A j.1756-8765.2009.01022.x PDF
A j.1756-8765.2009.01022.x PDF
A j.1756-8765.2009.01022.x PDF
Received 9 April 2008; received in revised form 24 November 2008; accepted 11 December 2008
The pull to coordinate with other individuals is fundamental, serving as the basis for our social
connectedness to others. Discussed is a dynamical and ecological perspective to joint action, an
approach that embeds the individual’s mind in a body and the body in a niche, a physical and social
environment. Research on uninstructed coordination of simple incidental rhythmic movement, along
with research on goal-directed, embodied cooperation, is reviewed. Finally, recent research is dis-
cussed that extends the coordination and cooperation studies, examining how synchronizing with
another, and how emergent social units of perceiving and acting are reflected in people’s feelings of
connection to others.
1. Introduction
The papers in this special issue cover an array of perspectives on joint action. In particu-
lar, the papers provide a good grounding in how higher-level approaches that involve
centralized processes or cognition can explain joint action (Bekkering et al., this issue, pp.
340–352; Carpenter, this issue, pp. 380–392; Sebanz & Knoblich, this issue, pp. 353–367),
and the role of language in joint action as well (Brennan & Hanna, this issue, pp. 274–291;
Correspondence should be sent to Kerry L. Marsh, Department of Psychology, 406 Babbidge Road, Unit
1020, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-1020. E-mail: Kerry.L.Marsh@uconn.edu
K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009) 321
Galantucci, this issue, pp. 393–410; Garrod & Pickering, this issue, pp. 292–304; Shintel &
Kesar, this issue, pp. 260–273). In our paper, we focus instead on the fundamentals of
describing the behavior that is joint action—what is the informational basis for engaging in
joint action, what are the conditions under which joint action emerges for socially embedded
individuals, and what kinds of patterns of behavior are possible. Finally, we focus on our
most recent research regarding the psychological consequences of such patterns, particularly
for the emergence of social connectedness.
One overarching motive here is to provide an orientation to joint action that best fits with
the embodied-embedded movement in psychology (Brooks, 1991; Clark, 1998; Hutchins,
1995; Semin & Smith, 2008). This new wave in psychology finds us seeking to bridge the
gap between our goals—to have a psychology that takes seriously that our brains are embod-
ied and our bodies are embedded in a world (particularly, a social niche)—and the methods
of cognitive science that historically have followed from traditional views of cognition.
Much excellent work in psychology has been done on the cognitive side of the equation, but
the new emphasis on embodiment means that there remain significant constraints on know-
ing ‘‘outside the head’’ that are underexplored. To have a more complete understanding of
joint action, we need to explore more deeply the information that is available to make joint
action possible as well as how the effectors of the body self-organize according to the
dynamics of movement.
Our starting assumption about joint action is that we want an account that fits with views
on embodied cognition. The traditional views of cognition see the ‘‘mind ⁄ brain as an organ
for building internal representations of the external world. By performing internal computa-
tions over these representations, the mind ⁄ brain comes to a decision about what actions are
appropriate’’ (van Dijk, Kerkhofs, van Rooij, & Haselager, 2008, p. 299–300). Alterna-
tively, an embodied-embedded view of cognition suggests that the brain plays a more sup-
portive role. Such a role is exemplified in the principle of ‘‘behavior before brain’’ (van
Dijk et al., 2008). Cognitive processes operate in service of behavior; the evolutionary
development of cognition was not to direct and simulate (re-present) the world to the mind
but originally developed out of the need to coordinate and integrate increasingly complex
behavioral repertoires that extended in scope across time and space. A better metaphor for
the brain is a ‘‘traffic facilitator,’’ helping to ‘‘sustain the necessary conditions for the rele-
vant interaction between body and world to take place’’ (van Dijk et al., 2008, p. 309)—not
directing behavior but instead biasing the system toward selecting certain environment-
evoked behaviors in one’s behavioral repertoire over others.
