Vdocuments - MX - Gemological Laboratory Equipment List PDF
Vdocuments - MX - Gemological Laboratory Equipment List PDF
Vdocuments - MX - Gemological Laboratory Equipment List PDF
The views and comments expressed within this report/article is that of La Shawn Bauer only.
La Shawn Bauer HAS NOT received any type or kind of services, money or products in exchange
for including any of these businesses and or organizations within this report.
Prices may change without notice. Products may be discontinued without notice.
The intended purpose and function of this article / report is to help gemologists, gemological appraisers,
jewelry store owners and their employees to find quality gemological equipment from various
manufacturers and vendors from around the world.
It is to help expose these people to the various gemological instruments, tools and equipment that are used
on a daily basis within a gemological laboratory environment.
A Professional Grade AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratory along with the dedicated professionally
trained gemologists who is constantly updating their knowledge base and skill sets is more critical now
than ever before in the retail environment due to the wide range of various gem material that is now being
sold to the consumers and also the wide range of natural and synthetic gem material that is being exposed
to various treatments. Some of these treatments can be easily detected while others are more complex and
difficult to detect by the average jeweler, gemologist and/or gemological appraiser.
It is all about building and maintaining consumer confidence of the jewelry industry as a whole.
A professional Gemologist and/or Gemological Appraiser needs to fully understand and have an in-
depth working knowledge of how each piece of equipment works and operates.
(S)He must fully understand what each piece of equipment is capable of doing.
The most important part is the gemologist and/or gemological appraiser must also know what each
piece of equipment can’t do.
Table of Contents:
Title Page Disclaimer and Disclosure Statement……………………………………………………..Page 1
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………….…………Page 2 & 3
Gem Ident Test Kit vs AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratory Program………..………………..Page 4
Accredited Gemologists Association Home Page Hyper-Link……………...………………………..Page 4
AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratory Hyper-link………………...……………………………..Page 4
Gemological Equipment List…………………………………………………...…………….………Page 5
Basic Explanation……………………………………………………………………………………. Page 6
Diamond “Master Color Grade” Comparison Set…………………......………………………. Page 7 to 10
Gemological Microscope……………………………………….……………………………. Page 11 to 13
Polariscope…………………………………………………….……………………….…….. Page 14 to 15
Refractometer…………………………………………………..……………….……………. Page 16 to 17
Monochromatic Light Source / Utility Light……............................................................................. Page 18
Dichroscope……………………………………………………….…..…….……………………… Page 19
Spectroscopes………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 20
Ultra Violet Light Testing Equipment……………………………….…….………………………. Page 21
Diamond Proportion “Cut Grading” Analyzing Tools, Equipment and Systems………...… Pages 22 to 29
Hand Held Models……………………………………………………………………………….….Page 22
Table Top Models…………………………………………………..…………………………...…..Page 23
Microscope Model……………………………………………………………………………...……Page 24
Camera – Video Models……………………………………………………………………….…….Page 25
Charts & Graphs………………………………………………………………………………..……Page 26
Computer Software………………………………………………………………………………….Page 27
3-D Diamond Proportion Scanners…………………………………………………………….……Page 28
Cut Grading System Identification and Classification……………………………………..……….Page 29
Diamond “Color Grading” Lighting Environment Equipment and Systems……………..…………Page 30
Diamond “Color Grading” Lighting and Grading Identification and Classification….…………… Page 31
Colored Stone, “Master Color Grading” System……………………………..……………………. Page 32
Specific Gravity Testing Equipment……………………………………………………….………. Page 33
Scales: Legal-For-Trade………………………………………………………………...………….. Page 34
Precious Metals Testing Equipment……………………………………………….………… Page 35 to 36
Thermal Conductivity Probes……………………………………………………………...……….. Page 37
Combination Thermal Conductivity Probes…………………………………………………………Page 38
Electric Conductivity Probes……………………………………………………..……..………….. Page 39
Color Filters………………………………………………………………………….…..…………. Page 40
Table Gauges…………………………………………………………………………..…………… Page 41
Micro Gauge System of Transparences……………………………………………...….…………. Page 41
LEVERIDGE Gauge Set, Dial Gauge or Digital Gauge………………………..….………………. Page 42
Certified Calibration Blocks…………………………………………………………...…………….Page 42
Electronic Digital Calipers…………………………………………………………..………..……. Page 43
Certified Calibration Blocks………………………………………………………...……………….Page 43
Metal Slide Calipers………………………………………………………………...………..…….. Page 44
Paper Tape Measure, Retractable Steel Tape Measure, Wooden Ruler, Steel Ruler……...……….. Page 45
Fiber Optic Light System……………………………………………………………………..……. Page 46
Additional Light Sources……………………………………………………………….….………. Page 47
Thermal Hot Point Probe………………………………………………………………..………….. Page 48
Photostand……………………………………………………………………………..…………… Page 49
Digital Cameras Available……………………………………………………..….……..………… Page 50
Digital Imaging Software……………………………………………………...……………..…….. Page 51
Table of Contents:
Digital Flat Bed Scanner…………………………………………………...………….…………… Page 52
Color Laser Printer…………………………………………………………………..………………Page 52
Gemological Reference Library……………………………………………...…………..………… Page 53
