.2
psi . calculate the quantity of n- butane required to give the desired vapor pressure.
Component Volume MON RON VPBI
Isomerate 5735 81.1 83 25.9
Reformat 14749 86.9 98.5 2.7
FCC gasoline 20117 76.8 92.3 6.4
Light hydrocrackate 814 82.4 82.8 24.4
Alkylate 4117 95.9 97.3 6.7
Polymer 2071 84 96.9 14.9
Total 47603
Given : VPBI of n- butane =138
For 10.2 psi RVP, (VPBI)m = 18.2
Starting with the given flow for all of the above streams and calculating the amount of n-
butane to add to fix the RVP
Component Vol. RVP VPBI Vol (VPBI)
n- butane W 51.6 138 138 W
Isomerate 5735 13.5 25.9 148395
Reformate 14749 2.2 2.7 39517
FCC gasoline 20117 4.4 6.4 128199
Light hydrocrackate 814 12.9 24.4 19895
Alkylate 4117 4.6 6.7 27732
Polymer 2071 8.7 14.9 30950
Total 47603 +W 394688+138W
18.2 (47603 + W )= 394688 + 138 W
W = 3937 bbl n- butane
The total volume of 10.2 psi RVP premium gasoline = 47603 + 3937 = 51540 BPCD

Lect./10 Product blending Petroleum refining

Octane calculations for pool Gasoline

Component Volume Vol. MON ∑ MON RON ∑ RON
n- butane 3937 0.077 92.0 7.05 93.0 7.12
Isomerate 5735 0.111 81.1 9.02 83.0 9.23
Reformate 14749 0.286 86.9 24.85 98.5 28.18
FCC gasoline 20117 0.390 76.8 29.97 92.3 36.02
Light hydrocrackate 814 0.016 82.4 1.30 82.8 1.31
Alkylate 4117 0.080 95.9 7.66 97.3 7.77
Polymer 2071 0.040 84.0 3.38 96.9 3.89
Total 51540 1.000 83.23 95.53
Pool octane [ (∑ MON + ∑ RON ) / 2 )] = 88.38 PON
This is not acceptable, as the octane requirement for pool gasoline is 89 PON.
There are several ways of correcting this. Among the possibilities are :
1. Increase severity of reforming to produce a 98.8 to 100 RON clear reformate.
2. Use an octane blending agent, such as MTBE ( methyl tertiary butyl ether ) and
ETBE ( ethyl tertiary butyl ether )
Recalculating pool gasoline RVP and PON after adding sufficient MTBE to increase the
PON to 89.0 gives the following .
Component Vol. RVP VPBI Vol (VPBI)
n- butane W 51.6 138 138 W
Isomerate 5735 13.5 25.9 148395
Reformate 14749 2.2 2.7 39517
FCC gasoline 20117 4.4 6.4 128199
Light hydrocrackate 814 12.9 24.4 19895
Alkylate 4117 4.6 6.7 27732
Polymer 2071 8.7 14.9 30950
MTBE 1593 9.0 15.6 24832
Total 49195 +W 419520+138W
49195 +W=18.2 (419520+138W)
W=3984 bbl
Total pool 10.2 RVP, 89.0 PON gasoline= 53179 BPCD
Other properties
Several other properties of blend pools (viscosities, aniline point, pour points, flash
points) can be estimated using a technique similar to that of the Chevron Method for
RVP, that is
Pt = ∑ ( v i Pi ) (7)
i =1

where vi is the volume fraction of blending stream i as above, and Pt as well as Pi are
the “blending” properties of the product and the blending streams, respectively. The
blending properties are, of course, compiled in tables much in the same way as in the case
of RVP. These additional properties are important for Diesel blending. Finally,
properties like sulfur or nitrogen content are monitored and blended linearly with

Lect./10 Product blending Petroleum refining

Home work (1) :
Using the value from the following table, calculate the number of barrels of n- butane
that have to be added to a mixture of 1250 barrels of HSR gasoline, 750 barrels of LSR
gasoline, and 620 barrels of C5 FCC gasoline to produce a 9.0 psi Reid vapor pressure .
What are the research and motor octane number of the blend?