It is in large part because we move (and thus must seek what we need to survive and
to procreate) that a cognitive system emerged. A good illustration of this is the example of
the seasquirt discussed by Glenberg (2008, p. 44). The sea squirt has a brief existence as a
tadpole with motion, ability to detect light, and a brain and primitive spinal cord. Once it
attaches to a site and thereafter ceases moving, it no longer needs a brain, and it ingests it.
In a real sense, the behavior of an organism (and so too, we believe, the coordinated behav-
ior of multiple organisms) has primacy over the emergence of a brain to coordinate such
behaviors. The ecological account we present here on joint action is not one that assumes
that we are creatures as uninteresting as the sea squirt and that our advanced cognitive
322 K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009)
processes and language abilities are irrelevant to what is interesting about humans. Rather
what is of particular interest to us is in finding a way to bridge that gap between basic move-
ment and perception processes and the concomitant or consequent psychological cognitive
states that make coordinating with others of such particular import.
In our view, there are many circumstances in which individuals spontaneously are pulled
into the orbit of another’s incidental movements, and there are many circumstances where
the environmental constraints, or the limitations of our own autonomous action, mean that
coordinated joint action comes into being. We think that systematically exploring the infor-
mational basis for this emergence, and the dynamics that can allow the self-organization of
coordinated action to occur is worthy of study not because we think it implies humans are
creatures without intention and mental states but rather because research demonstrates just
how integrally intertwined all body systems (brain, sensory, psychological, perception,
movement) are when engaging in joint action, and that a theory of the dynamics of self orga-
nization is needed to understand the complexity of such interacting components.
Despite the physical separateness of our bodies from other bodies, this social pull is as
fundamental and essential to functioning in an environment as the coordination that occurs
within components of our body. Individual components of movement systems, whether
within-body or across bodies, have huge potential variation for movement when considered
in isolation, and yet each component, in actual motion is involuntarily and effortlessly inter-
connected to other elements within a system, to jointly constrain each of the elements. The
movements that are possible for an individual limb, when considered in combination with
the motion of other limbs, is surprisingly restricted. As a novice drummer realizes, there are
patterns of movements that are nearly impossible without training, even though technically
such combined behavior should always be possible, if each element were examined in isola-
tion. As Schmidt and Richardson (2008) put it, the dynamical perspective makes the predic-
tion that there are some ‘‘dances we cannot do’’—whether those dances be alone or with
another individual.
This is not to say that the same dances that solo actors and coordinated actors do are iden-
tical, it would be uninteresting if no new capabilities for action occurred for those in joint
action than solos. At each new level of analysis beyond individual behavior, such as a
jointly acting dyad, a small workgroup, or a multilevel corporation, new behavioral organi-
zation, new possibilities for action emerge. However, the dynamical, ecological perspective
explicitly makes testable predictions that certain patterns of behavior should be demon-
strated on all levels—certain patterns should appear, and others should be nearly impossible.
We argue that the answer to why our possibilities for moving and for completing actions are
so jointly constrained requires understanding the dynamical laws that govern action
systems of the body, the coupling of perception and action, and the coupling of person to
The ecological and dynamical systems perspective on solo perception and action has been
highly generative over the last 30 years (see, for example, reviews by Warren, 2006; Kelso,
1995; Fajen, Riley, & Turvey, in press; Thelen & Smith, 1994; Turvey, 1990; Turvey &
Carello, 1986). A considerably narrower range of research, however, has pursued the impli-
cation of grounding the individual within a social niche (Baron, 2007; Good, 2007; Heft,
K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009) 323
2007; Marsh, Richardson, Baron, & Schmidt, 2006a; Schmidt, 2007). Just as the picking up
of information about our environment is fundamental to the performance of action—with
seeing of obstacles in our way and continuously adjusting our motion telegraphed across our
body—so too, we argue, is an individual in a social context fundamentally constrained by
the picking up of information about others’ incidental movements and intentional actions.
Recognizing that our movements and actions in the world are as constrained by others as,
within our body, implies (a) a universality of dynamical principles that unify components in
a system—they are true for social as well as for nonsocial action, (b) that linkages are not
simply mechanical, but can be informational—that what we take in with a look (or other
modality) can affect our behavior as strongly as a mechanical force, and (c) how others
‘‘moor’’ us in space and time define’s the frames of reference for our past, present, and
future behavior.
In the section below we first discuss the implications of findings from 20 years of
research on interpersonal synchrony (e.g., Richardson, Marsh, Isenhower, Goodman, &
Schmidt, 2007b; Schmidt, 1989; Schmidt, Bienvenu, Fitzpatrick, & Amazeen, 1998;
Schmidt, Carello, & Turvey, 1990; Shockley, Baker, Richardson, & Fowler, 2007; for a
review, see Schmidt & Richardson, 2008) and more limited ecological research on coopera-
tion (Richardson, Marsh, & Baron, 2007a) for social connection with others. Then we dis-
cuss very recent research explicitly designed to test hypotheses regarding how bodily
synchrony and physical cooperation can serve as the basis for the emergence of sociality.
2. Past research
An ecological and dynamical perspective allows for rather precise predictions about
the conditions under which individuals will be better able to coordinate their movement
with others, and what features of a situation will exert a pull to cooperate with others in
completing some task. Researchers have used rhythmic movements that can be effort-
lessly sustained (swinging a hand-held pendulum-like stick with a weight at the end,
rocking in a rocking chair, walking on a treadmill) or aperiodic, highly stochastic, and
visually subtler movement (postural sway) as paradigms for examining the dynamics of
interpersonal coordination (see Fowler, Richardson, Marsh, & Shockley, 2008; Schmidt
& Richardson, 2008; van Ulzen, Lamoth, Daffertshofer, Semin, & Beek, 2008). Move-
ment is tracked by magnetic sensor systems (or force plates) continually during an inter-
action (i.e., 60 or more times per second), and linear (e.g., spectral) or nonlinear (e.g.,
cross-recurrence) analyses yield relational measures that quantify the degree of temporal
coordination of a pair’s movement during the interaction. Presumably, the pull to such a
coordinated state tells us something about the most minimal socioemotional connected-
ness of a pair. For instance, extensive previous research on mimicry and observer-rated
synchrony suggests that mimicry and apparent synchrony are associated with greater rap-
port between pairs (Chartrand & Jefferis, 2003).
324 K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009)
Internal timekeeper (or ‘‘internal pattern generator’’) approaches have also been
developed that can explain the occurrence and differing stability of in-phase and antiphase
coordination that occurs in intentional, within-body coordination (e.g., Ivry & Richardson,
2002; Semjen & Ivry, 2001). The key difference relative to our perspective is that alterna-
tive approaches posit that internal timekeepers or representations of timed movement
generate internal patterns that are similar to or are ‘‘ideal’’ characterizations of the timing
and form of the behavioral patterns seen. Essentially, this isomorphism at the neuron-
anatomy level is argued to be the causal explanation for the behavioral patterns observed.
It is not clear, however, how these accounts explain spontaneous coordination patterns
(of in-phase, anti-phase) that emerge both in interpersonal coordination and when solo
actors respond to an environmental stimulus (e.g., Lopresti-Goodman, Richardson, Silva,
& Schmidt, 2008; Schmidt, Richardson, Arsenault, & Galantucci, 2007). Moreover, such
constructivist perspectives imply that separate explanations will be needed for unintentional
within-person patterns, interpersonal patterns (e.g., accounts that rely on mirror neuron
system, Gallese, Keysers, & Rizzolatti, 2004; Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004), and person–
environment patterns (which could not rely on mirror neuron explanations). But the
considerable research demonstrating that couplings that underlie the stabilities of intra-,
interpersonal, and environmental coordination are all informational (perceptional) runs
counter to that assumption (e.g., Bingham, 2004; Meschner, Kerzel, Knoblich, & Prinz,
2001; Roerdink, Peper, & Beek, 2005; Schmidt et al., 1998, 2007; Wimmers, Beek, & Van
Wieringen, 1992). Thus, we argue that our perspective is more parsimonious not only given
the considerable computational load that centralized cognitive mechanisms, common codes,
or neural simulation explanations of rhythmic coordination entail but also because our per-
spective predicts the common patterns observed across perception-action systems of differ-
ent scales (solo, solo-environmental, joint action). It seems more likely to us, therefore, that
the centralized, microscopic, neural, or cognitive processes that are involved in coordinated
perceptual-motor behavior emerge as a consequence of the same natural laws that self-orga-
nize and constrain observed macroscopic behavior and thus also require adopting a non-
egocentric animal-environment approach (Kelso, 1995; Richardson, Marsh, & Schmidt, in
press; Turvey, 2005; Turvey & Fonseca, in press). (Also see Meschner et al., 2001; Tognoli,
Lagarde, DeGuzman, & Kelso, 2007, for examples of how a dynamical understanding of
rhythmic coordination can help guide hypotheses about the neural and ⁄ or perceptual-motor
mechanisms that might underlie rhythmic coordination.)
A second major area of our research examines ‘‘embodied cooperation,’’ which arises
when two co-present, individuals in motion coordinate their goal-directed actions. We call
this embodied cooperation to contrast with the methods of traditional game-theory
approaches to cooperation, which examine strategic decisions made to cooperate or to defect
(Axelrod, 1984; Axelrod & Dion, 1988; Thibaut & Kelley, 1959). Game theory approaches
do not require individuals to have bodies, to be able to move and detect information about
another’s movement, or even be co-present with another individual (indeed one might be
326 K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009)
Carello, 1981; Richardson et al., 2008) are that information veridically specifies affordances
to a perceiver, that perceiver’s judgments and actions demonstrate sensitivity to the informa-
tion, and finally, that affordances are specified by objectively measurable features of the
environment taken with respect to the organism.
With regards to joint action, therefore, affordance theory predicts that individuals embed-
ded in a social situation will be able to respond to information that specifies their ability for
autonomous and joint action, and that their actions will follow accordingly. These predic-
tions were supported by our results (Richardson et al., 2007a). For example, pairs’ shifts
between solo and joint modes of action were predicted by a relational measure, a
body-scaled ratio that assessed the plank length relative to the individuals’ arm length.
Moreover, the shifts were also consistent with dynamical principles. In the body synchrony
research, the transition from in- to anti-phase was a discontinuous rather than a gradual shift
(Schmidt et al., 1990). This abrupt transition also occurred in the cooperation research.
Apart from a few fluctuations in action mode when nearing the critical value of the body-
scaled ratio, people were either stably in solo mode or joint action mode. Importantly, the
dynamics that occur in these joint perception-action experiments cannot be readily
accounted for by traditional judgmental models (Richardson et al., 2007a). Moreover, there
was a precise similarity in dynamical processes for shifts within solo action (from one-hand
to two-hand grasping) and shifts between solo and joint action. Such similitude provides a
strong argument for universal dynamical principles, spontaneous emergence of interpersonal
modes of actions when the situational constraints demand them. That is, given the similitude
of patterns, we view it as more plausible that these similarities reflect universal dynamical
patterns than just chance patterns of joint action that are so precisely parallel to those of solo
In contrast to the more naturally paced mode of action of Richardson et al. (2007a), a
strategic, trial-and-error analytic mode of deciding how to pick up each piece of wood (as
occurs when wood is presented very slowly, Lopresti-Goodman, Richardson, Baron,
Carello, & Marsh, 2009) eliminates the dynamical feature of hysteresis. At a normal paced
sequence, when individuals started off with large planks of wood that decrease in size, they
cooperated longer (i.e., they picked up more smaller pieces of wood cooperatively than
when the sequence of wood was from small to large pieces), presumably reflecting a strong
cooperation attractor. On the other hand, solo action research (on one- to two-hand grasping)
indicates that when the task becomes a more analytic one (e.g., under a slow sequence, with
no concurrent task), participant shifts between modes are still predicted by the body-scaled
ratio, but without any additional persistence in a given mode due to attractor dynamics
(Lopresti-Goodman et al., 2009).
We are additionally interested in whether these two different paradigms, social synchrony
and cooperative social action, have a psychological (i.e., judgmental or social cognitive)
reality to pairs who are pulled into similar or complementary patterns of movement with
each other. Our hypothesis is that these basic movement processes are part and parcel of the
emergence of a social unit, and that as such, should have psychological import for those
involved in them. Presumably, coordinating and cooperating should be linked to feeling
more connected with others. Moreover, individuals who are predisposed to connect with
328 K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009)
others (or have difficulty doing so) should display stronger (or weaker) pull to coordinated
movement and joint action.
Rather critically, an embodied cooperation task requires that two people come together as
‘‘a unity of action that embraces the participants and the common object’’ (Asch, 1952,
pp. 173-174). Research on affordances in cooperative lifting, and research on bodily syn-
chrony verifies the utility of an ecological, dynamical perspective for making precise
predictions about the emergence of a rudimentary social coordinative structure (e.g., two
coupled oscillators in motion) or a goal-directed social unit (as in the cooperation experi-
ments). The next step is demonstrating that these patterns of behavior have demonstrable
effects on individuals’ feeling of connection with another.
The degree to which experimental inductions make entrainment with another easier
rather than difficult should correspond with an individual’s rapport, liking, or feeling better
able to be a ‘‘team’’ with another person. Previous research on raters’ subjective judg-
ments of interactants’ synchrony is consistent with this view. For instance, Bernieri (1988)
found a relationship between dyadic rapport and ratings of interactional synchrony in
student–teacher interactions. In our research paradigms, we would also predict that a stron-
ger cooperation attractor (i.e., greater hysteresis when individuals move planks presented
in a sequence of descending size) should correlate with participants’ subjective reactions to
the other individual. (We detail recent research that supports such predictions in a later
A similar prediction is that preexisting dispositional tendencies in sociality dimensions of
personality (e.g., extroversion, agreeableness) will affect how strongly a social unity
emerges from two individuals’ interaction. Schmidt and colleagues (Schmidt, Christianson,
Carello, & Baron, 1994) used interpersonal wrist-pendulum coordination to investigate the
effects of social competence (Riggio, 1996) upon social coordination stability. Subjects
were selected to create homogeneous social competence dyads (High–High or Low–Low
pairs) and heterogeneous dyads (High–Low pairs). The heterogeneous (High–Low) pairs
demonstrated significantly greater stability and fewer breakdowns in coordination than the
homogeneous (High–High and Low–Low) social competence pairings, suggesting that reci-
procity (leader-follower) rather than symmetry (leader-leader or follower-follower) of social
competence facilitates social coordination. Similarly, questionnaires administered at the end
of the plank moving experiment (Richardson et al., 2007a) found that individuals’ levels of
agreeableness and extroversion (Benet-Martinez & John, 1998) were positively correlated
with how much hysteresis (persistence of cooperation in the descending condition) occurred.
That is, the degree of cooperation in the plank-moving experiment was positively correlated
with the taller of the pair’s extroversion in the ascending condition, r = .51; the degree of
cooperation in the random condition (where planks were received in no ordinal sequence of
sizing) was correlated with the agreeableness of the shorter (more constraining) of the indi-
viduals, r = .54. Dispositional tendencies, in a sense, might set the initial conditions that
K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009) 329
make pull to the cooperation attractor stronger (or weaker) than a pull to the autonomy
attractor (independent action).
Dysfunctions in dynamics of movement should have implications for social disconnec-
tion as well. Such disconnection would be expected to arise with preferred tempo of move-
ment that are normatively unusual (very fast or slow walker), or of unusual rigidity (low
variability in movement). Individuals who fail to attend to the dynamics of others, either
due to lack of ability or lack of motivation would likely feel less psychologically connected
when engaging in joint perception and joint action. On the other hand, for those with mild
movement limitations, others may provide a ‘‘mooring effect,’’ helping those with limita-
tions to be tethered in space and time to the social environment. That is, individuals with
somewhat poorer ability to coordinate with the rhythms of the world may be better able to
coordinate their actions with the environment if movements of others pulls them into their
orbit (see Schmidt et al., 1994). Indeed, much like how arousal from the presence of others
serves to facilitate performance on some tasks (Zajonc, 1965), the auditory rhythm move-
ment of the movement of others (and one’s own) feet on a long march, or the visual stimulus
of the feet of a person in front of oneself continually moving on a long hike up a mountain
may provide an energy kick to our own movement, much as a nearby firefly’s flash hastens
the upcoming flash of another firefly (Strogatz, 1994).
Synchrony may have cognitive benefits as well. Engaging in joint action might employ
jointly recruited processes that allow access to others’ states (Hutchins, 1995; Semin, 2007;
Semin & Cacioppo, 2008). Moreover, being connected socially and environmentally should
be felt not only in terms of liking and feeling of entativity (groupness) but also more gener-
alized feelings of harmony and flow—a feeling of perceptual fluency, which may aid mem-
ory storage or retrieval processes (Macrae, Duffy, Miles, & Lawrence, 2008; Ravizza,
2003). We would expect that being moored by another may actually free up attentional
capacity and provide more subsequent cognitive resources (e.g., Richeson & Shelton, 2003).
Four experiments were conducted to test whether, under the most minimal of interaction
conditions (no cooperative task), making synchrony relatively easy to achieve would lead to
greater feelings of connection than when synchrony was difficult. The first experiment
examined ease of intentional synchrony using the pendulum paradigm (Marsh, Richardson,
& Schmidt, 2007; Marsh et al., 2006b). The second experiment manipulated the amount of
information available in the synchronization of rocking chairs. Participants rocking side by
side focused their attention forward, allowing for only peripheral information pickup, or
they focused on the arm of the other’s chair, providing them focal information about the oth-
ers’ rocking (Marsh et al., 2007). Two other experiments manipulated the frequency differ-
ences (detuning) of rocking chairs using matched versus mismatched weighting of chairs. In
one of those experiments, a mild rejection induction using ‘‘cyberball’’—where other play-
ers in an electronic game of catch exclude the participant (Williams, Cheung, & Choi, 2000)
preceded the participants’ rocking in mismatched chairs. We hypothesized that there would
be more feelings of connectedness for participants who participate in conditions where
330 K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009)
Fig. 1. In the difficult (anti-phase, detuning) condition of Experiment 1, pairs varied considerably in how well
they coordinated. The best pair (A) adhered closely to anti-phase (M = 182, SD = 26.4) and had high coherence
(.87). The worst pair (B) was unable to maintain anti-phase (visited all possible relative phase angles over time)
and had low coherence (.14).
significantly greater sense of ‘‘team-ness’’ with the other individual on upcoming tasks than
pairs in the peripheral condition. Moreover, coherence was correlated with such perceptions,
and coherence partially mediated the condition effects on perceptions.
A final synchrony experiment we report here explores whether children diagnosed with
autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) display different patterns of synchrony than typically
developing children. ASD is a pervasive developmental disorder that is associated with
communication, social imitation and connection deficits (American Psychiatric Association,
1994). Interestingly, the earliest symptoms of this disorder are often movement abnormali-
ties (Grossberg & Seidman, 2006). Some theorists explain ASD as a dysfunction in individ-
ual’s ‘‘theory of mind’’ given the deficits in pretend play, joint attention, and imitation, as
well difficulties with language pragmatics (Baron-Cohen, 1989; Rogers & Pennington,
1991; Williams, Whiten, & Singh, 2004). However, other recent research provides evi-
dence against such an account (e.g., Carpenter, Pennington, & Rogers, 2001; Sebanz,
Knoblich, Stumpf, & Prinz, 2005). An ecological dynamical systems approach suggests that
332 K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009)
Fig. 2. The relation between average deviation from intended phase (X axis) and perceived harmoniousness
(Y axis) was modest in the difficult condition of Experiment 1, where pairs varied considerably in their synchrony.
The correlation was minimal in the easy condition, where there was severe restriction in range for synchrony.
dysfunction in timing of one’s own actions and events in the world, in social attention, and
in embodiment of one’s mind-in-body may be intertwined with ASD (Marsh et al., 2008).
To test this, we examined children’s synchrony to a caregiver’s rocking while the care-
giver read a book to the child. The child was in a child-sized rocker and adult was in a larger
chair (weighted to have a natural frequency near that of the child’s chair). While reading the
book to the child, the adult rocked in tempo with a metronome delivered through an ear-
phone. Although spontaneous synchrony was substantially reduced in children compared to
that seen in adults, and some children did not rock during the trials, on a whole, there was
significantly less in-phase coordination in children with ASD than in typically developing
children. Representative patterns are illustrated by data for two children presented in Fig. 3.
One striking feature of the bodily synchrony studies is that, apart from the child study
where parent and child engaged in joint attention while focused on a book, the tasks typi-
cally did not involve an interpersonal goal. Yet even in situations where an unintentional
interpersonal pull toward synchrony might be at odds with (distract from) the purported
experimental goal (e.g., memorizing words), individuals spontaneously coordinated their
incidental movements with another individual. The ease of doing so was associated with
greater feelings of connectedness—a feeling of readily being a team with the other person.
A more obvious expectation of a link between social connection and shared movement
would follow from the degree to which engaging in purposive action with another facilitates
a connection with them. In questionnaire data collected at the end of the plank-moving
embodied cooperation experiments (Richardson et al., 2007a), the strength of the coopera-
tion attractor was found to correlate with participants’ felt comfort working with the other
K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009) 333
Fig. 3. Frequency of occurrence of in-phase (0º) interpersonal coordination behavior for (A) one prototypical
child of typical development (TD) and (B) one prototypic child with ASD.
individual (Marsh et al., 2007). For the taller of individuals in a pair (i.e., those whose height
would least constrain their ability to engage in solo action), the degree of hysteresis in the
descending-size condition was very strongly correlated (r = .82) with felt comfort. For the
shorter of individuals in a pair (i.e., those would be more rapidly constrained to engage in
solo action), the degree to which a pair shifted sooner to cooperative action in the ascend-
ing-size condition was most strongly associated with positive feelings toward the other per-
son (r = .48). In sum, both in the embodied cooperation and coordination of incidental
movement studies, we have evidence that that either preexisting affiliative dimensions of an
individual, or affiliative consequences (teamness and harmoniousness) are associated with
more coordination and cooperation.
There are three primary features of the research discussed that we view as crucial. First is
perhaps self-evident from the topic of this special issue, but it is something not common to
interpersonal social psychological research, namely that behavioral, embodied methods can
334 K. L. Marsh, M. J. Richardson, R. C. Schmidt ⁄ Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2009)
two or more individuals acting and perceiving as improbably coherent wholes. Two individ-
uals form a temporarily coordinated unit of social perceiving and action during the course
of a brief interpersonal exchange, one brought rapidly into existence with a mere word or
gesture, and dissipating as quickly, with individuals nonverbal ‘‘leave-taking’’ behaviors.
Such units are not mere psychological fictions, but have a clear objectively measurable real-
ity (e.g., degree of coherence in their shared wave forms, amount of time spent in coordi-
nated states). Our conclusion is that understanding social action requires studying social
systems as coherent units, with interpersonal and individual behavior, individual
dispositional properties (dispositional or group status) and the action capabilities of individ-
ual bodies all understood as emergent properties of embodied-embedded joint perception-
action systems.
This research is based in part on based upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. 0342802, 0240277, and 0240266 and work supported by
an Innovative Technologies for Autism Grant from Cure Autism Now (Autism Speaks)
Foundation. Portions of these results were presented at 2007 2nd Joint Action Meeting,
Newark, NJ, and the 2006 Society of Experimental Social Psychology conference, Philadel-
phia, PA. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF or
Autism Speaks Foundation. We thank Annie Olmstead for comments on a version of this
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