Third Law of Thermodynamics
Third Law of Thermodynamics
Third Law of Thermodynamics
Nernst conjectured that their empirical rule for equilibrium, which is equivalent to min-
imizing the enthalpy change H of the reaction, would be in agreement with the proper
thermodynamic criterion obtained by minimizing an appropriate change in free energy1
of the reaction, provided that the entropy change S tends to zero as T → 0. This can be
interpreted to mean that the entropy S itself tends to some constant, independent of the
extent of the reaction, as T → 0. For convenience, Planck set this entropy constant to zero,
which agrees with the convention used to define entropy in statistical mechanics. Callen
[2, p. 30] states the third law as an independent postulate, namely that S = 0 in a state
for which ∂U/∂S = 0 (which is true at absolute zero by definition of the thermodynamic
temperature). From the point of view of classical thermodynamics, one could deal with
entropy differences and it would not be necessary to adopt a state of zero entropy;
however, doing so leads to simplicity and builds a strong bridge to statistical mechanics.
1 Thisis the change G of the Gibbs free energy of the reaction, whose definition and properties we explore
2 In order for the integrals in Eqs. (4.2) and (4.3) to converge at T = 0, it will suffice for C or C to go to zero
V p
very weakly as T → 0, for instance ∝ T where > 0.
Chapter 4 • Third Law of Thermodynamics 51
0K 292 K T
FIGURE 4–1 Entropies S of gray and white tin as a function of absolute temperature T. Below T0 = 292 K, gray
tin is stable and above this temperature white tin is stable. The full curves denote stable phases and the dashed
curves denote unstable phases. White tin can be supercooled below T0 so its heat capacity can be measured and its
entropy can be calculated. The jump in entropy at T0 between gray tin and white tin is due to the latent heat of
possible to measure the heat capacities of both forms of tin down to very low tempera-
tures. One can therefore evaluate the entropy of white tin at 292 K in two different ways,
the first by integrating its heat capacity from absolute zero and the second by integrating
the heat capacity of gray tin from absolute zero and then adding the entropy associated
with transformation to white tin at 292 K. See Figure 4–1 for a graphic illustration. Thus
(with subscripts g and w for gray and white), we have
292 K Cw (T )
Sw (292 K ) = dT = 12.30 cal/mol K, (4.4)
0 T
292 K Cg (T )
Sg (292 K ) = dT = 10.53 cal/mol K. (4.5)
0 T
The heat of transformation from gray to white tin is Hg→w = 535 cal/mol so the entropy
of transformation is Sg→w = Hg→w /T0 = 535/292 = 1.83 cal/mol K. Adding this to the
result of Eq. (4.5) gives 12.36 cal/mol K, in reasonable agreement with Eq. (4.4).
The third law can also shed light on the behavior of the coefficient of thermal expan-
sion, α, and the compressibility, κT , as T → 0. Since S → 0 as T → 0 independent of V or
p, one has
∂S ∂S
= 0; = 0. (4.6)
∂V T =0 ∂p T =0
where α is the coefficient of isobaric thermal expansion. Indeed, it has been verified
experimentally that α → 0 as T → 0. By means of another Maxwell relation (see Eq. (5.86))
∂S ∂p
= = α/κT , (4.8)
∂V T ∂T V
where κT is the coefficient of isothermal compressibility. Thus, κT must either remain non-
zero as T → 0 or go to zero more slowly than α.
See Lupis [5, pp. 21-23] for further discussion of experimental verification of the third
law as well as a discussion of some of its other consequences, particularly consequences
concerning chemical reactions. See Fermi [1, p. 150] for an excellent discussion of the
entropy of mercury vapor.