Component Volume MON RON RVP VPBI

HSR gasoline 1250 58.7 62.3 1.0 1.0
LSR gasoline 750 61.6 66.40 11.1 20.3
C5 FCC gasoline 620 77.1 92.1 4.4 6.4

Given : VPBI of n- butane =138

For 8 psi RVP, (VPBI)m = 13.4

Home work (2) :

Calculate the octane number of the final blend and amount of n- butane needed for
producing a 9.5 psi RVP gasoline from 5100 BPSD of LSR gasoline, 3000 BPSD light
hydrocrackate,4250 BPSD alkylate, 10280 BPSD heavy hydrocrackate, 14500 BPSD
C5 FCC gasoline,14200 BPSD of 96 RON reformat, and 2500 BPSD of polymer

Component Volume MON RON RVP VPBI

LSR gasoline 5100 61.6 66.4 11.1 20.3
light hydrocrackate 3000 82.4 82.8 12.9 24.4
alkylate 4250 95.9 97.3 4.6 6.7
heavy hydrocrackate 10280 67.3 67.6 1.1 1.24
C5 FCC gasoline 14500 77.1 92.1 4.4 6.4
Reformate RON 96 14500 86.5 98.0 2.2 2.7
Polymer 2500 84 96.9 8.7 14.9

Given : VPBI of n- butane =138

For 9.5 psi RVP, (VPBI)m = 17.6

Lect./11 Manufacturing of Lubricating Oils Petroleum refining

Manufacturing of Lubricating Oils

The large number of natural lubricating and specialty oils today are produced by
blending a small number of lubricating oil base stocks and additives.
The lube oil base stocks are prepared from selected crude oils by distillation and
special processing to meet the desired qualifications. The additives are chemicals used to
give the base stocks desirable characteristics which they lack or to enhance and improve
existing properties.
The properties that considered important
1) Viscosity, 2) Viscosity index, 3) Pour point, 4) Oxidation resistance,
5) Flash point, 6) Boiling temperature, and 7) Acidity ( Neutralization number )
Lubricating oil Processing
1) Separation of the individual fractions : according to viscosity and boiling range
specifications in crude oil distillation units. The heavier lubricating oil row stocks are
included in the vacuum fractionating tower bottoms with the asphaltenes resin, and other
undesirable materials.
2) Removal of components which have undesirable characteristics
a) Reduce carbon- and sludge forming tendencies ( Solvent deasphalting )
b) Improve viscosity index ( Solvent extractions + Hydrocracking )
c) Lower Cloud and pour points ( Solvent De-waxing + Selective hydrocracking )
d) Improve color and oxygen stability (Hydrotreating )
e) Lower organic acidity (Hyrotreating )
Although the main effects of the processes are as discussed, there are also secondary
effects which are not shown . For example, although the main result of solvent
dewaxing is the lowering of the cloud and pour points of the oil, solvent dewaxing also
slightly reduces the viscosity index of the oil.
For economic reasons as well as process ones, the process sequence is usually in the
order of :1) deasphalting, 2) solvent extraction, 3) dewaxing, and 4)finishing.

Propane Deasphalting
The lighter feed stocks for producing lubricating oil stocks can be sent directly to the
solvent extraction units.
The atmospheric and vacuum still residues require deasphalting to remove the
asphaltenes and resins before undergoing solvent extraction.
In come cases highest boiling distillates also contain sufficient asphaltenes and resins
and need deasphalting.
Propane : is usually used as the solvent in seasphalting but it may be used with ethane
and butane in order to obtain the desired solvent properties.
( 40- 60 oC) paraffins are very soluble in propane, the solubility decreases with increasing
temperature, until the critical temperature ( 96.8 oC ) all HC becomes insoluble.
(40 – 96.8 oC ) the high molecular weight asphaltens and resins are largely insoluble in
The feed stock is contacted with 4-8 volumes of liquid propane in a cylindrical tower,
usually RDC (rotating disc contactor ).
The asphalt recovered from the raffinate can be blended with other asphalts , into heavy
fuels, or used as a feed to the coking unit. The heavy oil product from vacuum residuum
is called bright stock.

Lect./11 Manufacturing of Lubricating Oils Petroleum refining
15-20% wt. oil Propane
+ solvent
Flash TO vacuum system
Feed stock
DAO Stripper
Propane Flash Striped out

Stripper Steam
Raffinate Asphalt
30-50% vol. propane
+ asphaltenes
Propane deasphalting unit
Solvent Extraction
There are three solvents used for the extraction of aromatics from lubricating oil feed
stocks and the solvent recovery portions of the system are different for each.
The solvents are : 1)Furfural, 2) phenol, 3) N- methyl 2- pyrrolidone (NMP).
The purpose of solvent extraction is :
1) Improve VI.
2) Improve oxidation resistance and color.
3) Reduce carbon and sludge forming tendencies of the lubricants by separating the
aromatic portion from the naphthenic and paraffinice portion of the feed stock.
Furfural Extraction The most important operating variables are :
1) Furfural / oil ratio ( F / O ratio ) :It has the greatest effect on the quality and yield
of the raffinate. Range 2:1 for light stocks to 4.5 : 1 for heavy stocks.
2) Extraction temperature : Is selected as a function of the viscosity of the oil and the
miscibility temperature.
3) Extracted recycle ratio : Determines to some extent the rejection point for the oil
and the sharpness of separation between the aromatics and naphthenes and
Furfural for