Valuation Science and Methodology Library……………………………...………….…………… Page 54
Appraisal Reference Library……………………………………………...…………..….………… Page 55
Additional Items & Products of Interest……………………………….………………..……Pages 56 to 65
Hardness Points…………………………………………………………………………...…………Page 56
Reflectometer………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 56
Portable Laboratory Kits…………………………………………………..…………..…………… Page 57
Geiger Counters…………………………………………………………...…………..……………. Page 58
Diamond Colorimeters & Precious Metal Analyzer…………...……………………...…..……….. Page 59
Diamond Type Testing…………………………………………………………………...………….Page 60
Microscope Optical Heads…………………………………………..………………..……………. Page 61
Microscope Bases………………………………………………………………………...………… Page 62
Microscope Camera Adaptors & Cameras…………………………………………………….…….Page 63
Microscope Lighting Rings and Illuminators………………………………………………………..Page 63
Computer Programs – Gemological Based Software………………………………………...…….. Page 64
Computer Programs – Appraisal Software………………………………………….……..……….. Page 65
Personal Closing Remarks…………………………………………………………………………..Page 66
Main Listing of Companies………………………………………...……….………………. Pages 67 to 68
Current Listing of AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratories…………………………….. Pages 69 to 79
AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratories by State………..………………...…………… Pages 80 to 82
Everyone needs to understand that an AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratory is totally different than a
Gem Identification Test Kit.
A Gem Ident Test Kit usually consists of the “bare-bones” basic testing equipment to test and identify
some of the more common basic gem material commercially available.
Polariscope, Refractometer, Spectroscope, Utility Lamp, Ultra Violet Light, 10x Loupe, Specific Gravity
Liquid Set, Chelsea Emerald Filter, and Leveridge Gauge with a manual and a High setting tips, A Basic
Gem Microscope.
The above mentioned items is nowhere near the equipment and instrumentation needed to tackle the task
of identification let alone performing evaluations and valuations of today’s gemstones and jewelry that
are now being sold to the consumer.
Also the knowledge base and skill sets needed and required to perform these various tasks need constant
updating as things change rather quickly in the gem and jewelry industry as well as within the
professional appraising industry.
Every gemologist and gemological appraiser should strive to obtain, acquire and maintain a
“World Class” AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratory.
In most cases, it will take years to build your lab to this status so you also need to draw up a game plan to
purchase pieces on a regular basis so it won’t break your bank account and by purchasing pieces on a
regular basis before long you will then have a complete certified gemological laboratory.
Your Certified Gemological Laboratory will be the main item that will instantly separate you from all of
the other gemologists in your area. You will have something they don’t have and you can use that to your
advantage in advertizing this fact to the general public.
This is what separates professionals with professional equipment and instrumentation performing a
professional quality job from non-professionals who are merely nothing more than mass-merchandisers.
It is absolutely mission critical that the jewelry industry preserves, protects, and maintains the
consumer’s trust for its own long term viability, survivability and profitability.
On the following pages I will break down the list into each piece of equipment and give a simple
explanation as to what the instrument or tool is and what it is used for and also give you several sources
where you can obtain and purchase the item.
Before you get your Gemological Laboratory Operational it is best to talk to a Professional Tax and
Business Advisor and ask them how to set your Laboratory up so that you can use it as legitimate tax
write-off and/or business expense.
You can also ask and explore the possibility of forming your Gemological Laboratory as a separate entity,
be it, as an LLC. or as a wholly owned subsidiary of your parent company so that it operates
independently from your regular jewelry store as it provides a certain level of protection from various
liability issues it can also offer various tax write-offs and/or tax benefits.
Plan ahead, so your New Gemological Laboratory actually becomes an advantage both as a business and
as an advertizing advantage to help separate you and your business from the local or regional competitors
in your area.
The Two (2) most expensive items that will make up your gemological laboratory is going to be;
A. Diamond “Master Color Grade” Comparison Set (Five (5) Stone Minimum)
B. Gemological Microscope
Therefore I will list them first and discuss them first as they are also the most important items that make
up your gemological laboratory.
#1. Diamond “Master Color Grade” Comparison Set (Five (5) Stone Set Minimum)
This is mandatory
This will be one of your most expensive investments and yet it also offers you several valuable and
distinct advantages.
It is a Tax Write-Off / Business Expense. Talk to your Tax Advisor as to how to claim all of your
gemological equipment as a legitimate business expense and how it can help off-set your overall tax
Your Master Set is also an Investment in that you will more than likely keep your Master Set for several
years to several decades. During which time, more than likely, your Master Set will appreciate in value by
the time you retire and then sell out or liquidate your business or sell it to another individual.
However the biggest advantage is bragging and advertizing rights announcing to your clients and to
would be possible clients in your target market area that you and your store has the only known
“Diamond Master Color Grade Set” in the area and/or the only AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratory
in the immediate area and that you and your store are the first choice when it comes to being true
professionals where the other stores and competitors are nothing more than jewelry related mass
merchandisers. They may have a lot of jewelry for sale but they don’t know and can’t tell the difference
between right handed or left handed lug nuts.
Make their lack professional knowledge and professional tools and equipment work to your best
I’ll talk about advertizing and promoting your laboratory, tools, equipment and superior knowledge later
in a separate in-depth article.
The process of selecting and procuring your Diamond “Master Color Grade” Set of diamonds is a little
more complex than just picking up the phone and ordering a set. It is a bit more involved and there are
many different things you need to think about before you place your order.
For those of you who want to build your own custom set of master stones you can but I will caution you
that it will take time and it may cost you some serious cash up front.
However if you want a larger set or larger stones because you deal and come across larger stones then this
will be one of the ways in which you can custom build your own master set.
You will also need to have a very good relationship with your diamond dealers because you will need to
tell them that you want to build your own master set and they will have to work with you in selecting
stones that are possible candidates for color masters. You will incur shipping, handling and insurance
charges from your dealer to you and then from you to the lab and then from the lab back to you and then
you will have to send the stones that don’t make the grade back to your dealer. You will also have to pay
the lab for color grading for Master Color Grading. The color grading cost for master color grading status
is less than a diamond grading report and you will have to personally contact the lab and get firm quotes
from them and you will also have to ask them as to what the time lag is from the time you send them a
High Sierra Gem Lab & La Shawn Bauer, GG Email: HighSierraGemLab@gmail.com
© January 2010
Page 7 of 82
The La Shawn Bauer Collection – A Systematic Approach to Appraisal Data Collection
Gemological Laboratory Equipment List
possible candidate stone to the time you get your stone back and you will have to transmit that
information back to your diamond dealers so they can be aware as to how long you will have their stones
tied up trying to build your master set.
You will also need to understand that you may end up sending 4 or 5 or even 7 stones in before you get
one stone that will meet and make the color grade for just one color master. So be well aware of the fees
and charges and shipping costs involved as you will be paying out in advance and know that it will take a
considerable amount of time before you have your master set done and documented.
Currently there are Two (2) different labs that grade and assign color grade master status to diamonds.
Gemological Institute of America’s Gem Trade Laboratory
American Gem Society’s Laboratory
Straight Grade Masters are diamonds that are the very top of each of their color grade designation.
Remember how the Diamond Color Grading Scale looks like:
Straight Grades are by far better than Split Grades. You will pay a slight premium for straight grades but
in the long run if you ever decide to retire or sell your master set you will be able to sell your straight
grade set faster and get a better price than if you had a split grade set.
But the final ruling and choice will be left up to you the buyer as to if you want a straight grade set or a
split grade set.
You will need to have a total of at least Five (5) Master Stones before you are ready to apply and ask for
your laboratory to be considered for certification through the AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratory
The most common size of Master Color Grade Diamonds range from 0.34ct. to 0.48ct. on average.
However some companies will custom build a set especially for you of half carat size , three quarter carat
size, one carat size or one and one quarter carat size. But be well advised that building larger sized color
masters will take time. Don’t be surprised if the wait time is anywhere from six months to as much as
three years depending on the size and color grade you are trying to build.
The reason being is that most diamond price lists and/or price sheets list diamonds available from D to M
therefore there is really no need to find lower color grades in most instants.
So look at what you sell or deal with as far as color grade ranges and then pick your stones out
accordingly to match what you generally deal in and/or work with.
One thing you can do is to start with the above Five (5) Stone color master set and then if need be you can
always add other individual master stones over a period of time so that over a couple of years you can
build your set into a Nine (9) stone Master Set that will have a full spectrum of grades such as, E, F, G, H,
I, J, K, L, and M.
If you deal with lower color grades than the above mentioned Nine (9) Stones then you can ask your
vendor/dealer to keep an eye out for lower master stones and give them a list of what you are looking for.
However trying to find a Master “Z” Stone is super hard. In fact you will be able to find Chicken Lips
quicker than you can locate and purchase a “Z” Master Stone because I’m still trying to find one myself.
The most important part of all is to keep and file away all of your paperwork on your master stones and
keep them in your safe in a specially marked envelope. Keep everything including the sales receipt,
invoices and the special diamond papers each of the stones come in.
You will need all of these papers later on if you decide to sell your master set because the paperwork and
supporting documentation is what makes your stones valuable and re-sellable to another professional.
I personally use my flatbed scanner and scan a copy of everything and store it in my computer and on my
safety back-up hard drives as an added safety precaution.
To make it perfectly clear to everyone C.Z. Master Stones ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE, Period!
It is that simple and that brutally honest and straight forward.
Weight of Evidence, Legal Precedence and Case Law has pretty much squelched the idea that you can go
into court with C.Z.’s when the opposing side is armed with a Diamond Master Set you will lose hands
down, it is that simple and brutally honest and straight forward.
The only way to win is to prove the other side misused or incorrectly used their diamond master set or the
opposing grader was off using and interpolating the color. Your C.Z. Set will have nothing to do with
winning a case but will have everything to do with losing your case.
However, with that being said, there are instants in which a C.Z. Set can be used and can come in handy
in a laboratory environment. They do have their uses to a limited capacity.
NEVER EVER handle or touch your Master Stones with your bare hands!!!!
Only use Stainless Steel Tweezers and only use those tweezers for your Master Set only!!!
Only touch and pick up your master stones by the girdle only.
Blow your tweezers off each and every time before picking up one of your master stones.
DO NOT let your comparison stone touch the girdle of your master stone while color grading.
Only remove One (1) master stone from your tray at a time and then put it back as soon as you are done
with it, and place it in the same location you got it from.
The best advice I can give you is to purchase a High Quality Gemological Microscope that you can
grow into instead of growing out of.
Buying new is great if you have the cash on hand to do so, However, you can also find some really great
deals on used equipment but be forewarned that you should take care and only deal with companies
and/or individuals that stand behind their used equipment with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Be very
careful buying and purchasing from E-Bay unless you know the seller and that you read all of their
disclaimers or you might end up buying a pig-in-the-poke.
Building and piecing together your own microscope should not be attempted by those who do not have a
technical and mechanical background or you will end up with a lot of parts and pieces and no one to put
them together.
A. Zoom Capabilities:
This is mandatory
Minimum of 10x to 45x zoom
B. Magnification Range:
This is mandatory
Minimum of 0.8x that can zoom upward to 45x or higher
D. Darkfield Illumination:
This is mandatory
F. Doubling Lens:
This is optional but highly recommended
H. Diffusion Plate:
This mandatory
Diffuser Plate
Approx. $75.00
Product Source:
Product Source:
J. Immersion Cell:
This is mandatory
Immersion Cell:
Approx. $125.00
Product Sources:
K. Photomicrography Capabilities:
This is optional but highly recommended
Product Sources:
GIA/GEM Polariscope
Approx. $349.00
Product Source:
Kassoy Polariscope
Approx. $219.00
Product Source:
Approx. $395.00
Product Source:
Product Sources:
Immersion Cell:
Approx. $125.00
Product Sources:
It can also be used to identify Anomalous Doubling due to internal strain in single refractive stones.
You can also find and identify interference colors and then use the Interference Sphere to identify the
Optical Character of the gemstone as this can aid in separating similar material from one another
Gem-A Refractometer
Approx. $549.00
Product Source:
Approx. $295.00
Product Source:
Gempro Refractometer
Approx. $525.00
Product Source:
The Refractometer is used to determine what the refractive index of an unknown gemstone is.
It can also be used to determine if a gemstone is single or double refractive due to the presence of visible
birefringence when using a polarizing filter with the refractometer.
However you must use a monochromatic light source usually a sodium light to give you a clear and well
defined R.I. Line on your refractometer scale.
You can also chart the visible high and low refractive indexes as you slowly rotate the unknown gemstone
every 60 Degrees for a total 360 Degrees, one (1) complete revolution.
Once you have charted the High & Low R.I.’s every 60 Degrees you can then determine what the optical
character of the unknown gemstone to help separate from other gemstones that share similar R.I.
Properties but different optical characters.
You can also use a simple computer program to determine the Optical Character instead of charting the
high and low R.I.’s every 60 degrees. However every good gemologist should learn to do this by hand
and you should memorize the process and procedures.
***Important Note***
NEVER EVER use only One (1) test to determine what an unknown gemstone might be.
I have personally seen too many gemologists make this fatal mistake of just taking an R.I. and then come
to a False / Incorrect Gemstone Identification Conclusion.
The last thing you want to do is look like a bumbling fool in front of the public.
New & Used Polariscope and/or Utility Light Monochromatic Light Sources
Approx. $200 To $400.00
Product Source:
This older style GIA Polariscope has a sodium (monochromatic) filter on the side.
A Monochromatic Light is necessary when using a Refractometer to produce a well defined line on your
refractometer scale. A Sodium Filter produces a yellowish light band.
The vast majority of American Trained Gemologists have not been trained or taught how to use a
spectroscope properly and effectively.
A Spectroscope is one of the most powerful diagnostic and identification tools available if used properly.
Product Source:
This guarantees that both Long Wave and Short Wave lights are functioning properly
Synthetic “Flame Fusion” Ruby, Synthetic Light Blue Spinel,
***Important Note***
A fully enclosed U.V. Cabinet is by far the best as it shields the unknown gemstone and the gemologist
from ambient and stray light sources.
U.V. Light Sources require that you use protective goggles to filter the U.V. Radiation from your eyes!
Diamond Proportion “Cut Grading” Analyzing Tools, Equipment and Systems: This is mandatory
Contact AGA to find out which “Cut Grading Unit” will pass and qualify.
#10. Hand Held Models: For both Loose and Mounted Diamonds
1st Generation
AGS ASET Tool / Loupe
Tri color scope that is best suited for fancy shapes. Two lens in metal housing
Price Approx. $50.00
Product Source:
2nd Generation
Handheld ASET Lip Stick Straight Sided
Price Approx. $29.95 to $39.99
Product Source:
3rd Generation
New Handheld ASET
Price Approx. $24.95
Product Source:
Ideal Light
A bright and portable pocket sized light source perfect for the Ideal-Scope.
Price Approx. $30.00
Product Source:
Presentation ASET
Price Approx. $395.00 to $495.00
Product Source:
These models use an etched ocular lens that has various scales to ad in measuring the various angles and
proportions of a cut and polished diamond.
These kits are currently no longer made and manufactured and you have to make sure the oculars are
made and are compatible with your microscope if you purchase used ones.
***Special Note***
Do your research first before purchasing a used Microscope Proportion Analyzer and make sure all of the
accessory parts are included. Ocular, Stone Holder C-Clamp attachment, diffuser plate, ocular eye cup.
This is the image you will see when looking through the specially etched ocular when attached to your
ASET Camera:
Price Approx. $795.00 to $995.00
Product Source:
DiamCalc 3.0
DiamCalc is a system for cut gemstones modeling, which enables the precise calculation of the diamond
weight and determination of cut proportions.
Price Approx. $425.00
Product Source:
Approx. $6,200.00 to $10,000.00
Product Source:
OGI MegaScope
Approx. $
Product Source:
***Important Note***
Before you purchase a 3-D Scanner do your homework and independent research first.
Find out what additional items and software you will need to make the unit do what you want it to do and
also find out what the annual service contract or annual software lease price is per year as some units
carry a high annual software lease price.
Remember these 3-D Scanners only do loose diamonds and not mounted diamonds.
In the retail environment most gemologists and gemological appraisers will be dealing with and handling
mounted diamonds.
Find out how many loose diamonds you grade per day or week or per month and then figure how many
loose diamonds you grade on an annual basis and then divide that number into how much the full until
cost is to find out how much it will actually cost you to grade each diamond annually to see if you really
need and most importantly can afford to purchase one of these units.
They are nice but extremely expensive for the individual to own and operate on an annual basis.
***Important Note***
Make no mistake, currently there is no universal or standardized “Cut Grading” system in place.
There are numerous models that have been produced and published and there are numerous opinions
debating the validity of each “Cut Grading” Model.
It is not my place here to recommend one grading model over the other.
However, it is extremely important that each of you MUST LIST what “Cut Grading” System you are
using when grading the proportional and cut grading value attributes within your report and you MUST
list the grading system’s scale and who’s system you are relying on within your report. You simply CAN
NOT just list the Cut Grade as Good or Very Good or Fair or Excellent. YOU MUST LIST the Cut
Grading System you are using.
#17. Diamond “Color Grading” Lighting Environment Equipment and Systems: This is mandatory
Controlled lighting equivalent to North Daylight
***Important Note***
Make no mistake, currently there is no universal or standardized “Color Grading Lighting Environment”
system in place.
There are numerous models that have been produced and published over the years and there are numerous
opinions debating the validity of each “Color Grading Lighting Environment” Model.
It is not my place here to recommend one grading method or model over the other.
However, it is extremely important that each of you MUST LIST what “Color Grading Lighting
Environment” System you are using when grading the “Color Grade” value attributes within your report
and you MUST list the “Color Grading Lighting Environment” system used and are relying on within
your report. You simply CAN NOT just list the Color Grade without listing and mentioning what “Color
Grading Lighting Environment” you are using in correlation to the “Color Grading System” you are also
In addition YOU MUST LIST the “Color Grading System” you are using also within your reports.
You simply CAN NOT just list the color grade of the diamond.
***Important Note***
It is extremely important that you fully read and completely understand the correct operating and testing
procedures of each instrument detailed in their operating manual or you will receive False-Positive
***Important Note***
Make no mistake, currently there is no universal or standardized Colored Stone “Color Grading” system
in place.
There are several colored stone “Color Grading” systems and/or methods currently being used worldwide
and you MUST LIST the method and/or system you are using to base your color grading on.
You MUST ALSO LIST the “Color Grading Lighting Environment” that you are basing your color grade
on as each lighting system differs from one to the other and the results will not be the same.
It is not my place here to recommend one color grading method or system over the other.
However, it is extremely important that each of you MUST LIST what “Color Grading Lighting
Environment” System you are using when grading the “Color Grade” value attributes within your report
and you MUST list the “Color Grading Lighting Environment” system used and are relying on within
your report. You simply CAN NOT just list the Color Grade without listing and mentioning what “Color
Grading Lighting Environment” you are using in correlation to the “Color Grading System” you are also
You simply CAN NOT just list the color grade of the gemstone.
Specific Gravity Liquids have become frowned upon due to the toxic nature of the chemicals used.
For legal reasons you will want to check with local, state and federal laws regarding your possible legal
exposure if you decide to purchase and use specific gravity liquid sets.
The current ecologically safe method is the hydrostatic method by weighing the unmounted gemstone in
air and then weigh it again while suspended in water and then use a mathematical formula to calculate the
approximately specific gravity of the unknown material.
Since there are so many different electronic digital scales available on the market and a variety of specific
gravity attachments you will need to personally check and match the two items so that they will work
accurately and correctly.
***Important Note***
To get the biggest and best bang for the buck I would highly suggest that you purchase a quality LEGAL-
FOR-TRADE scale and then pick out a Hydrostatic Kit that is specifically designed for that particular
Legal-for-Trade scale Manufacturer and Model Number.
***Important Note***
I would also suggest you first read and familiarize yourself with Handbook 44 and then also check with
your State’s Office of Weights and Measurements and get your scales State Certified.
***Important Note***
It is extremely important that you fully read and completely understand the correct operating and testing
procedures of each instrument detailed in their operating manual or you will receive False-Positive
Since there is a large selection of Legal-for-Trade Scales you will need to do your research first.
***Important Note***
I would also suggest you first read and familiarize yourself with Handbook 44 and then also check with
your State’s Office of Weights and Measurements and get your scales State Certified.
Product Source:
It would also be best to have separate Legal-for-Trade Scales, One (1) dedicated and only used for loose
diamonds and colored stones that measure in Carats. Then another Legal-for-Trade Scale used for
weighing precious metals such as silver, gold, platinum that is capable of measuring in both penny weight
and also in grams.
Both scales need to be Legal-for-Trade and both scales should be annually tested and certified by your
State’s Office of Weights and Measurements.
***Important Note***
It is extremely important that you fully read and completely understand the correct operating and testing
procedures of each instrument detailed in their operating manual or you will receive False-Positive
Approx. $64.95
Product Source:
Approx. $54.95
Product Source:
***Important Note***
It is extremely important that you fully read and completely understand the correct operating and testing
procedures of each instrument detailed in their operating manual or you will receive False-Positive
Get your client’s permission first before you begin your testing
These are highly corrosive liquids and gels. Make sure you wear safety goggles and protective gloves and
have a box of baking soda and a bottle of water and plenty of paper towels within reach in case of
accidents, spills and/or leaks.
Rare Earth Magnets are very useful in checking if a platinum item has cobalt in it.
It can also detect if an item has been chrome plated instead of rhodium plated.
These strong little magnets can also be used to detect some synthetic diamonds from natural diamonds
due to their metallic inclusions. However that is only an ancillary test and not a definitive test.
***Important Note***
It is extremely important that you fully read and completely understand the correct operating and testing
procedures of each instrument detailed in their operating manual or you will receive False-Positive
***Important Note***
It is extremely important that you fully read and completely understand the correct operating and testing
procedures of each instrument detailed in their operating manual or you will receive False-Positive
#23. Combination Dual Action Electronic Probes: This is optional but highly recommended
GemOro UltraTester™
Price Approx. $???.??
Product Source:
***Important Note***
It is extremely important that you fully read and completely understand the correct operating and testing
procedures of each instrument detailed in their operating manual or you will receive False-Positive
***Important Note***
It is extremely important that you fully read and completely understand the correct operating and testing
procedures of each instrument detailed in their operating manual or you will receive False-Positive
Hanneman Filter Set Five (5) Filter Set: This is optional but highly recommended
Approx. $64.00 to $80.95
Product Sources:
***Important Note***
It is extremely important that you fully read and completely understand the correct operating and testing
procedures of each instrument detailed in their operating manual or you will receive False-Positive
***Special Note***
I personally trim some of the excess film strip away from the printed scale so that I can overlay the scale
into sometimes hard to reach areas on a ring, pendant or brooch mounting to visually measure some of the
melee stones.
It is also a good idea to have several back up Table Gauges on hand in a safe place. Only use one table
gauge until you can no longer clearly see and read the scales.
#28. LEVERIDGE Gauge Set, Dial Gauge or Digital Gauge: This is mandatory
with High Setting Attachment and reference book
***Important Note***
It is mission critical that all “Linear Measuring Devices” be checked, tested and re-calibrated on a
standardized timeframe using “Certified Calibration Blocks” to insure optimal measuring accuracy and
High Sierra Gem Lab & La Shawn Bauer, GG Email: HighSierraGemLab@gmail.com
© January 2010
Page 42 of 82
The La Shawn Bauer Collection – A Systematic Approach to Appraisal Data Collection
Gemological Laboratory Equipment List
***Important Note***
It is mission critical that all “Linear Measuring Devices” be checked, tested and re-calibrated on a
standardized timeframe using “Certified Calibration Blocks” to insure optimal measuring accuracy and
#32. Taylor’s Paper Tape Measure: This is optional but highly recommended
#33. Retractable Steel Tape Measure: This is optional but highly recommended
You can get a 12-inch or 18-inch at any school supply department as a discount store
A 6-inch model works the best to measure pendants, brooches or belt buckles or other larger objects.
It also works well when placed next to the item when you photograph it to give a scale of its size and
***Important Note***
You can also purchase overhead fiber optic ring illuminators that clamp to the objective lens of your
microscope on the newer models to provide a bright overhead light source.
Other types and styles of overhead microscope light rings use Fluorescent or LED Illumination as well.
The older style filament light bulbs work best to see and judge color change phenomena
These lights produce bright high color temperatures similar to true daylight. Be sure to check the color
temperature before purchasing them.
#39. U.V. LED Pen Light, Long Wave: This is optional but highly recommended
Precision 3X Uv Detect/Curing
Price Approx. $25.00
Product Source:
9 UV LED Light
Price Approx. $25.00
Product Source:
U.V. Light Sources require that you use protective goggles to filter the U.V. Radiation from your eyes!
However you can also use a electrical wax pen if need be or what I do is use a Straight Pin with the button
clipped off and stuck into a champagne cork as a holder and simply use a Bic Lighter to heat the tip of the
straight pin until almost red hot and then quickly use it to see if a reaction takes place on the subject
***Important Note***
Therefore YOU MUST get the client’s permission first before attempting such a test and then only do the
test in an area that is not readily visible.
***Important Note***
In fact, you can build your own makeshift Photostand using common items. Two (2) Ott Lights and a
small white lamp shade will do a good job.
Remember if you are only documenting the item for an appraisal or insurance documentation then you
really don’t need commercial grade photographs.
B & H Photo
The mass majority of camera companies have developed their own special proprietary imaging software
so that you can manipulate the captured digital images using their various software tools.
You can also purchase independent imagining software such as PhotoShop and other high end software.
However, most of these in-depth software programs are very expensive and as a gemologist, and/or
gemological appraiser there really isn’t any need to justify the expense.
All of the programs that I use on a daily basis were freebees that I got when I purchased my cameras from
the various manufactures.
Every Gemological Laboratory should have a quality flat bed digital scanner.
This way you can scan and copy Diamond Grading Reports, Old Appraisals, Warranty Papers, Sales
Receipts, Diamond Papers, Hand Written Notes, Worksheets and other various items.
***Important Note***
One thing I find useful it to digitally scan each and every gemological reference book cover, valuation /
appraisal reference book and other assorted books and trade journals as a very simple and effective way to
catalog your reference library and then make a CD of the images and give it to your insurance agent and
insure not only your lab equipment but also insurance your reference library. You will be shocked and
surprised to find out how much you have invested in your reference library so protect it and insure it
against loss or damages.
Best Buy
Office Depot
Office Max
Today Color Laser Printers are now affordable and reliable. They produce better images than the older
style ink jet cartridge color printers and the cost is sometimes better than purchasing ink jet cartridges.
***Important Note***
The best advantage is that Color Laser Printers use a dry powder media and will last longer and does not
dry up when it has not been used in a while.
With a Color Laser Printer you can also design and print your own brochures and other advertizing media
that you mail out or hand out to your clients and you save money in the long run by bypassing the local
printer in most cases.
Best Buy
Office Depot
Office Max
High Sierra Gem Lab & La Shawn Bauer, GG Email: HighSierraGemLab@gmail.com
© January 2010
Page 52 of 82
The La Shawn Bauer Collection – A Systematic Approach to Appraisal Data Collection
Gemological Laboratory Equipment List
This is by far one of the most over looked areas within a gemological laboratory and that is to have an in-
depth and well equipped reference library.
No gemologist or gemological appraiser can know and remember everything they have ever been taught
or trained and that is where your reference library comes in handy to the point that it becomes absolutely
***Important Note***
Insure your reference library!!! One of my reference books is out of print and if it was lost or damaged
and I had to replace it from a used book source that one reference book alone will cost me over $600.00 if
I want to replace it.
Once a year you should take time out during your down time and check replacement prices on your books
and adjust your insurance coverage to match the replace costs and replacement values.
If you ever leave the industry you can also sell your reference library book by book to other gemologists
or sell them to a rare book store to help recoup some of your investment.
If you are just starting to build your reference library then you should set up a program to purchase One
(1) New Quality Reference Book once a month or once every two months. Read the book thoroughly first
during your down time and then record it on your insurance program paperwork sheet and then put it in
your library.
#47. Valuation Science and Methodology Library: This is optional but highly recommended
Organizations that recognize & promote USPAP Compliance for Gem & Jewelry Appraisers
Organizations that DO NOT recognize USPAP Compliance for Gem & Jewelry Appraisers
Appraising Demystified
***Important Note***
NEVER EVER throw any of your Diamond and/or Colored Stone Supplier’s Price Guide Sheets or
Catalogs away. File and Save then by Date as this will give you a historical account of prices if you ever
have to do a Historical or Retroactive Appraisal based on a given date in the distant past.
Price Approx. $6,000.00
Product Source:
Approx. $7,900.00
Product Source:
HRD D-Screen/Case
Price Approx. $3,295.00
Product Source:
Price Approx. $695.00
Produce Source:
***Important Note***
With the recent advent of HPHT Treated Diamonds these items must be seriously considered.
***Personal Opinion***
All of the Major Diamond Grading Laboratories worldwide should seriously conceder indentifying,
classifying and then reporting on their printed lab reports the diamond’s Class Types, Type I-A, I-B, II-A,
II-B and III. Diamond Class Type is, in fact, an Identifying Attribute that SHOULD NOT be overlooked
or dismissed.
#59. Microscope Camera Adaptors & Cameras: This is optional but highly recommended
#60. Microscope Lighting Rings and Illuminators: This is optional but highly recommended
#61. Computer Programs – Gemological Based Software: This is optional but highly recommended
I personally own each of these programs and they all have their special uses and functions that I regularly
use on a daily and weekly basis.
#62. Computer Programs – Appraisal Software: This is optional but highly recommended
To have a nice high quality AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratory you can spend anywhere from
approximately $12,000.00 to a high of $60,000.00.
You can have a fully equipped certified laboratory for less than what a good used car goes for.
That used car will have a service life of less than 10 years. Then the resale value of that used car after 10
years of daily driving use is basically ZERO.
The service life of an AGA – Certified Gem Laboratory can easily be 20 to 30 years if not more for the
most part. Of course there is general maintenance as with any equipment be it mechanical or electronic.
The resale value of you laboratory after 10 years or 20 years or even 30 years will have a better resale
value than that used car after an additional 10 years of daily driving use.
I’m sorry but I don’t know of a single retail jewelry store in the USA than can’t afford to budget or save
and allocate a single $10.00 bill a day towards an AGA – Certified Gemological Laboratory.
It is not that expensive when it comes right down to it.
There is basically no excuse for not having a certified gemological laboratory in every single retail
jewelry store nation-wide.
The REAL QUESTION IS, are you a Real Professional Jeweler or merely a Mass Merchandiser?
And that, my friends, is the answer as to how to have an advertizing coup by separating your
Professionally Staffed and Fully Equipped jewelry store from the Mass Merchandisers in your area.
The public needs to know and understand that you and your store take a very serious and committed
stance towards being the best professionally trained and highly educated staffed jewelry store in your area
and are here specifically for the consumer.
I personally urge everyone to check out all of these companies and their fine gemological products, tools,
equipment and instrumentation then make your own purchasing decisions based upon your specific needs.
Appraising Demystified
GemeWizard GemeSquare
Gemological Products
Perfect Diagram
Joseph A. Mackley, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #03
James S. Seaman, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #04
Nancy Stacy, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #05
Thom Underwood, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #06
Christine York, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #07
Robert F. Trapp, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #09
Lorraine Lopezzo, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #10
Martha Waugh Hubbard, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #11
Tracy Aros, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #12
Suzanne Martinez, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #13
James F. Naughter, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #14
David R. Boggess, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #15
Raymond H. Mason, Jr., Accredited Senior GemologistAGA Certified Gemological
Laboratory #16
Paul Cassarino, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #17
Neil Thomas Beaty, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #18
Michael Cowing, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #19
John H. Vivian, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #20
John A. Caruso, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #21
Karl Y. Nakamura, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #22
Vickie L. Adams, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #23
Craig A. Lynch, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #24
GG Phone: (602) 264 - 3210
Oullett & Lynch Appraisers, Gemologists, (602) 264 - 3210
Consultants Fax: (602) 843 - 2765
3730 West Michigan
Glendale, AZ 85308
Susan Eisen, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #26
Sue Whitaker, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #27
Mary B. Reich, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #28
Carole C. Richbourg, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #29
Christopher G. Jacobs, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #30
Gary L. Smith, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #31
Ted A. Irwin, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Labatory #32
Tom Seguin, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #33
Craig M. Walters, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #34
ISA Phone: (503) 679 - 8778
Finis Gemological Inc. (503) 679 - 8778
11416 Rainier Ave. So.
Seattle, WA 98178
Nina M. Woolford, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #35
Theresa Newman Brossmer, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #36
Monica L. Caldwell, Accredited Senior Gemologist
AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory #37
Alabama – Zero
Alaska – Zero
Arkansas – Zero
California – (8) #05, #06, #13, #15, #23, #29, #30, #36
Connecticut – Zero
D.C. – Zero
Delaware – Zero
Georgia – Zero
Idaho – Zero
Illinois – Zero
Indiana – Zero
Iowa – Zero
Kansas – Zero
Kentucky – Zero
Louisiana – Zero
Maine – Zero
Michigan – Zero
Minnesota – Zero
Mississippi – Zero
Missouri – Zero
Montana – Zero
Nebraska – Zero
Ohio – Zero
Oklahoma – Zero
Oregon – Zero
Utah – Zero
Vermont – Zero
Wyoming – Zero
Canada – Zero