Flashing &

Furfural Raffinate

Furfural for
Feed Flashing &


Furfural Extraction Unit

Lect./11 Manufacturing of Lubricating Oils Petroleum refining

All the lubricating oil except those from a relatively naphthenic crude oils, must be
dewaxed or they will not flow properly at ambient temperature. Dewaxing is one of the
most important and most difficult processes in lubricating oil manufacturing.
There are two types of processes in use today :
1) Uses refrigeration to crystallize the wax and solvent to dilute the oil portion
sufficiently to permit rapid filtration to separate the wax from the oil.
2) Uses selective hydrocracking process to crack the wax molecules to light HC.
Solvent dewaxing : The solvent used are
a) Propane
1) Readily available, less expensive and easier to recover
2) Direct chilling can be accomplished by vaporization of the solvent thus reducing
the capital and maintenance costs of scraped- surface chiller.
3) High filtration rate can be obtained because of its low viscosity at very low
4) Requires use of a dewaxing aid.
5) Large difference between filtration temperature and pour point of finished oils (15
to 25 oC)
b) Ketone
1) Small differences between filtration temperature and pour point of dewaxing oil
(5 to 10 oC).
2) Fast chilling rate.
3) Good filtration rate but lower than propane.
Lower pour point capability : Greater recovery of heat by heat exchanger lower
refrigeration requirements.

Waxy feed
Crystallizer Chiller

Dewaxed oil
recovery Vacuum filter

Stock wax
Wax slurry

Solvent Dewaxing Unit

The dewaxed oil next must go through a finishing step to improve its color and color
The stock wax is used either for catalytic cracker feed or undergoes a de-oiling
operation before sold as industrial wax.

Lect./11 Manufacturing of Lubricating Oils Petroleum refining

Selective hydrocracking :
The feed to selective hydrocracking unit is solvent extracted oil from aromatic extraction
units. The advantages over conventional solvent dewaxing unit
1) Production of very low pour and cloud oils from paraffinic stocks.
2) Lower capital investment.
3) Improved lubrication oils base stock yields.
4) A separate hydrofinishing operation is not necessary.
This process is needed to remove chemically active compounds that affect the color
stability of lubrication oils. Most hyderotreating operation use cobalt- molybdate
catalysts. The removal of nitrogen compounds is a major requirement of the operation
because it affect color, usually finished oil yields are approximately 98% of dewaxed oil
Hydrotraeting: It is a relatively mild operation whose primary purpose is to saturate
olefins and/ or reduce the sulfur and/ or nitrogen content (and not to change the boiling
range) of the feed.
Hydrocracking : Processes whose primary purpose is to reduce the boiling range in
which 100% of the feed is converted to product with boiling ranges lower than that of the
Hydroteating and hydrocracking set the two ends of the spectrum and those processes
with a substantial amount of sulfur and/ or nitrogen removal and a significant change
in boiling range of the products versus the feed are called hydro- processing.
Hdrotreating is a process to catalytically stabilize petroleum products and/ or to remove
objectionable from products or feeds stocks by reacting them with hydrogen.
Stabilization : Involves converting unsaturated hydrocarbons such as olefins and gum-
forming unstable diolefines to paraffins, objectionable elements removed by
hydrotreating include sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen , halides, and trace metals. Hydrotreating
is applied to wide range of feeds stocks from naphtha to reduce crude . When the
process is applied specifically for sulfur removal it is usually called hydrodesulfurization
or HDS.
1) The oil feed is mixed with hydrogen- rich gas either before or after it is preheated
to the proper reactor inlet temperature, below 800 oF to minimize cracking in the
presence of metal oxide catalyst.
1) Desulfurization
RSH + H2 → RH + H2S
R2S + 2H2 → 2RH + H2S
(RS)2 + 3H2 → 2RH + 2H2S

+ 4H2 C4H10 + H2S

Lect./11 Manufacturing of Lubricating Oils Petroleum refining

2) Denitrogenation
C4H4NH + 4H2 → C4H10 + NH3
C5H5N + 5H2 → C5H12 + NH3
3) Deoxidation
C6H5OH + H2 → C6H6 + H2O
C7H1300H + 3H2 → C7H16 + 2H2O
4) Dehalogenation
RCl +H2 → RH + HCl
5) Hydrogenation
C5H10 + H2 → C5H12
6) Hydrocracking
C10H22 → C4H8 + C6H14
Nitrogen removal requires more severe operating conditions than does
desulfurization. The ease of desulfurization is dependent upon the type of compound.
Lower boiling compounds are desulfurized more easily than higher boiling ones.

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pFad - Phonifier reborn

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy